September 8, 2024
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Before the day star knew its place
Or planets went their round
The church in bonds of sovereign grace
Was one with Jesus found.
‘Twas for His saints He tasted death
All glory to His Name!
And when He yielded up His breath
With Him, His saints o’er came.
With Him His members on the tree
Fulfilled the law’s demands
“Tis I in them, and they in Me”
For thus the union stands.
When from the tomb we see Him rise
Triumphant o’re His foes
He bore His members to the skies
And with Him they arose.
Ye saints, this union can’t dissolve
By which all things are yours
Long as eternal years revolve
Or Diety endures.
(Tune: “Am I a Soldier” p. 414)
9th – Todd Nibert
8th SS Amanda M. AM Savannah., Macy (Alexis) PM Sharon WED Elizabeth C.
15th SS Jaime AM Michelle, Lily (Peggy) PM Rebekah V. WED. Allison W.
“Before honour is humility” - Proverbs 18:12
Humility is so beautiful. Do you know a person who is humble that you dislike? More than likely, the answer is no. The unalterable law of the Kingdom of Heaven is, “Everyone that exalts himself shall be abased, and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted.” Pride is such an ugly thing, and the fruits of pride are so contentious -“By pride only cometh contention.” The beauty of humility is most clearly seen in Him who is, “Meek and lowly in heart.”
“Because they received not the love of the Truth, that they might be saved” (II Thess. 2:10). It is one thing to see that the Bible does teach certain doctrines. A man may acknowledge the Bible teaches predestination and election, man’s depravity, or the perseverance of the saints, but it is an altogether different thing to love the Truth the Bible declares. It is the difference between being saved and not being saved. It is the difference between life and death. Some people’s acknowledgment of the Truth makes very little difference in their lives. Those who love the Truth because they love the Person the Truth conveys - the Truth is their life!
I am always frustrated to hear “soul winners” tell people, “Let God be Lord of your life.” My friend, you cannot make God the Lord of your life any more than you can make water wet. Water is wet because that is the nature of water. God is King of kings. He is Lord of all because that is His nature. The only thing sinners like us can do is beg God the King to save us by His grace. - Frank Tate
Obviously, the apostle Paul did not believe in “progressive sanctification,” like many do today. He wrote, “O wretched man that I am,” not, “O wretched man that I was.” - David Eddmenson
With everyone getting carried away more and more over politics, or anyone placed in authority over them, does Scripture give us any direction in our attitude and actions in this area? Yes, quite a lot.
It starts in the Ten Commandments (that everyone claims is their guide and rule of life), to honour our father and mother (or anyone placed in a position of authority over us). I Peter 2:17 tells us to honor the king (all authority figures), for our Lord has put them in those positions. “Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God” (Roman 13:1). We are not to even speak evil of our rulers. Jude 4-7 describes what awaits ungodly men, Satan himself, the people of Sodom and Gomorrah, and all other unbelievers…. they will all get what they rightfully deserve, along with those described in verse 8 – “Likewise also these filthy dreamers defile the flesh, despise dominion, and speak evil of dignities” (Jude 8). The following verses speak firstly of our God and King, the Lord Jesus Christ…but they also speak of those He has placed in authority over us (parents, police, mayor, president, etc.) – that we are to respect and serve, for our good and the glory of our God. Our attitude toward our leaders is our attitude toward the One who put them there. We curse them - we curse Him. We respect them - we respect Him (Ex. 20:12, Eccl 10:20, Luke 20:19-25, Rom. 13:1-4, I Tim. 2:1-2, Titus 3:1-2, II Pet. 2:9-10, Jude 4-8). – Brian DuFour
“This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief.”
– I Timothy 1:15
All believers know this verse by heart and understand the truth of it. I looked up the meaning of “chief” and several words came up: head, leader, main, principal. I have often thought what the unbelieving, works-based religionist thinks of this verse. They may say things like, “I am the chief of my family” - “I am the leader of the company I founded” - “I am the main deacon at my church.” But, do they think of themselves as the “chief of sinners”? I doubt it. They may even assume this is a fallacy in God’s word. Dear child of God, there is no fallacy in the Gospel. The Bible is the written Word of God. We are the chiefs of sinners and may God show His mercy on us. - Steve Sligh
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Before the day star knew its place
Or planets went their round
The church in bonds of sovereign grace
Was one with Jesus found.
‘Twas for His saints He tasted death
All glory to His Name!
And when He yielded up His breath
With Him, His saints o’er came.
With Him His members on the tree
Fulfilled the law’s demands
“Tis I in them, and they in Me”
For thus the union stands.
When from the tomb we see Him rise
Triumphant o’re His foes
He bore His members to the skies
And with Him they arose.
Ye saints, this union can’t dissolve
By which all things are yours
Long as eternal years revolve
Or Diety endures.
(Tune: “Am I a Soldier” p. 414)
9th – Todd Nibert
8th SS Amanda M. AM Savannah., Macy (Alexis) PM Sharon WED Elizabeth C.
15th SS Jaime AM Michelle, Lily (Peggy) PM Rebekah V. WED. Allison W.
“Before honour is humility” - Proverbs 18:12
Humility is so beautiful. Do you know a person who is humble that you dislike? More than likely, the answer is no. The unalterable law of the Kingdom of Heaven is, “Everyone that exalts himself shall be abased, and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted.” Pride is such an ugly thing, and the fruits of pride are so contentious -“By pride only cometh contention.” The beauty of humility is most clearly seen in Him who is, “Meek and lowly in heart.”
“Because they received not the love of the Truth, that they might be saved” (II Thess. 2:10). It is one thing to see that the Bible does teach certain doctrines. A man may acknowledge the Bible teaches predestination and election, man’s depravity, or the perseverance of the saints, but it is an altogether different thing to love the Truth the Bible declares. It is the difference between being saved and not being saved. It is the difference between life and death. Some people’s acknowledgment of the Truth makes very little difference in their lives. Those who love the Truth because they love the Person the Truth conveys - the Truth is their life!
I am always frustrated to hear “soul winners” tell people, “Let God be Lord of your life.” My friend, you cannot make God the Lord of your life any more than you can make water wet. Water is wet because that is the nature of water. God is King of kings. He is Lord of all because that is His nature. The only thing sinners like us can do is beg God the King to save us by His grace. - Frank Tate
Obviously, the apostle Paul did not believe in “progressive sanctification,” like many do today. He wrote, “O wretched man that I am,” not, “O wretched man that I was.” - David Eddmenson
With everyone getting carried away more and more over politics, or anyone placed in authority over them, does Scripture give us any direction in our attitude and actions in this area? Yes, quite a lot.
It starts in the Ten Commandments (that everyone claims is their guide and rule of life), to honour our father and mother (or anyone placed in a position of authority over us). I Peter 2:17 tells us to honor the king (all authority figures), for our Lord has put them in those positions. “Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God” (Roman 13:1). We are not to even speak evil of our rulers. Jude 4-7 describes what awaits ungodly men, Satan himself, the people of Sodom and Gomorrah, and all other unbelievers…. they will all get what they rightfully deserve, along with those described in verse 8 – “Likewise also these filthy dreamers defile the flesh, despise dominion, and speak evil of dignities” (Jude 8). The following verses speak firstly of our God and King, the Lord Jesus Christ…but they also speak of those He has placed in authority over us (parents, police, mayor, president, etc.) – that we are to respect and serve, for our good and the glory of our God. Our attitude toward our leaders is our attitude toward the One who put them there. We curse them - we curse Him. We respect them - we respect Him (Ex. 20:12, Eccl 10:20, Luke 20:19-25, Rom. 13:1-4, I Tim. 2:1-2, Titus 3:1-2, II Pet. 2:9-10, Jude 4-8). – Brian DuFour
“This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief.”
– I Timothy 1:15
All believers know this verse by heart and understand the truth of it. I looked up the meaning of “chief” and several words came up: head, leader, main, principal. I have often thought what the unbelieving, works-based religionist thinks of this verse. They may say things like, “I am the chief of my family” - “I am the leader of the company I founded” - “I am the main deacon at my church.” But, do they think of themselves as the “chief of sinners”? I doubt it. They may even assume this is a fallacy in God’s word. Dear child of God, there is no fallacy in the Gospel. The Bible is the written Word of God. We are the chiefs of sinners and may God show His mercy on us. - Steve Sligh
September 1, 2024
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Sovereign grace o’er sin abounding
Ransomed souls the tidings swell
‘Tis a deep that knows no sounding
Who its breadth or length can tell?
On its glories, on its glories
Let my soul forever dwell.
What from Christ my soul can sever
Bound by everlasting bands?
Once in Him, in Him forever
Thus th’ eternal covenant stands
None shall pluck me, none shall pluck me
From the strength of Israel’s hands.
Heirs of God, joint-heirs with Jesus
Long ere time its race begun
To His Name eternal praises
Oh! What wonders love hath done!
One with Jesus, One with Jesus
By eternal union One.
On such love, my soul still ponder
Love so great, so rich, so free
Say, whilst lost in holy wonder
Why, O Lord, such love to me?
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Grace shall reign eternally!
(Tune: “Come and Welcome”)
Welcome to everyone! May the Lord be pleased to meet with us and bless our hearts with the preaching of His Word.
The events recorded in Acts 15 reveal the issue that every succeeding generation has faced, and what every believer faces throughout his lifetime. The sufficiency of Christ alone. Satan attempted to call this into question in the early church, and He has and is attempting to do it now!
The men who came from Jerusalem taught the brethren that physical circumcision was necessary for salvation. In other words, “Christ Alone” was not enough. Paul and Barnabas had a heated argument with those who taught this. It was determined that they would go to the apostles in Jerusalem about this issue. Paul was not going there to see if he was mistaken about this issue, but to demonstrate that all of the apostles were at agreement with Him. When they arrived, they gave the apostles this message. “There rose a certain sect of the Pharisees which believed, saying, that it was needful to circumcise them, and command them to keep the law of Moses.” We read of some disputing that took place before Peter stood up. He reminded them that the Lord sent him to the Gentiles and how God put no difference between us and them. We, the Jews, would be saved the precise same as the Gentiles would! He then presents them with a question. Why are you putting a yoke upon the Gentile disciples’ neck which neither we nor our fathers could bear? Our fathers nor we kept the law! Then he gives the statement of faith of every believer. “We believe that through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ we shall be saved, even as they.” The grammar of “shall be saved” can just as easily be translated, “We have been saved” and “We are being saved.” However the Gentiles are saved, that is how we Jews are saved…through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ… the electing, redeeming, justifying, regenerating, preserving, glorifying grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.
“We are the circumcision, which worship God in the spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh.” – Philippians 3:3
Would not that be a great blessing of the grace of God, if we would all be enabled to worship God in the spirit, rejoice in Christ Jesus and place no confidence in the flesh. I pray that through this meeting that might take place in all of us!
Friday 7pm
John Chapman & David Eddmenson
Saturday 10am
Donnie Bell & Gabe Stalnaker
(Lunch after service)
Saturday 6pm
David Eddmenson & John Chapman
Sunday 10am
Gabe Stalnaker & Donnie Bell
(Lunch after service)
(There will be no Sunday or Wednesday evening service this week)
Any message without the Gospel is a mistake in its conception and a crime in its execution.
– Scott Richardson
1st – Melanie Kelley 1st – Wanda Frye 3rd Laura Williams 4th – Bob Covert
5th – Boone Martin 6th – Joy Grubb 6th- Chesney Martin
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Sovereign grace o’er sin abounding
Ransomed souls the tidings swell
‘Tis a deep that knows no sounding
Who its breadth or length can tell?
On its glories, on its glories
Let my soul forever dwell.
What from Christ my soul can sever
Bound by everlasting bands?
Once in Him, in Him forever
Thus th’ eternal covenant stands
None shall pluck me, none shall pluck me
From the strength of Israel’s hands.
Heirs of God, joint-heirs with Jesus
Long ere time its race begun
To His Name eternal praises
Oh! What wonders love hath done!
One with Jesus, One with Jesus
By eternal union One.
On such love, my soul still ponder
Love so great, so rich, so free
Say, whilst lost in holy wonder
Why, O Lord, such love to me?
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Grace shall reign eternally!
(Tune: “Come and Welcome”)
Welcome to everyone! May the Lord be pleased to meet with us and bless our hearts with the preaching of His Word.
The events recorded in Acts 15 reveal the issue that every succeeding generation has faced, and what every believer faces throughout his lifetime. The sufficiency of Christ alone. Satan attempted to call this into question in the early church, and He has and is attempting to do it now!
The men who came from Jerusalem taught the brethren that physical circumcision was necessary for salvation. In other words, “Christ Alone” was not enough. Paul and Barnabas had a heated argument with those who taught this. It was determined that they would go to the apostles in Jerusalem about this issue. Paul was not going there to see if he was mistaken about this issue, but to demonstrate that all of the apostles were at agreement with Him. When they arrived, they gave the apostles this message. “There rose a certain sect of the Pharisees which believed, saying, that it was needful to circumcise them, and command them to keep the law of Moses.” We read of some disputing that took place before Peter stood up. He reminded them that the Lord sent him to the Gentiles and how God put no difference between us and them. We, the Jews, would be saved the precise same as the Gentiles would! He then presents them with a question. Why are you putting a yoke upon the Gentile disciples’ neck which neither we nor our fathers could bear? Our fathers nor we kept the law! Then he gives the statement of faith of every believer. “We believe that through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ we shall be saved, even as they.” The grammar of “shall be saved” can just as easily be translated, “We have been saved” and “We are being saved.” However the Gentiles are saved, that is how we Jews are saved…through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ… the electing, redeeming, justifying, regenerating, preserving, glorifying grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.
“We are the circumcision, which worship God in the spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh.” – Philippians 3:3
Would not that be a great blessing of the grace of God, if we would all be enabled to worship God in the spirit, rejoice in Christ Jesus and place no confidence in the flesh. I pray that through this meeting that might take place in all of us!
Friday 7pm
John Chapman & David Eddmenson
Saturday 10am
Donnie Bell & Gabe Stalnaker
(Lunch after service)
Saturday 6pm
David Eddmenson & John Chapman
Sunday 10am
Gabe Stalnaker & Donnie Bell
(Lunch after service)
(There will be no Sunday or Wednesday evening service this week)
Any message without the Gospel is a mistake in its conception and a crime in its execution.
– Scott Richardson
1st – Melanie Kelley 1st – Wanda Frye 3rd Laura Williams 4th – Bob Covert
5th – Boone Martin 6th – Joy Grubb 6th- Chesney Martin
August 25, 2024
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Sovereign grace o’er sin abounding
Ransomed souls the tidings swell
‘Tis a deep that knows no sounding
Who its breadth or length can tell?
On its glories, on its glories
Let my soul forever dwell.
What from Christ my soul can sever
Bound by everlasting bands?
Once in Him, in Him forever
Thus th’ eternal covenant stands
None shall pluck me, none shall pluck me
From the strength of Israel’s hands.
Heirs of God, join-heirs with Jesus
Long ere time its race begun
To His Name eternal praises
Oh! What wonders love hath done!
One with Jesus, One with Jesus
By eternal union One.
On such love, my soul still ponder
Love so great, so rich, so free
Say, whilst lost in holy wonder
Why, O Lord, such love to me?
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Grace shall reign eternally!
(Tune: “Come and Welcome”)
We rejoice with Mike Rigsby who will confess Christ in believer’s baptism this evening.
Congratulations to Kyle and Rachael Bicknell on their marriage!
27th – Adilene Sligh 28th – Braedan Kelley
29th – Cami Walmsley 30th – Abby Holthaus
May the Lord be pleased to bless us with His presence and power in the upcoming meeting! (Friday August 30 – Sunday September 1)
Friday 7pm – John Chapman & David Eddmenson
Saturday 10am – Donnie Bell & Gabe Stalnaker (Lunch after service)
Saturday 6pm – David Eddmenson & John Chapman
Sunday 10am – Gabe Stalnaker & Donnie Bell (Lunch after service)
There will be no Wednesday service after the conference on Sept. 4th
25thSS: Amanda M. AM Emily E., Macy (Emma H.) PM Megan H. WED Jenny W.
30th SS Cami AM Jessica M., Cora (Rebekah V.) PM: Allison W.
“The lot is cast into the lap; but the whole disposing thereof is of the Lord.” - Proverbs 16:33
If men knew the Scriptural meaning of grace, all adjectives would be rendered redundant. Adjectives like sovereign, saving, free and effectual are inherent in the meaning! But no man by nature has any concept of what the Bible means by grace. Men believe it is an offer of good will on God’s part but the result of grace depends on man’s acceptance or rejection of that offer. This concept of grace bears no resemblance to the Grace of God revealed in Holy Scripture! Grace like that cannot save a sinner! Therefore adjectives are needed to define grace. God’s grace is not something offered. It is always sovereign, always saving, always free, and always effectual. When grace is understood, these adjectives are inherent in the meaning of the word!
“Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? And one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father.” This reminds us that our Heavenly Father is in absolute control of every event! He controls all of the free and un-coerced actions of men in absolute sovereignty and it is not difficult for Him. That is why, “… we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose.”
“Holy, Holy, Holy, is the LORD of hosts: the
whole earth is full of His glory.” - Isaiah 6:3
Holiness is infinitely more than moral purity or sinless perfection. A simple definition of holy is “Other”. Holiness is incomparable. It is transcendent. There is no point of reference in our experience for holy. It is completely “Other” than anything we are or know about. If the Lord is pleased to show us a glimpse of His holiness, we will cry with Isaiah, “”Woe is me.” We will believe ourselves to be in need of an Intercessor, an Advocate with God. There is only one mediator between God and men, the man Jesus Christ, the Holy One of Israel. - Greg Elmquist
“How is the believer dead to the world when he lives in the world, works a regular job, raises a family, and owns property in the world?” a young student asked his Bible teacher. The teacher sent him out to a gravesite of a friend with instruction to criticize the dead friend, harass him, and find fault, and then praise him with glowing terms and brag on him to excess. Upon his return, the teacher asked, “What did your friend say when you criticized him?” “How did he react when you praised him?” “It made no difference to him; he is dead!” “That is what it means to be dead to this world,” said the teacher. Its applause means nothing, and its hatred means nothing. We neither admire the people of this world nor do we fear them. The riches of this world are but the fancy of fools, and the honors o this world mean little or nothing: for to be a child of God is the highest calling. The religious traditions and ceremonies of the world have no attraction or meaning when Christ is All! That which was once important to us we now consider loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ, our Lord. This spiritual life in Christ cannot be explained; it must be experienced. –Henry Mahan
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Sovereign grace o’er sin abounding
Ransomed souls the tidings swell
‘Tis a deep that knows no sounding
Who its breadth or length can tell?
On its glories, on its glories
Let my soul forever dwell.
What from Christ my soul can sever
Bound by everlasting bands?
Once in Him, in Him forever
Thus th’ eternal covenant stands
None shall pluck me, none shall pluck me
From the strength of Israel’s hands.
Heirs of God, join-heirs with Jesus
Long ere time its race begun
To His Name eternal praises
Oh! What wonders love hath done!
One with Jesus, One with Jesus
By eternal union One.
On such love, my soul still ponder
Love so great, so rich, so free
Say, whilst lost in holy wonder
Why, O Lord, such love to me?
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Grace shall reign eternally!
(Tune: “Come and Welcome”)
We rejoice with Mike Rigsby who will confess Christ in believer’s baptism this evening.
Congratulations to Kyle and Rachael Bicknell on their marriage!
27th – Adilene Sligh 28th – Braedan Kelley
29th – Cami Walmsley 30th – Abby Holthaus
May the Lord be pleased to bless us with His presence and power in the upcoming meeting! (Friday August 30 – Sunday September 1)
Friday 7pm – John Chapman & David Eddmenson
Saturday 10am – Donnie Bell & Gabe Stalnaker (Lunch after service)
Saturday 6pm – David Eddmenson & John Chapman
Sunday 10am – Gabe Stalnaker & Donnie Bell (Lunch after service)
There will be no Wednesday service after the conference on Sept. 4th
25thSS: Amanda M. AM Emily E., Macy (Emma H.) PM Megan H. WED Jenny W.
30th SS Cami AM Jessica M., Cora (Rebekah V.) PM: Allison W.
“The lot is cast into the lap; but the whole disposing thereof is of the Lord.” - Proverbs 16:33
If men knew the Scriptural meaning of grace, all adjectives would be rendered redundant. Adjectives like sovereign, saving, free and effectual are inherent in the meaning! But no man by nature has any concept of what the Bible means by grace. Men believe it is an offer of good will on God’s part but the result of grace depends on man’s acceptance or rejection of that offer. This concept of grace bears no resemblance to the Grace of God revealed in Holy Scripture! Grace like that cannot save a sinner! Therefore adjectives are needed to define grace. God’s grace is not something offered. It is always sovereign, always saving, always free, and always effectual. When grace is understood, these adjectives are inherent in the meaning of the word!
“Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? And one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father.” This reminds us that our Heavenly Father is in absolute control of every event! He controls all of the free and un-coerced actions of men in absolute sovereignty and it is not difficult for Him. That is why, “… we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose.”
“Holy, Holy, Holy, is the LORD of hosts: the
whole earth is full of His glory.” - Isaiah 6:3
Holiness is infinitely more than moral purity or sinless perfection. A simple definition of holy is “Other”. Holiness is incomparable. It is transcendent. There is no point of reference in our experience for holy. It is completely “Other” than anything we are or know about. If the Lord is pleased to show us a glimpse of His holiness, we will cry with Isaiah, “”Woe is me.” We will believe ourselves to be in need of an Intercessor, an Advocate with God. There is only one mediator between God and men, the man Jesus Christ, the Holy One of Israel. - Greg Elmquist
“How is the believer dead to the world when he lives in the world, works a regular job, raises a family, and owns property in the world?” a young student asked his Bible teacher. The teacher sent him out to a gravesite of a friend with instruction to criticize the dead friend, harass him, and find fault, and then praise him with glowing terms and brag on him to excess. Upon his return, the teacher asked, “What did your friend say when you criticized him?” “How did he react when you praised him?” “It made no difference to him; he is dead!” “That is what it means to be dead to this world,” said the teacher. Its applause means nothing, and its hatred means nothing. We neither admire the people of this world nor do we fear them. The riches of this world are but the fancy of fools, and the honors o this world mean little or nothing: for to be a child of God is the highest calling. The religious traditions and ceremonies of the world have no attraction or meaning when Christ is All! That which was once important to us we now consider loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ, our Lord. This spiritual life in Christ cannot be explained; it must be experienced. –Henry Mahan
August 18, 2024
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Our Father, guide Your children’s feet
Savior, protect Your wandering sheep
Protect Your ransomed, blood-bought flock
Be to our souls a shelt’ring Rock.
Protect us from a world of sin
From foes without and worse within
Protect us from the fiends of hell
But most, protect us from ourselves.
Break all our pride and vain conceit
Lord, lay us low before Your feet
Make us our wretched vileness know
Humble our hearts and lay us low.
Here we began, Here we must stay
If we would walk the narrow way
Sinners by nature, all undone
Our only hope is in God’s Son.
But what a blessed hope this is
Christ is the Lord our Righteousness
Washed in His sin-atoning blood
We stand perfect before our God!
(Tune: “From Every Stormy Wind That Blows” p. 355)
Our Bible Conference is August 30 - September 1. Speakers will be Donnie Bell, John Chapman, David Eddmenson, and Gabe Stalnaker. Sign-up sheets are in the kitchen.
The Kingsport Sovereign Grace Church will have a Bible Conference September 27-29.
18th – Molly Mohr 19th – Nora Imes 19th – Allison Vincent
19th – Sharon Vincent 21st – Mark Ham 21st – Jalen Whitehead
22nd – Jacob Mohr 22nd – Charlie Walmsley
23rd – Rich Byrd 24th – Don Willis
18th SS Kristen AM Michelle G, Lilyana (Peggy) PM: Kelly B. WED Sharon V.
25thSS: Amanda M. AM Emily E., Macy (Emma H.) PM Megan H. WED Jenny W.
“Behold, the righteous shall be recompensed in the earth: much more the wicked and the sinner.” - Proverbs 11:30
God is one God in three distinct Persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. God is a Person. Faith is in a Person. A Person we know, and knowing His ability (omnipotence), we trust Him to save us. If you would ask me if I could trust you to save me my answer would be no. I know you do not have the ability to save me. But I know God the Father, God the Son, and God the Spirit all have the ability to save me. God the Father purposed my salvation, God the Son purchased my salvation, God the Holy Spirit applies my salvation. I know that He, in the Trinity of His sacred Persons is able to save me. Like Paul, “I am persuaded that He is able.” I am relying on a Person who is as the Bible declares Him to be. “Saving faith is in a Person” is no cliché. It is the difference between saving faith and a faith does not save!
John had been speaking of love as the commandment, and the evidence of having passed from death to life (I John 3:11,14). The love he is speaking of is not the love between a man and woman, parent and child, or friend and friend. That is natural love. The love John is speaking of is Divine! Only the believer has this love, which is the fruit of the Holy Spirit.
Then John gives us a commandment regarding this love. “My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue: but in deed and truth” (I John 3:18). John is telling us to make sure our love is not only in concept and in our speech. He is telling us to make sure out actions give proof of that love. It is only our actions that prove the reality of the love we say we have in our speech. “I love you” are either the most meaningless or meaningful words we can say. The deeds behind the words determine whether the words are meaningless or meaningful.
“In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in
Christ Jesus concerning you.” – I Thessalonians 5:18
Lord, teach us what the word “everything” means. It would be very easy for us, in our sinful and doubtful flesh, to insert the words “some things” into that verse. In some things we do give thanks. In most things however, we do not. Usually we murmur over things, we complain over things, we question things, and we try our hardest to change things. We do this because our sinfully blind eyes do not see the hand of the Lord in it. We do this because, sinfully, we are doubtful that good will come from it. Lord, we believe, help our unbelief! Teach us to have a single eye on You, and Your perfect purpose, and Your all knowing, all controlling, sovereign will. Teach us that everything is being done by You, through You, to You. Therefore, EVERYTHING is for Your glory and our good. If we could truly see that…in everything, we would give thanks! - Gabe Stalnaker
The Holy Spirit does not reach after something novel, new, nor spectacular in order to glorify Christ or to preach Christ to men. He does not need tongues, fleshly emotion, bodily healings, and creature fame and importance in order to bring glory to Christ and call out His sheep. He finds Christ’s glory IN CHRIST HIMSELF! If we want to honor Christ, glorify Christ, and preach Christ, we must not look for something outside of Christ; but we must honor Him by preaching that which is His already – His deity, His person, His man-hood, His life, His death, His resurrection, His ascension, His intercession, His return!
- Henry Mahan
Now it seems to be one of the first principles of our nature to believe that God is just. We feel it, and that gives us terror at first. But is it not marvelous that this very same first principle, the belief that God is just, becomes afterwards the pillar of our confidence and peace! If God be just, I a sinner, alone and without a Substitute, must be punished; Christ stands in my stead and is punished for me; and now, if God be just, I a sinner standing in Christ, can never be punished. God must change His nature before one soul for whom Christ was a Substitute, can ever by any possibility suffer the lash of the law.
- C. H. Spurgeon
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Our Father, guide Your children’s feet
Savior, protect Your wandering sheep
Protect Your ransomed, blood-bought flock
Be to our souls a shelt’ring Rock.
Protect us from a world of sin
From foes without and worse within
Protect us from the fiends of hell
But most, protect us from ourselves.
Break all our pride and vain conceit
Lord, lay us low before Your feet
Make us our wretched vileness know
Humble our hearts and lay us low.
Here we began, Here we must stay
If we would walk the narrow way
Sinners by nature, all undone
Our only hope is in God’s Son.
But what a blessed hope this is
Christ is the Lord our Righteousness
Washed in His sin-atoning blood
We stand perfect before our God!
(Tune: “From Every Stormy Wind That Blows” p. 355)
Our Bible Conference is August 30 - September 1. Speakers will be Donnie Bell, John Chapman, David Eddmenson, and Gabe Stalnaker. Sign-up sheets are in the kitchen.
The Kingsport Sovereign Grace Church will have a Bible Conference September 27-29.
18th – Molly Mohr 19th – Nora Imes 19th – Allison Vincent
19th – Sharon Vincent 21st – Mark Ham 21st – Jalen Whitehead
22nd – Jacob Mohr 22nd – Charlie Walmsley
23rd – Rich Byrd 24th – Don Willis
18th SS Kristen AM Michelle G, Lilyana (Peggy) PM: Kelly B. WED Sharon V.
25thSS: Amanda M. AM Emily E., Macy (Emma H.) PM Megan H. WED Jenny W.
“Behold, the righteous shall be recompensed in the earth: much more the wicked and the sinner.” - Proverbs 11:30
God is one God in three distinct Persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. God is a Person. Faith is in a Person. A Person we know, and knowing His ability (omnipotence), we trust Him to save us. If you would ask me if I could trust you to save me my answer would be no. I know you do not have the ability to save me. But I know God the Father, God the Son, and God the Spirit all have the ability to save me. God the Father purposed my salvation, God the Son purchased my salvation, God the Holy Spirit applies my salvation. I know that He, in the Trinity of His sacred Persons is able to save me. Like Paul, “I am persuaded that He is able.” I am relying on a Person who is as the Bible declares Him to be. “Saving faith is in a Person” is no cliché. It is the difference between saving faith and a faith does not save!
John had been speaking of love as the commandment, and the evidence of having passed from death to life (I John 3:11,14). The love he is speaking of is not the love between a man and woman, parent and child, or friend and friend. That is natural love. The love John is speaking of is Divine! Only the believer has this love, which is the fruit of the Holy Spirit.
Then John gives us a commandment regarding this love. “My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue: but in deed and truth” (I John 3:18). John is telling us to make sure our love is not only in concept and in our speech. He is telling us to make sure out actions give proof of that love. It is only our actions that prove the reality of the love we say we have in our speech. “I love you” are either the most meaningless or meaningful words we can say. The deeds behind the words determine whether the words are meaningless or meaningful.
“In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in
Christ Jesus concerning you.” – I Thessalonians 5:18
Lord, teach us what the word “everything” means. It would be very easy for us, in our sinful and doubtful flesh, to insert the words “some things” into that verse. In some things we do give thanks. In most things however, we do not. Usually we murmur over things, we complain over things, we question things, and we try our hardest to change things. We do this because our sinfully blind eyes do not see the hand of the Lord in it. We do this because, sinfully, we are doubtful that good will come from it. Lord, we believe, help our unbelief! Teach us to have a single eye on You, and Your perfect purpose, and Your all knowing, all controlling, sovereign will. Teach us that everything is being done by You, through You, to You. Therefore, EVERYTHING is for Your glory and our good. If we could truly see that…in everything, we would give thanks! - Gabe Stalnaker
The Holy Spirit does not reach after something novel, new, nor spectacular in order to glorify Christ or to preach Christ to men. He does not need tongues, fleshly emotion, bodily healings, and creature fame and importance in order to bring glory to Christ and call out His sheep. He finds Christ’s glory IN CHRIST HIMSELF! If we want to honor Christ, glorify Christ, and preach Christ, we must not look for something outside of Christ; but we must honor Him by preaching that which is His already – His deity, His person, His man-hood, His life, His death, His resurrection, His ascension, His intercession, His return!
- Henry Mahan
Now it seems to be one of the first principles of our nature to believe that God is just. We feel it, and that gives us terror at first. But is it not marvelous that this very same first principle, the belief that God is just, becomes afterwards the pillar of our confidence and peace! If God be just, I a sinner, alone and without a Substitute, must be punished; Christ stands in my stead and is punished for me; and now, if God be just, I a sinner standing in Christ, can never be punished. God must change His nature before one soul for whom Christ was a Substitute, can ever by any possibility suffer the lash of the law.
- C. H. Spurgeon
August 11, 2024
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Where God begins His gracious work
That work He will complete
For ‘round the objects of His love
All power and mercy meet. (Repeat)
Man may repent him of his work
And fail in his intent
God is above the power of change
And never can repent. (Repeat)
Each object of His love is sure
To reach the Heavenly goal
For neither sin nor Satan can
Destroy the blood-washed soul. (Repeat)
The precious blood of God’s dear Son
Shall ne’er be spilt in vain
The soul on Christ believing must
With Christ forever reign. (Repeat)
(Tune: “Majestic Sweetness”)
Our Bible Conference is August 30 - September 1. Speakers will be Donnie Bell, John Chapman, David Eddmenson, and Gabe Stalnaker. Sign-up sheets are in the kitchen.
The Kingsport Sovereign Grace Church will have a Bible Conference September 27-29.
13th – Sarah Gudowicz 14th – David DuFour 15th – Jan Carver
15th – Delphus Grubb 16th – Lauren Kelley 17th – Olivia Williams
11thSS: Andrea V. AM Kelli H., Flora (Kelly B.) PM Rebekah V. WED Rachel C.
18th SS Kristen AM Michelle G, Lilyana (Peggy) PM: Kelly B. WED Sharon V.
“My son, fear thou the Lord and the King: and meddle not with them that are given to change.” - Proverbs 24:21
The fear of God and faith in Christ is so united that the evidence of one is the other!
We need no ‘confession of faith’ as a church, to let people know what we believe. Every writing of man contains error anyway. Our creed is the Word of God. But everybody can say that you say? True, but most do not say that, but will refer you to their flawed articles of faith rather than the Holy Scriptures, and besides, the evidence is in the preaching. If you want to know what someone preaches, do not refer to the confession of faith to which he subscribes. You will find that a poor indicator in almost every case. With few exceptions, they will not match up. LISTEN TO HIM (I John 4:1-3). There is no shortcut. And in this vast ocean of error, only listen to him if you have some reason to believe he may be true. And if you find a faithful preacher of the Truth as it is in Christ Jesus, consider yourself highly favored of God, and support the Gospel where you are with all your heart and means.
– Chris Cunningham
The atonement does not change the nature and character of God, but rather, the atonement honors and magnifies the character of God, The death of Christ is not the cause of God’s love, but the result of it. God is not merciful because Christ died. Christ died because God is merciful. In order that every attribute might be expressed, glorified, and honored, God gave His Son to be the Savior of His chosen people! Thank God! There is an atonement BEFORE THE LORD!
- Henry Mahan
The sovereignty of God is the stumbling block on which thousands fall and perish; and if we go contending with God about His sovereignty it will be our eternal ruin. It is absolutely necessary that we should submit to God as an absolute sovereign, and the sovereign of our souls; as One who may have mercy on whom He will have mercy and harden whom He will. - Jonathan Edwards
Any philosophy, religion, doctrine, or idea, though championed by the most brilliant intellects, the most pious religionists, the most respected and popular of men, that tends to lure your mind and heart from Christ, that puts anything in the place of Him, confuses the simplicity that is in Him, or depreciates in any way your estimate of His glorious character and His perfect work on the cross, is false and full of danger for your soul. Do not be swayed by those who would “Beguile you with enticing words” (Col. 2:4), “With enticing words of man’s wisdom” (I Cor. 2:4). Keep your heart fixed upon Christ, for there is peace, joy, and assurance in Him. - Copied
The Lord Jesus Christ is the answer. The Messiah (Hebrew word for Christ), of whom Daniel wrote, was “To finish the transgression, and make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness” (Daniel 9:24).
To make an end of sins! The Lord Jesus Christ has so effectually redeemed His people, so perfectly reconciled His people, so absolutely propitiated God, so thoroughly removed the sins of His people – that God declares – the God who cannot change – “Their sins and iniquities will I remember no more” (Hebrews 10:17). “As far as the east is from the west, so far hath He removed our transgressions from us” (Psalm 103:12). “There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus “ (Romans 8:1). In Christ, He sees us in Christ, in the Beloved “in Whom He is well pleased.” - David Pledger
“…That thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the Truth” – I Timothy 3:15
You do not have to teach a drowning man what to say. We preach the Gospel, and the Holy Ghost will be left to work in men’s hearts. There is no pressure, no persuasion, and no psychology to get professions or decisions. The preacher will preach the Gospel; he will preach the Word of God and will leave people alone. They will leave them in the hands of the Holy Spirit. – Henry Mahan
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Where God begins His gracious work
That work He will complete
For ‘round the objects of His love
All power and mercy meet. (Repeat)
Man may repent him of his work
And fail in his intent
God is above the power of change
And never can repent. (Repeat)
Each object of His love is sure
To reach the Heavenly goal
For neither sin nor Satan can
Destroy the blood-washed soul. (Repeat)
The precious blood of God’s dear Son
Shall ne’er be spilt in vain
The soul on Christ believing must
With Christ forever reign. (Repeat)
(Tune: “Majestic Sweetness”)
Our Bible Conference is August 30 - September 1. Speakers will be Donnie Bell, John Chapman, David Eddmenson, and Gabe Stalnaker. Sign-up sheets are in the kitchen.
The Kingsport Sovereign Grace Church will have a Bible Conference September 27-29.
13th – Sarah Gudowicz 14th – David DuFour 15th – Jan Carver
15th – Delphus Grubb 16th – Lauren Kelley 17th – Olivia Williams
11thSS: Andrea V. AM Kelli H., Flora (Kelly B.) PM Rebekah V. WED Rachel C.
18th SS Kristen AM Michelle G, Lilyana (Peggy) PM: Kelly B. WED Sharon V.
“My son, fear thou the Lord and the King: and meddle not with them that are given to change.” - Proverbs 24:21
The fear of God and faith in Christ is so united that the evidence of one is the other!
We need no ‘confession of faith’ as a church, to let people know what we believe. Every writing of man contains error anyway. Our creed is the Word of God. But everybody can say that you say? True, but most do not say that, but will refer you to their flawed articles of faith rather than the Holy Scriptures, and besides, the evidence is in the preaching. If you want to know what someone preaches, do not refer to the confession of faith to which he subscribes. You will find that a poor indicator in almost every case. With few exceptions, they will not match up. LISTEN TO HIM (I John 4:1-3). There is no shortcut. And in this vast ocean of error, only listen to him if you have some reason to believe he may be true. And if you find a faithful preacher of the Truth as it is in Christ Jesus, consider yourself highly favored of God, and support the Gospel where you are with all your heart and means.
– Chris Cunningham
The atonement does not change the nature and character of God, but rather, the atonement honors and magnifies the character of God, The death of Christ is not the cause of God’s love, but the result of it. God is not merciful because Christ died. Christ died because God is merciful. In order that every attribute might be expressed, glorified, and honored, God gave His Son to be the Savior of His chosen people! Thank God! There is an atonement BEFORE THE LORD!
- Henry Mahan
The sovereignty of God is the stumbling block on which thousands fall and perish; and if we go contending with God about His sovereignty it will be our eternal ruin. It is absolutely necessary that we should submit to God as an absolute sovereign, and the sovereign of our souls; as One who may have mercy on whom He will have mercy and harden whom He will. - Jonathan Edwards
Any philosophy, religion, doctrine, or idea, though championed by the most brilliant intellects, the most pious religionists, the most respected and popular of men, that tends to lure your mind and heart from Christ, that puts anything in the place of Him, confuses the simplicity that is in Him, or depreciates in any way your estimate of His glorious character and His perfect work on the cross, is false and full of danger for your soul. Do not be swayed by those who would “Beguile you with enticing words” (Col. 2:4), “With enticing words of man’s wisdom” (I Cor. 2:4). Keep your heart fixed upon Christ, for there is peace, joy, and assurance in Him. - Copied
The Lord Jesus Christ is the answer. The Messiah (Hebrew word for Christ), of whom Daniel wrote, was “To finish the transgression, and make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness” (Daniel 9:24).
To make an end of sins! The Lord Jesus Christ has so effectually redeemed His people, so perfectly reconciled His people, so absolutely propitiated God, so thoroughly removed the sins of His people – that God declares – the God who cannot change – “Their sins and iniquities will I remember no more” (Hebrews 10:17). “As far as the east is from the west, so far hath He removed our transgressions from us” (Psalm 103:12). “There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus “ (Romans 8:1). In Christ, He sees us in Christ, in the Beloved “in Whom He is well pleased.” - David Pledger
“…That thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the Truth” – I Timothy 3:15
You do not have to teach a drowning man what to say. We preach the Gospel, and the Holy Ghost will be left to work in men’s hearts. There is no pressure, no persuasion, and no psychology to get professions or decisions. The preacher will preach the Gospel; he will preach the Word of God and will leave people alone. They will leave them in the hands of the Holy Spirit. – Henry Mahan
August 4, 2024
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
When this passing world is done
When has sunk yon radiant sun
When I stand with Christ in Glory
Looking o’er life’s finished story
The, Lord shall I fully know
Not til then, how much I owe.
When I stand before Thy Throne
Dressed in beauty not my own
When I see Thee as Thou art
Love Thee with unsinning heart
Then, Lord, shall I fully know
Not ‘til then, how much I owe.
Chosen not for good in me
Wakened up from wrath to flee
Hidden in the Savior’s side
By His Spirit sanctified
Teach me Lord, on earth to show
By Thy love, how much I owe.
(Tune: “Rock of Ages”)
We will observe the Lord’s Table this evening.
Our Bible Conference is August 30 - September 1. Speakers will be Donnie Bell, John Chapman, David Eddmenson, and Gabe Stalnaker. Sign-up sheets are in the foyer.
4th- Brodi Proffitt 6th – Shawn Benton 6th – Kristen Hands
7th – Leti Anguiano 7th – Lee Anne Walmsley
9th – Isaac Williams 10th – Eric Wilson
4th SS Elizabeth W. AM Maggy P., Jules (Jessica M.) PM: Janine K. WED Elizabeth C.
11thSS: Andrea V. AM Kelli H., Flora (Kelly B.) PM Rebekah V. WED Rachel C
“The fear of the Lord is the instruction of wisdom; and before honor is humility.” - Proverbs 15:33
“Sirs, what must I do to be saved… Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.” - Acts 16:30-31
But should I not beg for mercy? I would not tell somebody to not do that! But the command is not beg for mercy… but to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ! Begging can imply an unwillingness on God’s part, dependent upon how earnestly we beg. The command is not to beg, nor to believe and beg, but to, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ” with this assurance…. “And thou shalt be saved.”
Just because our God brings good out of evil, does not mean that evil is good. The responsibility for sin always lies squarely on the shoulders of the sinner. Nowhere in Scripture does God relieve us of our guilt by saying, “It’s ok, I ordained it.” Neither does He say, “You are just a sinner, you cannot help yourself.” Nor does He allow us to justify the means by the end. Yes, our omnipotent, sovereign God brings good out of evil for His people. That is seen most clearly at Calvary. Yet that never makes evil good. Nor does it justify disobedience. “Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth He any man. But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death. Do not err, my beloved brethren” (James 1:13-16). “If we confess (say the same thing) our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (I John 1:9). Take sides with God against yourself, and rest in Christ for all your justification and righteousness. – Greg Elmquist
The Gospel’s best defense is itself. Let us simply and boldly proclaim the Gospel of God’s free and sovereign grace in Christ. The naked, unadorned Gospel of Christ is, “The power of God unto salvation.” Everything else is a hindrance. –Don Fortner
How To Love Your Enemies
It seems very hard for us to grasp the concept of loving our enemies, or blessing those that curse us. But when you see that is exactly why you are now a child of God, and not presently in hell, then you may begin to look at these commands on how to treat your enemies quite differently... for Christ loved me and gave Himself for me, even when I was still His enemy… He has blessed me with all spiritual blessings, even as I would curse, complain, and murmur about anything and everything not going my way… He has done good for me, is doing good for me, and will always do good for me, even though I was born hating Him…He prayed for my forgiveness on the cross, even though I despitefully use and blaspheme His name.
If He can love, bless, pray, and always do good for me – in spite of my continual sin and rebellion against Him – surely I can begin to treat my enemies with love and kindness. So how do I love my enemies? By praying for their eternal souls, and preaching the Gospel to them when the Lord provides opportunity. - Brian DuFour
The Flesh and the Spirit
Every believer has two natures, two principles - the flesh and the spirit - the old man and the new man, living within. These two are constantly opposing one another. There is within you the old man of sin. Though in Christ you are perfectly redeemed, justified, pardoned, sanctified, and accepted, your carnal nature is just as vile and evil as it has ever been. It will never get any better, but only grows worse. Old Adam is still old Adam, though Christ lives and reigns in the heart. This old nature you must carry with you as long as you live in this world. It will cause you much trouble, pain, and sorrow. But you can never be freed from this body of sin until it is laid in the grave. But if you are a believer, there is another nature in you, a new man created in the likeness of Christ. In regeneration God does not renew your old nature; He gives you a new nature. He does not renew your old heart, He gives you a new heart. This new nature and new heart loves God, seeks holiness, and longs for perfection. Thus, there is a perpetual warfare within you. You long to do good, but evil is present with you. You cannot do the things you would. This is the way things are now with all true believers. But, blessed be God, it shall not always be so! The day is coming when those who are born of God shall put off this body of flesh. The Lord Jesus Christ shall one day deliver us from the body of sin and death. Yes, we shall be perfectly free from all sin! But not until we see Immanuel face to face! - Don Fortner
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
When this passing world is done
When has sunk yon radiant sun
When I stand with Christ in Glory
Looking o’er life’s finished story
The, Lord shall I fully know
Not til then, how much I owe.
When I stand before Thy Throne
Dressed in beauty not my own
When I see Thee as Thou art
Love Thee with unsinning heart
Then, Lord, shall I fully know
Not ‘til then, how much I owe.
Chosen not for good in me
Wakened up from wrath to flee
Hidden in the Savior’s side
By His Spirit sanctified
Teach me Lord, on earth to show
By Thy love, how much I owe.
(Tune: “Rock of Ages”)
We will observe the Lord’s Table this evening.
Our Bible Conference is August 30 - September 1. Speakers will be Donnie Bell, John Chapman, David Eddmenson, and Gabe Stalnaker. Sign-up sheets are in the foyer.
4th- Brodi Proffitt 6th – Shawn Benton 6th – Kristen Hands
7th – Leti Anguiano 7th – Lee Anne Walmsley
9th – Isaac Williams 10th – Eric Wilson
4th SS Elizabeth W. AM Maggy P., Jules (Jessica M.) PM: Janine K. WED Elizabeth C.
11thSS: Andrea V. AM Kelli H., Flora (Kelly B.) PM Rebekah V. WED Rachel C
“The fear of the Lord is the instruction of wisdom; and before honor is humility.” - Proverbs 15:33
“Sirs, what must I do to be saved… Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.” - Acts 16:30-31
But should I not beg for mercy? I would not tell somebody to not do that! But the command is not beg for mercy… but to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ! Begging can imply an unwillingness on God’s part, dependent upon how earnestly we beg. The command is not to beg, nor to believe and beg, but to, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ” with this assurance…. “And thou shalt be saved.”
Just because our God brings good out of evil, does not mean that evil is good. The responsibility for sin always lies squarely on the shoulders of the sinner. Nowhere in Scripture does God relieve us of our guilt by saying, “It’s ok, I ordained it.” Neither does He say, “You are just a sinner, you cannot help yourself.” Nor does He allow us to justify the means by the end. Yes, our omnipotent, sovereign God brings good out of evil for His people. That is seen most clearly at Calvary. Yet that never makes evil good. Nor does it justify disobedience. “Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth He any man. But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death. Do not err, my beloved brethren” (James 1:13-16). “If we confess (say the same thing) our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (I John 1:9). Take sides with God against yourself, and rest in Christ for all your justification and righteousness. – Greg Elmquist
The Gospel’s best defense is itself. Let us simply and boldly proclaim the Gospel of God’s free and sovereign grace in Christ. The naked, unadorned Gospel of Christ is, “The power of God unto salvation.” Everything else is a hindrance. –Don Fortner
How To Love Your Enemies
It seems very hard for us to grasp the concept of loving our enemies, or blessing those that curse us. But when you see that is exactly why you are now a child of God, and not presently in hell, then you may begin to look at these commands on how to treat your enemies quite differently... for Christ loved me and gave Himself for me, even when I was still His enemy… He has blessed me with all spiritual blessings, even as I would curse, complain, and murmur about anything and everything not going my way… He has done good for me, is doing good for me, and will always do good for me, even though I was born hating Him…He prayed for my forgiveness on the cross, even though I despitefully use and blaspheme His name.
If He can love, bless, pray, and always do good for me – in spite of my continual sin and rebellion against Him – surely I can begin to treat my enemies with love and kindness. So how do I love my enemies? By praying for their eternal souls, and preaching the Gospel to them when the Lord provides opportunity. - Brian DuFour
The Flesh and the Spirit
Every believer has two natures, two principles - the flesh and the spirit - the old man and the new man, living within. These two are constantly opposing one another. There is within you the old man of sin. Though in Christ you are perfectly redeemed, justified, pardoned, sanctified, and accepted, your carnal nature is just as vile and evil as it has ever been. It will never get any better, but only grows worse. Old Adam is still old Adam, though Christ lives and reigns in the heart. This old nature you must carry with you as long as you live in this world. It will cause you much trouble, pain, and sorrow. But you can never be freed from this body of sin until it is laid in the grave. But if you are a believer, there is another nature in you, a new man created in the likeness of Christ. In regeneration God does not renew your old nature; He gives you a new nature. He does not renew your old heart, He gives you a new heart. This new nature and new heart loves God, seeks holiness, and longs for perfection. Thus, there is a perpetual warfare within you. You long to do good, but evil is present with you. You cannot do the things you would. This is the way things are now with all true believers. But, blessed be God, it shall not always be so! The day is coming when those who are born of God shall put off this body of flesh. The Lord Jesus Christ shall one day deliver us from the body of sin and death. Yes, we shall be perfectly free from all sin! But not until we see Immanuel face to face! - Don Fortner
July 28, 2024
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel
Before the daystar knew its place
Or planets went their round
The church in bonds of sovereign grace
Was one with Jesus found.
‘Twas for His saints He tasted death
All glory to His Name!
And when He yielded up His breath
With Him, His saints o’er came.
With Him His members on the tree
Fulfilled the law’s demands
“Tis I in them, and they in Me”
For thus the union stands.
When from the tomb we see Him rise
Triumphant o’er His foes
He bore His members to the skies
And with Him they arose.
Ye saints, this union can’t dissolve
By which all things are yours
Long as eternal years revolve
Or Diety endures.
(Tune: “Am I a Soldier” p. 414)
All ladies are invited to a wedding shower for Kyle and Rachael this Saturday, August 3rd at 10:30am – the invitation is in foyer.
29th – Rachel Clark 1st – Lilyanna Scifres
28th SS: Kelly B.AM: Emma H.,Eden S.(Elizabeth C.) PM Megan H. WED Rebekah V.
4th SS Elizabeth W. AM Maggy P., Jules (Jessica M.) PM: Janine K. WED Elizabeth C.
“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world: but that the world through Him might be saved.”
– John 3:16-17
This glorious verse is used by those who deny the successful atonement of Christ for the elect by how they define the word ‘world’. They maintain that the world means all men without exception. If it does mean that, it would have to mean the same thing in verse 17. If it does, either Christ failed in His intentions, or all men without exception shall be saved and there is no eternal punishment. The world never means all men without exception. What does it mean? Exactly what it says! If you are a part of this wicked world, and by His grace you believe on His Son, you shall not perish, but have everlasting life! While the Gospel is not for everybody, it is for anybody. Are you a “whosoever”? Then it is for you!
1. Grace is always sovereign. “Therefore, hath He mercy on whom He will have mercy, and whom He will He hardeneth” (Romans 9:18).
2. Grace is always free. “Being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus” (Romans 3:24).
3. Grace is always saving. “By grace are ye saved” (Ephesians 2:8).
God’s grace is not an offer up for man’s acceptance or rejection. His grace sovereignly, freely saves! We cannot believe grace without believing these three things regarding grace.
Sin is a noun. It is what I am. Sin is a verb. It is what I do. Sin is an adjective. It describes me. Sin is an adverb. It describes what I do. Thank God for the promise of the Gospel, “Thou shalt call His Name Jesus, for He shall save His people from their sins” (Matthew 1:21).
It is more profitable and enjoyable to love than to hate, to forgive than to hold a grudge, to smile that to quarrel, to behave kindly than to act ugly. The way of the transgressor is hard, not the way of the believer. - Henry Mahan
The prayer of one who trust in themselves that they are righteous goes like this, “God I thank thee, that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers or even this publican.” The repentant child of God prays, “God be merciful to me a (the) sinner, one who is an unjust extortioner, adulterer and publican. Do you remember which one our Lord said, “Went down to his house justified?” (Luke 18:10-14). - David Eddmenson
The atonement does not change the nature and character of God, but rather, the atonement honors and magnifies the character of God. The death of Christ is not the cause of God’s love, but the result of it. God is not merciful because Christ died. Christ died because God is merciful. God gave His Son to be the Savior of His chosen people! Thank God! There is an atonement BEFORE THE LORD.
– Henry Mahan
The popular gospel is a declaration of man’s rights and God’s obligations… “I have a right to salvation if I want it, and God must give it to me if I ask for it.” The Gospel of Christ is a declaration of God’s rights and man’s helplessness to fulfill any of the obligations… “Hath not the Potter power (authority) over the clay to make of the same lump one vessel unto honor and another unto dishonor?” (Romans 9:21) “There is none righteous, no not one” (Romans 3:10). – Joe Terrell
Someone said, “It’s the little things that count.” Little things certainly have a way of revealing either the absence or presence of saving grace. Consideration, kindness, thoughtfulness, forgiveness, words of appreciation, and an attitude of concern for others justifies our profession of faith much more effectively than our creeds and confessions. It is true that Christ alone is our salvation and sanctification, and it is equally true that where the Spirit of Christ dwells the fruit of the Spirit will be manifested. - Henry Mahan
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel
Before the daystar knew its place
Or planets went their round
The church in bonds of sovereign grace
Was one with Jesus found.
‘Twas for His saints He tasted death
All glory to His Name!
And when He yielded up His breath
With Him, His saints o’er came.
With Him His members on the tree
Fulfilled the law’s demands
“Tis I in them, and they in Me”
For thus the union stands.
When from the tomb we see Him rise
Triumphant o’er His foes
He bore His members to the skies
And with Him they arose.
Ye saints, this union can’t dissolve
By which all things are yours
Long as eternal years revolve
Or Diety endures.
(Tune: “Am I a Soldier” p. 414)
All ladies are invited to a wedding shower for Kyle and Rachael this Saturday, August 3rd at 10:30am – the invitation is in foyer.
29th – Rachel Clark 1st – Lilyanna Scifres
28th SS: Kelly B.AM: Emma H.,Eden S.(Elizabeth C.) PM Megan H. WED Rebekah V.
4th SS Elizabeth W. AM Maggy P., Jules (Jessica M.) PM: Janine K. WED Elizabeth C.
“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world: but that the world through Him might be saved.”
– John 3:16-17
This glorious verse is used by those who deny the successful atonement of Christ for the elect by how they define the word ‘world’. They maintain that the world means all men without exception. If it does mean that, it would have to mean the same thing in verse 17. If it does, either Christ failed in His intentions, or all men without exception shall be saved and there is no eternal punishment. The world never means all men without exception. What does it mean? Exactly what it says! If you are a part of this wicked world, and by His grace you believe on His Son, you shall not perish, but have everlasting life! While the Gospel is not for everybody, it is for anybody. Are you a “whosoever”? Then it is for you!
1. Grace is always sovereign. “Therefore, hath He mercy on whom He will have mercy, and whom He will He hardeneth” (Romans 9:18).
2. Grace is always free. “Being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus” (Romans 3:24).
3. Grace is always saving. “By grace are ye saved” (Ephesians 2:8).
God’s grace is not an offer up for man’s acceptance or rejection. His grace sovereignly, freely saves! We cannot believe grace without believing these three things regarding grace.
Sin is a noun. It is what I am. Sin is a verb. It is what I do. Sin is an adjective. It describes me. Sin is an adverb. It describes what I do. Thank God for the promise of the Gospel, “Thou shalt call His Name Jesus, for He shall save His people from their sins” (Matthew 1:21).
It is more profitable and enjoyable to love than to hate, to forgive than to hold a grudge, to smile that to quarrel, to behave kindly than to act ugly. The way of the transgressor is hard, not the way of the believer. - Henry Mahan
The prayer of one who trust in themselves that they are righteous goes like this, “God I thank thee, that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers or even this publican.” The repentant child of God prays, “God be merciful to me a (the) sinner, one who is an unjust extortioner, adulterer and publican. Do you remember which one our Lord said, “Went down to his house justified?” (Luke 18:10-14). - David Eddmenson
The atonement does not change the nature and character of God, but rather, the atonement honors and magnifies the character of God. The death of Christ is not the cause of God’s love, but the result of it. God is not merciful because Christ died. Christ died because God is merciful. God gave His Son to be the Savior of His chosen people! Thank God! There is an atonement BEFORE THE LORD.
– Henry Mahan
The popular gospel is a declaration of man’s rights and God’s obligations… “I have a right to salvation if I want it, and God must give it to me if I ask for it.” The Gospel of Christ is a declaration of God’s rights and man’s helplessness to fulfill any of the obligations… “Hath not the Potter power (authority) over the clay to make of the same lump one vessel unto honor and another unto dishonor?” (Romans 9:21) “There is none righteous, no not one” (Romans 3:10). – Joe Terrell
Someone said, “It’s the little things that count.” Little things certainly have a way of revealing either the absence or presence of saving grace. Consideration, kindness, thoughtfulness, forgiveness, words of appreciation, and an attitude of concern for others justifies our profession of faith much more effectively than our creeds and confessions. It is true that Christ alone is our salvation and sanctification, and it is equally true that where the Spirit of Christ dwells the fruit of the Spirit will be manifested. - Henry Mahan
July 21, 2024
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel
‘Tis not by works of righteousness
Which our own hands have done
But we are saved by sovereign grace
Abounding through the Son.
‘Tis from the mercy of our God
That all our hopes begin
‘Tis by the water and the blood
Our souls are washed from sin.
‘Tis through the merits of His death
Who hung upon the tree
The Spirit is sent down to breathe
On such dry bones as we.
Raised from the dead, we live anew
And justified by grace
We shall appear in glory too
And see our Father’s face.
(Tune: “O God Our Help”)
All ladies are invited to a wedding shower for Kyle and Rachael on Saturday, August 3rd at 10:30am – the invitation is in foyer.
Redeemer Grace Church in Sellersburg, Indiana will have a Bible Conference this weekend July 26-28.
24th – Brian DuFour 25th – Ellen Willis
26th – James Lynn 27th – Kelli Proffitt
21st SS Julie R. AM Michelle, Flora (Kristen H.) PM: Janine K. WED. Andrea V.
28th SS: Kelly B.AM: Emma H.,Eden S.(Elizabeth C.) PM Megan H. WED Rebekah V.
“The beginning of strife is as when one letteth out water: therefore leave off contention, before it be meddled with.”
- Proverbs 17:14
“Behold, the days come, saith the Lord God, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the Lord.” - Amos 8:11
Can you imagine being in a time of famine, where there was not food to eat and no water to drink. What a painful experience that would be and would certainly end in death. But there is a famine that should be dreaded more than that…. Hearing the words of the Lord! This would come in two forms. (1) The Gospel is not being preached.
(2) The Gospel is being preached, but I receive no benefit because I do not have hearing ears, which are the gift of God’s grace. “He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.” My response? Lord, please let your Gospel be preached to me, and please give me ears to hear. Deliver me from this famine!
Paul said to the Philippians ….. “Be careful for nothing.” Do not worry about anything! Why? Here are two powerful reasons.
1. Our worrying changes nothing. We really have no control! 2. The Lord has absolute control over everything. When we worry we say we believe neither of those absolute truths! As Peter said, “Casting all your care upon Him, for He careth for you.”
“Therefore it any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” - II Corinthians 5:17
The Lord Jesus Christ does not show blind men how to see. He gives them new eyes and they see Him! The Lord Jesus Christ does not tell deaf men how to hear. He gives them new ears and they hear Him! The Lord Jesus Christ does not beg lame men to walk, He gives them new legs and they leap as an hart, and follow Him! All who are in Christ receive a new mind of repentance toward Him, a new will that bows to Him, a new heart that believes and loves Him. Yes, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature! - Gabe Stalnaker
As a believer, I sometimes (lots of times) feel that my love to my Savior is not strong at all, or even present at all, because I am looking for “feelings” in my body that would give evidence of this love. But physical love and spiritual love are two completely different kinds of love, and only the believer has been given both kinds. Fleshly love for our friends and family is based on physical relationships and physical sight … and being a product of the flesh, it is therefore a sinful love. Divine love for Christ, and my brothers and sisters in Christ, is the fruit of the Spirit, given in the new birth at the “time of love” (regeneration)… and being born of God, it is therefore a holy love.
This spiritual love is based on a spiritual sight of Christ in His Word, the believer having been given spiritual eyes to see His beauty in living and dying for me. Therefore, if I want to see if this divine love dwells in me, I must go to Scripture, and here is what it says…. “If ye love Me, keep My commandments” (John 14:15). “And this is His commandment, that we should believe on the Name of His Son Jesus Christ, and love one another as He gave us commandment” (I John 3:23). Trusting Christ is loving Christ, for it is a“Faith which worketh by love” (Galatians 5:6). - Brian DuFour
1. GRACE has been defined as “unmerited favor.” If grace is unmerited, then none can claim it as a right.
2. If GRACE is “unearned and undeserved,” then none are entitled to it.
3. If GRACE is a “gift,” then none can demand it.
4. If GRACE if a “free gift” then, God has the right to bestow it upon whom He will. (Don’t you give gifts to whom you want?)
5. If salvation is by GRACE then, the very chief of sinners, the worst of the worst, is not beyond the reach of Divine mercy.
6. Because salvation is by GRACE, boasting is excluded and God gets all the glory.
“To the praise of the glory of His grace, wherein He hath
made us accepted in the beloved.” - Ephesians 1:6
- David Eddmenson
Had I all the faith of the patriarchs, all the zeal of the prophets, all the good works of the apostles, all the holy sufferings of the martyrs, and all the glowing devotion of the seraphs; I would disclaim the whole in point of dependence, and count it all but dross and dung, when set in competition with the infinitely precious death and the infinitely meritorious righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ. – James Hervey
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel
‘Tis not by works of righteousness
Which our own hands have done
But we are saved by sovereign grace
Abounding through the Son.
‘Tis from the mercy of our God
That all our hopes begin
‘Tis by the water and the blood
Our souls are washed from sin.
‘Tis through the merits of His death
Who hung upon the tree
The Spirit is sent down to breathe
On such dry bones as we.
Raised from the dead, we live anew
And justified by grace
We shall appear in glory too
And see our Father’s face.
(Tune: “O God Our Help”)
All ladies are invited to a wedding shower for Kyle and Rachael on Saturday, August 3rd at 10:30am – the invitation is in foyer.
Redeemer Grace Church in Sellersburg, Indiana will have a Bible Conference this weekend July 26-28.
24th – Brian DuFour 25th – Ellen Willis
26th – James Lynn 27th – Kelli Proffitt
21st SS Julie R. AM Michelle, Flora (Kristen H.) PM: Janine K. WED. Andrea V.
28th SS: Kelly B.AM: Emma H.,Eden S.(Elizabeth C.) PM Megan H. WED Rebekah V.
“The beginning of strife is as when one letteth out water: therefore leave off contention, before it be meddled with.”
- Proverbs 17:14
“Behold, the days come, saith the Lord God, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the Lord.” - Amos 8:11
Can you imagine being in a time of famine, where there was not food to eat and no water to drink. What a painful experience that would be and would certainly end in death. But there is a famine that should be dreaded more than that…. Hearing the words of the Lord! This would come in two forms. (1) The Gospel is not being preached.
(2) The Gospel is being preached, but I receive no benefit because I do not have hearing ears, which are the gift of God’s grace. “He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.” My response? Lord, please let your Gospel be preached to me, and please give me ears to hear. Deliver me from this famine!
Paul said to the Philippians ….. “Be careful for nothing.” Do not worry about anything! Why? Here are two powerful reasons.
1. Our worrying changes nothing. We really have no control! 2. The Lord has absolute control over everything. When we worry we say we believe neither of those absolute truths! As Peter said, “Casting all your care upon Him, for He careth for you.”
“Therefore it any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” - II Corinthians 5:17
The Lord Jesus Christ does not show blind men how to see. He gives them new eyes and they see Him! The Lord Jesus Christ does not tell deaf men how to hear. He gives them new ears and they hear Him! The Lord Jesus Christ does not beg lame men to walk, He gives them new legs and they leap as an hart, and follow Him! All who are in Christ receive a new mind of repentance toward Him, a new will that bows to Him, a new heart that believes and loves Him. Yes, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature! - Gabe Stalnaker
As a believer, I sometimes (lots of times) feel that my love to my Savior is not strong at all, or even present at all, because I am looking for “feelings” in my body that would give evidence of this love. But physical love and spiritual love are two completely different kinds of love, and only the believer has been given both kinds. Fleshly love for our friends and family is based on physical relationships and physical sight … and being a product of the flesh, it is therefore a sinful love. Divine love for Christ, and my brothers and sisters in Christ, is the fruit of the Spirit, given in the new birth at the “time of love” (regeneration)… and being born of God, it is therefore a holy love.
This spiritual love is based on a spiritual sight of Christ in His Word, the believer having been given spiritual eyes to see His beauty in living and dying for me. Therefore, if I want to see if this divine love dwells in me, I must go to Scripture, and here is what it says…. “If ye love Me, keep My commandments” (John 14:15). “And this is His commandment, that we should believe on the Name of His Son Jesus Christ, and love one another as He gave us commandment” (I John 3:23). Trusting Christ is loving Christ, for it is a“Faith which worketh by love” (Galatians 5:6). - Brian DuFour
1. GRACE has been defined as “unmerited favor.” If grace is unmerited, then none can claim it as a right.
2. If GRACE is “unearned and undeserved,” then none are entitled to it.
3. If GRACE is a “gift,” then none can demand it.
4. If GRACE if a “free gift” then, God has the right to bestow it upon whom He will. (Don’t you give gifts to whom you want?)
5. If salvation is by GRACE then, the very chief of sinners, the worst of the worst, is not beyond the reach of Divine mercy.
6. Because salvation is by GRACE, boasting is excluded and God gets all the glory.
“To the praise of the glory of His grace, wherein He hath
made us accepted in the beloved.” - Ephesians 1:6
- David Eddmenson
Had I all the faith of the patriarchs, all the zeal of the prophets, all the good works of the apostles, all the holy sufferings of the martyrs, and all the glowing devotion of the seraphs; I would disclaim the whole in point of dependence, and count it all but dross and dung, when set in competition with the infinitely precious death and the infinitely meritorious righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ. – James Hervey
July 14, 2024
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel
Rock of Ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in Thee
Let the water and the blood, From Thy wounded side which flowed
Be of sin the double cure, Save from wrath and make me pure.
Not the labor of my hands, Can fulfill the law’s demands
Could my zeal no resting know, Could my tears forever flow
All for sin could not atone; Thou must save, and Thou alone.
Nothing in my hand I bring, Simply to the cross I cling
Naked, come to Thee for dress; Helpless look to Thee for grace
Foul, I to the fountain fly; Wash me, Savior, or I die.
While I draw this fleeting breath, When mine eyes shall close in death
When I soar to worlds unknown, See Thee on Thy judgment Throne
Rock of Ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in Thee.
(Tune: “Rock of Ages” p.126)
All ladies are invited to a wedding shower for Kyle Bicknell and Rachael R. on Saturday, August 3rd at 10:30am – the invitation is in foyer.
Redeemer Grace Church in Sellersburg, Indiana will have a Bible Conference July 26-28.
We will have a Bible Conference August 30 - September 1. Speakers will be Donnie Bell, John Chapman, David Eddmenson, and Gabe Stalnaker.
15th – Betsy Burch 15th – Pam Murphy
16th – David Vincent 19th – Ida Isaac
14th SS: Jaime G. AM: Emily E., Cora (Peggy M.) PM: Rebekah V. WED. Allison W.
21st SS Julie R. AM Michelle, Flora (Kristen H.) PM: Janine K. WED. Andrea V.
“In the light of the king’s countenance is life; and his favour is as a cloud of the latter rain.” - Proverbs 16:15
“Salvation is of the Lord” (Johan 2:9). These were the last words uttered by Jonah from the belly of the whale. And upon saying this, the fish vomited him out upon the dry land. What does this mean? Salvation is God saving the sinner. Salvation is not of men! Our works, worth, or will do not contribute in anyway to our salvation. Salvation is of the Father in sovereignly choosing the sinner to be saved before time began! Salvation is of the Son in Him becoming surety for the elect before time began, and coming to this earth to keep the law for them, putting away their sins by His death on the cross, and rising again for their justification. Salvation is of the Spirit in giving them spiritual life from the dead, which results in faith and repentance. If this is not my salvation, it is not that salvation which is of the Lord, and on judgment day I will find out that it was not salvation at all! How thankful we are that, “Salvation is of the Lord.” Salvation would not be possible if it were not!
“He is the propitiation for our sins” – I John 2:1
A propitiation is an appeasement. God is appeased toward all who Christ is a propitiation for. The reason for His anger has been removed. And what is the reason for His anger? Sin. And sin has been purged, cleansed, put away by the propitiating death of Christ on the cross. My sin is not simply covered yet still underneath the covering. My sin is not simply disannulled. My sin is no longer there. It is not. It is what the Bible calls….justification. “Being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation” (Romans 3:24-25). When the publican prayed that God would be propitious toward him the Lord said he went down to his house justified! No sin! No guilt! Perfect in God’s sight. Here is where confidence and joy comes from … “For I will be merciful (propitious) to their unrighteousness, and their sins and iniquities I will remember no more” (Hebrews 8:12). The only way God can forget our sins is if there is nothing there to remember! Thank God … He is the propitiation for our sins! If that is true – and it is – then I have confidence and joy!
“For He saith, I have heard thee in a time accepted, and in the day of salvation have I succoured thee: behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.” – II Corinthians 6:2
If your faith in Christ is always “in the present,” then there really is no time to be looking anywhere else. If I am looking to Christ right now, presently trusting His shed blood and robe of righteousness as All in my salvation, that leaves no time to look at past works or future intentions as evidence of my salvation…. for when I am always presently looking to the Lamb of God, then I have no time to gaze upon anything or anyone else. May our God and Father give us grace to never, “Be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.” We simply, we only, we always are looking to Christ alone to save our sinful souls. - Brian DuFour
If salvation were partly of God and partly of man it would be as sorry an affair as that image of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, which was part of iron and part of clay. It would end in break-down. If our dependence were upon Jesus in a measure, and our own works in some degree, our foundation would be partly on the rock and partly on the sand, and the whole structure would fall. O to know the full meaning of the words, “Salvation is of the Lord.” - Copied
Men and women alike profess to believe and quote John 14:6, where the Lord Jesus declared, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” Yet they deny that Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life when they claim to possess a free-will in their salvation. If Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, then the remainder of the verse must also be true. “No man cometh to the Father but by Me.” - David Eddmenson
How can we know whether we have gone, not only from ignorance to knowledge, but also from knowledge to submission? It is primarily revealed in this: we cease from establishing our own righteousness before God. We glory in nothing other than Christ’s cross, soothe our conscience with nothing but His blood, and rest our hope for favor with God on nothing other than Christ’s acceptance before the Father. - Joe Terrell
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel
Rock of Ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in Thee
Let the water and the blood, From Thy wounded side which flowed
Be of sin the double cure, Save from wrath and make me pure.
Not the labor of my hands, Can fulfill the law’s demands
Could my zeal no resting know, Could my tears forever flow
All for sin could not atone; Thou must save, and Thou alone.
Nothing in my hand I bring, Simply to the cross I cling
Naked, come to Thee for dress; Helpless look to Thee for grace
Foul, I to the fountain fly; Wash me, Savior, or I die.
While I draw this fleeting breath, When mine eyes shall close in death
When I soar to worlds unknown, See Thee on Thy judgment Throne
Rock of Ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in Thee.
(Tune: “Rock of Ages” p.126)
All ladies are invited to a wedding shower for Kyle Bicknell and Rachael R. on Saturday, August 3rd at 10:30am – the invitation is in foyer.
Redeemer Grace Church in Sellersburg, Indiana will have a Bible Conference July 26-28.
We will have a Bible Conference August 30 - September 1. Speakers will be Donnie Bell, John Chapman, David Eddmenson, and Gabe Stalnaker.
15th – Betsy Burch 15th – Pam Murphy
16th – David Vincent 19th – Ida Isaac
14th SS: Jaime G. AM: Emily E., Cora (Peggy M.) PM: Rebekah V. WED. Allison W.
21st SS Julie R. AM Michelle, Flora (Kristen H.) PM: Janine K. WED. Andrea V.
“In the light of the king’s countenance is life; and his favour is as a cloud of the latter rain.” - Proverbs 16:15
“Salvation is of the Lord” (Johan 2:9). These were the last words uttered by Jonah from the belly of the whale. And upon saying this, the fish vomited him out upon the dry land. What does this mean? Salvation is God saving the sinner. Salvation is not of men! Our works, worth, or will do not contribute in anyway to our salvation. Salvation is of the Father in sovereignly choosing the sinner to be saved before time began! Salvation is of the Son in Him becoming surety for the elect before time began, and coming to this earth to keep the law for them, putting away their sins by His death on the cross, and rising again for their justification. Salvation is of the Spirit in giving them spiritual life from the dead, which results in faith and repentance. If this is not my salvation, it is not that salvation which is of the Lord, and on judgment day I will find out that it was not salvation at all! How thankful we are that, “Salvation is of the Lord.” Salvation would not be possible if it were not!
“He is the propitiation for our sins” – I John 2:1
A propitiation is an appeasement. God is appeased toward all who Christ is a propitiation for. The reason for His anger has been removed. And what is the reason for His anger? Sin. And sin has been purged, cleansed, put away by the propitiating death of Christ on the cross. My sin is not simply covered yet still underneath the covering. My sin is not simply disannulled. My sin is no longer there. It is not. It is what the Bible calls….justification. “Being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation” (Romans 3:24-25). When the publican prayed that God would be propitious toward him the Lord said he went down to his house justified! No sin! No guilt! Perfect in God’s sight. Here is where confidence and joy comes from … “For I will be merciful (propitious) to their unrighteousness, and their sins and iniquities I will remember no more” (Hebrews 8:12). The only way God can forget our sins is if there is nothing there to remember! Thank God … He is the propitiation for our sins! If that is true – and it is – then I have confidence and joy!
“For He saith, I have heard thee in a time accepted, and in the day of salvation have I succoured thee: behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.” – II Corinthians 6:2
If your faith in Christ is always “in the present,” then there really is no time to be looking anywhere else. If I am looking to Christ right now, presently trusting His shed blood and robe of righteousness as All in my salvation, that leaves no time to look at past works or future intentions as evidence of my salvation…. for when I am always presently looking to the Lamb of God, then I have no time to gaze upon anything or anyone else. May our God and Father give us grace to never, “Be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.” We simply, we only, we always are looking to Christ alone to save our sinful souls. - Brian DuFour
If salvation were partly of God and partly of man it would be as sorry an affair as that image of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, which was part of iron and part of clay. It would end in break-down. If our dependence were upon Jesus in a measure, and our own works in some degree, our foundation would be partly on the rock and partly on the sand, and the whole structure would fall. O to know the full meaning of the words, “Salvation is of the Lord.” - Copied
Men and women alike profess to believe and quote John 14:6, where the Lord Jesus declared, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” Yet they deny that Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life when they claim to possess a free-will in their salvation. If Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, then the remainder of the verse must also be true. “No man cometh to the Father but by Me.” - David Eddmenson
How can we know whether we have gone, not only from ignorance to knowledge, but also from knowledge to submission? It is primarily revealed in this: we cease from establishing our own righteousness before God. We glory in nothing other than Christ’s cross, soothe our conscience with nothing but His blood, and rest our hope for favor with God on nothing other than Christ’s acceptance before the Father. - Joe Terrell
July 7, 2024
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel
Hark, how the Gospel trumpet sounds
Christ and free grace therein abound
Free grace to such as sinners be
And if free grace, why not for me?
The Saviour died, and by His blood
Brought rebel sinners home to God
He died to set the captives free
Then why, my soul, why not for me?
Christ Jesus came the poor to bless
To clothe them with His righteousness
The robe is spotless, full and free
Then why, my soul, why not for me?
Eternal life by Christ is giv’n
And ruined sinners raised to heav’n
Then sing of grace so rich and free
And say, my soul, why not for thee?
(Tune: “Doxology”)
We will observe the Lord’s Table this evening.
All ladies are invited to a wedding shower for Kyle Bicknell and Rachel R. on Saturday, August 3rd at 10:30am – the invitation is in foyer.
Redeemer Grace Church in Sellersburg, Indiana will have a Bible Conference July 26-28.
We will have a Bible Conference August 30 - September 1. Speakers will be Donnie Bell, John Chapman, David Eddmenson, and Gabe Stalnaker.
7th – Caleb Anjos 8th – Jasper Clark
8th – Rob Elliott 11th – Paula Miller
7th SS: Amanda M. AM Savannah G., Macy PM: Sharon V. WED. Janine K.
14th SS: Jaime G. AM: Emily E., Cora (Peggy M.) PM: Rebekah V. WED. Allison W.
“The lot is cast into the lap; but the whole disposing thereof is of the Lord.” - Proverbs 16:33
The writer to the Hebrews asked the people he was writing to, to pray for him. In Hebrews 13:19 He said, “I beseech you the rather to do this, that I may be restored unto you the sooner.” While we know everything that takes place has been fixed and predetermined by the sovereign will and counsel of God, he still requests prayer that he might be restored sooner to them than he would have had they not prayed for him. We believe that God has determined everything and we believe God hears and answers prayer. Through their prayers, he would be restored sooner to them then he would have been had they not prayed for him! We err when we have a fatalistic view of life. The Lord said, “You have not because you ask not,” and “Men ought always to pray and not to faint.” Our God is a prayer hearing and a prayer answering God!
Why must we continually hear the Gospel? Because our fallen Adamic nature is always looking for something other than the glorious person and accomplished work of the Lord Jesus Christ. Our old man is relentlessly pointing us away from Christ. His pursuit is in minding the things of the flesh. He always walks by sight. The grace of faith is our only hope to silence this wretched man. That comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. Tell me the old, old story of Jesus and His love. - Greg Elmquist
If the possession of Heaven could be obtained with only a single act of goodness, never to all eternity should I find it. “When I would do good, evil is present with me.” Oh! Then for grace to know Thee, to love Thee, to follow Thee, as my only good; my hope, my righteousness, my portion forever! Amen! - Robert Hawker
“But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord” (Genesis 6:8). Was Noah just a better man than all the heathen in the land at that time? Does Genesis 6:5 read, “And God saw that the wickedness of man (except Noah) was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.” No, it does not. Noah was just as wicked and sinful as all mankind, yet there was one difference – God had elected Noah in Christ, according to the “election of grace,” and had given him spiritual life and faith in Christ.
Noah was dead in sin and could not find grace or any other spiritual blessing. Grace found Noah at the appointed “time of love,” revealing the eternal grace of election that Noah and all believers have been blessed with. This “election of grace” in eternity always results in “God’s finding grace” in time, giving spiritual life to His people, and saving them for Christ’s sake. - Brian DuFour
“But the salvation of the righteous is of the Lord: He is their strength in the time of trouble.” - Psalm 37:39
Salvation is a very large term, and describes the whole life of true believers – their whole experience, from their first consciousness of the ruin of the fall to their entrance into glory. They feel their need of being perpetually saved from self, sin, Satan, and the world. They trust in God for preservation, and their end is peace. - C. H. Spurgeon
The disciples were a band of poor men and women, disowned and disinherited by their families, maligned by their neighbors, and persecuted for their faith. They had nothing of this world’s comforts. They met in secrecy, behind closed doors, for fear of the Jews. Yet, something made them glad. When the Lord Jesus revealed Himself to them, spoke peace to them and showed them His hands and His side, “Then were the disciples glad, when they saw the Lord.” When they saw their redemption accomplished by Christ and realized the love and grace it revealed, they were glad. What makes you glad? - Angus Fisher
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel
Hark, how the Gospel trumpet sounds
Christ and free grace therein abound
Free grace to such as sinners be
And if free grace, why not for me?
The Saviour died, and by His blood
Brought rebel sinners home to God
He died to set the captives free
Then why, my soul, why not for me?
Christ Jesus came the poor to bless
To clothe them with His righteousness
The robe is spotless, full and free
Then why, my soul, why not for me?
Eternal life by Christ is giv’n
And ruined sinners raised to heav’n
Then sing of grace so rich and free
And say, my soul, why not for thee?
(Tune: “Doxology”)
We will observe the Lord’s Table this evening.
All ladies are invited to a wedding shower for Kyle Bicknell and Rachel R. on Saturday, August 3rd at 10:30am – the invitation is in foyer.
Redeemer Grace Church in Sellersburg, Indiana will have a Bible Conference July 26-28.
We will have a Bible Conference August 30 - September 1. Speakers will be Donnie Bell, John Chapman, David Eddmenson, and Gabe Stalnaker.
7th – Caleb Anjos 8th – Jasper Clark
8th – Rob Elliott 11th – Paula Miller
7th SS: Amanda M. AM Savannah G., Macy PM: Sharon V. WED. Janine K.
14th SS: Jaime G. AM: Emily E., Cora (Peggy M.) PM: Rebekah V. WED. Allison W.
“The lot is cast into the lap; but the whole disposing thereof is of the Lord.” - Proverbs 16:33
The writer to the Hebrews asked the people he was writing to, to pray for him. In Hebrews 13:19 He said, “I beseech you the rather to do this, that I may be restored unto you the sooner.” While we know everything that takes place has been fixed and predetermined by the sovereign will and counsel of God, he still requests prayer that he might be restored sooner to them than he would have had they not prayed for him. We believe that God has determined everything and we believe God hears and answers prayer. Through their prayers, he would be restored sooner to them then he would have been had they not prayed for him! We err when we have a fatalistic view of life. The Lord said, “You have not because you ask not,” and “Men ought always to pray and not to faint.” Our God is a prayer hearing and a prayer answering God!
Why must we continually hear the Gospel? Because our fallen Adamic nature is always looking for something other than the glorious person and accomplished work of the Lord Jesus Christ. Our old man is relentlessly pointing us away from Christ. His pursuit is in minding the things of the flesh. He always walks by sight. The grace of faith is our only hope to silence this wretched man. That comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. Tell me the old, old story of Jesus and His love. - Greg Elmquist
If the possession of Heaven could be obtained with only a single act of goodness, never to all eternity should I find it. “When I would do good, evil is present with me.” Oh! Then for grace to know Thee, to love Thee, to follow Thee, as my only good; my hope, my righteousness, my portion forever! Amen! - Robert Hawker
“But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord” (Genesis 6:8). Was Noah just a better man than all the heathen in the land at that time? Does Genesis 6:5 read, “And God saw that the wickedness of man (except Noah) was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.” No, it does not. Noah was just as wicked and sinful as all mankind, yet there was one difference – God had elected Noah in Christ, according to the “election of grace,” and had given him spiritual life and faith in Christ.
Noah was dead in sin and could not find grace or any other spiritual blessing. Grace found Noah at the appointed “time of love,” revealing the eternal grace of election that Noah and all believers have been blessed with. This “election of grace” in eternity always results in “God’s finding grace” in time, giving spiritual life to His people, and saving them for Christ’s sake. - Brian DuFour
“But the salvation of the righteous is of the Lord: He is their strength in the time of trouble.” - Psalm 37:39
Salvation is a very large term, and describes the whole life of true believers – their whole experience, from their first consciousness of the ruin of the fall to their entrance into glory. They feel their need of being perpetually saved from self, sin, Satan, and the world. They trust in God for preservation, and their end is peace. - C. H. Spurgeon
The disciples were a band of poor men and women, disowned and disinherited by their families, maligned by their neighbors, and persecuted for their faith. They had nothing of this world’s comforts. They met in secrecy, behind closed doors, for fear of the Jews. Yet, something made them glad. When the Lord Jesus revealed Himself to them, spoke peace to them and showed them His hands and His side, “Then were the disciples glad, when they saw the Lord.” When they saw their redemption accomplished by Christ and realized the love and grace it revealed, they were glad. What makes you glad? - Angus Fisher
June 30, 2024
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel
O bless the Lord, my soul
Let all within me join
And aid my tongue to praise His Name
Whose favors are Divine.
O bless the Lord, my soul
Nor let His mercies lie
Forgotten in unthankfulness
And without praises die.
‘Tis He forgives thy sins
‘Tis He relieves thy pain
‘Tis He who heals thy sicknesses
And makes thee young again.
He crowns thy life with love
When ransomed from the grave
He, who redeemed my soul from death
Hath sovereign power to save.
(Tune: “I Love Thy Kingdom”)
Redeemer Grace Church in Sellersburg, Indiana will have a Bible Conference July 26-28.
We will have a Bible Conference August 30- September 1. Speakers will be Donnie Bell, John Chapman, David Eddmenson, and Gabe Stalnaker.
2nd – Elijah Davis 3rd – Aubrey Nibert 3rd – Eleanor Walmsley
4th – Lowell Johnson 5th – Jackson Dickerson 5th – Jackson Elliott
“Be not thou envious against evil men, neither desire to be with them.” - Proverbs 24:1
This is one of the most frequently repeated commands of Christ, “Follow Me.” Quite often men translate this in their thinking to “Imitate Me.” As important as this is, that is not what “Follow Me” means. To follow someone, you must keep your eyes upon him. If you look down at your feet to see how well you are doing, you will lose him. If you look to the side to compare your following to someone else’s following, you will lose him. If you look behind you for evidences that you have followed him, you will lose him. The only way we follow Christ is by keeping the eye of faith only on Him, nowhere else! This is the same thing as, “Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith.” Not looking to Jesus and, but looking to Jesus alone! That is how we follow Him.
To come to Christ is simply to believe on Him, to trust Him, to rest your soul upon the merits of His righteousness and shed blood. It is not in anyway to be confused with a physical act. It is not coming to the front of the church, coming to the waters of baptism, or coming to a soul-winner that saves. It is coming to Christ. It is not coming to know and understand the truth about Christ, but coming to Christ, who is Himself the Way, the Truth, and the Life, that saves your soul. If you will come to Christ in true faith, He will save you. There is but one question – Will you come? - Don Fortner
“But unto them which are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God, and the wisdom of God.” - I Corinthians 1:24
Many religionists perceive the power of God to be something given to them so that they can accomplish great things, when, in fact, the power of God is Christ, which power is exercised for us, but not by us. - Joe Terrell
Never is a man in his right mind until he is converted, nor in his right place until he sits by faith at the feet of Christ, nor rightly clothed until he has put on the righteousness of Christ. – J. C. Ryle
O, my friend, I can stand here and preach to you till we both grow old and gray-headed, but unless God the Holy Ghost speaks in power nothing of any eternal value will be accomplished. If my voice is the only voice you hear, nothing is going to be accomplished for you. You are not going to see what God is saying. You are not going to understand what the Holy Spirit is teaching. You are not going to see your lost condition. You are not going to see the glory and beauty of Christ. And you are never coming to repentance and faith unless God speaks; God has to speak through His Word. – Henry Mahan
John Newton once said, “When I get to Heaven three things are going to amaze me: First of all, I am going to be amazed when I see a lot of people there that I never expected to see. Secondly, I am going to miss a lot of people in Heaven that I did expect to see. Thirdly, the most amazing thing of all will be that I will be there; that will amaze me.
“Some people,” says Philip Henry, “do not wish to hear much of repentance, but I think it so necessary that, if I should die in the pulpit, I wish to die preaching repentance; and if out of the pulpit practicing it.”
John Calvin said, “Almost all men are affected with the disease of desiring to obtain useless knowledge.” Let us be like the apostle who wrote – “That I may know HIM, and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being made conformable unto His death” (Philippians 3:10).
It remains true that in ourselves we have no resting place. It is the quality of the work without (that is, the work of Christ), not the quality of the work within, which satisfies us. “No confidence in the flesh” must be our motto, as it is the foundation of God’s Gospel.
- Horatius Bonar
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel
O bless the Lord, my soul
Let all within me join
And aid my tongue to praise His Name
Whose favors are Divine.
O bless the Lord, my soul
Nor let His mercies lie
Forgotten in unthankfulness
And without praises die.
‘Tis He forgives thy sins
‘Tis He relieves thy pain
‘Tis He who heals thy sicknesses
And makes thee young again.
He crowns thy life with love
When ransomed from the grave
He, who redeemed my soul from death
Hath sovereign power to save.
(Tune: “I Love Thy Kingdom”)
Redeemer Grace Church in Sellersburg, Indiana will have a Bible Conference July 26-28.
We will have a Bible Conference August 30- September 1. Speakers will be Donnie Bell, John Chapman, David Eddmenson, and Gabe Stalnaker.
2nd – Elijah Davis 3rd – Aubrey Nibert 3rd – Eleanor Walmsley
4th – Lowell Johnson 5th – Jackson Dickerson 5th – Jackson Elliott
“Be not thou envious against evil men, neither desire to be with them.” - Proverbs 24:1
This is one of the most frequently repeated commands of Christ, “Follow Me.” Quite often men translate this in their thinking to “Imitate Me.” As important as this is, that is not what “Follow Me” means. To follow someone, you must keep your eyes upon him. If you look down at your feet to see how well you are doing, you will lose him. If you look to the side to compare your following to someone else’s following, you will lose him. If you look behind you for evidences that you have followed him, you will lose him. The only way we follow Christ is by keeping the eye of faith only on Him, nowhere else! This is the same thing as, “Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith.” Not looking to Jesus and, but looking to Jesus alone! That is how we follow Him.
To come to Christ is simply to believe on Him, to trust Him, to rest your soul upon the merits of His righteousness and shed blood. It is not in anyway to be confused with a physical act. It is not coming to the front of the church, coming to the waters of baptism, or coming to a soul-winner that saves. It is coming to Christ. It is not coming to know and understand the truth about Christ, but coming to Christ, who is Himself the Way, the Truth, and the Life, that saves your soul. If you will come to Christ in true faith, He will save you. There is but one question – Will you come? - Don Fortner
“But unto them which are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God, and the wisdom of God.” - I Corinthians 1:24
Many religionists perceive the power of God to be something given to them so that they can accomplish great things, when, in fact, the power of God is Christ, which power is exercised for us, but not by us. - Joe Terrell
Never is a man in his right mind until he is converted, nor in his right place until he sits by faith at the feet of Christ, nor rightly clothed until he has put on the righteousness of Christ. – J. C. Ryle
O, my friend, I can stand here and preach to you till we both grow old and gray-headed, but unless God the Holy Ghost speaks in power nothing of any eternal value will be accomplished. If my voice is the only voice you hear, nothing is going to be accomplished for you. You are not going to see what God is saying. You are not going to understand what the Holy Spirit is teaching. You are not going to see your lost condition. You are not going to see the glory and beauty of Christ. And you are never coming to repentance and faith unless God speaks; God has to speak through His Word. – Henry Mahan
John Newton once said, “When I get to Heaven three things are going to amaze me: First of all, I am going to be amazed when I see a lot of people there that I never expected to see. Secondly, I am going to miss a lot of people in Heaven that I did expect to see. Thirdly, the most amazing thing of all will be that I will be there; that will amaze me.
“Some people,” says Philip Henry, “do not wish to hear much of repentance, but I think it so necessary that, if I should die in the pulpit, I wish to die preaching repentance; and if out of the pulpit practicing it.”
John Calvin said, “Almost all men are affected with the disease of desiring to obtain useless knowledge.” Let us be like the apostle who wrote – “That I may know HIM, and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being made conformable unto His death” (Philippians 3:10).
It remains true that in ourselves we have no resting place. It is the quality of the work without (that is, the work of Christ), not the quality of the work within, which satisfies us. “No confidence in the flesh” must be our motto, as it is the foundation of God’s Gospel.
- Horatius Bonar
June 23, 2024
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel
Jesus Christ our God and Savior
Guide, and Counselor, and Friend
Bearing all our misbehavior
Kind and loving to the end.
Nothing but Thy blood, O Savior
Can relieve us from our smart
Nothing else from guilt release us
Nothing else can melt the heart.
Law and judgment do but harden
All the while they work alone
But a sense of blood-bought pardon
Soon dissolves a heart of stone.
Trust Him, He will not deceive us
Though we see through glass so dim
He will never, never leave us
Nor will we depart from Him.
(Tune: “Jesus Calls Us” p. 374)
Thank you to everyone who helped with VBS this past week - it is greatly appreciated! May the Lord be pleased to make Himself known to our children.
24th – Kristy Burton 24th – David Morris 24th – Haley Small
27th – Paul Daniel 28th – Jessica Scifres 28th – David Parker
28tth – Lissie McGuire 28th – Sophia Wilson
29th – Emily Dickerson 29th – Hannah Dickerson
23rd SS: Amanda M. AM: Emily E. Macy (Emma H.) PM: Megan H.. WED. Jenny W
30th SS: Cami AM: Jessica M., Cora (Rebekah V.) PM: Allison W
“Every way of a man is right in his own eyes: but the Lord pondereth the hearts.” - Proverbs 21:2
The Lord has given two ordinances to His church that He commands us to observe: Baptism and the Lord’s Table. Baptism is a one-time act. There are some that have been baptized several times, but it was not true baptism until you believed the Gospel. The Lord’s Table is to be done “oft”. “This do, as oft as ye do it, in remembrance of Me.” To be absent when the Lord’s Table is being observed is no different than deciding baptism is not important enough to be baptized. We should want ourselves and our families to be present every time the Gospel is preached because He has promised He will be there. If you do not have a need to be present for the Lord’s Table, ask Him to give you that need. “This do in remembrance of Me” is His command. It is important for us to be present for this!
Believers are exhorted by the apostle Paul to FORGIVE ONE ANOTHER. Yes, in the presence of Christ and with the approval of Christ and after the example of Christ – FORGIVE! “Lest Satan should get the advantage over us, for we are not ignorant of his devices and intentions” (II Cor. 2:10-11). Satan will use any means against the Lord Jesus and His church (even the apostle Peter, to whom Christ said, “Get thee behind me, Satan”). If Satan can foster division, an unforgiving spirit, harsh feelings, or pride among believers, HE WILL DO IT! He will, under pretense of showing indignation against sin or pretending to contend for certain doctrines or under pretense of caring for the purity and discipline of the church, encourage a strict, harsh attitude toward offenders, destroy unity and fellowship, and convince men that they are serving God in their self-righteous attitudes. One sure and certain way to be in the will of God and not to be used by the enemy is to LOVE one another and FORGIVE one another (Eph. 4:32).
- Henry Mahan
To a young man who had just started preaching, an old preacher said, “You may know that a doctrine is the true doctrine of the grace of God: IF it exalts the glory of the grace of God, as the sole and entire cause of salvation…IF it humbles the creature and excludes all boasting… IF it provides for the honor of God’s holy law and justice… IF it is a solid and sure ground of consolation to the saints… and lastly, IF it is a doctrine according to Godliness. These are the infallible rules whereby you may form your judgment of the Truth of the doctrine you preach. No principle can be true, which is not calculated to sub serve and secure those important ends. It will be your wisdom to examine well all sentiments in Divinity; and according as you find them agreeing or disagreeing with those rules, so mind that you embrace, or reject them.
- Copied
That eye which sees anything good in the creature is a blind eye; that eye which fancies it can discern anything in man, or anything in anything he can do to win the Divine favor, is as yet stone blind to the Truth of God, and needs to be lanced and cut, and the cataract of pride removed from it! - C. H. Spurgeon
If we cannot believe God when our circumstances appear to be against us we do not believe Him at all. We trust a thief as far as we can see him; shall we dare to treat our God in that fashion? - Spurgeon
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel
Jesus Christ our God and Savior
Guide, and Counselor, and Friend
Bearing all our misbehavior
Kind and loving to the end.
Nothing but Thy blood, O Savior
Can relieve us from our smart
Nothing else from guilt release us
Nothing else can melt the heart.
Law and judgment do but harden
All the while they work alone
But a sense of blood-bought pardon
Soon dissolves a heart of stone.
Trust Him, He will not deceive us
Though we see through glass so dim
He will never, never leave us
Nor will we depart from Him.
(Tune: “Jesus Calls Us” p. 374)
Thank you to everyone who helped with VBS this past week - it is greatly appreciated! May the Lord be pleased to make Himself known to our children.
24th – Kristy Burton 24th – David Morris 24th – Haley Small
27th – Paul Daniel 28th – Jessica Scifres 28th – David Parker
28tth – Lissie McGuire 28th – Sophia Wilson
29th – Emily Dickerson 29th – Hannah Dickerson
23rd SS: Amanda M. AM: Emily E. Macy (Emma H.) PM: Megan H.. WED. Jenny W
30th SS: Cami AM: Jessica M., Cora (Rebekah V.) PM: Allison W
“Every way of a man is right in his own eyes: but the Lord pondereth the hearts.” - Proverbs 21:2
The Lord has given two ordinances to His church that He commands us to observe: Baptism and the Lord’s Table. Baptism is a one-time act. There are some that have been baptized several times, but it was not true baptism until you believed the Gospel. The Lord’s Table is to be done “oft”. “This do, as oft as ye do it, in remembrance of Me.” To be absent when the Lord’s Table is being observed is no different than deciding baptism is not important enough to be baptized. We should want ourselves and our families to be present every time the Gospel is preached because He has promised He will be there. If you do not have a need to be present for the Lord’s Table, ask Him to give you that need. “This do in remembrance of Me” is His command. It is important for us to be present for this!
Believers are exhorted by the apostle Paul to FORGIVE ONE ANOTHER. Yes, in the presence of Christ and with the approval of Christ and after the example of Christ – FORGIVE! “Lest Satan should get the advantage over us, for we are not ignorant of his devices and intentions” (II Cor. 2:10-11). Satan will use any means against the Lord Jesus and His church (even the apostle Peter, to whom Christ said, “Get thee behind me, Satan”). If Satan can foster division, an unforgiving spirit, harsh feelings, or pride among believers, HE WILL DO IT! He will, under pretense of showing indignation against sin or pretending to contend for certain doctrines or under pretense of caring for the purity and discipline of the church, encourage a strict, harsh attitude toward offenders, destroy unity and fellowship, and convince men that they are serving God in their self-righteous attitudes. One sure and certain way to be in the will of God and not to be used by the enemy is to LOVE one another and FORGIVE one another (Eph. 4:32).
- Henry Mahan
To a young man who had just started preaching, an old preacher said, “You may know that a doctrine is the true doctrine of the grace of God: IF it exalts the glory of the grace of God, as the sole and entire cause of salvation…IF it humbles the creature and excludes all boasting… IF it provides for the honor of God’s holy law and justice… IF it is a solid and sure ground of consolation to the saints… and lastly, IF it is a doctrine according to Godliness. These are the infallible rules whereby you may form your judgment of the Truth of the doctrine you preach. No principle can be true, which is not calculated to sub serve and secure those important ends. It will be your wisdom to examine well all sentiments in Divinity; and according as you find them agreeing or disagreeing with those rules, so mind that you embrace, or reject them.
- Copied
That eye which sees anything good in the creature is a blind eye; that eye which fancies it can discern anything in man, or anything in anything he can do to win the Divine favor, is as yet stone blind to the Truth of God, and needs to be lanced and cut, and the cataract of pride removed from it! - C. H. Spurgeon
If we cannot believe God when our circumstances appear to be against us we do not believe Him at all. We trust a thief as far as we can see him; shall we dare to treat our God in that fashion? - Spurgeon
June 16, 2024
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel
Great God! Thy glory and Thy love
Our humble songs employ
In mercy from Thy Throne above
Look down and aid our joy.
Thy presence and Thy glory, Lord
Fill all the realms of space
O let Thy presence, by Thy Word
Divinely fill this place.
This hymn begins the solemn sound
Of holy worship here
May ev’ry saint with joy abound
And reverential fear.
Eternal Spirit! Heav’nly Dove!
Descend and fill this place
Reveal the Saviour’s matchless love
The wonders of His grace!
(Tune: “How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds” p. 53)
I am preaching in Great Falls, Montana this weekend and will return tonight. Aaron Greenleaf will preach this morning and Bruce Crabtree this evening. May the Lord be pleased to bless His Word today.
VBS is this week Tuesday –Thursday (10:30am – 2:00pm)
(There will be no Wednesday evening service this week)
16th – Andrea Bryan 16th – Monica Sparks
16th SS: Kristen .AM: Michelle G., Lilyana (Peggy) PM: Kelly B. WED. Sharon V.
23rd SS: Amanda M. AM: Emily E. Macy (Emma H.) PM: Megan H.. WED. Jenny W
“The heart of the righteous studieth to answer: but the mouth of the wicked poureth out evil things.” - Proverbs 15:28
II Corinthians 11:4
From time to time there arises a debate on what constitutes “another gospel.” When must we cry, “That is another gospel”! The answer is so simple that there should never again be a debate on the issue. It is “another gospel” when the message is of “another Jesus”! This is the only issue worth dividing over, and on this issue we must divide with all who disagree. Who is the true Jesus? Of all the adjectives I could use to describe our Lord in the Gospel, the one that seems most fitting to me is “The successful Jesus”. The true Jesus is the One who by Himself (actually did) purge our sins (Hebrews 1:3), the One in whose hand the will of Jehovah prospered (Isaiah 53:10), the One who is the Word from God that does not return to God empty but actually accomplishes what God sent Him to do (Isaiah 55:11), the One who has already successfully “obtained eternal redemption for us” (Hebrews 9:12). That Jesus, and only that Jesus is the Jesus of the Gospel! Other Jesus’s maybe very nice and kind; they may fill your heart with warmth and your eyes with tears, but they cannot save your soul! Only the Jesus of definite, successful, and therefore, particular redemption can deliver your soul to God without spot or blemish. Trust Him and tolerate no other! Fix your soul fast to Him and your soul shall live! Trust any other Jesus and you shall perish. – Joe Terrell
Modern day evangelism (so-called) says to any and all it approaches, “God loves you and Christ died for you.” But none of the prophets nor any of the apostles addressed people in this way. The starting point of true evangelism is to acquaint men with the holy and sovereign character of God. This is the “Beginning of wisdom” which is able to make a man wise unto salvation: for THE FEAR OF THE LORD brings men to true repentance and faith. – Henry Mahan
True faith will persevere. Faith does not persevere because we are faithful, but because God is faithful. Faith does not persevere because we are strong, but because our God is strong. Faith does not persevere because of our hold on the Lord, but because of the Lord’s hold on us. - Don Fortner
The Word of God throughout, both in Old Testament types and New Testament substance, teaches with the greatest of clarity that the Lord Jesus died for a specific purpose, and for a specific, particular people. Furthermore, the holy and inflexible justice of God and the substitutionary nature of the death of Christ clearly reveal that Christ died for a particular people, a people “out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation,” a people whom He redeemed unto God by His blood (Rev. 5:9; 14:4; Heb. 9:11-12; 10:11-18). The Word of God teaches a particular redemption, an effectual redemption; and consequently, the just forgiveness of all of the redeemed.
- Maurice Montgomery
All the believer’s sins are buried in the grave of Christ. Not one, even the smallest, is left out. All that His searching eye could detect in us He laid on the head of Christ when He hung upon the tree. What perfect rest for the heart and conscience here! Wha full relief forthe burdened spirit! - Scott Richardson
The only way we will not harshly judge our brethren is to see ourselves as we really are. An honest view of self will stop us from being harsh to others because an honest view of self shows me that I am the chief of sinners. The chief of sinners has no right to look down his nose at anyone. - Frank Tate
That poor professor who does not walk before the Lord in the spirit of obedience entertains a false hope; yet on the other hand, the very moment a man begins to look to his own obedience as any part of his eternal hope, he has “fallen from grace”. - Maurice Montgomery
God does not say, “When I see your faith,” or “When I see your believing,” or “When I see your experience,” or “When I see your baptism,” or “When I see your graces,” but “When I see the blood, I will pass over you.” - Milton Howard
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel
Great God! Thy glory and Thy love
Our humble songs employ
In mercy from Thy Throne above
Look down and aid our joy.
Thy presence and Thy glory, Lord
Fill all the realms of space
O let Thy presence, by Thy Word
Divinely fill this place.
This hymn begins the solemn sound
Of holy worship here
May ev’ry saint with joy abound
And reverential fear.
Eternal Spirit! Heav’nly Dove!
Descend and fill this place
Reveal the Saviour’s matchless love
The wonders of His grace!
(Tune: “How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds” p. 53)
I am preaching in Great Falls, Montana this weekend and will return tonight. Aaron Greenleaf will preach this morning and Bruce Crabtree this evening. May the Lord be pleased to bless His Word today.
VBS is this week Tuesday –Thursday (10:30am – 2:00pm)
(There will be no Wednesday evening service this week)
16th – Andrea Bryan 16th – Monica Sparks
16th SS: Kristen .AM: Michelle G., Lilyana (Peggy) PM: Kelly B. WED. Sharon V.
23rd SS: Amanda M. AM: Emily E. Macy (Emma H.) PM: Megan H.. WED. Jenny W
“The heart of the righteous studieth to answer: but the mouth of the wicked poureth out evil things.” - Proverbs 15:28
II Corinthians 11:4
From time to time there arises a debate on what constitutes “another gospel.” When must we cry, “That is another gospel”! The answer is so simple that there should never again be a debate on the issue. It is “another gospel” when the message is of “another Jesus”! This is the only issue worth dividing over, and on this issue we must divide with all who disagree. Who is the true Jesus? Of all the adjectives I could use to describe our Lord in the Gospel, the one that seems most fitting to me is “The successful Jesus”. The true Jesus is the One who by Himself (actually did) purge our sins (Hebrews 1:3), the One in whose hand the will of Jehovah prospered (Isaiah 53:10), the One who is the Word from God that does not return to God empty but actually accomplishes what God sent Him to do (Isaiah 55:11), the One who has already successfully “obtained eternal redemption for us” (Hebrews 9:12). That Jesus, and only that Jesus is the Jesus of the Gospel! Other Jesus’s maybe very nice and kind; they may fill your heart with warmth and your eyes with tears, but they cannot save your soul! Only the Jesus of definite, successful, and therefore, particular redemption can deliver your soul to God without spot or blemish. Trust Him and tolerate no other! Fix your soul fast to Him and your soul shall live! Trust any other Jesus and you shall perish. – Joe Terrell
Modern day evangelism (so-called) says to any and all it approaches, “God loves you and Christ died for you.” But none of the prophets nor any of the apostles addressed people in this way. The starting point of true evangelism is to acquaint men with the holy and sovereign character of God. This is the “Beginning of wisdom” which is able to make a man wise unto salvation: for THE FEAR OF THE LORD brings men to true repentance and faith. – Henry Mahan
True faith will persevere. Faith does not persevere because we are faithful, but because God is faithful. Faith does not persevere because we are strong, but because our God is strong. Faith does not persevere because of our hold on the Lord, but because of the Lord’s hold on us. - Don Fortner
The Word of God throughout, both in Old Testament types and New Testament substance, teaches with the greatest of clarity that the Lord Jesus died for a specific purpose, and for a specific, particular people. Furthermore, the holy and inflexible justice of God and the substitutionary nature of the death of Christ clearly reveal that Christ died for a particular people, a people “out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation,” a people whom He redeemed unto God by His blood (Rev. 5:9; 14:4; Heb. 9:11-12; 10:11-18). The Word of God teaches a particular redemption, an effectual redemption; and consequently, the just forgiveness of all of the redeemed.
- Maurice Montgomery
All the believer’s sins are buried in the grave of Christ. Not one, even the smallest, is left out. All that His searching eye could detect in us He laid on the head of Christ when He hung upon the tree. What perfect rest for the heart and conscience here! Wha full relief forthe burdened spirit! - Scott Richardson
The only way we will not harshly judge our brethren is to see ourselves as we really are. An honest view of self will stop us from being harsh to others because an honest view of self shows me that I am the chief of sinners. The chief of sinners has no right to look down his nose at anyone. - Frank Tate
That poor professor who does not walk before the Lord in the spirit of obedience entertains a false hope; yet on the other hand, the very moment a man begins to look to his own obedience as any part of his eternal hope, he has “fallen from grace”. - Maurice Montgomery
God does not say, “When I see your faith,” or “When I see your believing,” or “When I see your experience,” or “When I see your baptism,” or “When I see your graces,” but “When I see the blood, I will pass over you.” - Milton Howard
June 9, 2024
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel
Complete in Thee! No work of mine may take, dear Lord, the place of Thine
Thy blood hath pardon bought for me, And I am now complete in Thee.
Complete in Thee! No more shall sin, Thy grace hath conquered, reign within
Thy voice shall bid the tempter flee, And I shall stand complete in Thee.
Complete in Thee! Each want supplied, And no good thing to me denied
Since Thou my portion, Lord, wilt be, I ask no more, complete in Thee.
Dear Savior when before Thy bar, All tribes and tongues assembled are
Among Thy chosen will I be, At Thy right hand, complete in Thee.
Yea, Justified! O blessed thought! And sanctified! Salvation wrought!
Thy blood hath pardon bought for me, And glorified, I too shall be!
(Tune: “How Can It Be?” p. 67 - stanza 1 & 2)
We rejoice with Kate Hands who will confess Christ in believer’s baptism at the close of the service this morning.
Billy Argiropoulos, pastor of the St. Pete Grace Church in St. Pete, Florida will bring the message this evening.
We extend our sincere sympathy to Kara Imes and her family on the death of her father, John Thornbury.
VBS JUNE 18-20 (No Wednesday service the 19th) Sign-up to help in the foyer.
We will have a Bible Conference August 30th – September 1st.
9th – Linda Ferrell 12th – Rick Williams 13th – Matt Vincent
14th – Lauren Harries 15th – Silas Benton
9th SS: Andrea V. AM: Becky K., Flora (Kelly B.) PM Kelli H.. WED. Rachel C.
16th SS: Kristen .AM: Michelle G., Lilyana (Peggy)) PM: Kelly B.WED. Sharon V.
“He that is soon angry dealeth foolishly: and a man of wicked devices is hated.” - Proverbs 14:17
The question that only the Bible answers is…. How can God be just and justify the ungodly? It is a question very few people consider. Because of their false concept of God and themselves, it is not even on most people’s radar. The only people who consider this are those who believe themselves to be ungodly! They see how a holy and just God can condemn them. So they are greatly interested in how a holy God and righteous God could justify them when they realize they are guilty of sin and deserving of His judgment. How glorious does the Gospel appear to them when they see that through Christ’s redeeming work on the cross, the very justice of God demands their justification. While this may be a dull and uninteresting subject to the person who does not believe himself to be ungodly, it is the most glorious thing ever heard to those who believe themselves to be ungodly. “When we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly.”
I do not know who coined the phrase, “Wrong on the fall, wrong on it all,” but it is certainly true! If I am wrong on the fall of Adam, it will make me wrong on every doctrine concerning how God saves sinners. When Adam fell, he became spiritually dead; completely unable to perform any of the functions of spiritual life. When Adam fell, he fell as a representative man. His sin was imputed to all of his descendants and his sinful nature was imparted to all of his descendants (Romans 5:18-19). If I do not see that, I cannot possibly understand the need of the work of the Father in election, nor will I understand what Christ had to do on the cross for my salvation, nor will I understand the necessity of God imparting to me a new nature in the new birth. I will merely think the old nature needs helped. How true that phrase is, “Wrong on the fall, wrong on it all.”
Prayer is not overcoming God’s reluctance. It is laying hold of His willingness. - Martin Luther
“Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in Heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate Me.” – Exodus 20:4-5
We usually have no problem calling observers of heathen religions an idolatrous people, as they bow to man-made idols of wood or some precious metal, giving evidence that they hate the true God. But the verse above says “any likeness of anything that is in heaven above” as many religions use pictures, videos, statues, and so on of angels, apostles, Mary, and our Lord in their so-called worship of God…yet according to God’s Word they commit idolatry with their “likeness”, thereby falling into the group “of them that hate Me.”
But it does not stop there. Many churches will not use these visual, physical likenesses in their worship services, and feel they are obeying the Lord’s second commandment. Yet, they have formed a mental likeness of our Lord God, and are just as guilty of idolatry as the heathen religions, if not more…for at least the heathen gods, made of stone or wood, actually exist (at least materially)….the god of modern religion, a god that loves everyone, a savior who died for everyone, and a spirit calling everyone, does not even exist, physically or spiritually. He is a figment of man’s imagination, an idol. And any who claim to serve a god as that is an idolater, and fall into the group “of them that hate Me.”
The God of Scripture is a sovereign saving God, who eternally loves His elect in Christ, sending His Son to live and die for His chosen people, completing their salvation; then sending His Spirit at the appointed time of love, giving spiritual life to that dead sinner creating a new man with a new heart of faith in Christ, repentance towards God, and the fruit of the Spirit, which is love.
If you believe in or serve any other god than the God revealed in His word, then God’s word says you are an idolater, and God’s Word says you belong to the group “of them that hate Me.” I do not want to be in that group…Lord, please give me grace to believe Your Word, every single word of it. - Brian DuFour
My need brought me to Christ, and now I find Him to be all I need. - John Chapman
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel
Complete in Thee! No work of mine may take, dear Lord, the place of Thine
Thy blood hath pardon bought for me, And I am now complete in Thee.
Complete in Thee! No more shall sin, Thy grace hath conquered, reign within
Thy voice shall bid the tempter flee, And I shall stand complete in Thee.
Complete in Thee! Each want supplied, And no good thing to me denied
Since Thou my portion, Lord, wilt be, I ask no more, complete in Thee.
Dear Savior when before Thy bar, All tribes and tongues assembled are
Among Thy chosen will I be, At Thy right hand, complete in Thee.
Yea, Justified! O blessed thought! And sanctified! Salvation wrought!
Thy blood hath pardon bought for me, And glorified, I too shall be!
(Tune: “How Can It Be?” p. 67 - stanza 1 & 2)
We rejoice with Kate Hands who will confess Christ in believer’s baptism at the close of the service this morning.
Billy Argiropoulos, pastor of the St. Pete Grace Church in St. Pete, Florida will bring the message this evening.
We extend our sincere sympathy to Kara Imes and her family on the death of her father, John Thornbury.
VBS JUNE 18-20 (No Wednesday service the 19th) Sign-up to help in the foyer.
We will have a Bible Conference August 30th – September 1st.
9th – Linda Ferrell 12th – Rick Williams 13th – Matt Vincent
14th – Lauren Harries 15th – Silas Benton
9th SS: Andrea V. AM: Becky K., Flora (Kelly B.) PM Kelli H.. WED. Rachel C.
16th SS: Kristen .AM: Michelle G., Lilyana (Peggy)) PM: Kelly B.WED. Sharon V.
“He that is soon angry dealeth foolishly: and a man of wicked devices is hated.” - Proverbs 14:17
The question that only the Bible answers is…. How can God be just and justify the ungodly? It is a question very few people consider. Because of their false concept of God and themselves, it is not even on most people’s radar. The only people who consider this are those who believe themselves to be ungodly! They see how a holy and just God can condemn them. So they are greatly interested in how a holy God and righteous God could justify them when they realize they are guilty of sin and deserving of His judgment. How glorious does the Gospel appear to them when they see that through Christ’s redeeming work on the cross, the very justice of God demands their justification. While this may be a dull and uninteresting subject to the person who does not believe himself to be ungodly, it is the most glorious thing ever heard to those who believe themselves to be ungodly. “When we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly.”
I do not know who coined the phrase, “Wrong on the fall, wrong on it all,” but it is certainly true! If I am wrong on the fall of Adam, it will make me wrong on every doctrine concerning how God saves sinners. When Adam fell, he became spiritually dead; completely unable to perform any of the functions of spiritual life. When Adam fell, he fell as a representative man. His sin was imputed to all of his descendants and his sinful nature was imparted to all of his descendants (Romans 5:18-19). If I do not see that, I cannot possibly understand the need of the work of the Father in election, nor will I understand what Christ had to do on the cross for my salvation, nor will I understand the necessity of God imparting to me a new nature in the new birth. I will merely think the old nature needs helped. How true that phrase is, “Wrong on the fall, wrong on it all.”
Prayer is not overcoming God’s reluctance. It is laying hold of His willingness. - Martin Luther
“Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in Heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate Me.” – Exodus 20:4-5
We usually have no problem calling observers of heathen religions an idolatrous people, as they bow to man-made idols of wood or some precious metal, giving evidence that they hate the true God. But the verse above says “any likeness of anything that is in heaven above” as many religions use pictures, videos, statues, and so on of angels, apostles, Mary, and our Lord in their so-called worship of God…yet according to God’s Word they commit idolatry with their “likeness”, thereby falling into the group “of them that hate Me.”
But it does not stop there. Many churches will not use these visual, physical likenesses in their worship services, and feel they are obeying the Lord’s second commandment. Yet, they have formed a mental likeness of our Lord God, and are just as guilty of idolatry as the heathen religions, if not more…for at least the heathen gods, made of stone or wood, actually exist (at least materially)….the god of modern religion, a god that loves everyone, a savior who died for everyone, and a spirit calling everyone, does not even exist, physically or spiritually. He is a figment of man’s imagination, an idol. And any who claim to serve a god as that is an idolater, and fall into the group “of them that hate Me.”
The God of Scripture is a sovereign saving God, who eternally loves His elect in Christ, sending His Son to live and die for His chosen people, completing their salvation; then sending His Spirit at the appointed time of love, giving spiritual life to that dead sinner creating a new man with a new heart of faith in Christ, repentance towards God, and the fruit of the Spirit, which is love.
If you believe in or serve any other god than the God revealed in His word, then God’s word says you are an idolater, and God’s Word says you belong to the group “of them that hate Me.” I do not want to be in that group…Lord, please give me grace to believe Your Word, every single word of it. - Brian DuFour
My need brought me to Christ, and now I find Him to be all I need. - John Chapman
June 2, 2024
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel
Though troubles assail, and dangers affright
Though friends should all fail, and foes all unite
‘Tis one thing secures us whatever betide
His promise assures us, THE LORD WILL PROVIDE!
The bird without barn or storehouse are fed
From them let us learn to trust for our bread
His saints what is needed shall ne’er be denied
So long as ‘tis written, THE LORD WILL PROVIDE!
His call we obey like Abram of old
We know not the way, but faith makes us bold
For though we are strangers, we have a sure guide
And know in all dangers, THE LORD WILL PROVIDE!
No strength of our own, nor goodness we claim
Our trust is all cast on His precious Name
In this our strong refuge for safety we hide
The Lord is our refuge, THE LORD WILL PROVIDE!
When life is most o’er and death is in view
The Word of His grace will see us safe through
Not fearing nor doubting, with Christ on our side
We hope to die shouting, THE LORD WILL PROVIDE!
(Tune: “O Worship the King” p. 1)
We will observe the Lord’s Table this evening.
Congratulations to Jim and Renata Green on the birth of their daughter Miyuki Joanna Green!
2nd – Audrey Grace Hacker 2nd – Jacob Rigsby 2nd – Alexis Sligh
2nd – John Walmsley 4th – Debbie Williams
6th – Brad Clark 7th – Avery Summers
2nd SS: ElizabethW.AM: Maggie, Becky K. (Jessica M.) PM: Janine WED. Elizabeth C.
9th SS: Andrea V. AM: Becky K., Flora (Kelly B.) PM Kelli H.. WED. Rachel C
“All that ever came before Me are thieves and robbers” – John 10:8
Obviously, He is not referring to the Old Testament prophets who chronologically did come before Him. They were not thieves and robbers but prophets of God. In salvation, Christ is First and Last, the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. If I believe there is something I must first do before God can save me, I am putting that before Christ. It is a thief, seeking to steal glory from God, and a robber, seeking to rob me of the assurance of my only ground of salvation that “Christ is All”! Nothing comes before, “The Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.”
The very second you and I take our first breath of life when we are born into this world, we become guilty of breaking every one of God’s Holy commandments, and are guilty of every sin or evil imaginable. No, we are not physically capable of committing any of these sins as a newborn infant, but the will and desire to commit every sin imaginable exists in the heart of that very same infant, born with a sinful and totally depraved nature – “The wicked (me and you, and all men, women, and children) are estranged from the womb: they go astray as soon as they be born, speaking lies.” (Psalm 58:3) Obviously not outwardly, a newborn infant cannot speak…but inwardly in the sinful nature and heart, because our Holy God looks on the heart and motive behind every thought, word, and action. Therefore He must judge that one-second old newborn infant guilty of all sin, and in need of a Savior, just as we all are. Lord, give me grace to be a poor and needy sinner, trusting Christ alone as all in my salvation, and rejoicing in our merciful God who, “Healed them that had need of healing” (Luke 9:11). - Brian DuFour
Some claim they were saved under Free-willism, but later embraced the doctrines of grace, from which time they say Free-willism preaches a false gospel, but nevertheless claim God saved them through it. Brothers and sisters, here are two truths to consider regarding such a person: first, God never saved anyone through a false gospel. Second: not everyone embracing the doctrines of grace is saved. – Daniel Parks
When Christ said every hair on our head is numbered – “But the very hairs of your head are all numbered” (Matt. 10:30), we tend to regard it as an illustration or a metaphor, teaching us of our God’s infinite control over even the smallest things and events. But we should take it literally, for who is speaking? God Almighty. Can He lie? No, absolutely not! So then, when He says He knows the exact number of hairs on everyone’s head, then He knows the exact number of hairs on your head at this exact moment! And He does not know the number of hairs because He counts them, but because He has ordained every detail of everyone’s existence, down to the exact number of hairs He has given you throughout your life. And to think we could still be unbelieving enough to have constant doubts, fears, and anxieties over every little thing…when every little thing is happening exactly according to the eternal purpose and will of our God and Father, who is working all of these “little things” together for our good, and His glory!
- Brian DuFour
A Surety is one who makes another sure. For the believer, Christ is the only One that can make them sure before God. Also, He is the only One that can speak peace to their hearts as to having a sure hope. One that can speak peace to their hearts as to having a sure hope. Why do our religious friends and family members desperately need to find some common ground with us? Why do they insist on calling us “brother” and expect us to delight with them in their religious activities? The answer is simple. Not having Christ as their Surety, they are looking to me to make them sure. “He that is surety for a stranger shall smart for it….” (Proverbs 11:15). - Greg Elmquist
Galatians 5:11
It addresses all as sinners, and this offends man’s dignity. It comes as a sovereign revelation, and this offends man’s lofty thoughts of self. Its simple faith offends man’s wisdom. Its effectual atonement offends man’s pride. Its total glory to God offends man’s desire for praise. - Henry Mahan
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel
Though troubles assail, and dangers affright
Though friends should all fail, and foes all unite
‘Tis one thing secures us whatever betide
His promise assures us, THE LORD WILL PROVIDE!
The bird without barn or storehouse are fed
From them let us learn to trust for our bread
His saints what is needed shall ne’er be denied
So long as ‘tis written, THE LORD WILL PROVIDE!
His call we obey like Abram of old
We know not the way, but faith makes us bold
For though we are strangers, we have a sure guide
And know in all dangers, THE LORD WILL PROVIDE!
No strength of our own, nor goodness we claim
Our trust is all cast on His precious Name
In this our strong refuge for safety we hide
The Lord is our refuge, THE LORD WILL PROVIDE!
When life is most o’er and death is in view
The Word of His grace will see us safe through
Not fearing nor doubting, with Christ on our side
We hope to die shouting, THE LORD WILL PROVIDE!
(Tune: “O Worship the King” p. 1)
We will observe the Lord’s Table this evening.
Congratulations to Jim and Renata Green on the birth of their daughter Miyuki Joanna Green!
2nd – Audrey Grace Hacker 2nd – Jacob Rigsby 2nd – Alexis Sligh
2nd – John Walmsley 4th – Debbie Williams
6th – Brad Clark 7th – Avery Summers
2nd SS: ElizabethW.AM: Maggie, Becky K. (Jessica M.) PM: Janine WED. Elizabeth C.
9th SS: Andrea V. AM: Becky K., Flora (Kelly B.) PM Kelli H.. WED. Rachel C
“All that ever came before Me are thieves and robbers” – John 10:8
Obviously, He is not referring to the Old Testament prophets who chronologically did come before Him. They were not thieves and robbers but prophets of God. In salvation, Christ is First and Last, the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. If I believe there is something I must first do before God can save me, I am putting that before Christ. It is a thief, seeking to steal glory from God, and a robber, seeking to rob me of the assurance of my only ground of salvation that “Christ is All”! Nothing comes before, “The Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.”
The very second you and I take our first breath of life when we are born into this world, we become guilty of breaking every one of God’s Holy commandments, and are guilty of every sin or evil imaginable. No, we are not physically capable of committing any of these sins as a newborn infant, but the will and desire to commit every sin imaginable exists in the heart of that very same infant, born with a sinful and totally depraved nature – “The wicked (me and you, and all men, women, and children) are estranged from the womb: they go astray as soon as they be born, speaking lies.” (Psalm 58:3) Obviously not outwardly, a newborn infant cannot speak…but inwardly in the sinful nature and heart, because our Holy God looks on the heart and motive behind every thought, word, and action. Therefore He must judge that one-second old newborn infant guilty of all sin, and in need of a Savior, just as we all are. Lord, give me grace to be a poor and needy sinner, trusting Christ alone as all in my salvation, and rejoicing in our merciful God who, “Healed them that had need of healing” (Luke 9:11). - Brian DuFour
Some claim they were saved under Free-willism, but later embraced the doctrines of grace, from which time they say Free-willism preaches a false gospel, but nevertheless claim God saved them through it. Brothers and sisters, here are two truths to consider regarding such a person: first, God never saved anyone through a false gospel. Second: not everyone embracing the doctrines of grace is saved. – Daniel Parks
When Christ said every hair on our head is numbered – “But the very hairs of your head are all numbered” (Matt. 10:30), we tend to regard it as an illustration or a metaphor, teaching us of our God’s infinite control over even the smallest things and events. But we should take it literally, for who is speaking? God Almighty. Can He lie? No, absolutely not! So then, when He says He knows the exact number of hairs on everyone’s head, then He knows the exact number of hairs on your head at this exact moment! And He does not know the number of hairs because He counts them, but because He has ordained every detail of everyone’s existence, down to the exact number of hairs He has given you throughout your life. And to think we could still be unbelieving enough to have constant doubts, fears, and anxieties over every little thing…when every little thing is happening exactly according to the eternal purpose and will of our God and Father, who is working all of these “little things” together for our good, and His glory!
- Brian DuFour
A Surety is one who makes another sure. For the believer, Christ is the only One that can make them sure before God. Also, He is the only One that can speak peace to their hearts as to having a sure hope. One that can speak peace to their hearts as to having a sure hope. Why do our religious friends and family members desperately need to find some common ground with us? Why do they insist on calling us “brother” and expect us to delight with them in their religious activities? The answer is simple. Not having Christ as their Surety, they are looking to me to make them sure. “He that is surety for a stranger shall smart for it….” (Proverbs 11:15). - Greg Elmquist
Galatians 5:11
It addresses all as sinners, and this offends man’s dignity. It comes as a sovereign revelation, and this offends man’s lofty thoughts of self. Its simple faith offends man’s wisdom. Its effectual atonement offends man’s pride. Its total glory to God offends man’s desire for praise. - Henry Mahan
May 26, 2024
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel
Thou, whose Almighty Word
Chaos and darkness heard
And took their flight
Hear us, we humble pray
And in the Gospel day
Shine forth Thy Glorious Ray
Let there be light!
Thou, bless’d incarnate Word
Gird on Thy mighty sword
Conquer Thy foes
Fullness of grace Divine
Subdue this heart of mine
And may Thy Glory shine
Let there be light!
Spirit of Truth and love
Life-giving, Holy Dove
Speed forth Thy flight
Shine on the chosen race
By Thy Almighty grace
Dispel the dark of night
Let there be light!
(Tune: “Come, Thou Almighty King” p.6)
Congratulations to our graduating High School Seniors Lydia Lynn, Anna Grace Meek, Max Murphy, Hunter Small, and Olivia Williams! We will honor them this evening after the service. Bring an appetizer or dessert.
Congratulations to Jalen & Rachel Whitehead on the birth of their son, Micah Glenn Whitehead!
27th – Thomas Kincer 28th – David Walmsley 28th – Stephen Walmsley
31st – Cora Clark 31st – Julianna Daniel
31st – Scott Rutledge 1st – Rebekah Vincent
26th SS: Cami AM: Emma H., Cora (Elizabeth C.) PM Megan H. WED. Rebekah V.
2nd SS: ElizabethW.AM: Maggie, Becky K. (Jessica M.) PM: Janine WED. Elizabeth C.
“The rod and reproof give wisdom: but a child left to himself bringeth his mother to shame.” - Proverbs 29:15
“I esteem all Thy precepts concerning all things to be right, and I hate every false way.” This is the true thought of a believer toward God and all He does. Having the mind of Christ, He is at agreement with God. He does not have to understand why God is doing it. He trusts God’s character. He takes that which is spoken against God’s Person or Word personal because he loves God’s character. He takes that which is spoken against God’s Person or Work personal because He loves God! That is why he hates every false way. As Spurgeon said, “He that does not hate the false does not love the true.”
Four times it was said of Abraham that he, “Builded an altar and called upon the Name of the Lord.” The altar speaks of the sacrifice of Christ, which reveals the attributes, or the Name of the God on whom we call!
“I know, and am persuaded by the Lord Jesus, that there is nothing unclean of itself: but to him that esteemeth any thing to be unclean, to him it is unclean” (Rom. 14:14). Believer, if you want to do something for yourself – eat this, drink that, or any matters of indifference…it is all ok, as long as you are really ok in your conscience with this action. Because if you are really not ok with it, but you still do it anyway, then you grieve the Holy Spirit, and your conscience will testify against you – “And he that doubteth is damned (by a condemning conscience) if he eat (or drink or whatever), because he eateth not of faith. For whatsoever is not of faith is sin” (Rom 14:23). But on the flip side, if you have a clear conscience and feel just fine about the action, then, “Happy is he that condemneth not himself in that thing which he alloweth” (Rom 14:22).
Notice though, there is one important caveat to all of this, concerning this liberty we enjoy – “Hast thou faith? have it to thyself before God” (Rom. 14:22). This liberty applies only to individual, self-initiated actions, between you and God…if you are around someone or in a group, then you should say or do nothing that may be a stumbling block to your brother or sister in Christ. - Brian DuFour
Sovereign Grace is God’s grace. And God’s grace is Sovereign Grace. If it is not Sovereign Grace, it is not saving grace. Sovereign Grace is the Truth. Sovereign Grace is the message that declares the electing love of the Father, the redeeming love of the Son, and the invincible love of the Holy Spirit. Sovereign grace is the content of all true evangelism. Sovereign Grace is the Gospel! Any message that does not declare the sovereign Grace of God in Christ Jesus is “another gospel”! Sovereign grace is saving grace!
The God of glory is infinite. He said, “ Thus saith the Lord, the King of Israel, and His redeemer the Lord of hosts; I am the first, and I am the last; and beside me there is no God” (Isaiah 44:6). He only is infinite. He cannot be measured, He has no boundaries. He has no limitations. He is unsearchable and incomprehensible. He cannot be known unless He is pleased to make Himself known. He is He who “Hides Himself from the wise and prudent and reveals Himself to babes” for no other reason than this, “Even so Father, for so it seemed good in Thy sight.” Worship before Him!
“His commandments are not grievous.” It is more profitable and enjoyable to love than to hate, to forgive than to hold a grudge, to smile than to quarrel, to behave kindly than to act ugly. The way of the transgressor is hard, not the way of the believer. The life of faith and love is the good life. - Henry Mahan
We have all been around people who are seeking to convince us how wonderful they are. How wearisome it is to be around a person who seeks to be the center of attention. The self-promoter certainly loves… he loves himself! He “vaunteth himself.” Love does not do that. When we love, we do not want attention directed toward us, but the object of our love. We do not want to promote our self, but the one we love. Interestingly, those that love are loved! It is not the person who attempts to convince men that he ought to be loved that is loved. It is the one who loves; who seeks to promote others rather than self. As one man said, “I have made more friends in two weeks by being interested in them, than I have in two years by seeking to make them interested in me.” “Love vaunteth not itself.”
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel
Thou, whose Almighty Word
Chaos and darkness heard
And took their flight
Hear us, we humble pray
And in the Gospel day
Shine forth Thy Glorious Ray
Let there be light!
Thou, bless’d incarnate Word
Gird on Thy mighty sword
Conquer Thy foes
Fullness of grace Divine
Subdue this heart of mine
And may Thy Glory shine
Let there be light!
Spirit of Truth and love
Life-giving, Holy Dove
Speed forth Thy flight
Shine on the chosen race
By Thy Almighty grace
Dispel the dark of night
Let there be light!
(Tune: “Come, Thou Almighty King” p.6)
Congratulations to our graduating High School Seniors Lydia Lynn, Anna Grace Meek, Max Murphy, Hunter Small, and Olivia Williams! We will honor them this evening after the service. Bring an appetizer or dessert.
Congratulations to Jalen & Rachel Whitehead on the birth of their son, Micah Glenn Whitehead!
27th – Thomas Kincer 28th – David Walmsley 28th – Stephen Walmsley
31st – Cora Clark 31st – Julianna Daniel
31st – Scott Rutledge 1st – Rebekah Vincent
26th SS: Cami AM: Emma H., Cora (Elizabeth C.) PM Megan H. WED. Rebekah V.
2nd SS: ElizabethW.AM: Maggie, Becky K. (Jessica M.) PM: Janine WED. Elizabeth C.
“The rod and reproof give wisdom: but a child left to himself bringeth his mother to shame.” - Proverbs 29:15
“I esteem all Thy precepts concerning all things to be right, and I hate every false way.” This is the true thought of a believer toward God and all He does. Having the mind of Christ, He is at agreement with God. He does not have to understand why God is doing it. He trusts God’s character. He takes that which is spoken against God’s Person or Word personal because he loves God’s character. He takes that which is spoken against God’s Person or Work personal because He loves God! That is why he hates every false way. As Spurgeon said, “He that does not hate the false does not love the true.”
Four times it was said of Abraham that he, “Builded an altar and called upon the Name of the Lord.” The altar speaks of the sacrifice of Christ, which reveals the attributes, or the Name of the God on whom we call!
“I know, and am persuaded by the Lord Jesus, that there is nothing unclean of itself: but to him that esteemeth any thing to be unclean, to him it is unclean” (Rom. 14:14). Believer, if you want to do something for yourself – eat this, drink that, or any matters of indifference…it is all ok, as long as you are really ok in your conscience with this action. Because if you are really not ok with it, but you still do it anyway, then you grieve the Holy Spirit, and your conscience will testify against you – “And he that doubteth is damned (by a condemning conscience) if he eat (or drink or whatever), because he eateth not of faith. For whatsoever is not of faith is sin” (Rom 14:23). But on the flip side, if you have a clear conscience and feel just fine about the action, then, “Happy is he that condemneth not himself in that thing which he alloweth” (Rom 14:22).
Notice though, there is one important caveat to all of this, concerning this liberty we enjoy – “Hast thou faith? have it to thyself before God” (Rom. 14:22). This liberty applies only to individual, self-initiated actions, between you and God…if you are around someone or in a group, then you should say or do nothing that may be a stumbling block to your brother or sister in Christ. - Brian DuFour
Sovereign Grace is God’s grace. And God’s grace is Sovereign Grace. If it is not Sovereign Grace, it is not saving grace. Sovereign Grace is the Truth. Sovereign Grace is the message that declares the electing love of the Father, the redeeming love of the Son, and the invincible love of the Holy Spirit. Sovereign grace is the content of all true evangelism. Sovereign Grace is the Gospel! Any message that does not declare the sovereign Grace of God in Christ Jesus is “another gospel”! Sovereign grace is saving grace!
The God of glory is infinite. He said, “ Thus saith the Lord, the King of Israel, and His redeemer the Lord of hosts; I am the first, and I am the last; and beside me there is no God” (Isaiah 44:6). He only is infinite. He cannot be measured, He has no boundaries. He has no limitations. He is unsearchable and incomprehensible. He cannot be known unless He is pleased to make Himself known. He is He who “Hides Himself from the wise and prudent and reveals Himself to babes” for no other reason than this, “Even so Father, for so it seemed good in Thy sight.” Worship before Him!
“His commandments are not grievous.” It is more profitable and enjoyable to love than to hate, to forgive than to hold a grudge, to smile than to quarrel, to behave kindly than to act ugly. The way of the transgressor is hard, not the way of the believer. The life of faith and love is the good life. - Henry Mahan
We have all been around people who are seeking to convince us how wonderful they are. How wearisome it is to be around a person who seeks to be the center of attention. The self-promoter certainly loves… he loves himself! He “vaunteth himself.” Love does not do that. When we love, we do not want attention directed toward us, but the object of our love. We do not want to promote our self, but the one we love. Interestingly, those that love are loved! It is not the person who attempts to convince men that he ought to be loved that is loved. It is the one who loves; who seeks to promote others rather than self. As one man said, “I have made more friends in two weeks by being interested in them, than I have in two years by seeking to make them interested in me.” “Love vaunteth not itself.”
May 19, 2024
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel
Blest be the Father and His love
To whose celestial source we owe
Rivers of endless joy above
And rills of comfort here below.
Glory to Thee great Son of God
From whose dear wounded body rolls
A precious stream of vital blood
Pardon and life for dying souls.
We give Thee, sacred Spirit, praise
Who in our hearts of sin and woe
Make living springs of grace arise
And into boundless glory flow.
Thus God the Father, God the Son
And God the Spirit we adore
That sea of life and love unknown
Without a bottom or a shore.
(Tune: “Doxology”)
We rejoice for our dear brother Joe McSherry who is now in the presence of the Lord. We extend our sympathy to his family.
We will honor our graduating High School Seniors next Sunday evening, May 26th! Bring an appetizer or dessert.
VBS JUNE 18-20
19TH – Dylan Daniel 23rd – Adam Clark 25th – Elizabeth Wright
19th SS: Rachel C.AM: Michelle, Flora (Kristen H.) PM: Jenny W. WED. Andrea V. 26th SS: Cami AM: Emma H., Cora (Elizabeth C.) PM Megan H. WED. Rebekah V.
“Whoso loveth instruction loveth knowledge: but he that hateth reproof is brutish.” - Proverbs 12:1
These are the word of the Lord to the church at Sardis, who He describes as, “Thou hast a name that thou livest, and are dead. Be watchful, and strengthen the things that remain, that are ready to die: for I have not found thy works perfect before God.” To these people He says, “Remember therefore how thou hast received and hear, and hold fast, and repent” (Revelation 3:1-3). The reason the church at Sardis was in this deplorable state is because they had forgotten how they had received and heard. When you first heard the Gospel you received it all as the best news you had ever heard! They looked to Christ alone as all they had, needed, and wanted. They believed in the sufficiency of Christ alone. For whatever reason, that had become obscure or old to them. Hence, this deadness! Remember how you received and heard, do that now the same way as then, and stay there and repent of anything contrary. Faith is always in the present. When it looks to the past or to future intentions, it dies. Trust Christ now the way you did when you first trusted Him and never leave there!
The God of glory is infinite. He said, “Thus saith the Lord, the King of Israel, and His redeemer, the Lord of hosts; I am the first, and I am the last; and beside me there is no God” (Isaiah 44:6). He only is infinite. He cannot be measured, He has no boundaries. He has no limitations. He is unsearchable and incomprehensible. He cannot be known unless He is pleased to make Himself known. He is He who “Hides Himself from the wise and prudent and reveals Himself to babes” for no other reason than this, “Even so Father, for so it seemed good in Thy sight.” Worship before Him!
Faith in Christ is NOT TO WORK but to cease from our labor and to rest in Him for all things. Faith in Christ is NOT TO DO ANYTHING, but to believe and own that ALL IS DONE, in Him, by Him and is imputed to us so fully that we are rewarded as having done it ourselves! - Henry Mahan
Many times at the end of the day, I look back in despair over my words and actions, and feel there is no way I can be saved when I talk and walk like that. Two big problems with that…. first, I am looking back at MY words and actions, which have absolutely NOTHING to do with my salvation. Secondly, as a believer, those sins I am looking back upon no longer exist in God’s eyes, for the blood of Christ put them all away. “And their sins and iniquities will I remember no more” (Hebrews 10:17). For my salvation is the only Savior of sinners, the Lord Jesus Christ. I look to Him who never changes, therefore my state of salvation never changes, no matter how good or bad a day I have had. Believer, turn your eyes from self to Christ, and “Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world” (John 1:29). And with that look, you live, for our Lord gives us this promise – “Look unto Me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else” (Isaiah 45:22). - Brian DuFour
A local church is a body of brothers and sisters in Christ. We are one family. One life is ours, one love is ours, and one objective (to know more of and to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ, and to be found in His righteousness) is ours. This is the comfort and strength of all, that we are all one with Christ in God’s sight. We cannot properly minister the Gospel of Christ without each other. One cannot say, “My presence or absence will not be noticed because I do not preach, teach, pray publicly, nor lead the singing.” Your presence in the house of God to worship Him is both desired and much needed. You are a comfort and encouragement to other brethren. Another cannot say, “My gift will not be missed because I cannot give as much as some.” All of God’s people should give whenever and whatever they can give as the Lord blesses them. No gift is too small. What may seem small is great for the cause of Christ. The point is this: We are a family, a body, and “The eye cannot say to the hand, I have no need of you.” All brethren are equally loved of God and equally needed by one another. – Henry Mahan
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel
Blest be the Father and His love
To whose celestial source we owe
Rivers of endless joy above
And rills of comfort here below.
Glory to Thee great Son of God
From whose dear wounded body rolls
A precious stream of vital blood
Pardon and life for dying souls.
We give Thee, sacred Spirit, praise
Who in our hearts of sin and woe
Make living springs of grace arise
And into boundless glory flow.
Thus God the Father, God the Son
And God the Spirit we adore
That sea of life and love unknown
Without a bottom or a shore.
(Tune: “Doxology”)
We rejoice for our dear brother Joe McSherry who is now in the presence of the Lord. We extend our sympathy to his family.
We will honor our graduating High School Seniors next Sunday evening, May 26th! Bring an appetizer or dessert.
VBS JUNE 18-20
19TH – Dylan Daniel 23rd – Adam Clark 25th – Elizabeth Wright
19th SS: Rachel C.AM: Michelle, Flora (Kristen H.) PM: Jenny W. WED. Andrea V. 26th SS: Cami AM: Emma H., Cora (Elizabeth C.) PM Megan H. WED. Rebekah V.
“Whoso loveth instruction loveth knowledge: but he that hateth reproof is brutish.” - Proverbs 12:1
These are the word of the Lord to the church at Sardis, who He describes as, “Thou hast a name that thou livest, and are dead. Be watchful, and strengthen the things that remain, that are ready to die: for I have not found thy works perfect before God.” To these people He says, “Remember therefore how thou hast received and hear, and hold fast, and repent” (Revelation 3:1-3). The reason the church at Sardis was in this deplorable state is because they had forgotten how they had received and heard. When you first heard the Gospel you received it all as the best news you had ever heard! They looked to Christ alone as all they had, needed, and wanted. They believed in the sufficiency of Christ alone. For whatever reason, that had become obscure or old to them. Hence, this deadness! Remember how you received and heard, do that now the same way as then, and stay there and repent of anything contrary. Faith is always in the present. When it looks to the past or to future intentions, it dies. Trust Christ now the way you did when you first trusted Him and never leave there!
The God of glory is infinite. He said, “Thus saith the Lord, the King of Israel, and His redeemer, the Lord of hosts; I am the first, and I am the last; and beside me there is no God” (Isaiah 44:6). He only is infinite. He cannot be measured, He has no boundaries. He has no limitations. He is unsearchable and incomprehensible. He cannot be known unless He is pleased to make Himself known. He is He who “Hides Himself from the wise and prudent and reveals Himself to babes” for no other reason than this, “Even so Father, for so it seemed good in Thy sight.” Worship before Him!
Faith in Christ is NOT TO WORK but to cease from our labor and to rest in Him for all things. Faith in Christ is NOT TO DO ANYTHING, but to believe and own that ALL IS DONE, in Him, by Him and is imputed to us so fully that we are rewarded as having done it ourselves! - Henry Mahan
Many times at the end of the day, I look back in despair over my words and actions, and feel there is no way I can be saved when I talk and walk like that. Two big problems with that…. first, I am looking back at MY words and actions, which have absolutely NOTHING to do with my salvation. Secondly, as a believer, those sins I am looking back upon no longer exist in God’s eyes, for the blood of Christ put them all away. “And their sins and iniquities will I remember no more” (Hebrews 10:17). For my salvation is the only Savior of sinners, the Lord Jesus Christ. I look to Him who never changes, therefore my state of salvation never changes, no matter how good or bad a day I have had. Believer, turn your eyes from self to Christ, and “Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world” (John 1:29). And with that look, you live, for our Lord gives us this promise – “Look unto Me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else” (Isaiah 45:22). - Brian DuFour
A local church is a body of brothers and sisters in Christ. We are one family. One life is ours, one love is ours, and one objective (to know more of and to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ, and to be found in His righteousness) is ours. This is the comfort and strength of all, that we are all one with Christ in God’s sight. We cannot properly minister the Gospel of Christ without each other. One cannot say, “My presence or absence will not be noticed because I do not preach, teach, pray publicly, nor lead the singing.” Your presence in the house of God to worship Him is both desired and much needed. You are a comfort and encouragement to other brethren. Another cannot say, “My gift will not be missed because I cannot give as much as some.” All of God’s people should give whenever and whatever they can give as the Lord blesses them. No gift is too small. What may seem small is great for the cause of Christ. The point is this: We are a family, a body, and “The eye cannot say to the hand, I have no need of you.” All brethren are equally loved of God and equally needed by one another. – Henry Mahan
May 12, 2024
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel
‘Tis not by works of righteousness
Which our own hands have done
But we are saved by sovereign grace
Abounding through the Son.
‘Tis from the mercy of our God
That all our hopes begin
‘Tis by the water and the blood
Our souls are washed from sin.
‘Tis through the merits of His death
Who hung upon the tree
The Spirit is sent down to breathe
On such dry bones as we.
Adijane2006@Raised from the dead, we live anew
And justified by grace
We shall appear in glory too
And see our Father’s face.
(Tune: “O God Our Help”)
We will observe the Lord’s Table this evening.
We will honor our graduating High School Seniors Lydia Lynn, Anna Grace Meek, Max Murphy, Hunter Small, and Olivia Williams on Sunday evening, May 26th! Bring an appetizer or dessert.
12th – April Frye 12th – Courtney Ortz
13th – Annie Charron 18th –David Burton
12th SS: Jaime G. AM: Julie R., Lilyana (Peggy M.) PM Rebekah V. WED. Allison W.
19th SS: Rachel C.AM: Michelle, Flora (Kristen H.) PM: Jenny W. WED. Andrea V.
“Every way of a man is right in his own eyes: but the Lord pondered the heart.” - Proverbs 21:2
“Therein is the righteousness of God revealed.” This is the Gospel of which Paul was not ashamed! The Gospel that reveals the righteousness of God. The Gospel reveals every attribute of God but the attribute the Holy Spirit inspires Paul to say that the Gospel revealed was His righteousness. The Gospel reveals the righteous character of God. Sin must be punished and righteousness must be rewarded! The cross is the demonstration of that. The Gospel reveals God’s righteousness in the condemnation of men. Those who believe the Gospel clearly see God’s righteousness in condemning them. The Gospel reveals the righteousness of God in salvation. Because of Christ’s work of putting away sin on the cross, the believer has no sin! The righteousness of God demands his salvation because in Christ, he has lived a perfectly righteous life. This is what Paul spoke of when he said, “Grace reigns through righteousness.” Righteous grace from a righteous God that makes men righteous!
“What, then, is the new birth?’ It is not the removal of anything from the sinner nor the changing of anything physical or fleshly in the sinner; instead, it is the communication of SOMETHING NEW to the sinner. The new birth is the impartation of a NEW NATURE. When we were born the first time, we received from our parents their nature; so when we are born again, we receive from God His nature. The Spirit of God begets within us a spiritual nature (Gal. 5:17; II Peter 1:4). That which is born of man is human; that which is born of God is divine and spiritual. Nicodemus was startled. He was amazed at the Saviour’s words. Yet he ought not to have been. Man by birth and nature is blind and opposed to the things of God. No amount of religious training can change this evil nature. His chief need is a NEW NATURE, or to be BORN AGAIN. It is a must! A man must have a spiritual nature before he can understand, enter, or enjoy the Kingdom of God. - Henry Mahan
Pray do not find fault with the man who limps
Or stumbles along the road,
Unless you have worn the shoes he wears
Or struggled beneath his load.
There may be tacks in his shoes that hurt,
Though hidden away from view,
Or the burden he bears, placed on your back,
Might cause you to stumble too.
Don’t sneer at the man who is down today,
Unless you have felt the blow
That caused his fall, or felt the shame
That only the fallen know.
You may be strong, but still the blows
That were his, if dealt to you
In the self-same way at the self-same time
Might cause you to stumble too.
Don’t be too harsh with the man who sins
Or pelt him with words or stones,
Unless you are sure, yea doubly sure,
That you have no sins of your own.
For you know, perhaps, if the tempter’s voice
Should whisper as soft to you
As it did to him when he went astray,
‘Twould cause you to falter too.
- Author Unknown
Had I all the faith of the patriarchs, all the zeal of the prophets, all the good works of the apostles, all the holy sufferings of the martyrs, and all the glowing devotion of the seraphs; I would disclaim the whole in point of dependence, and count it all but dross and dung, when set in competition with the infinitely precious death and the infinitely meritorious righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ.
– James Hervey
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel
‘Tis not by works of righteousness
Which our own hands have done
But we are saved by sovereign grace
Abounding through the Son.
‘Tis from the mercy of our God
That all our hopes begin
‘Tis by the water and the blood
Our souls are washed from sin.
‘Tis through the merits of His death
Who hung upon the tree
The Spirit is sent down to breathe
On such dry bones as we.
Adijane2006@Raised from the dead, we live anew
And justified by grace
We shall appear in glory too
And see our Father’s face.
(Tune: “O God Our Help”)
We will observe the Lord’s Table this evening.
We will honor our graduating High School Seniors Lydia Lynn, Anna Grace Meek, Max Murphy, Hunter Small, and Olivia Williams on Sunday evening, May 26th! Bring an appetizer or dessert.
12th – April Frye 12th – Courtney Ortz
13th – Annie Charron 18th –David Burton
12th SS: Jaime G. AM: Julie R., Lilyana (Peggy M.) PM Rebekah V. WED. Allison W.
19th SS: Rachel C.AM: Michelle, Flora (Kristen H.) PM: Jenny W. WED. Andrea V.
“Every way of a man is right in his own eyes: but the Lord pondered the heart.” - Proverbs 21:2
“Therein is the righteousness of God revealed.” This is the Gospel of which Paul was not ashamed! The Gospel that reveals the righteousness of God. The Gospel reveals every attribute of God but the attribute the Holy Spirit inspires Paul to say that the Gospel revealed was His righteousness. The Gospel reveals the righteous character of God. Sin must be punished and righteousness must be rewarded! The cross is the demonstration of that. The Gospel reveals God’s righteousness in the condemnation of men. Those who believe the Gospel clearly see God’s righteousness in condemning them. The Gospel reveals the righteousness of God in salvation. Because of Christ’s work of putting away sin on the cross, the believer has no sin! The righteousness of God demands his salvation because in Christ, he has lived a perfectly righteous life. This is what Paul spoke of when he said, “Grace reigns through righteousness.” Righteous grace from a righteous God that makes men righteous!
“What, then, is the new birth?’ It is not the removal of anything from the sinner nor the changing of anything physical or fleshly in the sinner; instead, it is the communication of SOMETHING NEW to the sinner. The new birth is the impartation of a NEW NATURE. When we were born the first time, we received from our parents their nature; so when we are born again, we receive from God His nature. The Spirit of God begets within us a spiritual nature (Gal. 5:17; II Peter 1:4). That which is born of man is human; that which is born of God is divine and spiritual. Nicodemus was startled. He was amazed at the Saviour’s words. Yet he ought not to have been. Man by birth and nature is blind and opposed to the things of God. No amount of religious training can change this evil nature. His chief need is a NEW NATURE, or to be BORN AGAIN. It is a must! A man must have a spiritual nature before he can understand, enter, or enjoy the Kingdom of God. - Henry Mahan
Pray do not find fault with the man who limps
Or stumbles along the road,
Unless you have worn the shoes he wears
Or struggled beneath his load.
There may be tacks in his shoes that hurt,
Though hidden away from view,
Or the burden he bears, placed on your back,
Might cause you to stumble too.
Don’t sneer at the man who is down today,
Unless you have felt the blow
That caused his fall, or felt the shame
That only the fallen know.
You may be strong, but still the blows
That were his, if dealt to you
In the self-same way at the self-same time
Might cause you to stumble too.
Don’t be too harsh with the man who sins
Or pelt him with words or stones,
Unless you are sure, yea doubly sure,
That you have no sins of your own.
For you know, perhaps, if the tempter’s voice
Should whisper as soft to you
As it did to him when he went astray,
‘Twould cause you to falter too.
- Author Unknown
Had I all the faith of the patriarchs, all the zeal of the prophets, all the good works of the apostles, all the holy sufferings of the martyrs, and all the glowing devotion of the seraphs; I would disclaim the whole in point of dependence, and count it all but dross and dung, when set in competition with the infinitely precious death and the infinitely meritorious righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ.
– James Hervey
May 5, 2024
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel
Sovereign grace o’er sin abounding
Ransomed souls the tidings swell
‘Tis a deep that knows no sounding
Who its breadth or length can tell?
On its glories, on its glories
Let my soul forever dwell.
What from Christ my soul can sever
Bound by everlasting bands?
Once in Him, in Him forever
Thus th’ eternal covenant stands
None shall pluck me, none shall pluck me
From the strength of Israel’s hands.
Heirs of God, join-heirs with Jesus
Long ere time its race begun
To His Name eternal praises
Oh! What wonders love hath done!
One with Jesus, One with Jesus
By eternal union One.
On such love, my soul still ponder
Love so great, so rich, so free
Say, whilst lost in holy wonder
Why, O Lord, such love to me?
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Grace shall reign eternally!
(Tune: “Come Ye Sinners”)
Everyone is invited to stay for lunch after the service this morning. There will be no evening service today.
Aaron Greenleaf will bring the message Wednesday evening.
We will honor our graduating High School Seniors Lydia Lynn, Anna Grace Meek, Max Murphy, Hunter Small, and Olivia Williams on Sunday evening, May 26th! Bring an appetizer or dessert.
7th – Kyle Willis 8th – Kim DuFour 9th – Flora Scifres 10th – Will Hacker 11th – Della Grace Frye 11th – Kate Hands 11th – Fred Tuttle
“A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.” - Proverbs 18:24
“But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive.” (Genesis 50:20). Joseph’s brothers thought Joseph would render vengeance upon them after the death of their father. When they sold Joseph as a slave into Egypt, it was motivated by envy and calculated cruelty. Yet, what they did was under God’s sovereign and gracious purpose to do good to Israel. There is no good intent in any sinful and evil action. But God in His sovereignty uses everything to bring about His purpose of good. God always does what only God can do: bring good out of evil. The most evil thing to take place is men nailing Jesus Christ to the cross! While men’s intention were pure evil, God’s intentions were pure good in Him purposing those men to commit those crimes so that sinful men like this could be saved through Christ’s work on the cross! They mean it for evil! God meant it for good!
If we were limited to one word that could be used to tell who God is, that word would be “Cross”. Every attribute of God is on full display in the cross. We see His HOLINESS and JUSTICE; God hates sin and must punish it! We see His WISDOM in finding a way to be both just and Justifier of the ungodly. We see His OMNIPRESENCE in being in Heaven and pouring His wrath upon His Son, while being on earth enduring His own wrath in the person of His Son. We see His SOVEREIGNTY in saving the one thief and passing the other by. We see His POWER in being able to put away sin. We see His ETERNAL PURPOSE unfold in, “The lamb slain from the foundation of the world.” And how the attributes of LOVE, GRACE, and MERCY shine forth from the cross!
Is it any wonder Paul said, “I determined not to know anything among you save Jesus Christ and Him crucified,” and “God forbid that I should glory save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.” There really is nothing else to preach or glory in! If we think there is, it is evident that we have never seen the real meaning of the cross.
As great sinners, we glory in the Lord Jesus Christ. But let us never think it good to glory in our sin. We may confess our sinfulness to others, and be ready to own up to the fact that we are great sinners; for in so doing we glorify the Lord who saves us from our sins and give hope to other sinners that they too may find God’s mercy. But never have light thoughts of sin. Never be willing to think lightly of your sins until you are willing to think lightly of Calvary. Never consider your sins a small matter until you are ready to consider your Savior a small matter. Never become flippant about sin until you are ready to be flippant about the God against whom you sin. – Joe Terrell
A pastor once declared to a friend, “I want you to know that I no longer believe in particular redemption.” When I heard this, I was shocked, but I was not surprised. I am always shocked when a man turns from the Gospel of grace to something else, especially when that person has studied the Scriptures, the ancient fathers, the character of God, the nature of sinners, and the covenant mercies of God in Christ. To deny effectual and particular redemption is to deny the very sum and substance of the Gospel: SUBSTITUTION. “Jesus, Thy blood and righteousness are my beauty and my glorious dress.”
I am not surprised when certain preachers decide they will no longer preach particular redemption, for it is without question THE MOST HATED truth in Scripture. Universal love and universal atonement are universally accepted by all of Adam’s sons except those who, by the grace of God, have seen the Lord Jesus Christ as Isaiah saw His glory and spoke of Him. The preacher who denies particular redemption will have little opposition, for he has taken the offense from the cross. All cults, sects, denominations, and religious promoters have this in common – they believe there is a sense in which God loves all men and Christ died for the sins of all men.
If Christ died for all the sins of all men, then all men will be saved. If Christ died for some of the sins of all men, no one will be saved. However, if Christ died (as the Scripture teaches) for all the sins of His elect, then His elect will be saved. – Henry Mahan
5th SS: Amanda M.AM: Savannah G., Macy PM: Sharon V. WED. Janine K.
12th SS: Jaime G. AM: Julie R., Lilyana (Peggy M.) PM Rebekah V. WED. Allison W.
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel
Sovereign grace o’er sin abounding
Ransomed souls the tidings swell
‘Tis a deep that knows no sounding
Who its breadth or length can tell?
On its glories, on its glories
Let my soul forever dwell.
What from Christ my soul can sever
Bound by everlasting bands?
Once in Him, in Him forever
Thus th’ eternal covenant stands
None shall pluck me, none shall pluck me
From the strength of Israel’s hands.
Heirs of God, join-heirs with Jesus
Long ere time its race begun
To His Name eternal praises
Oh! What wonders love hath done!
One with Jesus, One with Jesus
By eternal union One.
On such love, my soul still ponder
Love so great, so rich, so free
Say, whilst lost in holy wonder
Why, O Lord, such love to me?
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Grace shall reign eternally!
(Tune: “Come Ye Sinners”)
Everyone is invited to stay for lunch after the service this morning. There will be no evening service today.
Aaron Greenleaf will bring the message Wednesday evening.
We will honor our graduating High School Seniors Lydia Lynn, Anna Grace Meek, Max Murphy, Hunter Small, and Olivia Williams on Sunday evening, May 26th! Bring an appetizer or dessert.
7th – Kyle Willis 8th – Kim DuFour 9th – Flora Scifres 10th – Will Hacker 11th – Della Grace Frye 11th – Kate Hands 11th – Fred Tuttle
“A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.” - Proverbs 18:24
“But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive.” (Genesis 50:20). Joseph’s brothers thought Joseph would render vengeance upon them after the death of their father. When they sold Joseph as a slave into Egypt, it was motivated by envy and calculated cruelty. Yet, what they did was under God’s sovereign and gracious purpose to do good to Israel. There is no good intent in any sinful and evil action. But God in His sovereignty uses everything to bring about His purpose of good. God always does what only God can do: bring good out of evil. The most evil thing to take place is men nailing Jesus Christ to the cross! While men’s intention were pure evil, God’s intentions were pure good in Him purposing those men to commit those crimes so that sinful men like this could be saved through Christ’s work on the cross! They mean it for evil! God meant it for good!
If we were limited to one word that could be used to tell who God is, that word would be “Cross”. Every attribute of God is on full display in the cross. We see His HOLINESS and JUSTICE; God hates sin and must punish it! We see His WISDOM in finding a way to be both just and Justifier of the ungodly. We see His OMNIPRESENCE in being in Heaven and pouring His wrath upon His Son, while being on earth enduring His own wrath in the person of His Son. We see His SOVEREIGNTY in saving the one thief and passing the other by. We see His POWER in being able to put away sin. We see His ETERNAL PURPOSE unfold in, “The lamb slain from the foundation of the world.” And how the attributes of LOVE, GRACE, and MERCY shine forth from the cross!
Is it any wonder Paul said, “I determined not to know anything among you save Jesus Christ and Him crucified,” and “God forbid that I should glory save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.” There really is nothing else to preach or glory in! If we think there is, it is evident that we have never seen the real meaning of the cross.
As great sinners, we glory in the Lord Jesus Christ. But let us never think it good to glory in our sin. We may confess our sinfulness to others, and be ready to own up to the fact that we are great sinners; for in so doing we glorify the Lord who saves us from our sins and give hope to other sinners that they too may find God’s mercy. But never have light thoughts of sin. Never be willing to think lightly of your sins until you are willing to think lightly of Calvary. Never consider your sins a small matter until you are ready to consider your Savior a small matter. Never become flippant about sin until you are ready to be flippant about the God against whom you sin. – Joe Terrell
A pastor once declared to a friend, “I want you to know that I no longer believe in particular redemption.” When I heard this, I was shocked, but I was not surprised. I am always shocked when a man turns from the Gospel of grace to something else, especially when that person has studied the Scriptures, the ancient fathers, the character of God, the nature of sinners, and the covenant mercies of God in Christ. To deny effectual and particular redemption is to deny the very sum and substance of the Gospel: SUBSTITUTION. “Jesus, Thy blood and righteousness are my beauty and my glorious dress.”
I am not surprised when certain preachers decide they will no longer preach particular redemption, for it is without question THE MOST HATED truth in Scripture. Universal love and universal atonement are universally accepted by all of Adam’s sons except those who, by the grace of God, have seen the Lord Jesus Christ as Isaiah saw His glory and spoke of Him. The preacher who denies particular redemption will have little opposition, for he has taken the offense from the cross. All cults, sects, denominations, and religious promoters have this in common – they believe there is a sense in which God loves all men and Christ died for the sins of all men.
If Christ died for all the sins of all men, then all men will be saved. If Christ died for some of the sins of all men, no one will be saved. However, if Christ died (as the Scripture teaches) for all the sins of His elect, then His elect will be saved. – Henry Mahan
5th SS: Amanda M.AM: Savannah G., Macy PM: Sharon V. WED. Janine K.
12th SS: Jaime G. AM: Julie R., Lilyana (Peggy M.) PM Rebekah V. WED. Allison W.
April 28, 2024
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel
Hark, how the Gospel trumpet sounds
Christ and free grace therein abound
Free grace to such as sinners be
And if free grace, why not for me?
The Saviour died, and by His blood
Brought rebel sinners home to God
He died to set the captives free
Then why, my soul, why not for me?
Christ Jesus came the poor to bless
To clothe them with His righteousness
The robe is spotless, full and free
Then why, my soul, why not for me?
Eternal life by Christ is giv’n
And ruined sinners raised to heav’n
Then sing of grace so rich and free
And say, my soul, why not for thee?
(Tune: “Doxology”)
We extend our sympathy to the Terrell and Morrell families on the death of our brother, Joe Terrell. Remember these families at this most sorrowful time.
Everyone is invited to bring a dish and stay for lunch after the morning service next Sunday, May 5th (there will be no evening service May 5th).
28th – Theodore Summers 29th – Eric Dickerson 2nd – Mitch Bryan
2ne – Gretta Daniel 4th – Jeffrey Imes
28thSS:AmandaM. AM: Jessica E., Cora (Rebekah V.) PMAllison W.WED. Elizabeth C.
5th SS: Amanda M.AM: Savannah G., Macy PM: Sharon V. WED. Janine K.
“The preparations of the heart in man, and the answer of the tongue, is from the Lord.” - Proverbs 16:1
When I am content and satisfied with Christ as All in my salvation, I am not looking for anything more. I find assurance nowhere else. Here is where love to His Person is created! Here is the motive for obedience! All of the ground of salvation is Christ is All! This is all I want, all that is required, and all I need. This is the object of my faith. “Christ is All.” If anything else is needed for the ground of my salvation, my assurance, the object of my faith, or the motive for obedience, the reason is I do not really believe “Christ is All” (Col. 3:11).
When “The mystery of God is finished,” “Time shall be no more,” and all of the redeemed of the Lord are gathered around their great Redeemer, perfected and glorified forever, the only visible evidence of the consequences of sin will be seen on the Redeemer Himself! Every mark and trace of sin will have been removed from the saints of God. The wounds inflicted upon Christ the Redeemer when He delivered Himself up to be crucified as the Substitute for sinners, “The Just for the unjust,” that He might bring them to God, will be the only visible evidence of sin remaining. What an eternal reminder that “By His stripes they are healed!” They did all the sinning. He did all the suffering, dying, and saving. What amazing love and grace! What an amazing Redeemer- God! - Maurice Montgomery
That precious saving faith which unites the sinner to Christ, also unites the sinner to ALL those who are born of God (I John 5:1). To be one with Him is to be one with them. Loving and serving Him has something to do with loving and serving them; and loving and serving them has something to do with loving and serving Him (Matt. 24:40). Saving faith says that there is one Savior, the Lord Jesus. Saving faith also says that there is one household, one family, one body, one vine tree, etc. Says Christ our Lord, “I am the vine, ye are the branches…” (John 15:1-5). - Maurice Montgomery
Nowhere in the Word of God do we find the most common religious catch phrase – “Accept Jesus as your personal Savior.” Nowhere does it say that the Lord of all the universe is up for acceptance or rejection by mere mortals. Nowhere does it say that the Sovereign Creator of all things needs to be accepted by the creature.
You see…we are on trial…Not God! We are the ones that will be either accepted or rejected, according to the will and pleasure of Him who made us. It is God that must “Accept us in the beloved.” Accepting something or someone implies ability to accept or reject. Man, who is dead in sins, cannot accept but only reject that which is true and good. “The natural man receiveth not the things of God, for they are foolishness to him; neither can he…” (I Cor. 2:14).
The Scriptures do however speak of us receiving Christ (John 1:12-13). But there is a big difference in receiving something and accepting it. Receiving implies that a gift has been bestowed upon you. The gift of God’s grace in Christ is unmerited favor bestowed upon you. All to whom God grants this unspeakable gift are made willing in the day of His power to receive it. They are made to see the irresistible beauty of Christ, and their desperate need of Him, and humbly and gladly receive Him. Even their calling upon Him and asking for Him, are God’s gracious gifts (Romans 2:4). One cannot glory in receiving a gift, for even our receiving we have received; for “A man can receive nothing except it be given him from above” (John 3:27). The glass cannot glory for receiving the water that is poured into it.
Those who say they have accepted Jesus do not know and have not received the Lord Jesus Christ, and are not saved. For that is not the language of Scripture nor of any child of God. The language of Scripture and the testimony of every child of God is this: we have received mercy and grace from our God through the Lord Jesus Christ.
- Paul Mahan
May 3-5 Bethel Baptist Church, Spring Lake NC
June 7-9 Oley Grace Church, Oley PA
June 14-16 Sovereign Grace Church, Great Falls, MT
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel
Hark, how the Gospel trumpet sounds
Christ and free grace therein abound
Free grace to such as sinners be
And if free grace, why not for me?
The Saviour died, and by His blood
Brought rebel sinners home to God
He died to set the captives free
Then why, my soul, why not for me?
Christ Jesus came the poor to bless
To clothe them with His righteousness
The robe is spotless, full and free
Then why, my soul, why not for me?
Eternal life by Christ is giv’n
And ruined sinners raised to heav’n
Then sing of grace so rich and free
And say, my soul, why not for thee?
(Tune: “Doxology”)
We extend our sympathy to the Terrell and Morrell families on the death of our brother, Joe Terrell. Remember these families at this most sorrowful time.
Everyone is invited to bring a dish and stay for lunch after the morning service next Sunday, May 5th (there will be no evening service May 5th).
28th – Theodore Summers 29th – Eric Dickerson 2nd – Mitch Bryan
2ne – Gretta Daniel 4th – Jeffrey Imes
28thSS:AmandaM. AM: Jessica E., Cora (Rebekah V.) PMAllison W.WED. Elizabeth C.
5th SS: Amanda M.AM: Savannah G., Macy PM: Sharon V. WED. Janine K.
“The preparations of the heart in man, and the answer of the tongue, is from the Lord.” - Proverbs 16:1
When I am content and satisfied with Christ as All in my salvation, I am not looking for anything more. I find assurance nowhere else. Here is where love to His Person is created! Here is the motive for obedience! All of the ground of salvation is Christ is All! This is all I want, all that is required, and all I need. This is the object of my faith. “Christ is All.” If anything else is needed for the ground of my salvation, my assurance, the object of my faith, or the motive for obedience, the reason is I do not really believe “Christ is All” (Col. 3:11).
When “The mystery of God is finished,” “Time shall be no more,” and all of the redeemed of the Lord are gathered around their great Redeemer, perfected and glorified forever, the only visible evidence of the consequences of sin will be seen on the Redeemer Himself! Every mark and trace of sin will have been removed from the saints of God. The wounds inflicted upon Christ the Redeemer when He delivered Himself up to be crucified as the Substitute for sinners, “The Just for the unjust,” that He might bring them to God, will be the only visible evidence of sin remaining. What an eternal reminder that “By His stripes they are healed!” They did all the sinning. He did all the suffering, dying, and saving. What amazing love and grace! What an amazing Redeemer- God! - Maurice Montgomery
That precious saving faith which unites the sinner to Christ, also unites the sinner to ALL those who are born of God (I John 5:1). To be one with Him is to be one with them. Loving and serving Him has something to do with loving and serving them; and loving and serving them has something to do with loving and serving Him (Matt. 24:40). Saving faith says that there is one Savior, the Lord Jesus. Saving faith also says that there is one household, one family, one body, one vine tree, etc. Says Christ our Lord, “I am the vine, ye are the branches…” (John 15:1-5). - Maurice Montgomery
Nowhere in the Word of God do we find the most common religious catch phrase – “Accept Jesus as your personal Savior.” Nowhere does it say that the Lord of all the universe is up for acceptance or rejection by mere mortals. Nowhere does it say that the Sovereign Creator of all things needs to be accepted by the creature.
You see…we are on trial…Not God! We are the ones that will be either accepted or rejected, according to the will and pleasure of Him who made us. It is God that must “Accept us in the beloved.” Accepting something or someone implies ability to accept or reject. Man, who is dead in sins, cannot accept but only reject that which is true and good. “The natural man receiveth not the things of God, for they are foolishness to him; neither can he…” (I Cor. 2:14).
The Scriptures do however speak of us receiving Christ (John 1:12-13). But there is a big difference in receiving something and accepting it. Receiving implies that a gift has been bestowed upon you. The gift of God’s grace in Christ is unmerited favor bestowed upon you. All to whom God grants this unspeakable gift are made willing in the day of His power to receive it. They are made to see the irresistible beauty of Christ, and their desperate need of Him, and humbly and gladly receive Him. Even their calling upon Him and asking for Him, are God’s gracious gifts (Romans 2:4). One cannot glory in receiving a gift, for even our receiving we have received; for “A man can receive nothing except it be given him from above” (John 3:27). The glass cannot glory for receiving the water that is poured into it.
Those who say they have accepted Jesus do not know and have not received the Lord Jesus Christ, and are not saved. For that is not the language of Scripture nor of any child of God. The language of Scripture and the testimony of every child of God is this: we have received mercy and grace from our God through the Lord Jesus Christ.
- Paul Mahan
May 3-5 Bethel Baptist Church, Spring Lake NC
June 7-9 Oley Grace Church, Oley PA
June 14-16 Sovereign Grace Church, Great Falls, MT
April 21, 2024
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel
Prepare me, gracious God
To stand before Thy face
Thy Spirit must the work perform
For it is all of grace.
In Christ’s obedience clothe
And wash me in His blood
So shall I lift my head with joy
Among the sons of God.
Do Thou my sin subdue
Thy Sovereign love make known
The Spirit of my mind renew
And save me in Thy Son.
Let me attest Thy power
Let me Thy goodness prove
Till my full soul can hold no more
Of everlasting love!
(Tune: “I Love Thy Kingdom” p.188)
Everyone is invited to bring a dish a stay for lunch after the morning service Sunday, May 5th (there will be no evening service May 5th).
22nd – Rick Kess 23rd – Samantha Daniel 24th – Don Martin
21st SS: Cami AM: Elizabeth C. Macy (Emma H.) PM: Megan H. WED. Jenny W.
28th SS: Amanda M. AM: Jessica E., Cora (Rebekah V.) PM Allison W.
April 26-28 Hurricane Road Grace Church, Catlettsburg, KY
June 14-16 Sovereign Grace Church, Great Falls, MT
“The rich and poor meet together: the Lord is the maker of them all.” - Proverbs 22:2
The Beatitudes given by the Lord in Matthew 5:3-8, can only be understood with an understanding of sin. It is sin that has made me poor in spirit. It is sin that I mourn over. Included in being meek before God is an understanding of my own sinfulness. My sin makes me realize I have no personal righteousness and hunger and thirst after the righteousness of Christ. God was merciful to me the sinner, so I want to be merciful to others. It is only the pure heart that can see sin! The peacemaker is the one who knows because of his sin that the only peace there is is the peace the Lord made by the blood of His cross. It is only the one who believes he is a sinner that stands for Christ righteousness being the only righteousness and is persecuted by those who do not believe that. The commission of sin is never a good thing! It is always a good thing for me to realize I am a sinner. The Beatitudes are meaningless without this understanding.
“And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin;
but the Spirit is life because of righteousness” - Romans 8:10
Obviously, this does not mean the body is physically dead. You are still breathing and your heart is still beating. The old man, the sinful nature, remains dead in sins. But there is a new man because Christ is in you. Therefore, the spirit – that new man in you – is life because of righteousness. There can be no life where there is no righteousness. When men object to this, they fear that one will make excuse for his sin because of the nature that is still dead in sins that he still possesses. That knowledge has never led a believer to excuse his sin. It is only that knowledge that causes a believer to hate his sin! That objection either comes from a wrong understanding of regeneration, or the absence of “the spirit that is life because of righteousness.”
He says, “Turn,” and we say, “Lord, turn us.” He says, “Son, walk,” and we say, “Lord, direct our steps.” He says, “Pray,” and we say, “Lord teach us.” He says, “Stand,” and we cry, “Lord, keep.”
- Chris Cunningham
“By this shall all men know that ye are My disciples, if you have love one to another” (John 13:35). This is the new commandment. “A new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another: as I have loved you, that ye also love one another” (John 13:34). Yes, we are to love God! Yes, we are to love His Truth! But when the Lord gives the evidence that can be seen, that will show us to be His disciples, it is our love to one another. The love that is longsuffering and kind. The love that is not envious, boastful, or conceited. The love that is not rude, self-seeking, easily offended, and keeps no records of wrongs. A love that covers in silence, is not suspicious, hopes the best, and endures all things. A love that is never reduced to inactivity (I Cor. 13:4-8).
Isn’t it beautiful that the Lord has given this as the mark of discipleship. Truly this is the more excellent way that is the greatest of these. May we make love to one another our aim!
God described David as “A man after mine own heart.” No higher commendation could be given a man. To be a man after God’s own heart is to see things as God sees them. It is to be in agreement with God. It is to love what God loves and hate what God hates. It is to believe what God believes. It is to trust whom God trusts. God trusted Christ to save us. We trust Christ to save us. God gives all glory to His Son. We give all glory to His Son. God is pleased with His Son and all in Him. We are pleased with His Son and all in Him. While it may be seen more clearly in some than others, all believers are men and women after His own heart.
The first link between my soul and Christ is, not my goodness, but my badness; not my merit, but my misery; not my standing, but my falling; not my riches, but my need. He comes to visit His people, yet not to admire their beauties, but to remove their deformities; not to reward their virtues, but to forgive their sins. – C. H. Spurgeon
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel
Prepare me, gracious God
To stand before Thy face
Thy Spirit must the work perform
For it is all of grace.
In Christ’s obedience clothe
And wash me in His blood
So shall I lift my head with joy
Among the sons of God.
Do Thou my sin subdue
Thy Sovereign love make known
The Spirit of my mind renew
And save me in Thy Son.
Let me attest Thy power
Let me Thy goodness prove
Till my full soul can hold no more
Of everlasting love!
(Tune: “I Love Thy Kingdom” p.188)
Everyone is invited to bring a dish a stay for lunch after the morning service Sunday, May 5th (there will be no evening service May 5th).
22nd – Rick Kess 23rd – Samantha Daniel 24th – Don Martin
21st SS: Cami AM: Elizabeth C. Macy (Emma H.) PM: Megan H. WED. Jenny W.
28th SS: Amanda M. AM: Jessica E., Cora (Rebekah V.) PM Allison W.
April 26-28 Hurricane Road Grace Church, Catlettsburg, KY
June 14-16 Sovereign Grace Church, Great Falls, MT
“The rich and poor meet together: the Lord is the maker of them all.” - Proverbs 22:2
The Beatitudes given by the Lord in Matthew 5:3-8, can only be understood with an understanding of sin. It is sin that has made me poor in spirit. It is sin that I mourn over. Included in being meek before God is an understanding of my own sinfulness. My sin makes me realize I have no personal righteousness and hunger and thirst after the righteousness of Christ. God was merciful to me the sinner, so I want to be merciful to others. It is only the pure heart that can see sin! The peacemaker is the one who knows because of his sin that the only peace there is is the peace the Lord made by the blood of His cross. It is only the one who believes he is a sinner that stands for Christ righteousness being the only righteousness and is persecuted by those who do not believe that. The commission of sin is never a good thing! It is always a good thing for me to realize I am a sinner. The Beatitudes are meaningless without this understanding.
“And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin;
but the Spirit is life because of righteousness” - Romans 8:10
Obviously, this does not mean the body is physically dead. You are still breathing and your heart is still beating. The old man, the sinful nature, remains dead in sins. But there is a new man because Christ is in you. Therefore, the spirit – that new man in you – is life because of righteousness. There can be no life where there is no righteousness. When men object to this, they fear that one will make excuse for his sin because of the nature that is still dead in sins that he still possesses. That knowledge has never led a believer to excuse his sin. It is only that knowledge that causes a believer to hate his sin! That objection either comes from a wrong understanding of regeneration, or the absence of “the spirit that is life because of righteousness.”
He says, “Turn,” and we say, “Lord, turn us.” He says, “Son, walk,” and we say, “Lord, direct our steps.” He says, “Pray,” and we say, “Lord teach us.” He says, “Stand,” and we cry, “Lord, keep.”
- Chris Cunningham
“By this shall all men know that ye are My disciples, if you have love one to another” (John 13:35). This is the new commandment. “A new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another: as I have loved you, that ye also love one another” (John 13:34). Yes, we are to love God! Yes, we are to love His Truth! But when the Lord gives the evidence that can be seen, that will show us to be His disciples, it is our love to one another. The love that is longsuffering and kind. The love that is not envious, boastful, or conceited. The love that is not rude, self-seeking, easily offended, and keeps no records of wrongs. A love that covers in silence, is not suspicious, hopes the best, and endures all things. A love that is never reduced to inactivity (I Cor. 13:4-8).
Isn’t it beautiful that the Lord has given this as the mark of discipleship. Truly this is the more excellent way that is the greatest of these. May we make love to one another our aim!
God described David as “A man after mine own heart.” No higher commendation could be given a man. To be a man after God’s own heart is to see things as God sees them. It is to be in agreement with God. It is to love what God loves and hate what God hates. It is to believe what God believes. It is to trust whom God trusts. God trusted Christ to save us. We trust Christ to save us. God gives all glory to His Son. We give all glory to His Son. God is pleased with His Son and all in Him. We are pleased with His Son and all in Him. While it may be seen more clearly in some than others, all believers are men and women after His own heart.
The first link between my soul and Christ is, not my goodness, but my badness; not my merit, but my misery; not my standing, but my falling; not my riches, but my need. He comes to visit His people, yet not to admire their beauties, but to remove their deformities; not to reward their virtues, but to forgive their sins. – C. H. Spurgeon
April 14, 2024
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel
O, Lamb of God, still keep me
Near to Thy wounded side
Tis only there in safety
And peace I can abide
What foes and snares surround me!
What lusts and fears within!
The grace that sought and found me
Alone can keep me clean.
‘Tis only in Thee hiding
I know my life secure
Only in Thee abiding
I steadfast shall endure.
Thine arm the victory gaineth
O’er every hurtful foe
The love my heart sustaineth
In all its care and woe.
Soon shall my eyes behold Thee
With rapture, face to face
The half hath not been told me
Of all Thy power and grace.
Thy beauty, Lord, and glory
The wonders of Thy love
Shall be the endless story
Of all Thy saints above.
(Tune: “The Church’s One Foundation” p. 186)
We extend our sincere sympathy to Lyn Covert on the death of her mother and to Jan Carver on the death of her brother.
15th – Jaiden Wilson 16th – Sherry Johnson 16th – Ann Schuyler
20th – Kim Daniel 20th – Becky Rigsby
14th SS: Kristen W. AM: Becky K., Lilyana (Peggy) PM: Kelly B. WED. Sharon 21st SS: Cami AM: Elizabeth C., Macy (Emma H.) PM Megan H. WED. Jenny W.
“Every one that is proud in heart is an abomination to the Lord: though hand join in hand, he shall not be unpunished.” - Proverbs 16:5
Peter warned of those who took Paul’s writings, ‘In which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other Scriptures, unto their own destruction” (II Peter 3:16). Peter acknowledged the writing of Paul to be authoritative Scripture. He then speaks of those who wrest or twist what he says to make it line up with what they are saying. When a man twists Scriptures to make them say what he wants them to say so they will line up with his doctrine, he does so to his own destruction. Rather than recklessly bending Scripture to prove and affirm what we believe, may we humbly go to the Scriptures to find out what to believe!
“For he shall have judgment without mercy, that hath shown
no mercy; and mercy rejoiceth against judgment.” - James 2:13
What does this verse mean? Exactly what it says. The one who show no mercy will have no mercy from God. The Lord said, ‘Blessed are the merciful. For they shall obtain mercy.” May we be men and women full of mercy!
A missionary to a remote tribe was attempting to translate the Scriptures into their language, and he had difficulty finding a word for obedience; a virtue that few of the natives practiced. One day, as he went home from the village, his dog stayed behind. The missionary called his dog to come and follow him. The dog came running at top speed. An old native by the roadside said in the native tongue, “Your dog is all ear.” The missionary got hold of that expression at once and so had a beautiful word for obedience: “A believer is all ears to the words of his Lord!” - Henry Mahan
The only way we will not harshly judge our brethren is to see ourselves as we really are. An honest view of self will stop us from being harsh to others because an honest view of self shows me that I am the chief of sinners. The chief of sinners has no right to look down his nose at anyone. - Frank Tate
“For I am the Lord, I change not” (Malachi 3:6). God is unchangeable in His essence, nature, and perfections. Is it not wonderful that in our experience in a life that is nothing but change, to know that the Lord changes not? His purpose has never altered and never will. This gives assurance and peace to all who have fled to Christ for refuge.
- David Pledger
I do not come into this pulpit hoping that perhaps somebody will of his own free will return to Christ. My hope lies in another quarter. I hope that my Master will lay hold of some of them, and say, “You are mine, and you shall be mine. I claim you for myself.” My hope arises from the freeness of grace, and not from the freedom of the will. – C. H. Spurgeon
When all of the redeemed of the Lord are assembled in glory with their great Redeemer, perfected and glorified forever, the only visible evidence of the consequences of sin will be seen on the Redeemer Himself. The wounds inflected upon Him when He delivered Himself to be crucified as the Substitute for sinners to suffer, “The Just One for the unjust,” that He might bring them to God. What an eternal reminder that it is, “By His stripes they are healed!” What amazing love and grace! What an amazing Redeemer – God! – Maurice Montgomery
The first step toward the recovery of restoration of sight is the realization that one has a problem seeing. I never heard of anyone who sought out and called upon an optometrist before realizing that his sight was bad. Likewise, no sinner ever sought out and savingly called upon the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, until he realized that he could not see. Christ Jesus only saves the blind (John 9:39-41). But how full of grace He is to them! - Maurice Montgomery
April 26-28 Hurricane Road Grace Church, Catlettsburg, KY
June 14-16 Sovereign Grace Church, Great Falls, MT
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel
O, Lamb of God, still keep me
Near to Thy wounded side
Tis only there in safety
And peace I can abide
What foes and snares surround me!
What lusts and fears within!
The grace that sought and found me
Alone can keep me clean.
‘Tis only in Thee hiding
I know my life secure
Only in Thee abiding
I steadfast shall endure.
Thine arm the victory gaineth
O’er every hurtful foe
The love my heart sustaineth
In all its care and woe.
Soon shall my eyes behold Thee
With rapture, face to face
The half hath not been told me
Of all Thy power and grace.
Thy beauty, Lord, and glory
The wonders of Thy love
Shall be the endless story
Of all Thy saints above.
(Tune: “The Church’s One Foundation” p. 186)
We extend our sincere sympathy to Lyn Covert on the death of her mother and to Jan Carver on the death of her brother.
15th – Jaiden Wilson 16th – Sherry Johnson 16th – Ann Schuyler
20th – Kim Daniel 20th – Becky Rigsby
14th SS: Kristen W. AM: Becky K., Lilyana (Peggy) PM: Kelly B. WED. Sharon 21st SS: Cami AM: Elizabeth C., Macy (Emma H.) PM Megan H. WED. Jenny W.
“Every one that is proud in heart is an abomination to the Lord: though hand join in hand, he shall not be unpunished.” - Proverbs 16:5
Peter warned of those who took Paul’s writings, ‘In which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other Scriptures, unto their own destruction” (II Peter 3:16). Peter acknowledged the writing of Paul to be authoritative Scripture. He then speaks of those who wrest or twist what he says to make it line up with what they are saying. When a man twists Scriptures to make them say what he wants them to say so they will line up with his doctrine, he does so to his own destruction. Rather than recklessly bending Scripture to prove and affirm what we believe, may we humbly go to the Scriptures to find out what to believe!
“For he shall have judgment without mercy, that hath shown
no mercy; and mercy rejoiceth against judgment.” - James 2:13
What does this verse mean? Exactly what it says. The one who show no mercy will have no mercy from God. The Lord said, ‘Blessed are the merciful. For they shall obtain mercy.” May we be men and women full of mercy!
A missionary to a remote tribe was attempting to translate the Scriptures into their language, and he had difficulty finding a word for obedience; a virtue that few of the natives practiced. One day, as he went home from the village, his dog stayed behind. The missionary called his dog to come and follow him. The dog came running at top speed. An old native by the roadside said in the native tongue, “Your dog is all ear.” The missionary got hold of that expression at once and so had a beautiful word for obedience: “A believer is all ears to the words of his Lord!” - Henry Mahan
The only way we will not harshly judge our brethren is to see ourselves as we really are. An honest view of self will stop us from being harsh to others because an honest view of self shows me that I am the chief of sinners. The chief of sinners has no right to look down his nose at anyone. - Frank Tate
“For I am the Lord, I change not” (Malachi 3:6). God is unchangeable in His essence, nature, and perfections. Is it not wonderful that in our experience in a life that is nothing but change, to know that the Lord changes not? His purpose has never altered and never will. This gives assurance and peace to all who have fled to Christ for refuge.
- David Pledger
I do not come into this pulpit hoping that perhaps somebody will of his own free will return to Christ. My hope lies in another quarter. I hope that my Master will lay hold of some of them, and say, “You are mine, and you shall be mine. I claim you for myself.” My hope arises from the freeness of grace, and not from the freedom of the will. – C. H. Spurgeon
When all of the redeemed of the Lord are assembled in glory with their great Redeemer, perfected and glorified forever, the only visible evidence of the consequences of sin will be seen on the Redeemer Himself. The wounds inflected upon Him when He delivered Himself to be crucified as the Substitute for sinners to suffer, “The Just One for the unjust,” that He might bring them to God. What an eternal reminder that it is, “By His stripes they are healed!” What amazing love and grace! What an amazing Redeemer – God! – Maurice Montgomery
The first step toward the recovery of restoration of sight is the realization that one has a problem seeing. I never heard of anyone who sought out and called upon an optometrist before realizing that his sight was bad. Likewise, no sinner ever sought out and savingly called upon the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, until he realized that he could not see. Christ Jesus only saves the blind (John 9:39-41). But how full of grace He is to them! - Maurice Montgomery
April 26-28 Hurricane Road Grace Church, Catlettsburg, KY
June 14-16 Sovereign Grace Church, Great Falls, MT
April 7, 2024
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Look upon me, Lord, I pray Thee
Let Thy Spirit dwell in mine
Thou hast sought me, Thou hast bought me
Take my heart and make it Thine.
Naught I ask for, naught I strive for
But Thy grace so rich and free
This Thou givest by the Savior
He hath all things who hath Thee.
Precious is the Name of Jesus
Who can half its worth unfold?
Far beyond angelic praises
Sweetly sung to harps of gold.
Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah
Pilgrim through this barren land
I am weak, but Thou art mighty
Hold me with Thy powerful hand.
(Tune: “Jesus Calls Us” p.374)
We will observe the Lord’s Table this evening.
All ladies are invited to a Baby Shower for Jalen & Rachel Whitehead this Saturday, April 13th at 10:00am. The Invitation and sign up are in the foyer.
7th – Seth Daniel 9th – Rick Anjos 11th – Lillian Daniel
12th – Jason Gillispie 13th – Sarah Byrd
April 26-28 Hurricane Road Grace church, Catlettsburg, KY
June 14-16 Sovereign Grace Church, Great Falls, MT
7th SS: Andrea V. AM: Jessica M., Flora (Rachel W.) PM Kelli H. WED. Rachel C.
14th SS: Kristen AM: Becky K., Lilyana (Peggy) PM: Kelly B. WED. Sharon V.
“Let another man praise thee, and not thine own mouth; a stranger, and not thine own lips.” - Proverbs 27:2
When the Lord said to the paralytic in Matthew 9:2, “Son, be of good cheer, thy sins be forgiven thee”… literally, “Be of good cheer, thy sins have been forgiven thee.” This forgiveness is a completed action on God’s part. There is nothing that the sinner does in order to be forgiven! Works religion makes forgiveness the end of a process. There are things the sinner needs to do to obtain the forgiveness of sins. That makes the forgiveness of sins to be predicated on what the sinner does! Thank God in the forgiveness of sin, there is nothing the sinner must first do to be forgiven. He finds out through the Gospel message he has been forgiven. Works religion ends with the forgiveness of sins. The Gospel has at its starting point the full and complete forgiveness of all sins!
“It is finished” - John 10:30
One of the mysterious, glorious things about the Gospel of Jesus Christ is that you both start and end on the finish line. Under no other scenario does that ever take place!
Only God knows who His elect are. I am called to preach to “Whosoever will” hear, to “Whosoever will” come. God told Moses, “I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.” Therefore, we must conclude that, “Whosoever will” is “Whosoever God wills.” - David Eddmenson
We most certainly live in a day of changing things, and new things, but know this: The Word of God ever remains the same! If a doctrine is true, then it is most certainly not new, and if a doctrine is new, then it most assuredly is not true. And doctrine determines practice! - Maurice Montgomery
We are living in the day of “instant religion.” The conviction is gone, the struggle is gone, counting the cost of discipleship is a thing of the past. Men make a profession today and are teacher tomorrow. It is far easier and quicker to shake a preacher’s hand than to cling as a beggar to the hand of the Redeemer. It is easier and quicker to walk an aisle than to seek the Lord. It is easier to eat a wafer than to feed on the Living Bread. It is more convenient to receive water on the brow or to be plunged beneath the water than to drink continually at the Fountain of Live. It may sound like I am discouraging rather than encouraging men to confess Christ. Not so! I am discouraging you from making a hurried, careless, half-hearted profession of religion that will leave you in a false refuge without God and without hope. – Henry Mahan
The vital thing to understand about the blood of Christ is this: IT IS ENOUGH! Nothing else is needed to accomplish the salvation of all for whom His blood was shed. Not His blood plus my works; not His blood plus my “decision”; not His blood plus the ordinances; not His blood plus church membership; not even His blood plus my faith – His blood purchased my faith. HIS BLOOD ALONE paid the price required by His justice, and His blood alone can make a sinner clean. “By His own blood He entered in once into the holy place, having OBTAINED (not made possible) eternal redemption for us” (Heb. 9:12). - Donnie Bell
“As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated.”
Romans 9:18
When I was first exposed to the doctrines of grace and the sovereignty of God, the above verse because the sledgehammer that I used to pulverize the erroneous doctrine of “God loving everybody” and “Christ dying for everyone.” It was almost as though I rejoiced in the fact that “God hated Esau.” I do not feel or think that way any longer. The more God shows me how much I am like Jacob, the wretched deceiver that he was, the more my heart is astonished that God could love Jacob or me. I understand how He could hate me, but how He could love me is beyond my understanding. – David Eddmenson
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Look upon me, Lord, I pray Thee
Let Thy Spirit dwell in mine
Thou hast sought me, Thou hast bought me
Take my heart and make it Thine.
Naught I ask for, naught I strive for
But Thy grace so rich and free
This Thou givest by the Savior
He hath all things who hath Thee.
Precious is the Name of Jesus
Who can half its worth unfold?
Far beyond angelic praises
Sweetly sung to harps of gold.
Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah
Pilgrim through this barren land
I am weak, but Thou art mighty
Hold me with Thy powerful hand.
(Tune: “Jesus Calls Us” p.374)
We will observe the Lord’s Table this evening.
All ladies are invited to a Baby Shower for Jalen & Rachel Whitehead this Saturday, April 13th at 10:00am. The Invitation and sign up are in the foyer.
7th – Seth Daniel 9th – Rick Anjos 11th – Lillian Daniel
12th – Jason Gillispie 13th – Sarah Byrd
April 26-28 Hurricane Road Grace church, Catlettsburg, KY
June 14-16 Sovereign Grace Church, Great Falls, MT
7th SS: Andrea V. AM: Jessica M., Flora (Rachel W.) PM Kelli H. WED. Rachel C.
14th SS: Kristen AM: Becky K., Lilyana (Peggy) PM: Kelly B. WED. Sharon V.
“Let another man praise thee, and not thine own mouth; a stranger, and not thine own lips.” - Proverbs 27:2
When the Lord said to the paralytic in Matthew 9:2, “Son, be of good cheer, thy sins be forgiven thee”… literally, “Be of good cheer, thy sins have been forgiven thee.” This forgiveness is a completed action on God’s part. There is nothing that the sinner does in order to be forgiven! Works religion makes forgiveness the end of a process. There are things the sinner needs to do to obtain the forgiveness of sins. That makes the forgiveness of sins to be predicated on what the sinner does! Thank God in the forgiveness of sin, there is nothing the sinner must first do to be forgiven. He finds out through the Gospel message he has been forgiven. Works religion ends with the forgiveness of sins. The Gospel has at its starting point the full and complete forgiveness of all sins!
“It is finished” - John 10:30
One of the mysterious, glorious things about the Gospel of Jesus Christ is that you both start and end on the finish line. Under no other scenario does that ever take place!
Only God knows who His elect are. I am called to preach to “Whosoever will” hear, to “Whosoever will” come. God told Moses, “I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.” Therefore, we must conclude that, “Whosoever will” is “Whosoever God wills.” - David Eddmenson
We most certainly live in a day of changing things, and new things, but know this: The Word of God ever remains the same! If a doctrine is true, then it is most certainly not new, and if a doctrine is new, then it most assuredly is not true. And doctrine determines practice! - Maurice Montgomery
We are living in the day of “instant religion.” The conviction is gone, the struggle is gone, counting the cost of discipleship is a thing of the past. Men make a profession today and are teacher tomorrow. It is far easier and quicker to shake a preacher’s hand than to cling as a beggar to the hand of the Redeemer. It is easier and quicker to walk an aisle than to seek the Lord. It is easier to eat a wafer than to feed on the Living Bread. It is more convenient to receive water on the brow or to be plunged beneath the water than to drink continually at the Fountain of Live. It may sound like I am discouraging rather than encouraging men to confess Christ. Not so! I am discouraging you from making a hurried, careless, half-hearted profession of religion that will leave you in a false refuge without God and without hope. – Henry Mahan
The vital thing to understand about the blood of Christ is this: IT IS ENOUGH! Nothing else is needed to accomplish the salvation of all for whom His blood was shed. Not His blood plus my works; not His blood plus my “decision”; not His blood plus the ordinances; not His blood plus church membership; not even His blood plus my faith – His blood purchased my faith. HIS BLOOD ALONE paid the price required by His justice, and His blood alone can make a sinner clean. “By His own blood He entered in once into the holy place, having OBTAINED (not made possible) eternal redemption for us” (Heb. 9:12). - Donnie Bell
“As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated.”
Romans 9:18
When I was first exposed to the doctrines of grace and the sovereignty of God, the above verse because the sledgehammer that I used to pulverize the erroneous doctrine of “God loving everybody” and “Christ dying for everyone.” It was almost as though I rejoiced in the fact that “God hated Esau.” I do not feel or think that way any longer. The more God shows me how much I am like Jacob, the wretched deceiver that he was, the more my heart is astonished that God could love Jacob or me. I understand how He could hate me, but how He could love me is beyond my understanding. – David Eddmenson
March 31, 2024
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
In evil long I took delight, Un-awed by shame or fear
Till a new object struck my sight, And stopped my wild career
I saw One hanging on a tree, In agonies and blood,
Who fixed His languid eyes on me, As near His cross I stood.
Sure never till my latest breath can I forget that look
It seemed to charge me with His death, Though not a word He spoke
My conscience felt and owned the guilt, And plunged me in despair
I saw my sins His blood had spilt, And helped to nail Him there.
Alas, I knew not what I did; But now my tears are vain
Where shall my trembling soul be hid? For I the Lord have slain!
A second look He gave which said, I freely all forgive
This blood is for thy ransom paid, I die, that thou mayest live.
Thus while His death my sin displays, In all its blackest hue
Such is the mystery of His grace, it seals my pardon too
With pleasing grief and mournful joy, My spirit now is filled
That I should such a life destroy, yet live by Him I killed.
(Tune: “There is a Fountain” p.222)
All ladies are invited to a Baby Shower for Jalen & Rachel Whitehead on Saturday, April 13th at 10:00am. The Invitation is in the foyer.
1st – Jennifer Anjos 4th – Evan Wright 5th – Jessica Elliott
31st SS: Elizabeth W.AM: Maggie P, Becky K.(Kelly B) PM: Elizabeth C.WED. Janine
7th SS: Andrea V. AM: Jessica M., Flora (Rachel W.) PM Kelli H. WED. Rachel C.
“A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favor rather than silver and gold.” - Proverbs 22:1
When Adam ate the fruit in the garden, he died immediately. He did not die physically, nor did his soul die. He died spiritually. He no longer had a spirit; nor did he have spiritual life. He was, as Paul named it, “Dead in trespasses and sins.” Not having spiritual life made worship impossible for him and us. It made faith in Christ, repentance toward God, love to God and the conduct that comes from faith, repentance, and love impossible. It is only the individual that God has saved that has a spirit. “That which is born of the Spirit is spirit.” That individual that God elected and Christ died for is given a spiritual nature in the new birth. It is this spirit that “Worships God in spirit and in truth,” that “Worships God in the spirit, rejoices in Christ Jesus, and has no confidence in the flesh.” This is the spirit that comes from, “The Father of spirits.” This is the new man, the spiritual man that repents, believes, and loves! He is the spiritual man, “That discerneth all things.”
“How shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation” (Hebrews 2:3). What could be more insulting to God then to neglect His great salvation. We only neglect that which is of no great value to us. Much like Esau selling his birthright. Of this we can be sure – we will not escape if we neglect so great salvation!
The life and death of Christ would be meaningless were He not risen from the dead. All of the Gospel hinges on His resurrection. “But now is Christ raised from the dead.”
I am sure that Noah, listening to that heavy rainfall on the ark for days and days, as all other life outside of the ark drowned, slept like a little baby…for he was in the one place of safety and security, the ark (Christ). He slept the sleep of faith, as king David slept, as all believers should sleep…for our Lord has taught us all through His precious Gospel this truth –“For I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep: for thou, LORD, makest me dwell in safety” (Ps 4:8). So, no matter where we are, or what is happening all around us, we are safe and secure in the sovereign hands of our Heavenly Father, who is working all things together for our safe-keeping and His eternal glory! - Brian DuFour
Robert Murray M’Cheyne said, “Depend upon it; it is God’s Word, not man’s comment on God’s Word, which converts souls.” I have frequently observed that this is the case. A discourse has been the means of conviction or of decision; but usually upon close inquiry I have found that the real instrument was a Scripture quoted by the preacher. A large fruit may contain and nourish a tiny seed; when the fruit falls into the ground and the shoot springs up, the real life was in the central pip, and not in the juicy fruit which encompassed it. So the Divine Truth is the living and incorruptible seed: the sermon is as needful as the apple to its pip; but still the vitality, the energy, the saving power, was in the pip of the Word, and only in a minor sense in the surrounding apple of human exposition and exhortation.
– C. H. Spurgeon
Some professors think very little of the common virtues of daily life, but they err greatly, and will find themselves in an evil plight at last. My brother, if the grace you possess does not make you honest, God have mercy on you, and take such grace away from you. If you have a kind of grace which does not keep you chaste and make your behavior decent; if you have a sort of grace which lets you cheat and lie, which allows you to take undue advantage in trade, away with such grace; it is the grace of the devil, but not the grace of God, and may you be saved from it…the best morality in the world will not prove a man to be a Christian, but if a man has not morality, it proves that he is not a child of God. - C. H. Spurgeon
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
In evil long I took delight, Un-awed by shame or fear
Till a new object struck my sight, And stopped my wild career
I saw One hanging on a tree, In agonies and blood,
Who fixed His languid eyes on me, As near His cross I stood.
Sure never till my latest breath can I forget that look
It seemed to charge me with His death, Though not a word He spoke
My conscience felt and owned the guilt, And plunged me in despair
I saw my sins His blood had spilt, And helped to nail Him there.
Alas, I knew not what I did; But now my tears are vain
Where shall my trembling soul be hid? For I the Lord have slain!
A second look He gave which said, I freely all forgive
This blood is for thy ransom paid, I die, that thou mayest live.
Thus while His death my sin displays, In all its blackest hue
Such is the mystery of His grace, it seals my pardon too
With pleasing grief and mournful joy, My spirit now is filled
That I should such a life destroy, yet live by Him I killed.
(Tune: “There is a Fountain” p.222)
All ladies are invited to a Baby Shower for Jalen & Rachel Whitehead on Saturday, April 13th at 10:00am. The Invitation is in the foyer.
1st – Jennifer Anjos 4th – Evan Wright 5th – Jessica Elliott
31st SS: Elizabeth W.AM: Maggie P, Becky K.(Kelly B) PM: Elizabeth C.WED. Janine
7th SS: Andrea V. AM: Jessica M., Flora (Rachel W.) PM Kelli H. WED. Rachel C.
“A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favor rather than silver and gold.” - Proverbs 22:1
When Adam ate the fruit in the garden, he died immediately. He did not die physically, nor did his soul die. He died spiritually. He no longer had a spirit; nor did he have spiritual life. He was, as Paul named it, “Dead in trespasses and sins.” Not having spiritual life made worship impossible for him and us. It made faith in Christ, repentance toward God, love to God and the conduct that comes from faith, repentance, and love impossible. It is only the individual that God has saved that has a spirit. “That which is born of the Spirit is spirit.” That individual that God elected and Christ died for is given a spiritual nature in the new birth. It is this spirit that “Worships God in spirit and in truth,” that “Worships God in the spirit, rejoices in Christ Jesus, and has no confidence in the flesh.” This is the spirit that comes from, “The Father of spirits.” This is the new man, the spiritual man that repents, believes, and loves! He is the spiritual man, “That discerneth all things.”
“How shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation” (Hebrews 2:3). What could be more insulting to God then to neglect His great salvation. We only neglect that which is of no great value to us. Much like Esau selling his birthright. Of this we can be sure – we will not escape if we neglect so great salvation!
The life and death of Christ would be meaningless were He not risen from the dead. All of the Gospel hinges on His resurrection. “But now is Christ raised from the dead.”
I am sure that Noah, listening to that heavy rainfall on the ark for days and days, as all other life outside of the ark drowned, slept like a little baby…for he was in the one place of safety and security, the ark (Christ). He slept the sleep of faith, as king David slept, as all believers should sleep…for our Lord has taught us all through His precious Gospel this truth –“For I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep: for thou, LORD, makest me dwell in safety” (Ps 4:8). So, no matter where we are, or what is happening all around us, we are safe and secure in the sovereign hands of our Heavenly Father, who is working all things together for our safe-keeping and His eternal glory! - Brian DuFour
Robert Murray M’Cheyne said, “Depend upon it; it is God’s Word, not man’s comment on God’s Word, which converts souls.” I have frequently observed that this is the case. A discourse has been the means of conviction or of decision; but usually upon close inquiry I have found that the real instrument was a Scripture quoted by the preacher. A large fruit may contain and nourish a tiny seed; when the fruit falls into the ground and the shoot springs up, the real life was in the central pip, and not in the juicy fruit which encompassed it. So the Divine Truth is the living and incorruptible seed: the sermon is as needful as the apple to its pip; but still the vitality, the energy, the saving power, was in the pip of the Word, and only in a minor sense in the surrounding apple of human exposition and exhortation.
– C. H. Spurgeon
Some professors think very little of the common virtues of daily life, but they err greatly, and will find themselves in an evil plight at last. My brother, if the grace you possess does not make you honest, God have mercy on you, and take such grace away from you. If you have a kind of grace which does not keep you chaste and make your behavior decent; if you have a sort of grace which lets you cheat and lie, which allows you to take undue advantage in trade, away with such grace; it is the grace of the devil, but not the grace of God, and may you be saved from it…the best morality in the world will not prove a man to be a Christian, but if a man has not morality, it proves that he is not a child of God. - C. H. Spurgeon
March 24, 2024
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Jesus, thy blood and righteousness
My beauty are, my glorious dress
‘Mid flaming worlds, in these arrayed
With joy shall I lift up my head.
When from the dust of death I rise
To take my dwelling in the skies
E’en then shall this be all my plea
The Saviour lived and died for me.
Bold shall I stand in that great day
For who aught to my charge shall lay
My beauty this, my glorious dress
Jesus, the Lord, my righteousness.
This spotless robe the same appear
When ruined nature sinks in years
No age can change its glorious hue
The robe of Christ is ever new!
(Tune: “Jesus, Thy Blood and Righteousness” p. 217)
All ladies are invited to a Baby Shower for Jalen & Rachel Whitehead on Saturday, April 13th at 10:00am. The Invitation is in the foyer.
25th – Lincoln Charron 25th – Zachary Rankin 27th – Jessica Clark
29th – Bryant Martin 30th – Sherri Morris
24th SS: Jaime AM: Emma H., Cora (Jessica E.) PM: Megan H. WED. Rebekah V.
31st SS: Elizabeth W.AM: Maggie P, Becky K.(Kelly B) PM: Elizabeth C.WED. Janine
“Buy the Truth, and sell it not; also wisdom, and instruction, and understanding.” - Proverbs 23:23
It is striking how the holy truth of election was woven into the common speech of the early church. When Paul greets the Thessalonians, he writes, “Knowing, brethren beloved, your ELECTION of God” (I Thess. 1:4). Peter begins his epistle with, “ELECT according to the foreknowledge of God”; and when he closes the same letter he says, “The church that is at Babylon, ELECTED together with you, saluteth you.” John writes, “The elder unto the ELECT lady,” and closes the letter with, “The children of my ELECT sister greet thee.”
It was not at all awkward for election to come out even in these greetings and good-byes. Why? Because election was not merely a doctrine which they believed the Bible taught, but they worshipped the God of election. Election tells us God is God! And election tells us that salvation is all of grace. This was a doctrine that not only a few of the more mature believers believed, but it was woven into the warp and woof of the thinking of the early church. It was the first thing Ananias told Paul about: “The God of our fathers hath chosen thee” (Acts 22:14). Remember this: you cannot separate election and God Himself. He is the God of election. The early church knew this, and the church of the 20th century knows it also!
While we are not saved by our good works but wholly by the work of Christ on our behalf, we were created unto good works (Ephesians 2:10). We are to be zealous of good works (Titus 2:14), careful to maintain good works (Titus 3:8), and be rich in good works (I Tim. 6:18). Out of our desire to glorify His grace, may the Lord use this to remind us to be zealous of, careful to maintain, and rich in good works!
“He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath no life” (I John 5:12). I love the simplicity of God’s Word. In the matter of life or death, Christ is the difference. If you have Christ, you have life. If you do not have Christ, you do not have life, and the sentence of DEATH is upon you (II Cor. 1:9). A sinner that desires eternal life will desire the Lord Jesus Christ for there is no life in any other (Acts 4:12). - David Eddmemson
“For if that which is done away was glorious, much more that which remaineth is glorious.” - II Corinthians 3:11
It is only the greater and lasting glory of Christ and His Gospel that will convince a person to let go of whatever weak and temporary glory he presently clings to. Is a man enamored of the law? He will remain so until the glory of the Gospel eclipses that glory of the law. Is a man absorbed with the subject of his own righteousness? That shall remain unchanged until the glorious Son of Righteousness rises on his soul. A man never gives up anything until something better comes along. The Gospel is that something better. When the Gospel is preached, those whose eyes the Spirit has opened see the greater glory of it and gladly embrace it while letting go of what they previously held. Until the greater glory is revealed, men will cling to their lesser glories.
- Joe Terrell
Our Lord came on purpose, to save a particular people, and He accomplished what He came to do! If you are one of those particular people, and if He accomplished salvation for you, then He will notify you of it through the preaching of His Word. In His notification, He will convince you of the fact that you are a sinner; the worst sinner you have ever known! That is the very reason why He had to die. It was to save you from your sins. His death was God the Father’s free gift to you. And in His free gift, you are completely redeemed! It was all appointed by the Father, and obtained by the Son. To Him be glory forever!
- Gabe Stalnaker
A rather flippant sort of scoffing young man asked a preacher in a mocking fashion, “You say that unsaved people carry a great weight of sin. Frankly,” he said, “I feel nothing. How heavy is sin? Ten pounds? Fifty pounds? Eighty pounds? A hundred pounds?” Then the preacher thought for a moment and gently replied, “If you laid a 400 pound weight on a corpse, would it feel the weight?” The young man was quick to say, “Of course not, it is dead.” To which the preacher replied in driving home the point, “The man who does not know Christ is equally dead. And though his load of sin is great, he feels none of it.”
- Anonymous
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Jesus, thy blood and righteousness
My beauty are, my glorious dress
‘Mid flaming worlds, in these arrayed
With joy shall I lift up my head.
When from the dust of death I rise
To take my dwelling in the skies
E’en then shall this be all my plea
The Saviour lived and died for me.
Bold shall I stand in that great day
For who aught to my charge shall lay
My beauty this, my glorious dress
Jesus, the Lord, my righteousness.
This spotless robe the same appear
When ruined nature sinks in years
No age can change its glorious hue
The robe of Christ is ever new!
(Tune: “Jesus, Thy Blood and Righteousness” p. 217)
All ladies are invited to a Baby Shower for Jalen & Rachel Whitehead on Saturday, April 13th at 10:00am. The Invitation is in the foyer.
25th – Lincoln Charron 25th – Zachary Rankin 27th – Jessica Clark
29th – Bryant Martin 30th – Sherri Morris
24th SS: Jaime AM: Emma H., Cora (Jessica E.) PM: Megan H. WED. Rebekah V.
31st SS: Elizabeth W.AM: Maggie P, Becky K.(Kelly B) PM: Elizabeth C.WED. Janine
“Buy the Truth, and sell it not; also wisdom, and instruction, and understanding.” - Proverbs 23:23
It is striking how the holy truth of election was woven into the common speech of the early church. When Paul greets the Thessalonians, he writes, “Knowing, brethren beloved, your ELECTION of God” (I Thess. 1:4). Peter begins his epistle with, “ELECT according to the foreknowledge of God”; and when he closes the same letter he says, “The church that is at Babylon, ELECTED together with you, saluteth you.” John writes, “The elder unto the ELECT lady,” and closes the letter with, “The children of my ELECT sister greet thee.”
It was not at all awkward for election to come out even in these greetings and good-byes. Why? Because election was not merely a doctrine which they believed the Bible taught, but they worshipped the God of election. Election tells us God is God! And election tells us that salvation is all of grace. This was a doctrine that not only a few of the more mature believers believed, but it was woven into the warp and woof of the thinking of the early church. It was the first thing Ananias told Paul about: “The God of our fathers hath chosen thee” (Acts 22:14). Remember this: you cannot separate election and God Himself. He is the God of election. The early church knew this, and the church of the 20th century knows it also!
While we are not saved by our good works but wholly by the work of Christ on our behalf, we were created unto good works (Ephesians 2:10). We are to be zealous of good works (Titus 2:14), careful to maintain good works (Titus 3:8), and be rich in good works (I Tim. 6:18). Out of our desire to glorify His grace, may the Lord use this to remind us to be zealous of, careful to maintain, and rich in good works!
“He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath no life” (I John 5:12). I love the simplicity of God’s Word. In the matter of life or death, Christ is the difference. If you have Christ, you have life. If you do not have Christ, you do not have life, and the sentence of DEATH is upon you (II Cor. 1:9). A sinner that desires eternal life will desire the Lord Jesus Christ for there is no life in any other (Acts 4:12). - David Eddmemson
“For if that which is done away was glorious, much more that which remaineth is glorious.” - II Corinthians 3:11
It is only the greater and lasting glory of Christ and His Gospel that will convince a person to let go of whatever weak and temporary glory he presently clings to. Is a man enamored of the law? He will remain so until the glory of the Gospel eclipses that glory of the law. Is a man absorbed with the subject of his own righteousness? That shall remain unchanged until the glorious Son of Righteousness rises on his soul. A man never gives up anything until something better comes along. The Gospel is that something better. When the Gospel is preached, those whose eyes the Spirit has opened see the greater glory of it and gladly embrace it while letting go of what they previously held. Until the greater glory is revealed, men will cling to their lesser glories.
- Joe Terrell
Our Lord came on purpose, to save a particular people, and He accomplished what He came to do! If you are one of those particular people, and if He accomplished salvation for you, then He will notify you of it through the preaching of His Word. In His notification, He will convince you of the fact that you are a sinner; the worst sinner you have ever known! That is the very reason why He had to die. It was to save you from your sins. His death was God the Father’s free gift to you. And in His free gift, you are completely redeemed! It was all appointed by the Father, and obtained by the Son. To Him be glory forever!
- Gabe Stalnaker
A rather flippant sort of scoffing young man asked a preacher in a mocking fashion, “You say that unsaved people carry a great weight of sin. Frankly,” he said, “I feel nothing. How heavy is sin? Ten pounds? Fifty pounds? Eighty pounds? A hundred pounds?” Then the preacher thought for a moment and gently replied, “If you laid a 400 pound weight on a corpse, would it feel the weight?” The young man was quick to say, “Of course not, it is dead.” To which the preacher replied in driving home the point, “The man who does not know Christ is equally dead. And though his load of sin is great, he feels none of it.”
- Anonymous
March 17, 2024
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Glory to the Heavenly Father
Fountain of eternal love
Who, His wandering sheep to gather
Sent the Savior from above.
Glory! Glory! To the Father, Three in One.
To the Son all praise be given
Who with love unknown before
Left the bright abode of Heaven
And our sins and sorrows bore.
Glory! Glory! To the Father, Three in One.
Equal strains of warm devotion
Let the Spirit’s praise employ
Author of each holy motion
Source of wisdom, peace, and joy.
Glory! Glory! To the Father, Three in One.
Thus while our glad hearts ascending
Glorify Jehovah’s Name
Heavenly songs with ours are blending
There the theme is still the same!
Glory! Glory! To the Father, Three in One.
(Tune: “Look Ye Saints” p.141)
19th – Rachel Daniel 22nd – Jean Bradford
17th SS: Rachel C. AM: Michelle, Macy (Kristen H.) PM: Julie R. WED: Andrea V.
24th SS: Jaime AM: Emma H., Cora (Jessica E.) PM: Megan H. WED. Rebekah V.
“Whoso causeth the righteous to go astray in an evil way, he shall fall himself into his own pit: but the upright shall have good things in possession.” - Proverbs 28:1
“Lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and therefore many be defiled.” Bitterness is the resentment that comes from the perception that I have been wronged. This is the attitude of the natural man toward the Gospel. When the natural man hears of God’s electing mercy in Christ, he bristles at being treated unfairly. When we perceive we have been treated unfairly (and quite often we are), and resent it and grow bitter, we are angry with God who is the first cause (which is true of everything - Proverbs 16:33), and hurt our self and everyone around us. The remedy for bitterness is not judging God as unfair because I really deserve to be in hell and it is only His electing mercy in Christ that prevents that. The remedy of bitterness toward others is to remember that God is the first cause of all things, which are included in the, “All things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose.” What grace David displayed when Abishai wanted to cut of the head of Shimei for cursing David, and David replied, “So let him curse, because the Lord hath said unto him, Curse David. Wherefore hast thou done so” (II Samuel 16:10).
“But exhort one another daily, while it is called Today; lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin.” - Hebrews 3:13
The word hardened is in the passive voice. I am not aware it is happening to me. And this hardening comes through the deceitfulness of sin. Sin through deceit renders one oblivious to the dangers they are in. This verse comes between the verse that warns us from departing and a verse that exhorts us to persevere (Hebrews 3:12-14). The deceitfulness of sin causes me to not recognize when I am in the process of falling away and prevents me from seeing what it is to persevere, “Holding the beginning of our confidence steadfast unto the end.” The subtle shifts in priorities are not recognized. Is it any wonder the writer to Hebrews wrote…“Take heed brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief, in departing from the living God.” This begins with, “Being hardened through the deceitfulness of sin.”
When Paul said to the Corinthians, “Not to think of men above that which is written,” there can be given many reasons why we should not do this! But the greatest reason is whenever we think of men above that which is written, we necessarily think of Christ below “that which is written.” When Paul exhorted the Romans to, “Prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God,” the first thing he said to do was, “For I say through the grace of God given unto me to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly then he ought to think.” The higher I view myself the lower I will view Christ and the lower I view myself the higher I will view Christ. An inflated view of myself causes problems for me, my ability to understand the Word, and my relationship with others, but most especially my communion and fellowship with the Lord.
The voice from the cross did not summon men to do, but to be satisfied with what was done, “It is finished. The sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ is the only perfect thing which has ever been presented to God on man’s behalf. “It shall be perfect to be accepted, there shall be no blemish therein” (Lev. 22:21). - Scott Richardson
Why is the Truth such a mystery to most? Why is the Gospel so clear to the believer, yet the world does not see it that way at all? Because Christ said, “It is not given to them but to you it is given.” The Gospel is a revelation, a gift, and a very personal one at that. Just as you and I give gifts to whomever we will, so it is with the unspeakable gift of a revelation of the Truth. He reveals it to whomsoever He will. And when He reveals the Truth, it is “All plain to him that understands, and right to them that find knowledge” (Proverbs 8:9). – Paul Mahan
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Glory to the Heavenly Father
Fountain of eternal love
Who, His wandering sheep to gather
Sent the Savior from above.
Glory! Glory! To the Father, Three in One.
To the Son all praise be given
Who with love unknown before
Left the bright abode of Heaven
And our sins and sorrows bore.
Glory! Glory! To the Father, Three in One.
Equal strains of warm devotion
Let the Spirit’s praise employ
Author of each holy motion
Source of wisdom, peace, and joy.
Glory! Glory! To the Father, Three in One.
Thus while our glad hearts ascending
Glorify Jehovah’s Name
Heavenly songs with ours are blending
There the theme is still the same!
Glory! Glory! To the Father, Three in One.
(Tune: “Look Ye Saints” p.141)
19th – Rachel Daniel 22nd – Jean Bradford
17th SS: Rachel C. AM: Michelle, Macy (Kristen H.) PM: Julie R. WED: Andrea V.
24th SS: Jaime AM: Emma H., Cora (Jessica E.) PM: Megan H. WED. Rebekah V.
“Whoso causeth the righteous to go astray in an evil way, he shall fall himself into his own pit: but the upright shall have good things in possession.” - Proverbs 28:1
“Lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and therefore many be defiled.” Bitterness is the resentment that comes from the perception that I have been wronged. This is the attitude of the natural man toward the Gospel. When the natural man hears of God’s electing mercy in Christ, he bristles at being treated unfairly. When we perceive we have been treated unfairly (and quite often we are), and resent it and grow bitter, we are angry with God who is the first cause (which is true of everything - Proverbs 16:33), and hurt our self and everyone around us. The remedy for bitterness is not judging God as unfair because I really deserve to be in hell and it is only His electing mercy in Christ that prevents that. The remedy of bitterness toward others is to remember that God is the first cause of all things, which are included in the, “All things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose.” What grace David displayed when Abishai wanted to cut of the head of Shimei for cursing David, and David replied, “So let him curse, because the Lord hath said unto him, Curse David. Wherefore hast thou done so” (II Samuel 16:10).
“But exhort one another daily, while it is called Today; lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin.” - Hebrews 3:13
The word hardened is in the passive voice. I am not aware it is happening to me. And this hardening comes through the deceitfulness of sin. Sin through deceit renders one oblivious to the dangers they are in. This verse comes between the verse that warns us from departing and a verse that exhorts us to persevere (Hebrews 3:12-14). The deceitfulness of sin causes me to not recognize when I am in the process of falling away and prevents me from seeing what it is to persevere, “Holding the beginning of our confidence steadfast unto the end.” The subtle shifts in priorities are not recognized. Is it any wonder the writer to Hebrews wrote…“Take heed brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief, in departing from the living God.” This begins with, “Being hardened through the deceitfulness of sin.”
When Paul said to the Corinthians, “Not to think of men above that which is written,” there can be given many reasons why we should not do this! But the greatest reason is whenever we think of men above that which is written, we necessarily think of Christ below “that which is written.” When Paul exhorted the Romans to, “Prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God,” the first thing he said to do was, “For I say through the grace of God given unto me to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly then he ought to think.” The higher I view myself the lower I will view Christ and the lower I view myself the higher I will view Christ. An inflated view of myself causes problems for me, my ability to understand the Word, and my relationship with others, but most especially my communion and fellowship with the Lord.
The voice from the cross did not summon men to do, but to be satisfied with what was done, “It is finished. The sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ is the only perfect thing which has ever been presented to God on man’s behalf. “It shall be perfect to be accepted, there shall be no blemish therein” (Lev. 22:21). - Scott Richardson
Why is the Truth such a mystery to most? Why is the Gospel so clear to the believer, yet the world does not see it that way at all? Because Christ said, “It is not given to them but to you it is given.” The Gospel is a revelation, a gift, and a very personal one at that. Just as you and I give gifts to whomever we will, so it is with the unspeakable gift of a revelation of the Truth. He reveals it to whomsoever He will. And when He reveals the Truth, it is “All plain to him that understands, and right to them that find knowledge” (Proverbs 8:9). – Paul Mahan
March 10, 2024
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Sons we are through God’s election
Who in Jesus Christ believe
By eternal destination
Sovereign grace we here receive.
Pause, my soul, adore and wonder
Ask, O why such love to me?
Grace hath put me in the number
Of the Saviour’s family.
Every fallen soul, by sinning
Merits everlasting pain
But Thy love, without beginning
Has restored Thy sons again.
When my Saviour comes in judgment
Bright in Majesty Divine
I will stand with that great number
In Thy righteousness as mine.
(Tune: “Jesus Calls Us” p.374)
We rejoice with Abraham Sualim who will confess Christ in believer’s baptism at the close of the service this morning.
11th – Bill Dent 11th – Levi Wright 12th – Chance Borders
12th –Daniel Clark 13th – Nicholas Creamer 13th – Isaac Hands
14th – Aaron Greenleaf 16th – Jacob Davis 16th – Carson Dent
16th- Emmaline Dent 16th – Jacob Morris
10th SS: Amanda M. AM: Savannah G., Lilyana PM: Rachel W. WED. Allison W.
17th SS: Rachel C. AM: Michelle, Macy PM: Julie R. WED: Andrea V.
“A talebearer revealeth secrets: but he that is of a faithful spirit concealeth the matter.” - Proverbs 11:13
When it says, “They were all baptized of him in the river Jordan confessing their sins,” that does not mean prior to baptism they made a public confession of the sins they had committed. It means they confessed they were so sinful they could only be saved by what baptism depicts! My hope of salvation is that I was in Christ when He lived, died, and was raised from the dead. I am so sinful I could not be saved any other way. When men preach and believe that Christ lived for all men without exception, and died and was raised for all men without exception, yet some of those people will be in hell because they did not do their part, they deny the meaning of baptism, make salvation dependent upon human works, and deny the message of the Gospel. While they are immersed in water, they have no idea of the meaning of baptism: union with Christ.
God is called the, “God of patience.” We read of, “The Kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ.” We read of, “The patience of the saints.” Patience is not a stoic view of what is happening or a fatalistic view of all things having been predetermined. It is the cheerful and hopeful belief that God controls everything, therefore everything comes under Romans 8:28…. “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose.” When I am impatient, I have either forgotten that or do not believe it!
Whatever God says is of infinite importance. Nothing God says is to be quantified as more important or less important. All God says is to be believed. To not believe what God says in His Word is to be an unbeliever.
Christ is either All in salvation or nothing in salvation. He is nowhere in between those two statements.
We really do not know too much about what our actual experience will be like in heaven. We do know that we will be in new, glorified, sinless, holy bodies…gathered around His Throne, singing eternal praises to our precious Lord and Savior! I truly believe that every saved sinner in Heaven will have a permanent, eternal smile on their face!
Even now, things that bring us earthly joy bring smiles to our faces. Then how could we not have permanent smiles on our faces, as we stand face to face with our beautiful Savior, looking into His eyes, smiling, embracing, and hearing – “Well done, thou good and faithful servant...enter thou into the joy of thy Lord” (Matt. 25:21). I am smiling right now just anticipating that eternal moment! – Brian Dufour
1. That man is both totally and partially depraved.
2. That election is both conditional and unconditional.
3. That regenerating grace is both irresistible and resistible.
4. That redemption is both limited and unlimited.
5. That perseverance is both certain and uncertain.
Nor can there be a modification of one by the other; it is impossible to blend the two. History records such efforts in the past, but despite the efforts, sovereign grace and free-willism will not mix, nor can they walk together in peace, nor can those holding either system force the other to their view.
-Rolfe Barnard
Contrary to all outward evidence, the thief on the cross believed that the Man dying beside him was his only hope for salvation. There was nothing in his physical sight to convince him that Jesus was Lord, or that He would be reigning over an Eternal Kingdom. Yet he prayed, “Lord, remember me when thou comest into Thy kingdom.” So, what did he have to cause such hope? The same thing you and I have. He had the Word of God and he had the Spirit of God. That is all he had, and all he needed. That is all we have, and all we need. If we look for anything else, (feelings, experiences, change in life, etc.) we will be walking by sight rather than by faith. Saving faith comes by hearing, not be seeing. When the Spirit of God takes the Word of God and gives faith to the children of God in the Son of God…they hear those blessed words of hope, “Thou shalt be with Me in Paradise.” - Greg Elmquist
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Sons we are through God’s election
Who in Jesus Christ believe
By eternal destination
Sovereign grace we here receive.
Pause, my soul, adore and wonder
Ask, O why such love to me?
Grace hath put me in the number
Of the Saviour’s family.
Every fallen soul, by sinning
Merits everlasting pain
But Thy love, without beginning
Has restored Thy sons again.
When my Saviour comes in judgment
Bright in Majesty Divine
I will stand with that great number
In Thy righteousness as mine.
(Tune: “Jesus Calls Us” p.374)
We rejoice with Abraham Sualim who will confess Christ in believer’s baptism at the close of the service this morning.
11th – Bill Dent 11th – Levi Wright 12th – Chance Borders
12th –Daniel Clark 13th – Nicholas Creamer 13th – Isaac Hands
14th – Aaron Greenleaf 16th – Jacob Davis 16th – Carson Dent
16th- Emmaline Dent 16th – Jacob Morris
10th SS: Amanda M. AM: Savannah G., Lilyana PM: Rachel W. WED. Allison W.
17th SS: Rachel C. AM: Michelle, Macy PM: Julie R. WED: Andrea V.
“A talebearer revealeth secrets: but he that is of a faithful spirit concealeth the matter.” - Proverbs 11:13
When it says, “They were all baptized of him in the river Jordan confessing their sins,” that does not mean prior to baptism they made a public confession of the sins they had committed. It means they confessed they were so sinful they could only be saved by what baptism depicts! My hope of salvation is that I was in Christ when He lived, died, and was raised from the dead. I am so sinful I could not be saved any other way. When men preach and believe that Christ lived for all men without exception, and died and was raised for all men without exception, yet some of those people will be in hell because they did not do their part, they deny the meaning of baptism, make salvation dependent upon human works, and deny the message of the Gospel. While they are immersed in water, they have no idea of the meaning of baptism: union with Christ.
God is called the, “God of patience.” We read of, “The Kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ.” We read of, “The patience of the saints.” Patience is not a stoic view of what is happening or a fatalistic view of all things having been predetermined. It is the cheerful and hopeful belief that God controls everything, therefore everything comes under Romans 8:28…. “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose.” When I am impatient, I have either forgotten that or do not believe it!
Whatever God says is of infinite importance. Nothing God says is to be quantified as more important or less important. All God says is to be believed. To not believe what God says in His Word is to be an unbeliever.
Christ is either All in salvation or nothing in salvation. He is nowhere in between those two statements.
We really do not know too much about what our actual experience will be like in heaven. We do know that we will be in new, glorified, sinless, holy bodies…gathered around His Throne, singing eternal praises to our precious Lord and Savior! I truly believe that every saved sinner in Heaven will have a permanent, eternal smile on their face!
Even now, things that bring us earthly joy bring smiles to our faces. Then how could we not have permanent smiles on our faces, as we stand face to face with our beautiful Savior, looking into His eyes, smiling, embracing, and hearing – “Well done, thou good and faithful servant...enter thou into the joy of thy Lord” (Matt. 25:21). I am smiling right now just anticipating that eternal moment! – Brian Dufour
1. That man is both totally and partially depraved.
2. That election is both conditional and unconditional.
3. That regenerating grace is both irresistible and resistible.
4. That redemption is both limited and unlimited.
5. That perseverance is both certain and uncertain.
Nor can there be a modification of one by the other; it is impossible to blend the two. History records such efforts in the past, but despite the efforts, sovereign grace and free-willism will not mix, nor can they walk together in peace, nor can those holding either system force the other to their view.
-Rolfe Barnard
Contrary to all outward evidence, the thief on the cross believed that the Man dying beside him was his only hope for salvation. There was nothing in his physical sight to convince him that Jesus was Lord, or that He would be reigning over an Eternal Kingdom. Yet he prayed, “Lord, remember me when thou comest into Thy kingdom.” So, what did he have to cause such hope? The same thing you and I have. He had the Word of God and he had the Spirit of God. That is all he had, and all he needed. That is all we have, and all we need. If we look for anything else, (feelings, experiences, change in life, etc.) we will be walking by sight rather than by faith. Saving faith comes by hearing, not be seeing. When the Spirit of God takes the Word of God and gives faith to the children of God in the Son of God…they hear those blessed words of hope, “Thou shalt be with Me in Paradise.” - Greg Elmquist
March 3, 2024
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Now gracious God, Thine arm reveal
And make Thy glory known
Now let us all Thy presence feel
And soften hearts of stone.
Help us to venture near Thy Throne
And plead our Saviour’s name
For all that we can call our own
Is vanity and shame.
From all the guilt of wretched sin
May mercy set us free
And let the week we now begin
Begin and end with Thee.
Send down Thy Spirit from above
That we may love Thee more
And others now may learn to love
Who never loved before.
(Tune: “According to Thy Gracious Word” p. 192)
We rejoice with Hunter Small who will confess Christ in believer’s baptism at the close of the service this morning.
All ladies are invited to a Baby Shower Brunch for Jim and Renata Green this Saturday, March 9 at 10:30am. Sign up in the foyer.
David Eddmenson has recorded a CD of hymns. You can pick up a copy in the foyer.
4th – Hannah Frye 5th – Michelle Brogle 5th – Allie Foley
5th – Savannah Grubb 6th – Benjamin Clark
7th – Daisy Martin 8th – Clare Charron
“Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child; but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him.” - Proverbs 22:15
“I am poor and needy.” This is David’s confession of his state before God on multiple occasions. This is the “poor in spirit” spoken of in the first beatitude. When you are poor, you are necessarily needy. But when there is poverty of spirit, those needs are always met. “Theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.” All needs are met. But when someone is not “poor”, he has no needs. Where there are no needs, there are no needs being met. This is true all the time. “He healed those who had need of healing” (Luke 9:11). It is a good thing to be poor and needy! That is who He saves. It was said of the church at Laodicea…. “We are rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing.” To this church the Lord said, “I will spew thee out of my mouth” (Rev. 3:16). Only when I am poor and needy am I rich and all my spiritual needs are met in Christ, Who is All.
“Walk in wisdom toward them that are without, redeeming the time.” Paul is speaking of our conduct before unbelievers. We are to walk in wisdom before them… “Redeeming the time.” Most other translations say, “Making the most of every opportunity. Every time we are before unbelievers, it is an opportunity to do them good by example or more importantly by word. We should look at every time we are with them as a time to seek their salvation and preach the Gospel to them! This is a reminder to us that at all times we are to seek to be fishers of men, and to conduct ourselves before them in a way that adorns the doctrine we believe!
We have no power from God unless we live in the persuasion that we have none of our own. – John Owen
I really, really hate my sin…but at the same time, I am so glad that the Lord has taught me that I am the sinner, for now I can rejoice and take comfort in this blessed Gospel Truth – “That Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief” (I Tim. 1:15). Therefore, the sinner writing this article has been saved by the Lord Jesus Christ, along with every other sinner that has been taught of God that they are the sinner. Lord, please give me this new heart and spirit that convinces me “of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment” (John 16:8) …and once convinced of sin, turn my eyes to the one and only remedy for this sin, the righteousness and shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. - Brian DuFour
In respect to GOD, the death of Christ was justice and mercy. In respect to THIS WORLD, the death of Christ was murder and cruelty. In respect to HIMSELF, the death of Christ was obedience and humility. In respect to HIS ELECT, the death of Christ was wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption. – John Flavel
God’ providences are but the manifestations of His decrees. What God does in time is only what He purposed in eternity. – Arthur Pink
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Now gracious God, Thine arm reveal
And make Thy glory known
Now let us all Thy presence feel
And soften hearts of stone.
Help us to venture near Thy Throne
And plead our Saviour’s name
For all that we can call our own
Is vanity and shame.
From all the guilt of wretched sin
May mercy set us free
And let the week we now begin
Begin and end with Thee.
Send down Thy Spirit from above
That we may love Thee more
And others now may learn to love
Who never loved before.
(Tune: “According to Thy Gracious Word” p. 192)
We rejoice with Hunter Small who will confess Christ in believer’s baptism at the close of the service this morning.
All ladies are invited to a Baby Shower Brunch for Jim and Renata Green this Saturday, March 9 at 10:30am. Sign up in the foyer.
David Eddmenson has recorded a CD of hymns. You can pick up a copy in the foyer.
4th – Hannah Frye 5th – Michelle Brogle 5th – Allie Foley
5th – Savannah Grubb 6th – Benjamin Clark
7th – Daisy Martin 8th – Clare Charron
“Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child; but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him.” - Proverbs 22:15
“I am poor and needy.” This is David’s confession of his state before God on multiple occasions. This is the “poor in spirit” spoken of in the first beatitude. When you are poor, you are necessarily needy. But when there is poverty of spirit, those needs are always met. “Theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.” All needs are met. But when someone is not “poor”, he has no needs. Where there are no needs, there are no needs being met. This is true all the time. “He healed those who had need of healing” (Luke 9:11). It is a good thing to be poor and needy! That is who He saves. It was said of the church at Laodicea…. “We are rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing.” To this church the Lord said, “I will spew thee out of my mouth” (Rev. 3:16). Only when I am poor and needy am I rich and all my spiritual needs are met in Christ, Who is All.
“Walk in wisdom toward them that are without, redeeming the time.” Paul is speaking of our conduct before unbelievers. We are to walk in wisdom before them… “Redeeming the time.” Most other translations say, “Making the most of every opportunity. Every time we are before unbelievers, it is an opportunity to do them good by example or more importantly by word. We should look at every time we are with them as a time to seek their salvation and preach the Gospel to them! This is a reminder to us that at all times we are to seek to be fishers of men, and to conduct ourselves before them in a way that adorns the doctrine we believe!
We have no power from God unless we live in the persuasion that we have none of our own. – John Owen
I really, really hate my sin…but at the same time, I am so glad that the Lord has taught me that I am the sinner, for now I can rejoice and take comfort in this blessed Gospel Truth – “That Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief” (I Tim. 1:15). Therefore, the sinner writing this article has been saved by the Lord Jesus Christ, along with every other sinner that has been taught of God that they are the sinner. Lord, please give me this new heart and spirit that convinces me “of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment” (John 16:8) …and once convinced of sin, turn my eyes to the one and only remedy for this sin, the righteousness and shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. - Brian DuFour
In respect to GOD, the death of Christ was justice and mercy. In respect to THIS WORLD, the death of Christ was murder and cruelty. In respect to HIMSELF, the death of Christ was obedience and humility. In respect to HIS ELECT, the death of Christ was wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption. – John Flavel
God’ providences are but the manifestations of His decrees. What God does in time is only what He purposed in eternity. – Arthur Pink
February 25, 2024
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Glory to God on High, Let earth and heav’n reply
Praise ye His Name!
His love and grace adore, Who all our sorrows bore
Sing aloud evermore, WORTHY THE LAMB!
Jesus, our Lord and God, Bore sin’s tremendous load
Praise ye His Name!
Tell what His arm has done, What spoils from death He won
Sing His great Name alone, WORTHY THE LAMB!
While they around the Throne, Cheerfully join in one
Praising His Name!
Ye who have see His blood, Sealing your peace with God
Sound His dear Name abroad, WORTHY THE LAMB!
(Tune: “Come, Thou Almighty King”)
Vacation Bible School will be June 18-20.
The Katy Baptist Church in Fairmont, WV will have a Bible conference March 29-31.
1st – Caleb Benton
25th SS: Jaime AM: Megan H., Lauren H. PM: Jessica M. WED: Jenny W.
3rd SS: Cami AM: Jenny W., Flora PM: Sharon V. WED: Janine
“By humility and the fear of the Lord are riches, and honor, and life.” - Proverbs 22:4
Self-righteousness is the twin sister of unbelief. It is not only the twin sister of unbelief; it is spawned by unbelief. You cannot trust yourself for righteousness and Christ as the end of the law for righteousness. The one excludes the other. Self-righteousness is fed and nourished by unbelief. Unbelief’s chief evidence is self-righteousness. What a blessing of grace when we trust the Person of Christ as our righteousness before God. That is believing Romans 4:5. Unbelief is made to shamefully retreat into the shadows, waiting for self-righteousness to open back up the door for its entrance. The only time unbelief will be gone is when self-righteousness is no longer in existence. That will be when we die and are conformed to the image of Christ. Until then, “I believe, help Thou my unbelief”!
We are called upon to, “Run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus” (Heb. 12:1-2). We run this race with patience because we start this race at the finish line. “It is finished!” leaves no room for worry concerning the outcome of this race; certain is victory! The word “looking” means literally to turn your view from all other things and set your gaze upon one thing. We are not to look at ourselves, our walk, our experience, our intentions, our feelings, our fruit, or even our faith. We are not to look to others. We are not to look to anything or anyone but Christ! We are to look now, not waiting for something to happen before we look. We are to look to Him only; nothing more, nothing less, nothing else, and always. This is how this race is be to run! If this is not the race we are running, in reality we are not running the race at all!
The first step toward the recovery or restoration of sight is the realization that one has a problem seeing. I never heard of anyone who sought out and called upon an optometrist before realizing that his sight was bad. Likewise, no sinner every sought out and savingly called upon the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ, until he realized that he could not see. Christ Jesus only saves the blind (John 9:39-41). But how full of grace He is to them! - Maurice Montgomery
A lot of times we feel the Lord is just fed up with our constant sin and unbelief, and that He will soon just cast us off. But our God is not divided, there is no in-between, no “love one minute, hate the next.” For He either loves you completely and eternally in Christ, or He justly hates you in your sinful flesh. Holy love or holy hatred, that is it – no middle ground, no halfway, no in-between. God justly loves all of His elect in Christ, and justly hates all of those outside of Christ. “As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated” (Rom. 9:13). Sinner (you and me), run to Christ in your heart and ask Him for mercy, for He promises that, “Him that cometh unto Me, I will in no wise cast out” (John 6:37). - Brian DuFour
First, IT IS ETERNAL. Grace was planned before it was exercised, purposed before it was imparted. “Who hath saved us, and called us, with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace, which was given us in CHRIST JESUS BEFORE, the world began” (II Timothy 1:9).
Second, IT IS FREE for none did ever purchase it. “Being justified FREELY by His grace” (Romans 3:24).
Third, IT IS SOVEREIGN, because God exercise it toward and bestows it upon who He pleases. “Even so might grace REIGN” (Romans 5:21). If grace, the occupant of the Throne is Sovereign, Hence, “The THRONE of grace” (Hebrews 4:16). - Copied
“Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.”
Philippians 2:12
I will not debate with the free-will works religionist who claims that the above verse of Scripture proves that salvation is accomplished by a “work of righteousness” that the sinner does. Paul resolved that argument in the very next sentence of his letter to the church at Philippi. “For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure” (Philippians 2:13). No sinner can “work out” what God has not “worked in”. It is impossible for a spiritually dead man or woman to do anything without first being made alive by God. Are not you thankful that, “Salvation is of the Lord?” - David Eddmenson
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Glory to God on High, Let earth and heav’n reply
Praise ye His Name!
His love and grace adore, Who all our sorrows bore
Sing aloud evermore, WORTHY THE LAMB!
Jesus, our Lord and God, Bore sin’s tremendous load
Praise ye His Name!
Tell what His arm has done, What spoils from death He won
Sing His great Name alone, WORTHY THE LAMB!
While they around the Throne, Cheerfully join in one
Praising His Name!
Ye who have see His blood, Sealing your peace with God
Sound His dear Name abroad, WORTHY THE LAMB!
(Tune: “Come, Thou Almighty King”)
Vacation Bible School will be June 18-20.
The Katy Baptist Church in Fairmont, WV will have a Bible conference March 29-31.
1st – Caleb Benton
25th SS: Jaime AM: Megan H., Lauren H. PM: Jessica M. WED: Jenny W.
3rd SS: Cami AM: Jenny W., Flora PM: Sharon V. WED: Janine
“By humility and the fear of the Lord are riches, and honor, and life.” - Proverbs 22:4
Self-righteousness is the twin sister of unbelief. It is not only the twin sister of unbelief; it is spawned by unbelief. You cannot trust yourself for righteousness and Christ as the end of the law for righteousness. The one excludes the other. Self-righteousness is fed and nourished by unbelief. Unbelief’s chief evidence is self-righteousness. What a blessing of grace when we trust the Person of Christ as our righteousness before God. That is believing Romans 4:5. Unbelief is made to shamefully retreat into the shadows, waiting for self-righteousness to open back up the door for its entrance. The only time unbelief will be gone is when self-righteousness is no longer in existence. That will be when we die and are conformed to the image of Christ. Until then, “I believe, help Thou my unbelief”!
We are called upon to, “Run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus” (Heb. 12:1-2). We run this race with patience because we start this race at the finish line. “It is finished!” leaves no room for worry concerning the outcome of this race; certain is victory! The word “looking” means literally to turn your view from all other things and set your gaze upon one thing. We are not to look at ourselves, our walk, our experience, our intentions, our feelings, our fruit, or even our faith. We are not to look to others. We are not to look to anything or anyone but Christ! We are to look now, not waiting for something to happen before we look. We are to look to Him only; nothing more, nothing less, nothing else, and always. This is how this race is be to run! If this is not the race we are running, in reality we are not running the race at all!
The first step toward the recovery or restoration of sight is the realization that one has a problem seeing. I never heard of anyone who sought out and called upon an optometrist before realizing that his sight was bad. Likewise, no sinner every sought out and savingly called upon the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ, until he realized that he could not see. Christ Jesus only saves the blind (John 9:39-41). But how full of grace He is to them! - Maurice Montgomery
A lot of times we feel the Lord is just fed up with our constant sin and unbelief, and that He will soon just cast us off. But our God is not divided, there is no in-between, no “love one minute, hate the next.” For He either loves you completely and eternally in Christ, or He justly hates you in your sinful flesh. Holy love or holy hatred, that is it – no middle ground, no halfway, no in-between. God justly loves all of His elect in Christ, and justly hates all of those outside of Christ. “As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated” (Rom. 9:13). Sinner (you and me), run to Christ in your heart and ask Him for mercy, for He promises that, “Him that cometh unto Me, I will in no wise cast out” (John 6:37). - Brian DuFour
First, IT IS ETERNAL. Grace was planned before it was exercised, purposed before it was imparted. “Who hath saved us, and called us, with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace, which was given us in CHRIST JESUS BEFORE, the world began” (II Timothy 1:9).
Second, IT IS FREE for none did ever purchase it. “Being justified FREELY by His grace” (Romans 3:24).
Third, IT IS SOVEREIGN, because God exercise it toward and bestows it upon who He pleases. “Even so might grace REIGN” (Romans 5:21). If grace, the occupant of the Throne is Sovereign, Hence, “The THRONE of grace” (Hebrews 4:16). - Copied
“Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.”
Philippians 2:12
I will not debate with the free-will works religionist who claims that the above verse of Scripture proves that salvation is accomplished by a “work of righteousness” that the sinner does. Paul resolved that argument in the very next sentence of his letter to the church at Philippi. “For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure” (Philippians 2:13). No sinner can “work out” what God has not “worked in”. It is impossible for a spiritually dead man or woman to do anything without first being made alive by God. Are not you thankful that, “Salvation is of the Lord?” - David Eddmenson
February 18, 2024
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Wherewith shall we approach the Lord
And bow before His throne?
By trusting His unchanging Word
And pleading Christ alone.
This is the Name the Father loves
This is the Name we plead
This is the Name that heav’n approves
And blesses us indeed.
Then let His Name forever be
To us supremely dear
His Name our all-prevailing plea
For all our hope is there.
His Name LORD JESUS suits Him well
His Name is great indeed
He saves from sin and wrath and hell
His Name is all I need!
(Tune: “According to Thy Gracious Word” p.192)
The Katy Baptist Church in Fairmont, WV will have a Bible conference March 29-31.
20th – Megan Harries 21st – Tim Daniel
22nd – Zac Byrd 22nd – Evonne Kincer
18th SS: Emily E. AM: Rachelle, Cora PM: Rachael C. WED: Rebekah V
25th SS: Jaime AM: Megan H., Lauren H. PM: Jessica M. WED: Jenny W.
“A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger.” - Proverbs 15:1
“No man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost.”
– I Corinthians 12:3
That does not mean to articulate the words. A parrot could do that. It means to understand, to believe, and publicly declare that He is Lord. We do not make Him Lord. He is Lord! We do not think He ought to be allowed to be Lord. He is Lord! This is how every believer recognizes Him. He is Lord. He does not have a right to be Lord. He is Lord! This Man Christ Jesus is the Lord of the dead and the living! He is the Lord of Heaven and earth! He is Lord of all! He is Lord of creation, Lord of providence, and Lord of salvation! Every believer without exception clearly recognizes His Lordship. The thief certainly did. “Lord, remember me when you come into your Kingdom.” We all say with Thomas, “My Lord, and my God.” If I believe He is Lord in my heart, I will confess it with my mouth. “Jesus is Lord.”
When God says, “Likewise reckon ye yourselves also to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Romans 6:11), this does not mean believe it although it is not so. It does not mean believe it and that will make it so. It means believe it because it is so!
We read in Romans 15:13 of, “The joy and peace of believing.” It is not the act of believing that gives joy and peace, although there is no joy and peace without believing. It is what is believed that brings joy and peace. If I really believe that Christ finished the great work of salvation, and His righteousness is mine, and that He rules the universe in absolute sovereignty, I cannot help but have these wonderful feelings of joy and peace.
When it was said that, “Abraham believed God”, he had not the slightest physical evidence that what God said would take place. He had no children. He was an old man and Sarah had already gone thought menopause. There was nothing he could see that would verify the Word of God. All he had was the naked Word of God. But, is that not what faith is? Believing what we cannot see because God has said it!
The Lord Jesus – may we trust Him completely, love Him supremely, and preach Him only!
“Known unto God are all His works from the beginning of the world.”
- Acts 15:18
While hanging up a new yearly wall calendar, I noticed the name of it was, AT-A-GLANCE. It is a calendar of the whole year in which you can write down all your plans and appointments for each month and look at all those plans…at a glance. As I was doing that, the above Scripture came to my mind, how that, our omniscient God, before the world began, purposed all things. He wrote down in His book of life every detail concerning all things, according to His will and pleasure, and is working all things after the counsel of His own will (Eph. 1:11). Nothing was left to chance. Everything was predetermined and pre-recorded by God. He could, before the world began, at a glance, look at that Book and see all that was and is and is to be. This is not fatalism, not superstition, but Bible! Such is the wisdom and power of the true God! Are you not glad it is so! Are you not glad, believer, that God hath purposed all things and worketh all things for His glory and our good. We would live in fear were it not so. Though the future is somewhat unknown to us, yet not to God, for He hath determined all things. Believing this, we need not fear the future, for our God holds it, and us, in His Sovereign loving Hands. – Paul Mahan
Christ is the mystery of the Scripture – grace the mystery of Christ. BELIEVING is the most wonderful thing in the world. Put anything of your own to it, and you spoil it. Christ will not so much as look at it for BELIEVING. When you believe and come to Christ, you must leave behind you, your own righteousness and bring nothing but your sin (Oh, that is hard!); leave behind all your holiness, sanctification, duties, humblings, etc.; and bring nothing but your wants and miseries, or else Christ is not fit for you, nor you for Christ. Christ will be a pure Redeemer and Mediator, and you must be an undone sinner, or Christ and you will never agree. It is the hardest thing in the world to take Christ alone for righteousness; that is to acknowledge Him Christ. Join any thing to Him of your own, and you un-Christ Him. Whatever comes in when you go to God for acceptance, besides Christ, call it anti-Christ; bid it begone; make ONLY Christ’s righteousness triumphant. All besides that is Babylon, which must fall if Christ stands, and you shall rejoice in the day of the fall thereof (Isaiah 14:4). Christ ALONE did tread the winepress, and there was none with Him (Isaiah 63:3). If you join any thing to Christ, Christ will trample upon it in fury and anger and stain His raiment with the blood of it. - Copied
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Wherewith shall we approach the Lord
And bow before His throne?
By trusting His unchanging Word
And pleading Christ alone.
This is the Name the Father loves
This is the Name we plead
This is the Name that heav’n approves
And blesses us indeed.
Then let His Name forever be
To us supremely dear
His Name our all-prevailing plea
For all our hope is there.
His Name LORD JESUS suits Him well
His Name is great indeed
He saves from sin and wrath and hell
His Name is all I need!
(Tune: “According to Thy Gracious Word” p.192)
The Katy Baptist Church in Fairmont, WV will have a Bible conference March 29-31.
20th – Megan Harries 21st – Tim Daniel
22nd – Zac Byrd 22nd – Evonne Kincer
18th SS: Emily E. AM: Rachelle, Cora PM: Rachael C. WED: Rebekah V
25th SS: Jaime AM: Megan H., Lauren H. PM: Jessica M. WED: Jenny W.
“A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger.” - Proverbs 15:1
“No man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost.”
– I Corinthians 12:3
That does not mean to articulate the words. A parrot could do that. It means to understand, to believe, and publicly declare that He is Lord. We do not make Him Lord. He is Lord! We do not think He ought to be allowed to be Lord. He is Lord! This is how every believer recognizes Him. He is Lord. He does not have a right to be Lord. He is Lord! This Man Christ Jesus is the Lord of the dead and the living! He is the Lord of Heaven and earth! He is Lord of all! He is Lord of creation, Lord of providence, and Lord of salvation! Every believer without exception clearly recognizes His Lordship. The thief certainly did. “Lord, remember me when you come into your Kingdom.” We all say with Thomas, “My Lord, and my God.” If I believe He is Lord in my heart, I will confess it with my mouth. “Jesus is Lord.”
When God says, “Likewise reckon ye yourselves also to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Romans 6:11), this does not mean believe it although it is not so. It does not mean believe it and that will make it so. It means believe it because it is so!
We read in Romans 15:13 of, “The joy and peace of believing.” It is not the act of believing that gives joy and peace, although there is no joy and peace without believing. It is what is believed that brings joy and peace. If I really believe that Christ finished the great work of salvation, and His righteousness is mine, and that He rules the universe in absolute sovereignty, I cannot help but have these wonderful feelings of joy and peace.
When it was said that, “Abraham believed God”, he had not the slightest physical evidence that what God said would take place. He had no children. He was an old man and Sarah had already gone thought menopause. There was nothing he could see that would verify the Word of God. All he had was the naked Word of God. But, is that not what faith is? Believing what we cannot see because God has said it!
The Lord Jesus – may we trust Him completely, love Him supremely, and preach Him only!
“Known unto God are all His works from the beginning of the world.”
- Acts 15:18
While hanging up a new yearly wall calendar, I noticed the name of it was, AT-A-GLANCE. It is a calendar of the whole year in which you can write down all your plans and appointments for each month and look at all those plans…at a glance. As I was doing that, the above Scripture came to my mind, how that, our omniscient God, before the world began, purposed all things. He wrote down in His book of life every detail concerning all things, according to His will and pleasure, and is working all things after the counsel of His own will (Eph. 1:11). Nothing was left to chance. Everything was predetermined and pre-recorded by God. He could, before the world began, at a glance, look at that Book and see all that was and is and is to be. This is not fatalism, not superstition, but Bible! Such is the wisdom and power of the true God! Are you not glad it is so! Are you not glad, believer, that God hath purposed all things and worketh all things for His glory and our good. We would live in fear were it not so. Though the future is somewhat unknown to us, yet not to God, for He hath determined all things. Believing this, we need not fear the future, for our God holds it, and us, in His Sovereign loving Hands. – Paul Mahan
Christ is the mystery of the Scripture – grace the mystery of Christ. BELIEVING is the most wonderful thing in the world. Put anything of your own to it, and you spoil it. Christ will not so much as look at it for BELIEVING. When you believe and come to Christ, you must leave behind you, your own righteousness and bring nothing but your sin (Oh, that is hard!); leave behind all your holiness, sanctification, duties, humblings, etc.; and bring nothing but your wants and miseries, or else Christ is not fit for you, nor you for Christ. Christ will be a pure Redeemer and Mediator, and you must be an undone sinner, or Christ and you will never agree. It is the hardest thing in the world to take Christ alone for righteousness; that is to acknowledge Him Christ. Join any thing to Him of your own, and you un-Christ Him. Whatever comes in when you go to God for acceptance, besides Christ, call it anti-Christ; bid it begone; make ONLY Christ’s righteousness triumphant. All besides that is Babylon, which must fall if Christ stands, and you shall rejoice in the day of the fall thereof (Isaiah 14:4). Christ ALONE did tread the winepress, and there was none with Him (Isaiah 63:3). If you join any thing to Christ, Christ will trample upon it in fury and anger and stain His raiment with the blood of it. - Copied
February 11, 2024
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
As on the cross of Christ I thought, it seemed I heard one cry
Is all this nothing in your eyes, You who this day pass by?
Is not such suffering greater than, That which you’ve seen before?
And was there ever any man, Who grieved or suffered more?
I looked again, and what I saw, I cannot fully tell
It seemed within His very bones, There raged the fire of hell
What caused you grief I asked the man, What crimes could you have done
That God, Jehovah, struck you down, and left you all alone?
His answer cut my heart like steel, And left me void of breath
Tis for you sins this pain I feel, For you I go to death!
Your soul, before my Father’s Throne, could find no place to hide
This is the way God can be just, And you be justified.
Jehovah’s mercies never fail, Each morning they are new
Great is His faithfulness and love, Therefore, we’re not consumed!
Jehovah God, in Christ the Son, Shall all my portion be
My soul shall, therefore, wait for Him, and live eternally!
(Tune: “There is a Fountain” p.222)
Everyone is invited to stay for lunch today following the service. There will be no evening service today.
Vacation Bible School will be June 18-20.
13th – Mark Benton 13th – Kathryn Kelley 15th – Joseph Anjos 15th – Amber DuFour 16th – Andrea Vincent 16th – Henry Williams
11th SS: Kristen H. AM: Rachel W., Macy PM: Becky K. WED: Elizabeth 18th SS: Emily E. AM: Rachelle, Cora PM: Rachel C. WED: Rebekah V.
“A wise son heareth his father’s instruction: but a scorner heareth not rebuke.” - Proverbs 13:1
“Then shall the Son also Himself be subject unto Him that put all things under Him, that God may be all in all.” - I Corinthians 15:28
There is nothing beautiful about unwilling or forced submission. But, here we read of Him who is equal to the Father, willingly and lovingly making Himself subject to His Father. This is what He wanted to do. He saw such supreme beauty and glory in His Father that He joyfully subordinated Himself to His Father. God the Holy Spirit subjects Himself to the Son. “He shall speak of Himself: but whatsoever He shall hear shall he speak….He shall glorify Me.” What delight there is in the Godhead in submission….if there is not a voluntary, willing submission, it is not submission. How beautiful it is when a wife willingly submits herself to her husband. How beautiful it is when believers willingly submit themselves to one another. The issue of submission is that of genuine trust and confidence. How beautiful is true submission.
“Let us therefore come boldly to the Throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.” – Hebrews 4:16
To obtain mercy we begin by asking for mercy. To ask for mercy presupposes these three things. (1) I have no merit. (2) My sin is all my fault. If I do not take complete responsibility for my sin, I cannot really ask for mercy. (3) Mercy is in His hands to give or withhold. If the Lord passes me by, I cannot complain of unfairness. Once again, if I do, I am no longer asking for mercy, but demanding my right. And we are told to come to the Throne of grace with boldness and cheerful confidence to obtain this mercy! How can we do that without being presumptuous? “For we have not a high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin. Let us therefore come boldly unto the Throne of grace (free, unmerited favor), that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.” Those who truly come obtain mercy!
Aaron is called in Psalm 106:16, “The saint of the Lord.” Without question he was a believer. But he was a weak man. When the children of Israel told him to make them gods which would go before them, Aaron complied and became the chief participant in this great sin (Ex. 32:1-5). Moses said to Aaron, “What did this people unto thee, that thou hast brought so great a sin upon them” (Ex. 32:22). Aaron refused to take responsibility…he said that the people were set on mischief, so they gave me gold, “And there came out this calf” (Ex. 32:24). He was the one who fashioned the golden calf with a graving tool (Ex. 32:2-4). Yet he would not admit responsibility!
If I blame someone or something else for my wrong behavior, my weakness in not the problem. It is someone or something else’s fault. But when I see it is my fault, because of my sinful weakness, I will cry to the Lord for strength, and He will help me. That is what Paul meant when he said, “When I am weak, then am I strong” (II Cor. 12:10). Wherever you find a person who refuses accountability and personal responsibility, you will find a person who remains a weakling. When somebody sees their sinful weakness is the problem, they will cry to the Lord for strength.
At one time or another, every believer struggles with assurance. Assurance of our salvation can never be found by looking at ourselves. Nothing about us can give any assurance of salvation. Nothing we do, or do not do, can give any assurance of salvation. Assurance can only be had by looking to Christ who is our salvation. Charles Spurgeon once said, “I looked to Christ and the dove of peace flew into my heart. I looked into my heart and the dove flew away.” Assurance is had through faith in Christ. Through faith in Christ a believer is given FULL assurance. “Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water” (Hebrews 10:22). My conscience cannot destroy my assurance if I know that Christ shed His blood to pay for my sin. Faith in Christ also gives us the knowledge that Christ is our righteousness. A believer has complete assurance knowing that Christ is our righteousness. “And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever” (Isaiah 32:17). Every child of God is assured of eternal life because Christ, who is our righteousness, died, was buried, and rose again for us. What sweet assurance! - Frank Tate
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
As on the cross of Christ I thought, it seemed I heard one cry
Is all this nothing in your eyes, You who this day pass by?
Is not such suffering greater than, That which you’ve seen before?
And was there ever any man, Who grieved or suffered more?
I looked again, and what I saw, I cannot fully tell
It seemed within His very bones, There raged the fire of hell
What caused you grief I asked the man, What crimes could you have done
That God, Jehovah, struck you down, and left you all alone?
His answer cut my heart like steel, And left me void of breath
Tis for you sins this pain I feel, For you I go to death!
Your soul, before my Father’s Throne, could find no place to hide
This is the way God can be just, And you be justified.
Jehovah’s mercies never fail, Each morning they are new
Great is His faithfulness and love, Therefore, we’re not consumed!
Jehovah God, in Christ the Son, Shall all my portion be
My soul shall, therefore, wait for Him, and live eternally!
(Tune: “There is a Fountain” p.222)
Everyone is invited to stay for lunch today following the service. There will be no evening service today.
Vacation Bible School will be June 18-20.
13th – Mark Benton 13th – Kathryn Kelley 15th – Joseph Anjos 15th – Amber DuFour 16th – Andrea Vincent 16th – Henry Williams
11th SS: Kristen H. AM: Rachel W., Macy PM: Becky K. WED: Elizabeth 18th SS: Emily E. AM: Rachelle, Cora PM: Rachel C. WED: Rebekah V.
“A wise son heareth his father’s instruction: but a scorner heareth not rebuke.” - Proverbs 13:1
“Then shall the Son also Himself be subject unto Him that put all things under Him, that God may be all in all.” - I Corinthians 15:28
There is nothing beautiful about unwilling or forced submission. But, here we read of Him who is equal to the Father, willingly and lovingly making Himself subject to His Father. This is what He wanted to do. He saw such supreme beauty and glory in His Father that He joyfully subordinated Himself to His Father. God the Holy Spirit subjects Himself to the Son. “He shall speak of Himself: but whatsoever He shall hear shall he speak….He shall glorify Me.” What delight there is in the Godhead in submission….if there is not a voluntary, willing submission, it is not submission. How beautiful it is when a wife willingly submits herself to her husband. How beautiful it is when believers willingly submit themselves to one another. The issue of submission is that of genuine trust and confidence. How beautiful is true submission.
“Let us therefore come boldly to the Throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.” – Hebrews 4:16
To obtain mercy we begin by asking for mercy. To ask for mercy presupposes these three things. (1) I have no merit. (2) My sin is all my fault. If I do not take complete responsibility for my sin, I cannot really ask for mercy. (3) Mercy is in His hands to give or withhold. If the Lord passes me by, I cannot complain of unfairness. Once again, if I do, I am no longer asking for mercy, but demanding my right. And we are told to come to the Throne of grace with boldness and cheerful confidence to obtain this mercy! How can we do that without being presumptuous? “For we have not a high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin. Let us therefore come boldly unto the Throne of grace (free, unmerited favor), that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.” Those who truly come obtain mercy!
Aaron is called in Psalm 106:16, “The saint of the Lord.” Without question he was a believer. But he was a weak man. When the children of Israel told him to make them gods which would go before them, Aaron complied and became the chief participant in this great sin (Ex. 32:1-5). Moses said to Aaron, “What did this people unto thee, that thou hast brought so great a sin upon them” (Ex. 32:22). Aaron refused to take responsibility…he said that the people were set on mischief, so they gave me gold, “And there came out this calf” (Ex. 32:24). He was the one who fashioned the golden calf with a graving tool (Ex. 32:2-4). Yet he would not admit responsibility!
If I blame someone or something else for my wrong behavior, my weakness in not the problem. It is someone or something else’s fault. But when I see it is my fault, because of my sinful weakness, I will cry to the Lord for strength, and He will help me. That is what Paul meant when he said, “When I am weak, then am I strong” (II Cor. 12:10). Wherever you find a person who refuses accountability and personal responsibility, you will find a person who remains a weakling. When somebody sees their sinful weakness is the problem, they will cry to the Lord for strength.
At one time or another, every believer struggles with assurance. Assurance of our salvation can never be found by looking at ourselves. Nothing about us can give any assurance of salvation. Nothing we do, or do not do, can give any assurance of salvation. Assurance can only be had by looking to Christ who is our salvation. Charles Spurgeon once said, “I looked to Christ and the dove of peace flew into my heart. I looked into my heart and the dove flew away.” Assurance is had through faith in Christ. Through faith in Christ a believer is given FULL assurance. “Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water” (Hebrews 10:22). My conscience cannot destroy my assurance if I know that Christ shed His blood to pay for my sin. Faith in Christ also gives us the knowledge that Christ is our righteousness. A believer has complete assurance knowing that Christ is our righteousness. “And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever” (Isaiah 32:17). Every child of God is assured of eternal life because Christ, who is our righteousness, died, was buried, and rose again for us. What sweet assurance! - Frank Tate
February 4, 2024
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Thou, Christ, the great Jehovah art
The Fount of holiness
And, God with us, Thou art become
The Lord our Righteousness.
Oh, wash us with Thy blood and clothe
With Thy pure spotless dress
Oh, hide us in Thyself, and be
The Lord our Righteousness.
Make us by grace to be indeed
What we in word profess
Oh, make us like unto Thyself
The Lord our Righteousness.
Pour on us showers of Thy grace
Increase our fruitfulness
That we may yield Thine own to Thee
The Lord our Righteousness.
So in Thy glorious image raise’d
May we Thy mercy bless
And sing forever praise to Thee
The Lord our Righteousness.
(Tune: “Come Holy Spirit, Heavenly Dove” p. 158)
We will observe the Lord’s Table this evening.
Bring a dish next Sunday, February 11th and we will have lunch together following the morning service. There will be no evening service next Sunday.
Vacation Bible School will be June 18-20.
4th SS: Allison W. AM: Amanda M., Lilyana PM: Julie R. WED: Andrea V.
11th SS: Kristen H. AM: Rachel W., Macy PM: Becky K. WED: Elizabeth C.
5th – Billie Tuttle 7th – Annabelle Brogle 7th – Tamara Dickerson
7th – Clark Grubb 7th – Faith Hacker
9th – Rylan Daniel 10th – Lydia Wilson
“Whoso loveth instruction loveth knowledge: but he that hateth reproof is brutish.” - Proverb 12:1
Self-righteousness is the original sin, the most deadly sin, the most multi-faceted sin, the most deceitful sin, the most disrespectful sin toward God and man, the most anti-grace sin, and the sin which God hates the most. The chief offspring of the monstrous sin of self-righteousness is the lack of need. It is why men do not need the Gospel! It is the mark of that luke-warmness that nauseates the Christ. We need to need! Lack of need is born of self-righteousness!
When Paul said, “Let a man so account of us, as of the ministers of Christ, and stewards of the mysteries of God” (I Cor. 4:1), he was not saying make this account of us even though that is not what we are. He is saying…so account of us what we really are. The word account is the word usually translated reckon or impute. When God imputes righteousness to the believer, He is not imputing righteousness to them when they really are not righteous. Christ made us righteous by His doing and by His dying. So when God imputes righteousness to us, it is because in Christ we really are righteous! He imputes to us what we really are! “For He hath made Him to be sin for us, who knew no sin, that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him” (II Cor. 5:21).
God does not “plan” anything, He only purposes and performs. A plan is a proposal to carry out one or more actions in the future, so it carries with it the implication of a possible failure in the “proposed” plan. Knowing that our Sovereign Almighty God cannot fail, therefore He cannot plan, but only purpose and perform, for, “My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure…I have purposed it, I will also do it” (Isaiah 46:10-12). - Brian Four
We are by nature so works oriented that if not careful we will turn faith and repentance into a work. True faith is by its very nature is the absence of all works. It is finding in oneself no good thing. It is to be shut up to the Lord Jesus Christ, the only One who is good, for all our acceptance before God. We must never view faith as our contribution to salvation.
Like faith, repentance is also a sovereign work of grace in the heart. The Holy Spirit changes our minds about God, about ourselves, and about how God saves sinners. Yes, it involves sorrow for sin. But let us never think we can sorrow sufficiently. God-given repentance is not wallowing in the mire of shame and sorrow for sin. That can very quickly become a work. It is agreeing with God that I am, left to myself, nothing but sin. It is looking, not to my repentance, but to my Redeemer for all the hope of my salvation. - Greg Elmquist
God has declared Himself to be gracious. “God is love.” He has embodied this grace in the Person and Work of His beloved Son. He has told us that this grace is for the ungodly, the unholy, the rebellious, the dead in sin. The more, then that we know of this God and of His grace, the more will His peace fill us. Nor will the greatness of our sins, the hardness of our hearts, nor the changeableness of our feelings discourage or disquiet, however much they may humble us and make us dissatisfied with ourselves. - Horatius Bonar
God’s love to His elect is not of yesterday; it does not begin with their love to Him, “We love him, because He first loved us.” It was born in His heart toward them long before they were delivered from the power of darkness, and transplanted into the Kingdom of His Dear Son. It does not commence in time, but bears date from eternity, and is the ground and foundation of the elect’s being called in time out of darkness into marvelous light: “I have loved thee,” says the Lord to the church, “with an everlasting love; therefore with loving-kindness have I drawn thee.” - John Gill
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Thou, Christ, the great Jehovah art
The Fount of holiness
And, God with us, Thou art become
The Lord our Righteousness.
Oh, wash us with Thy blood and clothe
With Thy pure spotless dress
Oh, hide us in Thyself, and be
The Lord our Righteousness.
Make us by grace to be indeed
What we in word profess
Oh, make us like unto Thyself
The Lord our Righteousness.
Pour on us showers of Thy grace
Increase our fruitfulness
That we may yield Thine own to Thee
The Lord our Righteousness.
So in Thy glorious image raise’d
May we Thy mercy bless
And sing forever praise to Thee
The Lord our Righteousness.
(Tune: “Come Holy Spirit, Heavenly Dove” p. 158)
We will observe the Lord’s Table this evening.
Bring a dish next Sunday, February 11th and we will have lunch together following the morning service. There will be no evening service next Sunday.
Vacation Bible School will be June 18-20.
4th SS: Allison W. AM: Amanda M., Lilyana PM: Julie R. WED: Andrea V.
11th SS: Kristen H. AM: Rachel W., Macy PM: Becky K. WED: Elizabeth C.
5th – Billie Tuttle 7th – Annabelle Brogle 7th – Tamara Dickerson
7th – Clark Grubb 7th – Faith Hacker
9th – Rylan Daniel 10th – Lydia Wilson
“Whoso loveth instruction loveth knowledge: but he that hateth reproof is brutish.” - Proverb 12:1
Self-righteousness is the original sin, the most deadly sin, the most multi-faceted sin, the most deceitful sin, the most disrespectful sin toward God and man, the most anti-grace sin, and the sin which God hates the most. The chief offspring of the monstrous sin of self-righteousness is the lack of need. It is why men do not need the Gospel! It is the mark of that luke-warmness that nauseates the Christ. We need to need! Lack of need is born of self-righteousness!
When Paul said, “Let a man so account of us, as of the ministers of Christ, and stewards of the mysteries of God” (I Cor. 4:1), he was not saying make this account of us even though that is not what we are. He is saying…so account of us what we really are. The word account is the word usually translated reckon or impute. When God imputes righteousness to the believer, He is not imputing righteousness to them when they really are not righteous. Christ made us righteous by His doing and by His dying. So when God imputes righteousness to us, it is because in Christ we really are righteous! He imputes to us what we really are! “For He hath made Him to be sin for us, who knew no sin, that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him” (II Cor. 5:21).
God does not “plan” anything, He only purposes and performs. A plan is a proposal to carry out one or more actions in the future, so it carries with it the implication of a possible failure in the “proposed” plan. Knowing that our Sovereign Almighty God cannot fail, therefore He cannot plan, but only purpose and perform, for, “My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure…I have purposed it, I will also do it” (Isaiah 46:10-12). - Brian Four
We are by nature so works oriented that if not careful we will turn faith and repentance into a work. True faith is by its very nature is the absence of all works. It is finding in oneself no good thing. It is to be shut up to the Lord Jesus Christ, the only One who is good, for all our acceptance before God. We must never view faith as our contribution to salvation.
Like faith, repentance is also a sovereign work of grace in the heart. The Holy Spirit changes our minds about God, about ourselves, and about how God saves sinners. Yes, it involves sorrow for sin. But let us never think we can sorrow sufficiently. God-given repentance is not wallowing in the mire of shame and sorrow for sin. That can very quickly become a work. It is agreeing with God that I am, left to myself, nothing but sin. It is looking, not to my repentance, but to my Redeemer for all the hope of my salvation. - Greg Elmquist
God has declared Himself to be gracious. “God is love.” He has embodied this grace in the Person and Work of His beloved Son. He has told us that this grace is for the ungodly, the unholy, the rebellious, the dead in sin. The more, then that we know of this God and of His grace, the more will His peace fill us. Nor will the greatness of our sins, the hardness of our hearts, nor the changeableness of our feelings discourage or disquiet, however much they may humble us and make us dissatisfied with ourselves. - Horatius Bonar
God’s love to His elect is not of yesterday; it does not begin with their love to Him, “We love him, because He first loved us.” It was born in His heart toward them long before they were delivered from the power of darkness, and transplanted into the Kingdom of His Dear Son. It does not commence in time, but bears date from eternity, and is the ground and foundation of the elect’s being called in time out of darkness into marvelous light: “I have loved thee,” says the Lord to the church, “with an everlasting love; therefore with loving-kindness have I drawn thee.” - John Gill
January 28, 2024
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Brethren, let us join to bless
Christ our Peace and Righteousness
Let our praise to Him be given
High at God’s right hand in Heaven. (Repeat)
Son of God, to Thee we bow
Thou art Lord, and only Thou
Thou the woman’s promised seed
Thou, who didst for sinners bleed. (Repeat)
Thee the angels ceaseless sing
Thee we praise, our Priest and King
Worthy is Thy Name of praise
Full of glory, full of grace. (Repeat)
Thou has the glad tidings brought
Of salvation fully wrought
Wrought, O Lord alone by Thee
Wrought, to set Thy people free. (Repeat)
Thee, our Lord, would we adore
Serve and follow more and more
Praise and bless Thy matchless love
Till we join Thy saints above. (Repeat)
(Tune: “Take My Life and Let It Be” p. 393)
Vacation Bible School will be June 18-20.
30th – Jonathon Holbrook 2nd Sam Elliott 3rd – James Carver
“A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favor rather than silver and gold.” - Proverbs 22:1
If by double predestination you mean some were predestinated to perfect conformity to the image of Christ, and some were not, I certainly do believe in double-predestination. Those who are not predestinated are “vessels of wrath fitted to destruction,” and they who, “Stumble at the Word, being disobedient, whereunto also they were appointed” and are described as, “certain men crept in unaware, who were before of old ordained to their condemnation, ungodly men.” These men were damned, not as an arbitrary act of God, but as an act of His justice because of their sin. The word predestination is only used with regard to salvation. Even when it is used of the wicked men who crucified Christ, doing what God had “determined before to be done” (predestinated), it was for the salvation of the elect - sinners are saved because of the predestinating grace of God. Sinners are damned because of their sin. There never has been and never will be a sinner who sought mercy but was rejected because he was not predestinated to salvation. Predestination is unto salvation!
“Even to them which stumble at the Word.” - I Peter 2:8
The real offense is the Gospel of His grace! It is not His works but HIS WORDS that caused the division among the Jews. His works did anger them, and they tried to discredit them; for His works bore a strong witness to His deity. But the thing they hated and resented most was His claim to deity, to being THE CHRIST, to being THE REDEEMER, of whom Moses wrote, and for whom Abraham looked. They said, “For good works we stone thee not; but for blasphemy; and because that thou being a man, makest thyself GOD” (John 10:33). Men today have no quarrel with religion, good works, nor noble efforts in the name of God; it is THE GOSPEL of sovereign mercy through a suffering and sufficient Substitute which causes them to stumble and become offended. Who He is, what He suffered, why He suffered, and where He is now, if preached clearly, will cause the sheep to rejoice and the rest to stumble. “Unto you He is precious….unto them He is a stone of stumbling and a rock of offense”( I Peter 2:7-8). – Henry Mahan
“Riches profit not in the day of wrath: but righteousness delivereth from death” (Proverbs 11:4). There is a day of wrath on the way, when Almighty God returns to this planet to judge every single human that has ever lived, and the bar to pass this judgment is perfect righteousness… one sin on your account, and hell awaits. Many people will bring their “riches” of good works, hoping to earn themselves a place in heaven…but Scripture has already declared their judgment as guilty, for “Many will say to Me in that day, Lord, have we not prophesied in Thy Name? and in Thy Name have cast our devils? And in Thy Name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew (loved) you: depart from Me, ye that work iniquity” (Matthew 7:22-23).
The very same works they see as wonderful, the Lord sees as iniquity, for they were performed by a sinner, rendering everything they do as sin, making them unholy and unacceptable to a holy God that requires perfection. And that perfection resides in one place, the perfect righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ. This is the only righteousness that will deliver a sinner from eternal death. And this righteousness is freely given to any sinner coming to God for mercy in Christ – “And to her was granted (freely given) that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints” (Rev. 19:8). The righteousness of Christ is the righteousness of saints, what riches we possess in our precious Savior! - Brian DuFour
Because it is logical? It certainly is. But that is not why we believe it. We believe it because the Bible teaches it. The Lord said in John 10:15, “I lay down my life for the sheep.” Is everybody a sheep? Obviously not. He said a few verses down, “Ye believe not because ye are not of my sheep” (vs. 26). The sheep are identified in verse 29 as the ones the Father gave Him. Particular redemption is the doctrine of the Bible. If I do not know who He died for, His death becomes meaningless to me. If I believe that He died for all men without exception, and some of those same men are saved, and some are lost, I must also believe that it is not His death alone that saves, but what I do to make it work. This is in reality a not so subtle form of salvation by works. Particular redemption states that all He died for must be saved!
Why do we believe in particular redemption? Because it is what the Bible teaches and it is a part of the Gospel. Omit it, and you no longer have the Gospel message!
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Brethren, let us join to bless
Christ our Peace and Righteousness
Let our praise to Him be given
High at God’s right hand in Heaven. (Repeat)
Son of God, to Thee we bow
Thou art Lord, and only Thou
Thou the woman’s promised seed
Thou, who didst for sinners bleed. (Repeat)
Thee the angels ceaseless sing
Thee we praise, our Priest and King
Worthy is Thy Name of praise
Full of glory, full of grace. (Repeat)
Thou has the glad tidings brought
Of salvation fully wrought
Wrought, O Lord alone by Thee
Wrought, to set Thy people free. (Repeat)
Thee, our Lord, would we adore
Serve and follow more and more
Praise and bless Thy matchless love
Till we join Thy saints above. (Repeat)
(Tune: “Take My Life and Let It Be” p. 393)
Vacation Bible School will be June 18-20.
30th – Jonathon Holbrook 2nd Sam Elliott 3rd – James Carver
“A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favor rather than silver and gold.” - Proverbs 22:1
If by double predestination you mean some were predestinated to perfect conformity to the image of Christ, and some were not, I certainly do believe in double-predestination. Those who are not predestinated are “vessels of wrath fitted to destruction,” and they who, “Stumble at the Word, being disobedient, whereunto also they were appointed” and are described as, “certain men crept in unaware, who were before of old ordained to their condemnation, ungodly men.” These men were damned, not as an arbitrary act of God, but as an act of His justice because of their sin. The word predestination is only used with regard to salvation. Even when it is used of the wicked men who crucified Christ, doing what God had “determined before to be done” (predestinated), it was for the salvation of the elect - sinners are saved because of the predestinating grace of God. Sinners are damned because of their sin. There never has been and never will be a sinner who sought mercy but was rejected because he was not predestinated to salvation. Predestination is unto salvation!
“Even to them which stumble at the Word.” - I Peter 2:8
The real offense is the Gospel of His grace! It is not His works but HIS WORDS that caused the division among the Jews. His works did anger them, and they tried to discredit them; for His works bore a strong witness to His deity. But the thing they hated and resented most was His claim to deity, to being THE CHRIST, to being THE REDEEMER, of whom Moses wrote, and for whom Abraham looked. They said, “For good works we stone thee not; but for blasphemy; and because that thou being a man, makest thyself GOD” (John 10:33). Men today have no quarrel with religion, good works, nor noble efforts in the name of God; it is THE GOSPEL of sovereign mercy through a suffering and sufficient Substitute which causes them to stumble and become offended. Who He is, what He suffered, why He suffered, and where He is now, if preached clearly, will cause the sheep to rejoice and the rest to stumble. “Unto you He is precious….unto them He is a stone of stumbling and a rock of offense”( I Peter 2:7-8). – Henry Mahan
“Riches profit not in the day of wrath: but righteousness delivereth from death” (Proverbs 11:4). There is a day of wrath on the way, when Almighty God returns to this planet to judge every single human that has ever lived, and the bar to pass this judgment is perfect righteousness… one sin on your account, and hell awaits. Many people will bring their “riches” of good works, hoping to earn themselves a place in heaven…but Scripture has already declared their judgment as guilty, for “Many will say to Me in that day, Lord, have we not prophesied in Thy Name? and in Thy Name have cast our devils? And in Thy Name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew (loved) you: depart from Me, ye that work iniquity” (Matthew 7:22-23).
The very same works they see as wonderful, the Lord sees as iniquity, for they were performed by a sinner, rendering everything they do as sin, making them unholy and unacceptable to a holy God that requires perfection. And that perfection resides in one place, the perfect righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ. This is the only righteousness that will deliver a sinner from eternal death. And this righteousness is freely given to any sinner coming to God for mercy in Christ – “And to her was granted (freely given) that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints” (Rev. 19:8). The righteousness of Christ is the righteousness of saints, what riches we possess in our precious Savior! - Brian DuFour
Because it is logical? It certainly is. But that is not why we believe it. We believe it because the Bible teaches it. The Lord said in John 10:15, “I lay down my life for the sheep.” Is everybody a sheep? Obviously not. He said a few verses down, “Ye believe not because ye are not of my sheep” (vs. 26). The sheep are identified in verse 29 as the ones the Father gave Him. Particular redemption is the doctrine of the Bible. If I do not know who He died for, His death becomes meaningless to me. If I believe that He died for all men without exception, and some of those same men are saved, and some are lost, I must also believe that it is not His death alone that saves, but what I do to make it work. This is in reality a not so subtle form of salvation by works. Particular redemption states that all He died for must be saved!
Why do we believe in particular redemption? Because it is what the Bible teaches and it is a part of the Gospel. Omit it, and you no longer have the Gospel message!
January 21, 2024
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
And can it be that I should gain, an interest in the Savior’s blood?
Died He for me, who caused His pain – for me, who Him to death pursued?
Amazing love! How can it be, that Thou, my God, should die for me?
Amazing love! How can it be, that Thou, my God, shouldst die for me?
‘Tis mercy all, th’ Immortal dies, Who can explore His strange design?
In vain the firstborn Seraph tries, to sound the depths of love Divine.
‘Tis mercy all! Let earth adore, let angel minds inquire no more.
Amazing love! How can it be, That Thou, my God, shouldst die for me?
He left His Father’s throne above, so free, so infinite His grace
Emptied Himself of all but love, and bled for Adam’s helpless race
‘Tis mercy all, immense and free, for O my God, it found out me!
Amazing love! How can it be, That Thou, my God shouldst die for me?
Long my imprisoned spirit lay, fast bound in sin and nature’s night
Thine eye diffused a quickening ray – I woke, the dungeon flamed with light
My chains fell off, my heart was free, I rose, went forth, and followed Thee.
Amazing love! How can it be, That Thou, my God shouldst die for me?
No condemnation now I dread; Jesus, and all in Him, is mine
Alive in Him, my Living Head, and clothed in righteousness Divine
Bold I approach th’ eternal throne, and claim the crown, through Christ my own.
Amazing love! How can it be, That Thou my God, shouldst die for me?
(Tune: “And Can it be that I Should Gain?” p. 44)
“Follow Me and I will make you fishers of men.”
Matthew 4:19
If I follow Christ, I will be a fisher of men. I will want to see men saved for the glory of Christ. That will govern what I say to men and how I treat them. If I am not fisher of men, I am not following Christ.
23rd – Celeste Brown 25th – Lincoln Charron 26th – Emily Elliott
26th – Mike Farmer 26th – Lynn Nibert
“Correction is grievous unto him that forsaketh the way: and he that hateth reproof shall die.” - Proverbs 15:10
“Be not unequally yoked together with unbelievers”
II Corinthians 6:14
This metaphor is taken from horses or oxen which, being joined together by a common yoke, must walk and pull together in the same direction and with the same goal or have serious problems. Believers and unbelievers DO NOT have the same natures, same direction, nor same goals. Believers and unbelievers CAN NOT walk together in harmony because they are not agreed on the vital issues of life, sin, salvation, God’s character and glory; and they certainly do not agree on the Gospel.
Therefore, the true believer is unwise who marries an unbeliever, who forms a business partnership with an unbeliever, who seeks social fellowship and companionship with unbelievers, or who attempts to worship with or conduct religious projects with unbelievers.
This is not to be understood as forbidding ANY CONTACT with unbelievers in civil society, conversation, or vocation and trade; to do this we would have to leave the world. God put us in the world as salt and light to witness to all men and to be an example of His grace. It is saying that to seek unnecessary relationships, alliances, or partnerships with those who do not know and love our Lord is foolish. Besides, what fellowship can darkness have with light, and what agreement can Christ have with Satan? - Henry Mahan
Salvation is of the Lord. I cannot find in Scripture any other doctrine than this. It is the essence of the Bible. “He only is my rock and my salvation.” Tell my anything contrary to this truth, and it will be a heresy; tell me a heresy, and I shall find its essence here – that it has departed from this great, this fundamental, this rock-truth, “God is my rock and my salvation.” What is the heresy of Rome but the addition of something to the work of the Redeemer? Every heresy, if brought to the touchstone, will discover itself here. I have my own private opinion that there is no such thing as preaching Christ and Him crucified unless we preach what nowadays is called Calvinism. Calvinism is the Gospel, and nothing else. I do not believe we can preach the Gospel if we do not preach justification by faith without works; nor unless we preach the sovereignty of God in His dispensation of grace; nor unless we exalt the electing, unchangeable, eternal, immutable, conquering love of Jehovah; nor do I think we can preach the Gospel unless we base it upon the special and particular redemption of His elect and chosen people which Christ wrought out upon the cross; nor can I comprehend a Gospel which lets saints fall away after they are called and suffers the children of God to be burned in the fires of damnation after having once believed in Jesus Christ. Such a Gospel I abhor. - C. H. Spurgeon
For whom did Christ die? If we say that He died for all men without exception we are faced with some problems without solutions!
1. The Bible does not teach that He died for all men without exception. Every Scripture that seemingly implies that He did, if examined in its context does not teach that, nor even imply it!
2. To say that He died for all men without exception is to teach that salvation is ultimately dependent upon the sinner’s work. If some for whom He died go to Heaven, and others for whom He died go to Hell, then it is not His death that saves, but what the sinner does.
3. To say that He died for all men without exception is to make the justice of God meaningless! If Christ paid a man’s debt, and then God requires that man to pay for the sin debt that Christ already paid for, God’s justice is meaningless.
4. If Christ died for all men without exception, with the intention of saving all for whom He died, He failed in His intention. This teaching makes Christ a failure.
5. If Christ died for all men without exception, then the believer is stripped of the ground of his assurance. The believer’s assurance of salvation is based upon the death of Christ. “Who is he that condemneth? It is Christ that died” (Romans 8:34). That is meaningless if He can die for you and you still end up being condemned.
6. If we say that Christ died for all men without exception, then the message of evangelism is lost. The burden of salvation is placed upon the sinner. It is no longer a message of what Christ does for the sinner, but what the sinner must do with Christ. There is no Gospel in this message!
For whom did Christ die? The ungodly (Romans 5:6). Those who believe (Romans 3:25). His sheep (John 10:15). Those who come to the Father by Him (John 6:37). It includes those who would otherwise be damned!
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
And can it be that I should gain, an interest in the Savior’s blood?
Died He for me, who caused His pain – for me, who Him to death pursued?
Amazing love! How can it be, that Thou, my God, should die for me?
Amazing love! How can it be, that Thou, my God, shouldst die for me?
‘Tis mercy all, th’ Immortal dies, Who can explore His strange design?
In vain the firstborn Seraph tries, to sound the depths of love Divine.
‘Tis mercy all! Let earth adore, let angel minds inquire no more.
Amazing love! How can it be, That Thou, my God, shouldst die for me?
He left His Father’s throne above, so free, so infinite His grace
Emptied Himself of all but love, and bled for Adam’s helpless race
‘Tis mercy all, immense and free, for O my God, it found out me!
Amazing love! How can it be, That Thou, my God shouldst die for me?
Long my imprisoned spirit lay, fast bound in sin and nature’s night
Thine eye diffused a quickening ray – I woke, the dungeon flamed with light
My chains fell off, my heart was free, I rose, went forth, and followed Thee.
Amazing love! How can it be, That Thou, my God shouldst die for me?
No condemnation now I dread; Jesus, and all in Him, is mine
Alive in Him, my Living Head, and clothed in righteousness Divine
Bold I approach th’ eternal throne, and claim the crown, through Christ my own.
Amazing love! How can it be, That Thou my God, shouldst die for me?
(Tune: “And Can it be that I Should Gain?” p. 44)
“Follow Me and I will make you fishers of men.”
Matthew 4:19
If I follow Christ, I will be a fisher of men. I will want to see men saved for the glory of Christ. That will govern what I say to men and how I treat them. If I am not fisher of men, I am not following Christ.
23rd – Celeste Brown 25th – Lincoln Charron 26th – Emily Elliott
26th – Mike Farmer 26th – Lynn Nibert
“Correction is grievous unto him that forsaketh the way: and he that hateth reproof shall die.” - Proverbs 15:10
“Be not unequally yoked together with unbelievers”
II Corinthians 6:14
This metaphor is taken from horses or oxen which, being joined together by a common yoke, must walk and pull together in the same direction and with the same goal or have serious problems. Believers and unbelievers DO NOT have the same natures, same direction, nor same goals. Believers and unbelievers CAN NOT walk together in harmony because they are not agreed on the vital issues of life, sin, salvation, God’s character and glory; and they certainly do not agree on the Gospel.
Therefore, the true believer is unwise who marries an unbeliever, who forms a business partnership with an unbeliever, who seeks social fellowship and companionship with unbelievers, or who attempts to worship with or conduct religious projects with unbelievers.
This is not to be understood as forbidding ANY CONTACT with unbelievers in civil society, conversation, or vocation and trade; to do this we would have to leave the world. God put us in the world as salt and light to witness to all men and to be an example of His grace. It is saying that to seek unnecessary relationships, alliances, or partnerships with those who do not know and love our Lord is foolish. Besides, what fellowship can darkness have with light, and what agreement can Christ have with Satan? - Henry Mahan
Salvation is of the Lord. I cannot find in Scripture any other doctrine than this. It is the essence of the Bible. “He only is my rock and my salvation.” Tell my anything contrary to this truth, and it will be a heresy; tell me a heresy, and I shall find its essence here – that it has departed from this great, this fundamental, this rock-truth, “God is my rock and my salvation.” What is the heresy of Rome but the addition of something to the work of the Redeemer? Every heresy, if brought to the touchstone, will discover itself here. I have my own private opinion that there is no such thing as preaching Christ and Him crucified unless we preach what nowadays is called Calvinism. Calvinism is the Gospel, and nothing else. I do not believe we can preach the Gospel if we do not preach justification by faith without works; nor unless we preach the sovereignty of God in His dispensation of grace; nor unless we exalt the electing, unchangeable, eternal, immutable, conquering love of Jehovah; nor do I think we can preach the Gospel unless we base it upon the special and particular redemption of His elect and chosen people which Christ wrought out upon the cross; nor can I comprehend a Gospel which lets saints fall away after they are called and suffers the children of God to be burned in the fires of damnation after having once believed in Jesus Christ. Such a Gospel I abhor. - C. H. Spurgeon
For whom did Christ die? If we say that He died for all men without exception we are faced with some problems without solutions!
1. The Bible does not teach that He died for all men without exception. Every Scripture that seemingly implies that He did, if examined in its context does not teach that, nor even imply it!
2. To say that He died for all men without exception is to teach that salvation is ultimately dependent upon the sinner’s work. If some for whom He died go to Heaven, and others for whom He died go to Hell, then it is not His death that saves, but what the sinner does.
3. To say that He died for all men without exception is to make the justice of God meaningless! If Christ paid a man’s debt, and then God requires that man to pay for the sin debt that Christ already paid for, God’s justice is meaningless.
4. If Christ died for all men without exception, with the intention of saving all for whom He died, He failed in His intention. This teaching makes Christ a failure.
5. If Christ died for all men without exception, then the believer is stripped of the ground of his assurance. The believer’s assurance of salvation is based upon the death of Christ. “Who is he that condemneth? It is Christ that died” (Romans 8:34). That is meaningless if He can die for you and you still end up being condemned.
6. If we say that Christ died for all men without exception, then the message of evangelism is lost. The burden of salvation is placed upon the sinner. It is no longer a message of what Christ does for the sinner, but what the sinner must do with Christ. There is no Gospel in this message!
For whom did Christ die? The ungodly (Romans 5:6). Those who believe (Romans 3:25). His sheep (John 10:15). Those who come to the Father by Him (John 6:37). It includes those who would otherwise be damned!
January 14, 2024
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Come, humbler sinner, in whose breast
A thousand thoughts revolve
Come, with your guilt and fear oppressed
And make this last resolve.
I’ll go to Jesus, though my sin
Hath like a mountain rose
I know His courts I’ll enter in
Whatever may oppose.
Prostrate, I’ll lie before His Throne
And there my guilt confess
I’ll tell Him I’m a wretch undone
Without His sovereign grace.
I can but perish if I go
I am resolved to try
For if I stay away I know
I must forever die
(Tune: “Am I a Soldier of the Cross?” p. 414)
Aaron Greenleaf will preach this morning. Fred Evans will bring the message this evening and Eric Floyd Wednesday evening. May the Lord be with these men as they preach the Gospel to you. I am preaching in Apopka, Florida this weekend and will return Thursday.
15th – Mike Rigsby 16th – Kelli Harries
17th – Aiden Carver 19th – Amanda DuFour
Mercy and love, kindness and encouragement, forgiveness and patience are things we all constantly want and need from others. Shall we not constantly bestow them upon others? - Don Fortner
“Better is a dry morsel, and quietness therewith, than an house full of sacrifices with stripe.” - Proverbs 17:1
The Beatitudes are the result of being blessed of God, and how beautiful they are! This is the Lord’s description of a believer. How beautiful is poor in spirit. How ugly is pride. How beautiful is mourning over personal sin. How ugly is a hardened attitude toward sin. How beautiful is meekness before God. How ugly is manipulation. How beautiful is hungering and thirsting for righteousness. How ugly is self-satisfaction. How beautiful are the merciful. How ugly are the judgmental. How beautiful is pureness of heart. How ugly is duplicity of heart. How beautiful is the peacemaker. How ugly is the troublemaker. How beautiful to be persecuted for righteousness sake. How ugly to be persecuted for self-righteousness sake. May the Lord give us grace to be these! And they begin with poverty of spirit! If we do not have that, it is certain we will not have any of the other.
The fact that we still have evil natures does not give an excuse for sinful behavior. If I have lustful thoughts in my heart that does not mean I might as well act on them. If I become angry that does not mean I should harm the one I am angry with. If I have marriage problems that does not mean it is a reason for separation or even divorce. Every believer still has a fallen nature that is completely evil and every believer ought to be living an exemplary life in every area that glorifies the Gospel they believe!
“His grace to me was not without effect.” - I Corinthians 15:10
Grace is not merely a doctrine, but an unstoppable force of God. It is never without effect! We are chosen by grace with the undeniable effect that we are His. We are redeemed by grace with the certain effect that we are free. We are called by grace with the inescapable effect that we come to Him. We are preserved by grace with the inevitable effect that we shall be with Him forever. – Joe Terrell
There are times when the chaos in this world seems to overwhelm us, and all the wars, politics, economics, natural catastrophes, and so on, seem to be spiraling out of control. But every believer can take comfort in knowing that the Lord has purposed every event that happens, for His glory and our good, for “We know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28).
The Lord has made the world to revolve around all His children, for, “If God be for us, who can be against us?” (Romans 8:31) Every event on this earth somehow, in some way, affects one of God’s elect…otherwise, it would have no purpose. But our God is a God of purpose and He has purposed all things for the good of His people, and the glory of His Holy Name. Amen. - Brian DuFour
Let us not set ourselves up as critics and judges of the conduct and lives of other believers. Let us not spend our time finding fault with one another, picking out weaknesses and exaggerating differences of opinion and practice. Rather, let us spend our time endeavoring to help one another and to avoid doing and saying things that may cause others to stumble.
We can do this by making our fellowship to be in Christ (not in form and traditions), by loving one another in spite of differences, and by avoiding collisions on the points wherein we differ. I am not suggesting for a moment that we compromise the Gospel or the fundamentals of our faith; but, as there are no two snowflakes exactly alike, there are no two people exactly alike; therefore, the foundation of our fellowship is our love for Christ and our love for one another, not perfect agreement on every point.
The fact of the matter is that I do not agree or approve of all that I do, think, or say! “Beloved, let us love one another; for love is of God; and everyone that loveth is born of God and knoweth God.” By God’s grace, I intend to love and encourage every believer in Christ, our sovereign Lord. I shall endeavor to keep the unity of the Spirit of God in the bond of peace for the glory of our Lord, the well-being of His church, the witness of the Gospel. - Henry Mahan
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Come, humbler sinner, in whose breast
A thousand thoughts revolve
Come, with your guilt and fear oppressed
And make this last resolve.
I’ll go to Jesus, though my sin
Hath like a mountain rose
I know His courts I’ll enter in
Whatever may oppose.
Prostrate, I’ll lie before His Throne
And there my guilt confess
I’ll tell Him I’m a wretch undone
Without His sovereign grace.
I can but perish if I go
I am resolved to try
For if I stay away I know
I must forever die
(Tune: “Am I a Soldier of the Cross?” p. 414)
Aaron Greenleaf will preach this morning. Fred Evans will bring the message this evening and Eric Floyd Wednesday evening. May the Lord be with these men as they preach the Gospel to you. I am preaching in Apopka, Florida this weekend and will return Thursday.
15th – Mike Rigsby 16th – Kelli Harries
17th – Aiden Carver 19th – Amanda DuFour
Mercy and love, kindness and encouragement, forgiveness and patience are things we all constantly want and need from others. Shall we not constantly bestow them upon others? - Don Fortner
“Better is a dry morsel, and quietness therewith, than an house full of sacrifices with stripe.” - Proverbs 17:1
The Beatitudes are the result of being blessed of God, and how beautiful they are! This is the Lord’s description of a believer. How beautiful is poor in spirit. How ugly is pride. How beautiful is mourning over personal sin. How ugly is a hardened attitude toward sin. How beautiful is meekness before God. How ugly is manipulation. How beautiful is hungering and thirsting for righteousness. How ugly is self-satisfaction. How beautiful are the merciful. How ugly are the judgmental. How beautiful is pureness of heart. How ugly is duplicity of heart. How beautiful is the peacemaker. How ugly is the troublemaker. How beautiful to be persecuted for righteousness sake. How ugly to be persecuted for self-righteousness sake. May the Lord give us grace to be these! And they begin with poverty of spirit! If we do not have that, it is certain we will not have any of the other.
The fact that we still have evil natures does not give an excuse for sinful behavior. If I have lustful thoughts in my heart that does not mean I might as well act on them. If I become angry that does not mean I should harm the one I am angry with. If I have marriage problems that does not mean it is a reason for separation or even divorce. Every believer still has a fallen nature that is completely evil and every believer ought to be living an exemplary life in every area that glorifies the Gospel they believe!
“His grace to me was not without effect.” - I Corinthians 15:10
Grace is not merely a doctrine, but an unstoppable force of God. It is never without effect! We are chosen by grace with the undeniable effect that we are His. We are redeemed by grace with the certain effect that we are free. We are called by grace with the inescapable effect that we come to Him. We are preserved by grace with the inevitable effect that we shall be with Him forever. – Joe Terrell
There are times when the chaos in this world seems to overwhelm us, and all the wars, politics, economics, natural catastrophes, and so on, seem to be spiraling out of control. But every believer can take comfort in knowing that the Lord has purposed every event that happens, for His glory and our good, for “We know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28).
The Lord has made the world to revolve around all His children, for, “If God be for us, who can be against us?” (Romans 8:31) Every event on this earth somehow, in some way, affects one of God’s elect…otherwise, it would have no purpose. But our God is a God of purpose and He has purposed all things for the good of His people, and the glory of His Holy Name. Amen. - Brian DuFour
Let us not set ourselves up as critics and judges of the conduct and lives of other believers. Let us not spend our time finding fault with one another, picking out weaknesses and exaggerating differences of opinion and practice. Rather, let us spend our time endeavoring to help one another and to avoid doing and saying things that may cause others to stumble.
We can do this by making our fellowship to be in Christ (not in form and traditions), by loving one another in spite of differences, and by avoiding collisions on the points wherein we differ. I am not suggesting for a moment that we compromise the Gospel or the fundamentals of our faith; but, as there are no two snowflakes exactly alike, there are no two people exactly alike; therefore, the foundation of our fellowship is our love for Christ and our love for one another, not perfect agreement on every point.
The fact of the matter is that I do not agree or approve of all that I do, think, or say! “Beloved, let us love one another; for love is of God; and everyone that loveth is born of God and knoweth God.” By God’s grace, I intend to love and encourage every believer in Christ, our sovereign Lord. I shall endeavor to keep the unity of the Spirit of God in the bond of peace for the glory of our Lord, the well-being of His church, the witness of the Gospel. - Henry Mahan
January 7, 2024
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
I once was a stranger to grace and to God
I knew not my danger, I felt not my load
Though friends spoke in rapture of Christ on the tree
JEHOVA TSIDKENU ‘twas nothing to me.
Like tears from the daughters of Zion did roll
I wept when the waters went over His soul
Yet thought not that my sins had nailed to the tree
JEHOVAH TSIDKENU ‘twas nothing to me.
When free grace awoke me, by light from on high
Then legal fears shook me, I trembled to die
No refuge, no safety in self could I see
JEHOVAH SIDKENU my Savior must be.
My terrors all vanished before His sweet name
My guilty fears banished, with boldness I came
To drink from the fountain, life-giving and free
JEHOVAH TSIDKENU is All things to me!
(Tune: “How Firm a Foundation” p. 268)
“In his days Judah SHALL BE SAVED, and Israel shall dwell safely: And this is His Name whereby He shall be called: THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS (JEHOVAH TSIDKENU)” - Jeremiah 23:6
7th – Henry Lynn 8th – Nancy Benton 8th – Thom Schuyler
8th – Rachel Whitehead 9th – Emily Burba
11th – Shelby Rutledge 12th – Aaron Sligh
“He that walketh in his uprightness feareth the Lord: but he that is perverse in his ways despiseth Him.” -Proverbs 14:2
“But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.” - I Timothy 5:8
In the context, Paul is speaking of the responsibility of the man to provide materially for his family. But this means much more than material provision. A man is called upon to make sure his family is provided with hearing the Gospel. To provide means to give foresight to. To be lackadaisical in this provision would be worse than being lackadaisical in providing materially. The man is to provide for this in his home, as well as other forms of provision, and to fail to do so is to deny the faith and be worse than an infidel.
“The doctrine of election is at one and the same time essential to understanding the church and resented by the church.” This is a quotation from a reformed pastor of our day. To say that the doctrine of election is resented by the church is simply not true! All of the church loves God’s election. It is only the unsaved who resent the doctrine. It also makes a spiritual hierarchy. The more spiritual Christians embrace election while many less mature Christians resent it. While it is true some Christians are more spiritually mature than other Christians, all Christians embrace election by the Father, redemption by the Son, and regeneration by the Holy Spirit. It is what Scripture teaches and what we have experienced. I agree that the doctrine of election is essential to understanding the church but it is a complete falsehood that the church resent election. All of the elect love election!
When, by His grace, I know Who He is,
I better understand who and what I am!
When I know What He did in obedience and death,
I realize what I cannot do!
When I understand Why He must suffer,
I understand how God can be just and justify me.
When I know Where He is,
I can rest in the blessed hope that I shall one day be there too!
- Joe Terrell
Everyone, especially religious people, like to ask themselves and others – “What is God’s will and purpose for your life?” And then they commence searching their hearts and minds, somehow picking one or two thoughts out of the thousands, claiming God has spoken to them and given them His will for their life.
God speaks to His people through His Word… if you really desire to learn what God would have you to do, go to the only place we are told this, Holy Scripture. And this is what He says, “Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep His commandments: for this is the whole duty of man” (Eccl. 12:13),
Sinner, fear God, bow in your heart in reverence and respect to His Holy Name, and obey the Gospel command from His Word. “And this is His commandment, that we should believe on the Name of His Son Jesus Christ, and love one another, as He gave us commandment” (I John 3:23). Trust Christ alone as all in your salvation, love one another, and you have found your purpose and God’s will for your life – “And this is the will of Him that sent Me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on Him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day” (John 6:40). - Brian DuFour
The only power that is effectual for the highest design of preaching is the power that does not lie in your word or my word, but in the Word of God. It is God’s Word, not our comments on God’s Word, which saves souls. Dear Brethren, if you seek to do good in this world and want a powerful weapon to work with, stick to the Gospel, the Living Gospel. There is power in the Gospel of Christ Jesus, our Lord, to meet the sin and death of the human nature. Nothing can convince of sin, real inability, nor reveal the sufficiency of Christ but the Word of God! “WHERE THE WORD OF THE KING IS, THERE IS POWER.” Nothing can resist it. The Word of God is that by which sin is slain and grace is born in the heart. It is the light that brings life with it. It brought us to Christ first, and it still leads us to look to Christ until we grow like Him. God’s children are not sanctified by legal methods, but by the Word. - C. H. Spurgeon
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
I once was a stranger to grace and to God
I knew not my danger, I felt not my load
Though friends spoke in rapture of Christ on the tree
JEHOVA TSIDKENU ‘twas nothing to me.
Like tears from the daughters of Zion did roll
I wept when the waters went over His soul
Yet thought not that my sins had nailed to the tree
JEHOVAH TSIDKENU ‘twas nothing to me.
When free grace awoke me, by light from on high
Then legal fears shook me, I trembled to die
No refuge, no safety in self could I see
JEHOVAH SIDKENU my Savior must be.
My terrors all vanished before His sweet name
My guilty fears banished, with boldness I came
To drink from the fountain, life-giving and free
JEHOVAH TSIDKENU is All things to me!
(Tune: “How Firm a Foundation” p. 268)
“In his days Judah SHALL BE SAVED, and Israel shall dwell safely: And this is His Name whereby He shall be called: THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS (JEHOVAH TSIDKENU)” - Jeremiah 23:6
7th – Henry Lynn 8th – Nancy Benton 8th – Thom Schuyler
8th – Rachel Whitehead 9th – Emily Burba
11th – Shelby Rutledge 12th – Aaron Sligh
“He that walketh in his uprightness feareth the Lord: but he that is perverse in his ways despiseth Him.” -Proverbs 14:2
“But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.” - I Timothy 5:8
In the context, Paul is speaking of the responsibility of the man to provide materially for his family. But this means much more than material provision. A man is called upon to make sure his family is provided with hearing the Gospel. To provide means to give foresight to. To be lackadaisical in this provision would be worse than being lackadaisical in providing materially. The man is to provide for this in his home, as well as other forms of provision, and to fail to do so is to deny the faith and be worse than an infidel.
“The doctrine of election is at one and the same time essential to understanding the church and resented by the church.” This is a quotation from a reformed pastor of our day. To say that the doctrine of election is resented by the church is simply not true! All of the church loves God’s election. It is only the unsaved who resent the doctrine. It also makes a spiritual hierarchy. The more spiritual Christians embrace election while many less mature Christians resent it. While it is true some Christians are more spiritually mature than other Christians, all Christians embrace election by the Father, redemption by the Son, and regeneration by the Holy Spirit. It is what Scripture teaches and what we have experienced. I agree that the doctrine of election is essential to understanding the church but it is a complete falsehood that the church resent election. All of the elect love election!
When, by His grace, I know Who He is,
I better understand who and what I am!
When I know What He did in obedience and death,
I realize what I cannot do!
When I understand Why He must suffer,
I understand how God can be just and justify me.
When I know Where He is,
I can rest in the blessed hope that I shall one day be there too!
- Joe Terrell
Everyone, especially religious people, like to ask themselves and others – “What is God’s will and purpose for your life?” And then they commence searching their hearts and minds, somehow picking one or two thoughts out of the thousands, claiming God has spoken to them and given them His will for their life.
God speaks to His people through His Word… if you really desire to learn what God would have you to do, go to the only place we are told this, Holy Scripture. And this is what He says, “Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep His commandments: for this is the whole duty of man” (Eccl. 12:13),
Sinner, fear God, bow in your heart in reverence and respect to His Holy Name, and obey the Gospel command from His Word. “And this is His commandment, that we should believe on the Name of His Son Jesus Christ, and love one another, as He gave us commandment” (I John 3:23). Trust Christ alone as all in your salvation, love one another, and you have found your purpose and God’s will for your life – “And this is the will of Him that sent Me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on Him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day” (John 6:40). - Brian DuFour
The only power that is effectual for the highest design of preaching is the power that does not lie in your word or my word, but in the Word of God. It is God’s Word, not our comments on God’s Word, which saves souls. Dear Brethren, if you seek to do good in this world and want a powerful weapon to work with, stick to the Gospel, the Living Gospel. There is power in the Gospel of Christ Jesus, our Lord, to meet the sin and death of the human nature. Nothing can convince of sin, real inability, nor reveal the sufficiency of Christ but the Word of God! “WHERE THE WORD OF THE KING IS, THERE IS POWER.” Nothing can resist it. The Word of God is that by which sin is slain and grace is born in the heart. It is the light that brings life with it. It brought us to Christ first, and it still leads us to look to Christ until we grow like Him. God’s children are not sanctified by legal methods, but by the Word. - C. H. Spurgeon
December 31, 2023
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Thou, Christ, the great Jehovah art
The Fount of holiness
And, God with us, Thou art become
The Lord our Righteousness.
Oh, wash us with Thy blood and clothe
With Thy pure spotless dress
Oh, hide us in Thyself, and be
The Lord our Righteousness.
Make us by grace to be indeed
What we in word profess
Oh, make us like unto Thyself
The Lord our Righteousness.
Pour on us showers of Thy grace
Increase our fruitfulness
That we may yield Thine own to Thee
The Lord our Righteousness.
So in Thy glorious image raise’d
May we Thy mercy bless
And sing forever praise to Thee
The Lord our Righteousness.
(Tune: “Come Holy Spirit, Heavenly Dove” p. 158)
We will observe the Lord’s Table this evening.
The Grace Gospel Church in Apopka, Florida will have a Bible conference on January 12-14.
31st – Ken Bissell 31st – Donna Wooten 1st – Wyatt Davis
2nd – Woodford Charron 3rd – Rachel Sullivan 4th – Laura Brown 5th- Michael Mohr 6th – Annette DuFour 6th – Nathaniel Sligh
“In the mouth of the foolish is a rod of pride: but the lips of the wise shall preserve them.” - Proverbs 14:3
“In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” With regard to everything that took place in 2023 and before that, it was God’s will in Christ Jesus concerning you and it all is working together for your good (Romans 8:28). With regard to 2024 and after, all that takes place will be, “The will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” What a reason for optimism for 2024. What a reason to give thanks!
“Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets” (Matt. 7:12). The Bible never tells other people how to treat me. It only tells me how to treat others. This is the right rule of conduct every time. Truly, this is “The Golden Rule.”
“But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us.” - II Corinthians 4:7
The treasure being spoken of is stated in the previous verse, “The light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.” We bear this treasure in jars of clay. There are so many implications of a jar made of dirt bearing this treasure. If I am an earthen vessel, I know most acutely that the excellency of the power is of God and not of me!
There are many reasons I believe the Bible is the Word of God. Among those reasons is the honesty of Scripture. No man would speak with the honesty Paul used in Romans 7. “For what I would, that do I not: but what I hate, that I do…” “To will is present with me, but how to perform that which is good, I find not….” Amazingly, men have said these were Paul’s words before he was saved. Such men are dishonest men who have deceived themselves about their own supposed goodness. How thankful we are for the honesty of Scripture. The Scriptures give us the truth about ourselves and shut us up to Christ Alone as our salvation!
“I have glorified Thee on earth: I have finished the work which Thou gavest Me to do.” - John 17:4
The painting of the “Mona Lisa” by Leonardo da Vinci was finished in the early 1500’s and is described as the best known, the most visited, the most written about piece of workmanship in all the art world. Can you imagine someone like me, who has no artistic talent, taking a child’s crayon to add some additional colors and detail to improve upon this masterpiece? That would not only be ridiculous, but criminal. Is it not the same thing when we attempt to add to the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ? To endeavor to add anything to His perfect and finished work is to realistically take away from it. – David Eddmenson
We are saved by grace – free grace, rich grace, sovereign grace, distinguishing grace – without one atom of works, without one grain of creature merit, without anything of the flesh. Oh! Sweet grace, blessed grace! Oh! What a help – what a strength – what a rest for a poor toiling, striving, laboring soul – to find that grace has done all the work – to feel that grace has triumphed in the cross of Christ – to find that nothing is required, nothing is needed, nothing is to be done! - J. C. Philpot
When you become just nothing, when you have no good feelings, no good desires, or anything you can bring to Christ – when you come to Christ, not with a broken heart, but for a broken heart, then He will receive you, then you will be the kind of man that Christ came to save. - Milton Howard
Sooner could the ocean prove too little for a small fish or the sky be too small for a swallow than the grace of God prove insufficient for one of God’s people. Not all their weaknesses, failures or sins can use it up. - Joe Terrell
I trust Christ because God took everything else away from me. He emptied me, stripped me, beat me down, bowed me, broke me, and slew me. How wondrously gracious He is! - Don Fortner
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Thou, Christ, the great Jehovah art
The Fount of holiness
And, God with us, Thou art become
The Lord our Righteousness.
Oh, wash us with Thy blood and clothe
With Thy pure spotless dress
Oh, hide us in Thyself, and be
The Lord our Righteousness.
Make us by grace to be indeed
What we in word profess
Oh, make us like unto Thyself
The Lord our Righteousness.
Pour on us showers of Thy grace
Increase our fruitfulness
That we may yield Thine own to Thee
The Lord our Righteousness.
So in Thy glorious image raise’d
May we Thy mercy bless
And sing forever praise to Thee
The Lord our Righteousness.
(Tune: “Come Holy Spirit, Heavenly Dove” p. 158)
We will observe the Lord’s Table this evening.
The Grace Gospel Church in Apopka, Florida will have a Bible conference on January 12-14.
31st – Ken Bissell 31st – Donna Wooten 1st – Wyatt Davis
2nd – Woodford Charron 3rd – Rachel Sullivan 4th – Laura Brown 5th- Michael Mohr 6th – Annette DuFour 6th – Nathaniel Sligh
“In the mouth of the foolish is a rod of pride: but the lips of the wise shall preserve them.” - Proverbs 14:3
“In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” With regard to everything that took place in 2023 and before that, it was God’s will in Christ Jesus concerning you and it all is working together for your good (Romans 8:28). With regard to 2024 and after, all that takes place will be, “The will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” What a reason for optimism for 2024. What a reason to give thanks!
“Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets” (Matt. 7:12). The Bible never tells other people how to treat me. It only tells me how to treat others. This is the right rule of conduct every time. Truly, this is “The Golden Rule.”
“But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us.” - II Corinthians 4:7
The treasure being spoken of is stated in the previous verse, “The light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.” We bear this treasure in jars of clay. There are so many implications of a jar made of dirt bearing this treasure. If I am an earthen vessel, I know most acutely that the excellency of the power is of God and not of me!
There are many reasons I believe the Bible is the Word of God. Among those reasons is the honesty of Scripture. No man would speak with the honesty Paul used in Romans 7. “For what I would, that do I not: but what I hate, that I do…” “To will is present with me, but how to perform that which is good, I find not….” Amazingly, men have said these were Paul’s words before he was saved. Such men are dishonest men who have deceived themselves about their own supposed goodness. How thankful we are for the honesty of Scripture. The Scriptures give us the truth about ourselves and shut us up to Christ Alone as our salvation!
“I have glorified Thee on earth: I have finished the work which Thou gavest Me to do.” - John 17:4
The painting of the “Mona Lisa” by Leonardo da Vinci was finished in the early 1500’s and is described as the best known, the most visited, the most written about piece of workmanship in all the art world. Can you imagine someone like me, who has no artistic talent, taking a child’s crayon to add some additional colors and detail to improve upon this masterpiece? That would not only be ridiculous, but criminal. Is it not the same thing when we attempt to add to the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ? To endeavor to add anything to His perfect and finished work is to realistically take away from it. – David Eddmenson
We are saved by grace – free grace, rich grace, sovereign grace, distinguishing grace – without one atom of works, without one grain of creature merit, without anything of the flesh. Oh! Sweet grace, blessed grace! Oh! What a help – what a strength – what a rest for a poor toiling, striving, laboring soul – to find that grace has done all the work – to feel that grace has triumphed in the cross of Christ – to find that nothing is required, nothing is needed, nothing is to be done! - J. C. Philpot
When you become just nothing, when you have no good feelings, no good desires, or anything you can bring to Christ – when you come to Christ, not with a broken heart, but for a broken heart, then He will receive you, then you will be the kind of man that Christ came to save. - Milton Howard
Sooner could the ocean prove too little for a small fish or the sky be too small for a swallow than the grace of God prove insufficient for one of God’s people. Not all their weaknesses, failures or sins can use it up. - Joe Terrell
I trust Christ because God took everything else away from me. He emptied me, stripped me, beat me down, bowed me, broke me, and slew me. How wondrously gracious He is! - Don Fortner
December 24, 2023
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
‘Tis not that I did choose Thee, for Lord that could not be
This heart would still refuse Thee, Hadst Thou not chosen me
Thou from the sin that stained me, hast cleansed and set me free
Of old Thou hast ordained me that I should live to Thee.
Your love had no beginning, no cause in me was found
That you should choose to save me, a sinner strongly bound
But grace not earned or sought for was purposed for my soul
For me, salvation wrought, for Christ paid the dreadful toll.
‘Twas sovereign mercy called me and taught my opening mind
The world had else enthralled me to heav’nly glories blind
My heart owns none before Thee, for Thy rich grace I thirst
This knowing if I loved Thee, Thou must have loved me first.
(Tune: “O Sacred Head, Now Wounded” p. 116)
There will be no service this evening. We will have our regular 6pm service next Sunday, December 31st (New Year’s Eve) and observe the Lord’s Table.
Thank you so much for the gift you have given to me and Lynn. We greatly appreciate it! We hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and enjoys some time with your loved ones. We love all of you very much and are thankful for our bond in the Lord Jesus Christ.
The Grace Gospel Church in Apopka, Florida will have a Bible conference on January 12-14.
26th – Jake Murphy 26th – Paul Walmsley 29th – Amanda Frye
29th – Alan Kincer 30th – Will Hands
31st – Ken Bissell 31st – Donna Wooten
“He also that is slothful in his work is a brother to him that is a great waster.” - Proverbs 18:9
How thankful we are for the birth of Christ! How thankful we are for His eternal pre-existence as the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world! How thankful we are for His perfect life! How thankful we are for His sin atoning death! How thankful we are for His justifying resurrection! How thankful we are for His present intercession! How thankful we are for His certain return! How thankful we are for the fellowship we have in Him!
There are no gray areas in the Gospel. Salvation is all of grace or all of works. There is no in-between. Christ is either All in salvation or He is nothing in salvation. There is no in-between. Man is either completely sinful and unable to save himself, or he is his own savior. There are no gray areas. The Bible is either God’s infallible Word, or the production of fallen man. How we thank God for this! I find the older I get, the more gray other things become. Things I once felt strongly about, I no longer feel so assured! I do not have enough information to make a proper judgment and there are other points of view that have as much validity as mine! How Paul’s words, “We see through a glass darkly” describe my sight! With so much gray, how thankful I am for the black and white of the Gospel!
Of this I am sure. If salvation is not all of grace, I will not be saved. If any aspect of salvation is dependent upon me doing or not doing something, I will not be in heaven. If what Christ did alone is not enough to make me just before God, I will be in hell. If I am not preserved by irresistible and invincible grace, I will fall away. If God does not look to Christ for everything He requires of me, then I have no hope. But thank God, salvation really is all of grace. Salvation is not dependent upon my doing or not doing something. What Christ did alone makes me just before God. I am preserved by irresistible grace. Everything God requires of me He looks to His Son for. Therefore…. saved I must be!
The Proper Order Of Salvation And Faith
Faith does not result in salvation, faith is the result of salvation. Faith is not a work that brings a result, faith is the result of a work already accomplished, Christ living and dying for His people.
Yes, Scripture does say, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved” (Acts 16:31), making it to appear that believing comes before the saving. But let’s think about this in the context of all Scripture, not just one verse. Scripture also says that all men are “Dead in trespasses and sins” (Eph. 2:1), and a spiritually dead man cannot believe or repent, for “No man can come to me” (John 6:44), no man has the ability to believe and trust on Christ. But thanks be to God, that verse is not finished – “No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him”, and now we see the true order. The drawing, the giving of live, the salvation comes first, and then the evidence of this salvation is faith in Christ, for “Faith is the evidence of things not seen” (Heb. 11:1). The inward, life-giving salvation of a sinner is not seen by man, but the outward evidence of this inward salvation is seen, faith in Christ, relying on Christ, trusting His finished work on that tree. Look at the order here. “Who hath saved us, and called us with a holy calling” (II Timothy 1:9). The saving comes first, then the calling, then faith. We are saved before we believe, not because we believe. - Brian DuFour
The sovereignty of God is absolute. To acknowledge this truth is at once to acknowledge that God has foreordained whatsoever comes to pass; that nothing else can come to pass; that predestination is a fact; that God does rule in the kingdoms of men; that all human ties, bonds and relationships are divinely appointed and formed; that salvation rests solely, fully and only in God’s election; that salvation is by God’s grace and His grace alone; and, that no part of man’s salvation is of himself either in origin or execution. Where men get the idea that man’s will is the all-determining factor or moving cause of his salvation is hard to see. Certainly they do not get it from the Bible. - Scott Richardson
“For unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given: and the government shall be upon His shoulder: and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace” - Isaiah 9:7
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
‘Tis not that I did choose Thee, for Lord that could not be
This heart would still refuse Thee, Hadst Thou not chosen me
Thou from the sin that stained me, hast cleansed and set me free
Of old Thou hast ordained me that I should live to Thee.
Your love had no beginning, no cause in me was found
That you should choose to save me, a sinner strongly bound
But grace not earned or sought for was purposed for my soul
For me, salvation wrought, for Christ paid the dreadful toll.
‘Twas sovereign mercy called me and taught my opening mind
The world had else enthralled me to heav’nly glories blind
My heart owns none before Thee, for Thy rich grace I thirst
This knowing if I loved Thee, Thou must have loved me first.
(Tune: “O Sacred Head, Now Wounded” p. 116)
There will be no service this evening. We will have our regular 6pm service next Sunday, December 31st (New Year’s Eve) and observe the Lord’s Table.
Thank you so much for the gift you have given to me and Lynn. We greatly appreciate it! We hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and enjoys some time with your loved ones. We love all of you very much and are thankful for our bond in the Lord Jesus Christ.
The Grace Gospel Church in Apopka, Florida will have a Bible conference on January 12-14.
26th – Jake Murphy 26th – Paul Walmsley 29th – Amanda Frye
29th – Alan Kincer 30th – Will Hands
31st – Ken Bissell 31st – Donna Wooten
“He also that is slothful in his work is a brother to him that is a great waster.” - Proverbs 18:9
How thankful we are for the birth of Christ! How thankful we are for His eternal pre-existence as the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world! How thankful we are for His perfect life! How thankful we are for His sin atoning death! How thankful we are for His justifying resurrection! How thankful we are for His present intercession! How thankful we are for His certain return! How thankful we are for the fellowship we have in Him!
There are no gray areas in the Gospel. Salvation is all of grace or all of works. There is no in-between. Christ is either All in salvation or He is nothing in salvation. There is no in-between. Man is either completely sinful and unable to save himself, or he is his own savior. There are no gray areas. The Bible is either God’s infallible Word, or the production of fallen man. How we thank God for this! I find the older I get, the more gray other things become. Things I once felt strongly about, I no longer feel so assured! I do not have enough information to make a proper judgment and there are other points of view that have as much validity as mine! How Paul’s words, “We see through a glass darkly” describe my sight! With so much gray, how thankful I am for the black and white of the Gospel!
Of this I am sure. If salvation is not all of grace, I will not be saved. If any aspect of salvation is dependent upon me doing or not doing something, I will not be in heaven. If what Christ did alone is not enough to make me just before God, I will be in hell. If I am not preserved by irresistible and invincible grace, I will fall away. If God does not look to Christ for everything He requires of me, then I have no hope. But thank God, salvation really is all of grace. Salvation is not dependent upon my doing or not doing something. What Christ did alone makes me just before God. I am preserved by irresistible grace. Everything God requires of me He looks to His Son for. Therefore…. saved I must be!
The Proper Order Of Salvation And Faith
Faith does not result in salvation, faith is the result of salvation. Faith is not a work that brings a result, faith is the result of a work already accomplished, Christ living and dying for His people.
Yes, Scripture does say, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved” (Acts 16:31), making it to appear that believing comes before the saving. But let’s think about this in the context of all Scripture, not just one verse. Scripture also says that all men are “Dead in trespasses and sins” (Eph. 2:1), and a spiritually dead man cannot believe or repent, for “No man can come to me” (John 6:44), no man has the ability to believe and trust on Christ. But thanks be to God, that verse is not finished – “No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him”, and now we see the true order. The drawing, the giving of live, the salvation comes first, and then the evidence of this salvation is faith in Christ, for “Faith is the evidence of things not seen” (Heb. 11:1). The inward, life-giving salvation of a sinner is not seen by man, but the outward evidence of this inward salvation is seen, faith in Christ, relying on Christ, trusting His finished work on that tree. Look at the order here. “Who hath saved us, and called us with a holy calling” (II Timothy 1:9). The saving comes first, then the calling, then faith. We are saved before we believe, not because we believe. - Brian DuFour
The sovereignty of God is absolute. To acknowledge this truth is at once to acknowledge that God has foreordained whatsoever comes to pass; that nothing else can come to pass; that predestination is a fact; that God does rule in the kingdoms of men; that all human ties, bonds and relationships are divinely appointed and formed; that salvation rests solely, fully and only in God’s election; that salvation is by God’s grace and His grace alone; and, that no part of man’s salvation is of himself either in origin or execution. Where men get the idea that man’s will is the all-determining factor or moving cause of his salvation is hard to see. Certainly they do not get it from the Bible. - Scott Richardson
“For unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given: and the government shall be upon His shoulder: and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace” - Isaiah 9:7
December 17, 2023
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
O, Lamb of God, still keep me
Near to Thy wounded side
Tis only there in safety
And peace I can abide.
What foes and snares surround me!
What lusts and fears within!
The grace that sought and found me
Alone can keep me clean.
‘Tis only in Thee hiding
I know my life secure
Only in Thee abiding
I steadfast shall endure.
Thine arm the victory gaineth
O’er every hurtful foe
The love my heart sustaineth
In all its care and woe.
Soon shall my eyes behold Thee
With rapture, face to face
The half hath not been told me
Of all Thy power and grace.
Thy beauty, Lord, and glory
The wonders of Thy love
Shall be the endless story
Of all Thy saints above.
(Tune: “The Church’s One Foundation” p. 186)
There will be no evening service next Sunday, December 24th (Christmas Eve). We will have our regular 6pm service Sunday, December 31st (New Year’s Eve) and observe the Lord’s Table.
The Grace Gospel Church in Apopka, Florida will have a Bible conference on January 12-14.
19th – Amanda Janes 21st – Erik Charron
21st – Evelyn Wang 23rd – Rick Kelley
“My son, despise not the chastening of the Lord; neither be weary of His correction: For whom the Lord loveth He correcteth; even as a father the son in whom he delighteth.” - Provebs 3:11
“Blessed are they who hunger and thirst after righteousness”
Hunger and thirst is the need of food and water. You realize that the answer to these needs cannot come from within you. Food and water must come from outside of you. And if you do not have these needs met, you will die of starvation and thirst. When you hunger and thirst after righteousness, you realize you need righteousness to be accepted by God. You are painfully aware that you cannot perform a righteousness God can or will accept. You know that if you do not possess this righteousness, you will not be saved. Thank God the person who has this need of righteousness, the understanding that he cannot perform it, and will not be saved without it has this promise… “Blessed are they who hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.” All who hunger and thirst after Christ’s righteousness shall be filled with Christ’s righteousness.
Spiritual life and faith are two distinct things, yet they are so vitally joined together that neither exists alone. Where there is spiritual life, there is faith in Christ and where there is faith in Christ, there is spiritual life. “Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God” (I John 5:1). In a newborn infant, if God gives physical life, it breathes; if life is absent, it does not. Breathing is evidence that life is present; but also, life cannot exist without breathing. It is even so spiritually. God gives life; the evidence is faith in Christ. No faith in Christ – no life! The question we should ask ourselves is not – Do we have life? But – Do we believe on Christ? “He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.” - Charles Pennington
“But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfill the lusts thereof.” - Romans 13:14
What does it mean to put on the Lord Jesus Christ? In the context of the 13th chapter of Romans, it is speaking of our outward walk. The outward person that people view when looking at you should be a direct reflection of the new inward man of grace, Christ in you.
And what should people see? “Put on therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, bowels of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, longsuffering; forbearing one another, and forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel against any: even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye. And above all these things, put on charity, which is the bond of perfectness. And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful.” (Col. 3:12-15).
May God give us grace to put on the Lord Jesus Christ daily, evidenced by a “Faith which worketh by love” (Galatians 5:6). Love to God, love to your brothers and sisters in Christ, love to all mankind.
- Brian DuFour
The power of God is that ability and strength whereby He can bring to pass whatsoever He pleases, whatsoever His infinite wisdom may direct, and whatsoever the infinite purity of His will may resolve. As holiness is the beauty of all God’s attributes, so power is that which gives life and action to al the perfections of the Divine Nature. How vain would be the eternal counsel, if power did not step in to execute them. Without power His mercy would be but a feeble pity, His promises an empty sound, His threatenings a mere scarecrow. God’s power is like Himself; infinite, eternal, incomprehensible; it can neither be checked, restrained, nor frustrated by the creature. - Stephen Charnock
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
O, Lamb of God, still keep me
Near to Thy wounded side
Tis only there in safety
And peace I can abide.
What foes and snares surround me!
What lusts and fears within!
The grace that sought and found me
Alone can keep me clean.
‘Tis only in Thee hiding
I know my life secure
Only in Thee abiding
I steadfast shall endure.
Thine arm the victory gaineth
O’er every hurtful foe
The love my heart sustaineth
In all its care and woe.
Soon shall my eyes behold Thee
With rapture, face to face
The half hath not been told me
Of all Thy power and grace.
Thy beauty, Lord, and glory
The wonders of Thy love
Shall be the endless story
Of all Thy saints above.
(Tune: “The Church’s One Foundation” p. 186)
There will be no evening service next Sunday, December 24th (Christmas Eve). We will have our regular 6pm service Sunday, December 31st (New Year’s Eve) and observe the Lord’s Table.
The Grace Gospel Church in Apopka, Florida will have a Bible conference on January 12-14.
19th – Amanda Janes 21st – Erik Charron
21st – Evelyn Wang 23rd – Rick Kelley
“My son, despise not the chastening of the Lord; neither be weary of His correction: For whom the Lord loveth He correcteth; even as a father the son in whom he delighteth.” - Provebs 3:11
“Blessed are they who hunger and thirst after righteousness”
Hunger and thirst is the need of food and water. You realize that the answer to these needs cannot come from within you. Food and water must come from outside of you. And if you do not have these needs met, you will die of starvation and thirst. When you hunger and thirst after righteousness, you realize you need righteousness to be accepted by God. You are painfully aware that you cannot perform a righteousness God can or will accept. You know that if you do not possess this righteousness, you will not be saved. Thank God the person who has this need of righteousness, the understanding that he cannot perform it, and will not be saved without it has this promise… “Blessed are they who hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.” All who hunger and thirst after Christ’s righteousness shall be filled with Christ’s righteousness.
Spiritual life and faith are two distinct things, yet they are so vitally joined together that neither exists alone. Where there is spiritual life, there is faith in Christ and where there is faith in Christ, there is spiritual life. “Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God” (I John 5:1). In a newborn infant, if God gives physical life, it breathes; if life is absent, it does not. Breathing is evidence that life is present; but also, life cannot exist without breathing. It is even so spiritually. God gives life; the evidence is faith in Christ. No faith in Christ – no life! The question we should ask ourselves is not – Do we have life? But – Do we believe on Christ? “He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.” - Charles Pennington
“But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfill the lusts thereof.” - Romans 13:14
What does it mean to put on the Lord Jesus Christ? In the context of the 13th chapter of Romans, it is speaking of our outward walk. The outward person that people view when looking at you should be a direct reflection of the new inward man of grace, Christ in you.
And what should people see? “Put on therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, bowels of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, longsuffering; forbearing one another, and forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel against any: even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye. And above all these things, put on charity, which is the bond of perfectness. And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful.” (Col. 3:12-15).
May God give us grace to put on the Lord Jesus Christ daily, evidenced by a “Faith which worketh by love” (Galatians 5:6). Love to God, love to your brothers and sisters in Christ, love to all mankind.
- Brian DuFour
The power of God is that ability and strength whereby He can bring to pass whatsoever He pleases, whatsoever His infinite wisdom may direct, and whatsoever the infinite purity of His will may resolve. As holiness is the beauty of all God’s attributes, so power is that which gives life and action to al the perfections of the Divine Nature. How vain would be the eternal counsel, if power did not step in to execute them. Without power His mercy would be but a feeble pity, His promises an empty sound, His threatenings a mere scarecrow. God’s power is like Himself; infinite, eternal, incomprehensible; it can neither be checked, restrained, nor frustrated by the creature. - Stephen Charnock
December 10, 2023
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Earth and heav’n in sweet accord
Join to tell Jehovah’s praises
Tell the glory of the Lord.
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Magnify Jehovah’s Name
Praise the living God, our Saviour
All that breathe, His praise proclaim.
Praise the God of all creation
Praise the Father’s boundless love
Praise the Lamb, our expiation
Priest, and King enthroned above.
May the grace of Christ, our Saviour
And the Father’s boundless love
With the Holy Spirit’s favor
Rest upon us from above.
(Tune: “Jesus Calls Us” p. 374)
I am preaching in Merida, Mexico and will return home Tuesday. Aaron Greenleaf will bring the messages today.
We extend our sincere sympathy to Christie Small and her family on the death of her father.
Doug and Faith Hacker will host a Christmas party at their home (505 Chinoe Road) for the adults this Friday evening, December 15th at 7:00.
12th – Lisa Gillispie 14th – Miles Elliott
14th – Christie Small 16th - Cindy Farmer
“Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall. Better it is to be of an humble spirit with the lowly, than to divide the spoil with the proud.” -Proverbs 16:18-19
In Hebrews 6:1 we read of, “repentance from dead works” and in Hebrews 9:14 we read, “purge your conscience from dead works.” Dead works are any works you performed before regeneration.
Dead works are any works you performed before you heard and believed the Gospel. Repent of them and see them for what they are – works performed by one dead in sins. Purge your conscience of them by thinking there was any saving value in them. All religious works and experiences before hearing the Gospel and being born of the Spirit are the works and the experience of one dead in sins. There is no repentance and no true satisfaction of conscience until this is done.
“But sin, that it might appear sin, working death in me by that which is good; that sin by the commandment might become exceeding sinful.” – Romans 7:14
The world posts the Ten Commandments in public places, claiming they live up to these standards, and exhorting others to follow. When in reality, they are simply advertising their own condemnation, for neither they nor we have kept one of God’s holy laws at any time, from birth to death.
We are all born with a sinful nature that hates God with a passion…so much so, that we murdered God’s only Son by nailing His naked, bloodied body to a pole, satisfied to watch Him die a slow and tortuous death. Even now as believers, with Christ dwelling in us, we are filled with the fruit of the Spirit…yet so little of that love, joy, and peace shine through this sinful, self-serving, self-loving, self-exalting flesh (and notice the word “self” contained in the word “flesh”…it tried to hide itself by spelling itself backwards, flesh, but it’s always there).
That is why no flesh should glory in His presence, for what glory is there in sin? May our God and Father give us all grace to take up the same determination as our brother Paul – “But God forbid that I should glory save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ” (Galatians 6:14).
- Brian DuFour
From worshipping God in a wrong way, to the worship of a wrong god, is an easy step. - C. H. Spurgeon
“Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus” (Phil. 2:5). But is that possible? Can I actually have the mind of Christ? Not only is it possible, if I am a believer, I already posses it. “But we have the mind of Christ” (I Cor. 2:16). Paul is saying the same thing he said in Galatians 5:25 “If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.” Being born of the Spirit of Christ, make sure your walk reflects that. Having the mind of Christ, have it come out in your attitude and actions. The dominating thought in Philippians 2 regarding the mind of Christ is how He humbled Himself. If I have the mind of Christ, my life will be characterized by me humbling myself before God and His people. Someone once asked John Calvin, “What are the three greatest Christian graces?” He replied, “Humility, humility, humility.”
Those who have never heard the glorious Gospel of the free grace of God in Christ Jesus the Redeemer, need to hear that Gospel more than anything else in the world; but they, sad to say, do not feel that need. However, those who have heard and believed that Gospel MUST hear it! The hungry man MUST eat, the thirsty man MUST drink, and the sinner MUST feast upon the Lord Jesus Christ and His righteousness! He knows and feels his desperate need. – Maurice Montgomery
The doctrines of original sin, election, effectual calling, final perseverance, and all those great truths which are called Calvinism – though Calvin was not the author of them, but simply an able writer and preacher upon the subject – are, I believe, the essential doctrines of the Gospel that is in Jesus Christ. Now, I do not ask you whether you believe all this – it is possible you may not, but I believe you will before you enter Heaven. - C. H. Spurgeon
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Earth and heav’n in sweet accord
Join to tell Jehovah’s praises
Tell the glory of the Lord.
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Magnify Jehovah’s Name
Praise the living God, our Saviour
All that breathe, His praise proclaim.
Praise the God of all creation
Praise the Father’s boundless love
Praise the Lamb, our expiation
Priest, and King enthroned above.
May the grace of Christ, our Saviour
And the Father’s boundless love
With the Holy Spirit’s favor
Rest upon us from above.
(Tune: “Jesus Calls Us” p. 374)
I am preaching in Merida, Mexico and will return home Tuesday. Aaron Greenleaf will bring the messages today.
We extend our sincere sympathy to Christie Small and her family on the death of her father.
Doug and Faith Hacker will host a Christmas party at their home (505 Chinoe Road) for the adults this Friday evening, December 15th at 7:00.
12th – Lisa Gillispie 14th – Miles Elliott
14th – Christie Small 16th - Cindy Farmer
“Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall. Better it is to be of an humble spirit with the lowly, than to divide the spoil with the proud.” -Proverbs 16:18-19
In Hebrews 6:1 we read of, “repentance from dead works” and in Hebrews 9:14 we read, “purge your conscience from dead works.” Dead works are any works you performed before regeneration.
Dead works are any works you performed before you heard and believed the Gospel. Repent of them and see them for what they are – works performed by one dead in sins. Purge your conscience of them by thinking there was any saving value in them. All religious works and experiences before hearing the Gospel and being born of the Spirit are the works and the experience of one dead in sins. There is no repentance and no true satisfaction of conscience until this is done.
“But sin, that it might appear sin, working death in me by that which is good; that sin by the commandment might become exceeding sinful.” – Romans 7:14
The world posts the Ten Commandments in public places, claiming they live up to these standards, and exhorting others to follow. When in reality, they are simply advertising their own condemnation, for neither they nor we have kept one of God’s holy laws at any time, from birth to death.
We are all born with a sinful nature that hates God with a passion…so much so, that we murdered God’s only Son by nailing His naked, bloodied body to a pole, satisfied to watch Him die a slow and tortuous death. Even now as believers, with Christ dwelling in us, we are filled with the fruit of the Spirit…yet so little of that love, joy, and peace shine through this sinful, self-serving, self-loving, self-exalting flesh (and notice the word “self” contained in the word “flesh”…it tried to hide itself by spelling itself backwards, flesh, but it’s always there).
That is why no flesh should glory in His presence, for what glory is there in sin? May our God and Father give us all grace to take up the same determination as our brother Paul – “But God forbid that I should glory save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ” (Galatians 6:14).
- Brian DuFour
From worshipping God in a wrong way, to the worship of a wrong god, is an easy step. - C. H. Spurgeon
“Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus” (Phil. 2:5). But is that possible? Can I actually have the mind of Christ? Not only is it possible, if I am a believer, I already posses it. “But we have the mind of Christ” (I Cor. 2:16). Paul is saying the same thing he said in Galatians 5:25 “If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.” Being born of the Spirit of Christ, make sure your walk reflects that. Having the mind of Christ, have it come out in your attitude and actions. The dominating thought in Philippians 2 regarding the mind of Christ is how He humbled Himself. If I have the mind of Christ, my life will be characterized by me humbling myself before God and His people. Someone once asked John Calvin, “What are the three greatest Christian graces?” He replied, “Humility, humility, humility.”
Those who have never heard the glorious Gospel of the free grace of God in Christ Jesus the Redeemer, need to hear that Gospel more than anything else in the world; but they, sad to say, do not feel that need. However, those who have heard and believed that Gospel MUST hear it! The hungry man MUST eat, the thirsty man MUST drink, and the sinner MUST feast upon the Lord Jesus Christ and His righteousness! He knows and feels his desperate need. – Maurice Montgomery
The doctrines of original sin, election, effectual calling, final perseverance, and all those great truths which are called Calvinism – though Calvin was not the author of them, but simply an able writer and preacher upon the subject – are, I believe, the essential doctrines of the Gospel that is in Jesus Christ. Now, I do not ask you whether you believe all this – it is possible you may not, but I believe you will before you enter Heaven. - C. H. Spurgeon
December 3, 2023
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Wherewith shall we approach the Lord
And bow before His Throne?
By trusting His unchanging Word
And pleading Christ alone.
This is the Name the Father loves
This is the Name we plead
This is the Name that heav’n approves
And blesses us indeed.
Then let His Name forever be
To us supremely dear
His Name our all-prevailing plea
For all our hope is there.
His name LORD JESUS suits Him well
His Name is great indeed
He saves from sin and wrath and hell
His Name is all I need!
(Tune: “O God Our Help in Ages Past” p.10)
We will observe the Lord’s Table this evening.
Doug and Faith Hacker will host a Christmas party at their home for the adults on Friday evening December 15th at 7:00.
3rd – Tucker Brogle 3rd – Kelly Byrd 4th – Jennifer Dent
4th – Eden Steeves 5th – Andy Davis 8th – Mike Brumfield
8th – Camden Proffitt 9th – Chuck Mohr 9th – Ben Small
“He that covereth a transgression seeketh love; but he that repeateth a matter separateth very friends.” - Proverbs 17:9
Peter wrote, “To them that have obtained like precious faith with us” (II Peter 1:1). Faith is something obtained as a gift of His grace (Ephesians 2:8-9). Faith, as His gift, is precious! Faith is “life.” It has the same content in all who believe. Believers believe the same thing. “Christ is All” (Colossians 3:11).
I believe the Scripture clearly sets forth the doctrine of grace - total depravity, unconditional election, limited atonement, irresistible grace, and the perseverance of the saints. You cannot believe in salvation by grace and deny or fail to preach all five points. Not only do I see the Scriptures teach this, I have a great need for this to be true! Believing myself to be totally depraved, I need for God to elect me. I need for Christ to die for me. I need the irresistible grace of the Holy Spirit to give me life. I need to be preserved so that I persevere all the way to the end! Yes, this is the doctrine of grace, and it is equally the doctrine of need. If the doctrine of grace is nothing more than a theological position to me, it is dry doctrine that is the product of a dry and hardened heart.
“Above all things have fervent charity among yourselves: for charity shall cover the multitude of sins” (I Peter 4:8). And we do all have a multitude of sins. James said, “In many things we offend all” (James 3:2).. If I love you, I realize you are like me, a person with a multitude of sins. I do not excuse my sin or yours. But if I love you, I will cover your sins, just like I do not want mine to be exposed. “Love covereth all sins” (Proverbs 10:12), and “He that covereth a transgression seeketh love” (Proverbs 17:9). I am so thankful for His love that has covered my sins with the precious blood of His Son. Oh, that I might be the one who covers, who remains silent, who does not seek to expose my brother’s sin. To do so is contrary to love, for “Charity shall cover the multitude of sins.”
Is it contradictory to tell someone to come and drink from the River of Life freely, but then tell them they are unable? Should we just tell men to come to Christ and leave out the part about God’s sovereign election and man’s total inability? Many would say we are just confusing the message and restricting the free offer of salvation by telling men they can’t come unless the Father makes them willing by His irresistible grace which is according to His will and good pleasure. Why is it necessary when commanding men to come to Christ to tell them they can’t? Why are total depravity, unconditional election, limited atonement, and irresistible grace essential elements of the Gospel? One simple reason…without these truths, men will make a work out of coming. Without these truths men will be led to believe that God has done His part, now it is up to you to come. No, men must trust Christ for their coming also. If you bring anything to the table of salvation, even your coming, then grace is no longer grace and you are left in your sin. The Lord will do it all…or He won’t do it at all. – Greg Elmquist
Scripture declares true saving faith always contains these three graces given to every believer towards the Lord Jesus Christ:
1. We KNOW who He is.
2. We BELIEVE what He said.
3. We TRUST what He did.
In other words, we look to Christ alone as all in our salvation. True saving faith knows, believes, and trusts that, “Salvation is of the LORD” (Jonah 2:9). The apostle Paul uses these three attributes in one verse that may best describe and define true saving faith – “For I know Whom I have believed, and am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed (trusted) unto Him against that day.” (II Timothy 1:12). - Brian DuFour
Will Worship and Christ worship cannot exist together. Either God’s will controls man’s will or man’s will controls God’s will. Either God controls the devil, or the devil controls God. Either God rules man, or man rules God. God says, “I will do all my pleasure,” and all who know Him rejoice in knowing that it is so, saying, “It is the Lord: let Him do what seemeth Him good.” - Don Fortner
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Wherewith shall we approach the Lord
And bow before His Throne?
By trusting His unchanging Word
And pleading Christ alone.
This is the Name the Father loves
This is the Name we plead
This is the Name that heav’n approves
And blesses us indeed.
Then let His Name forever be
To us supremely dear
His Name our all-prevailing plea
For all our hope is there.
His name LORD JESUS suits Him well
His Name is great indeed
He saves from sin and wrath and hell
His Name is all I need!
(Tune: “O God Our Help in Ages Past” p.10)
We will observe the Lord’s Table this evening.
Doug and Faith Hacker will host a Christmas party at their home for the adults on Friday evening December 15th at 7:00.
3rd – Tucker Brogle 3rd – Kelly Byrd 4th – Jennifer Dent
4th – Eden Steeves 5th – Andy Davis 8th – Mike Brumfield
8th – Camden Proffitt 9th – Chuck Mohr 9th – Ben Small
“He that covereth a transgression seeketh love; but he that repeateth a matter separateth very friends.” - Proverbs 17:9
Peter wrote, “To them that have obtained like precious faith with us” (II Peter 1:1). Faith is something obtained as a gift of His grace (Ephesians 2:8-9). Faith, as His gift, is precious! Faith is “life.” It has the same content in all who believe. Believers believe the same thing. “Christ is All” (Colossians 3:11).
I believe the Scripture clearly sets forth the doctrine of grace - total depravity, unconditional election, limited atonement, irresistible grace, and the perseverance of the saints. You cannot believe in salvation by grace and deny or fail to preach all five points. Not only do I see the Scriptures teach this, I have a great need for this to be true! Believing myself to be totally depraved, I need for God to elect me. I need for Christ to die for me. I need the irresistible grace of the Holy Spirit to give me life. I need to be preserved so that I persevere all the way to the end! Yes, this is the doctrine of grace, and it is equally the doctrine of need. If the doctrine of grace is nothing more than a theological position to me, it is dry doctrine that is the product of a dry and hardened heart.
“Above all things have fervent charity among yourselves: for charity shall cover the multitude of sins” (I Peter 4:8). And we do all have a multitude of sins. James said, “In many things we offend all” (James 3:2).. If I love you, I realize you are like me, a person with a multitude of sins. I do not excuse my sin or yours. But if I love you, I will cover your sins, just like I do not want mine to be exposed. “Love covereth all sins” (Proverbs 10:12), and “He that covereth a transgression seeketh love” (Proverbs 17:9). I am so thankful for His love that has covered my sins with the precious blood of His Son. Oh, that I might be the one who covers, who remains silent, who does not seek to expose my brother’s sin. To do so is contrary to love, for “Charity shall cover the multitude of sins.”
Is it contradictory to tell someone to come and drink from the River of Life freely, but then tell them they are unable? Should we just tell men to come to Christ and leave out the part about God’s sovereign election and man’s total inability? Many would say we are just confusing the message and restricting the free offer of salvation by telling men they can’t come unless the Father makes them willing by His irresistible grace which is according to His will and good pleasure. Why is it necessary when commanding men to come to Christ to tell them they can’t? Why are total depravity, unconditional election, limited atonement, and irresistible grace essential elements of the Gospel? One simple reason…without these truths, men will make a work out of coming. Without these truths men will be led to believe that God has done His part, now it is up to you to come. No, men must trust Christ for their coming also. If you bring anything to the table of salvation, even your coming, then grace is no longer grace and you are left in your sin. The Lord will do it all…or He won’t do it at all. – Greg Elmquist
Scripture declares true saving faith always contains these three graces given to every believer towards the Lord Jesus Christ:
1. We KNOW who He is.
2. We BELIEVE what He said.
3. We TRUST what He did.
In other words, we look to Christ alone as all in our salvation. True saving faith knows, believes, and trusts that, “Salvation is of the LORD” (Jonah 2:9). The apostle Paul uses these three attributes in one verse that may best describe and define true saving faith – “For I know Whom I have believed, and am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed (trusted) unto Him against that day.” (II Timothy 1:12). - Brian DuFour
Will Worship and Christ worship cannot exist together. Either God’s will controls man’s will or man’s will controls God’s will. Either God controls the devil, or the devil controls God. Either God rules man, or man rules God. God says, “I will do all my pleasure,” and all who know Him rejoice in knowing that it is so, saying, “It is the Lord: let Him do what seemeth Him good.” - Don Fortner
November 26, 2023
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Come ye saints, admire and wonder
Jesus’ matchless love adore
Sing for Sinai’s awful thunder
Shall upon thee burst no more
Sing, though sins are black and large
Sing, for Jesus, by his dying
Set you free from every charge
Set you free from every charge.
Sing, though sense and carnal reason
Fain would stop the joyful sound
Sing, and count it highest treason
For a saint to hold his tongue
Sing aloud, whose holy calling
Your election surely shows
Sing, nor fear a final failing
Jesus’ love no changes knows.
Sing, for you shall heaven inherit
Sing, and ne’re the song be done
Sing, for He alone is worth it
He our sins did all atone
Sing aloud among God’s people
In your heart when all alone
Sing to Father, Son, and Spirit
One in three, and three in One.
(Tune: “Come Thou Fount” p. 17)
Upcoming Bible Conferences - Lantana Grace Church in Crossville, TN December 1-3. Grace Gospel in Apopka FL, January 12-14.
Doug and Faith Hacker will host a Christmas party at their home for the adults on Friday evening December 15th at 7:00.
26th – Adam Charron 26th – John Frye 26th – Max Murphy
28th – Lydia Lynn 30th – Isaac Steeves 30th – Mitch Steeves
2nd- Susan Holthaus 2nd – Kara Imes
“For a just mall falleth seven times, and riseth up again: but the wicked shall fall into mischief.” - Proverbs 24:16
Elisha rebuked Joash for smiting the ground only three times. He told him that if he would have smitten the ground five or six times he would have had a greater deliverance from Syria then he would by only smiting the ground three times (II Kings 15-19).
One wonders how Joash was supposed to have known to smite the ground five or six times rather than three. That question, we are unable to answer. But a great principle is taught in this. There are things that are to be done that will enable us to experience more of God’s blessings then we would if we do not do those things. Every one of us live far below our privileges! Many of us expect little from God, ask little, receive little, and are content with little in this life! This comes from “little faith”. Little faith in an infinite God seems contradictory. We ought to expect great things from Him!
“Withal praying also for us, that God would open unto us a door of utterance, to speak the mystery of Christ.” - Colossians 4:3
We desire to preach the Gospel. We pray for God to open the door for us to preach the mystery of Christ because we want men to hear the Gospel. We do not try and open our own doors. We ask God to open the doors. Anything I initiate will not be good! Anything He initiates will end well. We have a desire to preach the Gospel and we fear opening our own doors. This attitude should be a constant with all of us - a desire to spread the Gospel and a fear of trying to open our own doors. “How shall they preach except they be sent?” The fact of the matter is - we do not unless God Himself opens the door and sends us through it.
“Thus said the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm and whose heart departeth from the LORD” (Jer. 17:5). What egregious sin did this man commit, that the LORD would curse him eternally? Murder, rape, robbery? – None of those, but something much worse – spiritual adultery.
It can be a very dangerous thing to hear the Gospel, claim to believe the Gospel, outwardly professing faith in Christ…and yet sometime down the line, turn away from Christ and back to the flesh, as the dog returns to its vomit, revealing your profession was fleshly, and not of the Spirit…having committed the unpardonable sin, leaving yourself cursed, with no hope of ever being saved. God’s Word plainly and clearly states that “if we sin willfully after that we have received the knowledge of the Truth (by turning away from Christ and returning to the flesh), there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins”(Heb. 10:26)…for you have “Trodden under foot the Son of God, and hath counted the blood of the covenant, wherewith He (Christ) was sanctified, an unholy (common to all) thing, and hath done despite unto the Spirit of grace”(Heb. 10:29).
Lord, please do not let me depart…and please keep my heart, my mind, my eyes, on Christ alone at all times…for I know the only hope this sinner has of entering heaven, is through the shed blood and righteousness of the precious Lamb of God. Please make me to be the man in the following verse - “Blessed is the man that trusteth in the LORD, and whose hope the LORD is” (Jer. 17:7). – Brian DuFour
God the Father has never viewed one sin in any of His elect, because the Lamb Himself was slain in eternity, an eternal sacrifice, eternally justifying all of God’s elect in the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. When God sees one sin in any person, He justly proclaims them guilty, banished to an eternity in hell, for He “Will by no means clear the guilty” (Ex. 34:7).
That is why salvation is an eternal salvation. You are either eternally viewed in Christ as having never sinned, eternally justified… or eternally viewed in your flesh, nothing but sin, eternally condemned. Lord, place me in your Son, keep me in your Son, and always view me in your Son! - Brian DuFour
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Come ye saints, admire and wonder
Jesus’ matchless love adore
Sing for Sinai’s awful thunder
Shall upon thee burst no more
Sing, though sins are black and large
Sing, for Jesus, by his dying
Set you free from every charge
Set you free from every charge.
Sing, though sense and carnal reason
Fain would stop the joyful sound
Sing, and count it highest treason
For a saint to hold his tongue
Sing aloud, whose holy calling
Your election surely shows
Sing, nor fear a final failing
Jesus’ love no changes knows.
Sing, for you shall heaven inherit
Sing, and ne’re the song be done
Sing, for He alone is worth it
He our sins did all atone
Sing aloud among God’s people
In your heart when all alone
Sing to Father, Son, and Spirit
One in three, and three in One.
(Tune: “Come Thou Fount” p. 17)
Upcoming Bible Conferences - Lantana Grace Church in Crossville, TN December 1-3. Grace Gospel in Apopka FL, January 12-14.
Doug and Faith Hacker will host a Christmas party at their home for the adults on Friday evening December 15th at 7:00.
26th – Adam Charron 26th – John Frye 26th – Max Murphy
28th – Lydia Lynn 30th – Isaac Steeves 30th – Mitch Steeves
2nd- Susan Holthaus 2nd – Kara Imes
“For a just mall falleth seven times, and riseth up again: but the wicked shall fall into mischief.” - Proverbs 24:16
Elisha rebuked Joash for smiting the ground only three times. He told him that if he would have smitten the ground five or six times he would have had a greater deliverance from Syria then he would by only smiting the ground three times (II Kings 15-19).
One wonders how Joash was supposed to have known to smite the ground five or six times rather than three. That question, we are unable to answer. But a great principle is taught in this. There are things that are to be done that will enable us to experience more of God’s blessings then we would if we do not do those things. Every one of us live far below our privileges! Many of us expect little from God, ask little, receive little, and are content with little in this life! This comes from “little faith”. Little faith in an infinite God seems contradictory. We ought to expect great things from Him!
“Withal praying also for us, that God would open unto us a door of utterance, to speak the mystery of Christ.” - Colossians 4:3
We desire to preach the Gospel. We pray for God to open the door for us to preach the mystery of Christ because we want men to hear the Gospel. We do not try and open our own doors. We ask God to open the doors. Anything I initiate will not be good! Anything He initiates will end well. We have a desire to preach the Gospel and we fear opening our own doors. This attitude should be a constant with all of us - a desire to spread the Gospel and a fear of trying to open our own doors. “How shall they preach except they be sent?” The fact of the matter is - we do not unless God Himself opens the door and sends us through it.
“Thus said the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm and whose heart departeth from the LORD” (Jer. 17:5). What egregious sin did this man commit, that the LORD would curse him eternally? Murder, rape, robbery? – None of those, but something much worse – spiritual adultery.
It can be a very dangerous thing to hear the Gospel, claim to believe the Gospel, outwardly professing faith in Christ…and yet sometime down the line, turn away from Christ and back to the flesh, as the dog returns to its vomit, revealing your profession was fleshly, and not of the Spirit…having committed the unpardonable sin, leaving yourself cursed, with no hope of ever being saved. God’s Word plainly and clearly states that “if we sin willfully after that we have received the knowledge of the Truth (by turning away from Christ and returning to the flesh), there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins”(Heb. 10:26)…for you have “Trodden under foot the Son of God, and hath counted the blood of the covenant, wherewith He (Christ) was sanctified, an unholy (common to all) thing, and hath done despite unto the Spirit of grace”(Heb. 10:29).
Lord, please do not let me depart…and please keep my heart, my mind, my eyes, on Christ alone at all times…for I know the only hope this sinner has of entering heaven, is through the shed blood and righteousness of the precious Lamb of God. Please make me to be the man in the following verse - “Blessed is the man that trusteth in the LORD, and whose hope the LORD is” (Jer. 17:7). – Brian DuFour
God the Father has never viewed one sin in any of His elect, because the Lamb Himself was slain in eternity, an eternal sacrifice, eternally justifying all of God’s elect in the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. When God sees one sin in any person, He justly proclaims them guilty, banished to an eternity in hell, for He “Will by no means clear the guilty” (Ex. 34:7).
That is why salvation is an eternal salvation. You are either eternally viewed in Christ as having never sinned, eternally justified… or eternally viewed in your flesh, nothing but sin, eternally condemned. Lord, place me in your Son, keep me in your Son, and always view me in your Son! - Brian DuFour
November 19, 2023
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
A mind at perfect peace with God
Oh! What a word is this!
A sinner reconciled through blood
This, this indeed is bliss!
By nature and by practice far
So very far from God
Yet now by grace brought nigh to Him
Through faith in Jesus’ blood.
So near, so very near to God
I cannot nearer be
For in the Person of His Son
I am as near as He.
So dear, so very dear to God
More dear I cannot be
The love wherewith He loves the Son
Such is His love to me!
Why should I ever anxious be
Since such a God is mine
He watches o’er me night and day
And tells me “Mine is thine.”
(Tune: “Come, Holy Spirit, Heavenly Dove” p. 158)
“In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you” (I Thess. 5:18). This Thursday we celebrate Thanksgiving Day. Every day is a day of thanksgiving for the believer. Happy Thanksgiving!
(There will be no Wednesday service this week.)
The Lantana Grace Church in Crossville, TN will have a conference December 1-3.
Doug and Faith Hacker will host a Christmas party at their home for the adults on Friday evening December 15th at 7:00.
21st – Zack Murphy 23rd – Evan Ferrell 25th – Sarah Lynn
“A man’s heart deviseth his way: but the Lord directeth his steps.” - Proverbs 16:9
“For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ: Whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthy things.” - Philippians 3:18-19
Better to have never been born than to be an enemy of the cross. The cross is the whole counsel of God, the greatest glory of God, and the only way a sinner can be saved. To be an enemy of the cross? That is being an enemy to God the Father, God the Son, and God the Spirit. Paul says their end is destruction - eternal damnation. Their God is their belly; how they can promote themselves. Their glory is in what they should be ashamed of - their works. Because they do not have the mind of Christ they mind only earthly things. What a wicked thing, to be an enemy of the cross! If that describes me, an Omnipotent God counts me His enemy and I am at war with One I cannot possibly defeat! I am at odds with the salvation of Christ crucified! Hell will be my portion forever!
The Son of God has two separate natures in His One Person - The Divine nature and perfect human nature. His is not half God and half man. He is all of the fullness of the Godhead and perfect humanity in One Person. Every believer has two separate natures in one person. The nature they were born with and the nature they were born again with; the old man and the new man. The old man does nothing but sin. The new man cannot sin. Some have feared that such teaching will give people a license to sin. That does not give people a license to sin any more than salvation by grace gives people a license to sin. It is only the new nature that enables a man to see his sin and hate his sin. It is the clear teaching of Scripture and lines up with every believer’s experience of Romans 7. If someone does not see two natures in themselves it is to be feared it is because they only have one nature, the sinful nature!
“Willing in the Day of His Power”
“Thy people shall be willing in the day of Thy power” - Psalm 110:3
In the day of Thy power, He makes unwilling people willing. His people are the elect. By nature they are unwilling to come to Christ. “Ye will not come to Me that ye might have life.” His omnipotent grace makes them willing. Imagine a draft where all who are drafted volunteer to be drafted. God’s people are drawn to Him by His irresistible grace, and by His power they are willing volunteers. Where grace is absent, unwillingness prevails. When His all-powerful grace is in operation, willingness prevails. This is what is known as irresistible grace. All of God’s people find Christ to be irresistible.
The doctrines of original sin, election, effectual calling, final perseverance, and all those great truths which are called Calvinism – though Calvin was not the author of them, but simply an able writer and preacher upon the subject – are, I believe, the essential doctrines of the Gospel that is in Jesus Christ. Now, I do not ask you whether you believe all this – it is possible you may not, but I believe you will before you enter Heaven. - C. H. Spurgeon
There are many ways to waste precious time other than by evil living. There are... books not worth reading…television not worth watching…thoughts not worth thinking…places not worth going…games not worth playing…buildings not worth building…wars not worth fighting…victories not worth winning…friends not worth making…songs not worth singing…appointments not worth keeping…pain not worth causing…enemies not worth hating…prayers not worth praying…sermons not worth preaching…lessons not worth learning. Thank God for eternity! - Scott Richardson
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
A mind at perfect peace with God
Oh! What a word is this!
A sinner reconciled through blood
This, this indeed is bliss!
By nature and by practice far
So very far from God
Yet now by grace brought nigh to Him
Through faith in Jesus’ blood.
So near, so very near to God
I cannot nearer be
For in the Person of His Son
I am as near as He.
So dear, so very dear to God
More dear I cannot be
The love wherewith He loves the Son
Such is His love to me!
Why should I ever anxious be
Since such a God is mine
He watches o’er me night and day
And tells me “Mine is thine.”
(Tune: “Come, Holy Spirit, Heavenly Dove” p. 158)
“In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you” (I Thess. 5:18). This Thursday we celebrate Thanksgiving Day. Every day is a day of thanksgiving for the believer. Happy Thanksgiving!
(There will be no Wednesday service this week.)
The Lantana Grace Church in Crossville, TN will have a conference December 1-3.
Doug and Faith Hacker will host a Christmas party at their home for the adults on Friday evening December 15th at 7:00.
21st – Zack Murphy 23rd – Evan Ferrell 25th – Sarah Lynn
“A man’s heart deviseth his way: but the Lord directeth his steps.” - Proverbs 16:9
“For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ: Whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthy things.” - Philippians 3:18-19
Better to have never been born than to be an enemy of the cross. The cross is the whole counsel of God, the greatest glory of God, and the only way a sinner can be saved. To be an enemy of the cross? That is being an enemy to God the Father, God the Son, and God the Spirit. Paul says their end is destruction - eternal damnation. Their God is their belly; how they can promote themselves. Their glory is in what they should be ashamed of - their works. Because they do not have the mind of Christ they mind only earthly things. What a wicked thing, to be an enemy of the cross! If that describes me, an Omnipotent God counts me His enemy and I am at war with One I cannot possibly defeat! I am at odds with the salvation of Christ crucified! Hell will be my portion forever!
The Son of God has two separate natures in His One Person - The Divine nature and perfect human nature. His is not half God and half man. He is all of the fullness of the Godhead and perfect humanity in One Person. Every believer has two separate natures in one person. The nature they were born with and the nature they were born again with; the old man and the new man. The old man does nothing but sin. The new man cannot sin. Some have feared that such teaching will give people a license to sin. That does not give people a license to sin any more than salvation by grace gives people a license to sin. It is only the new nature that enables a man to see his sin and hate his sin. It is the clear teaching of Scripture and lines up with every believer’s experience of Romans 7. If someone does not see two natures in themselves it is to be feared it is because they only have one nature, the sinful nature!
“Willing in the Day of His Power”
“Thy people shall be willing in the day of Thy power” - Psalm 110:3
In the day of Thy power, He makes unwilling people willing. His people are the elect. By nature they are unwilling to come to Christ. “Ye will not come to Me that ye might have life.” His omnipotent grace makes them willing. Imagine a draft where all who are drafted volunteer to be drafted. God’s people are drawn to Him by His irresistible grace, and by His power they are willing volunteers. Where grace is absent, unwillingness prevails. When His all-powerful grace is in operation, willingness prevails. This is what is known as irresistible grace. All of God’s people find Christ to be irresistible.
The doctrines of original sin, election, effectual calling, final perseverance, and all those great truths which are called Calvinism – though Calvin was not the author of them, but simply an able writer and preacher upon the subject – are, I believe, the essential doctrines of the Gospel that is in Jesus Christ. Now, I do not ask you whether you believe all this – it is possible you may not, but I believe you will before you enter Heaven. - C. H. Spurgeon
There are many ways to waste precious time other than by evil living. There are... books not worth reading…television not worth watching…thoughts not worth thinking…places not worth going…games not worth playing…buildings not worth building…wars not worth fighting…victories not worth winning…friends not worth making…songs not worth singing…appointments not worth keeping…pain not worth causing…enemies not worth hating…prayers not worth praying…sermons not worth preaching…lessons not worth learning. Thank God for eternity! - Scott Richardson
November 12, 2023
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Join, every tongue, to sing
The mercies of the Lord
The love of Christ our King
Let every heart record!
He saved us from the wrath of God
And paid our ransom with His blood. (Repeat)
What wondrous grace was this!
We sinned and Jesus died
He wrought the righteousness
And we are justified.
We ran the score to lengths extreme
And all the debt was charged to Him. (Repeat)
A monument of grace
A sinner saved by blood
The streams of love I trace
Up to the fountain, God
And in His wondrous mercy see
Eternal thoughts of love to me. (Repeat)
(Tune: “Arise My Soul, Arise”)
Everyone is invited to stay for lunch after the service this morning. There will be no evening service today.
The Lantana Grace Church in Crossville, TN will have a conference
December 1-3.
Doug and Faith Hacker will host a Christmas party at their home for the adults on Friday evening December 15th at 7:00.
15th – Carter Steeves 17th – Joshua Davis
“Evil men understand not judgment: but they that seek the Lord understand all things.” - Proverbs 28:5
Every believer wants to glorify God in his character and conduct. If someone is indifferent about that, they have never been saved in the first place! That being true, we are keenly aware of the sinfulness of our character and conduct. Johns says, “If we say we have no sin (present tense), we deceive ourselves,” and “If we say we have not sinned (which refers to every action), we make Him a liar and His Word is not in us” (I John 1:8, 10). When someone does not see this about themselves, it is not because it is not true. It is because they have deceived themselves, and His word is not in them. Every believer, born of the Spirit of God, is aware that at all times they still posses a sinful nature, which makes everything they do the commission of sin! This fact is a continual reminder of our need of Christ, and we long for the day that will no longer be the case. One day we will awake in His likeness!
The Ten Commandments are a reflection of God’s Holy character. The third commandment exemplifies that. “Thou shalt not take the Name of the Lord thy God in vain: for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh His Name in vain.” To use His Name without proper reverence, flippantly, casually or as an exclamation betrays a lack of reverence for His Name. His Name should only be spoken with reverence and godly fear. His Name is Who He is! Every attribute of God is included in His Name. May we be enabled by His grace to understand, “Holy and reverend is Thy Name.” May we never use that Name upon which we call in a casual or irreverent manner!
“A little leaven leaventh the whole lump) (Galatians 5:9). One small bit of yeast will eventually work its way through the whole batch of dough. In the Scriptures, leaven has a metaphorical meaning. It means to taint, to corrupt, to infect, to imbue. Leaven is any influence working silently and strangely that causes change in things or opinions. Leaven causes bread to swell. Spiritual leaven causes heads to swell. When Paul made this statement, he was referring to salvation by works. If you allow any aspect of salvation to be dependent upon the worth, works, or will of man, you make it all by works.
The introduction of leaven begins so small. A little compromise, a little toleration of what is contrary to the Word of God; a little indiscretion that nobody would notice. But what a change that leaven will eventually make. I am afraid of leaven, and well I should be! Men go bad, churches go bad, nations go bad through a little leaven. The Lord said to His disciples, “Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees.” May God deliver us as individuals and this church from leaven!
Scripture frequently exhorts men to seek the Lord early, while He may be found…but Scripture also declares that we are lost sheep, dead in sins, for “There is none that seeketh after God” (Romans 3:11).
What to do? Ask the Lord to seek you, to find you, to save you – just as our brother David asked the Lord in the very last verse of Psalm 119… “I have gone astray like a lost sheep; see thy servant” (Ps. 119:176). And that prayer is always answered, for He promises: “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you” (Matthew 7:7). ASK! That is seeking the Lord… asking Him to seek you, to find you, to save you, to give you spiritual life, and a new heart that truly seeks the Lord, desiring more than anything to be found in Him! - Brian DuFour
You will sometimes hear of those who deny the wrath of God and preach the universal love of God for all men declare that, what this verse in Romans 9:13 really says is, ‘God loves Jacob and He loves Esau LESS.’ Now, I ask you, how does our infinite, Almighty, perfect God do anything LESS than perfectly? Is He at times LESS RIGHTEOUS…LESS HOLY…LESS JUST? Our comfort in Christ is that He who loves His sheep HAS always loved them, WILL always love them, and loves them AS He loves Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son (John 17:23). And to those who were told to depart from His presence, He said, “I NEVER knew you.” Malachi 3:6 declares, “I am THE LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.” Our comfort is that HIS LOVE IN CHRIST is without degrees or changes, as is His wrath upon those outside of the ark – Christ Jesus.
– Henry Mahan
Opposition to Divine sovereignty is essentially atheism! Men have no objection to a god who is really no god, a god who shall be a servile follower of their will, who shall be under their control. But a God who speaks and it is done, who commands and it stands fast, a God who does as He will among the armies of Heaven and among the inhabitants of their lower world, such a God as this they cannot endure. And yet, is it not essential to the very being of God that He would be absolute and supreme? Certainly to the Scriptural conception of God, SOVEREIGNTY IS AN ABSOLUTE NECESSITY! - C. H. Sprurgeon
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Join, every tongue, to sing
The mercies of the Lord
The love of Christ our King
Let every heart record!
He saved us from the wrath of God
And paid our ransom with His blood. (Repeat)
What wondrous grace was this!
We sinned and Jesus died
He wrought the righteousness
And we are justified.
We ran the score to lengths extreme
And all the debt was charged to Him. (Repeat)
A monument of grace
A sinner saved by blood
The streams of love I trace
Up to the fountain, God
And in His wondrous mercy see
Eternal thoughts of love to me. (Repeat)
(Tune: “Arise My Soul, Arise”)
Everyone is invited to stay for lunch after the service this morning. There will be no evening service today.
The Lantana Grace Church in Crossville, TN will have a conference
December 1-3.
Doug and Faith Hacker will host a Christmas party at their home for the adults on Friday evening December 15th at 7:00.
15th – Carter Steeves 17th – Joshua Davis
“Evil men understand not judgment: but they that seek the Lord understand all things.” - Proverbs 28:5
Every believer wants to glorify God in his character and conduct. If someone is indifferent about that, they have never been saved in the first place! That being true, we are keenly aware of the sinfulness of our character and conduct. Johns says, “If we say we have no sin (present tense), we deceive ourselves,” and “If we say we have not sinned (which refers to every action), we make Him a liar and His Word is not in us” (I John 1:8, 10). When someone does not see this about themselves, it is not because it is not true. It is because they have deceived themselves, and His word is not in them. Every believer, born of the Spirit of God, is aware that at all times they still posses a sinful nature, which makes everything they do the commission of sin! This fact is a continual reminder of our need of Christ, and we long for the day that will no longer be the case. One day we will awake in His likeness!
The Ten Commandments are a reflection of God’s Holy character. The third commandment exemplifies that. “Thou shalt not take the Name of the Lord thy God in vain: for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh His Name in vain.” To use His Name without proper reverence, flippantly, casually or as an exclamation betrays a lack of reverence for His Name. His Name should only be spoken with reverence and godly fear. His Name is Who He is! Every attribute of God is included in His Name. May we be enabled by His grace to understand, “Holy and reverend is Thy Name.” May we never use that Name upon which we call in a casual or irreverent manner!
“A little leaven leaventh the whole lump) (Galatians 5:9). One small bit of yeast will eventually work its way through the whole batch of dough. In the Scriptures, leaven has a metaphorical meaning. It means to taint, to corrupt, to infect, to imbue. Leaven is any influence working silently and strangely that causes change in things or opinions. Leaven causes bread to swell. Spiritual leaven causes heads to swell. When Paul made this statement, he was referring to salvation by works. If you allow any aspect of salvation to be dependent upon the worth, works, or will of man, you make it all by works.
The introduction of leaven begins so small. A little compromise, a little toleration of what is contrary to the Word of God; a little indiscretion that nobody would notice. But what a change that leaven will eventually make. I am afraid of leaven, and well I should be! Men go bad, churches go bad, nations go bad through a little leaven. The Lord said to His disciples, “Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees.” May God deliver us as individuals and this church from leaven!
Scripture frequently exhorts men to seek the Lord early, while He may be found…but Scripture also declares that we are lost sheep, dead in sins, for “There is none that seeketh after God” (Romans 3:11).
What to do? Ask the Lord to seek you, to find you, to save you – just as our brother David asked the Lord in the very last verse of Psalm 119… “I have gone astray like a lost sheep; see thy servant” (Ps. 119:176). And that prayer is always answered, for He promises: “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you” (Matthew 7:7). ASK! That is seeking the Lord… asking Him to seek you, to find you, to save you, to give you spiritual life, and a new heart that truly seeks the Lord, desiring more than anything to be found in Him! - Brian DuFour
You will sometimes hear of those who deny the wrath of God and preach the universal love of God for all men declare that, what this verse in Romans 9:13 really says is, ‘God loves Jacob and He loves Esau LESS.’ Now, I ask you, how does our infinite, Almighty, perfect God do anything LESS than perfectly? Is He at times LESS RIGHTEOUS…LESS HOLY…LESS JUST? Our comfort in Christ is that He who loves His sheep HAS always loved them, WILL always love them, and loves them AS He loves Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son (John 17:23). And to those who were told to depart from His presence, He said, “I NEVER knew you.” Malachi 3:6 declares, “I am THE LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.” Our comfort is that HIS LOVE IN CHRIST is without degrees or changes, as is His wrath upon those outside of the ark – Christ Jesus.
– Henry Mahan
Opposition to Divine sovereignty is essentially atheism! Men have no objection to a god who is really no god, a god who shall be a servile follower of their will, who shall be under their control. But a God who speaks and it is done, who commands and it stands fast, a God who does as He will among the armies of Heaven and among the inhabitants of their lower world, such a God as this they cannot endure. And yet, is it not essential to the very being of God that He would be absolute and supreme? Certainly to the Scriptural conception of God, SOVEREIGNTY IS AN ABSOLUTE NECESSITY! - C. H. Sprurgeon
November 5, 2023
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Hark! How the Gospel trumpet sounds
Christ in free grace therein abounds
Free grace to all, since death He slew
And if free grace – why not for you?
The Saviour died, and by His blood
Brings rebel sinners home to God
He died to free the captive who
Was bound by sin – why not for you?
The blood of Christ! How sweet it sounds
To cleanse and heal the sinner’s wounds
The streams thereof are rich and true
And why, dear soul – why not for you?
Thus Jesus came the poor to bless
To clothe them in God’s righteousness
This robe is spotless, ever new
And why, dear soul – why not for you?
Eternal life by Christ is given
And ruined rebels saved for heaven
Then sing of grace and life anew
Rejoice dear soul - ‘tis all for you!
(Tune: “Jesus Shall Reign” p. 142)
We will observe the Lord’s Table this evening.
Congratulations to Henry & Allison Williams on their marriage!
We will have a church dinner next Sunday, November 12th following the morning service. Bring a meat, side, salad, or dessert. There will be no evening service November 12th.
5th – Michael Burton 5th – Macy Greenleaf 5th – Logan Small
6th – Lauren Burton 8th – Daniel Holthaus 9th – Delena Creamer
9th – Ryan Vincent 10th – David Wright 11th – Elizabeth Charron
11th – Peggy Mohr 11th – Hannah Summers 11th –Jenny Williams
“A man hath joy by the answer of his mouth: and a word spoken in due season, how good it is!” - Proverbs 15:23
When Paul said, “We have the mind of Christ,” he meant more than we think like Him. While we do not have the mind of omniscience or the mind of His perfect humanity, we have His mind. He knows He is All. We know He is All. He loves God as He is. We love God as He is. This comes from being born of His Spirit. If you and I both have the mind of Christ, we are truly, “Likeminded”!
We can easily manage if we will only take, each day, the burden appointed to it. But the load will be too heavy for us if we carry yesterday’s burden over again today, and then add the burden of the morrow before we are required to bear it. – John Newton
There is nothing that the church does that is more important than assembling to worship Christ. To gather in order to honor Christ through praying, preaching and hearing the Gospel is such an important thing that each of us should approach it very seriously. Let each one prepare himself in heart and body so as to arrive on time, having the heart clothed with a desire to hear from Christ and the body dressed modestly so as not to attract attention to one’s self. Let each of us enter into every song and prayer, closing out the thoughts of the world and all the cares it loads on us. Let each of us listen to the Word of God with the intensity of baby birds chirping for food. In short, let each of us give himself to worship in this hour as though there were nothing better or more important in all the world to do – because there is not. – Joe Terrell
“For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your Heavenly
Father will also forgive you.” - Matthew 6:24
Some, upon reading this verse of Scripture, think that there is some sort of merit in forgiving those that have trespassed against us. Our Heavenly Father forgives us for Christ’s sake, not because we forgive others. What the Lord is teaching us here is our motive to forgive others. If God has forgiven a sinful wretch like me, who has sinned against Him continually all the days of my life, then my example and motive should always be to forgive those that sin against me, for His sake. “And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you” (Ephesians 4:32).
– David Eddmenson
Knowing… that PERFECTION is found in Christ alone causes me to cease from expecting it in others.
Knowing… MYSELF to be the chief of sinners causes me to be more tolerant of other sinners.
Knowing… that GOD is the first cause of all things causes me to cease from blaming others.
Knowing… my IGNORANCE causes me to cease from always correcting others. - Author Unknown
Most will make a work out of faith. In doing so, they are denying the very essence of faith. Faith by definition is the absence of works. Faith is the opposite of works. Where one is, the other is excluded. Faith only exists where there is no hope of making any contribution to one’s salvation. Saving faith is resting in the glorious person and finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ. Its’ only boast is in Him and His work. That faith is all of grace. - Greg Elmquist
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Hark! How the Gospel trumpet sounds
Christ in free grace therein abounds
Free grace to all, since death He slew
And if free grace – why not for you?
The Saviour died, and by His blood
Brings rebel sinners home to God
He died to free the captive who
Was bound by sin – why not for you?
The blood of Christ! How sweet it sounds
To cleanse and heal the sinner’s wounds
The streams thereof are rich and true
And why, dear soul – why not for you?
Thus Jesus came the poor to bless
To clothe them in God’s righteousness
This robe is spotless, ever new
And why, dear soul – why not for you?
Eternal life by Christ is given
And ruined rebels saved for heaven
Then sing of grace and life anew
Rejoice dear soul - ‘tis all for you!
(Tune: “Jesus Shall Reign” p. 142)
We will observe the Lord’s Table this evening.
Congratulations to Henry & Allison Williams on their marriage!
We will have a church dinner next Sunday, November 12th following the morning service. Bring a meat, side, salad, or dessert. There will be no evening service November 12th.
5th – Michael Burton 5th – Macy Greenleaf 5th – Logan Small
6th – Lauren Burton 8th – Daniel Holthaus 9th – Delena Creamer
9th – Ryan Vincent 10th – David Wright 11th – Elizabeth Charron
11th – Peggy Mohr 11th – Hannah Summers 11th –Jenny Williams
“A man hath joy by the answer of his mouth: and a word spoken in due season, how good it is!” - Proverbs 15:23
When Paul said, “We have the mind of Christ,” he meant more than we think like Him. While we do not have the mind of omniscience or the mind of His perfect humanity, we have His mind. He knows He is All. We know He is All. He loves God as He is. We love God as He is. This comes from being born of His Spirit. If you and I both have the mind of Christ, we are truly, “Likeminded”!
We can easily manage if we will only take, each day, the burden appointed to it. But the load will be too heavy for us if we carry yesterday’s burden over again today, and then add the burden of the morrow before we are required to bear it. – John Newton
There is nothing that the church does that is more important than assembling to worship Christ. To gather in order to honor Christ through praying, preaching and hearing the Gospel is such an important thing that each of us should approach it very seriously. Let each one prepare himself in heart and body so as to arrive on time, having the heart clothed with a desire to hear from Christ and the body dressed modestly so as not to attract attention to one’s self. Let each of us enter into every song and prayer, closing out the thoughts of the world and all the cares it loads on us. Let each of us listen to the Word of God with the intensity of baby birds chirping for food. In short, let each of us give himself to worship in this hour as though there were nothing better or more important in all the world to do – because there is not. – Joe Terrell
“For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your Heavenly
Father will also forgive you.” - Matthew 6:24
Some, upon reading this verse of Scripture, think that there is some sort of merit in forgiving those that have trespassed against us. Our Heavenly Father forgives us for Christ’s sake, not because we forgive others. What the Lord is teaching us here is our motive to forgive others. If God has forgiven a sinful wretch like me, who has sinned against Him continually all the days of my life, then my example and motive should always be to forgive those that sin against me, for His sake. “And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you” (Ephesians 4:32).
– David Eddmenson
Knowing… that PERFECTION is found in Christ alone causes me to cease from expecting it in others.
Knowing… MYSELF to be the chief of sinners causes me to be more tolerant of other sinners.
Knowing… that GOD is the first cause of all things causes me to cease from blaming others.
Knowing… my IGNORANCE causes me to cease from always correcting others. - Author Unknown
Most will make a work out of faith. In doing so, they are denying the very essence of faith. Faith by definition is the absence of works. Faith is the opposite of works. Where one is, the other is excluded. Faith only exists where there is no hope of making any contribution to one’s salvation. Saving faith is resting in the glorious person and finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ. Its’ only boast is in Him and His work. That faith is all of grace. - Greg Elmquist
October 29, 2023
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Sovereign grace o’er sin abounding
Ransomed souls, the tidings swell
‘Tis a deep that knows no sounding
Who its breadth or length can tell?
Heirs of God, joint-heirs with Jesus
Long ere time its race begun
To His Name eternal praises
O what wonders love hath done!
Who from Christ our souls can sever
Bound by everlasting bands
Once in Him, in Him forever
None can pluck us from His hands.
On such love, my soul, still ponder
Love so great, so rich, so free
Say, while lost in holy wonder
Why, O Lord, such love to me?
(Tune: “Jesus Calls Us” p. 374)
Aaron Greenleaf will bring the messages today. I am preaching for the Yuba Sutter Grace Church in Marysville, California today and will return tomorrow. May the Lord be pleased to bless the preaching of His Word today
The funeral for Paul Daniel will be held at the church on Tuesday, October 31st. Visitation will start at 10:00 AM with the service at 11:00 AM Burial will follow at 12:30 PM at the Winchester Cemetery White Shelter..
We will have a church dinner Sunday, November 12th following the morning service. Bring a meat, side, salad, or dessert. There will be no evening service November 12th.
Everyone is invited to the wedding of Henry Williams & Allison Vincent this Friday, November 3rd at 5:00pm here at the church.
30th – Tucker Greenleaf 1st – Charles McGuire 3rd – Conner Dickerson
3rd – Jeff Sullivan 4th – Laura Benton 4th – Steve Sligh
“The beginning of strife is as when one letteth out water: therefore leave off contention, before it be meddled with.”
- Proverbs 17:14
“I know Whom I have believed, and am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed unto Him against that day.”
- II Timothy 1:12
Faith is made of these three things.
1) Knowing Who Christ is.
2) Believing what He has said.
3) Relying upon what He has done.
When Paul said, “I know Whom I have believed….” He is saying, “I know Who He is - the Son of God, equal with the Father, the Creator and Sustainer of the universe. The One who is incapable of failure. I know Whom I have believed.” I believe what He said. What I believe is what He has said. I rely on what He has done. “I am persuaded He is able to keep that which I have committed to Him against that day.” I have committed the entire salvation of my soul to who He is and what He did. I know Who He is, I believe what He said, and I am relying on what He did. That is faith!
“Let us run with patience the race that is set before us.” And how do we do that? “Looking unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith.” The only way to run this race is to look only to Him. If we take our eyes off of Him to examine our walk, we will swerve off course. If we take our eyes off of Him to only look at somebody else’s walk, we will swerve off course. The only way to run this race is to always look to Him only. In looking to Him, there are a lot of things we do not look to! Blessed is the man who learns this.
Now then, there is but one thing with which Almighty God is satisfied – entirely satisfied – and that is THE PERSON AND WORK OF HIS SON! It is with Christ that we must be satisfied, not with ourselves, nor anything about us! When we cease from ALL our labors, and ALL our righteousness, and ENTER INTO HIS REST, pardon and peace will come without delay. – Horatius Bonar 1808-1889
WHEN, exactly did I first begin to believe? At what point in time did I actually become a Christian – a child of God? I gave up trying to answer these questions a long time ago, as being totally unimportant. George Whitefield once said, “I have heard of a person who was in a ‘WHEN did the Lord first begin to deal with my soul?’ company with fourteen ministers of the Gospel, some of whom were eminent servants of Christ, yet not one of them could tell the time when God first manifested Himself to their soul. It is quite sufficient to me that I DO BELIEVE in the Christ of the Scripture, and I, as a sinner, continue to pray for grace to CONTINUE to believe to the salvation of my soul. (Hebrews 10:38-39). – Maurice Montgomery
Health is a good thing; but sickness is far better, if it leads us to God. Prosperity is a great mercy; but adversity is a greater one, if it brings us to Christ. Anything, anything is better than living in carelessness and dying in sin. Better a thousand times to be afflicted, like the Canaanite mother, and like her to flee to Christ, than live in ease, like the rich ‘fool’, and die at last without Christ and without hope. - J. C. Ryle
God described David as “A man after mine own heart.” No higher commendation could be given a man. To be a man after God’s own heart is to see things as God sees them. It is to be in agreement with God. It is to love what God loves and hate what God hates. It is to believe what God believes. It is to trust whom God trusts. God trusted Christ to save us. We trust Christ to save us. God gives all glory to His Son. We give all glory to His Son. God is pleased with His Son and all in Him. We are pleased with His Son and all in Him. While it may be seen more clearly in some than others, all believers are men and women after His own heart.
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Sovereign grace o’er sin abounding
Ransomed souls, the tidings swell
‘Tis a deep that knows no sounding
Who its breadth or length can tell?
Heirs of God, joint-heirs with Jesus
Long ere time its race begun
To His Name eternal praises
O what wonders love hath done!
Who from Christ our souls can sever
Bound by everlasting bands
Once in Him, in Him forever
None can pluck us from His hands.
On such love, my soul, still ponder
Love so great, so rich, so free
Say, while lost in holy wonder
Why, O Lord, such love to me?
(Tune: “Jesus Calls Us” p. 374)
Aaron Greenleaf will bring the messages today. I am preaching for the Yuba Sutter Grace Church in Marysville, California today and will return tomorrow. May the Lord be pleased to bless the preaching of His Word today
The funeral for Paul Daniel will be held at the church on Tuesday, October 31st. Visitation will start at 10:00 AM with the service at 11:00 AM Burial will follow at 12:30 PM at the Winchester Cemetery White Shelter..
We will have a church dinner Sunday, November 12th following the morning service. Bring a meat, side, salad, or dessert. There will be no evening service November 12th.
Everyone is invited to the wedding of Henry Williams & Allison Vincent this Friday, November 3rd at 5:00pm here at the church.
30th – Tucker Greenleaf 1st – Charles McGuire 3rd – Conner Dickerson
3rd – Jeff Sullivan 4th – Laura Benton 4th – Steve Sligh
“The beginning of strife is as when one letteth out water: therefore leave off contention, before it be meddled with.”
- Proverbs 17:14
“I know Whom I have believed, and am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed unto Him against that day.”
- II Timothy 1:12
Faith is made of these three things.
1) Knowing Who Christ is.
2) Believing what He has said.
3) Relying upon what He has done.
When Paul said, “I know Whom I have believed….” He is saying, “I know Who He is - the Son of God, equal with the Father, the Creator and Sustainer of the universe. The One who is incapable of failure. I know Whom I have believed.” I believe what He said. What I believe is what He has said. I rely on what He has done. “I am persuaded He is able to keep that which I have committed to Him against that day.” I have committed the entire salvation of my soul to who He is and what He did. I know Who He is, I believe what He said, and I am relying on what He did. That is faith!
“Let us run with patience the race that is set before us.” And how do we do that? “Looking unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith.” The only way to run this race is to look only to Him. If we take our eyes off of Him to examine our walk, we will swerve off course. If we take our eyes off of Him to only look at somebody else’s walk, we will swerve off course. The only way to run this race is to always look to Him only. In looking to Him, there are a lot of things we do not look to! Blessed is the man who learns this.
Now then, there is but one thing with which Almighty God is satisfied – entirely satisfied – and that is THE PERSON AND WORK OF HIS SON! It is with Christ that we must be satisfied, not with ourselves, nor anything about us! When we cease from ALL our labors, and ALL our righteousness, and ENTER INTO HIS REST, pardon and peace will come without delay. – Horatius Bonar 1808-1889
WHEN, exactly did I first begin to believe? At what point in time did I actually become a Christian – a child of God? I gave up trying to answer these questions a long time ago, as being totally unimportant. George Whitefield once said, “I have heard of a person who was in a ‘WHEN did the Lord first begin to deal with my soul?’ company with fourteen ministers of the Gospel, some of whom were eminent servants of Christ, yet not one of them could tell the time when God first manifested Himself to their soul. It is quite sufficient to me that I DO BELIEVE in the Christ of the Scripture, and I, as a sinner, continue to pray for grace to CONTINUE to believe to the salvation of my soul. (Hebrews 10:38-39). – Maurice Montgomery
Health is a good thing; but sickness is far better, if it leads us to God. Prosperity is a great mercy; but adversity is a greater one, if it brings us to Christ. Anything, anything is better than living in carelessness and dying in sin. Better a thousand times to be afflicted, like the Canaanite mother, and like her to flee to Christ, than live in ease, like the rich ‘fool’, and die at last without Christ and without hope. - J. C. Ryle
God described David as “A man after mine own heart.” No higher commendation could be given a man. To be a man after God’s own heart is to see things as God sees them. It is to be in agreement with God. It is to love what God loves and hate what God hates. It is to believe what God believes. It is to trust whom God trusts. God trusted Christ to save us. We trust Christ to save us. God gives all glory to His Son. We give all glory to His Son. God is pleased with His Son and all in Him. We are pleased with His Son and all in Him. While it may be seen more clearly in some than others, all believers are men and women after His own heart.
October 22, 2023
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
I bless the Christ of God, I rest on love Divine
And with unfaltering lip and heart, I call the Savior mine
His cross dispels each doubt; I bury in His tomb
Each thought of unbelief and fear
Each lingering shade of gloom.
I praise the God of peace, I trust His truth and might
He call me His, I call Him mine, my God, my Joy, my Light
In Him is only good, in me is only ill
My ill but draws His goodness forth
And me He loveth still.
‘Tis He who saveth me, and freely pardon gives
I love because He loveth me; I live because He lives
My life with Him is hid, my death has passed away
My clouds have melted into Light
My midnight into day.
(Tune: “This is my Father’s World”)
I will be traveling to California tomorrow and will return the following Monday. I am preaching for the Yuba Sutter Grace Church in Marysville, California next weekend. Aaron Greenleaf will preach while I am gone.
We express our sincere sympathy to the family of Paul Daniel Sr. who passed away Friday evening, October 20th. The funeral will be held on the morning of October 31st. Time to be announced later.
We will have a church dinner Sunday, November 12th following the morning service. Bring a meat, side, salad, or dessert. There will be no evening service November 12th.
22nd – Samuel Kincer 24th – Carla Bryan 24th – Noah Foley
24th- Becky Kess 27th – Mark Mohr
28th – Drew Charron 28th – Emma Hubbs
“He that passeth by, and meddleth with strife belonging not to him, is like one that taketh a dog by the ears.” - Proverbs 26:17
When men think of meekness, they think of weakness and a lack of confidence. The fact that the Lord is meek and lowly in heart demonstrates that view of meekness is untrue. Moses was a strong man as far as men go, but he was described as “The meekest man in all of the earth.” Meekness is a fruit of the Holy Spirit, and the third beatitude. Meekness is first an attitude toward God. Meekness knows that God is good, the first cause of all things, and therefore a humble submission to all of His dealings with us as good and right. There is a meekness before men that realizes that even if we are mistreated by them, they are still God’s instruments for our good. Meekness is the opposite of self-assertiveness or self-promotion. It is not consumed with self! It believes God! With meekness there is always humility. True meekness is beautiful, being the work of God. Truly… “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.”
Hebrews 6:9-10
“But beloved, we are persuaded better things of you, and things that accompany salvation, though we thus speak. For God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labor of love, which ye have shown toward His name, in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister.”
Salvation is being saved from sin. “Thou shall call His Name Jesus, for He shall save His people from their sin” (Matt. 1:21). There are always things that accompany that salvation. Where one has passed from death to life, from condemnation to justification, there will always be, “Repentance toward God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ.” There will be the fruit of the Spirit and an embodiment of the Beatitudes. There will be love to God and men. There will be humility and a forgiving spirit. There will be a desire to glorify Him in my life. In the context it is called, “Your work and labour of love.” While faith is always alone or it is not faith, it is never alone. There are always, “Things that accompany salvation.”
We have all been guilty of being too critical toward others and we have all experienced the fires of criticism leveled against us. Here are some thoughts concerning being critical and being criticized.
Regarding being critical, may we always remember that what we criticize others for we are guilty of ourselves (Romans 2:1)! Also remember, “With the same measure you mete withal it shall be measured to you again” (Luke 6:38)… you will be criticized in the same proportion that you criticize. Even if we have a good reason to be critical, there is a desire in our criticism to make our own candle shine brighter by exposing the dimness of others. I wonder how much criticism would escape our lips if we thought of these things.
Regarding being criticized, there is an element of truth in all criticisms leveled against us (and sometimes they are grossly understated). May God give us grace to receive the criticism and improve our character. Yes, criticism hurts, but do not be too hurt. Remember, all that matters is what God sees. In the grand scheme of things, it does not matter all that much what men think of you. Paul said to the Corinthians, “It is a very small thing that I should be judged of you, or of man’s judgment” (I Corinthians 4:3). And do not hold a grudge against the one who has criticized you. “Take heed unto all words that are spoke; lest thou hear thy servant curse thee: For often times also thine own heart knoweth that thou thyself likewise hast cursed others” (Ecc. 7:21-22). May we be harder on ourselves than we are on others, and may we profit from the criticism that is made toward us. Criticism can be constructive!
Faith is necessary for salvation. But we do not look to our faith to save us; rather, in faith, we look to Christ. Repentance is necessary for salvation. But we do not look to our repentance to save us; rather, in repentance, we turn to Christ. There are graces, which God works in us as He saves us. But these graces are never to be the object of our trust, confidence or hopeful gaze. All the graces God gives us in salvation are to be used to look to, turn to, appreciate, and lay hold of Christ, who is our salvation! - Joe Terrell
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
I bless the Christ of God, I rest on love Divine
And with unfaltering lip and heart, I call the Savior mine
His cross dispels each doubt; I bury in His tomb
Each thought of unbelief and fear
Each lingering shade of gloom.
I praise the God of peace, I trust His truth and might
He call me His, I call Him mine, my God, my Joy, my Light
In Him is only good, in me is only ill
My ill but draws His goodness forth
And me He loveth still.
‘Tis He who saveth me, and freely pardon gives
I love because He loveth me; I live because He lives
My life with Him is hid, my death has passed away
My clouds have melted into Light
My midnight into day.
(Tune: “This is my Father’s World”)
I will be traveling to California tomorrow and will return the following Monday. I am preaching for the Yuba Sutter Grace Church in Marysville, California next weekend. Aaron Greenleaf will preach while I am gone.
We express our sincere sympathy to the family of Paul Daniel Sr. who passed away Friday evening, October 20th. The funeral will be held on the morning of October 31st. Time to be announced later.
We will have a church dinner Sunday, November 12th following the morning service. Bring a meat, side, salad, or dessert. There will be no evening service November 12th.
22nd – Samuel Kincer 24th – Carla Bryan 24th – Noah Foley
24th- Becky Kess 27th – Mark Mohr
28th – Drew Charron 28th – Emma Hubbs
“He that passeth by, and meddleth with strife belonging not to him, is like one that taketh a dog by the ears.” - Proverbs 26:17
When men think of meekness, they think of weakness and a lack of confidence. The fact that the Lord is meek and lowly in heart demonstrates that view of meekness is untrue. Moses was a strong man as far as men go, but he was described as “The meekest man in all of the earth.” Meekness is a fruit of the Holy Spirit, and the third beatitude. Meekness is first an attitude toward God. Meekness knows that God is good, the first cause of all things, and therefore a humble submission to all of His dealings with us as good and right. There is a meekness before men that realizes that even if we are mistreated by them, they are still God’s instruments for our good. Meekness is the opposite of self-assertiveness or self-promotion. It is not consumed with self! It believes God! With meekness there is always humility. True meekness is beautiful, being the work of God. Truly… “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.”
Hebrews 6:9-10
“But beloved, we are persuaded better things of you, and things that accompany salvation, though we thus speak. For God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labor of love, which ye have shown toward His name, in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister.”
Salvation is being saved from sin. “Thou shall call His Name Jesus, for He shall save His people from their sin” (Matt. 1:21). There are always things that accompany that salvation. Where one has passed from death to life, from condemnation to justification, there will always be, “Repentance toward God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ.” There will be the fruit of the Spirit and an embodiment of the Beatitudes. There will be love to God and men. There will be humility and a forgiving spirit. There will be a desire to glorify Him in my life. In the context it is called, “Your work and labour of love.” While faith is always alone or it is not faith, it is never alone. There are always, “Things that accompany salvation.”
We have all been guilty of being too critical toward others and we have all experienced the fires of criticism leveled against us. Here are some thoughts concerning being critical and being criticized.
Regarding being critical, may we always remember that what we criticize others for we are guilty of ourselves (Romans 2:1)! Also remember, “With the same measure you mete withal it shall be measured to you again” (Luke 6:38)… you will be criticized in the same proportion that you criticize. Even if we have a good reason to be critical, there is a desire in our criticism to make our own candle shine brighter by exposing the dimness of others. I wonder how much criticism would escape our lips if we thought of these things.
Regarding being criticized, there is an element of truth in all criticisms leveled against us (and sometimes they are grossly understated). May God give us grace to receive the criticism and improve our character. Yes, criticism hurts, but do not be too hurt. Remember, all that matters is what God sees. In the grand scheme of things, it does not matter all that much what men think of you. Paul said to the Corinthians, “It is a very small thing that I should be judged of you, or of man’s judgment” (I Corinthians 4:3). And do not hold a grudge against the one who has criticized you. “Take heed unto all words that are spoke; lest thou hear thy servant curse thee: For often times also thine own heart knoweth that thou thyself likewise hast cursed others” (Ecc. 7:21-22). May we be harder on ourselves than we are on others, and may we profit from the criticism that is made toward us. Criticism can be constructive!
Faith is necessary for salvation. But we do not look to our faith to save us; rather, in faith, we look to Christ. Repentance is necessary for salvation. But we do not look to our repentance to save us; rather, in repentance, we turn to Christ. There are graces, which God works in us as He saves us. But these graces are never to be the object of our trust, confidence or hopeful gaze. All the graces God gives us in salvation are to be used to look to, turn to, appreciate, and lay hold of Christ, who is our salvation! - Joe Terrell
October 15, 2023
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Thy works, not mine, O Christ
Speak gladness to this heart
They tell me all the work is done
They bid my fear depart.
Thy cross, not mine, O Christ
Has born the awful load
Of sins that no one else could bear
But our incarnate God.
Thy death, not mine, O Christ
Has paid the ransom due
Ten thousand, thousand deaths like mine
Would have been all too few.
Thy righteousness, O Christ
Alone can cover me
No righteousness can satisfy
Save that which is of Thee!
(Tune: “Not What My Hands Have Done”)
Congratulations to Aaron and Alexis Sligh on the birth of their daughter, Arabella Rose!
Marvin Stalnaker and myself will be preaching for the Grace Fellowship Church in Wheelersburg, Ohio this Friday evening and Saturday morning.
17th – Abigail Sullivan 18th – Dwayne Imes
18th – Julianna Rigsby 21st – Tim Scrifes
“The lips of the wise disperse knowledge: but the heart of the foolish doeth not so.” - Proverbs 15:7
“But now, after that ye have known God, or rather are known of God”(Galatians 4:9). What an utterly astounding thing to know the Living God (John 17:3)! “This is life eternal, that they might know the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent.” The only thing more amazing than me knowing God, is Him knowing me!
“Whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them” (Matthew 7:12; Luke 6:31). This has been called the Golden Rule. And it is the rule that should govern all of our actions toward all men. No matter how we perceive we have been treated by others, this is how we are to treat them under every and all circumstances. How do you want others to treat you? That is how you are to treat them! The Lord went on to say of this, “For this is the law and the prophets.”
When Paul said, “I determined not to know anything among you save Jesus Christ and Him crucified,” He was not saying the rest of the Bible is to be neglected. He is saying that every Scripture from Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22:21 is to be seen through this lens. If I fail to see some aspect of Christ crucified in it I have failed to see the meaning. The Scripture do not mean what they say. They say what the mean. They all mean, “Jesus Christ and Him crucified.”
He knows and rejoices that all of his sin and sins are pardoned, paid for, and put away by the sacrifice of Christ the Lord. He condemns sin in himself! While sin does not reign it does remain in the believer, but he does not excuse or justify it. He grieves over it and daily confesses his sins before God. He hates a bad attitude as much as evil actions. He judges his motives as well as his manner by the holiness of Christ; and, when he finds iniquity in himself, he despises it and judges himself. “O wretched man that I am!”
He forgives sin in others! He does not forgive himself – only God can do that - but he is quick to pity, have mercy upon, and forgive others. Not to be able to forgive is to forfeit the right to ask forgiveness. He longs to be free from all sin and to be perfectly conformed to the image of Christ. While he rejoices in Christ, is content with his lot, and finds joy in the fellowship of Christ’s Church, he will only be satisfied when he awakes in the likeness of Christ! - Henry Mahan
God spoke to David through Nathan the Prophet. God made some promises to David concerning what He would do for David. Here is David’s response, “And now O Lord God, the word that Thou hast spoken concerning Thy servant, and concerning his house, establish it forever, and do as Thou hast said.” (II Samuel 7:25)
Faith is an asking grace. All who have faith ask God for things. The only thing we can ask with confidence that we will be given, is when we ask Him to do what He has already said He would do in His Word. God told David what He would do for him and his house. David responded, “Do as Thou hast said.” Faith finds out what God has said in His Word, and asks Him to do what He said he would. He said in His Word, “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.” Faith says… I am a sinner. You said You came to save sinners, save me! It is not presumption to expect God to do what He said He would do. Find out what He has said in His Word, and make this plea, “Do as Thou hast said.” He has done and will do everything He said He would all the time!
Natural man thinks he must contribute something to his personal salvation – a testimony, a decision, a surrender, a victory over sin. But I read nothing of this in Scripture. What I see goes like this….
Christ made a covenant with the Father to save His elect. Christ created the universe and this earth, and then created man to inhabit this earth. Christ then guides all providence to sit His people under the Gospel, giving them spiritual life, faith, and repentance. Christ preserves His people in the faith to the day He extinguishes their life, and places them safely in a grave. Christ then raises all the elect in glorified bodies on Judgment Day, and takes them to live with Him forever in a new heaven and new earth.
Christ does it all, and man does nothing in this matter of soul salvation. Would you ever want it any other way, and take some of the responsibility into your own hands? Can you create a world, direct providence, give yourself spiritual life, or raise yourself from the dead? I did not think so. Christ alone is the Sovereign Savior of sinners, and if you are ever saved, He will do it all, and you will love it that way!
- Brian DuFour
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Thy works, not mine, O Christ
Speak gladness to this heart
They tell me all the work is done
They bid my fear depart.
Thy cross, not mine, O Christ
Has born the awful load
Of sins that no one else could bear
But our incarnate God.
Thy death, not mine, O Christ
Has paid the ransom due
Ten thousand, thousand deaths like mine
Would have been all too few.
Thy righteousness, O Christ
Alone can cover me
No righteousness can satisfy
Save that which is of Thee!
(Tune: “Not What My Hands Have Done”)
Congratulations to Aaron and Alexis Sligh on the birth of their daughter, Arabella Rose!
Marvin Stalnaker and myself will be preaching for the Grace Fellowship Church in Wheelersburg, Ohio this Friday evening and Saturday morning.
17th – Abigail Sullivan 18th – Dwayne Imes
18th – Julianna Rigsby 21st – Tim Scrifes
“The lips of the wise disperse knowledge: but the heart of the foolish doeth not so.” - Proverbs 15:7
“But now, after that ye have known God, or rather are known of God”(Galatians 4:9). What an utterly astounding thing to know the Living God (John 17:3)! “This is life eternal, that they might know the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent.” The only thing more amazing than me knowing God, is Him knowing me!
“Whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them” (Matthew 7:12; Luke 6:31). This has been called the Golden Rule. And it is the rule that should govern all of our actions toward all men. No matter how we perceive we have been treated by others, this is how we are to treat them under every and all circumstances. How do you want others to treat you? That is how you are to treat them! The Lord went on to say of this, “For this is the law and the prophets.”
When Paul said, “I determined not to know anything among you save Jesus Christ and Him crucified,” He was not saying the rest of the Bible is to be neglected. He is saying that every Scripture from Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22:21 is to be seen through this lens. If I fail to see some aspect of Christ crucified in it I have failed to see the meaning. The Scripture do not mean what they say. They say what the mean. They all mean, “Jesus Christ and Him crucified.”
He knows and rejoices that all of his sin and sins are pardoned, paid for, and put away by the sacrifice of Christ the Lord. He condemns sin in himself! While sin does not reign it does remain in the believer, but he does not excuse or justify it. He grieves over it and daily confesses his sins before God. He hates a bad attitude as much as evil actions. He judges his motives as well as his manner by the holiness of Christ; and, when he finds iniquity in himself, he despises it and judges himself. “O wretched man that I am!”
He forgives sin in others! He does not forgive himself – only God can do that - but he is quick to pity, have mercy upon, and forgive others. Not to be able to forgive is to forfeit the right to ask forgiveness. He longs to be free from all sin and to be perfectly conformed to the image of Christ. While he rejoices in Christ, is content with his lot, and finds joy in the fellowship of Christ’s Church, he will only be satisfied when he awakes in the likeness of Christ! - Henry Mahan
God spoke to David through Nathan the Prophet. God made some promises to David concerning what He would do for David. Here is David’s response, “And now O Lord God, the word that Thou hast spoken concerning Thy servant, and concerning his house, establish it forever, and do as Thou hast said.” (II Samuel 7:25)
Faith is an asking grace. All who have faith ask God for things. The only thing we can ask with confidence that we will be given, is when we ask Him to do what He has already said He would do in His Word. God told David what He would do for him and his house. David responded, “Do as Thou hast said.” Faith finds out what God has said in His Word, and asks Him to do what He said he would. He said in His Word, “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.” Faith says… I am a sinner. You said You came to save sinners, save me! It is not presumption to expect God to do what He said He would do. Find out what He has said in His Word, and make this plea, “Do as Thou hast said.” He has done and will do everything He said He would all the time!
Natural man thinks he must contribute something to his personal salvation – a testimony, a decision, a surrender, a victory over sin. But I read nothing of this in Scripture. What I see goes like this….
Christ made a covenant with the Father to save His elect. Christ created the universe and this earth, and then created man to inhabit this earth. Christ then guides all providence to sit His people under the Gospel, giving them spiritual life, faith, and repentance. Christ preserves His people in the faith to the day He extinguishes their life, and places them safely in a grave. Christ then raises all the elect in glorified bodies on Judgment Day, and takes them to live with Him forever in a new heaven and new earth.
Christ does it all, and man does nothing in this matter of soul salvation. Would you ever want it any other way, and take some of the responsibility into your own hands? Can you create a world, direct providence, give yourself spiritual life, or raise yourself from the dead? I did not think so. Christ alone is the Sovereign Savior of sinners, and if you are ever saved, He will do it all, and you will love it that way!
- Brian DuFour
October 8, 2023
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Command Thy blessings from Above
O God, on all assembled here!
Behold us with a Father’s love
While we look up with reverent fear.
Command Thy blessings, Sovereign Lord
May we Thy true disciples be
Speak to each heart Thy mighty Word
Say to the weakest, “Follow Me!”
Command Thy blessings in this hour
Spirit of Truth, and fill this place
With humbling and exalting pow’r
With quickening and confirming grace.
With Thee, O Lord, forever bound
May all who here in praise unite
With psalms and songs Thy Throne surround
Rest in Thy love and reign in light.
(Tune: “Doxology”)
Donnie Bell will bring the message this evening.
We extend our sympathy to Thom Schuyler and his family on the death of his sister, Kay Honiss.
All ladies are invited to a Bridal Shower Dinner for Allison Vincent and Henry Williams tomorrow evening, October 9th at 6:00pm.
11th – Hunter Small 12th – Doug Hacker 13th – Jaime Greenleaf
14th – Tom Fitzpatrick 14th – Maybelle Wheeler
“The name of the Lord is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe.” - Proverbs 18:10
“The Wisdom That Is From Above”
We all desire to be wise people. In James 3:17, James speaks of the wisdom that is from above. And he gives 8 marks of the wisdom that is from above. If the wisdom that I think I posses is not characterized by these marks, it is not the wisdom that is from above. 1. Pure; reverent. 2. Peaceable; it is not contentious and argumentative. 3. Gentle, it is mild and humane. It does not hold people’s feet to the fire. 4. Easy to be entreated; approachable. 5. Full of mercy; merciful. 6. Full of good fruits; love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance. 7. Without partiality; impartial. 8. Without hypocrisy; holding others to standards that I do not hold myself to. If this is not the wisdom I posses, I posses the wisdom that James describes… “This wisdom descendeth not from above, but is earthly, sensual, devilish” (James 3:15).
The grace of God is so vitally connected with the Person of God that the only way to describe His grace is with His attributes. Hence, His grace is sovereign grace, saving grace, eternal grace, all-powerful grace, immutable grace, independent grace, just grace, righteous grace, gracious grace, loving grace, holy grace! Any and every attribute of God can be used to describe His grace!
Particular Redemption - Limited Atonement – Definite Atonement – Effectual Atonement. These are all words used to describe that atoning work of Christ on the cross. He died for a particular people. His intention to save was limited to the elect. His atonement was with a definite purpose for a definite people. His atonement was effectual. All for whom He died must be saved. These terms are all well and good in their place, but a better word is plain old SUBSTITUTION. All of these terms point to a real, substitutionary death on the cross. SUBSTITUTION IS THE GOSPEL. To deny, water down, or omit in our preaching the particular, limited, definite, effectual death of Christ on the cross (substitution) is to deny, water down, or omit in our preaching the Gospel of Christ. The meaning of substitution is so simple that adjectives are not even needed to describe it.
A lot of times, I feel the Lord is upset and fed up with me, because I continue to sin, and am so full of unbelief, doubts, and fears. Eventually, I might have a couple of “good days”, thinking I am getting better, and a little more pleasing to the Lord. But it usually never lasts too long, doubts and fears return, and once again I feel the Lord’s “frown”. This sets up a vicious cycle of “good times and bad times,” and I start basing the status of my salvation on whichever part of the cycle I am in. In other words, I am looking to myself instead of looking to Christ, and basing my standing before God on the cycle of my feelings and works, and not on Christ’s finished work.
Yes, the Lord sees our sins in the flesh, and rightfully chastises us, lovingly correcting us, and turning our eyes back to Christ. Yet, at the same time, when the Lord looks upon every elect child of God in Christ, He sees no sin at all, but one that is holy, blameless, and beautiful to Him. So how can every believer be sinful and holy at the same time?
Scripture declares that every believer has two separate, distinct natures in one body, at the same time. The old man, the flesh, nothing but sin, that looks to self…and the new man, the spirit, nothing but holiness, that looks to Christ – “So then with the mind I myself (new man) serve the law of God; but with the flesh (old man) the law of sin” (Rom 7:25). True saving faith looks to Christ as all and not to self at all. Did I, or Christ, bring in everlasting righteousness? Christ did. Did I, or Christ, put away all my sin? Christ did. “Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief” (Mark 9:24). - Brian DuFour
The Lord used ravens to feed Elijah, but Elijah never thought of trusting in the ravens. If we lean on instruments instead of the hand that used them, we bring down a curse upon ourselves, for it is written, “Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm and whose heart departeth from the Lord.” - Scott Richardson
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Command Thy blessings from Above
O God, on all assembled here!
Behold us with a Father’s love
While we look up with reverent fear.
Command Thy blessings, Sovereign Lord
May we Thy true disciples be
Speak to each heart Thy mighty Word
Say to the weakest, “Follow Me!”
Command Thy blessings in this hour
Spirit of Truth, and fill this place
With humbling and exalting pow’r
With quickening and confirming grace.
With Thee, O Lord, forever bound
May all who here in praise unite
With psalms and songs Thy Throne surround
Rest in Thy love and reign in light.
(Tune: “Doxology”)
Donnie Bell will bring the message this evening.
We extend our sympathy to Thom Schuyler and his family on the death of his sister, Kay Honiss.
All ladies are invited to a Bridal Shower Dinner for Allison Vincent and Henry Williams tomorrow evening, October 9th at 6:00pm.
11th – Hunter Small 12th – Doug Hacker 13th – Jaime Greenleaf
14th – Tom Fitzpatrick 14th – Maybelle Wheeler
“The name of the Lord is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe.” - Proverbs 18:10
“The Wisdom That Is From Above”
We all desire to be wise people. In James 3:17, James speaks of the wisdom that is from above. And he gives 8 marks of the wisdom that is from above. If the wisdom that I think I posses is not characterized by these marks, it is not the wisdom that is from above. 1. Pure; reverent. 2. Peaceable; it is not contentious and argumentative. 3. Gentle, it is mild and humane. It does not hold people’s feet to the fire. 4. Easy to be entreated; approachable. 5. Full of mercy; merciful. 6. Full of good fruits; love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance. 7. Without partiality; impartial. 8. Without hypocrisy; holding others to standards that I do not hold myself to. If this is not the wisdom I posses, I posses the wisdom that James describes… “This wisdom descendeth not from above, but is earthly, sensual, devilish” (James 3:15).
The grace of God is so vitally connected with the Person of God that the only way to describe His grace is with His attributes. Hence, His grace is sovereign grace, saving grace, eternal grace, all-powerful grace, immutable grace, independent grace, just grace, righteous grace, gracious grace, loving grace, holy grace! Any and every attribute of God can be used to describe His grace!
Particular Redemption - Limited Atonement – Definite Atonement – Effectual Atonement. These are all words used to describe that atoning work of Christ on the cross. He died for a particular people. His intention to save was limited to the elect. His atonement was with a definite purpose for a definite people. His atonement was effectual. All for whom He died must be saved. These terms are all well and good in their place, but a better word is plain old SUBSTITUTION. All of these terms point to a real, substitutionary death on the cross. SUBSTITUTION IS THE GOSPEL. To deny, water down, or omit in our preaching the particular, limited, definite, effectual death of Christ on the cross (substitution) is to deny, water down, or omit in our preaching the Gospel of Christ. The meaning of substitution is so simple that adjectives are not even needed to describe it.
A lot of times, I feel the Lord is upset and fed up with me, because I continue to sin, and am so full of unbelief, doubts, and fears. Eventually, I might have a couple of “good days”, thinking I am getting better, and a little more pleasing to the Lord. But it usually never lasts too long, doubts and fears return, and once again I feel the Lord’s “frown”. This sets up a vicious cycle of “good times and bad times,” and I start basing the status of my salvation on whichever part of the cycle I am in. In other words, I am looking to myself instead of looking to Christ, and basing my standing before God on the cycle of my feelings and works, and not on Christ’s finished work.
Yes, the Lord sees our sins in the flesh, and rightfully chastises us, lovingly correcting us, and turning our eyes back to Christ. Yet, at the same time, when the Lord looks upon every elect child of God in Christ, He sees no sin at all, but one that is holy, blameless, and beautiful to Him. So how can every believer be sinful and holy at the same time?
Scripture declares that every believer has two separate, distinct natures in one body, at the same time. The old man, the flesh, nothing but sin, that looks to self…and the new man, the spirit, nothing but holiness, that looks to Christ – “So then with the mind I myself (new man) serve the law of God; but with the flesh (old man) the law of sin” (Rom 7:25). True saving faith looks to Christ as all and not to self at all. Did I, or Christ, bring in everlasting righteousness? Christ did. Did I, or Christ, put away all my sin? Christ did. “Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief” (Mark 9:24). - Brian DuFour
The Lord used ravens to feed Elijah, but Elijah never thought of trusting in the ravens. If we lean on instruments instead of the hand that used them, we bring down a curse upon ourselves, for it is written, “Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm and whose heart departeth from the Lord.” - Scott Richardson
October 1, 2023
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Now may the Lord reveal His grace
And teach our stamm’ring tongues
To make His sovereign, reigning grace
The subject of our songs.
No sweeter subject can invite
A sinner’s heart to sing
Or more display the glorious right
Of our exalted King.
Grace reigns to pardon crimson sins
To melt the hardest hearts
And from the work it once begins
It never once departs.
‘Twas grace that called our souls at first
By grace thus far we’ve come
And grace will bring us through the worst
And grace will take us home.
(Tune: “Begin, My Tongue, Some Heavenly Theme” p.5)
We will observe the Lord’s Table this evening.
Congratulations to Mark and Jessica Mohr on the birth of their son, Henry James!
All ladies are invited to a Bridal Shower Dinner for Allison Vincent and Henry Williams on Monday, October 9th at 6:00pm. The invitation is in the foyer.
3rd – Ian Anjos 3rd – Paul Harries 4th – Alex DuFour
4th – Emma Ferrell 5th – Susan Sligh 7th – Sharon Fugate
“A wicked doer giveth heed to false lips; and a liar giveth ear to a naughty tongue.” - Proverbs 17:4
“Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us.”
I realize the natural man finds nothing remarkable in this because he believes God to be obligated to love everybody. But to the believer, this is astounding -“He loved us.” The love of God is not His pity or compassion toward the miserable. Even we possess that! The love God has to every believer is the same love He has toward His Son! The Lord Jesus said in John 17:23, “Thou has loved them as Thou hast loved Me.” How can that be? It is because the union between Christ and His people is so vital, so real, that the love He has toward His Son, He has toward all of those in His Son! When John wanted to define love, he said that our love is not even worth mentioning! “Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us.”
When the Lord entered the house of Zaccheus, the man who was a greedy, dishonest man stood and said, “Behold, Lord, the half of my goods I give to the poor, and if I have taken any thing from any man by false accusation, I restore him fourfold”(Luke 19:8). We do not read where the Lord told him to do any of these things. He did these things because he wanted to! Grace gives you a new want to.
In II Corinthians 1:12, one of the things Paul rejoiced in was simplicity. The word means simple as opposed to complex or compound. We have a simple hope…Christ only. We have a simple object of faith…Christ only. We have a simple righteousness…the righteousness of Christ. We have a simple message…Him. We have a simple motive…His glory. We have a simple way of being saved…Grace. We have a simple ground of assurance…“It is finished.” We have a simple aspiration…to be found in Him. We have a simple doctrine. Christ is All. We have a simple fear…being corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.
-Colossians 3:11
What does it mean to say, “Christ is all”? It means Christ is the one and only thing needful in this life. Christ is ALL of our salvation. Christ is ALL of our forgiveness. Christ is ALL of our mercy and grace. Christ is ALL of our hope and peace. He is ALL of our righteousness. He is ALL of our redemption. When it comes to everything that a sinner needs – Christ is all!
Christ is all that the Father needs for our acceptance with Him. Christ is all that the law needs for our fulfillment of it. Christ is all that Justice needs to declare us holy before it. Christ is all that Judgment needs to declare our condemnation and punishment complete.
Christ is all that heaven needs for the JOY of it. Christ is all that His kingdom needs for the MAJESTY of it. Christ is all that the Throne needs for the GLORY of it. Christ is all that His marriage union to His bride needs for the LOVE of it. For time and eternity, from this world to the world to come, Christ is (and will forever be) All! Thank God! Amen! - Gabe Stalnaker
Complex means consisting of many different and connected parts. God uses the whole Bible to declare His Gospel. It cannot be whittled down to a few phrases or clichés`. But it is not complicated. It is simple. The Bible is the inspired Word of God. God is absolutely sovereign in all things. Men are totally depraved and totally unable to save themselves. God, before time began, chose who He would save. Christ actually saved those people by His life, death, and resurrection. Grace actually saves. The one evidence that God elected you, Christ died for you, and the Holy Spirit has given you life by His grace is if you persevere all the way to the end, looking to Christ only. Every statement is simple and easy to understand. You may not like it, but you understand it. Call any of these statements into question and you fall into a maze of complications and contradictions. I am so thankful for the simplicity of Christ! Christ is All! Complex but not complicated!
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Now may the Lord reveal His grace
And teach our stamm’ring tongues
To make His sovereign, reigning grace
The subject of our songs.
No sweeter subject can invite
A sinner’s heart to sing
Or more display the glorious right
Of our exalted King.
Grace reigns to pardon crimson sins
To melt the hardest hearts
And from the work it once begins
It never once departs.
‘Twas grace that called our souls at first
By grace thus far we’ve come
And grace will bring us through the worst
And grace will take us home.
(Tune: “Begin, My Tongue, Some Heavenly Theme” p.5)
We will observe the Lord’s Table this evening.
Congratulations to Mark and Jessica Mohr on the birth of their son, Henry James!
All ladies are invited to a Bridal Shower Dinner for Allison Vincent and Henry Williams on Monday, October 9th at 6:00pm. The invitation is in the foyer.
3rd – Ian Anjos 3rd – Paul Harries 4th – Alex DuFour
4th – Emma Ferrell 5th – Susan Sligh 7th – Sharon Fugate
“A wicked doer giveth heed to false lips; and a liar giveth ear to a naughty tongue.” - Proverbs 17:4
“Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us.”
I realize the natural man finds nothing remarkable in this because he believes God to be obligated to love everybody. But to the believer, this is astounding -“He loved us.” The love of God is not His pity or compassion toward the miserable. Even we possess that! The love God has to every believer is the same love He has toward His Son! The Lord Jesus said in John 17:23, “Thou has loved them as Thou hast loved Me.” How can that be? It is because the union between Christ and His people is so vital, so real, that the love He has toward His Son, He has toward all of those in His Son! When John wanted to define love, he said that our love is not even worth mentioning! “Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us.”
When the Lord entered the house of Zaccheus, the man who was a greedy, dishonest man stood and said, “Behold, Lord, the half of my goods I give to the poor, and if I have taken any thing from any man by false accusation, I restore him fourfold”(Luke 19:8). We do not read where the Lord told him to do any of these things. He did these things because he wanted to! Grace gives you a new want to.
In II Corinthians 1:12, one of the things Paul rejoiced in was simplicity. The word means simple as opposed to complex or compound. We have a simple hope…Christ only. We have a simple object of faith…Christ only. We have a simple righteousness…the righteousness of Christ. We have a simple message…Him. We have a simple motive…His glory. We have a simple way of being saved…Grace. We have a simple ground of assurance…“It is finished.” We have a simple aspiration…to be found in Him. We have a simple doctrine. Christ is All. We have a simple fear…being corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.
-Colossians 3:11
What does it mean to say, “Christ is all”? It means Christ is the one and only thing needful in this life. Christ is ALL of our salvation. Christ is ALL of our forgiveness. Christ is ALL of our mercy and grace. Christ is ALL of our hope and peace. He is ALL of our righteousness. He is ALL of our redemption. When it comes to everything that a sinner needs – Christ is all!
Christ is all that the Father needs for our acceptance with Him. Christ is all that the law needs for our fulfillment of it. Christ is all that Justice needs to declare us holy before it. Christ is all that Judgment needs to declare our condemnation and punishment complete.
Christ is all that heaven needs for the JOY of it. Christ is all that His kingdom needs for the MAJESTY of it. Christ is all that the Throne needs for the GLORY of it. Christ is all that His marriage union to His bride needs for the LOVE of it. For time and eternity, from this world to the world to come, Christ is (and will forever be) All! Thank God! Amen! - Gabe Stalnaker
Complex means consisting of many different and connected parts. God uses the whole Bible to declare His Gospel. It cannot be whittled down to a few phrases or clichés`. But it is not complicated. It is simple. The Bible is the inspired Word of God. God is absolutely sovereign in all things. Men are totally depraved and totally unable to save themselves. God, before time began, chose who He would save. Christ actually saved those people by His life, death, and resurrection. Grace actually saves. The one evidence that God elected you, Christ died for you, and the Holy Spirit has given you life by His grace is if you persevere all the way to the end, looking to Christ only. Every statement is simple and easy to understand. You may not like it, but you understand it. Call any of these statements into question and you fall into a maze of complications and contradictions. I am so thankful for the simplicity of Christ! Christ is All! Complex but not complicated!
September 24, 2023
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
God is our refuge, tried and proved
Amid a stormy world
We will not fear though earth be moved
And hills in oceans hurled.
The waves may roar, the mountains shake
Our comfort shall not cease
The Lord His saints will not forsake
The Lord will give us peace.
A gentle stream of hope and love
To us shall ever flow
It issues from His Throne above
It cheers His church below.
Our God, who is the Lord of hosts
Forever on our side
The God of Jacob, our defense
Forever will abide.
(Tune: “Am I a Soldier of the Cross?” p. 414)
We express our sincere sympathy to the following families on the death of loved ones this past week. Roscoe Bowling died on September 14th and Eric Dickerson’s father, Delmaine Dickerson, died September 15th. May the Lord comfort these families.
All ladies are invited to a Bridal Shower Dinner for Allison Vincent and Henry Williams on Monday, October 9th at 6:00pm. The invitation is in the foyer.
Angus Fisher will bring the message this Wednesday evening.
25th – Janine Kess 25th – Annie Martin 25th – Darrell Williams
26th – Amanda Mohr 27th – Ryleigh DuFour 27th – Gavin Gillespie 27th – Bobby Miller 28th – John Parker
28th – Ben Walmsley 30th – Garrett Gillispie
“Hatred stirreth up strifes: but love covereth all sins.”
- Proverbs 10:12
Sin in others is a sad reality. Sin in others does not glorify God and brings many troubles into our lives. No one is immune to the sin of others. When the emphasis of sin in others becomes a greater emphasis in our thinking than our own personal sin and sins, we have become the judge seeking to remove the splinter in our brother’s eyes while we have a log in our own! Christ said regarding this person, “Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye.” Whenever we are publicly bemoaning the sins of others, we act contrary to love! “Love covereth all sins” and “He that covereth a transgression seeketh love.” When we speak of other’s sin, we fail to realize we are the other.
Any church or religion that leaves out of their beliefs, and does not preach any one of the Gospel’s precious doctrines – God the Father electing a people in Christ, eternal justification and sanctification in the Lamb slain in eternity, Christ being made sin on that tree, the total depravity of every human being, or any other doctrine of Christ - is a false church or religion.
If you do not believe it all, you really do not believe at all. If you do not preach it all, you really do nor preach at all. Genesis 1:1 through Revelations 22:21 is all to be believed, and to all be preached…adding nothing to, or taking anything away from the Word of God. “For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: and if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away His part out of the book of life, and out of the Holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.” (Revelation 22:18-19)
- Brian DuFour
The sins of God’s saints are all under the blood of Christ, entirely forgiven by God. Yet, the most glaring sins of God’s most eminent servants are plainly written in the Bible for all men to read. Noah, who found grace in the eyes of the Lord, was found in a drunken stupor. Abraham, the friend of God, fearing he would be slain by the king, was willing to give his wife to Abimelech. Lot, God’s righteous servant, was reduced to incest in his drunkenness. David, the man after God’s own heart, committed adultery and murder. Peter, the bold defender of the faith, trembled and denied the Lord for fear before a little maiden. The list could go on at great length.
Why were these things written? They were not written merely to mar the reputations of good men. They were not written to excuse sin. These sad events in the lives of God’s beloved saints have been recorded in the Word of God to teach us two things: First, “That which is born of the flesh is flesh” (John 3:6). And second, “Salvation is of the Lord” (Jonah 2:9).
The best of men are only men at best. We have no righteousness of our own. The only righteousness we have is that which God gives us in Christ. Thank God, He does not impute sin, but only righteousness to His own elect. - Clay Curtis
Anything added to the righteousness of Christ for acceptance with God is distinctly bad news. It destroys the doctrine of grace and removes the possibility of assurance. The cause of peace with God is changed from the accomplishment of Christ to the precarious efforts of man. Since, “Man at his best state is altogether vanity” (Psalm 39:5), the best effort that man can make to establish righteousness is completely empty. - Tim James
God is unchangeable in His essence, nature, and perfections. Isn’t it wonderful that in our experience in a life that is nothing but change, to know that the Lord changes not? “For I am the Lord, I change not” (Malachi 3:6). His purpose has never altered and never will. This gives assurance and peace to all who have fled to Christ for refuge.
- David Pledger
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
God is our refuge, tried and proved
Amid a stormy world
We will not fear though earth be moved
And hills in oceans hurled.
The waves may roar, the mountains shake
Our comfort shall not cease
The Lord His saints will not forsake
The Lord will give us peace.
A gentle stream of hope and love
To us shall ever flow
It issues from His Throne above
It cheers His church below.
Our God, who is the Lord of hosts
Forever on our side
The God of Jacob, our defense
Forever will abide.
(Tune: “Am I a Soldier of the Cross?” p. 414)
We express our sincere sympathy to the following families on the death of loved ones this past week. Roscoe Bowling died on September 14th and Eric Dickerson’s father, Delmaine Dickerson, died September 15th. May the Lord comfort these families.
All ladies are invited to a Bridal Shower Dinner for Allison Vincent and Henry Williams on Monday, October 9th at 6:00pm. The invitation is in the foyer.
Angus Fisher will bring the message this Wednesday evening.
25th – Janine Kess 25th – Annie Martin 25th – Darrell Williams
26th – Amanda Mohr 27th – Ryleigh DuFour 27th – Gavin Gillespie 27th – Bobby Miller 28th – John Parker
28th – Ben Walmsley 30th – Garrett Gillispie
“Hatred stirreth up strifes: but love covereth all sins.”
- Proverbs 10:12
Sin in others is a sad reality. Sin in others does not glorify God and brings many troubles into our lives. No one is immune to the sin of others. When the emphasis of sin in others becomes a greater emphasis in our thinking than our own personal sin and sins, we have become the judge seeking to remove the splinter in our brother’s eyes while we have a log in our own! Christ said regarding this person, “Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye.” Whenever we are publicly bemoaning the sins of others, we act contrary to love! “Love covereth all sins” and “He that covereth a transgression seeketh love.” When we speak of other’s sin, we fail to realize we are the other.
Any church or religion that leaves out of their beliefs, and does not preach any one of the Gospel’s precious doctrines – God the Father electing a people in Christ, eternal justification and sanctification in the Lamb slain in eternity, Christ being made sin on that tree, the total depravity of every human being, or any other doctrine of Christ - is a false church or religion.
If you do not believe it all, you really do not believe at all. If you do not preach it all, you really do nor preach at all. Genesis 1:1 through Revelations 22:21 is all to be believed, and to all be preached…adding nothing to, or taking anything away from the Word of God. “For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: and if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away His part out of the book of life, and out of the Holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.” (Revelation 22:18-19)
- Brian DuFour
The sins of God’s saints are all under the blood of Christ, entirely forgiven by God. Yet, the most glaring sins of God’s most eminent servants are plainly written in the Bible for all men to read. Noah, who found grace in the eyes of the Lord, was found in a drunken stupor. Abraham, the friend of God, fearing he would be slain by the king, was willing to give his wife to Abimelech. Lot, God’s righteous servant, was reduced to incest in his drunkenness. David, the man after God’s own heart, committed adultery and murder. Peter, the bold defender of the faith, trembled and denied the Lord for fear before a little maiden. The list could go on at great length.
Why were these things written? They were not written merely to mar the reputations of good men. They were not written to excuse sin. These sad events in the lives of God’s beloved saints have been recorded in the Word of God to teach us two things: First, “That which is born of the flesh is flesh” (John 3:6). And second, “Salvation is of the Lord” (Jonah 2:9).
The best of men are only men at best. We have no righteousness of our own. The only righteousness we have is that which God gives us in Christ. Thank God, He does not impute sin, but only righteousness to His own elect. - Clay Curtis
Anything added to the righteousness of Christ for acceptance with God is distinctly bad news. It destroys the doctrine of grace and removes the possibility of assurance. The cause of peace with God is changed from the accomplishment of Christ to the precarious efforts of man. Since, “Man at his best state is altogether vanity” (Psalm 39:5), the best effort that man can make to establish righteousness is completely empty. - Tim James
God is unchangeable in His essence, nature, and perfections. Isn’t it wonderful that in our experience in a life that is nothing but change, to know that the Lord changes not? “For I am the Lord, I change not” (Malachi 3:6). His purpose has never altered and never will. This gives assurance and peace to all who have fled to Christ for refuge.
- David Pledger
September 17, 2023
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Glory to God on High
Let earth to heav’n reply, “Praise ye His Name!”
Angels, His love adore, Who all our sorrow bore
And saints cry ever more, “Worthy the Lamb!”
All they around the Throne
Cheerfully join in one, Praising His Name!
We who have known His blood, Sealing our peace with God
Sound His dear Name abroad, “Worthy the Lamb!”
Join all ye ransomed race
Our Lord and God to bless, “Praise ye His Name!”
To Him we’ll tribute bring, Hail Him our sovereign King
And without ceasing sing, “Worthy the Lamb!”
(Tune: “Come Thou Almighty King” p. 6)
Our brother, Bert Dunbar died on Friday in Florida. We rejoice he is now in the Lord’s presence. We extend our sincere sympathy to the Dunbar family.
Bible Conferences
Kingsport Sovereign Grace Church September 22-24
College Grove Grace Church October 27-28
All ladies are invited to a Bridal Shower Dinner for Allison Vincent and Henry Williams on Monday, October 9th at 6:00pm. The invitation is in the foyer.
18th – Heather Ham 19th – Kaitlyn Burton
23rd – Doug Hardin 23rd – Holly Hardin
“Better is a dry morsel, and quietness therewith, than an house full of sacrifices with strife.” - Proverbs 17:1
When the Lord pronounced the sinner as going down to his house justified in Luke 18:13…that means he went down to his house having never committed a sin. But by his own admission he was a sinner. “God be merciful to me the sinner.” How can that be? Because by the death of Christ, his sins were blotted out and he was given the righteousness and merits of Christ. If Christ never sinned, neither did he! Christ gives us a new history! All of this is true in justification. On Judgment day, every believer will be justified, as one having never sinned! As one who kept God’s Holy law perfectly! As one who loved God will all his heart and his neighbor as himself. What a glorious Gospel!
When we enter an airplane for a flight, we know there is a possibility of a crash, but the mathematical probability is very small. There are 100,000 flights daily worldwide, transporting 6 million people a day. I read where the probability of dying in an airplane crash is one in 20 million. But faith in Christ is not mathematical probability. He said, “This is the will of Him that sent Me, that of all which He hath given Me, I should lose none.” It is not possible for one sheep of Christ to fail be saved because He is incapable of failure.
Any time I exercise a judgmental and censorious spirit toward others, I am practicing hypocrisy, seeking to make myself look better than others, disobeying the command of, “Judge not that ye be not judged,” acting contrary to the Gospel of Christ, and making myself the object of scrutiny by those I have been guilty of judging. “Judge not, that ye be not judged.”
The following is an article by Willy Mapote, pastor of the Sovereign Grace Church in Salima, Malawi, Africa. The Lord willing we will send this African church monthly support.
From the bulletin of the Kingsport Sovereign Grace Church…
Gabe Stalnaker writes:
Dear brethren,
The following article was written by brother Willy Maypote, pastor of Salima Sovereign Grace Church in Salima, Malawi. I asked brother Willy if he would write an article for us, and he agreed to do so, but asked me if I would make revisions to his English so it would read properly. I agreed to do that for him, but I am including both his original article and the article that I have revised, so you can read from his own writing the message of his heart.
Dearest brethren here’s a short gospel article from us:
Sinners whom God sovereignly chose in Christ before the world begun. Those sinners, they have nothing to do even a single good work inorder to be saved. God sent His beloved Son to die them and paid the sin-debt in full on the cross (see, John 19:30). In God’s fullness time, God the Father draw them to Christ. “And the publican, standing afar off, would not lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven, but smote up his breast saying, God be merciful to me a sinner.” Luke 18:13
- Willy Mapote
“God’s Mercy To His Chosen Sinners”
Sinners, whom God sovereignly chose in Christ before the world began, having nothing to do (not even one single good work) in order to be saved. GOD sent His beloved Son to die for them. HE paid their sin debt in full on the cross – and It Is Finished! (John 19:30) In the fullness of His time, God the Father will draw every single one of them to Christ, and this will be their response… “The publican, standing afar off, would not lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven, but smote upon his breast, saying, God be merciful to me a sinner” (Luke 18:13). – Willy Mapote
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Glory to God on High
Let earth to heav’n reply, “Praise ye His Name!”
Angels, His love adore, Who all our sorrow bore
And saints cry ever more, “Worthy the Lamb!”
All they around the Throne
Cheerfully join in one, Praising His Name!
We who have known His blood, Sealing our peace with God
Sound His dear Name abroad, “Worthy the Lamb!”
Join all ye ransomed race
Our Lord and God to bless, “Praise ye His Name!”
To Him we’ll tribute bring, Hail Him our sovereign King
And without ceasing sing, “Worthy the Lamb!”
(Tune: “Come Thou Almighty King” p. 6)
Our brother, Bert Dunbar died on Friday in Florida. We rejoice he is now in the Lord’s presence. We extend our sincere sympathy to the Dunbar family.
Bible Conferences
Kingsport Sovereign Grace Church September 22-24
College Grove Grace Church October 27-28
All ladies are invited to a Bridal Shower Dinner for Allison Vincent and Henry Williams on Monday, October 9th at 6:00pm. The invitation is in the foyer.
18th – Heather Ham 19th – Kaitlyn Burton
23rd – Doug Hardin 23rd – Holly Hardin
“Better is a dry morsel, and quietness therewith, than an house full of sacrifices with strife.” - Proverbs 17:1
When the Lord pronounced the sinner as going down to his house justified in Luke 18:13…that means he went down to his house having never committed a sin. But by his own admission he was a sinner. “God be merciful to me the sinner.” How can that be? Because by the death of Christ, his sins were blotted out and he was given the righteousness and merits of Christ. If Christ never sinned, neither did he! Christ gives us a new history! All of this is true in justification. On Judgment day, every believer will be justified, as one having never sinned! As one who kept God’s Holy law perfectly! As one who loved God will all his heart and his neighbor as himself. What a glorious Gospel!
When we enter an airplane for a flight, we know there is a possibility of a crash, but the mathematical probability is very small. There are 100,000 flights daily worldwide, transporting 6 million people a day. I read where the probability of dying in an airplane crash is one in 20 million. But faith in Christ is not mathematical probability. He said, “This is the will of Him that sent Me, that of all which He hath given Me, I should lose none.” It is not possible for one sheep of Christ to fail be saved because He is incapable of failure.
Any time I exercise a judgmental and censorious spirit toward others, I am practicing hypocrisy, seeking to make myself look better than others, disobeying the command of, “Judge not that ye be not judged,” acting contrary to the Gospel of Christ, and making myself the object of scrutiny by those I have been guilty of judging. “Judge not, that ye be not judged.”
The following is an article by Willy Mapote, pastor of the Sovereign Grace Church in Salima, Malawi, Africa. The Lord willing we will send this African church monthly support.
From the bulletin of the Kingsport Sovereign Grace Church…
Gabe Stalnaker writes:
Dear brethren,
The following article was written by brother Willy Maypote, pastor of Salima Sovereign Grace Church in Salima, Malawi. I asked brother Willy if he would write an article for us, and he agreed to do so, but asked me if I would make revisions to his English so it would read properly. I agreed to do that for him, but I am including both his original article and the article that I have revised, so you can read from his own writing the message of his heart.
Dearest brethren here’s a short gospel article from us:
Sinners whom God sovereignly chose in Christ before the world begun. Those sinners, they have nothing to do even a single good work inorder to be saved. God sent His beloved Son to die them and paid the sin-debt in full on the cross (see, John 19:30). In God’s fullness time, God the Father draw them to Christ. “And the publican, standing afar off, would not lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven, but smote up his breast saying, God be merciful to me a sinner.” Luke 18:13
- Willy Mapote
“God’s Mercy To His Chosen Sinners”
Sinners, whom God sovereignly chose in Christ before the world began, having nothing to do (not even one single good work) in order to be saved. GOD sent His beloved Son to die for them. HE paid their sin debt in full on the cross – and It Is Finished! (John 19:30) In the fullness of His time, God the Father will draw every single one of them to Christ, and this will be their response… “The publican, standing afar off, would not lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven, but smote upon his breast, saying, God be merciful to me a sinner” (Luke 18:13). – Willy Mapote
September 10, 2023
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Brethren, let us join to bless
Christ our Peace and Righteousness
Let our praise to Him be given
High at God’s right hand in Heaven.
Son of God to Thee we bow
Thou art Lord, and only Thou
Thou the woman’s promised seed
Thou, who didst for sinners bleed.
Thee the angels ceaseless sing
Thee we praise, our Priest and King
Worthy is Thy Name of praise
Full of glory, full of grace.
Thou hast the glad tidings brought
Of salvation fully wrought
Wrought, O Lord alone by Thee
Wrought, to set Thy people free.
Thee, our Lord, would we adore
Serve and follow more and more
Praise and bless Thy matchless love
Till we join Thy saints above.
(Tune: “When I Survey the Wondrous Cross” p. 118)
We will observe the Lord’s Table this evening.
All ladies are invited to a Bridal Shower Dinner for Allison Vincent and Henry Williams on Monday, October 9th at 6:00pm. The invitation is in the foyer.
15th – Jennifer Rankin 16th – Lyn Covert
“Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.” - Proverbs 27:6
We must never forget that the sovereignty of God’s grace does not prevent anyone from being saved. God’s electing grace and Christ’s redeeming work on their behalf and the life giving work of the Holy Spirit in them does not shut anybody out of the Kingdom of Heaven. The natural man hates God and does not want to be saved on God’s terms. He will continue to willfully reject the Gospel if left to himself. The Gospel does not prevent people like that from being saved. It saves people like that and prevents them from being condemned.
Christ died for the elect, those given Him before the foundation of the world, and they will all most assuredly be saved and only they will be saved. It is equally truth that, “Whosoever shall call upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved” and, “Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out.” These two truths are not contradictory. They are both essential to preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
“And they repented not”
“And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God which had power over these plagues, and repented not to give Him glory.” (Rev. 16:9) Every natural man is born into this world evil. This evil is seen clearly in this verse. Even when they are scorched with great heat it brings no repentance. They still refuse to give Him the glory because they hate Him. The carnal mind really is enmity against God. None in hell will have any love for God or sorrow for sin. They will have great sorrow over the consequences of sin, but rather than being sorry for their sin, they will blaspheme God even while they are being scorched. If you are now saved by His grace, there was a time you were just like the people described in Revelation 16:9. God made you to differ!
The distressing, deep-seated evil of the old man in us and the relentless warring of the flesh against the spirit are instruments by which God the Holy Ghost graciously weans us from trusting in ourselves, makes Christ more precious, and causes us to look away from self to Christ alone as all our Wisdom, Righteousness, Sanctification, and Redemption. – Don Fortner
Can a Sinner Perform a Good Work in God’s Eyes?
“And Jesus said, Let her alone; why trouble ye her: she hath wrought a good work on me” (Mark 14:6)… which answers the question in the title – yes, a sinner can perform a good work in God’s eyes, with one caveat – it must be a saved sinner with two natures…the old nature of sinful flesh, and the new nature of a Holy Spirit.
This woman had poured a bottle of very expensive ointment on the Lord’s head, anointing His body for His approaching death and burial. The very act performed by her in the flesh, in and of itself, was sin… for Scripture tells us that “All our righteousnesses are as filthy rags” and not acceptable to a Holy God. But the Lord had saved this woman, giving her a new heart, a divine nature. And this new heart loved her Savior, causing her to gladly anoint he Lord with this precious ointment…and since God always looks on the heart, the inward motive behind the outward action, he was looking on the pure heart and motive of this saved sinner…and because the source of the action was good, He could call it a good work. May God give us all this good, new heart…and cause us to, “Not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth” (I John 3:18). - Brian DuFour
Being dead in trespasses and sin, I must come to Christ that I might obtain life; yet God must give me life so that I can come to Him. I do not understand that, but I certainly believe it. Is not that what faith is? Believing God can do that which we cannot and do not understand? Truly, “How unsearchable are His judgments, and His ways are past finding out” (Romans 11:33). - David Eddmenson
Any compromise of the Truth for the sake of peace will always lead to more compromise.
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Brethren, let us join to bless
Christ our Peace and Righteousness
Let our praise to Him be given
High at God’s right hand in Heaven.
Son of God to Thee we bow
Thou art Lord, and only Thou
Thou the woman’s promised seed
Thou, who didst for sinners bleed.
Thee the angels ceaseless sing
Thee we praise, our Priest and King
Worthy is Thy Name of praise
Full of glory, full of grace.
Thou hast the glad tidings brought
Of salvation fully wrought
Wrought, O Lord alone by Thee
Wrought, to set Thy people free.
Thee, our Lord, would we adore
Serve and follow more and more
Praise and bless Thy matchless love
Till we join Thy saints above.
(Tune: “When I Survey the Wondrous Cross” p. 118)
We will observe the Lord’s Table this evening.
All ladies are invited to a Bridal Shower Dinner for Allison Vincent and Henry Williams on Monday, October 9th at 6:00pm. The invitation is in the foyer.
15th – Jennifer Rankin 16th – Lyn Covert
“Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.” - Proverbs 27:6
We must never forget that the sovereignty of God’s grace does not prevent anyone from being saved. God’s electing grace and Christ’s redeeming work on their behalf and the life giving work of the Holy Spirit in them does not shut anybody out of the Kingdom of Heaven. The natural man hates God and does not want to be saved on God’s terms. He will continue to willfully reject the Gospel if left to himself. The Gospel does not prevent people like that from being saved. It saves people like that and prevents them from being condemned.
Christ died for the elect, those given Him before the foundation of the world, and they will all most assuredly be saved and only they will be saved. It is equally truth that, “Whosoever shall call upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved” and, “Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out.” These two truths are not contradictory. They are both essential to preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
“And they repented not”
“And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God which had power over these plagues, and repented not to give Him glory.” (Rev. 16:9) Every natural man is born into this world evil. This evil is seen clearly in this verse. Even when they are scorched with great heat it brings no repentance. They still refuse to give Him the glory because they hate Him. The carnal mind really is enmity against God. None in hell will have any love for God or sorrow for sin. They will have great sorrow over the consequences of sin, but rather than being sorry for their sin, they will blaspheme God even while they are being scorched. If you are now saved by His grace, there was a time you were just like the people described in Revelation 16:9. God made you to differ!
The distressing, deep-seated evil of the old man in us and the relentless warring of the flesh against the spirit are instruments by which God the Holy Ghost graciously weans us from trusting in ourselves, makes Christ more precious, and causes us to look away from self to Christ alone as all our Wisdom, Righteousness, Sanctification, and Redemption. – Don Fortner
Can a Sinner Perform a Good Work in God’s Eyes?
“And Jesus said, Let her alone; why trouble ye her: she hath wrought a good work on me” (Mark 14:6)… which answers the question in the title – yes, a sinner can perform a good work in God’s eyes, with one caveat – it must be a saved sinner with two natures…the old nature of sinful flesh, and the new nature of a Holy Spirit.
This woman had poured a bottle of very expensive ointment on the Lord’s head, anointing His body for His approaching death and burial. The very act performed by her in the flesh, in and of itself, was sin… for Scripture tells us that “All our righteousnesses are as filthy rags” and not acceptable to a Holy God. But the Lord had saved this woman, giving her a new heart, a divine nature. And this new heart loved her Savior, causing her to gladly anoint he Lord with this precious ointment…and since God always looks on the heart, the inward motive behind the outward action, he was looking on the pure heart and motive of this saved sinner…and because the source of the action was good, He could call it a good work. May God give us all this good, new heart…and cause us to, “Not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth” (I John 3:18). - Brian DuFour
Being dead in trespasses and sin, I must come to Christ that I might obtain life; yet God must give me life so that I can come to Him. I do not understand that, but I certainly believe it. Is not that what faith is? Believing God can do that which we cannot and do not understand? Truly, “How unsearchable are His judgments, and His ways are past finding out” (Romans 11:33). - David Eddmenson
Any compromise of the Truth for the sake of peace will always lead to more compromise.
September 3, 2023
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Sons we are through God’s election
Who in Jesus Christ believe
By eternal destination
Sovereign grace we here receive
Lord, Thy mercy – Lord, Thy mercy
Doth both grace and glory give.
Pause, my soul! Adore and wonder!
Ask, “Oh why such love to me?”
Grace hath put me in the number
Of the Saviour’s family
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Thanks, eternal thanks, to Thee!
“It is finished” – Oh, what pleasure
Do these blessed words afford
Heav’nly blessings without measure
Flow to us through Christ our Lord
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Glory to the reigning Lamb!
(Tune: “Look Ye Saints” p. 141)
All ladies are invited to a baby shower for Mark & Jessica Mohr this Saturday, September 9th at 10:30 am. The invitation is in the foyer.
There will be no service this evening.
3rd – Laura Williams 4th – Bob Covert 5th – Shari Greenleaf
5th – Boone Martin 6th – Joy Grubb
6th- Chesney Martin 9th – Todd Nibert
Bible Conferences
Kingsport Sovereign Grace Church September 22-24
College Grove Grace Church October 27-28
Lincoln Wood Baptist October 20-22
“The merciful man doeth good to his own soul: but he that is cruel troubleth his own flesh.” - Proverbs 11:17
There are a multitude of varieties of false faith, but here are four things false faith cannot produce.
1. A heart broken over sin. It is quick to spot out the sin of others, but it cannot say with David, “My sin is ever before me.”
2. A false faith cannot be brought to the acknowledgment that I have no righteousness or goodness (Genesis 6:5). It will always find something to brag about.
3. A false faith will never acknowledge that salvation is utterly and completely of the Lord – from election to glorification and everything in- between. “Salvation is of the Lord”
4. False faith cannot look to Christ alone. Nothing more, nothing less, and nothing else. It is always Christ and _________.
True faith is a heart broken over sin, acknowledges it has no goodness, believes “Salvation is of the Lord” and looks to Christ only!
We must never forget that the sovereignty of God’s grace does not prevent anyone from being saved. God’s electing grace and Christ’s redeeming work on their behalf and the life giving work of the Holy Spirit in them does not shut anybody out of the Kingdom of Heaven. The natural man hates God and does not want to be saved on God’s terms. He will continue to willfully reject the Gospel if left to himself. The Gospel does not prevent people like that from being saved. It saves people like that and prevents them from being condemned.
When the Lord said, “New wine must be put into new bottles” (Luke 5:38), He is telling us that the wine of His spirit and grace cannot be put in the heart of the natural man. He must be given a new heart to receive them. “A new heart also I will give you” (Ezekiel 36:26).
Every time I think of an event in my past, and wish I could have said or done things very differently, what I am really saying is that I would prefer my will to trump the will of Almighty God, proclaiming along with others, “We will not have this man to reign over us” (Luke 19:14).
The Lord did all of those things out of the goodness of His heart, for my very best interest, in grace and loving-kindness. Why would I even consider changing anything in my past that has all led me to being given saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ? His continual preservation of my faith has led me to this very moment in time, where I still believe in and rely on the precious blood and perfect righteousness of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Our desire to change past event just reveals the stupidity and depravity of our natural heart, and its selfish way of thinking…that we would want to undo that which was perfectly done, for our eternal good and salvation, and His eternal faithfulness and glory! “It is the Lord, let Him do what seemeth Him good” (I Samuel 3:18). -Brian DuFour
The ultimate end or goal of redemption is not the happiness, well-being, or even conversion of sinners, BUT THE GLORY OF GOD (Eph. 1:6; 12, 14). Man’s comfort and safety is not the supreme goal of God’s glorious Gospel. The supreme goal of our Gospel is the glory of God, the establishment of His rule and reign over a Kingdom of peace and righteousness, the exaltation and manifestation of His character, and the preeminence of His beloved Son. Our salvation will serve that purpose (Phil. 2:6-11). Everything in covenant mercies, in salvation, and in God’s purpose for the sons of men (past, present, and future) turns upon the will of God in Christ. This makes CHRIST THE PRINCIPAL FIGURE in our Gospel, our goals, and our glory. But, if you have salvation and God’s purpose waiting upon the freewill of the creature, then MAN is the principal figure in your landscape and will lead you to compromise divine Truth in order to win man’s approval. The attitude that we must get men converted at any cost and compromise usually winds up costing the very character and Truth of God, which is a price too high to pay. Conversions are never more important than Truth. Truth is always more important than results. “Let God be true and every man a liar!” - Henry Mahan
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Sons we are through God’s election
Who in Jesus Christ believe
By eternal destination
Sovereign grace we here receive
Lord, Thy mercy – Lord, Thy mercy
Doth both grace and glory give.
Pause, my soul! Adore and wonder!
Ask, “Oh why such love to me?”
Grace hath put me in the number
Of the Saviour’s family
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Thanks, eternal thanks, to Thee!
“It is finished” – Oh, what pleasure
Do these blessed words afford
Heav’nly blessings without measure
Flow to us through Christ our Lord
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Glory to the reigning Lamb!
(Tune: “Look Ye Saints” p. 141)
All ladies are invited to a baby shower for Mark & Jessica Mohr this Saturday, September 9th at 10:30 am. The invitation is in the foyer.
There will be no service this evening.
3rd – Laura Williams 4th – Bob Covert 5th – Shari Greenleaf
5th – Boone Martin 6th – Joy Grubb
6th- Chesney Martin 9th – Todd Nibert
Bible Conferences
Kingsport Sovereign Grace Church September 22-24
College Grove Grace Church October 27-28
Lincoln Wood Baptist October 20-22
“The merciful man doeth good to his own soul: but he that is cruel troubleth his own flesh.” - Proverbs 11:17
There are a multitude of varieties of false faith, but here are four things false faith cannot produce.
1. A heart broken over sin. It is quick to spot out the sin of others, but it cannot say with David, “My sin is ever before me.”
2. A false faith cannot be brought to the acknowledgment that I have no righteousness or goodness (Genesis 6:5). It will always find something to brag about.
3. A false faith will never acknowledge that salvation is utterly and completely of the Lord – from election to glorification and everything in- between. “Salvation is of the Lord”
4. False faith cannot look to Christ alone. Nothing more, nothing less, and nothing else. It is always Christ and _________.
True faith is a heart broken over sin, acknowledges it has no goodness, believes “Salvation is of the Lord” and looks to Christ only!
We must never forget that the sovereignty of God’s grace does not prevent anyone from being saved. God’s electing grace and Christ’s redeeming work on their behalf and the life giving work of the Holy Spirit in them does not shut anybody out of the Kingdom of Heaven. The natural man hates God and does not want to be saved on God’s terms. He will continue to willfully reject the Gospel if left to himself. The Gospel does not prevent people like that from being saved. It saves people like that and prevents them from being condemned.
When the Lord said, “New wine must be put into new bottles” (Luke 5:38), He is telling us that the wine of His spirit and grace cannot be put in the heart of the natural man. He must be given a new heart to receive them. “A new heart also I will give you” (Ezekiel 36:26).
Every time I think of an event in my past, and wish I could have said or done things very differently, what I am really saying is that I would prefer my will to trump the will of Almighty God, proclaiming along with others, “We will not have this man to reign over us” (Luke 19:14).
The Lord did all of those things out of the goodness of His heart, for my very best interest, in grace and loving-kindness. Why would I even consider changing anything in my past that has all led me to being given saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ? His continual preservation of my faith has led me to this very moment in time, where I still believe in and rely on the precious blood and perfect righteousness of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Our desire to change past event just reveals the stupidity and depravity of our natural heart, and its selfish way of thinking…that we would want to undo that which was perfectly done, for our eternal good and salvation, and His eternal faithfulness and glory! “It is the Lord, let Him do what seemeth Him good” (I Samuel 3:18). -Brian DuFour
The ultimate end or goal of redemption is not the happiness, well-being, or even conversion of sinners, BUT THE GLORY OF GOD (Eph. 1:6; 12, 14). Man’s comfort and safety is not the supreme goal of God’s glorious Gospel. The supreme goal of our Gospel is the glory of God, the establishment of His rule and reign over a Kingdom of peace and righteousness, the exaltation and manifestation of His character, and the preeminence of His beloved Son. Our salvation will serve that purpose (Phil. 2:6-11). Everything in covenant mercies, in salvation, and in God’s purpose for the sons of men (past, present, and future) turns upon the will of God in Christ. This makes CHRIST THE PRINCIPAL FIGURE in our Gospel, our goals, and our glory. But, if you have salvation and God’s purpose waiting upon the freewill of the creature, then MAN is the principal figure in your landscape and will lead you to compromise divine Truth in order to win man’s approval. The attitude that we must get men converted at any cost and compromise usually winds up costing the very character and Truth of God, which is a price too high to pay. Conversions are never more important than Truth. Truth is always more important than results. “Let God be true and every man a liar!” - Henry Mahan
August 27, 2023
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Look upon me, Lord I pray Thee
Let Thy Spirit dwell in mine
Thou hast sought me, Thou hast bought me
Take my heart, and make it Thine.
Naught I ask for, naught I strive for
But Thy grace so rich and free
This Thou givest by the Saviour
He hath all things who hath Thee.
Precious is the Name of Jesus
Who can half its worth unfold?
Far beyond angelic praises
Sweetly sung to harps of gold.
Guide me, Oh Thou great Jehovah
Pilgrim through this barren land
I am weak, but Thou art mighty
Hold me with Thy powerful hand.
(Tune: “Jesus Calls Us” p. 374)
Congratulations to Michael and Amanda Mohr on the birth of their son, Jacob Charles Mohr!
All ladies are invited to a baby shower for Mark & Jessica Mohr on Saturday, September 9th at 10:30 am. The invitation is in the foyer.
There will be no evening service next Sunday, Sept. 3rd.
27th – Adilene Sligh 28th – Braedan Kelley 29th – Cami Walmsley
30th – Abby Holthaus 1st – Melanie Kelley 1st – Wanda Frye
Bible Conferences
Kingsport Sovereign Grace Church September 22-24
College Grove Grace Church October 27-28
“A friend loveth at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.” – Proverbs 17:17
Different beliefs carry with them different world views. A world view is the way we interpret the world. The religious person’s world view is that of a raging battle between good and evil. A humanistic world view has man at the center of all things. The atheist’s world view has man as a random chemical reaction in a primordial stew. The Christian world view is, “The Lord reigneth.” He reigns exclusively, constantly, actively, and irresistibly. We interpret everything that happens in the world through this lens… “The Lord reigneth.”
“All things come alike to all: there is one even to the righteous, and to the wicked” (Ecc. 9:2). Even though it is true that the same events happen to all people (believer, unbeliever) alike, yet there is one big difference – that same event is punishment and judgment against the unbeliever, from the hands of a just God…but to the believer, it is mercy and chastisement, from the hands of our loving Father. Just look at the two thieves hanging on the crosses on either side of the Lord. The crucifixion and death of Christ was charged as murder to one of the thieves, judging him guilty, and worthy of eternal damnation. Yet at the same time, the death of Christ put away every sin of the other thief, justifying him, and granting him eternal salvation. Both men right next to our Lord when He died – the same event damned one man, and saved the other. Lord, save me! - Brian DuFour
- If you have Christ, that is not merely enough. That is everything.
- Looking to Christ is not what is most important. It is everything.
- Christ is not our first priority. He is everything.
- Christ is not what should be preached the most. He is all that should be preached.
We cannot stress too much… “Christ is All” – Colossians 3:11
“Let your moderation be known unto all” – Philippians 4:5
This is the only time the word “moderation” is used in the Bible and it does not have to do with temperance in food and drink but it has to do with attitude and conduct. The meaning is “mild and gentle.” Let all people in the church and in the world see and recognize you as a gentle and kind person. Be known, not as harsh and demanding (this seems to be the code of the day) but as “kind and tenderhearted” (Ephesians 4:32). - Henry Mahan
There it is! God’s Word! There is our foundation. The Scriptures never instruct us to feel, but to believe. If you do not feel, believe anyway! It does not say, “For by grace are you saved through feelings.” Feelings are a look inward, at ourselves. Faith is a look outward at Christ. Feelings change because they look at a changing object – ourselves. Faith never changes, for it looks at an unchanging object – Christ! May God grant you grace to look to Him.
– Joe Terrell
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Look upon me, Lord I pray Thee
Let Thy Spirit dwell in mine
Thou hast sought me, Thou hast bought me
Take my heart, and make it Thine.
Naught I ask for, naught I strive for
But Thy grace so rich and free
This Thou givest by the Saviour
He hath all things who hath Thee.
Precious is the Name of Jesus
Who can half its worth unfold?
Far beyond angelic praises
Sweetly sung to harps of gold.
Guide me, Oh Thou great Jehovah
Pilgrim through this barren land
I am weak, but Thou art mighty
Hold me with Thy powerful hand.
(Tune: “Jesus Calls Us” p. 374)
Congratulations to Michael and Amanda Mohr on the birth of their son, Jacob Charles Mohr!
All ladies are invited to a baby shower for Mark & Jessica Mohr on Saturday, September 9th at 10:30 am. The invitation is in the foyer.
There will be no evening service next Sunday, Sept. 3rd.
27th – Adilene Sligh 28th – Braedan Kelley 29th – Cami Walmsley
30th – Abby Holthaus 1st – Melanie Kelley 1st – Wanda Frye
Bible Conferences
Kingsport Sovereign Grace Church September 22-24
College Grove Grace Church October 27-28
“A friend loveth at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.” – Proverbs 17:17
Different beliefs carry with them different world views. A world view is the way we interpret the world. The religious person’s world view is that of a raging battle between good and evil. A humanistic world view has man at the center of all things. The atheist’s world view has man as a random chemical reaction in a primordial stew. The Christian world view is, “The Lord reigneth.” He reigns exclusively, constantly, actively, and irresistibly. We interpret everything that happens in the world through this lens… “The Lord reigneth.”
“All things come alike to all: there is one even to the righteous, and to the wicked” (Ecc. 9:2). Even though it is true that the same events happen to all people (believer, unbeliever) alike, yet there is one big difference – that same event is punishment and judgment against the unbeliever, from the hands of a just God…but to the believer, it is mercy and chastisement, from the hands of our loving Father. Just look at the two thieves hanging on the crosses on either side of the Lord. The crucifixion and death of Christ was charged as murder to one of the thieves, judging him guilty, and worthy of eternal damnation. Yet at the same time, the death of Christ put away every sin of the other thief, justifying him, and granting him eternal salvation. Both men right next to our Lord when He died – the same event damned one man, and saved the other. Lord, save me! - Brian DuFour
- If you have Christ, that is not merely enough. That is everything.
- Looking to Christ is not what is most important. It is everything.
- Christ is not our first priority. He is everything.
- Christ is not what should be preached the most. He is all that should be preached.
We cannot stress too much… “Christ is All” – Colossians 3:11
“Let your moderation be known unto all” – Philippians 4:5
This is the only time the word “moderation” is used in the Bible and it does not have to do with temperance in food and drink but it has to do with attitude and conduct. The meaning is “mild and gentle.” Let all people in the church and in the world see and recognize you as a gentle and kind person. Be known, not as harsh and demanding (this seems to be the code of the day) but as “kind and tenderhearted” (Ephesians 4:32). - Henry Mahan
There it is! God’s Word! There is our foundation. The Scriptures never instruct us to feel, but to believe. If you do not feel, believe anyway! It does not say, “For by grace are you saved through feelings.” Feelings are a look inward, at ourselves. Faith is a look outward at Christ. Feelings change because they look at a changing object – ourselves. Faith never changes, for it looks at an unchanging object – Christ! May God grant you grace to look to Him.
– Joe Terrell
August 20, 2023
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Though troubles assail, and dangers affright
Though friends should all fail, and foes all unite
‘Tis one thing secures us whatever betide
His promise assures us, THE LORD WILL PROVIDE!
The bird without barn or storehouse are fed
From them let us learn to trust for our bread
His saints what is needed shall ne’er be denied
So long as ‘tis written, THE LORD WILL PROVIDE!
His call we obey like Abram of old
We know not the way, but faith makes us bold
For though we are strangers, we have a sure guide
And know in all dangers, THE LORD WILL PROVIDE!
No strength of our own, nor goodness we claim
Our trust is all cast on His precious Name
In this our strong refuge for safety we hide
The Lord is our refuge, THE LORD WILL PROVIDE!
When life is most o’er and death is in view
The Word of His grace will see us safe through
Not fearing nor doubting, with Christ on our side
We hope to die shouting, THE LORD WILL PROVIDE!
(Tune: “O Worship the King” p. 1)
We rejoice with Becky Kess who will confess Christ in believer’s baptism at the close of the service this morning.
All ladies are invited to a baby shower for Mark & Jessica Mohr on Saturday, September 9th at 10:30 am. The invitation is in the foyer.
21st – Mark Ham 21st – Jalen Whitehead 22nd – Charlie Walmsley
23rd- Rich Byrd 24th – John Greenleaf 24th – Don Willis
“He that covereth a transgression seeketh love; but he that repeateth a matter separateth very friends.” - Proverbs 17:9
“I knew thee, that thou art an hard man, reaping where thou hast not sown, and gathering where thou hast not strewed.” –Matt. 25:24
This was the attitude of the servant who was given one talent by his master. Unlike the other two who traded with the talents given them and they gained more. He demonstrated what he thought of his master! Like the man who distorts the sovereignty of God and uses it as an excuse for inaction. He did nothing with the talent he was given and returns it with no gains, blaming it on the severity of his master. His master met him on the grounds he came! And that wicked and slothful servant was cast into outer darkness! If my view of God is the view of that servant, and my understanding of His sovereignty makes me inactive and fatalistic, I like that servant will be cast into outer darkness where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
“And if ye salute your brethren only, what do ye more
than others? Do not even the publican so?” - Matthew 5:47
If I have been saved by the grace of God, I ought to do more than others. Look what He has done for me! He loved me before time began, gave His Son to die for my sin, gave me His very righteousness, and put His Spirit within me. Should I not do more than others? None should be more grateful than me! Certainly none are more indebted to His grace than me. Therefore I ought to do more than others. Sovereign grace is not a reason to do less. It is a reason to do more! The one who really believes grace will do more than the one who believes law. He will love more, forgive more, give more, and do more. Child of God, we ought to do more than others!
In John 17 we have the Lord Jesus praying to His Father as the Great High Priest. Who is He praying for? He tells us in verse 9, “I pray for them: I pray not for the world, but for them which Thou hast given Me: for they are Thine!” The implications of that are far reaching! A man would be a fool to not seek out what those implications are and what they mean! I hope you and I do so at once!
One of the things that I have learned is, hungry people eat, thirsty people drink, and everyone else just picks at it. So it is with the Gospel. - John Chapman
Our Lord had no home, no bed, nowhere to lay His head down at night to sleep, frequently using rocks as pillows while sleeping outside…yet none ever slept as sound and sweet as our Savior slept, for when He laid His head down at night, He would swiftly drift off into the sweet sleep of faith, trusting His Father would watch over Him, controlling everything and everyone around Him.
“And, behold, there arose a great tempest in the sea, insomuch that the ship was covered with the waves: but He was asleep” (Matt. 8:24). The disciples are holding on for dear life as the boat rocks violently back and forth, yet they still have to go awaken the Savior from deep sleep as they cry for help! Oh, for faith to sleep like our Savior slept! Even as the waves of life crash down around us all day long, slowly filling us with stress and anxiety as the day wears on, minds still swimming with thoughts as our heads hit the pillow. Lord, cause us to lay down in peaceful sleep, knowing and trusting that all of the day’s events were for our good and Your glory. No need to even worry about what tomorrow will bring, for He will surely take care of us again… “I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep: for thou, LORD, only makest me dwell in safety” (Ps. 4:8). Lord, increase our faith! Amen.
- Brian DuFour
Scripture, not logic, is our rule of faith; not one or two statements taken out of their context, but the whole analogy of faith. Error is truth perverted, truth distorted, truth out of proportion. To short-sighted human reason there appears to be a clash between Divine justice and Divine mercy, between God’s sovereignty and man’s responsibility; between law and grace, between faith and good works; but he who is really taught of the Spirit, is enabled to discern their perfect consistency.
- A. W. Pink
Justification, as it is revealed in Holy Scripture, is much more than a mere forensic (legal) standing. It is a state of being (Rom. 5:1-11). It is more than a judicial declaration. Justification is the real emancipation of our souls in Christ. To be justified before God is to be free of guilt in your conscience by the sprinkling of Christ’s blood, that is by the Spirit’s application of Christ’s atonement (Heb. 9:14).
- Don Fortner
Regeneration makes no alteration on the flesh, but the Spirit. There is nothing in the flesh made holy. And there is nothing in the spirit left unholy. - Robert Hawker
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Though troubles assail, and dangers affright
Though friends should all fail, and foes all unite
‘Tis one thing secures us whatever betide
His promise assures us, THE LORD WILL PROVIDE!
The bird without barn or storehouse are fed
From them let us learn to trust for our bread
His saints what is needed shall ne’er be denied
So long as ‘tis written, THE LORD WILL PROVIDE!
His call we obey like Abram of old
We know not the way, but faith makes us bold
For though we are strangers, we have a sure guide
And know in all dangers, THE LORD WILL PROVIDE!
No strength of our own, nor goodness we claim
Our trust is all cast on His precious Name
In this our strong refuge for safety we hide
The Lord is our refuge, THE LORD WILL PROVIDE!
When life is most o’er and death is in view
The Word of His grace will see us safe through
Not fearing nor doubting, with Christ on our side
We hope to die shouting, THE LORD WILL PROVIDE!
(Tune: “O Worship the King” p. 1)
We rejoice with Becky Kess who will confess Christ in believer’s baptism at the close of the service this morning.
All ladies are invited to a baby shower for Mark & Jessica Mohr on Saturday, September 9th at 10:30 am. The invitation is in the foyer.
21st – Mark Ham 21st – Jalen Whitehead 22nd – Charlie Walmsley
23rd- Rich Byrd 24th – John Greenleaf 24th – Don Willis
“He that covereth a transgression seeketh love; but he that repeateth a matter separateth very friends.” - Proverbs 17:9
“I knew thee, that thou art an hard man, reaping where thou hast not sown, and gathering where thou hast not strewed.” –Matt. 25:24
This was the attitude of the servant who was given one talent by his master. Unlike the other two who traded with the talents given them and they gained more. He demonstrated what he thought of his master! Like the man who distorts the sovereignty of God and uses it as an excuse for inaction. He did nothing with the talent he was given and returns it with no gains, blaming it on the severity of his master. His master met him on the grounds he came! And that wicked and slothful servant was cast into outer darkness! If my view of God is the view of that servant, and my understanding of His sovereignty makes me inactive and fatalistic, I like that servant will be cast into outer darkness where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
“And if ye salute your brethren only, what do ye more
than others? Do not even the publican so?” - Matthew 5:47
If I have been saved by the grace of God, I ought to do more than others. Look what He has done for me! He loved me before time began, gave His Son to die for my sin, gave me His very righteousness, and put His Spirit within me. Should I not do more than others? None should be more grateful than me! Certainly none are more indebted to His grace than me. Therefore I ought to do more than others. Sovereign grace is not a reason to do less. It is a reason to do more! The one who really believes grace will do more than the one who believes law. He will love more, forgive more, give more, and do more. Child of God, we ought to do more than others!
In John 17 we have the Lord Jesus praying to His Father as the Great High Priest. Who is He praying for? He tells us in verse 9, “I pray for them: I pray not for the world, but for them which Thou hast given Me: for they are Thine!” The implications of that are far reaching! A man would be a fool to not seek out what those implications are and what they mean! I hope you and I do so at once!
One of the things that I have learned is, hungry people eat, thirsty people drink, and everyone else just picks at it. So it is with the Gospel. - John Chapman
Our Lord had no home, no bed, nowhere to lay His head down at night to sleep, frequently using rocks as pillows while sleeping outside…yet none ever slept as sound and sweet as our Savior slept, for when He laid His head down at night, He would swiftly drift off into the sweet sleep of faith, trusting His Father would watch over Him, controlling everything and everyone around Him.
“And, behold, there arose a great tempest in the sea, insomuch that the ship was covered with the waves: but He was asleep” (Matt. 8:24). The disciples are holding on for dear life as the boat rocks violently back and forth, yet they still have to go awaken the Savior from deep sleep as they cry for help! Oh, for faith to sleep like our Savior slept! Even as the waves of life crash down around us all day long, slowly filling us with stress and anxiety as the day wears on, minds still swimming with thoughts as our heads hit the pillow. Lord, cause us to lay down in peaceful sleep, knowing and trusting that all of the day’s events were for our good and Your glory. No need to even worry about what tomorrow will bring, for He will surely take care of us again… “I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep: for thou, LORD, only makest me dwell in safety” (Ps. 4:8). Lord, increase our faith! Amen.
- Brian DuFour
Scripture, not logic, is our rule of faith; not one or two statements taken out of their context, but the whole analogy of faith. Error is truth perverted, truth distorted, truth out of proportion. To short-sighted human reason there appears to be a clash between Divine justice and Divine mercy, between God’s sovereignty and man’s responsibility; between law and grace, between faith and good works; but he who is really taught of the Spirit, is enabled to discern their perfect consistency.
- A. W. Pink
Justification, as it is revealed in Holy Scripture, is much more than a mere forensic (legal) standing. It is a state of being (Rom. 5:1-11). It is more than a judicial declaration. Justification is the real emancipation of our souls in Christ. To be justified before God is to be free of guilt in your conscience by the sprinkling of Christ’s blood, that is by the Spirit’s application of Christ’s atonement (Heb. 9:14).
- Don Fortner
Regeneration makes no alteration on the flesh, but the Spirit. There is nothing in the flesh made holy. And there is nothing in the spirit left unholy. - Robert Hawker
August 13, 2023
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
When all Thy mercies, O my God
My grateful soul surveys
Transported with the view, I’m lost
In wonder, love, and praise
In wonder, love, and praise!
When in the slipp’ry paths of youth
With heedless steps I ran
Thine arm unseen, conveyed me safe
And held me in Thy hand
And held me in Thy hand.
When worn with trouble, oft hast Thou
With love revealed Thy grace
And when in sin and sorrow sunk
In mercy took my place
In mercy took my place.
Through all eternity, to Thee
A grateful song I’ll raise
For O, eternity’s too short
To utter all Thy praise
To utter all Thy praise!
(Tune: “Majestic Sweetness”)
All ladies are invited to a baby shower for Mark & Jessica Mohr on Saturday, September 9th at 10:30 am. The invitation is in the foyer.
13th – Sarah Gudowicz 14th – David DuFour 15th – Jan Carver
15th – Delphus Grubb 16th – Lauren Kelly 17th – Olivia Williams
18th – Molly Mohr 19th – Nora Imes 19th – Allison Vincent 19th – Sharon Vincent
“Debate thy cause with thy neighbor himself; and discover not a secret to another: Lest he that heareth it put thee to shame, and thine infamy turn not away.” - Proverbs 25:9-10
Paul said, “Therefore I endure all things for the elect’s sake, that they may also obtain the salvation which is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory” (II Timothy 2:10). Paul knew all of the elect would most certainly be saved. And he knew it would we through them hearing and believing the Gospel. Paul did not have a fatalistic or indifferent attitude. He said in the previous verse because of his preaching of the Gospel, “Wherein I suffer trouble, as an evil doer, even unto bonds.” He said in Acts 20:23 he knew that in every city he went, “bonds and afflictions abide me.” Yet, he was willing to live that life for the “elect’s sake”. Election does not bring with it a fatalistic or indifferent attitude toward the salvation of others. The Lord said, “Follow Me and I will make you fishers of men.” A part of following Christ is being a fisher of men. May our first passion be His glory, and the passion that arises from that. “Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature.” If we do not have a zeal for this, may that change today!
“Follow after charity” (I Cor. 14:1). Make love your pursuit and aim. I want to be one who genuinely loves the Lord Jesus Christ and I want that love to increase. I want to genuinely love my brethren in Christ and I want that love to increase. I want to love every man that does not know Christ and see their salvation. Paul ended I Corinthians 13:13….. “And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity…. Follow after charity.” May the Lord enable us to make that our aim in all we do.
God’s grace is always saving grace. Any kind of grace from God that does not save is not God’s grace. “By grace ye are saved.”
“Be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear.” - I Peter 3:15
I should have people asking me of the reason for the hope that is in me. The people who see me should be affected by what they see! They should see me as different. Someone without a “holier than thou” attitude. They should see someone with genuine humility that comes from knowing God. They should see someone they do no feel judged or threatened by. They should see someone who treats them kindly and graciously. They should see someone who by faith walks with God amidst all of the turmoil that is in the world. We desire for God to give us grace to walk in that way for them to see, so they will ask the reason for the hope we have that enables us to walk that way! Then we could give them the reason…. All of my hope is found in Christ. Not in my works, but Him keeping the law for me, dying for my sins, and being raised for my justification. That only is the reason for my hope!
“And the Lord hardened the heart of Pharaoh” (Ex. 9:12). God cannot sin, and will not cause men to sin, for sin is our own fault – “Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man: but every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed” (James 1:13-14).
Pharaoh could not say his hardened heart was God’s fault, yet at the same time the Lord says that he hardened Pharaoh’s heart. Does Scripture contradict itself? Never! Scripture is perfect, just as God is perfect. And He tells us in Scripture how Pharaoh’s heart was hardened, “So I gave them up unto their own hearts lust: and they walked in their own counsels” (Ps. 81:12). The word “lust” in this verse could just as easily been translated “hardness, obstinate.” That is how Pharaoh’s heart, or anyone’s heart, is hardened – the Lord gives them up, leaves them to themselves, and the hard heart they were born with in the flesh…with the result being that they walk in the way of their own counsels, the way of works, the way of self, the way of the flesh.
May the Lord never leave us to ourselves, a hard heart and eternal death are the sure results. May He cause the following verse to be our prayer and desire…“A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh” (Ez. 36:36).
– Brian DuFour
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
When all Thy mercies, O my God
My grateful soul surveys
Transported with the view, I’m lost
In wonder, love, and praise
In wonder, love, and praise!
When in the slipp’ry paths of youth
With heedless steps I ran
Thine arm unseen, conveyed me safe
And held me in Thy hand
And held me in Thy hand.
When worn with trouble, oft hast Thou
With love revealed Thy grace
And when in sin and sorrow sunk
In mercy took my place
In mercy took my place.
Through all eternity, to Thee
A grateful song I’ll raise
For O, eternity’s too short
To utter all Thy praise
To utter all Thy praise!
(Tune: “Majestic Sweetness”)
All ladies are invited to a baby shower for Mark & Jessica Mohr on Saturday, September 9th at 10:30 am. The invitation is in the foyer.
13th – Sarah Gudowicz 14th – David DuFour 15th – Jan Carver
15th – Delphus Grubb 16th – Lauren Kelly 17th – Olivia Williams
18th – Molly Mohr 19th – Nora Imes 19th – Allison Vincent 19th – Sharon Vincent
“Debate thy cause with thy neighbor himself; and discover not a secret to another: Lest he that heareth it put thee to shame, and thine infamy turn not away.” - Proverbs 25:9-10
Paul said, “Therefore I endure all things for the elect’s sake, that they may also obtain the salvation which is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory” (II Timothy 2:10). Paul knew all of the elect would most certainly be saved. And he knew it would we through them hearing and believing the Gospel. Paul did not have a fatalistic or indifferent attitude. He said in the previous verse because of his preaching of the Gospel, “Wherein I suffer trouble, as an evil doer, even unto bonds.” He said in Acts 20:23 he knew that in every city he went, “bonds and afflictions abide me.” Yet, he was willing to live that life for the “elect’s sake”. Election does not bring with it a fatalistic or indifferent attitude toward the salvation of others. The Lord said, “Follow Me and I will make you fishers of men.” A part of following Christ is being a fisher of men. May our first passion be His glory, and the passion that arises from that. “Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature.” If we do not have a zeal for this, may that change today!
“Follow after charity” (I Cor. 14:1). Make love your pursuit and aim. I want to be one who genuinely loves the Lord Jesus Christ and I want that love to increase. I want to genuinely love my brethren in Christ and I want that love to increase. I want to love every man that does not know Christ and see their salvation. Paul ended I Corinthians 13:13….. “And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity…. Follow after charity.” May the Lord enable us to make that our aim in all we do.
God’s grace is always saving grace. Any kind of grace from God that does not save is not God’s grace. “By grace ye are saved.”
“Be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear.” - I Peter 3:15
I should have people asking me of the reason for the hope that is in me. The people who see me should be affected by what they see! They should see me as different. Someone without a “holier than thou” attitude. They should see someone with genuine humility that comes from knowing God. They should see someone they do no feel judged or threatened by. They should see someone who treats them kindly and graciously. They should see someone who by faith walks with God amidst all of the turmoil that is in the world. We desire for God to give us grace to walk in that way for them to see, so they will ask the reason for the hope we have that enables us to walk that way! Then we could give them the reason…. All of my hope is found in Christ. Not in my works, but Him keeping the law for me, dying for my sins, and being raised for my justification. That only is the reason for my hope!
“And the Lord hardened the heart of Pharaoh” (Ex. 9:12). God cannot sin, and will not cause men to sin, for sin is our own fault – “Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man: but every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed” (James 1:13-14).
Pharaoh could not say his hardened heart was God’s fault, yet at the same time the Lord says that he hardened Pharaoh’s heart. Does Scripture contradict itself? Never! Scripture is perfect, just as God is perfect. And He tells us in Scripture how Pharaoh’s heart was hardened, “So I gave them up unto their own hearts lust: and they walked in their own counsels” (Ps. 81:12). The word “lust” in this verse could just as easily been translated “hardness, obstinate.” That is how Pharaoh’s heart, or anyone’s heart, is hardened – the Lord gives them up, leaves them to themselves, and the hard heart they were born with in the flesh…with the result being that they walk in the way of their own counsels, the way of works, the way of self, the way of the flesh.
May the Lord never leave us to ourselves, a hard heart and eternal death are the sure results. May He cause the following verse to be our prayer and desire…“A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh” (Ez. 36:36).
– Brian DuFour
August 6, 2023
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Thy mercy, My God, is the theme of my song
The joy of my heart, the boast of my tongue
Thy free grace alone, from the first to the last
Hath won my affection and bound my heart fast.
For unworthy sinners my Lord bowed His head
For unworthy sinners He suffered and bled
My spirit rejoices, the work it is done
My soul is redeemed, and salvation is won!
Great God of mercies, Thy goodness I own
And the covenant of love of Thy glorified Son
All praise to the Saviour whose blood so Divine
Sealed pardon and mercy and righteousness mine.
Great God of Glory, how rich is Thy grace!
What wonderful love is revealed in Thy face!
Lord, Jesus, Beloved, we’re washed in Thy blood
With hope we shall stand at the Throne of our God.
(Tune: “How Firm a Foundation” p.268)
We will observe the Lord’s Table this evening.
6th- Kristen Hands 6th – Shawn Benton 7th – Leti Anguiano
7th – Lee Anne Walmsley 7th – Isaac Williams 10th – Eric Wilson
“Be thou not envious against evil men, neither desire to be with them.” – Proverbs 24:1
“Your Father knoweth what things ye have need of before ye ask Him” (Matthew 6:8). What a Provider our Heavenly Father is! And He already knows what it is we need. We ask Him to give us what He knows we need. Later in the chapter He said in Matthew 6:31, “Therefore take no thought saying, What shall we eat? or what shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” All we need He already knows and will provide. We are not to worry about these things. That is dishonoring to our Father. Here is what we are to seek first….the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, with the full assurance that, “All these things shall be added unto you.” Anxiousness prevents us from seeking Him and His righteousness first!
“This persuasion cometh not of Him that calleth you.” This tells us that we can hold something as true and coming form God that did not really come from Him and His Word. Paul went on to say, “A little leaven leaventh the whole lump.” In the context he was speaking to those seeking to add something to Christ (Galatians 5:1-4). If I put one work that I must first do before I can be saved, or if I do one work that I believe makes me more saved; that is the leaven that leaveneth the whole lump. I am foolish if I presumptuously think this could not happen to me!
He that preaches Christ, preaches the Gospel; he who does not preach Christ preaches no gospel. It is no more possible for there to be a gospel without Christ than a day without the sun, or a river without water, or a living man without a head, or quickened human body without a soul. No, Christ Himself is the life, soul, substance, and essence of the mystery of the Gospel of God. - C. H. Spurgeon
We did not ask God to elect us. We did not ask God to make a covenant of grace. We did not ask God to redeem us by the blood of His Son. All of these things were done before we were born.
– C. H. Spurgeon
Faith is like an empty, open hand stretched out toward God, with nothing to offer and everything to receive. - John Calvin
There are many things that are important to us; our families, careers, health, etc. However, there is one thing that surpasses all other and it is our union to Christ. Nothing compares to this. It is the one thing needful above all others. Without Christ we are lost, our life on this earth is vanity, useless, but not so in Christ. In Christ we are loved, redeemed, forgiven, accepted, pardoned, and righteous. Let us never lose sight of what really is important. “But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her” (Luke 10:42). - John Chapman
The vital thing to understand about the blood of Christ is this: IT IS ENOUGH! Nothing else is needed to accomplish the salvation of all for whom His blood was shed. Not His blood plus my works; not His blood plus my “decision”; not His blood plus the ordinances; not His blood plus church membership; not even His blood plus my faith – His blood purchased my faith. HIS BLOOD ALONE paid the price required by His justice, and His blood alone can make a sinner clean. “By His own blood he entered in once into the holy place, having OBTAINED (not made possible) eternal redemption for us (Heb. 9:12).
– Donnie Bell
Recently I had two conversations about the Gospel with two separate individuals. They both ended the same way. After it was clear that we did not agree on anything concerning the Person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ, both men said; “Well, at least we are brothers in Christ.” Oh, how I wish they had said something else. I had rather they accused me of not being saved. This parting statement revealed two things to me. One, they thought our differences were minor. They could not see that we worshipped two different Gods. Two, they needed my affirmation of their salvation. So it is with those who have a false gospel. They are unable to make righteous judgments and they need the affirmation of men for their assurance. Lord, give us clarity on discerning Truth from error, and allow us not to find comfort anywhere outside of Thee. - Greg Elmquist
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Thy mercy, My God, is the theme of my song
The joy of my heart, the boast of my tongue
Thy free grace alone, from the first to the last
Hath won my affection and bound my heart fast.
For unworthy sinners my Lord bowed His head
For unworthy sinners He suffered and bled
My spirit rejoices, the work it is done
My soul is redeemed, and salvation is won!
Great God of mercies, Thy goodness I own
And the covenant of love of Thy glorified Son
All praise to the Saviour whose blood so Divine
Sealed pardon and mercy and righteousness mine.
Great God of Glory, how rich is Thy grace!
What wonderful love is revealed in Thy face!
Lord, Jesus, Beloved, we’re washed in Thy blood
With hope we shall stand at the Throne of our God.
(Tune: “How Firm a Foundation” p.268)
We will observe the Lord’s Table this evening.
6th- Kristen Hands 6th – Shawn Benton 7th – Leti Anguiano
7th – Lee Anne Walmsley 7th – Isaac Williams 10th – Eric Wilson
“Be thou not envious against evil men, neither desire to be with them.” – Proverbs 24:1
“Your Father knoweth what things ye have need of before ye ask Him” (Matthew 6:8). What a Provider our Heavenly Father is! And He already knows what it is we need. We ask Him to give us what He knows we need. Later in the chapter He said in Matthew 6:31, “Therefore take no thought saying, What shall we eat? or what shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” All we need He already knows and will provide. We are not to worry about these things. That is dishonoring to our Father. Here is what we are to seek first….the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, with the full assurance that, “All these things shall be added unto you.” Anxiousness prevents us from seeking Him and His righteousness first!
“This persuasion cometh not of Him that calleth you.” This tells us that we can hold something as true and coming form God that did not really come from Him and His Word. Paul went on to say, “A little leaven leaventh the whole lump.” In the context he was speaking to those seeking to add something to Christ (Galatians 5:1-4). If I put one work that I must first do before I can be saved, or if I do one work that I believe makes me more saved; that is the leaven that leaveneth the whole lump. I am foolish if I presumptuously think this could not happen to me!
He that preaches Christ, preaches the Gospel; he who does not preach Christ preaches no gospel. It is no more possible for there to be a gospel without Christ than a day without the sun, or a river without water, or a living man without a head, or quickened human body without a soul. No, Christ Himself is the life, soul, substance, and essence of the mystery of the Gospel of God. - C. H. Spurgeon
We did not ask God to elect us. We did not ask God to make a covenant of grace. We did not ask God to redeem us by the blood of His Son. All of these things were done before we were born.
– C. H. Spurgeon
Faith is like an empty, open hand stretched out toward God, with nothing to offer and everything to receive. - John Calvin
There are many things that are important to us; our families, careers, health, etc. However, there is one thing that surpasses all other and it is our union to Christ. Nothing compares to this. It is the one thing needful above all others. Without Christ we are lost, our life on this earth is vanity, useless, but not so in Christ. In Christ we are loved, redeemed, forgiven, accepted, pardoned, and righteous. Let us never lose sight of what really is important. “But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her” (Luke 10:42). - John Chapman
The vital thing to understand about the blood of Christ is this: IT IS ENOUGH! Nothing else is needed to accomplish the salvation of all for whom His blood was shed. Not His blood plus my works; not His blood plus my “decision”; not His blood plus the ordinances; not His blood plus church membership; not even His blood plus my faith – His blood purchased my faith. HIS BLOOD ALONE paid the price required by His justice, and His blood alone can make a sinner clean. “By His own blood he entered in once into the holy place, having OBTAINED (not made possible) eternal redemption for us (Heb. 9:12).
– Donnie Bell
Recently I had two conversations about the Gospel with two separate individuals. They both ended the same way. After it was clear that we did not agree on anything concerning the Person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ, both men said; “Well, at least we are brothers in Christ.” Oh, how I wish they had said something else. I had rather they accused me of not being saved. This parting statement revealed two things to me. One, they thought our differences were minor. They could not see that we worshipped two different Gods. Two, they needed my affirmation of their salvation. So it is with those who have a false gospel. They are unable to make righteous judgments and they need the affirmation of men for their assurance. Lord, give us clarity on discerning Truth from error, and allow us not to find comfort anywhere outside of Thee. - Greg Elmquist
July 30, 2023
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Sons we are, through God’s election
Who in Jesus Christ believe
By eternal destination
Sovereign grace we here receive
Lord Thy mercy, Lord Thy mercy, Does both grace and glory give!
Every fallen soul, by sinning
Merits everlasting pain
But Thy love, without beginning
Has restored Thy sons again
All Thy people, All Thy people, Shall by grace through Jesus reign.
Pause my soul! Adore and wonder!
Ask, “O why such love to me?”
Grace has put me in the number
Of the Saviour’s family
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Thank, eternal thanks to Thee.
When the Angel sounds the trumpet
When my soul and body join
When my Saviour comes to judgment
Bright in Majesty Divine
Let me triumph, Let me triumph, In Thy righteousness as mine.
(Tune: “Angels, from the Realms of Glory” p. 99)
Congratulations to Andy and Rachelle Davis on their marriage!
1st – Lilyanna Scifres 4th – Brodi Profitt
“Seest thou a man wise in his own conceit? There is more hope of a fool than of him.” - Proverbs 26:12
“With the heart man believeth”
“The heart” is not a reference to the physical muscle that pumps blood throughout the body, but the whole man. This includes his consciousness, understanding, affections, and will. I understand that “Christ is All” in my salvation. Not only do I understand this …it is my desire for Christ to be all in my salvation and I love Christ being all in my salvation, and I love Him who is all in my salvation. Only heart faith comprehends the understanding, the affections, and the will. In false religion, it is never heart faith. The appeal of reformed religion is the understanding, the appeal of arminianism is the will, the appeal of the charismatic movement is the affections and emotions. But it is only the Gospel that causes heart faith, which includes the understanding, affections, and will. Truly, “With the heart man believeth unto righteousness.” He understands, loves, and desires Christ as his only righteousness before God!
In Isaiah’s times, Israel had once again fallen back into just going through the routine of religion…still outwardly observing ceremonies and sacrifices, but not in faith, not looking to the One these sacrifices pointed to. I fear this happens with us at times…we go through the routine of attending services three times a week, just going through the outward motions of religion, not entering into the joy of the Gospel, without any true heart worship and faith in Christ.
There can be various reasons for this, but the state of luke-warmness is usually behind it all. Things are going good materially and spiritually, I really do not have many needs, it’s all good! And just as the Lord rebuked the church of Laodicea, we now hear the same rebuke – “Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked” (Rev. 3:17).
In my flesh, am I still the chief of sinners? Is my heart still desperately wicked? Yes, and yes. Therefore, I am always a sinner in need of a Savior, needing to hear the Good News of the Gospel, needing to worship and thank my Heavenly Father for eternally justifying and sanctifying me through the blood and righteousness of His Dear Son. Lord, I cannot make myself needy, but You can…please work in me to will and to do of your good pleasure, and make me to be a poor and needy sinner, in need of the Savior! - Brian DuFour
The believer has the new nature that never sins and the old nature that always sins. This does not provide him with an excuse for sin nor a reason to not battle his sin. But it does explain why he is so sinful. Amazingly and mysteriously, it is the new man that owns and confesses the sins of the old man! Oh that day that I stand before God in judgment, due to my union with Jesus Christ, I will not stand, “Just as if I had never sinned.” I will stand as one, “Who has never sinned.” That is what true justification does for this sinner. - David Eddmenson
Here are a “few words’ that when spoken truthfully, before God with a heart of repentance, prove to be eternally profitable for a sinner.
“Yes, Lord.”
“Lord, help me.”
“Lord, save me.”
“Lord, have mercy on me.”
“Lord, forgive me.”
“Lord, if you will you can make me clean.”
“Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief.”
“Lord, not my will but Thine be done.”
-David Eddmenson
The emphasis of a false profession of faith is always put on what the sinner does. “I” love Jesus. “I” accepted Him. “I” decided and “I” came. “I” let Him have His way. “I” gave Him my heart. “I” made Jesus Lord of my life. There is no “I” in grace. – Rick Warta
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Sons we are, through God’s election
Who in Jesus Christ believe
By eternal destination
Sovereign grace we here receive
Lord Thy mercy, Lord Thy mercy, Does both grace and glory give!
Every fallen soul, by sinning
Merits everlasting pain
But Thy love, without beginning
Has restored Thy sons again
All Thy people, All Thy people, Shall by grace through Jesus reign.
Pause my soul! Adore and wonder!
Ask, “O why such love to me?”
Grace has put me in the number
Of the Saviour’s family
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Thank, eternal thanks to Thee.
When the Angel sounds the trumpet
When my soul and body join
When my Saviour comes to judgment
Bright in Majesty Divine
Let me triumph, Let me triumph, In Thy righteousness as mine.
(Tune: “Angels, from the Realms of Glory” p. 99)
Congratulations to Andy and Rachelle Davis on their marriage!
1st – Lilyanna Scifres 4th – Brodi Profitt
“Seest thou a man wise in his own conceit? There is more hope of a fool than of him.” - Proverbs 26:12
“With the heart man believeth”
“The heart” is not a reference to the physical muscle that pumps blood throughout the body, but the whole man. This includes his consciousness, understanding, affections, and will. I understand that “Christ is All” in my salvation. Not only do I understand this …it is my desire for Christ to be all in my salvation and I love Christ being all in my salvation, and I love Him who is all in my salvation. Only heart faith comprehends the understanding, the affections, and the will. In false religion, it is never heart faith. The appeal of reformed religion is the understanding, the appeal of arminianism is the will, the appeal of the charismatic movement is the affections and emotions. But it is only the Gospel that causes heart faith, which includes the understanding, affections, and will. Truly, “With the heart man believeth unto righteousness.” He understands, loves, and desires Christ as his only righteousness before God!
In Isaiah’s times, Israel had once again fallen back into just going through the routine of religion…still outwardly observing ceremonies and sacrifices, but not in faith, not looking to the One these sacrifices pointed to. I fear this happens with us at times…we go through the routine of attending services three times a week, just going through the outward motions of religion, not entering into the joy of the Gospel, without any true heart worship and faith in Christ.
There can be various reasons for this, but the state of luke-warmness is usually behind it all. Things are going good materially and spiritually, I really do not have many needs, it’s all good! And just as the Lord rebuked the church of Laodicea, we now hear the same rebuke – “Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked” (Rev. 3:17).
In my flesh, am I still the chief of sinners? Is my heart still desperately wicked? Yes, and yes. Therefore, I am always a sinner in need of a Savior, needing to hear the Good News of the Gospel, needing to worship and thank my Heavenly Father for eternally justifying and sanctifying me through the blood and righteousness of His Dear Son. Lord, I cannot make myself needy, but You can…please work in me to will and to do of your good pleasure, and make me to be a poor and needy sinner, in need of the Savior! - Brian DuFour
The believer has the new nature that never sins and the old nature that always sins. This does not provide him with an excuse for sin nor a reason to not battle his sin. But it does explain why he is so sinful. Amazingly and mysteriously, it is the new man that owns and confesses the sins of the old man! Oh that day that I stand before God in judgment, due to my union with Jesus Christ, I will not stand, “Just as if I had never sinned.” I will stand as one, “Who has never sinned.” That is what true justification does for this sinner. - David Eddmenson
Here are a “few words’ that when spoken truthfully, before God with a heart of repentance, prove to be eternally profitable for a sinner.
“Yes, Lord.”
“Lord, help me.”
“Lord, save me.”
“Lord, have mercy on me.”
“Lord, forgive me.”
“Lord, if you will you can make me clean.”
“Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief.”
“Lord, not my will but Thine be done.”
-David Eddmenson
The emphasis of a false profession of faith is always put on what the sinner does. “I” love Jesus. “I” accepted Him. “I” decided and “I” came. “I” let Him have His way. “I” gave Him my heart. “I” made Jesus Lord of my life. There is no “I” in grace. – Rick Warta
July 23, 2023
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Behold the Throne of grace
His promise calls us near
There Jesus shows His lovely face
And lives to hear our prayer.
That rich, atoning blood
Which at the cross we see
Provides for those who come to God
And all-sufficient plea.
Thy mercy, Lord, bestow
Thy presence and Thy love
We ask to serve Thee here below
And reign with Thee above.
Abiding in Thy faith
Our will conformed to Thine
Let us victorious be in death
And then in glory shine.
(Tune: “I Love Thy Kingdom” p.188)
Bible Conference July 28-30 Redeemer Grace Church - Sellersburg, IN
24th – Brian DuFour 25th – Ellen Willis 26th – James Lynn
27th – Kelli Proffitt 29th – Rachel Clark
“Labor not to be rich: cease from thine own wisdom” - Proverbs 23:4
“To will is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I find not” (Romans 7:18). I would never sin again! I would be generous, quick to forgive, forget all past injustices toward me, and take the lowest seat in the room. I would be rid of all pride, all bad motives, all sinful and selfish desires. I would never harbor a judgmental thought to anyone again. I would love and pray for those who wish me ill. I would be just like my Lord! To will is present with me. But it is equally true that to perform what I desire, I find not! Not one time have I ever performed the good that I would! The will is the will of the new man! The inability to perform what I would is because of the old man that I still posses. As frustrating as this is, the blessed day is coming when I will no longer have the old man to contend with! That will be when we see Him as He is, and be just like Him! (I John 3:2)
You can buy most anything these days, and use one of many methods to pay for your purchase – Mastercard, Visa, Discover, Apple Pay, Venmo, Pay Pal, cash, bit coins, and the list goes on and on. This world’s religion takes the same approach, each advocating their own way to earn God’s favor/pay your way into heaven – winning souls, daily prayer and devotion, walking an aisle, reciting the sinner’s prayer, baptism, keeping the ten commandments, victory over sin, mission work, and the list goes on and on. But as always, we must see what Scripture declares, and here it is – “For the wages of sin is death” (Rom. 6:23). Eternal death is the one payment due for sin, and you must either pay for it yourself by spending eternity in hell, or someone must pay the price for you. And that is exactly what our precious Savior did for His people, when His Father nailed Him to that tree as the sin-bearing substitute – “Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us” (Gal. 3:13). Full payment has been made, the full price of salvation is paid, salvation’s work is complete, it is finished! Lord, give us grace to simply rest in Christ, come to Christ, run to Christ, believe on Christ…and may we be given grace to rejoice in this precious Truth, that every believer has been “Justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus” (Rom 3:24). – Brian DuFour
The old truth preached by Spurgeon, Bunyan, the reformers, and the apostles, is the Truth that we must preach today or else be liars to our consciences and to our God. We dare not try to shape Truth or smooth away the sharp edges of the doctrines. Mankind is still DEPRAVED (totally), God has ELECTED a people, Christ sufficiently and EFFECTUALLY REDEEMED the elect, the Holy Spirit will CALL out His sheep through the preaching of the Gospel, and all whom He justifies and calls will PERSEVERE! Some ministers profess to be SOUND in grace, but it does not sound like grace when they preach it.
- Henry Mahan
Nothing can give perfect peace of conscience with God but what can make atonement for sin. And whoever attempts it in any other way but by virtue of Christ’s atonement will never attain it, in this world or hereafter. - John Owen
It was to SAVE sinners that Christ Jesus came into the world. He did not come to help them to save themselves, nor to induce them to save themselves, nor even to enable them to save themselves. He came to SAVE THEM! - William Hendriksen
The strongest inducement for a Christian to obey God is the fact that he has already been graciously pardoned in Christ for having disobeyed. - Unknown
The doctrine of universal atonement is nothing short of universal blasphemy, asserting that Christ died in vain for the multitudes who perish in hell. - Don Fortner
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Behold the Throne of grace
His promise calls us near
There Jesus shows His lovely face
And lives to hear our prayer.
That rich, atoning blood
Which at the cross we see
Provides for those who come to God
And all-sufficient plea.
Thy mercy, Lord, bestow
Thy presence and Thy love
We ask to serve Thee here below
And reign with Thee above.
Abiding in Thy faith
Our will conformed to Thine
Let us victorious be in death
And then in glory shine.
(Tune: “I Love Thy Kingdom” p.188)
Bible Conference July 28-30 Redeemer Grace Church - Sellersburg, IN
24th – Brian DuFour 25th – Ellen Willis 26th – James Lynn
27th – Kelli Proffitt 29th – Rachel Clark
“Labor not to be rich: cease from thine own wisdom” - Proverbs 23:4
“To will is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I find not” (Romans 7:18). I would never sin again! I would be generous, quick to forgive, forget all past injustices toward me, and take the lowest seat in the room. I would be rid of all pride, all bad motives, all sinful and selfish desires. I would never harbor a judgmental thought to anyone again. I would love and pray for those who wish me ill. I would be just like my Lord! To will is present with me. But it is equally true that to perform what I desire, I find not! Not one time have I ever performed the good that I would! The will is the will of the new man! The inability to perform what I would is because of the old man that I still posses. As frustrating as this is, the blessed day is coming when I will no longer have the old man to contend with! That will be when we see Him as He is, and be just like Him! (I John 3:2)
You can buy most anything these days, and use one of many methods to pay for your purchase – Mastercard, Visa, Discover, Apple Pay, Venmo, Pay Pal, cash, bit coins, and the list goes on and on. This world’s religion takes the same approach, each advocating their own way to earn God’s favor/pay your way into heaven – winning souls, daily prayer and devotion, walking an aisle, reciting the sinner’s prayer, baptism, keeping the ten commandments, victory over sin, mission work, and the list goes on and on. But as always, we must see what Scripture declares, and here it is – “For the wages of sin is death” (Rom. 6:23). Eternal death is the one payment due for sin, and you must either pay for it yourself by spending eternity in hell, or someone must pay the price for you. And that is exactly what our precious Savior did for His people, when His Father nailed Him to that tree as the sin-bearing substitute – “Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us” (Gal. 3:13). Full payment has been made, the full price of salvation is paid, salvation’s work is complete, it is finished! Lord, give us grace to simply rest in Christ, come to Christ, run to Christ, believe on Christ…and may we be given grace to rejoice in this precious Truth, that every believer has been “Justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus” (Rom 3:24). – Brian DuFour
The old truth preached by Spurgeon, Bunyan, the reformers, and the apostles, is the Truth that we must preach today or else be liars to our consciences and to our God. We dare not try to shape Truth or smooth away the sharp edges of the doctrines. Mankind is still DEPRAVED (totally), God has ELECTED a people, Christ sufficiently and EFFECTUALLY REDEEMED the elect, the Holy Spirit will CALL out His sheep through the preaching of the Gospel, and all whom He justifies and calls will PERSEVERE! Some ministers profess to be SOUND in grace, but it does not sound like grace when they preach it.
- Henry Mahan
Nothing can give perfect peace of conscience with God but what can make atonement for sin. And whoever attempts it in any other way but by virtue of Christ’s atonement will never attain it, in this world or hereafter. - John Owen
It was to SAVE sinners that Christ Jesus came into the world. He did not come to help them to save themselves, nor to induce them to save themselves, nor even to enable them to save themselves. He came to SAVE THEM! - William Hendriksen
The strongest inducement for a Christian to obey God is the fact that he has already been graciously pardoned in Christ for having disobeyed. - Unknown
The doctrine of universal atonement is nothing short of universal blasphemy, asserting that Christ died in vain for the multitudes who perish in hell. - Don Fortner
July 16, 2023
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Sovereign grace o’er sin abounding
Ransomed souls the tidings swell
‘Tis a deep that knows no sounding
Who its length or breadth can tell
On its glories, On its glories
Let my soul forever dwell, Let my soul forever dwell.
Who from Christ my soul can sever
Bound by everlasting bands
Once in Christ, in Him forever
The eternal covenant stands!
None can pluck us, None can pluck us
From the blessed Savior’s hands, From the blessed Savior’s hands.
On such love, my soul, still ponder
Love so great, so rich, so free
Say, while deep in holy wonder
Why, O Lord, such love to me
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Grace shall reign eternally, Grace shall reign eternally!
(Tune: “Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah” p. 291)
16th – David Vincent 19th – Ida Isaac
Bible Conference July 28-30 Redeemer Grace Church - Sellersburg, IN
Kindness is never wrong. Meanness is always wrong! If I am kind to a fallen man, does that mean that I condone his fall? Of course not! It means I know what it is to fall, and I want to help the fallen.
Some attempt to excuse their meanness toward others under the guise of loving the Truth, maintaining church discipline, and reproving sin. But these things never excuse or condone any lack of kindness. Our danger is being self-righteous to the point of meanness. God give me grace to be kind to sinners like myself. Amen! - Don Fortner
“Seest thou a man wise in his own conceit? There is more hope of a fool than of him.” - Proverbs 26:12
Aaron is called in Psalm 106:16, “The saint of the Lord.” Without question he was a believer. But he was a weak man. When the children of Israel told him to make them gods which would go before them, Aaron complied and became the chief participant in this great sin (Ex. 32:1-5). Moses said to Aaron, “What did this people unto thee, that thou hast brought so great a sin upon them” (Ex. 32:22). Aaron refused to take responsibility…he said that the people were set on mischief, so they gave me gold, “And there came out this calf” (Ex. 32:24). He was the one who fashioned the golden calf with a graving tool (Ex. 32:2-4). Yet he would not admit responsibility!
If I blame someone or something else for my wrong behavior, my weakness in not the problem. It is someone or something else’s fault. But when I see it is my fault, because of my sinful weakness, I will cry to the Lord for strength, and He will help me. That is what Paul meant when he said, “When I am weak, then am I strong” (II Cor. 12:10). Wherever you find a person who refuses accountability and personal responsibility, you will find a person who remains a weakling. When somebody sees their sinful weakness is the problem, they will cry to the Lord for strength.
The Proper Order Of Salvation And Faith
Faith does not result in salvation, faith is the result of salvation. Faith is not a work that brings a result, faith is the result of a work already accomplished, Christ living and dying for His people.
Yes, Scripture does say, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved” (Acts 16:31), making it to appear that believing comes before the saving. But let’s think about this in the context of all Scripture, not just one verse. Scripture also says that all men are “Dead in trespasses and sins” (Eph. 2:1), and a spiritually dead man cannot believe or repent, for “No man can come to me” (John 6:44), no man has the ability to believe and trust on Christ. But thanks be to God, that verse is not finished – “No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him”, and now we see the true order. The drawing, the giving of live, the salvation comes first, and then the evidence of this salvation is faith in Christ, for “Faith is the evidence of things not seen” (Heb. 11:1). The inward, life-giving salvation of a sinner is not seen by man, but the outward evidence of this inward salvation is seen, faith in Christ, relying on Christ, trusting His finished work on that tree. Look at the order here. “Who hath saved us, and called us with a holy calling” (II Timothy 1:9). The saving comes first, then the calling, then faith. We are saved before we believe, not because we believe. - Brian DuFour
The doctrines we preach and love are not ere teachings of some particular method of plan, but the doctrines of Christ, who is our Gospel; Christ, who is sovereign over all flesh; Christ, whose grace is both sovereign and free. Not to preach a sovereign Christ is to preach another Christ. To preach another Christ is to preach another gospel (“Which is not another” Galatians 1:6-9). It is just that simple. Mark it down: you cannot separate Christ from the Gospel or the Gospel from Christ; for they are one and the same. Christ is sovereign over all things and over all flesh, giving life freely to whom He will. The message of life for poor guilty sinners is the message of the Christ of God, who saves sovereignly and freely, even the chief of sinners. – Maurice Montgomery
Man’s entire apostasy and death in sin, so that he cannot save himself, and God’s entire supremacy, so that He saves whom He will, are doctrines exceedingly distasteful to human pride. But they are Scriptural. Why was one thief saved and the other lost? “Even so Father for so it seemed good in Thy sight” (Matt. 11:25-27). God was not bound to save the one and He had power enough to have saved the other, and neither could save himself. What made the difference? The Sovereign Grace of God! - Horatius Bonar
The longer I live, the more I feel that if there were one thing left undone, if the devil were not conquered, sin not expiated, justice not satisfied, the law not honored and magnified, death not overcome, and every burden not carried, I should not have a ray of hope. I used to think I saw this as clear as the noon day thirty or forty years ago; but I saw it very differently then to what I see now; for I see and feel now that if one hair-breadth is left for me to do to merit heaven, or bring as a plea before God, I am undone for ever and ever. But on the Mount of Calvary, the Lord Jesus Christ undertook the cause of His people; and there is not a jot nor a tittle that He left undone, but, “By one offering He perfected for ever them that are sanctified” and “There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.” Here is complete perfection: Saved in the Lord with an everlasting salvation. - John Warburton, 1853
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Sovereign grace o’er sin abounding
Ransomed souls the tidings swell
‘Tis a deep that knows no sounding
Who its length or breadth can tell
On its glories, On its glories
Let my soul forever dwell, Let my soul forever dwell.
Who from Christ my soul can sever
Bound by everlasting bands
Once in Christ, in Him forever
The eternal covenant stands!
None can pluck us, None can pluck us
From the blessed Savior’s hands, From the blessed Savior’s hands.
On such love, my soul, still ponder
Love so great, so rich, so free
Say, while deep in holy wonder
Why, O Lord, such love to me
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Grace shall reign eternally, Grace shall reign eternally!
(Tune: “Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah” p. 291)
16th – David Vincent 19th – Ida Isaac
Bible Conference July 28-30 Redeemer Grace Church - Sellersburg, IN
Kindness is never wrong. Meanness is always wrong! If I am kind to a fallen man, does that mean that I condone his fall? Of course not! It means I know what it is to fall, and I want to help the fallen.
Some attempt to excuse their meanness toward others under the guise of loving the Truth, maintaining church discipline, and reproving sin. But these things never excuse or condone any lack of kindness. Our danger is being self-righteous to the point of meanness. God give me grace to be kind to sinners like myself. Amen! - Don Fortner
“Seest thou a man wise in his own conceit? There is more hope of a fool than of him.” - Proverbs 26:12
Aaron is called in Psalm 106:16, “The saint of the Lord.” Without question he was a believer. But he was a weak man. When the children of Israel told him to make them gods which would go before them, Aaron complied and became the chief participant in this great sin (Ex. 32:1-5). Moses said to Aaron, “What did this people unto thee, that thou hast brought so great a sin upon them” (Ex. 32:22). Aaron refused to take responsibility…he said that the people were set on mischief, so they gave me gold, “And there came out this calf” (Ex. 32:24). He was the one who fashioned the golden calf with a graving tool (Ex. 32:2-4). Yet he would not admit responsibility!
If I blame someone or something else for my wrong behavior, my weakness in not the problem. It is someone or something else’s fault. But when I see it is my fault, because of my sinful weakness, I will cry to the Lord for strength, and He will help me. That is what Paul meant when he said, “When I am weak, then am I strong” (II Cor. 12:10). Wherever you find a person who refuses accountability and personal responsibility, you will find a person who remains a weakling. When somebody sees their sinful weakness is the problem, they will cry to the Lord for strength.
The Proper Order Of Salvation And Faith
Faith does not result in salvation, faith is the result of salvation. Faith is not a work that brings a result, faith is the result of a work already accomplished, Christ living and dying for His people.
Yes, Scripture does say, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved” (Acts 16:31), making it to appear that believing comes before the saving. But let’s think about this in the context of all Scripture, not just one verse. Scripture also says that all men are “Dead in trespasses and sins” (Eph. 2:1), and a spiritually dead man cannot believe or repent, for “No man can come to me” (John 6:44), no man has the ability to believe and trust on Christ. But thanks be to God, that verse is not finished – “No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him”, and now we see the true order. The drawing, the giving of live, the salvation comes first, and then the evidence of this salvation is faith in Christ, for “Faith is the evidence of things not seen” (Heb. 11:1). The inward, life-giving salvation of a sinner is not seen by man, but the outward evidence of this inward salvation is seen, faith in Christ, relying on Christ, trusting His finished work on that tree. Look at the order here. “Who hath saved us, and called us with a holy calling” (II Timothy 1:9). The saving comes first, then the calling, then faith. We are saved before we believe, not because we believe. - Brian DuFour
The doctrines we preach and love are not ere teachings of some particular method of plan, but the doctrines of Christ, who is our Gospel; Christ, who is sovereign over all flesh; Christ, whose grace is both sovereign and free. Not to preach a sovereign Christ is to preach another Christ. To preach another Christ is to preach another gospel (“Which is not another” Galatians 1:6-9). It is just that simple. Mark it down: you cannot separate Christ from the Gospel or the Gospel from Christ; for they are one and the same. Christ is sovereign over all things and over all flesh, giving life freely to whom He will. The message of life for poor guilty sinners is the message of the Christ of God, who saves sovereignly and freely, even the chief of sinners. – Maurice Montgomery
Man’s entire apostasy and death in sin, so that he cannot save himself, and God’s entire supremacy, so that He saves whom He will, are doctrines exceedingly distasteful to human pride. But they are Scriptural. Why was one thief saved and the other lost? “Even so Father for so it seemed good in Thy sight” (Matt. 11:25-27). God was not bound to save the one and He had power enough to have saved the other, and neither could save himself. What made the difference? The Sovereign Grace of God! - Horatius Bonar
The longer I live, the more I feel that if there were one thing left undone, if the devil were not conquered, sin not expiated, justice not satisfied, the law not honored and magnified, death not overcome, and every burden not carried, I should not have a ray of hope. I used to think I saw this as clear as the noon day thirty or forty years ago; but I saw it very differently then to what I see now; for I see and feel now that if one hair-breadth is left for me to do to merit heaven, or bring as a plea before God, I am undone for ever and ever. But on the Mount of Calvary, the Lord Jesus Christ undertook the cause of His people; and there is not a jot nor a tittle that He left undone, but, “By one offering He perfected for ever them that are sanctified” and “There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.” Here is complete perfection: Saved in the Lord with an everlasting salvation. - John Warburton, 1853
July 9, 2023
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Hark, Now the Gospel trumpet sounds
Christ and free grace therein abounds
Free grace to all who sinners be
And if free grace, why not for me?
The blood of Christ, how sweet it sounds
To cleanse and heal the guilty wounds
The streams thereof are rich and free
And why, my soul, why not for me?
Our Lord came down the poor to bless
To clothe them with His righteousness
That robe is spotless, full, and free
And why, my soul, why not for me?
Eternal life by Christ is given
And ruined sinners raised to heaven
They sing of grace so rich and free
And say, my friend, why not for thee?
(Tune: “Doxology)
D Parks passed away on July 3rd. We extend our sympathy to his parents, Daniel and Sandy Parks and his wife, Christy Parks and her children and that family. May the Lord send peace and comfort.
Aaron Greenleaf will preach this Wednesday evening.
Congratulations to Jim and Renata Green on their marriage!
11th – Paula Miller 15th – Betsy Burch 15th –Pam Murphy
“For a just man falleth seven times, and riseth up again: but the wicked shall fall into mischief.” - Proverbs 24:16
If I fail to preach the cross from any passage in the Bible that I am preaching from, I have failed to understand the meaning of the passage.
“Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound?”
Paul had just made the glorious statement, “Where sin abounded, grace did much more abound.” Your sin is not the too great or too strong for God’s grace. Grace saves! Grace reigns! Paul then anticipates the objection he knew men would make, “Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound.” That is like saying, “Lets continue in being sick that health may abound.” We are thankful for salvation by grace. And we want to live lives that reflect His grace toward us. I do not want my life to be seen as a life where sin abounds. I want my life to be seen as a life where grace abounds! I do not want to use grace to excuse my sin, but may grace enable me to live a holy life.
The last words of our Lord from the cross were, “It is finished.” In these precious words we find the main difference between the law and the Gospel. The law says, “It is not finished.” There is something that you must do before you can be saved. The work Christ did for you may be of no avail if you do not do something to activate it. But the Gospel says…’It is finished.” When He died, He did not make salvation possible if we…………He actually saved everybody for whom He died. Their salvation was finished! But we do not have to believe? Most certainly! And we must believe this… “I have glorified Thee on earth. I have finished the work Thou gavest Me to do.” Law says, ‘It is not finished.” Grace says, “It is finished.”
“Remember the word of the Lord Jesus, how He said,
it is more blessed to give than to receive.” - Acts 20:35
When Paul summarized his council to the Ephesian elders, this was his last word to them. It is obvious by the way he spoke that this was a very well-known and often repeated truth the disciples had heard the Lord speak. Since this is the only place these words are found in the Bible, we do not know the exact context in which our Lord spoke them. Paul, however, spoke these words to pastors caring for the needs of the sheep in their flocks. May the love of God constrain us to be givers, not takers as we care for one another. This wonderful liberating truth can only apply in our relationships with other men. As for our relationship with God we are always takers. He is the one giving to our needs. He needs nothing from us. In another place the Lords said, “Freely you have received, freely give” (Matthew 10:8). – Greg Elmquist
“Study to be quiet.” - I Thessalonians 4:11
The word “study” means… make it your aim: make it your ambition. This is something the believer is commanded to pursue! Make it your ambition….to be quiet? Yes, that is the command of the text. This word is also translated “hold your peace.” What a blessing it would be to ourselves and to others if we would learn when not to speak. Most of the problems I have had in my life have been the product of me saying something when I would have been far wiser to be quiet.
The word quiet is also translated “rest.” It is a peace that arises from within. Really believing God is on the throne, really believing that Christ is all that is needed for salvation – the quiet soul enjoys rest and peace.
This is something for every believer to pursue after and strive for. “Study to be quiet.”
When, by His grace, I know WHO HE IS, I better understand who and what I am!
When I know WHAT HE DID in obedience and death, I realize what I cannot do!
When I understand WHY HE MUST SUFFER, I understand how God can be just and justify me.
When I know WHERE HE IS, I can rest in the blessed hope that I shall one day be there too! - Henry Mahan
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Hark, Now the Gospel trumpet sounds
Christ and free grace therein abounds
Free grace to all who sinners be
And if free grace, why not for me?
The blood of Christ, how sweet it sounds
To cleanse and heal the guilty wounds
The streams thereof are rich and free
And why, my soul, why not for me?
Our Lord came down the poor to bless
To clothe them with His righteousness
That robe is spotless, full, and free
And why, my soul, why not for me?
Eternal life by Christ is given
And ruined sinners raised to heaven
They sing of grace so rich and free
And say, my friend, why not for thee?
(Tune: “Doxology)
D Parks passed away on July 3rd. We extend our sympathy to his parents, Daniel and Sandy Parks and his wife, Christy Parks and her children and that family. May the Lord send peace and comfort.
Aaron Greenleaf will preach this Wednesday evening.
Congratulations to Jim and Renata Green on their marriage!
11th – Paula Miller 15th – Betsy Burch 15th –Pam Murphy
“For a just man falleth seven times, and riseth up again: but the wicked shall fall into mischief.” - Proverbs 24:16
If I fail to preach the cross from any passage in the Bible that I am preaching from, I have failed to understand the meaning of the passage.
“Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound?”
Paul had just made the glorious statement, “Where sin abounded, grace did much more abound.” Your sin is not the too great or too strong for God’s grace. Grace saves! Grace reigns! Paul then anticipates the objection he knew men would make, “Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound.” That is like saying, “Lets continue in being sick that health may abound.” We are thankful for salvation by grace. And we want to live lives that reflect His grace toward us. I do not want my life to be seen as a life where sin abounds. I want my life to be seen as a life where grace abounds! I do not want to use grace to excuse my sin, but may grace enable me to live a holy life.
The last words of our Lord from the cross were, “It is finished.” In these precious words we find the main difference between the law and the Gospel. The law says, “It is not finished.” There is something that you must do before you can be saved. The work Christ did for you may be of no avail if you do not do something to activate it. But the Gospel says…’It is finished.” When He died, He did not make salvation possible if we…………He actually saved everybody for whom He died. Their salvation was finished! But we do not have to believe? Most certainly! And we must believe this… “I have glorified Thee on earth. I have finished the work Thou gavest Me to do.” Law says, ‘It is not finished.” Grace says, “It is finished.”
“Remember the word of the Lord Jesus, how He said,
it is more blessed to give than to receive.” - Acts 20:35
When Paul summarized his council to the Ephesian elders, this was his last word to them. It is obvious by the way he spoke that this was a very well-known and often repeated truth the disciples had heard the Lord speak. Since this is the only place these words are found in the Bible, we do not know the exact context in which our Lord spoke them. Paul, however, spoke these words to pastors caring for the needs of the sheep in their flocks. May the love of God constrain us to be givers, not takers as we care for one another. This wonderful liberating truth can only apply in our relationships with other men. As for our relationship with God we are always takers. He is the one giving to our needs. He needs nothing from us. In another place the Lords said, “Freely you have received, freely give” (Matthew 10:8). – Greg Elmquist
“Study to be quiet.” - I Thessalonians 4:11
The word “study” means… make it your aim: make it your ambition. This is something the believer is commanded to pursue! Make it your ambition….to be quiet? Yes, that is the command of the text. This word is also translated “hold your peace.” What a blessing it would be to ourselves and to others if we would learn when not to speak. Most of the problems I have had in my life have been the product of me saying something when I would have been far wiser to be quiet.
The word quiet is also translated “rest.” It is a peace that arises from within. Really believing God is on the throne, really believing that Christ is all that is needed for salvation – the quiet soul enjoys rest and peace.
This is something for every believer to pursue after and strive for. “Study to be quiet.”
When, by His grace, I know WHO HE IS, I better understand who and what I am!
When I know WHAT HE DID in obedience and death, I realize what I cannot do!
When I understand WHY HE MUST SUFFER, I understand how God can be just and justify me.
When I know WHERE HE IS, I can rest in the blessed hope that I shall one day be there too! - Henry Mahan
July 2, 2023
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
In myself I have no merit
Nothing good have I go give
That a holy, just and perfect
God could ever let me live
Sin defiles my best performance
Guilty, vile and ruined I am
Yet, my heart breaks in repentance
By God’s grace I see the Lamb!
See the Lamb of God, our Savior
Bearing all our sin and shame
By eternal love and favor
Jesus died bearing our blame
Bruised and wounded and forsaken
As our Substitute He died
“It is finished!” Sins forgiven!
Justice now is satisfied!
Here’s my hope and consolation
Jesus died for sinner’s sake
Trusting Him I have salvation
And the cup of blessing take
All is well, I cannot doubt it
God who gave His Son for me
Rules the world and all things in it
For my good eternally!
(Tune: “Come Thou Fount” p. 17)
We will observe the Lord’s Table this evening.
All ladies are invited to a baby shower for Amanda Mohr this Saturday, July 8 at 10:30am. The invitation and sign-up are in the foyer.
2nd – Elijah Davis 3rd - Aubrey Nibert 3rd – Eleanor Walmsley
4th – Lowell Johnson 5th – Jackson Dickerson 5th – Jackson Elliott
5th – Bert Dunbar 7th – Caleb Anjos
8th – Jasper Clark 8th – Rob Elliott
“The eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the good.” - Proverbs 15:3
JULY 7-9 Sovereign Grace Baptist Church – Ewing, NJ
JULY 28-30 Redeemer Grace Church - Sellersburg, IN
Without question the doctrine of grace is the doctrine of Holy Scripture. Total depravity, unconditional election, limited atonement, irresistible grace, and the final perseverance of the believer is the teaching of the Word. Some merely see the logic of it. All 5 points stand or fall together. If my understanding goes no further than seeing they are Scriptural and logical, they will fail to move me and become “just doctrine” – as if there is such a thing! But when I believe the first point is what I really am, the doctrine of grace is more than Scriptural and logical. It is necessary for me to be saved! It is not the word of “dry and academic doctrine”, but the Words of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, what is absolutely necessary for me to be saved! If I am not moved by the doctrine of grace, it is a matter of logic and not a matter of necessity.
“Whosoever shall call upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved.”
What is it to call on the Name of the Lord? It is to call on the Lord Jesus Christ for all of our salvation, start to finish! “Call His Name Jesus: for HE shall save His people from their sins” (Matthew 1:21).
To call upon Him for salvation is to call upon HIM and NOT my religion. It is to call upon HIM, and NOT my devotion as a Christian. It is to call upon HIM, and NOT my good, moral obedience to the law. It is to call on HIS will and purpose in ALL things, and NOT my will or decision in anything! It is to say: “I can’t save myself, YOU must save me! This is not in my hands, this is in YOUR hands alone! I plead YOUR finished work! I beg for YOUR abundant grace and mercy, through the shedding of YOUR own blood!” It is to believe in the heart: “Lord, I can’t even call on You unless You call on me first.” That is calling upon the Name of the Lord. And the word of promise to us from our Lord is, “Whosoever shall call upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved.” - Gabe Stalnaker
Does the LORD God allow events, good or bad, to happen with His permissive will…or is He the first cause of every event, good or bad, according to His eternal purpose and will? And just to be clear, we may experience the events as good or bad, but in reality, they are all good, for our God is good, and can only do good! And as always, we must go to Scripture for the truth concerning any matter, and not to our own thoughts, ideas, or opinions – “Yea, let God be true, but every man a liar” (Romans 3:4). The following verses plainly and clearly declare that our Sovereign God is the first cause of all events in this world and the universe, heaven and hell included.
“Then will I cause to cease….” – Jeremiah 7:34
“I also will do this unto…and cause sorrow of heart…” - Leviticus 26:16
“He will cause him to come near unto him…” –Numbers 16:5
“The LORD shall cause thee to be smitten…” –Deuteronomy 28:25
“The King hearkened not unto the people
for the cause was from the LORD…” –I Kings 12:15
“Cause me to hear…cause me to know the way…” – Psalms 143:8
“I will cause him to fall by the sword…” – Isaiah 37:7
“There I will cause thee to hear My words…” – Jeremiah 18:2
“But though he cause grief, yet…” – Lamentations 3:32
“And I will cause them to lie down, saith the Lord God… –Ezekiel 34:15
It truly does bring the believer great comfort to know that we, all people, and all things, are in the hands of God our Savior…including the salvation of the sinner writing this article, and every sinner the Lord has saved… “Behold, I have caused thine iniquity to pass from thee, and I will clothe thee with change of raiment” (Zechariah 3:4).
– Brian DuFour
Yes, salvation is a choice. Salvation is the choice of God. “For He saith to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion. So then it is not him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy (Romans 9:15-16). God the Father elected a people who He would save by the obedience and sacrifice of His Son. God the Son came in the flesh to willingly suffer and die to put the sin of His people away. God the Holy Spirit moves when and where He will to give life and faith to God’s elect through the preaching of the Gospel. Salvation is all by the will (the choosing), the doing, and the application of God. – Tom Harding
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
In myself I have no merit
Nothing good have I go give
That a holy, just and perfect
God could ever let me live
Sin defiles my best performance
Guilty, vile and ruined I am
Yet, my heart breaks in repentance
By God’s grace I see the Lamb!
See the Lamb of God, our Savior
Bearing all our sin and shame
By eternal love and favor
Jesus died bearing our blame
Bruised and wounded and forsaken
As our Substitute He died
“It is finished!” Sins forgiven!
Justice now is satisfied!
Here’s my hope and consolation
Jesus died for sinner’s sake
Trusting Him I have salvation
And the cup of blessing take
All is well, I cannot doubt it
God who gave His Son for me
Rules the world and all things in it
For my good eternally!
(Tune: “Come Thou Fount” p. 17)
We will observe the Lord’s Table this evening.
All ladies are invited to a baby shower for Amanda Mohr this Saturday, July 8 at 10:30am. The invitation and sign-up are in the foyer.
2nd – Elijah Davis 3rd - Aubrey Nibert 3rd – Eleanor Walmsley
4th – Lowell Johnson 5th – Jackson Dickerson 5th – Jackson Elliott
5th – Bert Dunbar 7th – Caleb Anjos
8th – Jasper Clark 8th – Rob Elliott
“The eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the good.” - Proverbs 15:3
JULY 7-9 Sovereign Grace Baptist Church – Ewing, NJ
JULY 28-30 Redeemer Grace Church - Sellersburg, IN
Without question the doctrine of grace is the doctrine of Holy Scripture. Total depravity, unconditional election, limited atonement, irresistible grace, and the final perseverance of the believer is the teaching of the Word. Some merely see the logic of it. All 5 points stand or fall together. If my understanding goes no further than seeing they are Scriptural and logical, they will fail to move me and become “just doctrine” – as if there is such a thing! But when I believe the first point is what I really am, the doctrine of grace is more than Scriptural and logical. It is necessary for me to be saved! It is not the word of “dry and academic doctrine”, but the Words of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, what is absolutely necessary for me to be saved! If I am not moved by the doctrine of grace, it is a matter of logic and not a matter of necessity.
“Whosoever shall call upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved.”
What is it to call on the Name of the Lord? It is to call on the Lord Jesus Christ for all of our salvation, start to finish! “Call His Name Jesus: for HE shall save His people from their sins” (Matthew 1:21).
To call upon Him for salvation is to call upon HIM and NOT my religion. It is to call upon HIM, and NOT my devotion as a Christian. It is to call upon HIM, and NOT my good, moral obedience to the law. It is to call on HIS will and purpose in ALL things, and NOT my will or decision in anything! It is to say: “I can’t save myself, YOU must save me! This is not in my hands, this is in YOUR hands alone! I plead YOUR finished work! I beg for YOUR abundant grace and mercy, through the shedding of YOUR own blood!” It is to believe in the heart: “Lord, I can’t even call on You unless You call on me first.” That is calling upon the Name of the Lord. And the word of promise to us from our Lord is, “Whosoever shall call upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved.” - Gabe Stalnaker
Does the LORD God allow events, good or bad, to happen with His permissive will…or is He the first cause of every event, good or bad, according to His eternal purpose and will? And just to be clear, we may experience the events as good or bad, but in reality, they are all good, for our God is good, and can only do good! And as always, we must go to Scripture for the truth concerning any matter, and not to our own thoughts, ideas, or opinions – “Yea, let God be true, but every man a liar” (Romans 3:4). The following verses plainly and clearly declare that our Sovereign God is the first cause of all events in this world and the universe, heaven and hell included.
“Then will I cause to cease….” – Jeremiah 7:34
“I also will do this unto…and cause sorrow of heart…” - Leviticus 26:16
“He will cause him to come near unto him…” –Numbers 16:5
“The LORD shall cause thee to be smitten…” –Deuteronomy 28:25
“The King hearkened not unto the people
for the cause was from the LORD…” –I Kings 12:15
“Cause me to hear…cause me to know the way…” – Psalms 143:8
“I will cause him to fall by the sword…” – Isaiah 37:7
“There I will cause thee to hear My words…” – Jeremiah 18:2
“But though he cause grief, yet…” – Lamentations 3:32
“And I will cause them to lie down, saith the Lord God… –Ezekiel 34:15
It truly does bring the believer great comfort to know that we, all people, and all things, are in the hands of God our Savior…including the salvation of the sinner writing this article, and every sinner the Lord has saved… “Behold, I have caused thine iniquity to pass from thee, and I will clothe thee with change of raiment” (Zechariah 3:4).
– Brian DuFour
Yes, salvation is a choice. Salvation is the choice of God. “For He saith to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion. So then it is not him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy (Romans 9:15-16). God the Father elected a people who He would save by the obedience and sacrifice of His Son. God the Son came in the flesh to willingly suffer and die to put the sin of His people away. God the Holy Spirit moves when and where He will to give life and faith to God’s elect through the preaching of the Gospel. Salvation is all by the will (the choosing), the doing, and the application of God. – Tom Harding
June 25, 2023
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
I bless the Christ of God, I rest on love Divine
And with unfaltering lip and heart, I call the Savior mine
His cross dispels each doubt; I bury in His tomb
Each thought of unbelief and fear
Each lingering shade of gloom.
I praise the God of peace, I trust His truth and might
He call me His, I call Him mine, my God, my Joy, my Light
In Him is only good, in me is only ill
My ill but draws His goodness forth
And me He loveth still.
‘Tis He who saveth me, and freely pardon gives
I love because He loveth me; I live because He lives
My life with Him is hid, my death has passed away
My clouds have melted into Light
My midnight into day.
(Tune: “This is my Father’s World”)
Thank you to everyone who helped in our VSB this week - your time and efforts are greatly appreciated! May the Lord be pleased to speak to the hearts of our children and save them by His grace.
All ladies are invited to a baby shower for Amanda Mohr on Saturday, July 8 at 10:30am. The invitation and sign-up are in the foyer.
27th – Paul David Daniel 28th – Lissie McGuire 28th – David Parker
28th – Jessica Scifres 28th – Sophia Wilson
29th – Emily Dickerson 29th – Hannah Dickerson
“Heaviness in the heart of man maketh it stoop: but a good word maketh it glad.” - Proverbs 12:25
Pride could be called the original sin. It made Satan want to exalt his throne above God’s (Isaiah 14:13-14). It was the sin he used to tempt Eve. “For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, that your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil” (Genesis3:5). Pride would take God’s place if it could. Pride is a groundless sin. “What do you have that ye did not receive.” Pride is a senseless sin. Other sins may give us something we think we need, but all pride does is render us more like the devil. The Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Creator of the universe was not proud! He said of Himself, “I am meek and lowly in heart.” Amazingly, every one of us are full of pride! God hates pride! Pride of race, face, place, and most especially, pride of grace! May the Lord deliver us from this sin of our fallen human nature…Pride! “God resists the proud and giveth grace to the humble.”
The Permissive will of God?
When something takes place that men think would be contrary to the will of God, they will place it under the umbrella of “the permissive will of God.” God permitted it to happen, it being a part of His sovereign purpose. If by that men mean that God for sees an event taking place that was not part of His will, but He permits it to take place, that would make something taking place before God’s sovereign will, and God responding to that! God does not respond! God decrees. “Known to God are all His works from the beginning.” While our puny minds cannot comprehensively comprehend the irrevocable decrees of God, we know that God is good all the time and He always does what only He can do: bring good out of evil! We have the assurance, “Shall not the Judge of the earth do right.” He does not do it because it is right, it is right because He does it.
“Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.”
If there is no salvation in any other but Jesus Christ, and if there is no other name under heaven by which sinners can be saved, then why would our message be anything more, anything less, or anything other than, “Jesus Christ and Him crucified”? - David Eddmenson
A dear friend was talking about how blessed the Gospel of Christ’s grace was. I cannot remember all the details we talked about. I suppose we talked about electing love and redeeming grace and how the Lord in tender mercy called us out of darkness with a call we could not resist, and has kept us till that very day, and refused to let us go. When saints get to talking about spiritual things they often talk about such subjects as these. When our discussion was almost over, my dear friend put the icing on the cake, as it were. “And the best thing about this Gospel,” he said, “I can’t mess it up!” The Lord Jesus Christ has finished the work, it is already done, so, “I can’t mess it up.” I am in Christ accepted and complete, and sealed unto the day of redemption; in Christ now and in Christ forever so, “I can’t mess it up.” I feel like I have messed up everything else but, thanks be unto God I can’t mess this up. I can’t mess this up. It is un-messed-up-able. - Bruce Crabtree
How little we understand of God’s dealings with us! If we suffer the slightest set-back in this world’s goods or pleasures, we take it as a sign of God’s judgment and disfavor. If we prosper in this world, we believe that it is evidence of God’s pleasure with us. But, it is likely the opposite. When God would visit a man with judgment aimed at his destruction, He withholds not the worldly goods, but the spiritual ones; and the one He truly loves is often deprived of worldly goods so that he will more readily seek spiritual goods. Which would you rather suffer, blindness of eyes or blindness of heart? Which would you rather have, riches in gold or riches in grace? Then, let each of us learn to not judge God’s ETERNAL dealings with us by His TEMPORAL dealings with us. I know that this is hard to do; but it is the essence of living faith to judge, not by what is seen, but by what is not seen, to live by faith in God’s promises, not by sight. - Joe Terrell
“Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungered, and fed thee? Or thirsty, and gave thee drink? (Matthew 25:37). The only people that think they do not bear any fruit are the people who bear it. - Donnie Bell
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
I bless the Christ of God, I rest on love Divine
And with unfaltering lip and heart, I call the Savior mine
His cross dispels each doubt; I bury in His tomb
Each thought of unbelief and fear
Each lingering shade of gloom.
I praise the God of peace, I trust His truth and might
He call me His, I call Him mine, my God, my Joy, my Light
In Him is only good, in me is only ill
My ill but draws His goodness forth
And me He loveth still.
‘Tis He who saveth me, and freely pardon gives
I love because He loveth me; I live because He lives
My life with Him is hid, my death has passed away
My clouds have melted into Light
My midnight into day.
(Tune: “This is my Father’s World”)
Thank you to everyone who helped in our VSB this week - your time and efforts are greatly appreciated! May the Lord be pleased to speak to the hearts of our children and save them by His grace.
All ladies are invited to a baby shower for Amanda Mohr on Saturday, July 8 at 10:30am. The invitation and sign-up are in the foyer.
27th – Paul David Daniel 28th – Lissie McGuire 28th – David Parker
28th – Jessica Scifres 28th – Sophia Wilson
29th – Emily Dickerson 29th – Hannah Dickerson
“Heaviness in the heart of man maketh it stoop: but a good word maketh it glad.” - Proverbs 12:25
Pride could be called the original sin. It made Satan want to exalt his throne above God’s (Isaiah 14:13-14). It was the sin he used to tempt Eve. “For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, that your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil” (Genesis3:5). Pride would take God’s place if it could. Pride is a groundless sin. “What do you have that ye did not receive.” Pride is a senseless sin. Other sins may give us something we think we need, but all pride does is render us more like the devil. The Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Creator of the universe was not proud! He said of Himself, “I am meek and lowly in heart.” Amazingly, every one of us are full of pride! God hates pride! Pride of race, face, place, and most especially, pride of grace! May the Lord deliver us from this sin of our fallen human nature…Pride! “God resists the proud and giveth grace to the humble.”
The Permissive will of God?
When something takes place that men think would be contrary to the will of God, they will place it under the umbrella of “the permissive will of God.” God permitted it to happen, it being a part of His sovereign purpose. If by that men mean that God for sees an event taking place that was not part of His will, but He permits it to take place, that would make something taking place before God’s sovereign will, and God responding to that! God does not respond! God decrees. “Known to God are all His works from the beginning.” While our puny minds cannot comprehensively comprehend the irrevocable decrees of God, we know that God is good all the time and He always does what only He can do: bring good out of evil! We have the assurance, “Shall not the Judge of the earth do right.” He does not do it because it is right, it is right because He does it.
“Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.”
If there is no salvation in any other but Jesus Christ, and if there is no other name under heaven by which sinners can be saved, then why would our message be anything more, anything less, or anything other than, “Jesus Christ and Him crucified”? - David Eddmenson
A dear friend was talking about how blessed the Gospel of Christ’s grace was. I cannot remember all the details we talked about. I suppose we talked about electing love and redeeming grace and how the Lord in tender mercy called us out of darkness with a call we could not resist, and has kept us till that very day, and refused to let us go. When saints get to talking about spiritual things they often talk about such subjects as these. When our discussion was almost over, my dear friend put the icing on the cake, as it were. “And the best thing about this Gospel,” he said, “I can’t mess it up!” The Lord Jesus Christ has finished the work, it is already done, so, “I can’t mess it up.” I am in Christ accepted and complete, and sealed unto the day of redemption; in Christ now and in Christ forever so, “I can’t mess it up.” I feel like I have messed up everything else but, thanks be unto God I can’t mess this up. I can’t mess this up. It is un-messed-up-able. - Bruce Crabtree
How little we understand of God’s dealings with us! If we suffer the slightest set-back in this world’s goods or pleasures, we take it as a sign of God’s judgment and disfavor. If we prosper in this world, we believe that it is evidence of God’s pleasure with us. But, it is likely the opposite. When God would visit a man with judgment aimed at his destruction, He withholds not the worldly goods, but the spiritual ones; and the one He truly loves is often deprived of worldly goods so that he will more readily seek spiritual goods. Which would you rather suffer, blindness of eyes or blindness of heart? Which would you rather have, riches in gold or riches in grace? Then, let each of us learn to not judge God’s ETERNAL dealings with us by His TEMPORAL dealings with us. I know that this is hard to do; but it is the essence of living faith to judge, not by what is seen, but by what is not seen, to live by faith in God’s promises, not by sight. - Joe Terrell
“Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungered, and fed thee? Or thirsty, and gave thee drink? (Matthew 25:37). The only people that think they do not bear any fruit are the people who bear it. - Donnie Bell
June 18, 2023
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
I was conceived and born in sin
Corrupt without, corrupt within
Estranged from God, a sinner lost
My heart as cold as winter frost.
I wandered ‘round in darkest night
And shied away from Christ and Light
I never would have turned around
But by the Saviour I was found.
He shined the light into my heart
And made my guilty soul to smart
Convinced of sin and self-condemned
I knew that I must learn of Him.
He drew me and I followed near
His face to see, His words to hear
Now to my soul He’s been revealed
His sovereign grace I know and feel.
Praise God who chose a wretch like me
Praise Christ who lived and died for me
Praise God the Spirit who did call
My soul to Christ my ALL IN ALL!
(Tune: “Doxology”)
VSB is this week Tuesday –Thursday (10:30am – 2:00pm)
(There will be no Wednesday evening service this week)
All ladies are invited to a baby shower for Amanda Mohr on Saturday, July 8 at 10:30am. The invitation is in the foyer.
12th – Rick Williams 13th – Matt Vincent 14th – Lauren Harries
15th- Silas Benton 16th – Andrea Bryan 16th – Monica Sparks
24th – Kristy Burton 24th – David Morris 24th – Haley Small
“A wicked doer giveth heed to false lips; and a liar giveth ear to a naughty tongue. ” - Proverbs 17:4
The Gospel is not an offer. An offer presupposes a man’s ability to accept or reject the offer. To offer life to one who is dead in sins would be absurd and insincere. God does not offer life. He gives it! “And you hath He quickened who were dead in trespasses and sins.” Did Christ offer life to Lazarus? Of course not! “Lazarus, come forth. And he that was dead came forth.”
We read in Scripture of believing in Christ and believing on Christ. We believe in Christ when we believe His Is-ness. We believe He is as the Bible says He is. We believe on Christ when we are relying on Him in His Is-ness to save us. “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.”
Any objection to God’s sovereignty is in reality denying God’s goodness in the point of our objection. When we bow to His sovereignty in all things we confess He is good all the time!
As in an earthly marriage, when the bride takes the name of the groom’s family, so it is in the heavenly marriage of Christ and His church. In Jeremiah 23:6, we read of the name given the groom, the husband, the Saviour – “And this is His name whereby He shall be called, THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS (Jehovah Tsidkenu).” In Jeremiah 33:16, we read of the name given the bride, the wife, every elect child of God – “And this is the name wherewith she shall be called, the LORD our righteousness (Jehovah Tsidkenu).” What grace and mercy of our Lord and Savior, to take a bunch of sinners, with names such as evil, wicked, ungodly wretches – and give us the name of a saint – Jehovah Tsidkenu, the Lord our righteousness! Same name, same family! - Brian DuFour
Many years ago a young man delivered a sermon in a Welch chapel. After he finished the sermon he remarked to an old gentleman, “What did you think of my sermon?” The old man replied, “It was a very poor sermon.” “A poor sermon? My friend it took me a long to time to prepare it.” “I’m sure that it did,” said the old man, “but it was still a poor sermon.” “Was my delivery poor, or were my illustrations poorly applied?” “Oh, no,” said the old man, “Your delivery was excellent and your arguments and illustrations were very good.” “Then why do you say that I preached a very poor sermon?” The old man paused and slowly said, “There was no Christ in your sermon.” The young man replied, “Christ was not the text, we must preach what is in the text.” “My young friend, in every text there is a road to Christ. Your business, as a minister of the Gospel, is to find that road which leads to Christ and get on it as quickly as you can! For no sermon will do a sinner good if it does not lead him to Christ. The best sermon is that sermon which is fullest of Christ.”
I believe that every sermon we preach should contain the Three R’s – Ruin by the fall, Redemption by the blood of Christ and Regeneration by the Holy Spirit. If our hearers learn these in their hearts they will not go far wrong on other matters, but if they have not learned these, it will matter very little what else they learn. They will be like those who are “Ever learning and never coming to a knowledge of the Truth.”
And while the ages roll, I’ll keep on praising Him
And my voice will never tire or grow old
And my song shall ever be, Praise the Lamb who died
And I’ll sing it while ages shall roll.
- Henry Mahan
There is no grace but free and sovereign grace, no election but eternal and unconditional election, no redemption but particular and effectual redemption, no salvation but by the irresistible grace and omnipotent power of God the Holy Spirit, and no security but by the absolute preservation of God’s immutable goodness. And any pretended gospel that does not proclaim these things is, as Paul says, “another gospel” that is damning to the souls of man. - Copied
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
I was conceived and born in sin
Corrupt without, corrupt within
Estranged from God, a sinner lost
My heart as cold as winter frost.
I wandered ‘round in darkest night
And shied away from Christ and Light
I never would have turned around
But by the Saviour I was found.
He shined the light into my heart
And made my guilty soul to smart
Convinced of sin and self-condemned
I knew that I must learn of Him.
He drew me and I followed near
His face to see, His words to hear
Now to my soul He’s been revealed
His sovereign grace I know and feel.
Praise God who chose a wretch like me
Praise Christ who lived and died for me
Praise God the Spirit who did call
My soul to Christ my ALL IN ALL!
(Tune: “Doxology”)
VSB is this week Tuesday –Thursday (10:30am – 2:00pm)
(There will be no Wednesday evening service this week)
All ladies are invited to a baby shower for Amanda Mohr on Saturday, July 8 at 10:30am. The invitation is in the foyer.
12th – Rick Williams 13th – Matt Vincent 14th – Lauren Harries
15th- Silas Benton 16th – Andrea Bryan 16th – Monica Sparks
24th – Kristy Burton 24th – David Morris 24th – Haley Small
“A wicked doer giveth heed to false lips; and a liar giveth ear to a naughty tongue. ” - Proverbs 17:4
The Gospel is not an offer. An offer presupposes a man’s ability to accept or reject the offer. To offer life to one who is dead in sins would be absurd and insincere. God does not offer life. He gives it! “And you hath He quickened who were dead in trespasses and sins.” Did Christ offer life to Lazarus? Of course not! “Lazarus, come forth. And he that was dead came forth.”
We read in Scripture of believing in Christ and believing on Christ. We believe in Christ when we believe His Is-ness. We believe He is as the Bible says He is. We believe on Christ when we are relying on Him in His Is-ness to save us. “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.”
Any objection to God’s sovereignty is in reality denying God’s goodness in the point of our objection. When we bow to His sovereignty in all things we confess He is good all the time!
As in an earthly marriage, when the bride takes the name of the groom’s family, so it is in the heavenly marriage of Christ and His church. In Jeremiah 23:6, we read of the name given the groom, the husband, the Saviour – “And this is His name whereby He shall be called, THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS (Jehovah Tsidkenu).” In Jeremiah 33:16, we read of the name given the bride, the wife, every elect child of God – “And this is the name wherewith she shall be called, the LORD our righteousness (Jehovah Tsidkenu).” What grace and mercy of our Lord and Savior, to take a bunch of sinners, with names such as evil, wicked, ungodly wretches – and give us the name of a saint – Jehovah Tsidkenu, the Lord our righteousness! Same name, same family! - Brian DuFour
Many years ago a young man delivered a sermon in a Welch chapel. After he finished the sermon he remarked to an old gentleman, “What did you think of my sermon?” The old man replied, “It was a very poor sermon.” “A poor sermon? My friend it took me a long to time to prepare it.” “I’m sure that it did,” said the old man, “but it was still a poor sermon.” “Was my delivery poor, or were my illustrations poorly applied?” “Oh, no,” said the old man, “Your delivery was excellent and your arguments and illustrations were very good.” “Then why do you say that I preached a very poor sermon?” The old man paused and slowly said, “There was no Christ in your sermon.” The young man replied, “Christ was not the text, we must preach what is in the text.” “My young friend, in every text there is a road to Christ. Your business, as a minister of the Gospel, is to find that road which leads to Christ and get on it as quickly as you can! For no sermon will do a sinner good if it does not lead him to Christ. The best sermon is that sermon which is fullest of Christ.”
I believe that every sermon we preach should contain the Three R’s – Ruin by the fall, Redemption by the blood of Christ and Regeneration by the Holy Spirit. If our hearers learn these in their hearts they will not go far wrong on other matters, but if they have not learned these, it will matter very little what else they learn. They will be like those who are “Ever learning and never coming to a knowledge of the Truth.”
And while the ages roll, I’ll keep on praising Him
And my voice will never tire or grow old
And my song shall ever be, Praise the Lamb who died
And I’ll sing it while ages shall roll.
- Henry Mahan
There is no grace but free and sovereign grace, no election but eternal and unconditional election, no redemption but particular and effectual redemption, no salvation but by the irresistible grace and omnipotent power of God the Holy Spirit, and no security but by the absolute preservation of God’s immutable goodness. And any pretended gospel that does not proclaim these things is, as Paul says, “another gospel” that is damning to the souls of man. - Copied
June 11, 2023
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
I was conceived and born in sin
Corrupt without, corrupt within
Estranged from God, a sinner lost
My heart as cold as winter frost.
I wandered ‘round in darkest night
And shied away from Christ and Light
I never would have turned around
But by the Saviour I was found.
He shined the light into my heart
And made my guilty soul to smart
Convinced of sin and self-condemned
I knew that I must learn of Him.
He drew me and I followed near
His face to see, His words to hear
Now to my soul He’s been revealed
His sovereign grace I know and feel.
Praise God who chose a wretch like me
Praise Christ who lived and died for me
Praise God the Spirit who did call
My soul to Christ my ALL IN ALL!
(Tune: “Doxology”)
Vacation Bible School will be June 20 – 22. There is a sign up sheet in the foyer for volunteers to help. There will be no Wednesday evening service on June 21st.
We have an opportunity to purchase a nice used baby grand piano. If you would like to contribute, please mark your donation accordingly.
12th – Rick Williams 13th – Matt Vincent 14th – Lauren Harries
15th- Silas Benton 16th – Andrea Bryan 16th – Monica Sparks
“A wicked doer giveth heed to false lips; and a liar giveth ear to a naughty tongue. ” - Proverbs 17:4
The Gospel is not an offer. An offer presupposes a man’s ability to accept or reject the offer. To offer life to one who is dead in sins would be absurd and insincere. God does not offer life. He gives it! “And you hath He quickened who were dead in trespasses and sins.” Did Christ offer life to Lazarus? Of course not! “Lazarus, come forth. And he that was dead came forth.”
We read in Scripture of believing in Christ and believing on Christ. We believe in Christ when we believe His Is-ness. We believe He is as the Bible says He is. We believe on Christ when we are relying on Him in His Is-ness to save us. “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.”
Any objection to God’s sovereignty is in reality denying God’s goodness in the point of our objection. When we bow to His sovereignty in all things we confess He is good all the time!
As in an earthly marriage, when the bride takes the name of the groom’s family, so it is in the heavenly marriage of Christ and His church. In Jeremiah 23:6, we read of the name given the groom, the husband, the Saviour – “And this is His name whereby He shall be called, THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS (Jehovah Tsidkenu).” In Jeremiah 33:16, we read of the name given the bride, the wife, every elect child of God – “And this is the name wherewith she shall be called, the LORD our righteousness (Jehovah Tsidkenu).” What grace and mercy of our Lord and Savior, to take a bunch of sinners, with names such as evil, wicked, ungodly wretches – and give us the name of a saint – Jehovah Tsidkenu, the Lord our righteousness! Same name, same family! - Brian DuFour
Many years ago a young man delivered a sermon in a Welch chapel. After he finished the sermon he remarked to an old gentleman, “What did you think of my sermon?” The old man replied, “It was a very poor sermon.” “A poor sermon? My friend it took me a long to time to prepare it.” “I’m sure that it did,” said the old man, “but it was still a poor sermon.” “Was my delivery poor, or were my illustrations poorly applied?” “Oh, no,” said the old man, “Your delivery was excellent and your arguments and illustrations were very good.” “Then why do you say that I preached a very poor sermon?” The old man paused and slowly said, “There was no Christ in your sermon.” The young man replied, “Christ was not the text, we must preach what is in the text.” “My young friend, in every text there is a road to Christ. Your business, as a minister of the Gospel, is to find that road which leads to Christ and get on it as quickly as you can! For no sermon will do a sinner good if it does not lead him to Christ. The best sermon is that sermon which is fullest of Christ.”
I believe that every sermon we preach should contain the Three R’s – Ruin by the fall, Redemption by the blood of Christ and Regeneration by the Holy Spirit. If our hearers learn these in their hearts they will not go far wrong on other matters, but if they have not learned these, it will matter very little what else they learn. They will be like those who are “Ever learning and never coming to a knowledge of the Truth.”
And while the ages roll, I’ll keep on praising Him
And my voice will never tire or grow old
And my song shall ever be, Praise the Lamb who died
And I’ll sing it while ages shall roll.
- Henry Mahan
There is no grace but free and sovereign grace, no election but eternal and unconditional election, no redemption but particular and effectual redemption, no salvation but by the irresistible grace and omnipotent power of God the Holy Spirit, and no security but by the absolute preservation of God’s immutable goodness. And any pretended gospel that does not proclaim these things is, as Paul says, “another gospel” that is damning to the souls of man. - Copied
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
I was conceived and born in sin
Corrupt without, corrupt within
Estranged from God, a sinner lost
My heart as cold as winter frost.
I wandered ‘round in darkest night
And shied away from Christ and Light
I never would have turned around
But by the Saviour I was found.
He shined the light into my heart
And made my guilty soul to smart
Convinced of sin and self-condemned
I knew that I must learn of Him.
He drew me and I followed near
His face to see, His words to hear
Now to my soul He’s been revealed
His sovereign grace I know and feel.
Praise God who chose a wretch like me
Praise Christ who lived and died for me
Praise God the Spirit who did call
My soul to Christ my ALL IN ALL!
(Tune: “Doxology”)
Vacation Bible School will be June 20 – 22. There is a sign up sheet in the foyer for volunteers to help. There will be no Wednesday evening service on June 21st.
We have an opportunity to purchase a nice used baby grand piano. If you would like to contribute, please mark your donation accordingly.
12th – Rick Williams 13th – Matt Vincent 14th – Lauren Harries
15th- Silas Benton 16th – Andrea Bryan 16th – Monica Sparks
“A wicked doer giveth heed to false lips; and a liar giveth ear to a naughty tongue. ” - Proverbs 17:4
The Gospel is not an offer. An offer presupposes a man’s ability to accept or reject the offer. To offer life to one who is dead in sins would be absurd and insincere. God does not offer life. He gives it! “And you hath He quickened who were dead in trespasses and sins.” Did Christ offer life to Lazarus? Of course not! “Lazarus, come forth. And he that was dead came forth.”
We read in Scripture of believing in Christ and believing on Christ. We believe in Christ when we believe His Is-ness. We believe He is as the Bible says He is. We believe on Christ when we are relying on Him in His Is-ness to save us. “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.”
Any objection to God’s sovereignty is in reality denying God’s goodness in the point of our objection. When we bow to His sovereignty in all things we confess He is good all the time!
As in an earthly marriage, when the bride takes the name of the groom’s family, so it is in the heavenly marriage of Christ and His church. In Jeremiah 23:6, we read of the name given the groom, the husband, the Saviour – “And this is His name whereby He shall be called, THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS (Jehovah Tsidkenu).” In Jeremiah 33:16, we read of the name given the bride, the wife, every elect child of God – “And this is the name wherewith she shall be called, the LORD our righteousness (Jehovah Tsidkenu).” What grace and mercy of our Lord and Savior, to take a bunch of sinners, with names such as evil, wicked, ungodly wretches – and give us the name of a saint – Jehovah Tsidkenu, the Lord our righteousness! Same name, same family! - Brian DuFour
Many years ago a young man delivered a sermon in a Welch chapel. After he finished the sermon he remarked to an old gentleman, “What did you think of my sermon?” The old man replied, “It was a very poor sermon.” “A poor sermon? My friend it took me a long to time to prepare it.” “I’m sure that it did,” said the old man, “but it was still a poor sermon.” “Was my delivery poor, or were my illustrations poorly applied?” “Oh, no,” said the old man, “Your delivery was excellent and your arguments and illustrations were very good.” “Then why do you say that I preached a very poor sermon?” The old man paused and slowly said, “There was no Christ in your sermon.” The young man replied, “Christ was not the text, we must preach what is in the text.” “My young friend, in every text there is a road to Christ. Your business, as a minister of the Gospel, is to find that road which leads to Christ and get on it as quickly as you can! For no sermon will do a sinner good if it does not lead him to Christ. The best sermon is that sermon which is fullest of Christ.”
I believe that every sermon we preach should contain the Three R’s – Ruin by the fall, Redemption by the blood of Christ and Regeneration by the Holy Spirit. If our hearers learn these in their hearts they will not go far wrong on other matters, but if they have not learned these, it will matter very little what else they learn. They will be like those who are “Ever learning and never coming to a knowledge of the Truth.”
And while the ages roll, I’ll keep on praising Him
And my voice will never tire or grow old
And my song shall ever be, Praise the Lamb who died
And I’ll sing it while ages shall roll.
- Henry Mahan
There is no grace but free and sovereign grace, no election but eternal and unconditional election, no redemption but particular and effectual redemption, no salvation but by the irresistible grace and omnipotent power of God the Holy Spirit, and no security but by the absolute preservation of God’s immutable goodness. And any pretended gospel that does not proclaim these things is, as Paul says, “another gospel” that is damning to the souls of man. - Copied
June 4, 2023
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Just as thou art, without one trace
Of love, or joy, or inward grace
Or meetness of the heavenly place
O guilty sinner, Come! O, come!
Thy sins I bore on Calvary’s tree
The stripes, thy due, were laid on me
That peace and pardon might be free
O wretched sinner, come! O come!
Burden’d with guilt, wouldst thou be blest?
Trust not the world; it gives no rest
I bring relief to hearts oppressed
O weary sinner, come! O come!
Come leave thy burdens at the cross
Count all thy gains but empty dross
My grace repays all earthly loss
O needy sinner, come! O come!
Come, hither bring thy boding fears
Thy aching heart, thy bursting tears
‘Tis mercy’s voice salutes thine ears
O trembling sinner, come! O come!
The Spirit and bride say, come
Rejoicing saints re-echo “come”
Who faints, who thirsts, who will may come
Thy Saviour bids thee come! O come!
(Tune: “Just As I Am”)
We will observe the Lord’s Table this evening.
Congratulations to Daniel and Emma Hubbs on their marriage!
Vacation Bible School will be June 20 – 22. There is a sign up sheet in the foyer for volunteers to help.
4th – Debbie Williams 6th – Brad Clark
7th – Avery Summers 9th – Linda Ferrell
“He that hideth hatred with lying lips, and he that uttereth a slander, is a fool.” - Proverbs 10:18
If I know God, even as the thief on the cross knew Him, I know all of His attributes, even if I cannot articulate them, because I know Him! There is not one attribute of God that any believer would deny! As soon as they hear them they know they are true for this one reason….they know Him…..truly, what we believe is determined by Who we believe!
If I believe that Christ died for all men without exception, and some of those people for whom He died will be in hell, what I believe violates every attribute of God, makes Christ fail in His intention, and makes salvation dependent upon what the sinner does and not what Christ did. If that is what I believe, I certainly do not believe THE GOSPEL.
“Living in sin” is used to describe people who are openly living in immoral behavior. Sin in any form is never acceptable, admissible, or o.k. But the phrase “Living in sin” implies there are some who do live in sin and some who do not live in sin. My question is; when are you not living in sin? John tells us that if we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves and if we say we have not sinned, we make God a liar! (I John 1:8,10) That kind of language is incongruent to one who believes himself to be a sinner in the present tense! Paul said, “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief” (I Tim 1:15). Not of whom I was chief, but of whom I AM chief.
To worship God in the Old Testament you had to have a priest to offer a sacrifice upon an alter. It is no different in the New Testament. The Lord Jesus Christ is the Priest who offers Himself as the sacrifice on the altar of His humanity. He is the Priest, the Altar, and the Sacrifice.
Even though every believer is holy, righteous, and loved by God the Father, it is still hard, at least for me, to say or even think these things about myself. I am still a sinner, with a sinfull nature…and for me to declare to anyone that I am holy, righteous, and loved of God just does not feel right. But when I add two words to these descriptions, I can confidently and accurately declare these things about myself….
In Christ, I am holy – “Be ye holy, for I am holy.” – I Peter 1:16
In Christ, I am righteous – “That we might be made the righteousness of God in Him.” – II Corinthians 5:21
In Christ, I am loved of God – “And hast loved them, as thou hast loved me.” - John 17:23
This can all be summed up in one verse – “Because as He is, so are we in this world” (I John 4:17). God has made His people one with Christ, so perfectly united to Him, that when God looks on His precious Son, who is holy, righteous, and loved of God – He is also looking on every child of God, who is holy, righteous, and loved of God – In Christ! - Brian DuFour
Christ Came To Save Sinners
The real problem men have in believing the Gospel is that they do not see themselves as sinners. The only reason men do not believe themselves to be sinners is because they have not met Christ. Men by nature compare themselves to themselves, and being deceived believe themselves to be getting better. Or, they compare themselves to others and proudly conclude themselves to be better. If the One who is holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners, and higher than the heavens (Hebrews 7:26) ever shines His lovely face on them, they will agree with Job, “Behold I am vile” (Job 40:4). This is why we must always preach Christ and Him crucified. As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness so must the Son of Man be lifted up. Oh, for the grace to join our voice with John the Baptist in declaring, “Behold, the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world” (John 1:29). – Greg Elmquist
WEAK faith is TRUE faith; for the Author and Finisher is the same as the Object – Our Lord Jesus Christ.
A weak and frail hand can put food in the mouth as well as if it were a strong hand, seeing the body is not nourished by the hand at all but by the meat. It is not faith that justifies, sanctifies, and redeems – IT IS CHRIST! - John Rogers
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Just as thou art, without one trace
Of love, or joy, or inward grace
Or meetness of the heavenly place
O guilty sinner, Come! O, come!
Thy sins I bore on Calvary’s tree
The stripes, thy due, were laid on me
That peace and pardon might be free
O wretched sinner, come! O come!
Burden’d with guilt, wouldst thou be blest?
Trust not the world; it gives no rest
I bring relief to hearts oppressed
O weary sinner, come! O come!
Come leave thy burdens at the cross
Count all thy gains but empty dross
My grace repays all earthly loss
O needy sinner, come! O come!
Come, hither bring thy boding fears
Thy aching heart, thy bursting tears
‘Tis mercy’s voice salutes thine ears
O trembling sinner, come! O come!
The Spirit and bride say, come
Rejoicing saints re-echo “come”
Who faints, who thirsts, who will may come
Thy Saviour bids thee come! O come!
(Tune: “Just As I Am”)
We will observe the Lord’s Table this evening.
Congratulations to Daniel and Emma Hubbs on their marriage!
Vacation Bible School will be June 20 – 22. There is a sign up sheet in the foyer for volunteers to help.
4th – Debbie Williams 6th – Brad Clark
7th – Avery Summers 9th – Linda Ferrell
“He that hideth hatred with lying lips, and he that uttereth a slander, is a fool.” - Proverbs 10:18
If I know God, even as the thief on the cross knew Him, I know all of His attributes, even if I cannot articulate them, because I know Him! There is not one attribute of God that any believer would deny! As soon as they hear them they know they are true for this one reason….they know Him…..truly, what we believe is determined by Who we believe!
If I believe that Christ died for all men without exception, and some of those people for whom He died will be in hell, what I believe violates every attribute of God, makes Christ fail in His intention, and makes salvation dependent upon what the sinner does and not what Christ did. If that is what I believe, I certainly do not believe THE GOSPEL.
“Living in sin” is used to describe people who are openly living in immoral behavior. Sin in any form is never acceptable, admissible, or o.k. But the phrase “Living in sin” implies there are some who do live in sin and some who do not live in sin. My question is; when are you not living in sin? John tells us that if we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves and if we say we have not sinned, we make God a liar! (I John 1:8,10) That kind of language is incongruent to one who believes himself to be a sinner in the present tense! Paul said, “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief” (I Tim 1:15). Not of whom I was chief, but of whom I AM chief.
To worship God in the Old Testament you had to have a priest to offer a sacrifice upon an alter. It is no different in the New Testament. The Lord Jesus Christ is the Priest who offers Himself as the sacrifice on the altar of His humanity. He is the Priest, the Altar, and the Sacrifice.
Even though every believer is holy, righteous, and loved by God the Father, it is still hard, at least for me, to say or even think these things about myself. I am still a sinner, with a sinfull nature…and for me to declare to anyone that I am holy, righteous, and loved of God just does not feel right. But when I add two words to these descriptions, I can confidently and accurately declare these things about myself….
In Christ, I am holy – “Be ye holy, for I am holy.” – I Peter 1:16
In Christ, I am righteous – “That we might be made the righteousness of God in Him.” – II Corinthians 5:21
In Christ, I am loved of God – “And hast loved them, as thou hast loved me.” - John 17:23
This can all be summed up in one verse – “Because as He is, so are we in this world” (I John 4:17). God has made His people one with Christ, so perfectly united to Him, that when God looks on His precious Son, who is holy, righteous, and loved of God – He is also looking on every child of God, who is holy, righteous, and loved of God – In Christ! - Brian DuFour
Christ Came To Save Sinners
The real problem men have in believing the Gospel is that they do not see themselves as sinners. The only reason men do not believe themselves to be sinners is because they have not met Christ. Men by nature compare themselves to themselves, and being deceived believe themselves to be getting better. Or, they compare themselves to others and proudly conclude themselves to be better. If the One who is holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners, and higher than the heavens (Hebrews 7:26) ever shines His lovely face on them, they will agree with Job, “Behold I am vile” (Job 40:4). This is why we must always preach Christ and Him crucified. As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness so must the Son of Man be lifted up. Oh, for the grace to join our voice with John the Baptist in declaring, “Behold, the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world” (John 1:29). – Greg Elmquist
WEAK faith is TRUE faith; for the Author and Finisher is the same as the Object – Our Lord Jesus Christ.
A weak and frail hand can put food in the mouth as well as if it were a strong hand, seeing the body is not nourished by the hand at all but by the meat. It is not faith that justifies, sanctifies, and redeems – IT IS CHRIST! - John Rogers
May 28, 2023
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Precious Savior, friend of sinners
We, as such, to Thee draw near
Let Thy Spirit dwell within us
With that love that casts out fear.
Matchless Savior, let us know Thee
As the Lord our Righteousness
Cause our hearts to cleave unto Thee
Come, and with Thy presence bless.
Open now Thy precious treasure
Let Thy Word here freely flow
Give to us a gracious measure
‘Tis Thyself we long to know.
Come and claim us as Thy portion
Let us all find rest in Thee
Leave us not to empty notions
We would find our hope in Thee!
(Tune: “Our Great Savior” p. 49)
Congratulations to our High School Graduates Kate Hands, Lauren Harries, and Thomas Kincer! We will honor them after the service this evening - bring an appetizer or dessert.
Congratulations to Mark and Jessica Mohr on their marriage!
Daniel Hubbs and Emmas Steeves will be married this Friday, June 2nd at 5:00pm. The invitation is in the foyer.
Vacation Bible School will be June 20 – 22. There is a sign up sheet in the foyer for volunteers to help.
28th – David Walmsley 28th – Stephen Walmsley 31st – Cora Clark
31st – Julianna Daniel 31st – Scott Rutledge 1st – Rebekah Vincent
2nd – Audrey Grace Hacker 2nd – Jacob Rigsby
2nd – Alexis Sligh 2nd – John Walmsley
“Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.” - Proverbs 16:18
Where there is a clear statement regarding anything in the Word of God, to want a sign to validate it is unbelief. Where there is a clear command in the Word of God, to need a sign as to whether or not it should be obeyed is disobedience.
Once in the Old Testament and twice in the New Testament God is said to write His laws in our mind and heart. The mind is the knowledge of the Truth. The heart is the love of the Truth. Where you have the one you have the other. When you only have the one, in reality, you have neither.
“They have no knowledge that set up the wood of their graven image, and pray unto a god that cannot save” (Isaiah 45:20). If my god cannot save me unless I do something that will enable him to, my god is nothing more than an idol, I have no knowledge of the Living God, and I myself will not be saved.
The wicked King Jeroboam said, “It is too much to you to go up to Jerusalem.” Jerusalem was the place God ordained, but Jeroboam made it more convenient by setting up a place in Bethel and Dan. This is what is known as “The sin of Jeroboam”. He started a religion of convenience. May we never fall into the sin of Jeroboam. If personal convenience enters our thinking in the worship of God, it is evil. It tells what our attitude about worship is. God is not interested in us squeezing in some time for Him in life’s busy schedule. David said, “I will not offer to God that which costs me nothing.” If personal sacrifice is not involved in all of our acts of worship, it shows how little we value worship. But be sure of this, God values it even less.
There is nothing that keeps a man out of heaven but his own will. But, there is nothing that will keep a man out of hell but God’s will. Eternal life is by God’s will, God’s gift, and God’s work (Romans 9:16; 6:23; II Timothy 1:9). But eternal death is the result of man’s will, man’s work, and man’s merit (Proverbs 1:23-26; Romans 6:23; 10:21).
- Don Fortner
God is holy, and if anything or anyone is to come into His presence, they must also be holy, sinless, and perfectly spotless, without one blemish – “And whosoever offereth a sacrifice of peace offerings unto the Lord to accomplish his vow, or a freewill offering in beeves or sheep, it shall be perfect to be accepted; there shall be no blemish therein” (Lev. 22:21).
So how can an unholy, imperfect sinner, that burns their toast, trips on their own shoe laces, and takes 2-3 minutes to find the book of Haggai in Scripture, even conceive that they could provide perfection to a Holy God? As sinners, everything we think, say, or do is polluted with sin, rendering it imperfect, and not acceptable to a Holy God. Therefore, we cannot provide the perfection that God requires, but Christ can and Christ did, when He offered Himself as the sin-bearing substitute on that tree for His people…. “For by one offering He hath perfected forever them that are sanctified” (Heb. 10:14). Every believer has been eternally perfected through the blood and righteousness of the spotless Lamb of God. His death on that tree paid the price of redemption, suffering and consuming the wrath of God, putting away every single sin of His people. But before He died, He lived sinlessly for 33 years to “Bring in everlasting righteousness” (Dan 9:24)… which He freely gives to everyone of His people, making them to be “Perfect through my comeliness, which I had put upon thee, saith the Lord God” (Ez. 16:14). Perfection required by God the Father, perfection provided by God the Son – a perfect salvation for any sinner looking to Christ alone!
- Brian DuFour
The ancient Greeks told us to be moderate by knowing our inclinations. The Romans told us to be strong by ordering our lives. Buddhism tells us to be disillusioned by annihilating our consciousness. Hinduism tells us to be absorbed by merging ours souls. Islam tells us to be submissive by subjecting our wills. Agnosticism tells us to be at peace by ignoring out doubts. Moralism tells us to be good by discharging our obligations. Only the Gospel tells us to be free by acknowledging our failures. Christianity is the un-religion because it is the one faith whose founder tells us to bring not our doing, but our need. – Dane Orlund
It remains true, that in ourselves we have no resting place. It is the quality of the work without, not the quality of that within, which satisfies us. “No confidence in the flesh” must be our motto, as it is the foundation of God’s Gospel. - Horatius Bonar
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Precious Savior, friend of sinners
We, as such, to Thee draw near
Let Thy Spirit dwell within us
With that love that casts out fear.
Matchless Savior, let us know Thee
As the Lord our Righteousness
Cause our hearts to cleave unto Thee
Come, and with Thy presence bless.
Open now Thy precious treasure
Let Thy Word here freely flow
Give to us a gracious measure
‘Tis Thyself we long to know.
Come and claim us as Thy portion
Let us all find rest in Thee
Leave us not to empty notions
We would find our hope in Thee!
(Tune: “Our Great Savior” p. 49)
Congratulations to our High School Graduates Kate Hands, Lauren Harries, and Thomas Kincer! We will honor them after the service this evening - bring an appetizer or dessert.
Congratulations to Mark and Jessica Mohr on their marriage!
Daniel Hubbs and Emmas Steeves will be married this Friday, June 2nd at 5:00pm. The invitation is in the foyer.
Vacation Bible School will be June 20 – 22. There is a sign up sheet in the foyer for volunteers to help.
28th – David Walmsley 28th – Stephen Walmsley 31st – Cora Clark
31st – Julianna Daniel 31st – Scott Rutledge 1st – Rebekah Vincent
2nd – Audrey Grace Hacker 2nd – Jacob Rigsby
2nd – Alexis Sligh 2nd – John Walmsley
“Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.” - Proverbs 16:18
Where there is a clear statement regarding anything in the Word of God, to want a sign to validate it is unbelief. Where there is a clear command in the Word of God, to need a sign as to whether or not it should be obeyed is disobedience.
Once in the Old Testament and twice in the New Testament God is said to write His laws in our mind and heart. The mind is the knowledge of the Truth. The heart is the love of the Truth. Where you have the one you have the other. When you only have the one, in reality, you have neither.
“They have no knowledge that set up the wood of their graven image, and pray unto a god that cannot save” (Isaiah 45:20). If my god cannot save me unless I do something that will enable him to, my god is nothing more than an idol, I have no knowledge of the Living God, and I myself will not be saved.
The wicked King Jeroboam said, “It is too much to you to go up to Jerusalem.” Jerusalem was the place God ordained, but Jeroboam made it more convenient by setting up a place in Bethel and Dan. This is what is known as “The sin of Jeroboam”. He started a religion of convenience. May we never fall into the sin of Jeroboam. If personal convenience enters our thinking in the worship of God, it is evil. It tells what our attitude about worship is. God is not interested in us squeezing in some time for Him in life’s busy schedule. David said, “I will not offer to God that which costs me nothing.” If personal sacrifice is not involved in all of our acts of worship, it shows how little we value worship. But be sure of this, God values it even less.
There is nothing that keeps a man out of heaven but his own will. But, there is nothing that will keep a man out of hell but God’s will. Eternal life is by God’s will, God’s gift, and God’s work (Romans 9:16; 6:23; II Timothy 1:9). But eternal death is the result of man’s will, man’s work, and man’s merit (Proverbs 1:23-26; Romans 6:23; 10:21).
- Don Fortner
God is holy, and if anything or anyone is to come into His presence, they must also be holy, sinless, and perfectly spotless, without one blemish – “And whosoever offereth a sacrifice of peace offerings unto the Lord to accomplish his vow, or a freewill offering in beeves or sheep, it shall be perfect to be accepted; there shall be no blemish therein” (Lev. 22:21).
So how can an unholy, imperfect sinner, that burns their toast, trips on their own shoe laces, and takes 2-3 minutes to find the book of Haggai in Scripture, even conceive that they could provide perfection to a Holy God? As sinners, everything we think, say, or do is polluted with sin, rendering it imperfect, and not acceptable to a Holy God. Therefore, we cannot provide the perfection that God requires, but Christ can and Christ did, when He offered Himself as the sin-bearing substitute on that tree for His people…. “For by one offering He hath perfected forever them that are sanctified” (Heb. 10:14). Every believer has been eternally perfected through the blood and righteousness of the spotless Lamb of God. His death on that tree paid the price of redemption, suffering and consuming the wrath of God, putting away every single sin of His people. But before He died, He lived sinlessly for 33 years to “Bring in everlasting righteousness” (Dan 9:24)… which He freely gives to everyone of His people, making them to be “Perfect through my comeliness, which I had put upon thee, saith the Lord God” (Ez. 16:14). Perfection required by God the Father, perfection provided by God the Son – a perfect salvation for any sinner looking to Christ alone!
- Brian DuFour
The ancient Greeks told us to be moderate by knowing our inclinations. The Romans told us to be strong by ordering our lives. Buddhism tells us to be disillusioned by annihilating our consciousness. Hinduism tells us to be absorbed by merging ours souls. Islam tells us to be submissive by subjecting our wills. Agnosticism tells us to be at peace by ignoring out doubts. Moralism tells us to be good by discharging our obligations. Only the Gospel tells us to be free by acknowledging our failures. Christianity is the un-religion because it is the one faith whose founder tells us to bring not our doing, but our need. – Dane Orlund
It remains true, that in ourselves we have no resting place. It is the quality of the work without, not the quality of that within, which satisfies us. “No confidence in the flesh” must be our motto, as it is the foundation of God’s Gospel. - Horatius Bonar
May 21, 2023
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
‘Tis not that I did choose Thee for Lord that could not be
This heart would still refuse Thee Had’st Thou not chosen me
Thou from the sin that stained me hast cleansed and set me free
Of old Thou hast ordained me that I should live to Thee.
Your love had no beginning, no cause in me was found
That you should choose to save me, a sinner strongly bound
But grace not earned or sought for was purposed for my soul
For me, salvation wrought; for Christ paid the dreadful toll.
‘Twas sovereign mercy called me and taught my opening mind
The world had else enthralled me to heav’nly glories blind
My heart owns none before Thee for Thy rich grace I thirst
This knowing if I loved Thee, Thou must have loved me first.
(Tune: “The Church’s One Foundation” p. 186)
I am preaching for the Oley Grace Church in Oley, PA today. Aaron Greenleaf will preach this morning and Rex Bartley from Grace Baptist in Danville will bring the evening message.
We will honor our High School graduating seniors Kate Hands, Lauren Harries, and Thomas Kincer next Sunday evening, May 28th. Bring an appetizer or dessert.
Vacation Bible School will be June 20 – 22.
23rd – Adam Clark 25th – Elizabeth Wright 27th – Thomas Kincer
“He that is slow to wrath is of great understanding: but the that is hasty of spirit exalteth folly.” - Proverbs 14:29
June 30-2nd Rescue Baptist Church Rescue, CA
July 7-9 Sovereign Grace Baptist Church Ewing, NJ
July 28-30 Redeemer Grace Church Sellersburg, IN
October 27-29 Grace Baptist Church Lewisville, AR
The Christ I believe will be equal with the God I believe. If the God I believe can have his intentions thwarted by man’s free will, that is the Christ I believe. If the God I believe has a will which is not always done, that is the Christ I believe. If the God I believe can be manipulated, that is the Christ I believe. If the God I believe is absolutely sovereign, omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, immutable, eternal, independent, and holy, that is the Christ I believe. If the God I believe is incapable of failure, that is the Christ I believe. If the God I believe is the God described in Scripture, the Christ I believe is the Christ of Scripture. If the God I believe is not the God of Scripture, the god I believe is non-existent. If the Christ I believe is not the Christ of Scripture, he is a non-existent Christ. The Christ I believe will be equal with and correspond to the God I believe. The God I believe is the Christ I will believe! The Christ I believe is the One in whom, “Dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily” (Col. 2:9).
“You shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you free” (John 8:32). Most of what goes under the name of preaching is an appeal to the flesh ….how to get your perceived needs met. The appeal of the Gospel is simply the Truth. The preaching of the Gospel is from the Truth of God’s Word which declares the Truth regarding God’s character, man’s character, and the salvation that is in Christ Jesus. Christ said, “For this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the Truth. Everyone that is of the Truth heareth my voice.” To be “of the Truth” is to be “of God” … “He that is of God heareth God’s words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God” (John 8:47). This is not to say we are unconcerned about the meeting of our needs, but that all takes a backseat to Him Who is the TRUTH.
“O wretched man that I am! Who shall deliver me from the body of this death? I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord (Romans 7:24-25).” “For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would” (Galatians 5:17).
Oh what a wretched thing this flesh is! It is the residence of corruption, unbelief, hate, deceit, and every other evil known to man. Who would want such neighbors living next to them? Yet, these vile tenants are not mere neighbors to the believer. No, they are much closer than mere neighbors: they occupy the same duplex. The believer is of two natures joined into one flesh: flesh and spirit. Spiritually, he is a new man, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness. But he still possesses the same flesh he was born with, and the same “people” live there. These occupants of the fleshly side of our “duplex” are not considerate at all, having no respect whatsoever for the occupants of the spiritual side of the duplex. No sooner does the spirit mow the grass and weed the flower bed than the flesh dumps a bag of stinking garbage on the lawn. No sooner does the spirit sit down for an evening of quiet reflection and prayer than the flesh will throw a party, turning up the stereo of vile thoughts. Neither side of the duplex will ever find full satisfaction, nor will there be any compromise. It will be a constant state of war for as long as the believer lives in this flesh. No wonder Paul wrote, “O, wretched man that I am.” Thanks to God through Christ, He shall someday throw out the occupants on the other side, knock down the wall that separates the two sides, and the fruit of the Spirit, the occupants of the believer’s soul, shall reside in BOTH sides, in one harmonious household! - Joe Terrell
One of the main objectives of the ministry of the Gospel is to convince sinners of their sin and misery without Christ. Men will not come to Christ Jesus until they are so convinced. “The well do not need a physician.” If you love your soul, seriously meditate upon the fact and do not allow pride to rob you of the TROUBLING but PLEASANT realization that YOU ARE A SINNER! Christ is the friend of sinners.
- Henry Mahan
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
‘Tis not that I did choose Thee for Lord that could not be
This heart would still refuse Thee Had’st Thou not chosen me
Thou from the sin that stained me hast cleansed and set me free
Of old Thou hast ordained me that I should live to Thee.
Your love had no beginning, no cause in me was found
That you should choose to save me, a sinner strongly bound
But grace not earned or sought for was purposed for my soul
For me, salvation wrought; for Christ paid the dreadful toll.
‘Twas sovereign mercy called me and taught my opening mind
The world had else enthralled me to heav’nly glories blind
My heart owns none before Thee for Thy rich grace I thirst
This knowing if I loved Thee, Thou must have loved me first.
(Tune: “The Church’s One Foundation” p. 186)
I am preaching for the Oley Grace Church in Oley, PA today. Aaron Greenleaf will preach this morning and Rex Bartley from Grace Baptist in Danville will bring the evening message.
We will honor our High School graduating seniors Kate Hands, Lauren Harries, and Thomas Kincer next Sunday evening, May 28th. Bring an appetizer or dessert.
Vacation Bible School will be June 20 – 22.
23rd – Adam Clark 25th – Elizabeth Wright 27th – Thomas Kincer
“He that is slow to wrath is of great understanding: but the that is hasty of spirit exalteth folly.” - Proverbs 14:29
June 30-2nd Rescue Baptist Church Rescue, CA
July 7-9 Sovereign Grace Baptist Church Ewing, NJ
July 28-30 Redeemer Grace Church Sellersburg, IN
October 27-29 Grace Baptist Church Lewisville, AR
The Christ I believe will be equal with the God I believe. If the God I believe can have his intentions thwarted by man’s free will, that is the Christ I believe. If the God I believe has a will which is not always done, that is the Christ I believe. If the God I believe can be manipulated, that is the Christ I believe. If the God I believe is absolutely sovereign, omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, immutable, eternal, independent, and holy, that is the Christ I believe. If the God I believe is incapable of failure, that is the Christ I believe. If the God I believe is the God described in Scripture, the Christ I believe is the Christ of Scripture. If the God I believe is not the God of Scripture, the god I believe is non-existent. If the Christ I believe is not the Christ of Scripture, he is a non-existent Christ. The Christ I believe will be equal with and correspond to the God I believe. The God I believe is the Christ I will believe! The Christ I believe is the One in whom, “Dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily” (Col. 2:9).
“You shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you free” (John 8:32). Most of what goes under the name of preaching is an appeal to the flesh ….how to get your perceived needs met. The appeal of the Gospel is simply the Truth. The preaching of the Gospel is from the Truth of God’s Word which declares the Truth regarding God’s character, man’s character, and the salvation that is in Christ Jesus. Christ said, “For this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the Truth. Everyone that is of the Truth heareth my voice.” To be “of the Truth” is to be “of God” … “He that is of God heareth God’s words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God” (John 8:47). This is not to say we are unconcerned about the meeting of our needs, but that all takes a backseat to Him Who is the TRUTH.
“O wretched man that I am! Who shall deliver me from the body of this death? I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord (Romans 7:24-25).” “For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would” (Galatians 5:17).
Oh what a wretched thing this flesh is! It is the residence of corruption, unbelief, hate, deceit, and every other evil known to man. Who would want such neighbors living next to them? Yet, these vile tenants are not mere neighbors to the believer. No, they are much closer than mere neighbors: they occupy the same duplex. The believer is of two natures joined into one flesh: flesh and spirit. Spiritually, he is a new man, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness. But he still possesses the same flesh he was born with, and the same “people” live there. These occupants of the fleshly side of our “duplex” are not considerate at all, having no respect whatsoever for the occupants of the spiritual side of the duplex. No sooner does the spirit mow the grass and weed the flower bed than the flesh dumps a bag of stinking garbage on the lawn. No sooner does the spirit sit down for an evening of quiet reflection and prayer than the flesh will throw a party, turning up the stereo of vile thoughts. Neither side of the duplex will ever find full satisfaction, nor will there be any compromise. It will be a constant state of war for as long as the believer lives in this flesh. No wonder Paul wrote, “O, wretched man that I am.” Thanks to God through Christ, He shall someday throw out the occupants on the other side, knock down the wall that separates the two sides, and the fruit of the Spirit, the occupants of the believer’s soul, shall reside in BOTH sides, in one harmonious household! - Joe Terrell
One of the main objectives of the ministry of the Gospel is to convince sinners of their sin and misery without Christ. Men will not come to Christ Jesus until they are so convinced. “The well do not need a physician.” If you love your soul, seriously meditate upon the fact and do not allow pride to rob you of the TROUBLING but PLEASANT realization that YOU ARE A SINNER! Christ is the friend of sinners.
- Henry Mahan
May 14, 2023
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Prepare me, gracious God
To stand before Thy face
Thy Spirit must the work perform
For it is all of grace.
In Christ’s obedience clothe
And wash me in His blood
So shall I lift my head with joy
Among the sons of God.
Do Thou my sin subdue
Thy Sovereign love make known
The Spirit of my mind renew
And save me in Thy Son.
Let me attest Thy power
Let me Thy goodness prove
Till my full soul can hold no more
Of everlasting love!
(Tune: “I Love Thy Kingdom” p.188)
We will honor our High School graduating seniors Sunday evening, May 28th. Bring an appetizer or dessert and plan now to attend!
Vacation Bible School will be June 20 – 22.
18th – David Burton 19th – Dylan Daniel 20th – Isabella Thompson
“He that rebuketh a man afterward shall find more favor than the that flattereth with the tongue.” - Proverbs 28:23
“The Gospel is the Good News for the no good.”
Only God can make the way for Him to be just and yet justify the ungodly (Romans 4:5). When God justifies a man, their sins are so thoroughly put away by the blood of Christ that in God’s sight they have never sinned. They have never done anything wrong and have always done that which is perfectly right. When they are in heaven they will be there as men and women who have never sinned. Those who sing the new song in heaven are described in terms of perfection. “In their mouth was found no guile: for they are without fault before the Throne of God” (Rev. 14:5).
“All their works they do to be seen of men….verily I say unto you, they have their reward.” This is the Lord’s estimation of the religious works of the religious hypocrite. In Matthew 6:1-18, He speaks of the motive for their almsgiving, prayers, and fasting was to be seen of men. When they announce it to others, they are seen of men, and have their reward! Every believer should give alms, pray, and fast, but if I let others know about my works of charity (alms), prayer (devotion), and fasting (self-denial), that is my reward and a worthless reward it is. We are to seek to do good and avoid evil, but when we tell others of our intentions we are seeking to promote ourselves and not avoiding evil!
“I delight in the law of God after the inner man.” We are free from the law as a covenant of works and if we are justified that means we stand before the law having kept it perfectly – no reason for fear! We delight in the law but we know we have not kept one commandment in ourselves. We never look at our freedom from the law as a license to disobey it. We honor God’s holy law when we look to Christ only as the end of the law for righteousness. “Do we make void the law through faith? God forbid: yea, we establish the law.”
Life is a journey – not a home. Life is a road – not a city of habitation. The enjoyments and blessings we have, are but little inns on the roadside of life, where we may be refreshed for a moment, that we may with new strength press onto the end – yet to the rest that remains for the people of God. - Horatius Bonar
Everything that God requires, God must provide; and God only accepts that which He provides. - Greg Elmquist
When the Gospel is preached, there are two things always taking place (even though most are unaware of it); some are being prepared for glory, others are being hardened. Some are being brought to the light; some are left sitting in darkness. Some see Christ and His glory; others see no beauty about Him. Some who hear the Gospel have their hearts made tender towards sin; others have their hearts hardened in sin. No wonder we say, “Who is sufficient for these things?” The question we should all be asking is, “How is the preaching of the Gospel affecting me?” - Donnie Bell
Is that which is broken good for anything? One cannot see in a broken mirror; one cannot drink from a broken glass, one cannot work with a broken arm; one cannot walk with a broken leg. Only the heart is at its best state when it is broken! “The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart” (Psalm 34:18). - Henry Mahan
If my salvation is by the sovereign grace and finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ alone, and not by any work (righteousness) that I do, then I have absolutely no reason to worry or fret over doing anything that might cause me to be lost. God has accepted Christ’s work and God has accepted me in Christ. - David Eddmenson
GRACE and WORKS of any kind, in the point of acceptance with God are mentioned by the apostle not only as opposites, or as contraries, but as absolutely contradictory to each other, like fire and water, light and darkness; so that the affirmation of the one is the denial of the other (Romans 4:5; 11:5-6). God justifies freely, justifies the ungodly, and him that worketh not. - John Newton
Since God is pleased by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe, should we not be continually urging our lost ones to come hear the Gospel? May God be pleased to open doors for us to go to this dying world and compel men and women to come in.
– David Eddmenson
When we confess our sins, we justify God in condemning us. When the Lord Jesus died for our sins, He justified God in saving us.
- Joe Terrell
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Prepare me, gracious God
To stand before Thy face
Thy Spirit must the work perform
For it is all of grace.
In Christ’s obedience clothe
And wash me in His blood
So shall I lift my head with joy
Among the sons of God.
Do Thou my sin subdue
Thy Sovereign love make known
The Spirit of my mind renew
And save me in Thy Son.
Let me attest Thy power
Let me Thy goodness prove
Till my full soul can hold no more
Of everlasting love!
(Tune: “I Love Thy Kingdom” p.188)
We will honor our High School graduating seniors Sunday evening, May 28th. Bring an appetizer or dessert and plan now to attend!
Vacation Bible School will be June 20 – 22.
18th – David Burton 19th – Dylan Daniel 20th – Isabella Thompson
“He that rebuketh a man afterward shall find more favor than the that flattereth with the tongue.” - Proverbs 28:23
“The Gospel is the Good News for the no good.”
Only God can make the way for Him to be just and yet justify the ungodly (Romans 4:5). When God justifies a man, their sins are so thoroughly put away by the blood of Christ that in God’s sight they have never sinned. They have never done anything wrong and have always done that which is perfectly right. When they are in heaven they will be there as men and women who have never sinned. Those who sing the new song in heaven are described in terms of perfection. “In their mouth was found no guile: for they are without fault before the Throne of God” (Rev. 14:5).
“All their works they do to be seen of men….verily I say unto you, they have their reward.” This is the Lord’s estimation of the religious works of the religious hypocrite. In Matthew 6:1-18, He speaks of the motive for their almsgiving, prayers, and fasting was to be seen of men. When they announce it to others, they are seen of men, and have their reward! Every believer should give alms, pray, and fast, but if I let others know about my works of charity (alms), prayer (devotion), and fasting (self-denial), that is my reward and a worthless reward it is. We are to seek to do good and avoid evil, but when we tell others of our intentions we are seeking to promote ourselves and not avoiding evil!
“I delight in the law of God after the inner man.” We are free from the law as a covenant of works and if we are justified that means we stand before the law having kept it perfectly – no reason for fear! We delight in the law but we know we have not kept one commandment in ourselves. We never look at our freedom from the law as a license to disobey it. We honor God’s holy law when we look to Christ only as the end of the law for righteousness. “Do we make void the law through faith? God forbid: yea, we establish the law.”
Life is a journey – not a home. Life is a road – not a city of habitation. The enjoyments and blessings we have, are but little inns on the roadside of life, where we may be refreshed for a moment, that we may with new strength press onto the end – yet to the rest that remains for the people of God. - Horatius Bonar
Everything that God requires, God must provide; and God only accepts that which He provides. - Greg Elmquist
When the Gospel is preached, there are two things always taking place (even though most are unaware of it); some are being prepared for glory, others are being hardened. Some are being brought to the light; some are left sitting in darkness. Some see Christ and His glory; others see no beauty about Him. Some who hear the Gospel have their hearts made tender towards sin; others have their hearts hardened in sin. No wonder we say, “Who is sufficient for these things?” The question we should all be asking is, “How is the preaching of the Gospel affecting me?” - Donnie Bell
Is that which is broken good for anything? One cannot see in a broken mirror; one cannot drink from a broken glass, one cannot work with a broken arm; one cannot walk with a broken leg. Only the heart is at its best state when it is broken! “The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart” (Psalm 34:18). - Henry Mahan
If my salvation is by the sovereign grace and finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ alone, and not by any work (righteousness) that I do, then I have absolutely no reason to worry or fret over doing anything that might cause me to be lost. God has accepted Christ’s work and God has accepted me in Christ. - David Eddmenson
GRACE and WORKS of any kind, in the point of acceptance with God are mentioned by the apostle not only as opposites, or as contraries, but as absolutely contradictory to each other, like fire and water, light and darkness; so that the affirmation of the one is the denial of the other (Romans 4:5; 11:5-6). God justifies freely, justifies the ungodly, and him that worketh not. - John Newton
Since God is pleased by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe, should we not be continually urging our lost ones to come hear the Gospel? May God be pleased to open doors for us to go to this dying world and compel men and women to come in.
– David Eddmenson
When we confess our sins, we justify God in condemning us. When the Lord Jesus died for our sins, He justified God in saving us.
- Joe Terrell
May 7, 2023
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Wherewith shall we approach the Lord
And bow before His Throne?
By trusting in His faithful Word
And pleading Christ alone.
The blood, the righteousness, and love
Of Jesus will we plead
He lives within the veil above
For us to intercede.
Sure ground and sure foundation, too
We find in His Dear Name
Herein we ev’ry blessing view
And ev’ry favor claim.
Then let His Name forever be
To us supremely Dear
Our only, all-prevailing plea
For all our hope is there!
(Tune: “O God Our Help” p.10)
I am preaching today for the Bethel Baptist Church in Spring Lake, NC. Aaron Greenleaf will preach this morning and Frank Tate will bring the evening message.
7th – Kyle Willis 8th – Kim DuFour 9th – Flora Scifres
10th – Will Hacker 11th - Della Grace Frye 11th – Kate Hands
11th – Fred Tuttle 12th - April Frye
12th – Courtney Ortz 13th – Annie Charron
“A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger.” - Proverbs 15:1
May 19-21 Oley Grace Church Oley, PA
June 30-2nd Rescue Baptist Church Rescue, CA
July 7-9 Sovereign Grace Baptist Church Ewing, NJ
July 28-30 Redeemer Grace Church Sellersburg, IN
October 27-29 Grace Baptist Church Lewisville, AK
Any doctrine believed that is not according to the Word of God and any doctrine not believed that is in the Word of God is more than not intellectually grasping it. There is a sinful motive behind failure to believe the Truth…. every time. “If any man will do His will, he shall know the doctrine” (John 7:17). Not knowing the doctrine is rooted in an unwillingness to do His will.
While God is three distinct Persons in one God - God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, the unity of the Trinity is such that all three Persons of the Godhead have only one will. The will of the Father is the will of the Son and the will of the Spirit. The will of the Son is the will of the Father and the Spirit. The will of the Spirit is the will of the Father and the Son. Truly, “These Three are One.” (I John 5:7).
Paul said, “For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain” (Phil. 1:21). What assurance Paul had that would cause him to look upon his own death as gain! Question – Is there any reason why any believer should not speak with this same confidence? Since we are all saved the same way Paul was, by the righteousness, shed blood, and sovereign grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, we have no reason to have any less confidence then he did! Did Paul look to Christ alone? Of course he did, you say. Do you? If you do, you can say with Paul….. “To die is gain.” Remember, “To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.”
I left the pulpit one night and a fellow asked me, “Do you believe the law to be a believer’s rule of life?” He seemed surprised when I told him I did not. His very next question was, “How do you know how to live?” I told him immediately that I lived just as the Apostle Paul, “The life that I now live, I live by the faith of the Son of God” (Gal. 2:30). This was the rule of life for Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Abel and all others who have nothing but Jesus Christ to live upon. Someone would say, “You mean you live as you want to?” I wish I could…. I would be filled with the Spirit, I would never sin again, all my motives would be pure, I would be delivered from the body of this death. Oh, I wish I could live just like I want to. The closest thing I have found to living just like I would like to, is living by faith upon Jesus Christ the Dear and Blessed Son of God. - Bruce Crabtree
When thinking about or discussing the atonement, the question of importance is not – “For whom did Christ die?” The only question of importance is – “Who died?” Is Jesus Christ God? If He is, all for whom He died are redeemed, and all He intended to accomplish in His death He accomplished. To think or say otherwise is both a denial of the blessed Gospel doctrine of Limited Atonement and the utter repudiation of our Savior’s very Godhead! - Don Fortner
There is a magnificent simplicity and singularity in the Gospel. How merciful is our God to take such wondrous things and bring them to a succinct point, thereby making misunderstanding an impossibility. There is one way, one truth, one life, one faith, one Lord, one baptism. A person cannot claim that he does not understand, he can only admit that he does not believe. - Tim James
“By grace are ye saved.” Not merely exempt from the punishment due to sin, but saved from sin! Yes, saved from the penalty of sin. But saved from the power of sin also! “Sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under law, but under grace.” If our view of grace merely leaves us feeling o.k. with sin, because salvation is by grace, we have not understood grace. Grace is not exemption from holiness. It is the cause of holiness. Where there is no holiness, there is no grace!
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Wherewith shall we approach the Lord
And bow before His Throne?
By trusting in His faithful Word
And pleading Christ alone.
The blood, the righteousness, and love
Of Jesus will we plead
He lives within the veil above
For us to intercede.
Sure ground and sure foundation, too
We find in His Dear Name
Herein we ev’ry blessing view
And ev’ry favor claim.
Then let His Name forever be
To us supremely Dear
Our only, all-prevailing plea
For all our hope is there!
(Tune: “O God Our Help” p.10)
I am preaching today for the Bethel Baptist Church in Spring Lake, NC. Aaron Greenleaf will preach this morning and Frank Tate will bring the evening message.
7th – Kyle Willis 8th – Kim DuFour 9th – Flora Scifres
10th – Will Hacker 11th - Della Grace Frye 11th – Kate Hands
11th – Fred Tuttle 12th - April Frye
12th – Courtney Ortz 13th – Annie Charron
“A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger.” - Proverbs 15:1
May 19-21 Oley Grace Church Oley, PA
June 30-2nd Rescue Baptist Church Rescue, CA
July 7-9 Sovereign Grace Baptist Church Ewing, NJ
July 28-30 Redeemer Grace Church Sellersburg, IN
October 27-29 Grace Baptist Church Lewisville, AK
Any doctrine believed that is not according to the Word of God and any doctrine not believed that is in the Word of God is more than not intellectually grasping it. There is a sinful motive behind failure to believe the Truth…. every time. “If any man will do His will, he shall know the doctrine” (John 7:17). Not knowing the doctrine is rooted in an unwillingness to do His will.
While God is three distinct Persons in one God - God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, the unity of the Trinity is such that all three Persons of the Godhead have only one will. The will of the Father is the will of the Son and the will of the Spirit. The will of the Son is the will of the Father and the Spirit. The will of the Spirit is the will of the Father and the Son. Truly, “These Three are One.” (I John 5:7).
Paul said, “For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain” (Phil. 1:21). What assurance Paul had that would cause him to look upon his own death as gain! Question – Is there any reason why any believer should not speak with this same confidence? Since we are all saved the same way Paul was, by the righteousness, shed blood, and sovereign grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, we have no reason to have any less confidence then he did! Did Paul look to Christ alone? Of course he did, you say. Do you? If you do, you can say with Paul….. “To die is gain.” Remember, “To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.”
I left the pulpit one night and a fellow asked me, “Do you believe the law to be a believer’s rule of life?” He seemed surprised when I told him I did not. His very next question was, “How do you know how to live?” I told him immediately that I lived just as the Apostle Paul, “The life that I now live, I live by the faith of the Son of God” (Gal. 2:30). This was the rule of life for Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Abel and all others who have nothing but Jesus Christ to live upon. Someone would say, “You mean you live as you want to?” I wish I could…. I would be filled with the Spirit, I would never sin again, all my motives would be pure, I would be delivered from the body of this death. Oh, I wish I could live just like I want to. The closest thing I have found to living just like I would like to, is living by faith upon Jesus Christ the Dear and Blessed Son of God. - Bruce Crabtree
When thinking about or discussing the atonement, the question of importance is not – “For whom did Christ die?” The only question of importance is – “Who died?” Is Jesus Christ God? If He is, all for whom He died are redeemed, and all He intended to accomplish in His death He accomplished. To think or say otherwise is both a denial of the blessed Gospel doctrine of Limited Atonement and the utter repudiation of our Savior’s very Godhead! - Don Fortner
There is a magnificent simplicity and singularity in the Gospel. How merciful is our God to take such wondrous things and bring them to a succinct point, thereby making misunderstanding an impossibility. There is one way, one truth, one life, one faith, one Lord, one baptism. A person cannot claim that he does not understand, he can only admit that he does not believe. - Tim James
“By grace are ye saved.” Not merely exempt from the punishment due to sin, but saved from sin! Yes, saved from the penalty of sin. But saved from the power of sin also! “Sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under law, but under grace.” If our view of grace merely leaves us feeling o.k. with sin, because salvation is by grace, we have not understood grace. Grace is not exemption from holiness. It is the cause of holiness. Where there is no holiness, there is no grace!
April 30, 2023
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Praise the Lord, ye heav’ns adore Him
Praise Him, angels in the height
Sun and moon, rejoice before Him
Praise Him, all ye stars of light.
Praise the Lord, for He hath spoken
Worlds His mighty voice obeyed
Words that never shall be broken
For our guidance He hath made.
Praise the Lord, for He is glorious
Never shall His promise fail
God hath made His sheep victorious
Sin and death shall not prevail.
Praise the God of our salvation
Hosts on High His grace proclaim
Heav’n and earth and all creation
Laud and magnify His Name!
(Tune: “Jesus Calls Us” p. 374)
Congratulations to Jeffery & Sarah Gudowicz on their marriage!
May 5-7 Bethel Baptist Church Spring Lake, NC
May 19-21 Oley Grace Church Oley, PA
July 28-30 Redeemer Grace Church Sellersburg, IN
2nd - Mitchell Bryan 2nd – Gretta Daniel 4th – Jeffrey Imes
“Whoso keepeth his mouth and tongue keepth his soul from troubles.” - Proverb 21:23
“If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be Anathema Maranatha.” Anathema Maranatha means cursed, the Lord comes. Is that sentiment harsh and unloving on Paul’s part? The very fact that we could think something like that betrays an ignorance of the enormity of this sin! To fail to love Him who is Altogether Lovely is the fruit of a desperately wicked heart. If a man does not love the Lord Jesus Christ, hell is the only fit place for him. To all who love Christ, there was a time when we did not love Him. Being dead in sins we could not see His beauty, and actually hated Him! What grace that He would take someone who hated Him and graciously cause them to love Him! While we believe anyone who refuses to love the Lord Jesus Christ ought to be in hell, we also now that would be us if not for His saving love toward us! “We love Him because He first loved us.”
“The Lord taketh pleasure in them that fear Him, in those that hope in His mercy” (Psalm 147:11). The Living God actually takes pleasure in and delights in this person. Those who fear God have such reverence for His character that they are afraid to look anywhere but Christ alone for all of their acceptance with Him. Only those who fear Him hope only in His mercy. Those who hope in His mercy are those who fear Him. This fear and hope is always found together! Wherever there is a man that fears Him and hopes in His mercy, there is a man that the Lord Himself takes pleasure in!
I would like to say I never worry, but I do. Worry is nothing less than unbelief and mistrust. We know this, but we need to be reminded. The Lord said, ”Which of you by taking thought (worrying) can add one cubit to your stature (one moment to the length of your life).” We all know that worrying actually accomplishes nothing. “If ye then be not able to do that which is least, why take ye thought for the rest.” Worrying is really very stupid. I do not worry about things that I have no control over. I realize it is fruitless. But in reality, I do not have ultimate control over anything. But God does! Since He does, we should not worry! Worry is mistrust of Him! Since He is in control, there is really nothing to worry about.
How often have people made this statement after hearing some truth from the Word of God. Some doctrine or ordinance from the Scripture is taught, like election or believer’s baptism, and someone will say…. “Yes, I see that, but is it essential?” That comment is nothing more than an excuse for disobedience. If you were explaining the job responsibilities to a person interviewing for a job and he said to you, “Yes, I see what you are saying, but is it essential that I do those things?” You would know immediately that you did not want to hire that person! This is a question that should not be asked concerning anything that God reveals. If God reveals it in His Word, it is essential!
Why did the dove return to the ark and the raven never return? Because the raven could live off the dead, decaying animals drowned in the flood. But the dove could not. It had to return to the ark for its food. The raven represents the religious man who does not know Christ. He is satisfied with the dead, rotting works of the flesh. But the true believer must return to Christ, his ark, for food. The mark of a true believer is that he is continually coming to Christ for the same thing! Mercy and grace! He cannot be satisfied with anything less.
If there be anything plainly taught in Scripture, it is that the sacrifice of Christ was made for those only who shall eventually be saved by it. If the wisdom of men cannot reconcile this with their views of what is right, let them be prepared to dispute the matter with the Almighty in the Day of Judgment. - Alexander Carson
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Praise the Lord, ye heav’ns adore Him
Praise Him, angels in the height
Sun and moon, rejoice before Him
Praise Him, all ye stars of light.
Praise the Lord, for He hath spoken
Worlds His mighty voice obeyed
Words that never shall be broken
For our guidance He hath made.
Praise the Lord, for He is glorious
Never shall His promise fail
God hath made His sheep victorious
Sin and death shall not prevail.
Praise the God of our salvation
Hosts on High His grace proclaim
Heav’n and earth and all creation
Laud and magnify His Name!
(Tune: “Jesus Calls Us” p. 374)
Congratulations to Jeffery & Sarah Gudowicz on their marriage!
May 5-7 Bethel Baptist Church Spring Lake, NC
May 19-21 Oley Grace Church Oley, PA
July 28-30 Redeemer Grace Church Sellersburg, IN
2nd - Mitchell Bryan 2nd – Gretta Daniel 4th – Jeffrey Imes
“Whoso keepeth his mouth and tongue keepth his soul from troubles.” - Proverb 21:23
“If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be Anathema Maranatha.” Anathema Maranatha means cursed, the Lord comes. Is that sentiment harsh and unloving on Paul’s part? The very fact that we could think something like that betrays an ignorance of the enormity of this sin! To fail to love Him who is Altogether Lovely is the fruit of a desperately wicked heart. If a man does not love the Lord Jesus Christ, hell is the only fit place for him. To all who love Christ, there was a time when we did not love Him. Being dead in sins we could not see His beauty, and actually hated Him! What grace that He would take someone who hated Him and graciously cause them to love Him! While we believe anyone who refuses to love the Lord Jesus Christ ought to be in hell, we also now that would be us if not for His saving love toward us! “We love Him because He first loved us.”
“The Lord taketh pleasure in them that fear Him, in those that hope in His mercy” (Psalm 147:11). The Living God actually takes pleasure in and delights in this person. Those who fear God have such reverence for His character that they are afraid to look anywhere but Christ alone for all of their acceptance with Him. Only those who fear Him hope only in His mercy. Those who hope in His mercy are those who fear Him. This fear and hope is always found together! Wherever there is a man that fears Him and hopes in His mercy, there is a man that the Lord Himself takes pleasure in!
I would like to say I never worry, but I do. Worry is nothing less than unbelief and mistrust. We know this, but we need to be reminded. The Lord said, ”Which of you by taking thought (worrying) can add one cubit to your stature (one moment to the length of your life).” We all know that worrying actually accomplishes nothing. “If ye then be not able to do that which is least, why take ye thought for the rest.” Worrying is really very stupid. I do not worry about things that I have no control over. I realize it is fruitless. But in reality, I do not have ultimate control over anything. But God does! Since He does, we should not worry! Worry is mistrust of Him! Since He is in control, there is really nothing to worry about.
How often have people made this statement after hearing some truth from the Word of God. Some doctrine or ordinance from the Scripture is taught, like election or believer’s baptism, and someone will say…. “Yes, I see that, but is it essential?” That comment is nothing more than an excuse for disobedience. If you were explaining the job responsibilities to a person interviewing for a job and he said to you, “Yes, I see what you are saying, but is it essential that I do those things?” You would know immediately that you did not want to hire that person! This is a question that should not be asked concerning anything that God reveals. If God reveals it in His Word, it is essential!
Why did the dove return to the ark and the raven never return? Because the raven could live off the dead, decaying animals drowned in the flood. But the dove could not. It had to return to the ark for its food. The raven represents the religious man who does not know Christ. He is satisfied with the dead, rotting works of the flesh. But the true believer must return to Christ, his ark, for food. The mark of a true believer is that he is continually coming to Christ for the same thing! Mercy and grace! He cannot be satisfied with anything less.
If there be anything plainly taught in Scripture, it is that the sacrifice of Christ was made for those only who shall eventually be saved by it. If the wisdom of men cannot reconcile this with their views of what is right, let them be prepared to dispute the matter with the Almighty in the Day of Judgment. - Alexander Carson
April 23, 2023
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
He comes, the Saviour full of grace
By ancient prophets sung
The light of glory on His face
And Truth upon His tongue.
In Him the world no beauty sees
No form nor comeliness
Rejected and despised He is
And died in deep distress.
But there’s a people taught by God
To know His matchless worth
They own Him as the Lord of all
And shout His praises forth.
Through all the changing scenes of life
In trouble or in joy
The praises of our God shall still
My heart and songs employ.
(Tune: “O For A Thousand Tongues” p.46)
Congratulations to Clark and Savannah Grubb on the birth of their son, Grayson Clark!
May 5-7 Bethel Baptist Church Spring Lake, NC
May 19-21 Oley Grace Church Oley, PA
July 28-30 Redeemer Grace Church Sellersburg, IN
23rd – Samantha Daniel 24th – Don Martin 28th – Jim Murphy
28th – Theodore Summers 29th – Eric Dickerson
“Open rebuke is better than secret love. Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.”
- Proverbs 27: 5-6
“We preach Christ crucified.” We preach His Person –“Christ.” We preach His Work – “Crucified.” That comprehends everything He did! The Person of Christ cannot be separated from the Work of Christ. The Work of Christ defines the Person of Christ. There is no knowledge of His Person without a knowledge of What He did! There is no understanding of His Work (what He did), without an understanding of His Person (who He is). When who He is is known, whatever it was He did must be completely successful. This is why Paul said, “I determined not to know anything among you save Jesus Christ and Him crucified.” The Person and Work of Christ is the only thing to preach. Anything preached that does not have the Person and Work of Christ as its foundation is error. A mistake on the Person of Christ necessitates a mistake on the Work of Christ. A mistake on the Work of Christ arises from a mistake on the Person of Christ. The whole Gospel is summarized by this statement, “We preach Christ crucified.”
“Let the righteous smite me; it shall be a kindness: and let him reprove me: it shall be an excellent oil, which shall not break my hand.”
- Psalm 141:5
When I read this, I asked myself this question: Is this my prayer? Or would I be offended? If I would be offended by the correction of the righteous, I am a great fool filled with pride, and I miss out on a valuable blessing I would have otherwise had. “Rebuke a wise man and he will love thee.” If I fail to love a man for a needful rebuke, I prove myself unwise! Oh for the humility to receive a rebuke with thankfulness!
When it is difficult to fit public worship into life’s busy schedule… I am too busy!
We love the story of the Canaanite woman begging mercy from the Lord for her child, she just would not stop until the Lord showed her mercy, even if it was just a crumb. But let’s always remember, from the time she first pleaded for mercy, until the time she was granted mercy, she was only carrying out what the Lord had laid on her heart and mind to say and do – for, “The preparations of the heart in man, and the answer of the tongue, is from the Lord” (Prov. 16:1).
With every believer, as with this woman, before you ever ask for mercy, He has shown you mercy by causing you to come to Him for mercy. We would never ask for mercy of our own will and desire, unless He first puts that will and desire in our heart, for, “Thy people shall be willing in the day of Thy power” (Ps. 110:3). This is why Scripture declares that salvation is of the Lord…from the covenant of grace settled in eternity, to Christ taking on flesh, and living and dying for His people, to His providence keeping them alive and guiding them to the place where they would hear the Gospel, to the secret working and implanting of a new heart that then cries for mercy – it is ALL of our gracious Lord from beginning to end, and everything in between. When a sinner truly asks for mercy from the hands of the Almighty God, it is simply evidence that the Lord has already extended mercy to that sinner giving them the heart, will, and desire to even ask for mercy in the first place. Our Lord and God truly delights and enjoys showing mercy to sinners!
- Brian DuFour
“EXHORT ONE ANOTHER” - Hebrews 3:13
All those adopted into God’s family should cultivate a continual care and concern for each family member. How can we do this? Look at what the Scriptures say!
I Corinthians 12:25 “Care one for another”
John 13:34 “Love one another”
James 5:16 “Pray for one another”
I Thessalonians 4:18 “Comfort one another”
Romans 15:14 “Admonish one another”
I Thessalonians 5:11 “Edify one another”
Mark 9:50 “To be at peace with one another”
Ephesians 4:32 “Forgive one another”
- Tom Harding
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
He comes, the Saviour full of grace
By ancient prophets sung
The light of glory on His face
And Truth upon His tongue.
In Him the world no beauty sees
No form nor comeliness
Rejected and despised He is
And died in deep distress.
But there’s a people taught by God
To know His matchless worth
They own Him as the Lord of all
And shout His praises forth.
Through all the changing scenes of life
In trouble or in joy
The praises of our God shall still
My heart and songs employ.
(Tune: “O For A Thousand Tongues” p.46)
Congratulations to Clark and Savannah Grubb on the birth of their son, Grayson Clark!
May 5-7 Bethel Baptist Church Spring Lake, NC
May 19-21 Oley Grace Church Oley, PA
July 28-30 Redeemer Grace Church Sellersburg, IN
23rd – Samantha Daniel 24th – Don Martin 28th – Jim Murphy
28th – Theodore Summers 29th – Eric Dickerson
“Open rebuke is better than secret love. Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.”
- Proverbs 27: 5-6
“We preach Christ crucified.” We preach His Person –“Christ.” We preach His Work – “Crucified.” That comprehends everything He did! The Person of Christ cannot be separated from the Work of Christ. The Work of Christ defines the Person of Christ. There is no knowledge of His Person without a knowledge of What He did! There is no understanding of His Work (what He did), without an understanding of His Person (who He is). When who He is is known, whatever it was He did must be completely successful. This is why Paul said, “I determined not to know anything among you save Jesus Christ and Him crucified.” The Person and Work of Christ is the only thing to preach. Anything preached that does not have the Person and Work of Christ as its foundation is error. A mistake on the Person of Christ necessitates a mistake on the Work of Christ. A mistake on the Work of Christ arises from a mistake on the Person of Christ. The whole Gospel is summarized by this statement, “We preach Christ crucified.”
“Let the righteous smite me; it shall be a kindness: and let him reprove me: it shall be an excellent oil, which shall not break my hand.”
- Psalm 141:5
When I read this, I asked myself this question: Is this my prayer? Or would I be offended? If I would be offended by the correction of the righteous, I am a great fool filled with pride, and I miss out on a valuable blessing I would have otherwise had. “Rebuke a wise man and he will love thee.” If I fail to love a man for a needful rebuke, I prove myself unwise! Oh for the humility to receive a rebuke with thankfulness!
When it is difficult to fit public worship into life’s busy schedule… I am too busy!
We love the story of the Canaanite woman begging mercy from the Lord for her child, she just would not stop until the Lord showed her mercy, even if it was just a crumb. But let’s always remember, from the time she first pleaded for mercy, until the time she was granted mercy, she was only carrying out what the Lord had laid on her heart and mind to say and do – for, “The preparations of the heart in man, and the answer of the tongue, is from the Lord” (Prov. 16:1).
With every believer, as with this woman, before you ever ask for mercy, He has shown you mercy by causing you to come to Him for mercy. We would never ask for mercy of our own will and desire, unless He first puts that will and desire in our heart, for, “Thy people shall be willing in the day of Thy power” (Ps. 110:3). This is why Scripture declares that salvation is of the Lord…from the covenant of grace settled in eternity, to Christ taking on flesh, and living and dying for His people, to His providence keeping them alive and guiding them to the place where they would hear the Gospel, to the secret working and implanting of a new heart that then cries for mercy – it is ALL of our gracious Lord from beginning to end, and everything in between. When a sinner truly asks for mercy from the hands of the Almighty God, it is simply evidence that the Lord has already extended mercy to that sinner giving them the heart, will, and desire to even ask for mercy in the first place. Our Lord and God truly delights and enjoys showing mercy to sinners!
- Brian DuFour
“EXHORT ONE ANOTHER” - Hebrews 3:13
All those adopted into God’s family should cultivate a continual care and concern for each family member. How can we do this? Look at what the Scriptures say!
I Corinthians 12:25 “Care one for another”
John 13:34 “Love one another”
James 5:16 “Pray for one another”
I Thessalonians 4:18 “Comfort one another”
Romans 15:14 “Admonish one another”
I Thessalonians 5:11 “Edify one another”
Mark 9:50 “To be at peace with one another”
Ephesians 4:32 “Forgive one another”
- Tom Harding
April 16, 2023
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
‘Tis not by works of righteousness
Which our own hands have done
But we are saved by sovereign grace
Abounding through the Son.
‘Tis from the mercy of our God
That all our hopes begin
‘Tis by the water and the blood
Our souls are washed from sin.
‘Tis through the merits of His death
Who hung upon the tree
The Spirit is sent down to breathe
On such dry bone as we.
Raised from the dead, we live anew
And justified by grace
We shall appear in glory too
And see our Father’s face.
(Tune: “O God Our Help” p. 10)
We extend our sympathy to Mitch Bryan and family on the death of his mother, Thelma Bryan.
16th – Sherry Johnson 16th – Ann Schuyler 17th Kyle Bicknell
20th – Kim Daniel 20th – Becky Rigsby
22nd- Vade Carroll 22nd – Rick Kess
“Bread of deceit is sweet to a man; but afterward his mouth shall be filled with gravel.” - Proverbs 20:17
“He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved” (Mark 16:16). Does that mean that water baptism is necessary for salvation? Was the thief on the cross baptized? No. Was he saved? Yes. That answers that question! So why did the Lord say this? In making that statement He tells us the requirement for baptism: faith! “He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved.” Only those who believe are to be baptized. Not only does this deny infant baptism, but it says if I went through the ceremony of baptism before I really believed the Gospel, it was not true baptism, but a meaningless religious ritual. The requirement for baptism is faith in Christ. If we believe the Gospel, we are to be baptized!
This was Paul’s desire for both Timothy, Titus, and every other believer! It has been said that grace is God giving us what we do not deserve and mercy is God not giving us what we do deserve. Grace is God giving us what we do not deserve because of our sinfulness. Mercy is God not giving us what we do deserve because of our guiltiness. The only hope a man has who is evil is grace, and if my evil is all my fault, the only, my only, hope is that He will have mercy on me. Only if salvation is by the sheer grace and mercy of God in Christ can a man have a well grounded peace.
God is one God in three distinct Persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. God the Father is the One who elected us before time began to be saved. God the Son saved us by His redeeming work on the cross. We experience this salvation when God the Holy Spirit gives us life from the dead. Hence it is all three persons of the God-head who save us, and the work of each One is absolutely necessary for the salvation of the sinner.
“For Christ’s sake.” I counted 40 times in the New Testament alone where this phrase is used. What God does for Christ’s sake! He takes those who are evil and rebellious toward Him and He saves them for Christ’s sake. Salvation is 100% for Christ’s sake. Salvation is not God’s response to us. Salvation is God’s response to Christ. “For Christ’s sake.” Men have lost their lives for Christ’s sake, and counted it a blessed privilege to do so. “For Christ’s sake.” What power this has with God! What power this has with men! What power does it have with you?
“What shall we say then that Abraham our father as pertaining to the flesh, hath found?” These are the words the Holy Spirit uses to begin Romans 4, the chapter that defines to us what faith is. And the question He asks is, “What did Abraham find?” Did he find out that he would be saved if he met certain conditions that would lead to his salvation? Did he find out that salvation was available to him if he complied to certain terms, but it was ultimately dependent upon him first complying to the terms? No! He found out that he had been justified by what Christ did. You cannot find what was not already there before you found it!
No sinner has the right to even suspect that God loves them or Christ died for them unless they believe the Gospel. There is no salvation apart from faith! When you believe, you rely on the fact that your salvation was accomplished when Christ said, “It is finished.” You find out that your salvation was completely accomplished by Christ. You find out that Christ saved you on the cross. You find out that your entire acceptance with God was worked out by what Christ actually did when He lived and died for you. What Abraham found is what every believer finds in hearing the Gospel. “In Whom ye also trusted after that ye heard the Word of Truth, the Gospel of your salvation”(Ephesians 1:13).
On true doctrine rests the worship of the true and living God. From error in doctrine springs the worship of a false god. There is a tendency among many religious people to undervalue true doctrine, to exalt morality at the expense of the character of God and the teachings of our Lord, and to deny the importance of a sound creed. I do not doubt that a sound creed has often covered an unsound life. But when I hear it said, “Such and such do not believe the doctrines of sovereign grace and substitution, but they love the Lord and are saved,” I wonder and ask, “What then was the Bible written for?” Is it no infallible expression of the mind of God? Is it no standard of Truth? Are we to believe what appeals to us and deny the rest? God forbid! God’s Word declares the oneness of Truth and condemns EVERY DEPARTURE FROM THE TRUTH AS A DIRECT ATTACK ON GOD HIMSELF! Do not tell me that a man’s heart is right with God when his head contains a creed of error and denies the Person and Word of the Redeemer.
– Horatius Bonar
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
‘Tis not by works of righteousness
Which our own hands have done
But we are saved by sovereign grace
Abounding through the Son.
‘Tis from the mercy of our God
That all our hopes begin
‘Tis by the water and the blood
Our souls are washed from sin.
‘Tis through the merits of His death
Who hung upon the tree
The Spirit is sent down to breathe
On such dry bone as we.
Raised from the dead, we live anew
And justified by grace
We shall appear in glory too
And see our Father’s face.
(Tune: “O God Our Help” p. 10)
We extend our sympathy to Mitch Bryan and family on the death of his mother, Thelma Bryan.
16th – Sherry Johnson 16th – Ann Schuyler 17th Kyle Bicknell
20th – Kim Daniel 20th – Becky Rigsby
22nd- Vade Carroll 22nd – Rick Kess
“Bread of deceit is sweet to a man; but afterward his mouth shall be filled with gravel.” - Proverbs 20:17
“He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved” (Mark 16:16). Does that mean that water baptism is necessary for salvation? Was the thief on the cross baptized? No. Was he saved? Yes. That answers that question! So why did the Lord say this? In making that statement He tells us the requirement for baptism: faith! “He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved.” Only those who believe are to be baptized. Not only does this deny infant baptism, but it says if I went through the ceremony of baptism before I really believed the Gospel, it was not true baptism, but a meaningless religious ritual. The requirement for baptism is faith in Christ. If we believe the Gospel, we are to be baptized!
This was Paul’s desire for both Timothy, Titus, and every other believer! It has been said that grace is God giving us what we do not deserve and mercy is God not giving us what we do deserve. Grace is God giving us what we do not deserve because of our sinfulness. Mercy is God not giving us what we do deserve because of our guiltiness. The only hope a man has who is evil is grace, and if my evil is all my fault, the only, my only, hope is that He will have mercy on me. Only if salvation is by the sheer grace and mercy of God in Christ can a man have a well grounded peace.
God is one God in three distinct Persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. God the Father is the One who elected us before time began to be saved. God the Son saved us by His redeeming work on the cross. We experience this salvation when God the Holy Spirit gives us life from the dead. Hence it is all three persons of the God-head who save us, and the work of each One is absolutely necessary for the salvation of the sinner.
“For Christ’s sake.” I counted 40 times in the New Testament alone where this phrase is used. What God does for Christ’s sake! He takes those who are evil and rebellious toward Him and He saves them for Christ’s sake. Salvation is 100% for Christ’s sake. Salvation is not God’s response to us. Salvation is God’s response to Christ. “For Christ’s sake.” Men have lost their lives for Christ’s sake, and counted it a blessed privilege to do so. “For Christ’s sake.” What power this has with God! What power this has with men! What power does it have with you?
“What shall we say then that Abraham our father as pertaining to the flesh, hath found?” These are the words the Holy Spirit uses to begin Romans 4, the chapter that defines to us what faith is. And the question He asks is, “What did Abraham find?” Did he find out that he would be saved if he met certain conditions that would lead to his salvation? Did he find out that salvation was available to him if he complied to certain terms, but it was ultimately dependent upon him first complying to the terms? No! He found out that he had been justified by what Christ did. You cannot find what was not already there before you found it!
No sinner has the right to even suspect that God loves them or Christ died for them unless they believe the Gospel. There is no salvation apart from faith! When you believe, you rely on the fact that your salvation was accomplished when Christ said, “It is finished.” You find out that your salvation was completely accomplished by Christ. You find out that Christ saved you on the cross. You find out that your entire acceptance with God was worked out by what Christ actually did when He lived and died for you. What Abraham found is what every believer finds in hearing the Gospel. “In Whom ye also trusted after that ye heard the Word of Truth, the Gospel of your salvation”(Ephesians 1:13).
On true doctrine rests the worship of the true and living God. From error in doctrine springs the worship of a false god. There is a tendency among many religious people to undervalue true doctrine, to exalt morality at the expense of the character of God and the teachings of our Lord, and to deny the importance of a sound creed. I do not doubt that a sound creed has often covered an unsound life. But when I hear it said, “Such and such do not believe the doctrines of sovereign grace and substitution, but they love the Lord and are saved,” I wonder and ask, “What then was the Bible written for?” Is it no infallible expression of the mind of God? Is it no standard of Truth? Are we to believe what appeals to us and deny the rest? God forbid! God’s Word declares the oneness of Truth and condemns EVERY DEPARTURE FROM THE TRUTH AS A DIRECT ATTACK ON GOD HIMSELF! Do not tell me that a man’s heart is right with God when his head contains a creed of error and denies the Person and Word of the Redeemer.
– Horatius Bonar
April 9, 2023
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Compared with Christ, in all beside
No beauty can I see
The one thing needful, Dearest Lord
Is to be one with Thee.
The sense of Thy redeeming love
Into my soul convey
Thyself bestow, for Thee alone
My All-in all, I pray.
Less then Thyself will not suffice
My comfort to restore
More than Thyself I can not crave
And Thou cans’t give no more.
Loved of my God, for Him again
With love intense I’d burn
Chosen of Thee ere time began
I’d choose Thee in return.
(Tune: “According To Thy Gracious Word” p.192)
All ladies are invited to a Bridal Shower Brunch this Saturday, April 15th at 10:30am for Emma Steeves & Daniel Hubbs. Information and sign up are in the foyer.
Everyone is invited to the wedding of Sarah Ferrell and Jeffrey Gudowicz on Friday, April 28th at 3:00pm. The invitation is in the foyer.
9th – Rick Anjos 11th – Lillian Daniel 12th – Jason Gillispie
13th – Sarah Byrd 15th – Jaiden Wilson
“Labor not to be rich: cease from thine own wisdom. Wilt thou set thine eyes upon that which is not? For riches certainly make themselves wings; they fly away as an eagle toward heaven.”
- Proverbs 23:4-5
“It is Christ that died”
Who Christ died for is an issue because Christ makes it an issue. “I am not sent but to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” “I lay down My life for the sheep.” “Christ loved the church, and gave Himself for it.” “I pray not for the world, but for them which Thou hast given Me.” That being said, the greater issue is WHO died? The One who died is incapable of failure. What He intended to do, that is precisely what He did! To think of the atonement of Christ in any other way than absolute success is to fail to believe who He is! We are not ashamed to say He died only for the elect. But the most important aspect of His atoning death is ….Who died? “It is Christ that died.” Because of who He is, all that He died for must be saved. To say that He can pay for somebody’s sins and they can still go to hell is degrading to, and falsely presenting the Person of Christ and is a denial of the justice of God. If Christ paid the debt, the sinner He died for will never have to pay it again!
The Lord has given two ordinances that He has commanded the church to observe - Baptism and the Lord’s Table. There is no saving efficacy in them, nor are they means through which grace is conveyed. The thief on the cross was never baptized, nor did he ever take the Lord’s Table, and he was saved! But they are both ordinances that He commands us to observe. They both depict the Gospel of Jesus Christ. If a man refuses to be baptized or does not attend when the Lord’s Table is being observed, he is directly disobeying the command of the Lord Jesus Christ. If you believe the Gospel and have not been baptized, do so! If the Lord’s Table is being observed and you are a believer, you should be present! While there is no saving efficacy in these ordinances, that does not take away from their importance!
“My grace is sufficient for you.” This is the promise of Christ to every believer! For some reason it is easier for me to believe that it is sufficient for somebody else than it is for me. But all that is, is unbelief! If salvation is all by grace, then His grace is sufficient for me to have full assurance of salvation. When I lack this, I am not really believing that His grace is sufficient for me. Unbelief is failure to believe the Truth. Oh, my soul, believe that His grace is sufficient for thee.
“If any man will do His will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God or whether I speak of myself” (John 7:17). Many believe error. Few believe the Truth. What is the key to knowing and believing the Truth? First, we have to hear the Truth. You cannot believe what you have never heard. But equally important is a desire to do God’s will. If that is our desire, the Lord will not let us be deceived. When error is believed and received, there is a sinful reason behind it. It is to protect something that we should not or enable us to justify our sin in some way. False doctrine is not an intellectual problem, but a sin problem. Whenever false doctrine is believed and received, there is an unwillingness to do His will.
“I have learned in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.” Contentment is satisfaction with whatever God does. It is not envious at the blessings others have. It does not fret over circumstances. It does not covet what it does not have. It is humble, being content with anything because it knows it deserves nothing. It is not ambitious for greater recognition. It believes all of God’s providence is good. Contentment arises from trust. God is too wise to err, too kind to be cruel, and too powerful to not be the first cause of all things. A content person is a happy person. A discontent person is a dissatisfied, envious, covetous, proud, ambitious, mistrusting, unhappy person.
“But Israel shall be saved in the Lord with an everlasting salvation” (Isaiah 45:17). Salvation is eternal. If the Lord has saved you in time, it is only because you have always been saved in eternity… for when Christ, in the eternal covenant of grace, agreed to come to this earth, and live and die for His people, He did so as, “The Lamb slain from the foundation of the world” (Rev. 13:8). Before any one of God’s elect had ever committed a sin in time, that sin was paid for and put away by the Lamb slain in eternity. In God’s salvation, you must still be given spiritual life to look to Christ alone in faith during your time on this earth, but that is only the evidence that Christ has already saved you in eternity, before the earth was even created. True salvation does not “get you saved”… it reveals you have “always been saved” in the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. – Brian DuFour
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Compared with Christ, in all beside
No beauty can I see
The one thing needful, Dearest Lord
Is to be one with Thee.
The sense of Thy redeeming love
Into my soul convey
Thyself bestow, for Thee alone
My All-in all, I pray.
Less then Thyself will not suffice
My comfort to restore
More than Thyself I can not crave
And Thou cans’t give no more.
Loved of my God, for Him again
With love intense I’d burn
Chosen of Thee ere time began
I’d choose Thee in return.
(Tune: “According To Thy Gracious Word” p.192)
All ladies are invited to a Bridal Shower Brunch this Saturday, April 15th at 10:30am for Emma Steeves & Daniel Hubbs. Information and sign up are in the foyer.
Everyone is invited to the wedding of Sarah Ferrell and Jeffrey Gudowicz on Friday, April 28th at 3:00pm. The invitation is in the foyer.
9th – Rick Anjos 11th – Lillian Daniel 12th – Jason Gillispie
13th – Sarah Byrd 15th – Jaiden Wilson
“Labor not to be rich: cease from thine own wisdom. Wilt thou set thine eyes upon that which is not? For riches certainly make themselves wings; they fly away as an eagle toward heaven.”
- Proverbs 23:4-5
“It is Christ that died”
Who Christ died for is an issue because Christ makes it an issue. “I am not sent but to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” “I lay down My life for the sheep.” “Christ loved the church, and gave Himself for it.” “I pray not for the world, but for them which Thou hast given Me.” That being said, the greater issue is WHO died? The One who died is incapable of failure. What He intended to do, that is precisely what He did! To think of the atonement of Christ in any other way than absolute success is to fail to believe who He is! We are not ashamed to say He died only for the elect. But the most important aspect of His atoning death is ….Who died? “It is Christ that died.” Because of who He is, all that He died for must be saved. To say that He can pay for somebody’s sins and they can still go to hell is degrading to, and falsely presenting the Person of Christ and is a denial of the justice of God. If Christ paid the debt, the sinner He died for will never have to pay it again!
The Lord has given two ordinances that He has commanded the church to observe - Baptism and the Lord’s Table. There is no saving efficacy in them, nor are they means through which grace is conveyed. The thief on the cross was never baptized, nor did he ever take the Lord’s Table, and he was saved! But they are both ordinances that He commands us to observe. They both depict the Gospel of Jesus Christ. If a man refuses to be baptized or does not attend when the Lord’s Table is being observed, he is directly disobeying the command of the Lord Jesus Christ. If you believe the Gospel and have not been baptized, do so! If the Lord’s Table is being observed and you are a believer, you should be present! While there is no saving efficacy in these ordinances, that does not take away from their importance!
“My grace is sufficient for you.” This is the promise of Christ to every believer! For some reason it is easier for me to believe that it is sufficient for somebody else than it is for me. But all that is, is unbelief! If salvation is all by grace, then His grace is sufficient for me to have full assurance of salvation. When I lack this, I am not really believing that His grace is sufficient for me. Unbelief is failure to believe the Truth. Oh, my soul, believe that His grace is sufficient for thee.
“If any man will do His will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God or whether I speak of myself” (John 7:17). Many believe error. Few believe the Truth. What is the key to knowing and believing the Truth? First, we have to hear the Truth. You cannot believe what you have never heard. But equally important is a desire to do God’s will. If that is our desire, the Lord will not let us be deceived. When error is believed and received, there is a sinful reason behind it. It is to protect something that we should not or enable us to justify our sin in some way. False doctrine is not an intellectual problem, but a sin problem. Whenever false doctrine is believed and received, there is an unwillingness to do His will.
“I have learned in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.” Contentment is satisfaction with whatever God does. It is not envious at the blessings others have. It does not fret over circumstances. It does not covet what it does not have. It is humble, being content with anything because it knows it deserves nothing. It is not ambitious for greater recognition. It believes all of God’s providence is good. Contentment arises from trust. God is too wise to err, too kind to be cruel, and too powerful to not be the first cause of all things. A content person is a happy person. A discontent person is a dissatisfied, envious, covetous, proud, ambitious, mistrusting, unhappy person.
“But Israel shall be saved in the Lord with an everlasting salvation” (Isaiah 45:17). Salvation is eternal. If the Lord has saved you in time, it is only because you have always been saved in eternity… for when Christ, in the eternal covenant of grace, agreed to come to this earth, and live and die for His people, He did so as, “The Lamb slain from the foundation of the world” (Rev. 13:8). Before any one of God’s elect had ever committed a sin in time, that sin was paid for and put away by the Lamb slain in eternity. In God’s salvation, you must still be given spiritual life to look to Christ alone in faith during your time on this earth, but that is only the evidence that Christ has already saved you in eternity, before the earth was even created. True salvation does not “get you saved”… it reveals you have “always been saved” in the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. – Brian DuFour
April 2, 2023
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Glory to the Holy Father
Fountain of eternal love
Who, His wandering sheep to gather
Sent the Saviour from above.
Glory to the Son be given
Who with love unknown before
Left the bright abode of heaven
And our sins and sorrows bore.
Glory to the Holy Spirit
Let His praise our tongues employ
Author of all saving graces
Source of wisdom, peace, and joy.
Praise the God of our salvation
Host on High His pow’r proclaim
Heav’n and earth and all creation
Laud and magnify His Name!
(Tune: “Jesus Calls Us” p. 374)
We will observe the Lord’s Table this evening.
All ladies are invited to a Bridal Shower Brunch Saturday, April 15th at 10:30am for Emma Steeves & Daniel Hubbs. Information and sign up are in the foyer.
April 7-9 Katy Baptist Church Fairmont, WV
May 5-7 Bethel Baptist Church Spring Lake, NC
May 19-21 Oley Grace Church Oley, PA
4th – Evan Wright 5th –Jessica Elliott 7th – Seth Daniel
“Hatred stirreth up strifes: but love covereth all sins.” - Proverbs 10:12
Joy and happiness are two completely different things. The etymology of the word happy comes from the norse word which means chance or luck. It is completely dependent upon circumstances. Even in the Declaration of Independence we read of our right to “the pursuit of happiness.” Men’s pursuit of happiness is usually what is behind much of the misery and injustice in the world. But joy is not dependent upon circumstances. If I have “the joy and peace of believing” terrible circumstances cannot alter that joy. The joy of believing is the joy of believing I have all that God requires of me in Christ, and that all circumstances are working together for my good by Him who called me according to His purpose. Things such as luck and chance are foreign to the thinking of one who knows the One who is the cause of and controls all things (Proverbs 16:33). Happiness is fleeting and it takes very little to lose it. Joy is a fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22). Happiness is temporary. Joy is eternal!
While there is no difference between men in that -“All have sinned and come short of the glory of God”- there is also a vast difference between men. Some are raised in privilege and have opportunities others could never dream of. Some are raised in homes where parents care. Others are raised in homes with people who do not care to be parents. Some are born more gifted and intelligent than others. Who made that difference? God did! If I am saved by the grace of God, there is a vast difference between me and the man who is not saved. I have a new nature, given in the new birth that the unsaved man does not have. Because of that, the differences are myriad. But who made that difference? God did! God the Father elected me, God the Son redeemed me, and God the Holy Spirit gave me spiritual life from the dead. While this completely excludes any reason for pride on my part, it gives me every reason to thank the Lord for His infinite grace toward me!
The religious need to be entertained and impressed by spiritual surroundings. The simpler the service and the more preaching (of Christ), the better the believer likes it; for it is Christ he has come to hear about and worship. – Henry Mahan
During the American Civil War fought between the years 1861-1865, over 600,000 soldiers from the south died, but a heartfelt prayer that survived was the Prayer of the Unknown Confederate Solider, a soldier’s unrequited but unsurpassed prayer….
I asked God for strength, that I might achieve,
I was made weak, that I might learn humble to obey…
I asked for health, that I might do greater things,
I was given infirmity that I might do better things….
I asked for riches, that I might be happy,
I was given poverty that I might be wise…
I asked for power, that I might have the praise of men,
I was given weakness, that I might feel the need of God…
I asked for all things, that I might enjoy life,
I was given life, that I might enjoy all things….
I got nothing that I asked for – but everything I hoped for,
Almost despite myself, my unspoken prayers were answered.
I am among all men, most richly blessed.
- Copied
The Lord Jesus does not bid the laboring and heavy-laden “go and work.” Those words would carry no comfort to heavy consciences – it would be like requiring labor from an exhausted man. No! He bids them “Come!” He does not say, “Pay Me what you owe.” That demand would drive a broken heart into despair – it would be like claiming a debt from a ruined bankrupt. No! He says, “Come!” He does not say, “Stand still and wait.” That command would only be a mockery – it would be like promising to give medicine at the end of a week to one at the point of death. No – He says, “Come!” Today – at once- without delay, “Come unto Me!” - J. C. Ryle
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Glory to the Holy Father
Fountain of eternal love
Who, His wandering sheep to gather
Sent the Saviour from above.
Glory to the Son be given
Who with love unknown before
Left the bright abode of heaven
And our sins and sorrows bore.
Glory to the Holy Spirit
Let His praise our tongues employ
Author of all saving graces
Source of wisdom, peace, and joy.
Praise the God of our salvation
Host on High His pow’r proclaim
Heav’n and earth and all creation
Laud and magnify His Name!
(Tune: “Jesus Calls Us” p. 374)
We will observe the Lord’s Table this evening.
All ladies are invited to a Bridal Shower Brunch Saturday, April 15th at 10:30am for Emma Steeves & Daniel Hubbs. Information and sign up are in the foyer.
April 7-9 Katy Baptist Church Fairmont, WV
May 5-7 Bethel Baptist Church Spring Lake, NC
May 19-21 Oley Grace Church Oley, PA
4th – Evan Wright 5th –Jessica Elliott 7th – Seth Daniel
“Hatred stirreth up strifes: but love covereth all sins.” - Proverbs 10:12
Joy and happiness are two completely different things. The etymology of the word happy comes from the norse word which means chance or luck. It is completely dependent upon circumstances. Even in the Declaration of Independence we read of our right to “the pursuit of happiness.” Men’s pursuit of happiness is usually what is behind much of the misery and injustice in the world. But joy is not dependent upon circumstances. If I have “the joy and peace of believing” terrible circumstances cannot alter that joy. The joy of believing is the joy of believing I have all that God requires of me in Christ, and that all circumstances are working together for my good by Him who called me according to His purpose. Things such as luck and chance are foreign to the thinking of one who knows the One who is the cause of and controls all things (Proverbs 16:33). Happiness is fleeting and it takes very little to lose it. Joy is a fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22). Happiness is temporary. Joy is eternal!
While there is no difference between men in that -“All have sinned and come short of the glory of God”- there is also a vast difference between men. Some are raised in privilege and have opportunities others could never dream of. Some are raised in homes where parents care. Others are raised in homes with people who do not care to be parents. Some are born more gifted and intelligent than others. Who made that difference? God did! If I am saved by the grace of God, there is a vast difference between me and the man who is not saved. I have a new nature, given in the new birth that the unsaved man does not have. Because of that, the differences are myriad. But who made that difference? God did! God the Father elected me, God the Son redeemed me, and God the Holy Spirit gave me spiritual life from the dead. While this completely excludes any reason for pride on my part, it gives me every reason to thank the Lord for His infinite grace toward me!
The religious need to be entertained and impressed by spiritual surroundings. The simpler the service and the more preaching (of Christ), the better the believer likes it; for it is Christ he has come to hear about and worship. – Henry Mahan
During the American Civil War fought between the years 1861-1865, over 600,000 soldiers from the south died, but a heartfelt prayer that survived was the Prayer of the Unknown Confederate Solider, a soldier’s unrequited but unsurpassed prayer….
I asked God for strength, that I might achieve,
I was made weak, that I might learn humble to obey…
I asked for health, that I might do greater things,
I was given infirmity that I might do better things….
I asked for riches, that I might be happy,
I was given poverty that I might be wise…
I asked for power, that I might have the praise of men,
I was given weakness, that I might feel the need of God…
I asked for all things, that I might enjoy life,
I was given life, that I might enjoy all things….
I got nothing that I asked for – but everything I hoped for,
Almost despite myself, my unspoken prayers were answered.
I am among all men, most richly blessed.
- Copied
The Lord Jesus does not bid the laboring and heavy-laden “go and work.” Those words would carry no comfort to heavy consciences – it would be like requiring labor from an exhausted man. No! He bids them “Come!” He does not say, “Pay Me what you owe.” That demand would drive a broken heart into despair – it would be like claiming a debt from a ruined bankrupt. No! He says, “Come!” He does not say, “Stand still and wait.” That command would only be a mockery – it would be like promising to give medicine at the end of a week to one at the point of death. No – He says, “Come!” Today – at once- without delay, “Come unto Me!” - J. C. Ryle
March 26, 2023
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Where God begins His gracious work
That work He will complete
For ‘round the objects of His love
All power and mercy meet. (Repeat)
Man may repent him of his work
And fail in his intent
God is above the power of change
And never can repent. (Repeat)
Each object of His love is sure
To reach the heavenly goal
For neither sin nor Satan can
Destroy the blood washed soul. (Repeat)
The precious blood of God’s dear Son
Shall ne’er be shed in vain
The soul on Christ believing must
With Christ forever reign. (Repeat)
(Tune: “Majestic Sweetness” p. 52)
All ladies are invited to a Bridal Shower Brunch Saturday, April 15th at 10:30am for Emma Steeves & Daniel Hubbs. Information and sign up are in the foyer.
April 7-9 Katy Baptist Church Fairmont, WV
May 5-7 Bethel Baptist Church Spring Lake, NC
May 19-21 Oley Grace Church Oley, PA
27th – Jessica Clark 29th – Bryant Martin
30th Sherri Morris 1st – Jennifer Anjos
“Whoso keepeth his mouth and his tongue keepeth his soul from troubles.” - Proverbs 21:23
“For a day in thy courts is better than a thousand. I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness.” - Psalm 84:10
David is speaking of public worship. God is glorified in the public worship of the church. Church means “a called out assembly.” What we believe, or who we believe is seen in our public identification. “Whoso confesses Me before men.” Christ promises His presence where, “Two or three gathered together in My Name.” It was, “In the midst of the seven candlesticks” that John saw, “One like unto the Son of Man.” That is when he went on to describe Him. The best private worship takes place in public worship in the hearing of the Gospel preached. “Faith cometh by hearing.” We would not dare take the Lord’s Table by ourselves or baptize ourselves. These are to be done only in public worship. The greatest security against apostasy is to, “Not forsake the assembling of yourselves together.” The worship in heaven is public worship. “Ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands say with a loud voice, Worthy is the Lamb that was slain.” Of this we can be sure, when public worship is neglected, private worship is neglected even more.
“For we are made partakers of Christ if we hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast unto the end.” – Hebrews 3:14
What is the beginning of our confidence? When I first looked to Christ, I did not have any experiences I could look back to and have confidence in. In the beginning of my spiritual life, Christ was my ONLY HOPE. I was nothing but a sinner needing the Saviour. False religion tells us that is fine in the beginning, but you need to progress past that. But I find in my own experience that I have not got an inch past that. You can criticize me for that if you want, but the Word of God tells me that I will be a partake of Christ only if I hold, “The beginning of our confidence, steadfast until the end.” The ONLY peace this sinner ever experiences is that peace of knowing that although I am nothing but a sinner, Christ is all I need! Only those who look only to Christ are made partakers of Him.
I do not understand how a man can be a true believer in whom sin is not the greatest burden, sorrow and trouble. – John Owen
When Satan tempted Eve, he did not begin with open error. He did not begin with an open rejection or denial of what God said. Eve would have never swallowed that. He began with a slight modification of what God said. “Hath God said you shall not eat of every tree.” No, God said there was only one tree which they were forbidden to eat from. But through that slight modification the door was opened for a complete denial of what God said, “Ye shall not surely die.” Big errors always begin with small. And small errors always turn into big ones! The only way to prevent this is to believe exactly what God says and reject even the slightest deviation from it! In reality, little errors are like little sins. There is no such thing!
There is no other Saviour but Christ to look to, no other Mediator between God and men to make use of, no other Physician of value for diseased and sin-sick souls to apply unto, no other Fountain but His blood for polluted souls to wash in and be cleansed, no other City of Refuge or stronghold for souls sensible of danger to flee unto and be safe, no other to come to as Bread of Life where hungry souls may be fed, no other Place of Rest for those who are weary and heavy laden, nor is there any other where there is plenty of all grace and security from every enemy, as in HIM; and therefore, to whom can they recourse, but to HIM? - John Gill
“Lord, to whom shall we go? Thou hast the words of eternal life. And we believe and are sure that Thou art that Christ, the Son of the living God.” - John 6:60
From the standpoint of God’s eternal decree, it may be truly said that believing sinners will not turn away from Christ because they CANNOT, but from the standpoint of the believer’s experience, it may just as truly be said that believers cannot turn away from Christ because they WILL NOT. And this is not presumption. It is the simply, saving, childlike faith and trust of a believing sinner, a true believer. The desperate NEED of his soul can only be satisfied in Christ Jesus the Lord! - Maurice Montgomery
It is hard to say which is worse – the atheist who says there is no God or the religionist who maintains that God cannot do as He pleases.
- Scott Richardson
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Where God begins His gracious work
That work He will complete
For ‘round the objects of His love
All power and mercy meet. (Repeat)
Man may repent him of his work
And fail in his intent
God is above the power of change
And never can repent. (Repeat)
Each object of His love is sure
To reach the heavenly goal
For neither sin nor Satan can
Destroy the blood washed soul. (Repeat)
The precious blood of God’s dear Son
Shall ne’er be shed in vain
The soul on Christ believing must
With Christ forever reign. (Repeat)
(Tune: “Majestic Sweetness” p. 52)
All ladies are invited to a Bridal Shower Brunch Saturday, April 15th at 10:30am for Emma Steeves & Daniel Hubbs. Information and sign up are in the foyer.
April 7-9 Katy Baptist Church Fairmont, WV
May 5-7 Bethel Baptist Church Spring Lake, NC
May 19-21 Oley Grace Church Oley, PA
27th – Jessica Clark 29th – Bryant Martin
30th Sherri Morris 1st – Jennifer Anjos
“Whoso keepeth his mouth and his tongue keepeth his soul from troubles.” - Proverbs 21:23
“For a day in thy courts is better than a thousand. I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness.” - Psalm 84:10
David is speaking of public worship. God is glorified in the public worship of the church. Church means “a called out assembly.” What we believe, or who we believe is seen in our public identification. “Whoso confesses Me before men.” Christ promises His presence where, “Two or three gathered together in My Name.” It was, “In the midst of the seven candlesticks” that John saw, “One like unto the Son of Man.” That is when he went on to describe Him. The best private worship takes place in public worship in the hearing of the Gospel preached. “Faith cometh by hearing.” We would not dare take the Lord’s Table by ourselves or baptize ourselves. These are to be done only in public worship. The greatest security against apostasy is to, “Not forsake the assembling of yourselves together.” The worship in heaven is public worship. “Ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands say with a loud voice, Worthy is the Lamb that was slain.” Of this we can be sure, when public worship is neglected, private worship is neglected even more.
“For we are made partakers of Christ if we hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast unto the end.” – Hebrews 3:14
What is the beginning of our confidence? When I first looked to Christ, I did not have any experiences I could look back to and have confidence in. In the beginning of my spiritual life, Christ was my ONLY HOPE. I was nothing but a sinner needing the Saviour. False religion tells us that is fine in the beginning, but you need to progress past that. But I find in my own experience that I have not got an inch past that. You can criticize me for that if you want, but the Word of God tells me that I will be a partake of Christ only if I hold, “The beginning of our confidence, steadfast until the end.” The ONLY peace this sinner ever experiences is that peace of knowing that although I am nothing but a sinner, Christ is all I need! Only those who look only to Christ are made partakers of Him.
I do not understand how a man can be a true believer in whom sin is not the greatest burden, sorrow and trouble. – John Owen
When Satan tempted Eve, he did not begin with open error. He did not begin with an open rejection or denial of what God said. Eve would have never swallowed that. He began with a slight modification of what God said. “Hath God said you shall not eat of every tree.” No, God said there was only one tree which they were forbidden to eat from. But through that slight modification the door was opened for a complete denial of what God said, “Ye shall not surely die.” Big errors always begin with small. And small errors always turn into big ones! The only way to prevent this is to believe exactly what God says and reject even the slightest deviation from it! In reality, little errors are like little sins. There is no such thing!
There is no other Saviour but Christ to look to, no other Mediator between God and men to make use of, no other Physician of value for diseased and sin-sick souls to apply unto, no other Fountain but His blood for polluted souls to wash in and be cleansed, no other City of Refuge or stronghold for souls sensible of danger to flee unto and be safe, no other to come to as Bread of Life where hungry souls may be fed, no other Place of Rest for those who are weary and heavy laden, nor is there any other where there is plenty of all grace and security from every enemy, as in HIM; and therefore, to whom can they recourse, but to HIM? - John Gill
“Lord, to whom shall we go? Thou hast the words of eternal life. And we believe and are sure that Thou art that Christ, the Son of the living God.” - John 6:60
From the standpoint of God’s eternal decree, it may be truly said that believing sinners will not turn away from Christ because they CANNOT, but from the standpoint of the believer’s experience, it may just as truly be said that believers cannot turn away from Christ because they WILL NOT. And this is not presumption. It is the simply, saving, childlike faith and trust of a believing sinner, a true believer. The desperate NEED of his soul can only be satisfied in Christ Jesus the Lord! - Maurice Montgomery
It is hard to say which is worse – the atheist who says there is no God or the religionist who maintains that God cannot do as He pleases.
- Scott Richardson
March 19, 2023
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
When all Thy mercies, O my God
My grateful soul surveys
Transported with the view, I’m lost
In wonder, love, and praise
In wonder, love, and praise!
When in the slipp’ry paths of youth
With heedless steps I ran
Thine arm unseen, conveyed me safe
And held me in Thy hand
And held me in Thy hand.
When worn with trouble, oft hast Thou
With love revealed Thy grace
And when in sin and sorrow sunk
In mercy took my place
In mercy took my place.
Through all eternity, to Thee
A grateful song I’ll raise
For O, eternity’s too short
To utter all Thy praise
To utter all Thy praise!
(Tune: “Majestic Sweetness”)
All ladies are invited to a Bridal Shower Brunch Saturday, April 15th at 10:30am for Emma Steeves & Daniel Hubbs. Information and sign up are in the foyer.
19th – Rachel Daniel 22nd – Jean Bradford 25th – Zachary Rankin
“Go from the presence of a foolish man, when thou perceivest not in him the lips of knowledge.” - Proverbs 14:7
“Be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear.” - I Peter 3:15
I should have people asking me of the reason for the hope that is in me. The people who see me should be affected by what they see! They should see me as different. Someone without a “holier than thou” attitude. They should see someone with genuine humility that comes from knowing God. They should see someone they do no feel judged or threatened by. They should see someone who treats them kindly and graciously. They should see someone who by faith walks with God amidst all of the turmoil that is in the world. We desire for God to give us grace to walk in that way for them to see, so they will ask the reason for the hope we have that enables us to walk that way! Then we could give them the reason…. All of my hope is found in Christ. Not in my works, but Him keeping the law for me, dying for my sins, and being raised for my justification. That only is the reason for my hope!
In John 17 we have the Lord Jesus praying to His Father as the Great High Priest. Who is He praying for? He tells us in verse 9, “I pray for them: I pray not for the world, but for them which Thou hast given Me: for they are Thine!” The implications of that are far reaching! A man would be a fool to not seek out what those implications are and what they mean! I hope you and I do so at once!
Have you ever noticed how believers who have been severely tried under the hand of God become more cautious and humble? They do not speak quite so fast as they used to speak; they do not have a ready solution for every problem; they do not boast of what they have done, will do, or would do under certain circumstances; they are not quite so critical of others who fail; they have little to say about their own doings and much to say about the wonderful grace of our Lord. Afflictions and trials have a way of mellowing believers and creating a certain character which cannot be mistaken or imitated. David wrote in Psalm 119:71, “It is good for me that I have been afflicted; that I might learn…..”
- Henry Mahan
One of the things that I have learned is, hungry people eat, thirsty people drink, and everyone else just picks at it. So it is with the Gospel. - John Chapman
“For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh) dwelleth no good thing: for to will is present with me; but how to perform that which is good, I find not.” – Romans 7:18
One of the apostle Paul’s greatest desires was to never sin again, yet he knew that every thought, word, and action carried out by his flesh was sin, causing great distress, as it does in every believer. “For to will is present with me” – the desire, the will to do good is present with every believer – we want to never sin again, is the desire of the new holy nature… “But how to perform that which is good I find not” – yet the actions that result are nothing but sin, for they are carried out by the old nature of our sinful flesh.
That is why the believer is in a constant struggle within – our want to (new holy nature) and our how to (old sinful nature) can never work together while we are robed in sinful flesh. But the day is coming when we finally drop this robe of flesh, and we will be seen for who we truly are, holy saints robed in the righteousness of Christ, and finally our want to and how to will work in perfect harmony, for we will only have one nature then, a holy nature… that will want to praise God, and will praise God perfectly …that will want to please God, and will please God perfectly. Until then, may God work in us, “both to will and to do of His good pleasure” (Phil. 2:13). - Brian DuFour
When the church of the Lord Jesus Christ meets, it is not the trifles of this world that should occupy her attention; she has much weightier matters to consider. The Scriptures say in Ecclesiastes 2 that there is a time for everything. There is a time for political concerns; there is a time for social action; there is a time for education and recreation. But the gatherings of the church of the Lord Jesus are a time specifically dedicated to the worship of Jesus Christ! His praise, His Word, His purpose, and His work is our theme. These times must be jealously guarded against any intrusion of mundane matters. Satan, the archenemy of our Lord, will take every opportunity to divert our attention from the blessed Lord. His most effective tactics is to introduce important worldly matters into the worship services of the church. As important as these matters may be, they cannot compare with the heavenly, eternal matters of Jesus Christ and His blood and righteousness. May our gatherings, as well as our minds, be kept pure and sincere toward our Lord Jesus Christ. - Joe Terrell
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
When all Thy mercies, O my God
My grateful soul surveys
Transported with the view, I’m lost
In wonder, love, and praise
In wonder, love, and praise!
When in the slipp’ry paths of youth
With heedless steps I ran
Thine arm unseen, conveyed me safe
And held me in Thy hand
And held me in Thy hand.
When worn with trouble, oft hast Thou
With love revealed Thy grace
And when in sin and sorrow sunk
In mercy took my place
In mercy took my place.
Through all eternity, to Thee
A grateful song I’ll raise
For O, eternity’s too short
To utter all Thy praise
To utter all Thy praise!
(Tune: “Majestic Sweetness”)
All ladies are invited to a Bridal Shower Brunch Saturday, April 15th at 10:30am for Emma Steeves & Daniel Hubbs. Information and sign up are in the foyer.
19th – Rachel Daniel 22nd – Jean Bradford 25th – Zachary Rankin
“Go from the presence of a foolish man, when thou perceivest not in him the lips of knowledge.” - Proverbs 14:7
“Be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear.” - I Peter 3:15
I should have people asking me of the reason for the hope that is in me. The people who see me should be affected by what they see! They should see me as different. Someone without a “holier than thou” attitude. They should see someone with genuine humility that comes from knowing God. They should see someone they do no feel judged or threatened by. They should see someone who treats them kindly and graciously. They should see someone who by faith walks with God amidst all of the turmoil that is in the world. We desire for God to give us grace to walk in that way for them to see, so they will ask the reason for the hope we have that enables us to walk that way! Then we could give them the reason…. All of my hope is found in Christ. Not in my works, but Him keeping the law for me, dying for my sins, and being raised for my justification. That only is the reason for my hope!
In John 17 we have the Lord Jesus praying to His Father as the Great High Priest. Who is He praying for? He tells us in verse 9, “I pray for them: I pray not for the world, but for them which Thou hast given Me: for they are Thine!” The implications of that are far reaching! A man would be a fool to not seek out what those implications are and what they mean! I hope you and I do so at once!
Have you ever noticed how believers who have been severely tried under the hand of God become more cautious and humble? They do not speak quite so fast as they used to speak; they do not have a ready solution for every problem; they do not boast of what they have done, will do, or would do under certain circumstances; they are not quite so critical of others who fail; they have little to say about their own doings and much to say about the wonderful grace of our Lord. Afflictions and trials have a way of mellowing believers and creating a certain character which cannot be mistaken or imitated. David wrote in Psalm 119:71, “It is good for me that I have been afflicted; that I might learn…..”
- Henry Mahan
One of the things that I have learned is, hungry people eat, thirsty people drink, and everyone else just picks at it. So it is with the Gospel. - John Chapman
“For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh) dwelleth no good thing: for to will is present with me; but how to perform that which is good, I find not.” – Romans 7:18
One of the apostle Paul’s greatest desires was to never sin again, yet he knew that every thought, word, and action carried out by his flesh was sin, causing great distress, as it does in every believer. “For to will is present with me” – the desire, the will to do good is present with every believer – we want to never sin again, is the desire of the new holy nature… “But how to perform that which is good I find not” – yet the actions that result are nothing but sin, for they are carried out by the old nature of our sinful flesh.
That is why the believer is in a constant struggle within – our want to (new holy nature) and our how to (old sinful nature) can never work together while we are robed in sinful flesh. But the day is coming when we finally drop this robe of flesh, and we will be seen for who we truly are, holy saints robed in the righteousness of Christ, and finally our want to and how to will work in perfect harmony, for we will only have one nature then, a holy nature… that will want to praise God, and will praise God perfectly …that will want to please God, and will please God perfectly. Until then, may God work in us, “both to will and to do of His good pleasure” (Phil. 2:13). - Brian DuFour
When the church of the Lord Jesus Christ meets, it is not the trifles of this world that should occupy her attention; she has much weightier matters to consider. The Scriptures say in Ecclesiastes 2 that there is a time for everything. There is a time for political concerns; there is a time for social action; there is a time for education and recreation. But the gatherings of the church of the Lord Jesus are a time specifically dedicated to the worship of Jesus Christ! His praise, His Word, His purpose, and His work is our theme. These times must be jealously guarded against any intrusion of mundane matters. Satan, the archenemy of our Lord, will take every opportunity to divert our attention from the blessed Lord. His most effective tactics is to introduce important worldly matters into the worship services of the church. As important as these matters may be, they cannot compare with the heavenly, eternal matters of Jesus Christ and His blood and righteousness. May our gatherings, as well as our minds, be kept pure and sincere toward our Lord Jesus Christ. - Joe Terrell
March 12, 2023
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
How sweet and blessed is the time
With Christ within this place
When everlasting love reveals
The treasures of His grace.
While all our hearts and all our songs
Join to enjoy the feast
Each of us ask, with thankful hearts
Lord why am I a guest?
Why was I made to hear Thy voice
And come before Thy Throne
While others make a wretched choice
And rather starve than come?
‘Twas the same love that spread the feast
That sweetly called us in
Else we would still refuse to taste
And perish in our sins.
We now desire to bless Thy Name
And in our hearts record
And with our thankful tongues proclaim
The goodness of the Lord!
(Tune: “Am I a soldier of the Cross?” p. 414)
All ladies are invited to a Bridal Shower Brunch Saturday, April 15th at 10:30am for Emma Steeves & Daniel Hubbs. Information and sign up are in the foyer.
Vacation Bible School will be June 20 – 22.
12th – Chance Borders 12th – Daniel Clark 13th – Nicholas Creamer
13th – Isaac Hands 14th – Aaron Greenleaf 16th – Jacob Davis
16th – Carson Dent 16th – Emmaline Dent 16th – Jacob Morris
“Debate thy cause with thy neighbor himself; and discover not a secret to another: lest he that heareth it put thee to shame, and thine infamy turn not away.” - Proverbs 25:9-10
“But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses” (Matthew 6:15). The failure to from the heart forgive those who have sinned against us is an evidence that we have never been forgiven by God! If I am forgiven, I will forgive. Seeing how God has forgiven me for Christ’s sake, I must forgive! I have not forgiven someone if I continue to punish them by my silence or holding them at a distance. If I am having trouble forgiving someone whom Christ has forgiven, that cannot be justified on any level. If I have trouble and want to continue to punish someone who is not a believer…”Vengeance is mine, I will repay saith the Lord.” It is not my business to punish in the first place. The Lord will take care of all of that. If I am a forgiven sinner it will be seen by me being a forgiving sinner. When we forgive, even forgive when that person is not asking for our forgiveness, that is the most God-like thing we will ever do.
There has never been a sinner who asked for mercy who was denied. I have had many people over the years tell me that they have asked for mercy and their prayer went unheard. The reason their prayer was not heard was they were not really asking for mercy.
When a sinner asks for mercy two things are crystal clear in his heart. First, his sin is all his fault. He cannot blame God’s sovereignty, his circumstances, or someone else. If I do not take complete responsibility for my sin, it is impossible to ask for mercy. Mercy is needed only when my sin is all my fault. Secondly, mercy is God’s to give or withhold. Any objection to God being sovereign in giving His mercy to whom He will is leaving the ground of mercy and entering the ground of entitlement. If I fail to see my sin is all my fault and that mercy is God’s to give or withhold, I have never really asked for mercy. But if I confess before God that my sin is all my fault, and acknowledge His sovereign mercy is His to give or withhold and cry out, “God be merciful to me the sinner,” I will receive mercy. There has never been a sinner who sought mercy who was denied.
James tells us, “The double-minded man is unstable in all his ways.” Who is this double-minded man? The word means literally, “two sided.” It signifies divided interests. The double minded man seeks to trust Christ and himself. He believes grace and works. He seeks to be justified by Christ’s righteousness combined with his own. He looks to Christ and himself for sanctification. He attempts to serve the Lord and himself. He keeps one foot in the world and the other in heaven.
James tells us that this man will receive NOTHING from the Lord and is unstable in all of his ways. If you start in the wrong direction, you will end up in the wrong place. What should the double minded man do? Become a one-minded man! The place to begin is to look to Christ ONLY. If the double-minded man becomes singular in the object of faith, everything else will follow suit.
I think that very often unbelievers sit under the preaching of the Gospel, waiting and hoping for some kind of experience or feeling of peace and joy before believing the testimony of God concerning His son (I John 5:9-13; John 3:21-36; 8:24). If you are doing this, then you have, to use an old proverb, “Put the cart before the horse,” and are actually looking to yourself rather than to Christ for your soul’s salvation! Believing is the key which opens the door (Christ) through which sinners enter in “Rejoicing”! Thus, the great apostle to the Gentiles writes that we obtain “joy and peace through believing.”
- Maurice Montgomery
March 24-26 Hurricane Road Grace Church Ashland, KY
April 7-9 Katy Baptist Church Fairmont, WV
May 5-7 Bethel Baptist Church Spring Lake, NC
May 19-21 Oley Grace Church Oley, PA
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
How sweet and blessed is the time
With Christ within this place
When everlasting love reveals
The treasures of His grace.
While all our hearts and all our songs
Join to enjoy the feast
Each of us ask, with thankful hearts
Lord why am I a guest?
Why was I made to hear Thy voice
And come before Thy Throne
While others make a wretched choice
And rather starve than come?
‘Twas the same love that spread the feast
That sweetly called us in
Else we would still refuse to taste
And perish in our sins.
We now desire to bless Thy Name
And in our hearts record
And with our thankful tongues proclaim
The goodness of the Lord!
(Tune: “Am I a soldier of the Cross?” p. 414)
All ladies are invited to a Bridal Shower Brunch Saturday, April 15th at 10:30am for Emma Steeves & Daniel Hubbs. Information and sign up are in the foyer.
Vacation Bible School will be June 20 – 22.
12th – Chance Borders 12th – Daniel Clark 13th – Nicholas Creamer
13th – Isaac Hands 14th – Aaron Greenleaf 16th – Jacob Davis
16th – Carson Dent 16th – Emmaline Dent 16th – Jacob Morris
“Debate thy cause with thy neighbor himself; and discover not a secret to another: lest he that heareth it put thee to shame, and thine infamy turn not away.” - Proverbs 25:9-10
“But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses” (Matthew 6:15). The failure to from the heart forgive those who have sinned against us is an evidence that we have never been forgiven by God! If I am forgiven, I will forgive. Seeing how God has forgiven me for Christ’s sake, I must forgive! I have not forgiven someone if I continue to punish them by my silence or holding them at a distance. If I am having trouble forgiving someone whom Christ has forgiven, that cannot be justified on any level. If I have trouble and want to continue to punish someone who is not a believer…”Vengeance is mine, I will repay saith the Lord.” It is not my business to punish in the first place. The Lord will take care of all of that. If I am a forgiven sinner it will be seen by me being a forgiving sinner. When we forgive, even forgive when that person is not asking for our forgiveness, that is the most God-like thing we will ever do.
There has never been a sinner who asked for mercy who was denied. I have had many people over the years tell me that they have asked for mercy and their prayer went unheard. The reason their prayer was not heard was they were not really asking for mercy.
When a sinner asks for mercy two things are crystal clear in his heart. First, his sin is all his fault. He cannot blame God’s sovereignty, his circumstances, or someone else. If I do not take complete responsibility for my sin, it is impossible to ask for mercy. Mercy is needed only when my sin is all my fault. Secondly, mercy is God’s to give or withhold. Any objection to God being sovereign in giving His mercy to whom He will is leaving the ground of mercy and entering the ground of entitlement. If I fail to see my sin is all my fault and that mercy is God’s to give or withhold, I have never really asked for mercy. But if I confess before God that my sin is all my fault, and acknowledge His sovereign mercy is His to give or withhold and cry out, “God be merciful to me the sinner,” I will receive mercy. There has never been a sinner who sought mercy who was denied.
James tells us, “The double-minded man is unstable in all his ways.” Who is this double-minded man? The word means literally, “two sided.” It signifies divided interests. The double minded man seeks to trust Christ and himself. He believes grace and works. He seeks to be justified by Christ’s righteousness combined with his own. He looks to Christ and himself for sanctification. He attempts to serve the Lord and himself. He keeps one foot in the world and the other in heaven.
James tells us that this man will receive NOTHING from the Lord and is unstable in all of his ways. If you start in the wrong direction, you will end up in the wrong place. What should the double minded man do? Become a one-minded man! The place to begin is to look to Christ ONLY. If the double-minded man becomes singular in the object of faith, everything else will follow suit.
I think that very often unbelievers sit under the preaching of the Gospel, waiting and hoping for some kind of experience or feeling of peace and joy before believing the testimony of God concerning His son (I John 5:9-13; John 3:21-36; 8:24). If you are doing this, then you have, to use an old proverb, “Put the cart before the horse,” and are actually looking to yourself rather than to Christ for your soul’s salvation! Believing is the key which opens the door (Christ) through which sinners enter in “Rejoicing”! Thus, the great apostle to the Gentiles writes that we obtain “joy and peace through believing.”
- Maurice Montgomery
March 24-26 Hurricane Road Grace Church Ashland, KY
April 7-9 Katy Baptist Church Fairmont, WV
May 5-7 Bethel Baptist Church Spring Lake, NC
May 19-21 Oley Grace Church Oley, PA
March 5, 2023
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Sovereign grace o’er sin abounding
Ransomed souls the tidings swell
‘Tis a deep that knows no sounding
Who its breadth or length can tell?
On its glories, on its glories
Let my soul forever dwell.
What from Christ my soul can sever
Bound by everlasting bands?
Once in Him, in Him forever
Thus th’ eternal covenant stands
None shall pluck me, none shall pluck me
From the strength of Israel’s hands.
Heirs of God, join-heirs with Jesus
Long ere time its race begun
To His Name eternal praises
Oh! What wonders love hath done!
One with Jesus, One with Jesus
By eternal union One.
On such love, my soul still ponder
Love so great, so rich, so free
Say, whilst lost in holy wonder
Why, O Lord, such love to me?
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Grace shall reign eternally!
(Tune: “Come Ye Sinners”)
We will observe the Lord’s Table this evening.
All ladies are invited to a baby shower brunch this Saturday, March 11th at 10:30am for Clark and Savannah Grubb. Information and sign up are in the foyer.
5th – Michelle Brogle 5th – Savannah Grubb 5th – Allie Foley
6th – Benjamin Clark 7th – Daisy Martin 8th – Clare Charron
11th – Bill Dent 11th – Levi Wright
“He that goeth about as a talebearer revealeth secrets: therefore meddle not with him that flattereth with his lips.” - Proverbs 20:19
While the unbeliever calls into question what God does, the believer submits to what God does. The unbeliever charges God with injustice; how can it be fair for God to elect some and not all? The believer responds to what God does with Abraham’s words, “Shall not the Judge of the earth do right?” The unbeliever does not know God, he does not know His character and consequently is quick to judge and criticize God. The believer knows God! The believer knows the character of God. He knows whatever God does is right because he knows God. The believer cannot give you the reason God has done certain things. But because he knows God, he knows whatever God does is right. God does not do something because it is right – it is right because He does it. The unbeliever does not know God. The believer does know the Living God.
“And this is life eternal, that they might know Thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.” - John 17:3
“Wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because stait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.” - Matthew 7:13-14
I realize that men would rather this say the opposite of what it says, but here it stands. The way to destruction is broad and wide. The reason is there are so many different ways to hell. There is room on this road for the self-righteous religionist and the open rebel. The person who compromises sovereign grace and the person who openly denies it walk on this road together. The man who refuses to leave the world finds room also. The man who thinks he has many good works and the man who does not care at all about good works stroll hand in hand. The boaster of free-will and the antinomian will follow this road. It is a road that most people take. Conversely, there is only one road to life. Christ Himself. Very few walk the road of Christ. But although this road is narrow, it is wide enough for the very chief of sinners. It is broad enough for anybody who is willing to be saved by Christ alone, and on His terms.
“…and He (the Lord) shall not judge after the sight of His eyes, neither reprove after the hearing of His ears: but with righteousness shall He judge the poor, and reprove with equity for the meek of the earth.” - Isaiah 11:3-4 The woman taken in adultery was standing half-naked in front of the Lord, but He did not judge her after the sight of His eyes…He heard all of the accusations of the eyewitnesses, but He did not reprove her after the hearing of His ears… “For man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart” (I Samuel 16:7). So when the Lord looked on her heart, He saw the pure and perfect new heart He had given her in the new birth. She was one of His sheep, forever united to her Savior, having every single sin (including this act of adultery) washed in the eternal blood of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. As our sister heard from the very lips of Christ, may we hear in the preaching of the Gospel – “Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more” (John 8:11). - Brian DuFour
The ultimate end or goal of redemption is not the happiness, well-being, or even conversion of sinners, BUT THE GLORY OF GOD (Eph. 1:6, 12, 14). Man’s comfort and safety is not the supreme goal of God’s glorious Gospel. The supreme goal of our Gospel is the glory of God, the establishment of His rule and reign over a Kingdom of peace and righteousness, the exaltation and manifestation of His character, and the preeminence of His beloved Son. Our salvation will serve that purpose (Phil 2:6-11). Everything in covenant mercies, in salvation, and in God’s purpose for the sons of men (past, present, and future) turns upon the will of God in Christ. This makes CHRIST THE PRINCIPAL FIGURE in our Gospel, our goals, and our glory. But, if you have salvation and God’s purpose waiting upon the freewill of the creature, then MAN is the principal figure in your landscape and will lead you to compromise divine Truth in order to win man’s approval. The attitude that we must get men converted at any cost and compromise usually winds up costing the very character and Truth of God, which is a price too high to pay. Conversions are never more important than Truth. Truth is always more important than results. “Let God be true and every man a liar!” - Henry Mahan
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Sovereign grace o’er sin abounding
Ransomed souls the tidings swell
‘Tis a deep that knows no sounding
Who its breadth or length can tell?
On its glories, on its glories
Let my soul forever dwell.
What from Christ my soul can sever
Bound by everlasting bands?
Once in Him, in Him forever
Thus th’ eternal covenant stands
None shall pluck me, none shall pluck me
From the strength of Israel’s hands.
Heirs of God, join-heirs with Jesus
Long ere time its race begun
To His Name eternal praises
Oh! What wonders love hath done!
One with Jesus, One with Jesus
By eternal union One.
On such love, my soul still ponder
Love so great, so rich, so free
Say, whilst lost in holy wonder
Why, O Lord, such love to me?
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Grace shall reign eternally!
(Tune: “Come Ye Sinners”)
We will observe the Lord’s Table this evening.
All ladies are invited to a baby shower brunch this Saturday, March 11th at 10:30am for Clark and Savannah Grubb. Information and sign up are in the foyer.
5th – Michelle Brogle 5th – Savannah Grubb 5th – Allie Foley
6th – Benjamin Clark 7th – Daisy Martin 8th – Clare Charron
11th – Bill Dent 11th – Levi Wright
“He that goeth about as a talebearer revealeth secrets: therefore meddle not with him that flattereth with his lips.” - Proverbs 20:19
While the unbeliever calls into question what God does, the believer submits to what God does. The unbeliever charges God with injustice; how can it be fair for God to elect some and not all? The believer responds to what God does with Abraham’s words, “Shall not the Judge of the earth do right?” The unbeliever does not know God, he does not know His character and consequently is quick to judge and criticize God. The believer knows God! The believer knows the character of God. He knows whatever God does is right because he knows God. The believer cannot give you the reason God has done certain things. But because he knows God, he knows whatever God does is right. God does not do something because it is right – it is right because He does it. The unbeliever does not know God. The believer does know the Living God.
“And this is life eternal, that they might know Thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.” - John 17:3
“Wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because stait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.” - Matthew 7:13-14
I realize that men would rather this say the opposite of what it says, but here it stands. The way to destruction is broad and wide. The reason is there are so many different ways to hell. There is room on this road for the self-righteous religionist and the open rebel. The person who compromises sovereign grace and the person who openly denies it walk on this road together. The man who refuses to leave the world finds room also. The man who thinks he has many good works and the man who does not care at all about good works stroll hand in hand. The boaster of free-will and the antinomian will follow this road. It is a road that most people take. Conversely, there is only one road to life. Christ Himself. Very few walk the road of Christ. But although this road is narrow, it is wide enough for the very chief of sinners. It is broad enough for anybody who is willing to be saved by Christ alone, and on His terms.
“…and He (the Lord) shall not judge after the sight of His eyes, neither reprove after the hearing of His ears: but with righteousness shall He judge the poor, and reprove with equity for the meek of the earth.” - Isaiah 11:3-4 The woman taken in adultery was standing half-naked in front of the Lord, but He did not judge her after the sight of His eyes…He heard all of the accusations of the eyewitnesses, but He did not reprove her after the hearing of His ears… “For man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart” (I Samuel 16:7). So when the Lord looked on her heart, He saw the pure and perfect new heart He had given her in the new birth. She was one of His sheep, forever united to her Savior, having every single sin (including this act of adultery) washed in the eternal blood of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. As our sister heard from the very lips of Christ, may we hear in the preaching of the Gospel – “Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more” (John 8:11). - Brian DuFour
The ultimate end or goal of redemption is not the happiness, well-being, or even conversion of sinners, BUT THE GLORY OF GOD (Eph. 1:6, 12, 14). Man’s comfort and safety is not the supreme goal of God’s glorious Gospel. The supreme goal of our Gospel is the glory of God, the establishment of His rule and reign over a Kingdom of peace and righteousness, the exaltation and manifestation of His character, and the preeminence of His beloved Son. Our salvation will serve that purpose (Phil 2:6-11). Everything in covenant mercies, in salvation, and in God’s purpose for the sons of men (past, present, and future) turns upon the will of God in Christ. This makes CHRIST THE PRINCIPAL FIGURE in our Gospel, our goals, and our glory. But, if you have salvation and God’s purpose waiting upon the freewill of the creature, then MAN is the principal figure in your landscape and will lead you to compromise divine Truth in order to win man’s approval. The attitude that we must get men converted at any cost and compromise usually winds up costing the very character and Truth of God, which is a price too high to pay. Conversions are never more important than Truth. Truth is always more important than results. “Let God be true and every man a liar!” - Henry Mahan
February 26, 2023
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Remember, Lord, the blood and sweat
Of Him Who more than paid my debt
Remember Christ upon the tree
And now be merciful to me.
Remember how that Jesus bled
In this poor, guilty sinners stead
He bore the wrath and curse for me
In His own body on the tree.
A perfect righteousness He wrought
And by His blood my pardon bought
So that His righteousness might be
By grace imputed now to me.
I plead the merits of the blood
Of Jesus Christ the Son of God
The sinner’s Substitute is He
A mighty Substitute for me!
(Tune: “When I Survey” p.118)
All ladies are invited to a baby shower brunch for Clark and Savannah Grubb on Saturday, March 11th at 10:30am. Information and sign up are in the foyer.
Vacation Bible School will be June 20 – 22.
(please note date correction for Fairmont, WV)
March 24-26 Hurricane Road Grace Church Ashland, KY
April 7-9 Katy Baptist Church Fairmont, WV
May 5-7 Bethel Baptist Church Spring Lake, NC
May 19-21 Oley Grace Church Oley, PA
1st – Caleb Benton 4th – Hannah Frye
“Better is a dry morsel, and quietness therewith, than an house full of sacrifices with strife.” - Proverbs 17:1
“Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered. Blessed is the man unto whom the Lord impute not iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no guile.” - Psalms 32:1-2
These blessed people are all given a spirit that has no guile. The spirit of Adam died when he fell. That is why we were born, “dead in trespasses and sins.” When God gives us spiritual life in the new birth, we are given a holy nature that has no guile, no deceit. It is honest before God. It is actually the guileless spirit that sees and acknowledges the sins of the old man, and looks to Christ only. Only the guileless spirit does that. Anything contrary to that is full of deceit!
When the Lord Jesus stood before the tomb of His beloved friend Lazarus (who had been dead four days), did He cry, “Lazarus, I have made life possible for you, will you choose to accept it?” How absurd! Lazarus was dead; he could make no choice or decision, nor could he exert his own will. So, when did Lazarus receive life? Was it when he came forth, and because he came forth, or was life given to him before he came forth? The answer should be obvious!
-David Eddmenson
The problem with sinners is not that we are unwilling to do something to save ourselves but that we are unwilling to do nothing that we might be saved by another (John 3:19-20). Faith takes nothing from you, faith takes nothing done by you, faith demands you add nothing, only believe and continue believing, not in anything you have done or not done. Faith is casting your care, your whole self, your whole eternal salvation into the hands of Jesus Christ. – Clay Curtis
“For when we were yet without strength, in due time
Christ died for the ungodly.” – Romans 5:6
I really do believe that Christ is the believer’s best friend. Who else can you spill your heart out to without fear of judgment or retribution? Even when you wake up in the middle of the night, stressing, tossing and turning, He is there! Out Lord tells us to cast all our cares upon Him, for He cares for us (I Peter 5:7).
All through Scripture, our Savior is described as the friend of publicans and sinners (Luke 7:34). He is, “A friend that sticketh closer than a brother” (Proverbs 18:24). But I believe the verse that display His true friendship for His people is found here…. “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13). He established a perfect righteousness for His friends… He took every single sin of every single friend of His, and died on that tree in their place. What great love our Savior has for His children, His brothers and sisters, His friends. He truly is the believer’s best friend!
- Brian DuFour
Christ is the issue, is He not? I find it revealing that the point of Calvinistic theology which is most controverted is “Limited Atonement”, the one point of the five that specifically deals with Christ. No matter what the controversy, it will eventually get back to this point: Is the sacrifice of Jesus Christ enough to redeem the sinner? Christ is never enough in the mind of the unbeliever. But Christ is enough to anyone who has nothing else! - Joe Terrell
If a person is near-sighted, he only needs corrective glasses, but if he is blind, he needs the miracle of sight. If a man is sick, he only needs medicinal help, but if he is dead, he needs the miracle of life. If a man has only strayed from the way, he needs directions, but if a man is completely lost, he needs to be found. - Rolfe Barnard
Are God’s actions, like ours, regulated by the change of circumstances, or are they the outcome of His eternal purpose? If God formed a purpose before man was created, then is that purpose going to be executed according to His original designs and is He now working toward that end? What saith the Scriptures? They declare God is One “Who worketh all things after the counsel of His own will.” (Ephesians 1:11). - A. W. Pink
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Remember, Lord, the blood and sweat
Of Him Who more than paid my debt
Remember Christ upon the tree
And now be merciful to me.
Remember how that Jesus bled
In this poor, guilty sinners stead
He bore the wrath and curse for me
In His own body on the tree.
A perfect righteousness He wrought
And by His blood my pardon bought
So that His righteousness might be
By grace imputed now to me.
I plead the merits of the blood
Of Jesus Christ the Son of God
The sinner’s Substitute is He
A mighty Substitute for me!
(Tune: “When I Survey” p.118)
All ladies are invited to a baby shower brunch for Clark and Savannah Grubb on Saturday, March 11th at 10:30am. Information and sign up are in the foyer.
Vacation Bible School will be June 20 – 22.
(please note date correction for Fairmont, WV)
March 24-26 Hurricane Road Grace Church Ashland, KY
April 7-9 Katy Baptist Church Fairmont, WV
May 5-7 Bethel Baptist Church Spring Lake, NC
May 19-21 Oley Grace Church Oley, PA
1st – Caleb Benton 4th – Hannah Frye
“Better is a dry morsel, and quietness therewith, than an house full of sacrifices with strife.” - Proverbs 17:1
“Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered. Blessed is the man unto whom the Lord impute not iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no guile.” - Psalms 32:1-2
These blessed people are all given a spirit that has no guile. The spirit of Adam died when he fell. That is why we were born, “dead in trespasses and sins.” When God gives us spiritual life in the new birth, we are given a holy nature that has no guile, no deceit. It is honest before God. It is actually the guileless spirit that sees and acknowledges the sins of the old man, and looks to Christ only. Only the guileless spirit does that. Anything contrary to that is full of deceit!
When the Lord Jesus stood before the tomb of His beloved friend Lazarus (who had been dead four days), did He cry, “Lazarus, I have made life possible for you, will you choose to accept it?” How absurd! Lazarus was dead; he could make no choice or decision, nor could he exert his own will. So, when did Lazarus receive life? Was it when he came forth, and because he came forth, or was life given to him before he came forth? The answer should be obvious!
-David Eddmenson
The problem with sinners is not that we are unwilling to do something to save ourselves but that we are unwilling to do nothing that we might be saved by another (John 3:19-20). Faith takes nothing from you, faith takes nothing done by you, faith demands you add nothing, only believe and continue believing, not in anything you have done or not done. Faith is casting your care, your whole self, your whole eternal salvation into the hands of Jesus Christ. – Clay Curtis
“For when we were yet without strength, in due time
Christ died for the ungodly.” – Romans 5:6
I really do believe that Christ is the believer’s best friend. Who else can you spill your heart out to without fear of judgment or retribution? Even when you wake up in the middle of the night, stressing, tossing and turning, He is there! Out Lord tells us to cast all our cares upon Him, for He cares for us (I Peter 5:7).
All through Scripture, our Savior is described as the friend of publicans and sinners (Luke 7:34). He is, “A friend that sticketh closer than a brother” (Proverbs 18:24). But I believe the verse that display His true friendship for His people is found here…. “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13). He established a perfect righteousness for His friends… He took every single sin of every single friend of His, and died on that tree in their place. What great love our Savior has for His children, His brothers and sisters, His friends. He truly is the believer’s best friend!
- Brian DuFour
Christ is the issue, is He not? I find it revealing that the point of Calvinistic theology which is most controverted is “Limited Atonement”, the one point of the five that specifically deals with Christ. No matter what the controversy, it will eventually get back to this point: Is the sacrifice of Jesus Christ enough to redeem the sinner? Christ is never enough in the mind of the unbeliever. But Christ is enough to anyone who has nothing else! - Joe Terrell
If a person is near-sighted, he only needs corrective glasses, but if he is blind, he needs the miracle of sight. If a man is sick, he only needs medicinal help, but if he is dead, he needs the miracle of life. If a man has only strayed from the way, he needs directions, but if a man is completely lost, he needs to be found. - Rolfe Barnard
Are God’s actions, like ours, regulated by the change of circumstances, or are they the outcome of His eternal purpose? If God formed a purpose before man was created, then is that purpose going to be executed according to His original designs and is He now working toward that end? What saith the Scriptures? They declare God is One “Who worketh all things after the counsel of His own will.” (Ephesians 1:11). - A. W. Pink
February 19, 2023
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Precious Savior, friend of sinners
We, as such, to Thee draw near
Let Thy Spirit dwell within us
With that love that casts out fear.
Matchless Savior, let us know Thee
As the Lord our Righteousness
Cause our hearts to cleave unto Thee
Come, and with Thy presence bless.
Open now Thy precious treasure
Let Thy Word here freely flow
Give to us a gracious measure
‘Tis Thyself we long to know.
Come and claim us as Thy portion
Let us all find rest in Thee
Leave us not to empty notions
We would find our hope in Thee!
(Tune: “Our Great Savior” p. 49)
All ladies are invited to a baby shower brunch for Clark and Savannah Grubb on Saturday, March 11th. The invitation is in the foyer.
Vacation Bible School will be June 20 – 22.
March 24-26 Hurricane Road Grace Church Ashland, KY
April 14-16 Katy Baptist Church Fairmont, WV
May 5-7 Bethel Baptist Church Spring Lake, NC
May 19-21 Oley Grace Church Oley, PA
20th – Megan Harries 21st – Tim Daniel
22nd Zac Byrd 22nd – Evonne Kincer
“Hatred stirreth up strifes: but love covereth all sins.” – Proverbs 10:12
When preachers present the Gospel as something God offers men, they demonstrate an ignorance of the character of God, the character of man, and the character of salvation. God does not offer His salvation, with its outcome dependent on our acceptance or rejection of His offer. That is derogatory toward His character. This elevates man’s acceptance or rejection as the deciding factor in salvation. It denies that salvation is of the Lord and makes it a co-operative effort between God and men. God does not offer salvation. He saves! God does not offer forgiveness. He forgives. God does not offer eternal life. He creates life in the heart of a dead sinner. Anyone who know God, men, and God’s salvation, knows that to speak of God offering something is blasphemous and offensive. “Come let us reason together” is not an offer but a declaration of what He will do. “Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be white as snow” (Isaiah 1:18).
There is a television ad campaign entitle “Jesus gets us.” The emphasis of these ads are our needs and His ability to meet them. I cringe when I see people trying to market the Lord of Glory. He gets us all right! “I know you, that have not the love of God in you.” “You are of your Father the devil, and the lusts of your father you will do.” “No man can come to Me except the Father which hath sent Me draw him.” The Jesus of “Jesus gets us” is a false Jesus who cannot save. The Jesus of Scripture is the One who truly knows us and salvation is impossible for us unless He is pleased to save us.
To speak what I do NOT believe is hypocrisy. NOT to speak what I do believe is cowardly. To speak what I believe only when and where I know it will be received is deceitful. – Henry Mahan
“There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death” (Proverbs 14:12). I can personally attest to this verse. When I decided to get “religious” around 30 years old I determined to straighten up my life so that I could be good enough to “get saved.” I stopped drinking beer, stopped smoking cigarettes, gave away all my rock CD’s, just hoping the Lord would be pleased with the sacrifices I was making, and hopefully become good enough to get saved, not knowing the Lord said, “Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For ye make clean the outside of the cup and the platter, but within they are full of extortion and excess. Thou blind Pharisee, cleanse first that which is within the cup and platter, that the outside of them may be clean also. Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For ye are like unto whited sepulchers, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men’s bones, and of all uncleanness. Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity” (Matthew 23:25-28).
Humans, starting with me, are completely and utterly spiritually ignorant of what sin is! I may even have read many times that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, yet here I was giving focused and diligent effort to make myself a ‘non-sinner’; ignorant of what sin is and working hard at excluding myself from the very people Christ came to save.
I thank God that He did not leave me to my spiritually stupid and fleshly self, but birthed in me a new man, a new spiritual self, that could see and believe that salvation is all of grace, all in Christ - that I was and still am in the flesh, nothing but wounds, bruises, and putrefying sores from the top of my head to the sole of my feet. That all of the self-righteous good deeds I was trying to perform were nothing but filthy blood-soaked rags in God’s sight…and that my only hope of salvation was that He would have mercy on me for Christ’s sake, cleansing me in the blood of the Lamb, and clothing me in His perfect righteousness. Our natural thoughts of salvation are always wrong. May God give us the mind of Christ, and turn our thoughts to Christ alone.
– Brian DuFour
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Precious Savior, friend of sinners
We, as such, to Thee draw near
Let Thy Spirit dwell within us
With that love that casts out fear.
Matchless Savior, let us know Thee
As the Lord our Righteousness
Cause our hearts to cleave unto Thee
Come, and with Thy presence bless.
Open now Thy precious treasure
Let Thy Word here freely flow
Give to us a gracious measure
‘Tis Thyself we long to know.
Come and claim us as Thy portion
Let us all find rest in Thee
Leave us not to empty notions
We would find our hope in Thee!
(Tune: “Our Great Savior” p. 49)
All ladies are invited to a baby shower brunch for Clark and Savannah Grubb on Saturday, March 11th. The invitation is in the foyer.
Vacation Bible School will be June 20 – 22.
March 24-26 Hurricane Road Grace Church Ashland, KY
April 14-16 Katy Baptist Church Fairmont, WV
May 5-7 Bethel Baptist Church Spring Lake, NC
May 19-21 Oley Grace Church Oley, PA
20th – Megan Harries 21st – Tim Daniel
22nd Zac Byrd 22nd – Evonne Kincer
“Hatred stirreth up strifes: but love covereth all sins.” – Proverbs 10:12
When preachers present the Gospel as something God offers men, they demonstrate an ignorance of the character of God, the character of man, and the character of salvation. God does not offer His salvation, with its outcome dependent on our acceptance or rejection of His offer. That is derogatory toward His character. This elevates man’s acceptance or rejection as the deciding factor in salvation. It denies that salvation is of the Lord and makes it a co-operative effort between God and men. God does not offer salvation. He saves! God does not offer forgiveness. He forgives. God does not offer eternal life. He creates life in the heart of a dead sinner. Anyone who know God, men, and God’s salvation, knows that to speak of God offering something is blasphemous and offensive. “Come let us reason together” is not an offer but a declaration of what He will do. “Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be white as snow” (Isaiah 1:18).
There is a television ad campaign entitle “Jesus gets us.” The emphasis of these ads are our needs and His ability to meet them. I cringe when I see people trying to market the Lord of Glory. He gets us all right! “I know you, that have not the love of God in you.” “You are of your Father the devil, and the lusts of your father you will do.” “No man can come to Me except the Father which hath sent Me draw him.” The Jesus of “Jesus gets us” is a false Jesus who cannot save. The Jesus of Scripture is the One who truly knows us and salvation is impossible for us unless He is pleased to save us.
To speak what I do NOT believe is hypocrisy. NOT to speak what I do believe is cowardly. To speak what I believe only when and where I know it will be received is deceitful. – Henry Mahan
“There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death” (Proverbs 14:12). I can personally attest to this verse. When I decided to get “religious” around 30 years old I determined to straighten up my life so that I could be good enough to “get saved.” I stopped drinking beer, stopped smoking cigarettes, gave away all my rock CD’s, just hoping the Lord would be pleased with the sacrifices I was making, and hopefully become good enough to get saved, not knowing the Lord said, “Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For ye make clean the outside of the cup and the platter, but within they are full of extortion and excess. Thou blind Pharisee, cleanse first that which is within the cup and platter, that the outside of them may be clean also. Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For ye are like unto whited sepulchers, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men’s bones, and of all uncleanness. Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity” (Matthew 23:25-28).
Humans, starting with me, are completely and utterly spiritually ignorant of what sin is! I may even have read many times that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, yet here I was giving focused and diligent effort to make myself a ‘non-sinner’; ignorant of what sin is and working hard at excluding myself from the very people Christ came to save.
I thank God that He did not leave me to my spiritually stupid and fleshly self, but birthed in me a new man, a new spiritual self, that could see and believe that salvation is all of grace, all in Christ - that I was and still am in the flesh, nothing but wounds, bruises, and putrefying sores from the top of my head to the sole of my feet. That all of the self-righteous good deeds I was trying to perform were nothing but filthy blood-soaked rags in God’s sight…and that my only hope of salvation was that He would have mercy on me for Christ’s sake, cleansing me in the blood of the Lamb, and clothing me in His perfect righteousness. Our natural thoughts of salvation are always wrong. May God give us the mind of Christ, and turn our thoughts to Christ alone.
– Brian DuFour
February 12, 2023
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Jesus, Thy blood and righteousness
My beauty art, my glorious dress
Midst flaming worlds in these arrayed
With joy shall I left up my head.
This spotless robe the same appears
When ruined nature sinks in years
No age can change its glorious hue
The robe of Christ is ever new.
When from the dust of death I rise
To join the ransomed in the skies
E’en then shall this be all my plea
That Christ has lived and died for me.
O let the dead now hear Thy voice
Now bid Thy people to rejoice
Our beauty this, our glorious dress
Jesus, the Lord our Righteousness!
(Tune: “Jesus, Thy Blood and Righteousness” p.217)
Everyone is invited to stay for lunch after the service today. There will be no service this evening.
Vacation Bible School will be June 20 – 22.
13th – Mark Benton 13th – Kathryn Kelley 15th – Joseph Anjos
15th – Amber DuFour 16th – Andrea Vincent 156h – Henry Williams
“The righteous considereth the cause of the poor: but the wicked regardeth not to know it.” - Proverbs 29:7
Individual members of the church are compared to members of the same body. They are all important and all needed! This is apparent in reading I Cor. 12. Because of that, “The members should have the same care one of another.” What a blessing it is to be a member of the church of the Lord Jesus Christ, a member of His body! Truly, every member is vital and needed!
That being said, we do not meet with and identify ourselves with a local church because we feel like we are needed. But because we feel needy! We need to hear the Gospel preached and we need that fellowship with God’s children around the Gospel of Christ. There is something supernatural going on in the public assembly of God’s saints, and we feel a great need to be there. The church of Christ does not need the needed. If we go to a church because we feel needed, we go for the wrong reason! We do not unite with a church because we are needed. We unite with the church because we are “needy”.
When God said, “I will by no means clear the guilty,” that tells us what imputation is not. Imputation is not God seeing someone as guilty and then imputing righteousness to them so they are no longer guilty. God only imputes to us what is already there. The elect are eternally justified through the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. Christ came in time to put away their sins. The proof that my sins are actually put away is the death of Christ. The proof that I am justified is the resurrection of Christ. Because of the work of Christ, God imputes to me what I am ….the righteousness of God (II Cor. 5:21). This is reality! This is the glory of the achievement of Christ. He made me “not guilty.” This is the great truth of justification!
After listening to the dialog between Job and his friends, it was said of Elihu, “Against Job was his wrath kindled because he justified himself rather then God” (Job 32:2). This will be seen on judgment day. When a man justifies himself rather than God, he will find out God never justified him! When a man justifies God in all that He does, he will also be seen to be one that God has justified!
“If God be for us, who can be against us?” It is equally true, if God be against us, who can be for us? God is either my best friend or my worst enemy.
The same baby that was in virgin Mary’s womb, completely dependent on His mother for sustenance, and His father for protection and shelter, was God Almighty …upon whom His father Joseph and mother Mary were completely dependent upon for their next breath and heartbeat.
For the Lord Jesus Christ is the Almighty God, the sovereign ruler of every atom, molecule, particle, gas, vapor, solid, insect, animal, human, nation, weather event (from the descent speed and angle of every raindrop of every storm, to the individual snow flakes in every blizzard and avalanche), planet, moon, stars, galaxies, and everything in between. You can trust this Savior, for He is God, and He cannot lie. So when He says that He, “Came into the world to save sinners” (I Timothy 1:15), then any sinner who comes to Him for mercy, He will save - He cannot break His promise! - Brian DuFour
“For thou, Lord, hast made me glad through Thy work: I will triumph in the works of Thy hands.” - Psalm 92:4
Salvation is of the Lord, it is entirely a work of His hands, His purpose, His will being done… from God the Father electing a people, to God the Son redeeming those people, to God the Spirit giving spiritual life and calling those people… our God and Savior has completely finished the work of salvation. There is nothing left for the sinner to do but to rest and rejoice in the complete work of the Triune God!
- Brian DuFour
I do not believe that we can preach the Gospel if we do not preach justification by faith, without works; nor unless we preach the sovereignty of God in the dispensation of grace; not unless we exalt the electing, unchangeable, eternal immutable, conquering love of Jehovah: nor do I think we can preach the Gospel, unless we have it upon the peculiar redemption which Christ made for the elect and chosen people; nor can I comprehend a Gospel which lets saints fall away after they are called, and suffers the children of God to be burned in the fires of damnation after having believed. Such a gospel I abhor. The Gospel of the Bible is not such a Gospel as that. We preach Christ and Him crucified in a different fashion, and to all gainsayers we reply, “We have not so learned Christ.” - C. H. Spurgeon
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Jesus, Thy blood and righteousness
My beauty art, my glorious dress
Midst flaming worlds in these arrayed
With joy shall I left up my head.
This spotless robe the same appears
When ruined nature sinks in years
No age can change its glorious hue
The robe of Christ is ever new.
When from the dust of death I rise
To join the ransomed in the skies
E’en then shall this be all my plea
That Christ has lived and died for me.
O let the dead now hear Thy voice
Now bid Thy people to rejoice
Our beauty this, our glorious dress
Jesus, the Lord our Righteousness!
(Tune: “Jesus, Thy Blood and Righteousness” p.217)
Everyone is invited to stay for lunch after the service today. There will be no service this evening.
Vacation Bible School will be June 20 – 22.
13th – Mark Benton 13th – Kathryn Kelley 15th – Joseph Anjos
15th – Amber DuFour 16th – Andrea Vincent 156h – Henry Williams
“The righteous considereth the cause of the poor: but the wicked regardeth not to know it.” - Proverbs 29:7
Individual members of the church are compared to members of the same body. They are all important and all needed! This is apparent in reading I Cor. 12. Because of that, “The members should have the same care one of another.” What a blessing it is to be a member of the church of the Lord Jesus Christ, a member of His body! Truly, every member is vital and needed!
That being said, we do not meet with and identify ourselves with a local church because we feel like we are needed. But because we feel needy! We need to hear the Gospel preached and we need that fellowship with God’s children around the Gospel of Christ. There is something supernatural going on in the public assembly of God’s saints, and we feel a great need to be there. The church of Christ does not need the needed. If we go to a church because we feel needed, we go for the wrong reason! We do not unite with a church because we are needed. We unite with the church because we are “needy”.
When God said, “I will by no means clear the guilty,” that tells us what imputation is not. Imputation is not God seeing someone as guilty and then imputing righteousness to them so they are no longer guilty. God only imputes to us what is already there. The elect are eternally justified through the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. Christ came in time to put away their sins. The proof that my sins are actually put away is the death of Christ. The proof that I am justified is the resurrection of Christ. Because of the work of Christ, God imputes to me what I am ….the righteousness of God (II Cor. 5:21). This is reality! This is the glory of the achievement of Christ. He made me “not guilty.” This is the great truth of justification!
After listening to the dialog between Job and his friends, it was said of Elihu, “Against Job was his wrath kindled because he justified himself rather then God” (Job 32:2). This will be seen on judgment day. When a man justifies himself rather than God, he will find out God never justified him! When a man justifies God in all that He does, he will also be seen to be one that God has justified!
“If God be for us, who can be against us?” It is equally true, if God be against us, who can be for us? God is either my best friend or my worst enemy.
The same baby that was in virgin Mary’s womb, completely dependent on His mother for sustenance, and His father for protection and shelter, was God Almighty …upon whom His father Joseph and mother Mary were completely dependent upon for their next breath and heartbeat.
For the Lord Jesus Christ is the Almighty God, the sovereign ruler of every atom, molecule, particle, gas, vapor, solid, insect, animal, human, nation, weather event (from the descent speed and angle of every raindrop of every storm, to the individual snow flakes in every blizzard and avalanche), planet, moon, stars, galaxies, and everything in between. You can trust this Savior, for He is God, and He cannot lie. So when He says that He, “Came into the world to save sinners” (I Timothy 1:15), then any sinner who comes to Him for mercy, He will save - He cannot break His promise! - Brian DuFour
“For thou, Lord, hast made me glad through Thy work: I will triumph in the works of Thy hands.” - Psalm 92:4
Salvation is of the Lord, it is entirely a work of His hands, His purpose, His will being done… from God the Father electing a people, to God the Son redeeming those people, to God the Spirit giving spiritual life and calling those people… our God and Savior has completely finished the work of salvation. There is nothing left for the sinner to do but to rest and rejoice in the complete work of the Triune God!
- Brian DuFour
I do not believe that we can preach the Gospel if we do not preach justification by faith, without works; nor unless we preach the sovereignty of God in the dispensation of grace; not unless we exalt the electing, unchangeable, eternal immutable, conquering love of Jehovah: nor do I think we can preach the Gospel, unless we have it upon the peculiar redemption which Christ made for the elect and chosen people; nor can I comprehend a Gospel which lets saints fall away after they are called, and suffers the children of God to be burned in the fires of damnation after having believed. Such a gospel I abhor. The Gospel of the Bible is not such a Gospel as that. We preach Christ and Him crucified in a different fashion, and to all gainsayers we reply, “We have not so learned Christ.” - C. H. Spurgeon
February 5, 2023
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Sovereign grace o’er sin abounding
Ransomed souls, the tidings swell
‘Tis a deep that knows no sounding
Who its breadth or length can tell?
Heirs of God, joint-heirs with Jesus
Long ere time its race begun
To His Name eternal praises
O what wonders love hath done!
Who from Christ our souls can sever
Bound by everlasting bands
Once in Him, in Him forever
None can pluck us from His hands.
O such love, my soul, still ponder
Love so great, so rich, so free
Say, while lost in holy wonder
Why, O Lord, such love to me?
(Tune: “Jesus Calls Us” p. 374)
We will observe the Lord’s Table this evening.
We will have a church dinner next Sunday, February 12th following the morning service. Bring a dish and make plans to attend! There will be no evening service next Sunday.
5th – Billie Tuttle 6th – Jennifer Dunbar 7th – Annabelle Brogle
7th – Tammy Dickerson 7th – Clark Grubb 7th – Faith Hacker
9th – Rylan Daniel 10th – Lydia Wilson
“Whoso loveth instruction loveth knowledge: but he that hateth reproof is brutish.” - Proverbs 12:1
The blood and water that flowed from the pierced side of the Lord testifies to us that not only is His blood the perfect ground for our complete salvation, it also continually cleanses us. “The blood of Jesus Christ God’s Son cleanseth us from all sin.” This speaks of the laver with the water the priests would wash themselves with after the sacrifice was killed and before they entered the Holy place. Not only is the blood our justification as a one-time declaration of God but for our continual cleansing. It is the fountain opened for sin and uncleanness (Zachariah 13:1)!
Rock of ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in Thee
Let the water and the blood, From Thy riven side which flowed
Be of sin the double cure, Save from wrath and make me pure.
Those who have been saved are those who are being saved (I Cor. 1:18, Philippians 1:6,2:12,13). Those who have learned of Christ are those who are learning of Him (John 6:45; Matthew 11:29). Those who know the Lord are those who desire to know Him (Philippians 3:7-10). Those who have seen the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ (II Corinthians 4:6) are those who continue to cry, “Lord, I beseech Thee, show me Thy glory” (Exodus 33:18). These are the people who by the grace of God can say, “As for me, I will behold Thy face in righteousness: I shall be satisfied, when I awake, with Thy likeness” (Psalm 17:15). - Maurice Montgomery
God prepared a salvation for His elect, chosen by Him not because of any goodness in them, but because He will have mercy on who He will have mercy, and will have compassion on whom He will have compassion. Is this not a salvation that will suit thee, O poor sinner? If God had chosen them out of any merit, or if that choice depended on anything which men did or could do, thou wert a damned soul, for thou hast no goodness, and thou canst do nothing. If God’s election comes to those who are without merit, without hope, without strength, there is hope for thee. - C. H. Spurgeon
In heaven’s glory we shall forever adore and praise our great God for the wondrous mystery of His grace, by which we are saved. Everything in the great work of salvation sets forth the splendor of the grace of the Most High God. What do we see in election, predestination, redemption, regeneration and preservation, but His grace? The whole work of salvation displays God’s rich, free, almighty, irresistible, sovereign, saving grace in Christ. In salvation, as well as in creation, all things are of God, all things are by God, and all things are for God. He works all our works in us, and in Him alone all praise must be forever! - Maurice Montgomery
If salvation depends upon our being or doing anything, we shall inevitably be lost. Thank God, it does not; for the great fundamental principle of the Gospel is that Christ is All: man is nothing. It is not a mixture of Christ and man – it is all of Christ. The peace of the Gospel does not rest in part on Christ’s work and in part on man’s work; it rests wholly on Christ’s work, because that work is perfect, perfect forever; and it renders all who put their trust in Him as perfect as Himself! Christ must either be a whole Saviour or no Saviour at all. The moment a man says, “Except you be this or that, you cannot be saved,” he totally subverts the Gospel; for in the Gospel I find Christ coming down to me, just as I am – a lost, guilty, self-destroyed sinner; and coming, moreover, with a full remission of all my sins, and a full salvation from my lost estate, all perfectly wrought by Himself on the cross. – C. H. Mackintosh
“Brethren pray for us”
I Thessalonians 5:2
Of all the requests that could be made by a believer in the Lord Jesus unto those who are of like faith and have also been made to see something of their own spiritual weakness and are struggling daily with the trials and temptations from within and without, there is no request greater than, “Brethren pray for us.” How honoring unto the Lord and comforting to the believer that a brother or sister would pray unto Him who, “Is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think,” on our behalf. - Marvin Stalnaker
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Sovereign grace o’er sin abounding
Ransomed souls, the tidings swell
‘Tis a deep that knows no sounding
Who its breadth or length can tell?
Heirs of God, joint-heirs with Jesus
Long ere time its race begun
To His Name eternal praises
O what wonders love hath done!
Who from Christ our souls can sever
Bound by everlasting bands
Once in Him, in Him forever
None can pluck us from His hands.
O such love, my soul, still ponder
Love so great, so rich, so free
Say, while lost in holy wonder
Why, O Lord, such love to me?
(Tune: “Jesus Calls Us” p. 374)
We will observe the Lord’s Table this evening.
We will have a church dinner next Sunday, February 12th following the morning service. Bring a dish and make plans to attend! There will be no evening service next Sunday.
5th – Billie Tuttle 6th – Jennifer Dunbar 7th – Annabelle Brogle
7th – Tammy Dickerson 7th – Clark Grubb 7th – Faith Hacker
9th – Rylan Daniel 10th – Lydia Wilson
“Whoso loveth instruction loveth knowledge: but he that hateth reproof is brutish.” - Proverbs 12:1
The blood and water that flowed from the pierced side of the Lord testifies to us that not only is His blood the perfect ground for our complete salvation, it also continually cleanses us. “The blood of Jesus Christ God’s Son cleanseth us from all sin.” This speaks of the laver with the water the priests would wash themselves with after the sacrifice was killed and before they entered the Holy place. Not only is the blood our justification as a one-time declaration of God but for our continual cleansing. It is the fountain opened for sin and uncleanness (Zachariah 13:1)!
Rock of ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in Thee
Let the water and the blood, From Thy riven side which flowed
Be of sin the double cure, Save from wrath and make me pure.
Those who have been saved are those who are being saved (I Cor. 1:18, Philippians 1:6,2:12,13). Those who have learned of Christ are those who are learning of Him (John 6:45; Matthew 11:29). Those who know the Lord are those who desire to know Him (Philippians 3:7-10). Those who have seen the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ (II Corinthians 4:6) are those who continue to cry, “Lord, I beseech Thee, show me Thy glory” (Exodus 33:18). These are the people who by the grace of God can say, “As for me, I will behold Thy face in righteousness: I shall be satisfied, when I awake, with Thy likeness” (Psalm 17:15). - Maurice Montgomery
God prepared a salvation for His elect, chosen by Him not because of any goodness in them, but because He will have mercy on who He will have mercy, and will have compassion on whom He will have compassion. Is this not a salvation that will suit thee, O poor sinner? If God had chosen them out of any merit, or if that choice depended on anything which men did or could do, thou wert a damned soul, for thou hast no goodness, and thou canst do nothing. If God’s election comes to those who are without merit, without hope, without strength, there is hope for thee. - C. H. Spurgeon
In heaven’s glory we shall forever adore and praise our great God for the wondrous mystery of His grace, by which we are saved. Everything in the great work of salvation sets forth the splendor of the grace of the Most High God. What do we see in election, predestination, redemption, regeneration and preservation, but His grace? The whole work of salvation displays God’s rich, free, almighty, irresistible, sovereign, saving grace in Christ. In salvation, as well as in creation, all things are of God, all things are by God, and all things are for God. He works all our works in us, and in Him alone all praise must be forever! - Maurice Montgomery
If salvation depends upon our being or doing anything, we shall inevitably be lost. Thank God, it does not; for the great fundamental principle of the Gospel is that Christ is All: man is nothing. It is not a mixture of Christ and man – it is all of Christ. The peace of the Gospel does not rest in part on Christ’s work and in part on man’s work; it rests wholly on Christ’s work, because that work is perfect, perfect forever; and it renders all who put their trust in Him as perfect as Himself! Christ must either be a whole Saviour or no Saviour at all. The moment a man says, “Except you be this or that, you cannot be saved,” he totally subverts the Gospel; for in the Gospel I find Christ coming down to me, just as I am – a lost, guilty, self-destroyed sinner; and coming, moreover, with a full remission of all my sins, and a full salvation from my lost estate, all perfectly wrought by Himself on the cross. – C. H. Mackintosh
“Brethren pray for us”
I Thessalonians 5:2
Of all the requests that could be made by a believer in the Lord Jesus unto those who are of like faith and have also been made to see something of their own spiritual weakness and are struggling daily with the trials and temptations from within and without, there is no request greater than, “Brethren pray for us.” How honoring unto the Lord and comforting to the believer that a brother or sister would pray unto Him who, “Is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think,” on our behalf. - Marvin Stalnaker
January 29, 2023
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Glory to God on High
Let earth and Heav’n reply
Praise ye His Name!
His love and grace adore
Who all our sorrows bore
Sing aloud evermore, Worthy the Lamb!
Jesus, our Lord and God
Bore sin’s tremendous load
Praise ye His Name!
Tell what His arm has done
What spoils from death He won
Sing His great Name alone, Worthy the Lamb!
While they around the Throne
Cheerfully join in one
Praising His Name!
Ye who have seen His blood
Sealing your peace with God
Sound His dear Name abroad, Worthy the Lamb!
(Tune: “Come Thou Almighty King” p. 6)
We will have a church dinner on Sunday, February 12th following the morning service. Bring a dish and make plans to attend!
30th – Jonathan Holbrook 2nd – Sam Elliott 3rd – James Carver
“There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.” - Proverbs 14:12
The Lord told His disciples that even if their brother offends them seven times in a single day, they were to forgive him seven times. They did not reply, increase our ability to forgive, or our ability to love our offending brother but, “Increase our faith” (Luke 17:5). Faith is the root grace. As our faith is increased, our capacity to forgive will increase, and so will every other grace. If we would grow in grace, this should be our continual prayer, “Increase our faith.”
Believing is the most wonderful thing in the world! Put anything of your own to it, and you spoil it. Christ will not look on that as believing. When you believe and come to Christ, you must leave behind your own righteousness and bring nothing but your sin (Oh! That is hard!), leaving behind all your holiness, sanctification, and duties or Christ is not fit for you, nor you for Christ. Christ will be a pure Redeemer and Mediator, and you must be an undone sinner, or Christ and you will never agree. - Thomas Wilcox
The Scriptures speak much of things that take place before the foundation of the world. All there was, was the Triune God in His is-ness. Hebrews 4:3 says, “The works were finished from the foundation of the world.” That includes all the works of creation, providence, and salvation. In eternity there was no chronological sequence of events. They are all in the present in the eternal purpose which He purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord. But logically, one event preceded them all. “The Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.” Election and everything else was for this. Jesus Christ and Him crucified is the whole counsel of God!
The message of God’s saving grace excludes boasting, eliminates despair, and promotes obedience from the heart. The message of salvation by works promotes boasting, creates despair, and destroys true obedience.
“Then came Peter to Him, and said, Lord, how oft shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? till seven times? Jesus saith unto him, I say not unto thee, until seven times: but, until seventy times seven.” - Matthew 18:21-22
The next time your brother or sister sins grievously against you, and you are having trouble finding the heart to forgive them, just remember the extent of your sin against Almighty God – you and I murdered His Son, for we are born into this world as God-haters… and in God’s eyes, to hate with the heart is to murder with the hands, and yet He has forgiven us for Christ’s sake. Surely that sin against you pales in comparison to murdering the Son of God. That is why the Lord commands us to forgive seventy times seven – EVERY TIME!
- Brian DuFour
“Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer every man” (Col. 4:6). While our conversations and talk should be much about the grace of God to us in Christ Jesus, and we should take advantage of every opportunity to talk about the doctrines of grace and salvation by grace alone, not by works and human merit, yet this is NOT what Paul refers to in this Scripture. He is saying that our speech, conversation, and communication with others should be such that it reveals a work of God’s grace within us; that our language and words should show forth the fruit of the Spirit, which is love, joy, humility, and faith; that our speech should reveal to others that we have, indeed, been with Jesus Christ. To speak in love, to speak kindly and pleasantly, and to avoid sewing discord and division. Harsh words reveal a hard heart. Grace is to the speech what salt is to meat. It makes it acceptable, good to the ear, and a blessing to the heart. Grace in the heart will teach us HOW we ought to answer every man! - Henry Mahan
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Glory to God on High
Let earth and Heav’n reply
Praise ye His Name!
His love and grace adore
Who all our sorrows bore
Sing aloud evermore, Worthy the Lamb!
Jesus, our Lord and God
Bore sin’s tremendous load
Praise ye His Name!
Tell what His arm has done
What spoils from death He won
Sing His great Name alone, Worthy the Lamb!
While they around the Throne
Cheerfully join in one
Praising His Name!
Ye who have seen His blood
Sealing your peace with God
Sound His dear Name abroad, Worthy the Lamb!
(Tune: “Come Thou Almighty King” p. 6)
We will have a church dinner on Sunday, February 12th following the morning service. Bring a dish and make plans to attend!
30th – Jonathan Holbrook 2nd – Sam Elliott 3rd – James Carver
“There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.” - Proverbs 14:12
The Lord told His disciples that even if their brother offends them seven times in a single day, they were to forgive him seven times. They did not reply, increase our ability to forgive, or our ability to love our offending brother but, “Increase our faith” (Luke 17:5). Faith is the root grace. As our faith is increased, our capacity to forgive will increase, and so will every other grace. If we would grow in grace, this should be our continual prayer, “Increase our faith.”
Believing is the most wonderful thing in the world! Put anything of your own to it, and you spoil it. Christ will not look on that as believing. When you believe and come to Christ, you must leave behind your own righteousness and bring nothing but your sin (Oh! That is hard!), leaving behind all your holiness, sanctification, and duties or Christ is not fit for you, nor you for Christ. Christ will be a pure Redeemer and Mediator, and you must be an undone sinner, or Christ and you will never agree. - Thomas Wilcox
The Scriptures speak much of things that take place before the foundation of the world. All there was, was the Triune God in His is-ness. Hebrews 4:3 says, “The works were finished from the foundation of the world.” That includes all the works of creation, providence, and salvation. In eternity there was no chronological sequence of events. They are all in the present in the eternal purpose which He purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord. But logically, one event preceded them all. “The Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.” Election and everything else was for this. Jesus Christ and Him crucified is the whole counsel of God!
The message of God’s saving grace excludes boasting, eliminates despair, and promotes obedience from the heart. The message of salvation by works promotes boasting, creates despair, and destroys true obedience.
“Then came Peter to Him, and said, Lord, how oft shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? till seven times? Jesus saith unto him, I say not unto thee, until seven times: but, until seventy times seven.” - Matthew 18:21-22
The next time your brother or sister sins grievously against you, and you are having trouble finding the heart to forgive them, just remember the extent of your sin against Almighty God – you and I murdered His Son, for we are born into this world as God-haters… and in God’s eyes, to hate with the heart is to murder with the hands, and yet He has forgiven us for Christ’s sake. Surely that sin against you pales in comparison to murdering the Son of God. That is why the Lord commands us to forgive seventy times seven – EVERY TIME!
- Brian DuFour
“Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer every man” (Col. 4:6). While our conversations and talk should be much about the grace of God to us in Christ Jesus, and we should take advantage of every opportunity to talk about the doctrines of grace and salvation by grace alone, not by works and human merit, yet this is NOT what Paul refers to in this Scripture. He is saying that our speech, conversation, and communication with others should be such that it reveals a work of God’s grace within us; that our language and words should show forth the fruit of the Spirit, which is love, joy, humility, and faith; that our speech should reveal to others that we have, indeed, been with Jesus Christ. To speak in love, to speak kindly and pleasantly, and to avoid sewing discord and division. Harsh words reveal a hard heart. Grace is to the speech what salt is to meat. It makes it acceptable, good to the ear, and a blessing to the heart. Grace in the heart will teach us HOW we ought to answer every man! - Henry Mahan
January 22, 2023
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
How rich the depths of love Divine
Of bliss a boundless store
Dear Saviour let me call Thee mine
I could not wish for more – I could not wish for more.
On Thee alone my hope relies
Beneath Thy cross I fall
My Lord, my Life, my Sacrifice
My Saviour and my all – My Saviour and my all.
How great Thy wisdom, power and grace
That in redemption shines
The heavenly hosts with joy confess
The work is all Divine – The work is all Divine.
Before His face they cast their crowns
Those crowns which Jesus gave
And with ten thousand, thousand tongues
Proclaim His power to save – Proclaim His power to save.
(Tune: “Majestic Sweetness” p. 52)
23rd – Celeste Brown 25th – Lincoln Charron 26th – Emily Elliott
26th – Mike Farmer 26th – Lynn Nibert 28th – Vickie Bowling
“It shall be well with the righteous” - Isaiah 3:10
In spiritual things all your temptation, all your darkness, all your wandering God will overrule. It shall be well with you. There shall never be a night, but that morning shall come; there shall never be a day of trouble, but a day of prosperity shall follow; there shall never be an emptying, but there shall be a filling; there shall never be a bringing down, but that He will raise you up again. Let it be either darkness or light, sorrow or grief, night or day, life or death, time or eternity, “It shall be well with the righteous.” - Scott Richardson
“When pride cometh, then cometh shame: but with the lowly is wisdom.” - Proverbs 11:2
There are many things that come to mind when you think of the marks or evidences of true discipleship…faith, humility, doctrinal understanding, courage, meekness, zeal, just to name a few. But the Lord gives one mark to identify His disciples. “By this shall all men know ye are My disciples, if you have love one to another” (John 13:35). The love that Paul described in I Corinthians 13, the love that is longsuffering and kind, the love that does not envy, promote itself, or is swollen with pride. The love that is not rude, self-seeking, easily offended, and does not keep records of wrongs. The love that does not rejoice in the fall of others, but rejoices in the Truth. The love that covers with silence all things, that believes, that hopes all things, and endures all things - the love that is never reduced to inactivity. Is it any wonder Paul said, “Make love your pursuit” (I Cor. 14:1)? This is the identifying mark the Lord chose as the identifying mark of His disciples!
Psalm 36:9
One Wednesday night, before I preached to a handful of Christ-interested sinners, I thought to myself, “If someone was here tonight who claimed and advertised to have found the fountain of youth, some potion that would give eternal youth and life to those who drank it, there would be no empty seats and folks would be lined up for miles to hear and find out where this fountain of life eternal could be found and drank from.
I have found such a “Fountain”, and every time we meet together I labor to point thirsty sinners to that “Water of Life, from which they may freely drink and never thirst again” (John 4:13). Sadly, few seem to be interested in this “Fountain of Life” and the Almighty One Who possesses it. I can only assume that they are not thirsty. Nevertheless, “Let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely” (Revelation 22:17). - David Eddmenson
It is not the absence of sin but the grieving over it which distinguishes the child of God from empty professors. – A. W. Pink
Revelation 2:2
To me, this statement is both awesome and wonderful, fearful and comforting. On the one hand, we may deceive others or even ourselves, but He says, “I know…” – how sobering! On the other hand, we may be misinterpreted, misquoted, disbelieved, and disallowed, but He says to our heart, “I know…” – how comforting! What a majestic and gracious Saviour we have. How God He is, “One with the Father” (John 10:30), and how man He is, “One with His people” (Hebrews 2:11).
When, with trembling heart, I ponder the fact that He knows ME – my sin, my darkness, my unbelief, my unfaithfulness, my weakness, my foolishness, and my emptiness – I “rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory,” that I know HIM – His righteousness, His light, His faith, His faithfulness, His strength, His wisdom, and His fullness. What a full, complete, and wonderful Saviour He is, to otherwise helpless and hopeless sinners! How quickly, swiftly, and gladly my heart flies to HIM when He says to me, “I know….” Though I see as through a dark glass, yet I am so thankful that I know Him (John 17:3), “Or rather are known of God” (Galatians 4:9). – Maurice Montgomery
In Paul’s greeting to every church He says, “Grace and peace be unto you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.” This is God’s Word to every believer! Grace to you! Other than the Name of Christ Himself this is my favorite word….grace! Salvation in every aspect, from election to glorification and everything in between is by the grace of God. “For by grace are ye saved, through faith, and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God, not of works lest any man should boast.” If salvation really is all of grace, and not of works, I have peace. Grace is the cause of peace, the ground of peace, and the maintenance of peace. We enjoy this peace only as we believe grace. Peter said, “We believe that through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ we shall be saved, even as they!” By His grace we have been saved, are being saved, and will be saved! That is why we have peace. The ground of our peace is the same ground as God’s - the grace of Christ.
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
How rich the depths of love Divine
Of bliss a boundless store
Dear Saviour let me call Thee mine
I could not wish for more – I could not wish for more.
On Thee alone my hope relies
Beneath Thy cross I fall
My Lord, my Life, my Sacrifice
My Saviour and my all – My Saviour and my all.
How great Thy wisdom, power and grace
That in redemption shines
The heavenly hosts with joy confess
The work is all Divine – The work is all Divine.
Before His face they cast their crowns
Those crowns which Jesus gave
And with ten thousand, thousand tongues
Proclaim His power to save – Proclaim His power to save.
(Tune: “Majestic Sweetness” p. 52)
23rd – Celeste Brown 25th – Lincoln Charron 26th – Emily Elliott
26th – Mike Farmer 26th – Lynn Nibert 28th – Vickie Bowling
“It shall be well with the righteous” - Isaiah 3:10
In spiritual things all your temptation, all your darkness, all your wandering God will overrule. It shall be well with you. There shall never be a night, but that morning shall come; there shall never be a day of trouble, but a day of prosperity shall follow; there shall never be an emptying, but there shall be a filling; there shall never be a bringing down, but that He will raise you up again. Let it be either darkness or light, sorrow or grief, night or day, life or death, time or eternity, “It shall be well with the righteous.” - Scott Richardson
“When pride cometh, then cometh shame: but with the lowly is wisdom.” - Proverbs 11:2
There are many things that come to mind when you think of the marks or evidences of true discipleship…faith, humility, doctrinal understanding, courage, meekness, zeal, just to name a few. But the Lord gives one mark to identify His disciples. “By this shall all men know ye are My disciples, if you have love one to another” (John 13:35). The love that Paul described in I Corinthians 13, the love that is longsuffering and kind, the love that does not envy, promote itself, or is swollen with pride. The love that is not rude, self-seeking, easily offended, and does not keep records of wrongs. The love that does not rejoice in the fall of others, but rejoices in the Truth. The love that covers with silence all things, that believes, that hopes all things, and endures all things - the love that is never reduced to inactivity. Is it any wonder Paul said, “Make love your pursuit” (I Cor. 14:1)? This is the identifying mark the Lord chose as the identifying mark of His disciples!
Psalm 36:9
One Wednesday night, before I preached to a handful of Christ-interested sinners, I thought to myself, “If someone was here tonight who claimed and advertised to have found the fountain of youth, some potion that would give eternal youth and life to those who drank it, there would be no empty seats and folks would be lined up for miles to hear and find out where this fountain of life eternal could be found and drank from.
I have found such a “Fountain”, and every time we meet together I labor to point thirsty sinners to that “Water of Life, from which they may freely drink and never thirst again” (John 4:13). Sadly, few seem to be interested in this “Fountain of Life” and the Almighty One Who possesses it. I can only assume that they are not thirsty. Nevertheless, “Let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely” (Revelation 22:17). - David Eddmenson
It is not the absence of sin but the grieving over it which distinguishes the child of God from empty professors. – A. W. Pink
Revelation 2:2
To me, this statement is both awesome and wonderful, fearful and comforting. On the one hand, we may deceive others or even ourselves, but He says, “I know…” – how sobering! On the other hand, we may be misinterpreted, misquoted, disbelieved, and disallowed, but He says to our heart, “I know…” – how comforting! What a majestic and gracious Saviour we have. How God He is, “One with the Father” (John 10:30), and how man He is, “One with His people” (Hebrews 2:11).
When, with trembling heart, I ponder the fact that He knows ME – my sin, my darkness, my unbelief, my unfaithfulness, my weakness, my foolishness, and my emptiness – I “rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory,” that I know HIM – His righteousness, His light, His faith, His faithfulness, His strength, His wisdom, and His fullness. What a full, complete, and wonderful Saviour He is, to otherwise helpless and hopeless sinners! How quickly, swiftly, and gladly my heart flies to HIM when He says to me, “I know….” Though I see as through a dark glass, yet I am so thankful that I know Him (John 17:3), “Or rather are known of God” (Galatians 4:9). – Maurice Montgomery
In Paul’s greeting to every church He says, “Grace and peace be unto you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.” This is God’s Word to every believer! Grace to you! Other than the Name of Christ Himself this is my favorite word….grace! Salvation in every aspect, from election to glorification and everything in between is by the grace of God. “For by grace are ye saved, through faith, and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God, not of works lest any man should boast.” If salvation really is all of grace, and not of works, I have peace. Grace is the cause of peace, the ground of peace, and the maintenance of peace. We enjoy this peace only as we believe grace. Peter said, “We believe that through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ we shall be saved, even as they!” By His grace we have been saved, are being saved, and will be saved! That is why we have peace. The ground of our peace is the same ground as God’s - the grace of Christ.
January 15, 2023
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Thou, Christ, the great Jehovah art
The Fount of holiness
And, God with us, Thou art become
The Lord our Righteousness.
Oh, wash us with Thy blood and clothe
With Thy pure spotless dress
Oh, hide us in Thyself, and be
The Lord our Righteousness.
Make us by grace to be indeed
What we in word profess
Oh, make us like unto Thyself
The Lord our Righteousness.
Pour on us showers of Thy grace
Increase our fruitfulness
That we may yield Thine own to Thee
The Lord our Righteousness.
So in Thy glorious image raise’d
May we Thy mercy bless
And sing forever praise to Thee
The Lord our Righteousness.
(Tune: “Come Holy Spirit, Heavenly Dove” p. 158)
Aaron Greenleaf will bring the message this morning and Andy Davis this evening. I am preaching in Apopka, FL this weekend.
15th – Mike Rigsby 16th – Kelly Harries
17th – Aiden Carver 19th – Amanda DuFour
“The lot is cast into the lap; but the whole disposing of is of the Lord.” - Proverbs 16:33
“And they repented not”
“And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God which had power over these plagues, and repented not to give Him glory.” (Rev. 16:9) Every natural man is born into this world evil. This evil is seen clearly in this verse. Even when they are scorched with great heat it brings no repentance. They still refuse to give Him the glory because they hate Him. The carnal mind really is enmity against God. None in hell will have any love for God or sorrow for sin. They will have great sorrow over the consequences of sin, but rather than being sorry for their sin, they will blaspheme God even while they are being scorched. If you are now saved by His grace, there was a time you were just like the people described in Revelation 16:9. God made you to differ!
The reason faith sees the Gospel as new is because faith is in the present. When my faith seems old or stale it is because it is not present faith. It becomes faith in past experiences and that is not faith in a present Christ, but in yesterday’s faith, which like yesterday’s manna, breeds worms and stinks. If my faith is in the present, the Gospel is good news indeed for the present. Old, stale faith like yesterday’s mews is no longer new! How much do I need Christ and His Gospel right now? That is how the Gospel will remain new and fresh to me. It is only His grace that will keep us in the present!
The power of God is that ability and strength, by which He can bring to pass whatsoever He pleases. It is His power that gives life and action to what He has purposed from the foundation of the world. How vain would the will of God be without power to carry it out? Without His power His mercy would be feeble pity, His promises empty words.
- Donnie Bell
All those adopted into God’s family should cultivate a continual care and concern for each family member. How can we do this? Look at what the Scriptures say:
“Care one for another” – I Corinthians 12:25
“Love one another - John 13:34
“Pray for one another” – James 5:16
“Comfort one another” - I Thessalonians 4:18
“Admonish one another” - Romans 15:14
“Edify one another” – I Thessalonians 5:11
“Be at peace with one another” – Mark 9:5
“Forgive one another” – Ephesian 4:32
- Tom Harding
The more I see of my nature that is dead in sin, the more I see that I need a miracle. I do not need to have a reformed life. I need God to give me the miracle of spiritual life in me. I do not need new and better habits. I need God to give me the miracle of a new nature. I do not need lasik surgery on my eyes so that I see better. I need God to give me the miracle of eyes of faith that see Christ. I do not need to be educated. I need God to give me the miracle of a new mind. I do not need God to give me a chance to be saved. I need God to send His Son to save me. - Frank Tate
Our message is not to propose terms of peace, nor to beg sinners to make peace, but rather to proclaim that peace has been made between God and His people, “Having made peace through the blood of His cross, by Him to reconcile all things unto Himself” (Colossians 1:20). - Tom Harding
When I look at myself, I do not see how I can be saved. But when I look at Christ, I do not see how I can be lost. – Martin Luther
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Thou, Christ, the great Jehovah art
The Fount of holiness
And, God with us, Thou art become
The Lord our Righteousness.
Oh, wash us with Thy blood and clothe
With Thy pure spotless dress
Oh, hide us in Thyself, and be
The Lord our Righteousness.
Make us by grace to be indeed
What we in word profess
Oh, make us like unto Thyself
The Lord our Righteousness.
Pour on us showers of Thy grace
Increase our fruitfulness
That we may yield Thine own to Thee
The Lord our Righteousness.
So in Thy glorious image raise’d
May we Thy mercy bless
And sing forever praise to Thee
The Lord our Righteousness.
(Tune: “Come Holy Spirit, Heavenly Dove” p. 158)
Aaron Greenleaf will bring the message this morning and Andy Davis this evening. I am preaching in Apopka, FL this weekend.
15th – Mike Rigsby 16th – Kelly Harries
17th – Aiden Carver 19th – Amanda DuFour
“The lot is cast into the lap; but the whole disposing of is of the Lord.” - Proverbs 16:33
“And they repented not”
“And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God which had power over these plagues, and repented not to give Him glory.” (Rev. 16:9) Every natural man is born into this world evil. This evil is seen clearly in this verse. Even when they are scorched with great heat it brings no repentance. They still refuse to give Him the glory because they hate Him. The carnal mind really is enmity against God. None in hell will have any love for God or sorrow for sin. They will have great sorrow over the consequences of sin, but rather than being sorry for their sin, they will blaspheme God even while they are being scorched. If you are now saved by His grace, there was a time you were just like the people described in Revelation 16:9. God made you to differ!
The reason faith sees the Gospel as new is because faith is in the present. When my faith seems old or stale it is because it is not present faith. It becomes faith in past experiences and that is not faith in a present Christ, but in yesterday’s faith, which like yesterday’s manna, breeds worms and stinks. If my faith is in the present, the Gospel is good news indeed for the present. Old, stale faith like yesterday’s mews is no longer new! How much do I need Christ and His Gospel right now? That is how the Gospel will remain new and fresh to me. It is only His grace that will keep us in the present!
The power of God is that ability and strength, by which He can bring to pass whatsoever He pleases. It is His power that gives life and action to what He has purposed from the foundation of the world. How vain would the will of God be without power to carry it out? Without His power His mercy would be feeble pity, His promises empty words.
- Donnie Bell
All those adopted into God’s family should cultivate a continual care and concern for each family member. How can we do this? Look at what the Scriptures say:
“Care one for another” – I Corinthians 12:25
“Love one another - John 13:34
“Pray for one another” – James 5:16
“Comfort one another” - I Thessalonians 4:18
“Admonish one another” - Romans 15:14
“Edify one another” – I Thessalonians 5:11
“Be at peace with one another” – Mark 9:5
“Forgive one another” – Ephesian 4:32
- Tom Harding
The more I see of my nature that is dead in sin, the more I see that I need a miracle. I do not need to have a reformed life. I need God to give me the miracle of spiritual life in me. I do not need new and better habits. I need God to give me the miracle of a new nature. I do not need lasik surgery on my eyes so that I see better. I need God to give me the miracle of eyes of faith that see Christ. I do not need to be educated. I need God to give me the miracle of a new mind. I do not need God to give me a chance to be saved. I need God to send His Son to save me. - Frank Tate
Our message is not to propose terms of peace, nor to beg sinners to make peace, but rather to proclaim that peace has been made between God and His people, “Having made peace through the blood of His cross, by Him to reconcile all things unto Himself” (Colossians 1:20). - Tom Harding
When I look at myself, I do not see how I can be saved. But when I look at Christ, I do not see how I can be lost. – Martin Luther
January 8, 2023
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Hark! How the Gospel trumpet sounds
Christ in free grace therein abounds
Free grace to all, since death He slew
And if free grace – why not for you?
The Saviour died, and by His blood
Brings rebel sinners home to God
He died to free the captive who
Was bound by sin – why not for you?
The blood of Christ! How sweet it sounds
To cleanse and heal the sinner’s wounds
The streams there of are rich and true
And why, dear soul – why not for you?
Thus Jesus came the poor to bless
To clothe them in God’s righteousness
This robe is spotless, ever new
And why, dear soul – why not for you?
Eternal life by Christ is given
And ruined rebels saved for heaven
Then sing of grace and life anew
Rejoice dear soul – ‘tis all for you!
(Tune: “Jesus Shall Reign” p, 142)
There will be a Bible Conference this weekend the 13th – 15th at Grace Gospel Church in Apopka, FL.
Congratulations of Erik & Elizabeth Charron on the birth of their son Woodford who was born January 2nd!
8th – Nancy Benton 8th – Thom Schuyler 8th – Rachel Whitehead
9th – Emily Burba 11th – Shelby Rutledge 12th – Aaron Sligh
“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.” - Proverbs 1:7
“Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.” – Hebrews 4:16
To obtain mercy, we begin by asking for mercy. To ask for mercy presupposes these three things. (1) I have no merit. (2) My sin is all my fault. If I do not take complete responsibility for my sin, I cannot really ask for mercy. (3) Mercy is in His hands to give or withhold. If the Lord passes me by, I cannot complain of unfairness. Once again, if I do, I am no longer asking for mercy, but demanding my right. And we are told to come to the Throne of grace with boldness, cheerful confidence, to obtain this mercy! How can we do that without being presumptuous? “For we have not a high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin. Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace (free, unmerited favor), that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.” Those who truly come obtain mercy!
We must never forget that the sovereignty of God’s grace does not prevent anyone from being saved. God’s electing grace and Christ’s redeeming work on their behalf and the life giving work of the Holy Spirit in them does not shut anybody out of the Kingdom of Heaven. The natural man hates God and does not want to be saved on God’s terms. He will continue to willfully reject the Gospel if left to himself. The Gospel does not prevent people like that from being saved. It saves people like that and prevents them from being condemned.
“Man at his best state is altogether vanity.” - Psalm 39:5
This describes the best person we know. The best of men are men at best. Solomon was the wisest man to ever live and often acted as the most foolish man to ever live. All of us without exception have feet of clay. Who is man at his best state? The Lord Jesus Christ – the sinless One! Perfect manhood. But, He made Himself of no reputation when He was made sin and was made to cry, “I am a worm, and no man.” He was made vanity that we might be made like His perfect humanity. Oh that we might spend eternity in perfect conformity to His perfect manhood.
Aaron is called in Psalm 106:16, “The saint of the Lord.” Without question he was a believer. But he was a weak man. When the children of Israel told him to make them gods which would go before them, Aaron complied and became the chief participant in this great sin (Ex. 32:1-5). Moses said to Aaron, “What did this people unto thee, that thou hast brought so great a sin upon them” (Ex. 32:22). Aaron refused to take responsibility…he said that the people were set on mischief, so they gave me gold, “And there came out this calf” (Ex. 32:24). He was the one who fashioned the golden calf with a graving tool (Ex. 32:2-4). Yet he would not admit responsibility!
If I blame someone or something else for my wrong behavior, my weakness in not the problem. It is someone or something else’s fault. But when I see it is my fault, because of my sinful weakness, I will cry to the Lord for strength, and He will help me. That is what Paul meant when he said, “When I am weak, then am I strong” (II Cor. 12:10). Wherever you find a person who refuses accountability and personal responsibility, you will find a person who remains a weakling. When somebody sees their sinful weakness is the problem, they will cry to the Lord for strength.
Many times over the years I have heard of preachers and churches that seek to make the Bible relevant for today. The Bible is the Word of God! When men attempt to make the Bible relevant for today, it is neither more nor less than not really believing it is the Word of God. It is a watering down of the message of the Bible. When a man attempts to make the Holy Scriptures relevant, that man becomes irrelevant. God will not use that man’s attempt to make the Gospel more palatable to the flesh. That man manifests himself to be very ignorant and very arrogant. The job of the preacher is to preach the Word! Not attempt to make it relevant.
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Hark! How the Gospel trumpet sounds
Christ in free grace therein abounds
Free grace to all, since death He slew
And if free grace – why not for you?
The Saviour died, and by His blood
Brings rebel sinners home to God
He died to free the captive who
Was bound by sin – why not for you?
The blood of Christ! How sweet it sounds
To cleanse and heal the sinner’s wounds
The streams there of are rich and true
And why, dear soul – why not for you?
Thus Jesus came the poor to bless
To clothe them in God’s righteousness
This robe is spotless, ever new
And why, dear soul – why not for you?
Eternal life by Christ is given
And ruined rebels saved for heaven
Then sing of grace and life anew
Rejoice dear soul – ‘tis all for you!
(Tune: “Jesus Shall Reign” p, 142)
There will be a Bible Conference this weekend the 13th – 15th at Grace Gospel Church in Apopka, FL.
Congratulations of Erik & Elizabeth Charron on the birth of their son Woodford who was born January 2nd!
8th – Nancy Benton 8th – Thom Schuyler 8th – Rachel Whitehead
9th – Emily Burba 11th – Shelby Rutledge 12th – Aaron Sligh
“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.” - Proverbs 1:7
“Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.” – Hebrews 4:16
To obtain mercy, we begin by asking for mercy. To ask for mercy presupposes these three things. (1) I have no merit. (2) My sin is all my fault. If I do not take complete responsibility for my sin, I cannot really ask for mercy. (3) Mercy is in His hands to give or withhold. If the Lord passes me by, I cannot complain of unfairness. Once again, if I do, I am no longer asking for mercy, but demanding my right. And we are told to come to the Throne of grace with boldness, cheerful confidence, to obtain this mercy! How can we do that without being presumptuous? “For we have not a high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin. Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace (free, unmerited favor), that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.” Those who truly come obtain mercy!
We must never forget that the sovereignty of God’s grace does not prevent anyone from being saved. God’s electing grace and Christ’s redeeming work on their behalf and the life giving work of the Holy Spirit in them does not shut anybody out of the Kingdom of Heaven. The natural man hates God and does not want to be saved on God’s terms. He will continue to willfully reject the Gospel if left to himself. The Gospel does not prevent people like that from being saved. It saves people like that and prevents them from being condemned.
“Man at his best state is altogether vanity.” - Psalm 39:5
This describes the best person we know. The best of men are men at best. Solomon was the wisest man to ever live and often acted as the most foolish man to ever live. All of us without exception have feet of clay. Who is man at his best state? The Lord Jesus Christ – the sinless One! Perfect manhood. But, He made Himself of no reputation when He was made sin and was made to cry, “I am a worm, and no man.” He was made vanity that we might be made like His perfect humanity. Oh that we might spend eternity in perfect conformity to His perfect manhood.
Aaron is called in Psalm 106:16, “The saint of the Lord.” Without question he was a believer. But he was a weak man. When the children of Israel told him to make them gods which would go before them, Aaron complied and became the chief participant in this great sin (Ex. 32:1-5). Moses said to Aaron, “What did this people unto thee, that thou hast brought so great a sin upon them” (Ex. 32:22). Aaron refused to take responsibility…he said that the people were set on mischief, so they gave me gold, “And there came out this calf” (Ex. 32:24). He was the one who fashioned the golden calf with a graving tool (Ex. 32:2-4). Yet he would not admit responsibility!
If I blame someone or something else for my wrong behavior, my weakness in not the problem. It is someone or something else’s fault. But when I see it is my fault, because of my sinful weakness, I will cry to the Lord for strength, and He will help me. That is what Paul meant when he said, “When I am weak, then am I strong” (II Cor. 12:10). Wherever you find a person who refuses accountability and personal responsibility, you will find a person who remains a weakling. When somebody sees their sinful weakness is the problem, they will cry to the Lord for strength.
Many times over the years I have heard of preachers and churches that seek to make the Bible relevant for today. The Bible is the Word of God! When men attempt to make the Bible relevant for today, it is neither more nor less than not really believing it is the Word of God. It is a watering down of the message of the Bible. When a man attempts to make the Holy Scriptures relevant, that man becomes irrelevant. God will not use that man’s attempt to make the Gospel more palatable to the flesh. That man manifests himself to be very ignorant and very arrogant. The job of the preacher is to preach the Word! Not attempt to make it relevant.
January 1, 2023
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Thou, Christ, the great Jehovah art
The Fount of holiness
And, God with us, Thou art become
The Lord our Righteousness.
Oh, wash us with Thy blood and clothe
With Thy pure spotless dress
Oh, hide us in Thyself, and be
The Lord our Righteousness.
Make us by grace to be indeed
What we in word profess
Oh, make us like unto Thyself
The Lord our Righteousness.
Pour on us showers of Thy grace
Increase our fruitfulness
That we may yield Thine own to Thee
The Lord our Righteousness.
So in Thy glorious image raise’d
May we Thy mercy bless
And sing forever praise to Thee
The Lord our Righteousness.
(Tune: “Come Holy Spirit, Heavenly Dove” p. 158)
We will observe the Lords’ Table at the close of the service.
1st – Wyatt Davis 3rd – Rachel Sullivan 5th – Michael Mohr
6th – Annette DuFour 6th – Nathanial Sligh 7th – Henry Lynn
“Seest thou a man wise in his own conceit? There is more hope of a fool than of him.” - Proverbs 26:12
I hope we will always be in awe of what only the Bible teaches: How God can be just and justify the ungodly. All of the attributes of God are in full display of this glorious work!
“Grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior” (II Peter 3:18). This is an imperative. This is a command to grow in grace and with the command of God also comes the ability! In the coming year, by grace, we want to grow in grace. We want to grow in our need of grace, love of His grace, understanding of grace, and graciousness. We want to grow in the beatitudes; grow in poverty of spirit, mourning, meekness, hungering and thirsting for righteousness! We want to grow in being pure in heart, being merciful, a peacemaker and being persecuted for righteousness. We want to grow in our love to the Savior, love to our brethren, and love to all men. We want to grow in the fruit of the Spirit. We want to grown in humility, generosity, and zeal for His glory. We want to grow in being approachable and non-judgmental. We want to grow in being a friend. We want to grow in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior and our ability to preach Him in simplicity and clarity. Since this is all a part of growth in grace, none of us should despair of this but be encouraged. By grace may this new year be a year of growth for us all. Happy New Year!
The person who says, “I am saved by grace alone and it does not matter how I talk, walk, or conduct my life,” is a fool and neither understands nor loves the grace of God. Our union with the Lord Jesus not only justifies and sanctifies us before the law of God and the court of heaven, but that same regenerating union implants within and imparts unto us A NEW NATURE which delights in the principles and actions of holiness.
One cannot separate the blessings of Christ from the indwelling presence of Christ. “He that LOVETH not KNOWETH not!” Learning the doctrine will not produce a new creature, but “learning Christ” will.
- Henry Mahan
When the writer to the Hebrews said that he was persuaded better things of the Hebrews, and things that accompany salvation. He spoke of their “work of faith and labor of love” (Heb. 6:9). Where there is salvation, the work of faith and labour of love accompanies it.
The church of the Lord Jesus Christ exists in two realms. First, there is the eternal church. This church consist of all the elect of God, chosen in Christ before the world began. Only God knows all the members of this church. It is to us, the “invisible church”. Not one member can be added to this church. Neither can one be detracted from it. It is a perfect church, to which nothing we do here (good or bad) can affect.
Then there is the visible church. Local assemblies that gather for pubic worship. Unlike the perfect, eternal church, this church is far from perfect . Made up of sinners, and impaired with tares, it has proven to be vulnerable, fragile, and individually temporal. Its heath (good or bad) is very much affected by its members. The visible churches of Christ are few in this world and far between. Our gratitude to God for this rare gift will be seen in our efforts to protect and promote the health of this body. It is the closest thing we have in this world to the family we shall spend eternity with in the next. As we look in faith for that eternal city whose builder and maker is God, let us be diligent to labor faithfully with trowel and sword building one another up in the faith of the Lord Jesus.
- Greg Elmquist
The world bears the Gospel a grudge because the Gospel condemns the religious wisdom of the world. Jealous for its own religious views, the world in turn charges the Gospel with being a subversive and licentious doctrine, offensive to God and man, a doctrine to be persecuted as the worst plague on earth. As a result we have this paradoxical situation: The Gospel supplies the world with the salvation of Jesus Christ, peace of conscience, and every blessing. Just for that the world abhors the Gospel. - Martin Luther
So great is the depravity of unregenerate man that, although there is nothing the he needs more than the Gospel, there is nothing that he desires less. - Copied
Sundays 9:00am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Thou, Christ, the great Jehovah art
The Fount of holiness
And, God with us, Thou art become
The Lord our Righteousness.
Oh, wash us with Thy blood and clothe
With Thy pure spotless dress
Oh, hide us in Thyself, and be
The Lord our Righteousness.
Make us by grace to be indeed
What we in word profess
Oh, make us like unto Thyself
The Lord our Righteousness.
Pour on us showers of Thy grace
Increase our fruitfulness
That we may yield Thine own to Thee
The Lord our Righteousness.
So in Thy glorious image raise’d
May we Thy mercy bless
And sing forever praise to Thee
The Lord our Righteousness.
(Tune: “Come Holy Spirit, Heavenly Dove” p. 158)
We will observe the Lords’ Table at the close of the service.
1st – Wyatt Davis 3rd – Rachel Sullivan 5th – Michael Mohr
6th – Annette DuFour 6th – Nathanial Sligh 7th – Henry Lynn
“Seest thou a man wise in his own conceit? There is more hope of a fool than of him.” - Proverbs 26:12
I hope we will always be in awe of what only the Bible teaches: How God can be just and justify the ungodly. All of the attributes of God are in full display of this glorious work!
“Grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior” (II Peter 3:18). This is an imperative. This is a command to grow in grace and with the command of God also comes the ability! In the coming year, by grace, we want to grow in grace. We want to grow in our need of grace, love of His grace, understanding of grace, and graciousness. We want to grow in the beatitudes; grow in poverty of spirit, mourning, meekness, hungering and thirsting for righteousness! We want to grow in being pure in heart, being merciful, a peacemaker and being persecuted for righteousness. We want to grow in our love to the Savior, love to our brethren, and love to all men. We want to grow in the fruit of the Spirit. We want to grown in humility, generosity, and zeal for His glory. We want to grow in being approachable and non-judgmental. We want to grow in being a friend. We want to grow in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior and our ability to preach Him in simplicity and clarity. Since this is all a part of growth in grace, none of us should despair of this but be encouraged. By grace may this new year be a year of growth for us all. Happy New Year!
The person who says, “I am saved by grace alone and it does not matter how I talk, walk, or conduct my life,” is a fool and neither understands nor loves the grace of God. Our union with the Lord Jesus not only justifies and sanctifies us before the law of God and the court of heaven, but that same regenerating union implants within and imparts unto us A NEW NATURE which delights in the principles and actions of holiness.
One cannot separate the blessings of Christ from the indwelling presence of Christ. “He that LOVETH not KNOWETH not!” Learning the doctrine will not produce a new creature, but “learning Christ” will.
- Henry Mahan
When the writer to the Hebrews said that he was persuaded better things of the Hebrews, and things that accompany salvation. He spoke of their “work of faith and labor of love” (Heb. 6:9). Where there is salvation, the work of faith and labour of love accompanies it.
The church of the Lord Jesus Christ exists in two realms. First, there is the eternal church. This church consist of all the elect of God, chosen in Christ before the world began. Only God knows all the members of this church. It is to us, the “invisible church”. Not one member can be added to this church. Neither can one be detracted from it. It is a perfect church, to which nothing we do here (good or bad) can affect.
Then there is the visible church. Local assemblies that gather for pubic worship. Unlike the perfect, eternal church, this church is far from perfect . Made up of sinners, and impaired with tares, it has proven to be vulnerable, fragile, and individually temporal. Its heath (good or bad) is very much affected by its members. The visible churches of Christ are few in this world and far between. Our gratitude to God for this rare gift will be seen in our efforts to protect and promote the health of this body. It is the closest thing we have in this world to the family we shall spend eternity with in the next. As we look in faith for that eternal city whose builder and maker is God, let us be diligent to labor faithfully with trowel and sword building one another up in the faith of the Lord Jesus.
- Greg Elmquist
The world bears the Gospel a grudge because the Gospel condemns the religious wisdom of the world. Jealous for its own religious views, the world in turn charges the Gospel with being a subversive and licentious doctrine, offensive to God and man, a doctrine to be persecuted as the worst plague on earth. As a result we have this paradoxical situation: The Gospel supplies the world with the salvation of Jesus Christ, peace of conscience, and every blessing. Just for that the world abhors the Gospel. - Martin Luther
So great is the depravity of unregenerate man that, although there is nothing the he needs more than the Gospel, there is nothing that he desires less. - Copied
December 25, 2022
Sundays 9:00 am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
‘Tis not that I did choose Thee for Lord that could not be
This heart would still refuse Thee hadst Thou not chosen me
Thou from the sin that stained me hast cleansed and set me free
Of old Thou hast ordained me that I should live to Thee.
Your love had no beginning, no cause in me was found
That you should choose to save me, a sinner strongly bound
But grace not earned or sought for was purposed for my soul
For me, salvation wrought, for Christ paid the dreadful toll.
‘Twas sovereign mercy called me and taught my opening mind
The world had else enthralled me to heav’nly glories blind
My heart owns none before Thee for Thy rich grace I thirst
This knowing if I loved Thee, Thou must have loved me first.
(Tune: “The Church’s One Foundation” p. 186)
Merry Christmas to everyone - may you enjoy the day with family and friends! There will be no service this evening. Next Sunday on New Year’s Day we will have one service at 11:00 am.
The Grace Gospel Church of Apopka, FL, will have a Bible conference January 13-15.
25th – Paul Daniel 26th – Jake Murphy 26th – Paul Walmsley 29th – Amanda Frye 29th – Alan Kincer 30th – Will Hands 31st – Ken Bissell 31st – Donna Wooten
The first link between my soul and Christ is, not my goodness, but my badness; not my merit, but my misery; not my standing, but my falling; not my riches, but my need. He comes to visit His people, yet not to admire their beauties, but to remove their deformities, not to reward their virtues, but to forgive their sins. – C. H. Spurgeon
“Every word of God is Pure: He is a shied unto them that put their trust in Him.” – Proverbs 30:5
“For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.” - Luke 2:11
While it is impossible to determine the birth date of the Lord, He was born on a specific day. He is the child born and the Son given. To say He is so significant that our calendar is determined by the year of His birth would be to diminish rather than clearly set forth His significance and glory. He is the uncreated Creator. He is the One who controls all. But what thrilling words the angel uses to describe Him on the day of His birth. He is the Saviour. That is what I need. He is the Christ. He saves me as a Prophet, Priest, and King. He is Lord. That is why He is able to save me. His will must be done! This is why the angel said, “I bring you good tidings of great joy!” The day of the Lord’s birth is indeed, “Good tidings of great joy!” That is why and how we can say Merry Christmas.
I was listening to a man object to Romans 9:20, “Nay but O man, who are you to reply against God.” I have heard that objection many times. God is not giving a sufficient answer to, “Why does He yet find fault, for who has resisted His will.” Simply answering that question with, “Who are you to reply against God” is not an answer but an authoritarian reply. My answer to the man’s objection was this. There is one difference between you and me that makes our response so different. I believe myself to be a sinner who deserves to be damned. You do not believe that about yourself, therefore you believe God owes some kind of account to you.
God described David as, “A man after mine own heart.” No higher commendation could be given a man. To be a man after God’s own heart is to see things as God sees them. It is to be in agreement with God. It is to love what God loves and hate what God hates. It is to believe what God believes. It is to trust whom God trusts. God trusted Christ to save us. We trust Christ to save us. God gives all glory to His Son. We give all glory to His Son. God is pleased with His Son and all in Him. We are pleased with His Son and all in Him. While it may be seen more clearly in some than others, all believers are men and women after His own heart.
God prepared a salvation for His elect, chosen by Him not because of any goodness in them, but because He will have mercy on whom He will have mercy, and will have compassion on whom He will have compassion. Is this not a salvation that will suit thee, O poor sinner? If God had chosen them out of any merit, or if that choice depended on anything which men did or could do, thou wert a damned soul, for thou hast no goodness, and thou canst do nothing. If God’s election comes to those who are without merit, without hope, without strength, there is hope for thee. - C. H. Spurgeon
Faith in Christ is always alone and is never alone. Faith in Christ is always alone. It is never faith and _______. Faith does not look to evidences in my life to give me assurance that I am saved. Faith looks to Christ only. My only hope is that all God requires of me He looks to His Son for. And the faith that is in Christ alone is never alone. It is always “Faith that worketh by love.” It always has the fruit of the Spirit, “Love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance.” It is always poor in spirit, mourning, meek, hungering and thirsting for righteousness, merciful, pure in heart, a peacemaker who is persecuted for righteousness sake. If it is not alone, it is not genuine. If it is alone, it is not real. How can both of these statements be true? Because they both are true!
Religion is to know Biblical facts; life is to know God (I John 5:20). Religion is to know what I believe; life is to know Whom I believe (II Timothy 1:12). Religion is to be baptized into the church; Life is to be baptized into Christ (Romans 6:3). Religion is to be reformed, life is to be regenerated (John 3:3). Religion is to be a new convert; life is to be a new creature in Christ (II Corinthians 5:17). A man was asked, “And what is your religious persuasion?” He replied, “I am persuaded that nothing can separate me from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 8:38-39). – Henry Mahan
Upon a life I did not live, upon a death I did not die; another’s life, another’s death, I stake my whole eternity. – Horatius Bonar
Sundays 9:00 am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
‘Tis not that I did choose Thee for Lord that could not be
This heart would still refuse Thee hadst Thou not chosen me
Thou from the sin that stained me hast cleansed and set me free
Of old Thou hast ordained me that I should live to Thee.
Your love had no beginning, no cause in me was found
That you should choose to save me, a sinner strongly bound
But grace not earned or sought for was purposed for my soul
For me, salvation wrought, for Christ paid the dreadful toll.
‘Twas sovereign mercy called me and taught my opening mind
The world had else enthralled me to heav’nly glories blind
My heart owns none before Thee for Thy rich grace I thirst
This knowing if I loved Thee, Thou must have loved me first.
(Tune: “The Church’s One Foundation” p. 186)
Merry Christmas to everyone - may you enjoy the day with family and friends! There will be no service this evening. Next Sunday on New Year’s Day we will have one service at 11:00 am.
The Grace Gospel Church of Apopka, FL, will have a Bible conference January 13-15.
25th – Paul Daniel 26th – Jake Murphy 26th – Paul Walmsley 29th – Amanda Frye 29th – Alan Kincer 30th – Will Hands 31st – Ken Bissell 31st – Donna Wooten
The first link between my soul and Christ is, not my goodness, but my badness; not my merit, but my misery; not my standing, but my falling; not my riches, but my need. He comes to visit His people, yet not to admire their beauties, but to remove their deformities, not to reward their virtues, but to forgive their sins. – C. H. Spurgeon
“Every word of God is Pure: He is a shied unto them that put their trust in Him.” – Proverbs 30:5
“For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.” - Luke 2:11
While it is impossible to determine the birth date of the Lord, He was born on a specific day. He is the child born and the Son given. To say He is so significant that our calendar is determined by the year of His birth would be to diminish rather than clearly set forth His significance and glory. He is the uncreated Creator. He is the One who controls all. But what thrilling words the angel uses to describe Him on the day of His birth. He is the Saviour. That is what I need. He is the Christ. He saves me as a Prophet, Priest, and King. He is Lord. That is why He is able to save me. His will must be done! This is why the angel said, “I bring you good tidings of great joy!” The day of the Lord’s birth is indeed, “Good tidings of great joy!” That is why and how we can say Merry Christmas.
I was listening to a man object to Romans 9:20, “Nay but O man, who are you to reply against God.” I have heard that objection many times. God is not giving a sufficient answer to, “Why does He yet find fault, for who has resisted His will.” Simply answering that question with, “Who are you to reply against God” is not an answer but an authoritarian reply. My answer to the man’s objection was this. There is one difference between you and me that makes our response so different. I believe myself to be a sinner who deserves to be damned. You do not believe that about yourself, therefore you believe God owes some kind of account to you.
God described David as, “A man after mine own heart.” No higher commendation could be given a man. To be a man after God’s own heart is to see things as God sees them. It is to be in agreement with God. It is to love what God loves and hate what God hates. It is to believe what God believes. It is to trust whom God trusts. God trusted Christ to save us. We trust Christ to save us. God gives all glory to His Son. We give all glory to His Son. God is pleased with His Son and all in Him. We are pleased with His Son and all in Him. While it may be seen more clearly in some than others, all believers are men and women after His own heart.
God prepared a salvation for His elect, chosen by Him not because of any goodness in them, but because He will have mercy on whom He will have mercy, and will have compassion on whom He will have compassion. Is this not a salvation that will suit thee, O poor sinner? If God had chosen them out of any merit, or if that choice depended on anything which men did or could do, thou wert a damned soul, for thou hast no goodness, and thou canst do nothing. If God’s election comes to those who are without merit, without hope, without strength, there is hope for thee. - C. H. Spurgeon
Faith in Christ is always alone and is never alone. Faith in Christ is always alone. It is never faith and _______. Faith does not look to evidences in my life to give me assurance that I am saved. Faith looks to Christ only. My only hope is that all God requires of me He looks to His Son for. And the faith that is in Christ alone is never alone. It is always “Faith that worketh by love.” It always has the fruit of the Spirit, “Love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance.” It is always poor in spirit, mourning, meek, hungering and thirsting for righteousness, merciful, pure in heart, a peacemaker who is persecuted for righteousness sake. If it is not alone, it is not genuine. If it is alone, it is not real. How can both of these statements be true? Because they both are true!
Religion is to know Biblical facts; life is to know God (I John 5:20). Religion is to know what I believe; life is to know Whom I believe (II Timothy 1:12). Religion is to be baptized into the church; Life is to be baptized into Christ (Romans 6:3). Religion is to be reformed, life is to be regenerated (John 3:3). Religion is to be a new convert; life is to be a new creature in Christ (II Corinthians 5:17). A man was asked, “And what is your religious persuasion?” He replied, “I am persuaded that nothing can separate me from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 8:38-39). – Henry Mahan
Upon a life I did not live, upon a death I did not die; another’s life, another’s death, I stake my whole eternity. – Horatius Bonar
December 18, 2022
Sundays 9:00 am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
We have Thy promise, gracious Lord
O then fulfill Thy precious Word
Thou wilt be where Thy people meet
To make our joyfulness complete.
We ask Thy gracious presence here
From worldly thoughts, O keep us clear
And set our hearts on things above
With sweet enjoyment of Thy love.
We ask from our great living Head
Give us Thy Holy Spirit’s aid
While we engage in prayer and praise
To be supplied with every grace.
‘Tis Thine alone, Almighty Lord
To speak the soul-reviving Word
‘Tis Thine to give the hearing ear
‘Tis Thine to drive away all fear.
(Tune: “Doxology”)
We will have one service at 11:00am on Christmas Day and New Year’s Day.
The Grace Gospel Church of Apopka, FL, will have a Bible conference January 13-15.
19th – Amanda Janes 21st – Erik Charron
21st – Evelyn Wang 23rd – Rick Kelly
“The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise.” - Proverbs 11:30
“Do not err, my beloved brethren.” – James 1:16
Preceding and following this verse are two ways of erring. Preceding this verse, “Let no may say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God.” All of my sin is all of my fault. I certainly cannot lay the blame at God’s door for allowing me to be tempted. I was tempted because I “Was drawn away by my own lust, and enticed.” Never vindicate yourself in your sin and shift the blame. When we shift the blame we ultimately blame God! Following the verse it says, “Every good gift and perfect gift is from above.” What a grievous error when we do not ascribe every aspect of salvation to God Himself. My sin is all my fault. My salvation is all God’s fault. “Do not err, my beloved brethren.”
“The wisdom that is from above…”
James 3:17
The wisdom that is from above is so beautiful. It is first “Pure”. If is not pure first, it cannot fit these other descriptions. It is then, “Peaceable” - derived from the Gospel of peace. “Gentle” - mild, not insisting on the letter of the law, humane. “Easy to be entreated” - approachable and compliant. “Full of mercy and good fruits.” “Without partiality” - not showing favoritism or respect of person. “Without hypocrisy”, it never is an act! How beautifully this describes the Lord Jesus Christ!
“The Word of God is quick and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit.” - Hebrews 4:12
This tells us there is a difference between soul and spirit. The natural man has a soul but he does not have a spirit. That is what died in the fall of Adam. When a man is born again, he now has a spirit, which is evidenced by spiritual life. A believer has two natures. One is his fallen soul. The other is the spiritual nature given in the new birth. “That which is born of the flesh is flesh; that which is born of the Spirit is spirit” (John 3:6). While both of these came through one consciousness, we cannot discern them clearly. Only the Word of God makes that discernment.
In heaven’s glory we shall forever adore and praise our great God for the wondrous mystery of His grace, by which we are saved. Everything in the great Word of salvation sets forth the splendor of the grace of the Most High God. What do we see in election, predestination, redemption, regeneration and preservation, but His grace? The whole work of salvation displays God’s rich, free, almighty, irresistible, sovereign, saving grace in Christ. In salvation, as well as in creation, all things are of God, all things are by God, and all things are for God. He works all our works in us, and in Him alone all praise must be forever!
- Maurice Montgomery
God knows we have nothing of ourselves, therefore in the covenant of grace He requires no more than He gives, but gives what He requires, and accepts what He gives. - Richard Sibbes
Sin is a noun. It is what I am. Sin is a verb. It is what I do. Sin is an adjective. It describes me. Sin is an adverb. It describes what I do. Thank God for the promise of the Gospel, “Thou shalt call His name Jesus, for He shall save His people from their sins” (Matthew 1:21).
When I get to heaven there are three things that will amaze me more than anything else. 1) I am going to see some people in glory that I did not expect to see. 2) I am going to miss some people that I surely thought would be there. 3) The most amazing thing of all will be to find John Newton in the presence of the Lord; that will amaze me more than anything else. - John Newton
If we could see the sunshine and the dark in the believer’s life, we would know that it is for our growth and good. There is an order to it. It is not haphazard. The same hand that orders this universe orders all the details of our life for our good and His glory. It is day, then it is night, and bless God, it is day again, but then it will be night again, and then daylight will come. - Milton Howard
Sundays 9:00 am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
We have Thy promise, gracious Lord
O then fulfill Thy precious Word
Thou wilt be where Thy people meet
To make our joyfulness complete.
We ask Thy gracious presence here
From worldly thoughts, O keep us clear
And set our hearts on things above
With sweet enjoyment of Thy love.
We ask from our great living Head
Give us Thy Holy Spirit’s aid
While we engage in prayer and praise
To be supplied with every grace.
‘Tis Thine alone, Almighty Lord
To speak the soul-reviving Word
‘Tis Thine to give the hearing ear
‘Tis Thine to drive away all fear.
(Tune: “Doxology”)
We will have one service at 11:00am on Christmas Day and New Year’s Day.
The Grace Gospel Church of Apopka, FL, will have a Bible conference January 13-15.
19th – Amanda Janes 21st – Erik Charron
21st – Evelyn Wang 23rd – Rick Kelly
“The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise.” - Proverbs 11:30
“Do not err, my beloved brethren.” – James 1:16
Preceding and following this verse are two ways of erring. Preceding this verse, “Let no may say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God.” All of my sin is all of my fault. I certainly cannot lay the blame at God’s door for allowing me to be tempted. I was tempted because I “Was drawn away by my own lust, and enticed.” Never vindicate yourself in your sin and shift the blame. When we shift the blame we ultimately blame God! Following the verse it says, “Every good gift and perfect gift is from above.” What a grievous error when we do not ascribe every aspect of salvation to God Himself. My sin is all my fault. My salvation is all God’s fault. “Do not err, my beloved brethren.”
“The wisdom that is from above…”
James 3:17
The wisdom that is from above is so beautiful. It is first “Pure”. If is not pure first, it cannot fit these other descriptions. It is then, “Peaceable” - derived from the Gospel of peace. “Gentle” - mild, not insisting on the letter of the law, humane. “Easy to be entreated” - approachable and compliant. “Full of mercy and good fruits.” “Without partiality” - not showing favoritism or respect of person. “Without hypocrisy”, it never is an act! How beautifully this describes the Lord Jesus Christ!
“The Word of God is quick and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit.” - Hebrews 4:12
This tells us there is a difference between soul and spirit. The natural man has a soul but he does not have a spirit. That is what died in the fall of Adam. When a man is born again, he now has a spirit, which is evidenced by spiritual life. A believer has two natures. One is his fallen soul. The other is the spiritual nature given in the new birth. “That which is born of the flesh is flesh; that which is born of the Spirit is spirit” (John 3:6). While both of these came through one consciousness, we cannot discern them clearly. Only the Word of God makes that discernment.
In heaven’s glory we shall forever adore and praise our great God for the wondrous mystery of His grace, by which we are saved. Everything in the great Word of salvation sets forth the splendor of the grace of the Most High God. What do we see in election, predestination, redemption, regeneration and preservation, but His grace? The whole work of salvation displays God’s rich, free, almighty, irresistible, sovereign, saving grace in Christ. In salvation, as well as in creation, all things are of God, all things are by God, and all things are for God. He works all our works in us, and in Him alone all praise must be forever!
- Maurice Montgomery
God knows we have nothing of ourselves, therefore in the covenant of grace He requires no more than He gives, but gives what He requires, and accepts what He gives. - Richard Sibbes
Sin is a noun. It is what I am. Sin is a verb. It is what I do. Sin is an adjective. It describes me. Sin is an adverb. It describes what I do. Thank God for the promise of the Gospel, “Thou shalt call His name Jesus, for He shall save His people from their sins” (Matthew 1:21).
When I get to heaven there are three things that will amaze me more than anything else. 1) I am going to see some people in glory that I did not expect to see. 2) I am going to miss some people that I surely thought would be there. 3) The most amazing thing of all will be to find John Newton in the presence of the Lord; that will amaze me more than anything else. - John Newton
If we could see the sunshine and the dark in the believer’s life, we would know that it is for our growth and good. There is an order to it. It is not haphazard. The same hand that orders this universe orders all the details of our life for our good and His glory. It is day, then it is night, and bless God, it is day again, but then it will be night again, and then daylight will come. - Milton Howard
December 11, 2022
Sundays 9:00 am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Join every tongue to sing
The mercies of the Lord
The love of Christ, our King
Let every heart record
He saved us from the wrath of God
And paid our ransom with His blood. (Repeat)
What wondrous grace was this!
We sinned, and Jesus died
He wrought the righteousness
And we were justified
We ran the score to lengths extreme
And all the debt was charged on Him. (Repeat)
A monument of grace
A sinner saved by blood
The streams of love I trace
Up to the fountain, God
And in His wondrous mercy see
Eternal thoughts of love to me. (Repeat)
(Tune: “Arise, My Soul, Arise”)
Doug and Faith Hacker will host a Christmas party for the adults at their home this Friday, Dec. 16th at 7pm.
We will have one Sunday morning service at 11:00am on Christmas Day and New Year’s Day.
The Grace Gospel Church of Apopka, FL, will have a Bible conference January 13-15.
12th – Lisa Gillispie 14th – Miles Elliott
14th – Christie Small 16th – Cindy Farmer
“There is that maketh himself rich, yet hath nothing: there is that maketh himself poor, yet hath great riches.” - Proverbs 13:7
We read numerous times in Scripture of “The Gospel of God.” Is my gospel the Gospel of God? The Gospel of God is the Gospel that lines up with the Old Testament Scriptures, gives God all the glory in salvation, gives the pre-eminence to Jesus Christ in all things, does not violate or contradict any of the attributes of God, actually honors the law’s demand for perfect obedience and punishment for disobedience, meets the sinner where he is…dead in sins…and gives him life, saves the very chief of sinners, provides all God requires, keeps a man saved, enables a man to face death and judgment with perfect peace, conforms a sinner to perfect likeness to Christ, and enables him to rest in Christ’s finished work. If it fails to do any of those things, it is not the Gospel of God, but another gospel that will not save!
“If we sin willfully, after that we have received the knowledge of the Truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sin” (Hebrews 10:26). We sin willfully when we receive the knowledge of the Truth of how God saves sinners, and turn away from it. There are three things we are said to do when we turn away. (1) We have trodden under foot the Son of God. (2) We have counted the blood of the covenant an unholy (common, that which is general to all as opposed to that which is peculiar to the few) thing. (3) And hath done despite to the Spirit of grace. This is the sin for which there is no remedy. This is the unpardonable sin. This is the dog returning to his vomit and the pig that was washed to its wallowing in the mire (II Peter 2:20-22). May the Lord keep us looking to Christ only, and cause us to never willfully turn away from the knowledge of the Truth! “Christ is All in All” (Col. 3:11).
One of the biggest issues in the New Testament was the issue of circumcision. There was a large group of people who professed to believe the Gospel of Christ, but also believed it was needful to be circumcised (Acts 15:1-11; Gal. 5:1-6). They did not deny the necessity of the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ. Indeed, they professed that salvation could not be possible without it. However, they did deny the sufficiency of Christ. They believed there was something that needed to be done along with the person and work of Christ. They did not deny the necessity of Christ’s atonement. But they did deny its sufficiency! They did not deny salvation by grace. But they did deny salvation by grace alone! They did not deny that salvation comes through faith in Christ. But they did deny faith alone! That was the issue then. And that is the issue now. The message preached by “the circumcision” in our day is, “Christ died for all, but there is something you need to do to make this blood work for you.” Faith is looked upon as a work the sinner performs in order to make the blood of Christ effectual. But the answer to this is still the same. “If ye be circumcised, Christ shall profit you nothing.”(Galatians 5:2).
When the Lord confronted some people with the doctrine of election in Luke 4, they turned into an angry mob. The Scripture says, “When they heard these things, were filled with wrath, and rose up, and thrust Him out of the city, and led Him to the brow of the hill where on the city was built, that they might cast Him down headlong.” According to some, these people may have actually loved God, but their hearts were much better than their heads. They simply did not understand the doctrine of election and that is why they opposed Christ. Their hearts were right, but they were befuddled in their doctrine. If this were brought to court, do you believe a judge would make that kind of judgment? I do not think so!
When Paul closed his epistle to the Romans, his last words were, “To God only wise, be glory through Jesus Christ forever, Amen.” Since God only is wise, what reverence and submission is due Him! Since God only is wise, men should never presume to question what He has revealed in His Word, nor consider themselves competent to sit in judgment regarding the Truth, the necessity, or the wisdom of what His Word declares. Since God only is wise, the wisest thing we can do is bow in reverence and submission to all He says in His Word.
Sundays 9:00 am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Join every tongue to sing
The mercies of the Lord
The love of Christ, our King
Let every heart record
He saved us from the wrath of God
And paid our ransom with His blood. (Repeat)
What wondrous grace was this!
We sinned, and Jesus died
He wrought the righteousness
And we were justified
We ran the score to lengths extreme
And all the debt was charged on Him. (Repeat)
A monument of grace
A sinner saved by blood
The streams of love I trace
Up to the fountain, God
And in His wondrous mercy see
Eternal thoughts of love to me. (Repeat)
(Tune: “Arise, My Soul, Arise”)
Doug and Faith Hacker will host a Christmas party for the adults at their home this Friday, Dec. 16th at 7pm.
We will have one Sunday morning service at 11:00am on Christmas Day and New Year’s Day.
The Grace Gospel Church of Apopka, FL, will have a Bible conference January 13-15.
12th – Lisa Gillispie 14th – Miles Elliott
14th – Christie Small 16th – Cindy Farmer
“There is that maketh himself rich, yet hath nothing: there is that maketh himself poor, yet hath great riches.” - Proverbs 13:7
We read numerous times in Scripture of “The Gospel of God.” Is my gospel the Gospel of God? The Gospel of God is the Gospel that lines up with the Old Testament Scriptures, gives God all the glory in salvation, gives the pre-eminence to Jesus Christ in all things, does not violate or contradict any of the attributes of God, actually honors the law’s demand for perfect obedience and punishment for disobedience, meets the sinner where he is…dead in sins…and gives him life, saves the very chief of sinners, provides all God requires, keeps a man saved, enables a man to face death and judgment with perfect peace, conforms a sinner to perfect likeness to Christ, and enables him to rest in Christ’s finished work. If it fails to do any of those things, it is not the Gospel of God, but another gospel that will not save!
“If we sin willfully, after that we have received the knowledge of the Truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sin” (Hebrews 10:26). We sin willfully when we receive the knowledge of the Truth of how God saves sinners, and turn away from it. There are three things we are said to do when we turn away. (1) We have trodden under foot the Son of God. (2) We have counted the blood of the covenant an unholy (common, that which is general to all as opposed to that which is peculiar to the few) thing. (3) And hath done despite to the Spirit of grace. This is the sin for which there is no remedy. This is the unpardonable sin. This is the dog returning to his vomit and the pig that was washed to its wallowing in the mire (II Peter 2:20-22). May the Lord keep us looking to Christ only, and cause us to never willfully turn away from the knowledge of the Truth! “Christ is All in All” (Col. 3:11).
One of the biggest issues in the New Testament was the issue of circumcision. There was a large group of people who professed to believe the Gospel of Christ, but also believed it was needful to be circumcised (Acts 15:1-11; Gal. 5:1-6). They did not deny the necessity of the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ. Indeed, they professed that salvation could not be possible without it. However, they did deny the sufficiency of Christ. They believed there was something that needed to be done along with the person and work of Christ. They did not deny the necessity of Christ’s atonement. But they did deny its sufficiency! They did not deny salvation by grace. But they did deny salvation by grace alone! They did not deny that salvation comes through faith in Christ. But they did deny faith alone! That was the issue then. And that is the issue now. The message preached by “the circumcision” in our day is, “Christ died for all, but there is something you need to do to make this blood work for you.” Faith is looked upon as a work the sinner performs in order to make the blood of Christ effectual. But the answer to this is still the same. “If ye be circumcised, Christ shall profit you nothing.”(Galatians 5:2).
When the Lord confronted some people with the doctrine of election in Luke 4, they turned into an angry mob. The Scripture says, “When they heard these things, were filled with wrath, and rose up, and thrust Him out of the city, and led Him to the brow of the hill where on the city was built, that they might cast Him down headlong.” According to some, these people may have actually loved God, but their hearts were much better than their heads. They simply did not understand the doctrine of election and that is why they opposed Christ. Their hearts were right, but they were befuddled in their doctrine. If this were brought to court, do you believe a judge would make that kind of judgment? I do not think so!
When Paul closed his epistle to the Romans, his last words were, “To God only wise, be glory through Jesus Christ forever, Amen.” Since God only is wise, what reverence and submission is due Him! Since God only is wise, men should never presume to question what He has revealed in His Word, nor consider themselves competent to sit in judgment regarding the Truth, the necessity, or the wisdom of what His Word declares. Since God only is wise, the wisest thing we can do is bow in reverence and submission to all He says in His Word.
December 4, 2022
Sundays 9:00 am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Sovereign Ruler of the skies
Every gracious, ever wise
All our times are in Thy hand
All events at Thy command
His decree who formed the earth
Fixed my first and second birth.
He that formed me in the womb
He shall guide me to the tomb
All my times shall ever be
Ordered by His wise decree
O, Thou gracious wise and just
In Thy hands my soul I trust.
Plagues and death around me fly
Till He wills I cannot die
Not a single shaft can hit
Till the God of love thinks fit
Thou art God, and Thou alone
I and mine are all Thine own.
(Tune: “Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me” p. 303)
We will observe the Lord’s Table this evening.
Frank Tate will bring the message this evening.
We will have one Sunday morning service at 11:00am on Christmas Day and New Year’s Day.
Doug and Faith Hacker will host a Christmas party for the adults at their home on Friday, Dec. 16th at 7pm.
The Grace Gospel Church of Apopka, FL, will have a Bible conference January 13-15.
4th – Jennifer Dent 4th – Eden Steeves 5th – Andy Davis
8th – Mike Brumfield 8th – Camden Proffitt
9th – Chuck Mohr 9th – Ben Small
“He that rebuketh a man afterward shall find more favor than he that flattereth with the tongue.” - Proverbs 28:23
“But, beloved, we are persuaded better things of you, and things that accompany salvation, though we thus speak. For God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labor of love, which ye have shown toward His name, in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister.” - Hebrews 6:9-10
Salvation is being saved from sin. “Thou shalt call His name Jesus, for He shall save His people from their sin” (Matt. 1:21). And there are always things that accompany that salvation. Where one has passed from death to life, from condemnation to justification, there will always be “Repentance toward God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ.” There will be the fruit of the Spirit and an embodiment of the Beatitudes. There will be love to God and men. There will be humility and a forgiving spirit. There will be a desire to glorify Him in my life. In the context it is called “Your work and labour of love.” While faith is always alone or it is not faith, it is never alone. There are always “things that accompany salvation.”
“If thou meet thine enemy’s ox or his ass going astray, thou shalt surely bring it back to him again.” - Exodus 23:4
How beautiful is God’s law that requires such treatment to our enemies. God’s law reflects the character of God Himself. “He maketh His sun to rise upon the evil and the good, and sendeth rain upon the just and the unjust” (Matt. 5:45). In reading through Exodus 21-23, God’s law regarding how we are to treat our fellow man, we are struck, with the impartial justice, the fairness, and the mercy of God. Truly, His Holy law reflects His Holy character. And His Holy law reflects the character of man. How evil must men be that makes such laws necessary in the first place! Remember, “The law is not made for a righteous man, but for the lawless and disobedient” (I Timothy 1:9).
Truly, we “Delight in the law of God after the inward man.” The law reflects God’s beautiful character, our sinful character, and shows us our need of Christ, and is our school-master to bring us to Christ. Every believer stands righteous before the law and is not under the law. So every believer can say with conviction, “Oh, how I love Thou law! (Psalm 119:97).
Every believer has two separate, distinct and opposite natures – one is perfectly holy, and one is perfectly sinful.
This is put forth plainly in Scripture – “There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body” (I Cor. 15:44). So then, if I carry out an act of kindness toward my brother or sister in Christ, which nature, or which man carried it out? Both.
The motive behind the act is of the new man, a holy motive, out of perfect love to God – but in putting the motive into action, it is carried out by the old man, a sinner, and therefore sinful.
So in the one same act, we have the pure motive of love from the new man, and a sinful action in it’s carrying out by the old man. The Scriptures once again put this forth plainly – “I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord. So then with the mind (the motive of the new man) I myself serve the law of God; but with the flesh (the actions of the old man) the law of sin” (Romans 7:25). - Brian DuFour
Salvation by grace is a doctrine that is true, must be preached, and should be believed. But, like the doctrine of God’s existence, just believing that salvation is of the Lord and by His grace does not save! This grace must be experienced in the heart and received by faith! I will never get across a river by simply believing that a certain bridge can take me across, or that others have been successful in using it. I must experience the bridge’s deliverance and power. Depravity is not a doctrine to the redeemed, it is an experience. Christ the Savior is not a doctrine to the redeemed: He is the One who has delivered us!
- Henry Mahan
O, that the Lord would send forth real power in our midst! We need not great talents or intense excitements; with what we already have the battle may be won if the Lord will put His Spirit in us. The ox-goad, the jawbone, the sling-and-stone, and the ram’s horn trumpet have each been made an irresistible weapon; with God, the instrument is little. His might is everything. Only let us be strong in faith, full of zeal, and very courageous for the Lord and our God, and the Lord will bless us.
- C. H. Spurgeon
Faith is not an achievement; it is a gift. Yet it comes only through the hearing and study of the Word. - Martin Luther
Sundays 9:00 am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Sovereign Ruler of the skies
Every gracious, ever wise
All our times are in Thy hand
All events at Thy command
His decree who formed the earth
Fixed my first and second birth.
He that formed me in the womb
He shall guide me to the tomb
All my times shall ever be
Ordered by His wise decree
O, Thou gracious wise and just
In Thy hands my soul I trust.
Plagues and death around me fly
Till He wills I cannot die
Not a single shaft can hit
Till the God of love thinks fit
Thou art God, and Thou alone
I and mine are all Thine own.
(Tune: “Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me” p. 303)
We will observe the Lord’s Table this evening.
Frank Tate will bring the message this evening.
We will have one Sunday morning service at 11:00am on Christmas Day and New Year’s Day.
Doug and Faith Hacker will host a Christmas party for the adults at their home on Friday, Dec. 16th at 7pm.
The Grace Gospel Church of Apopka, FL, will have a Bible conference January 13-15.
4th – Jennifer Dent 4th – Eden Steeves 5th – Andy Davis
8th – Mike Brumfield 8th – Camden Proffitt
9th – Chuck Mohr 9th – Ben Small
“He that rebuketh a man afterward shall find more favor than he that flattereth with the tongue.” - Proverbs 28:23
“But, beloved, we are persuaded better things of you, and things that accompany salvation, though we thus speak. For God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labor of love, which ye have shown toward His name, in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister.” - Hebrews 6:9-10
Salvation is being saved from sin. “Thou shalt call His name Jesus, for He shall save His people from their sin” (Matt. 1:21). And there are always things that accompany that salvation. Where one has passed from death to life, from condemnation to justification, there will always be “Repentance toward God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ.” There will be the fruit of the Spirit and an embodiment of the Beatitudes. There will be love to God and men. There will be humility and a forgiving spirit. There will be a desire to glorify Him in my life. In the context it is called “Your work and labour of love.” While faith is always alone or it is not faith, it is never alone. There are always “things that accompany salvation.”
“If thou meet thine enemy’s ox or his ass going astray, thou shalt surely bring it back to him again.” - Exodus 23:4
How beautiful is God’s law that requires such treatment to our enemies. God’s law reflects the character of God Himself. “He maketh His sun to rise upon the evil and the good, and sendeth rain upon the just and the unjust” (Matt. 5:45). In reading through Exodus 21-23, God’s law regarding how we are to treat our fellow man, we are struck, with the impartial justice, the fairness, and the mercy of God. Truly, His Holy law reflects His Holy character. And His Holy law reflects the character of man. How evil must men be that makes such laws necessary in the first place! Remember, “The law is not made for a righteous man, but for the lawless and disobedient” (I Timothy 1:9).
Truly, we “Delight in the law of God after the inward man.” The law reflects God’s beautiful character, our sinful character, and shows us our need of Christ, and is our school-master to bring us to Christ. Every believer stands righteous before the law and is not under the law. So every believer can say with conviction, “Oh, how I love Thou law! (Psalm 119:97).
Every believer has two separate, distinct and opposite natures – one is perfectly holy, and one is perfectly sinful.
This is put forth plainly in Scripture – “There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body” (I Cor. 15:44). So then, if I carry out an act of kindness toward my brother or sister in Christ, which nature, or which man carried it out? Both.
The motive behind the act is of the new man, a holy motive, out of perfect love to God – but in putting the motive into action, it is carried out by the old man, a sinner, and therefore sinful.
So in the one same act, we have the pure motive of love from the new man, and a sinful action in it’s carrying out by the old man. The Scriptures once again put this forth plainly – “I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord. So then with the mind (the motive of the new man) I myself serve the law of God; but with the flesh (the actions of the old man) the law of sin” (Romans 7:25). - Brian DuFour
Salvation by grace is a doctrine that is true, must be preached, and should be believed. But, like the doctrine of God’s existence, just believing that salvation is of the Lord and by His grace does not save! This grace must be experienced in the heart and received by faith! I will never get across a river by simply believing that a certain bridge can take me across, or that others have been successful in using it. I must experience the bridge’s deliverance and power. Depravity is not a doctrine to the redeemed, it is an experience. Christ the Savior is not a doctrine to the redeemed: He is the One who has delivered us!
- Henry Mahan
O, that the Lord would send forth real power in our midst! We need not great talents or intense excitements; with what we already have the battle may be won if the Lord will put His Spirit in us. The ox-goad, the jawbone, the sling-and-stone, and the ram’s horn trumpet have each been made an irresistible weapon; with God, the instrument is little. His might is everything. Only let us be strong in faith, full of zeal, and very courageous for the Lord and our God, and the Lord will bless us.
- C. H. Spurgeon
Faith is not an achievement; it is a gift. Yet it comes only through the hearing and study of the Word. - Martin Luther
November 27, 2022
Sundays 9:00 am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Jesus, Thy Name I love, All other names above
Jesus, my Lord
O Thou art All to me, Nothing to please I see
Nothing apart from Thee, Jesus my Lord.
Thou blessed Son of God, Hast bought me with Thy blood
Jesus, my Lord
O how great is Thy love, All other loves above
Love that I daily prove, Jesus my Lord.
When unto Thee I flee, Thou wilt my Refuge be
Jesus my Lord
What need I now to fear, What earthly grief or care
Since Thou art ever near? Jesus my Lord.
Soon Thou wilt come again, I shall be happy then
Jesus my Lord
Then Thine own face I’ll see, Then I shall like Thee be
Then ever more with Thee, Jesus my Lord.
(Tune: “Come Thou Almighty King” p. 6)
Eden Steeves is home recovering from her accident if anyone would like to send her a card, her address is 5012 Bob White Drive Richmond, KY 40475.
Doug and Faith Hacker will host a Christmas party for the adults at their home on Friday, Dec. 16th at 7pm.
The Grace Gospel Church of Apopka, FL, will have a Bible conference January 13-15.
28th – Lydia Lynn 30th – Bryleigh Carroll 30th – Isaac Steeves
30th – Mitch Steeves 2nd – Susan Holthaus 2nd – Kara Imes
3rd – Tucker Brogle 3rd – Kelly Byrd
“Boast not thyself of tomorrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth.” - Proverbs 27:1
While it is true that when comparing men, some are more righteous than others; that is an undeniable fact. Judah said concerning Tamar, “She is more righteous than I.” There are countless examples of this we have all seen in each of our lives. However, this is not how God sees. “All things are naked and open to Him with whom we have to do.” God sees things as they are. “And God saw the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.” That being the case, self-righteousness is a contradiction in terms. Self-righteousness is the greatest oxy-moron imaginable. It is only when a man sees who God is that he sees this about himself. When a man sees this about himself, he will trust the righteousness of Christ as his righteousness before God. He knows his self-righteousness to be nothing but filthy rags before God.
“The Lord shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace.”
Exodus 14:14
When I am tempted to defend myself against accusations men make concerning me, I would do well to remember this verse. Two things come to mind. (1) Even if I am not guilty of what I am being accused of, I am guilty of far worse! (2) I have this promise that the Lord will fight for me. If I need defended, the Lord shall defend me. All I need to do is hold my peace.
Now God, who sees through all deceptions, knows that there is no goodness whatever in us. He says that, “There is none righteous, no not one.” He knows that, “All our righteousness are as filthy rags” and therefore, the Lord Jesus did not come into the world to look after goodness and righteousness among men, but to bring goodness and righteousness with Him and to bestow them upon persons who have none of them. He comes, not because we ARE just, but to make us so. He justifies the ungodly! - C. H. Spurgeon
From time to time there arises a debate on what constitutes “another gospel”. We all know that there are differences among true and honest believers over various doctrines. When do these differences cross the line from mere differences to heresy? When must we cry, “That is another gospel!”? The answer is so simple that there should never again be a debate on the issue. It is “another gospel” when the message is of “another Jesus!” This is the only issue worth dividing over, and on this issue we must divide with all who disagree. Who is the true Jesus? Of all the adjectives I could use to describe our Lord in the Gospel, the one that seems most fitting to me is “the successful Jesus”. The true Jesus is the One who, “By Himself (actually did) purged our sins” (Heb. 1:3). The One in whose hand the will of Jehovah prospered (Isaiah 53:10). The One who is the Word from God that does not return to God empty but actually accomplishes what God sent Him to do (Isaiah 55:11). The One who has already successfully “Obtained eternal redemption for us” (Heb. 9:12). That Jesus, and only that Jesus is the Jesus of the Gospel! Other Jesus’s maybe very nice and kind; they may fill your heart with warmth and your eyes with tears, but they cannot save your soul! Only the Jesus of definite, successful, and therefore, particular redemption can deliver your soul to God without spot and blemish. Trust Him, and tolerate no other! Fix your soul fast to Him and your soul shall live! Trust any other Jesus and you shall perish. – Joe Terrell
If I did not believe the Scriptural teaching of election unto salvation, I would not bother to ever preach again. But since God has a people chosen unto salvation and redeemed by Christ, I am encouraged to preach, “Christ and Him crucified.” I am assured that the Holy Spirit will cause His people to hear the Gospel and believe on the Son.
We must be careful that we always make Scripture the master of our theology, and not the servant. We do not go to the Scriptures to prove our theology but to find God’s theology. We must not twist the statements of Scripture to fit what we believe, but must always alter what we believe to fit the Scriptures. - Joe Terrell
Sundays 9:00 am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Jesus, Thy Name I love, All other names above
Jesus, my Lord
O Thou art All to me, Nothing to please I see
Nothing apart from Thee, Jesus my Lord.
Thou blessed Son of God, Hast bought me with Thy blood
Jesus, my Lord
O how great is Thy love, All other loves above
Love that I daily prove, Jesus my Lord.
When unto Thee I flee, Thou wilt my Refuge be
Jesus my Lord
What need I now to fear, What earthly grief or care
Since Thou art ever near? Jesus my Lord.
Soon Thou wilt come again, I shall be happy then
Jesus my Lord
Then Thine own face I’ll see, Then I shall like Thee be
Then ever more with Thee, Jesus my Lord.
(Tune: “Come Thou Almighty King” p. 6)
Eden Steeves is home recovering from her accident if anyone would like to send her a card, her address is 5012 Bob White Drive Richmond, KY 40475.
Doug and Faith Hacker will host a Christmas party for the adults at their home on Friday, Dec. 16th at 7pm.
The Grace Gospel Church of Apopka, FL, will have a Bible conference January 13-15.
28th – Lydia Lynn 30th – Bryleigh Carroll 30th – Isaac Steeves
30th – Mitch Steeves 2nd – Susan Holthaus 2nd – Kara Imes
3rd – Tucker Brogle 3rd – Kelly Byrd
“Boast not thyself of tomorrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth.” - Proverbs 27:1
While it is true that when comparing men, some are more righteous than others; that is an undeniable fact. Judah said concerning Tamar, “She is more righteous than I.” There are countless examples of this we have all seen in each of our lives. However, this is not how God sees. “All things are naked and open to Him with whom we have to do.” God sees things as they are. “And God saw the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.” That being the case, self-righteousness is a contradiction in terms. Self-righteousness is the greatest oxy-moron imaginable. It is only when a man sees who God is that he sees this about himself. When a man sees this about himself, he will trust the righteousness of Christ as his righteousness before God. He knows his self-righteousness to be nothing but filthy rags before God.
“The Lord shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace.”
Exodus 14:14
When I am tempted to defend myself against accusations men make concerning me, I would do well to remember this verse. Two things come to mind. (1) Even if I am not guilty of what I am being accused of, I am guilty of far worse! (2) I have this promise that the Lord will fight for me. If I need defended, the Lord shall defend me. All I need to do is hold my peace.
Now God, who sees through all deceptions, knows that there is no goodness whatever in us. He says that, “There is none righteous, no not one.” He knows that, “All our righteousness are as filthy rags” and therefore, the Lord Jesus did not come into the world to look after goodness and righteousness among men, but to bring goodness and righteousness with Him and to bestow them upon persons who have none of them. He comes, not because we ARE just, but to make us so. He justifies the ungodly! - C. H. Spurgeon
From time to time there arises a debate on what constitutes “another gospel”. We all know that there are differences among true and honest believers over various doctrines. When do these differences cross the line from mere differences to heresy? When must we cry, “That is another gospel!”? The answer is so simple that there should never again be a debate on the issue. It is “another gospel” when the message is of “another Jesus!” This is the only issue worth dividing over, and on this issue we must divide with all who disagree. Who is the true Jesus? Of all the adjectives I could use to describe our Lord in the Gospel, the one that seems most fitting to me is “the successful Jesus”. The true Jesus is the One who, “By Himself (actually did) purged our sins” (Heb. 1:3). The One in whose hand the will of Jehovah prospered (Isaiah 53:10). The One who is the Word from God that does not return to God empty but actually accomplishes what God sent Him to do (Isaiah 55:11). The One who has already successfully “Obtained eternal redemption for us” (Heb. 9:12). That Jesus, and only that Jesus is the Jesus of the Gospel! Other Jesus’s maybe very nice and kind; they may fill your heart with warmth and your eyes with tears, but they cannot save your soul! Only the Jesus of definite, successful, and therefore, particular redemption can deliver your soul to God without spot and blemish. Trust Him, and tolerate no other! Fix your soul fast to Him and your soul shall live! Trust any other Jesus and you shall perish. – Joe Terrell
If I did not believe the Scriptural teaching of election unto salvation, I would not bother to ever preach again. But since God has a people chosen unto salvation and redeemed by Christ, I am encouraged to preach, “Christ and Him crucified.” I am assured that the Holy Spirit will cause His people to hear the Gospel and believe on the Son.
We must be careful that we always make Scripture the master of our theology, and not the servant. We do not go to the Scriptures to prove our theology but to find God’s theology. We must not twist the statements of Scripture to fit what we believe, but must always alter what we believe to fit the Scriptures. - Joe Terrell
November 20, 2022
Sundays 9:00 am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Where God begins His gracious work
That work He will complete
For ‘round the objects of His love
All power and mercy meet. (Repeat)
Man may repent him of his work
And fail in his intent
God is above the power of change
And never can repent. (Repeat)
Each object of His love is sure
To reach the heavenly goal
For neither sin nor Satan can
Destroy the blood-washed soul. (Repeat)
The precious blood of God’s dear Son
Shall ne’er be shed in vain
The soul on Christ believing must
With Christ forever reign. (Repeat)
(Tune: “Majestic Sweetness” p. 52)
There will be no Wednesday service this week. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!
Doug and Faith Hacker will host a Christmas party for the adults at their home on Friday, Dec. 16th at 7pm.
21st –Zack Murphy 23rd – Evan Ferrell 25th – Sarah Lynn
26th – Adam Charron 26th – John Frye 26th – Max Murphy
“When pride cometh, then cometh shame: but with the lowly is wisdom.” - Proverbs 11:2
“Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved” - Acts 16:31
If you asked professing Christians if they believed in “faith alone”, the overwhelming majority would say yes. The reason they would say yes is they do not really understand what “faith alone” means. It comes out in their preaching, “Trust Christ and …” If an and is added, it is not “faith alone.” It is seen in their ground of assurance. There must be more evidence than faith alone. After all, “faith without works is dead, being alone.” When that argument is used against it, it betrays an ignorance of what “faith alone” means. There is also a fear that “faith alone” will be a deterrent to a life of good works, which also is rooted in an ignorance of what “faith alone” means. What is “faith alone”? “What shall we do that we might work the works of God?” Jesus answered, “This is the work of God that you believe on Him whom He hath sent.” (John 6:28-29).
“Of His own will begat He us with the Word of Truth.” – James 1:18
“Sanctify them through Thy Truth: Thy Word is Truth.” – John 17:17
We are greatly mistaken if we believe that God works apart from the Truth. Spiritual birth and sanctification come only through the Truth. To suppose that God is bigger than the Truth and can use error to bring His children to Himself is to dishonor God. God is a God of Truth. Christ came to bear witness to the Truth. Why do men want to cloud this issue? There is only one reason. They disobey the Truth! Remember, the Truth is more than accurate data. The Truth is a Person. To seek to go around the Truth is to disregard the Truth and disobey the Truth. As John said, “No lie is of the Truth” (I John 2:21).
The Lord gave us a beautiful illustration of faith always being in the present with the manna that came down from heaven. If you ate the manna that fell yesterday, it would breed worms and stink. If you saved some of today’s manna for tomorrow, it would breed worms and stink. Yesterday I looked to Christ only. But I am not relying on yesterday’s faith. Today I look to Christ alone. Tomorrow and every day after that I want to look to Christ only. May my last breath before I died be looking to Christ only, even then. Yesterday, today, and tomorrow, by His grace, my cry is, “Nothing in my hands I bring; simply to Thy cross I cling.”
“How precious are Thy thoughts unto me, O God.”
God never had a new thought. His thoughts are eternal. Being infinite, He has all of His thoughts before Him at all times. There has never been a time when His children were not in His conscious thoughts - thoughts of love, joy, peace, complacency, and satisfaction. Thoughts that never had a beginning and thoughts that will never end. And God’s thoughts are immutable. They never change. He said, “I know the thoughts I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.” And what is that end? Perfect conformity to the image of Jesus Christ. “For Whom He did foreknow, He also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the first born among many brethren.” Truly, “How precious are also Thy thoughts unto me, O God. If I count them they are more than the number of the sand: When I awake I am still with thee.”
If being a sinner is the qualification of those whom Christ came to save, no one is more qualified than me; the chief of sinners. If being poor and needy is the qualification of those whom Christ came to save, who is in more spiritual poverty and in need of mercy more than me? If it is true that God hath chosen the foolish, the weak, the base, and the things which are not, that no flesh should glory in His presence; who has less reason to glory in themselves than me? Are you qualified?
- Greg Elmquist
When the dust of division settles, those who are true followers of Christ will be made manifest. They may waver in the confusion, but God’s saints will not be moved away from the hope of the Gospel. When the sowers of discord have had their last fling, the cause of Christ will not be hindered, and believers will still cling to Christ with stronger faith than ever before. - Don Fortner
God’s elect worship and serve Him with willing hearts. We willingly believe, willingly worship, willingly give, and willingly do what we can for the glory of God. It is God who, by effectual grace, makes us willing; but we are willing servants of the Most High God! Any worship, service, or gifts offered to God that is not done with a willing heart is an abomination to Him. – Scott Richardson
Sundays 9:00 am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Where God begins His gracious work
That work He will complete
For ‘round the objects of His love
All power and mercy meet. (Repeat)
Man may repent him of his work
And fail in his intent
God is above the power of change
And never can repent. (Repeat)
Each object of His love is sure
To reach the heavenly goal
For neither sin nor Satan can
Destroy the blood-washed soul. (Repeat)
The precious blood of God’s dear Son
Shall ne’er be shed in vain
The soul on Christ believing must
With Christ forever reign. (Repeat)
(Tune: “Majestic Sweetness” p. 52)
There will be no Wednesday service this week. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!
Doug and Faith Hacker will host a Christmas party for the adults at their home on Friday, Dec. 16th at 7pm.
21st –Zack Murphy 23rd – Evan Ferrell 25th – Sarah Lynn
26th – Adam Charron 26th – John Frye 26th – Max Murphy
“When pride cometh, then cometh shame: but with the lowly is wisdom.” - Proverbs 11:2
“Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved” - Acts 16:31
If you asked professing Christians if they believed in “faith alone”, the overwhelming majority would say yes. The reason they would say yes is they do not really understand what “faith alone” means. It comes out in their preaching, “Trust Christ and …” If an and is added, it is not “faith alone.” It is seen in their ground of assurance. There must be more evidence than faith alone. After all, “faith without works is dead, being alone.” When that argument is used against it, it betrays an ignorance of what “faith alone” means. There is also a fear that “faith alone” will be a deterrent to a life of good works, which also is rooted in an ignorance of what “faith alone” means. What is “faith alone”? “What shall we do that we might work the works of God?” Jesus answered, “This is the work of God that you believe on Him whom He hath sent.” (John 6:28-29).
“Of His own will begat He us with the Word of Truth.” – James 1:18
“Sanctify them through Thy Truth: Thy Word is Truth.” – John 17:17
We are greatly mistaken if we believe that God works apart from the Truth. Spiritual birth and sanctification come only through the Truth. To suppose that God is bigger than the Truth and can use error to bring His children to Himself is to dishonor God. God is a God of Truth. Christ came to bear witness to the Truth. Why do men want to cloud this issue? There is only one reason. They disobey the Truth! Remember, the Truth is more than accurate data. The Truth is a Person. To seek to go around the Truth is to disregard the Truth and disobey the Truth. As John said, “No lie is of the Truth” (I John 2:21).
The Lord gave us a beautiful illustration of faith always being in the present with the manna that came down from heaven. If you ate the manna that fell yesterday, it would breed worms and stink. If you saved some of today’s manna for tomorrow, it would breed worms and stink. Yesterday I looked to Christ only. But I am not relying on yesterday’s faith. Today I look to Christ alone. Tomorrow and every day after that I want to look to Christ only. May my last breath before I died be looking to Christ only, even then. Yesterday, today, and tomorrow, by His grace, my cry is, “Nothing in my hands I bring; simply to Thy cross I cling.”
“How precious are Thy thoughts unto me, O God.”
God never had a new thought. His thoughts are eternal. Being infinite, He has all of His thoughts before Him at all times. There has never been a time when His children were not in His conscious thoughts - thoughts of love, joy, peace, complacency, and satisfaction. Thoughts that never had a beginning and thoughts that will never end. And God’s thoughts are immutable. They never change. He said, “I know the thoughts I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.” And what is that end? Perfect conformity to the image of Jesus Christ. “For Whom He did foreknow, He also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the first born among many brethren.” Truly, “How precious are also Thy thoughts unto me, O God. If I count them they are more than the number of the sand: When I awake I am still with thee.”
If being a sinner is the qualification of those whom Christ came to save, no one is more qualified than me; the chief of sinners. If being poor and needy is the qualification of those whom Christ came to save, who is in more spiritual poverty and in need of mercy more than me? If it is true that God hath chosen the foolish, the weak, the base, and the things which are not, that no flesh should glory in His presence; who has less reason to glory in themselves than me? Are you qualified?
- Greg Elmquist
When the dust of division settles, those who are true followers of Christ will be made manifest. They may waver in the confusion, but God’s saints will not be moved away from the hope of the Gospel. When the sowers of discord have had their last fling, the cause of Christ will not be hindered, and believers will still cling to Christ with stronger faith than ever before. - Don Fortner
God’s elect worship and serve Him with willing hearts. We willingly believe, willingly worship, willingly give, and willingly do what we can for the glory of God. It is God who, by effectual grace, makes us willing; but we are willing servants of the Most High God! Any worship, service, or gifts offered to God that is not done with a willing heart is an abomination to Him. – Scott Richardson
November 13, 2022
Sundays 9:00 am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Compared with Christ, in all beside
No beauty can I see
The one thing needful, dearest Lord
Is to be one with Thee.
The sense of Thy redeeming love
Into my soul convey
Thyself bestow, for Thee alone
My All-in All, I pray.
Less Than Thyself will not suffice
My comfort to restore
More than Thyself I cannot crave
And Thou cans’t give no more.
Loved of my God, for Him again
With love intense I’d burn
Chosen of Thee ere time began
I’d choose Thee in return.
(Tune: “According to Thy Gracious Word” p. 192)
13th – Roscoe Bowling 15th – Carter Steeves 17th – Joshua Davis
There will be no Wednesday service November 23rd .
Lantana Grace Church Crossville, TN Nov. 25-27
Grace Gospel Church Apopka, FL Jan. 13-15
“There are many devices in a man’s heart; nevertheless the counsel of the Lord, that shall stand.” - Proverbs 19:21
My spiritual life began in looking to Christ only. The way I persevere in the faith is by continuing to look to Christ only. My desire is that the last breath I take here on earth will be looking to Christ only. The employment of eternity, albeit without this sinful nature, will be looking to Christ only! “We shall be like Him; for we shall see Him as He is” (I John 3:2), and will still look to Him only.
“I beseech you therefore brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.” – Romans 12:1
The appeal to present our bodies a living sacrifice is the mercies of God. Not a hope of gain or a fear of loss. But the saving mercies of God which are set forth in the first 11 chapters of Romans. The call is to present our bodies a living sacrifice. Everything we are is housed in our bodies. A failure to present the body is to hold something back. We are to present our bodies a living sacrifice. We are not dictating to Him what to do or what we will do. We are saying, “Here I am.” We are to present our bodies a living sacrifice. Nothing less is a true presentation of our bodies. This is our reasonable service. Anything less is completely unreasonable. The same word is used by Paul in Romans 6:13, “Yield yourselves unto God, as those that are alive from the dead.” By grace, may we be so moved by the mercies of God that we present ourselves to Him a living sacrifice every day. Anything less is utterly unreasonable.
Paul exhorted the Thessalonians to walk worthy of God. The word worth is used five other times in the New Testament, and we are given a picture of what a worthy walk looks like. In Ephesians 4:1-3, it is ascribed as walking in humility and meekness, and longsuffering, forbearing one another in love, and endeavoring to keep the unity of the spirit. In Philippians 1:27 it is, “With one mind striving together for the faith of the Gospel.” In Colossians 1:10 it is, “Being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God.” In Romans 16:2, “Receive her in the Lord, as becometh saints.” In John III 6, it is supporting missionaries. May we all walk worthy of God in all of these particulars!
“To will is present with me, but how to perform that which is good I find not.” - Romans 7:18
To will is present with me. I would never sin again. But as far as the never sinning again goes, it never happens. I have not been able to carry out my desire to not sin. All I do is sin! Like David said, “My sin is ever (continually) before me.” While it is ever before me, it is not before God! Every believer is “Holy and unblameable and unreproveable in His sight” (Col. 1:22). And we will experience this when we see Him as He is. “When He shall appear, we shall be like Him; for we shall see Him as He is” (I John 3:2). One day our desire shall be changed into experience: sinlessness! And my present sinfulness and the sins I commit do not allow me to look anywhere but Christ alone as all my salvation.
“Able to save” means something more than just delivering men from hell. “Able to save” is the whole work of salvation from the first conviction of sin to complete glorification. Christ is not only “Able to save” those who repent, but He is able to make men repent. Christ is not only “Able to save” those who believe, but He is able to give a new heart and work faith in men. Christ is not only “Able to save” those who continue in the faith, but He is able to keep us from falling and give us a holy desire to be like Him. - Henry Mahan
The Bible is a book that records the activity of God, not man. It is not a record of man seeking and searching after God and striving to find Him. It is the exact opposite. It is man going astray and God coming after him. As He came down in the garden of Eden at the beginning when man sinned, so He has been coming down ever since, and He came down supremely in the person of His only begotten Son, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. - Martin Lloyd-Jones
Sundays 9:00 am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Compared with Christ, in all beside
No beauty can I see
The one thing needful, dearest Lord
Is to be one with Thee.
The sense of Thy redeeming love
Into my soul convey
Thyself bestow, for Thee alone
My All-in All, I pray.
Less Than Thyself will not suffice
My comfort to restore
More than Thyself I cannot crave
And Thou cans’t give no more.
Loved of my God, for Him again
With love intense I’d burn
Chosen of Thee ere time began
I’d choose Thee in return.
(Tune: “According to Thy Gracious Word” p. 192)
13th – Roscoe Bowling 15th – Carter Steeves 17th – Joshua Davis
There will be no Wednesday service November 23rd .
Lantana Grace Church Crossville, TN Nov. 25-27
Grace Gospel Church Apopka, FL Jan. 13-15
“There are many devices in a man’s heart; nevertheless the counsel of the Lord, that shall stand.” - Proverbs 19:21
My spiritual life began in looking to Christ only. The way I persevere in the faith is by continuing to look to Christ only. My desire is that the last breath I take here on earth will be looking to Christ only. The employment of eternity, albeit without this sinful nature, will be looking to Christ only! “We shall be like Him; for we shall see Him as He is” (I John 3:2), and will still look to Him only.
“I beseech you therefore brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.” – Romans 12:1
The appeal to present our bodies a living sacrifice is the mercies of God. Not a hope of gain or a fear of loss. But the saving mercies of God which are set forth in the first 11 chapters of Romans. The call is to present our bodies a living sacrifice. Everything we are is housed in our bodies. A failure to present the body is to hold something back. We are to present our bodies a living sacrifice. We are not dictating to Him what to do or what we will do. We are saying, “Here I am.” We are to present our bodies a living sacrifice. Nothing less is a true presentation of our bodies. This is our reasonable service. Anything less is completely unreasonable. The same word is used by Paul in Romans 6:13, “Yield yourselves unto God, as those that are alive from the dead.” By grace, may we be so moved by the mercies of God that we present ourselves to Him a living sacrifice every day. Anything less is utterly unreasonable.
Paul exhorted the Thessalonians to walk worthy of God. The word worth is used five other times in the New Testament, and we are given a picture of what a worthy walk looks like. In Ephesians 4:1-3, it is ascribed as walking in humility and meekness, and longsuffering, forbearing one another in love, and endeavoring to keep the unity of the spirit. In Philippians 1:27 it is, “With one mind striving together for the faith of the Gospel.” In Colossians 1:10 it is, “Being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God.” In Romans 16:2, “Receive her in the Lord, as becometh saints.” In John III 6, it is supporting missionaries. May we all walk worthy of God in all of these particulars!
“To will is present with me, but how to perform that which is good I find not.” - Romans 7:18
To will is present with me. I would never sin again. But as far as the never sinning again goes, it never happens. I have not been able to carry out my desire to not sin. All I do is sin! Like David said, “My sin is ever (continually) before me.” While it is ever before me, it is not before God! Every believer is “Holy and unblameable and unreproveable in His sight” (Col. 1:22). And we will experience this when we see Him as He is. “When He shall appear, we shall be like Him; for we shall see Him as He is” (I John 3:2). One day our desire shall be changed into experience: sinlessness! And my present sinfulness and the sins I commit do not allow me to look anywhere but Christ alone as all my salvation.
“Able to save” means something more than just delivering men from hell. “Able to save” is the whole work of salvation from the first conviction of sin to complete glorification. Christ is not only “Able to save” those who repent, but He is able to make men repent. Christ is not only “Able to save” those who believe, but He is able to give a new heart and work faith in men. Christ is not only “Able to save” those who continue in the faith, but He is able to keep us from falling and give us a holy desire to be like Him. - Henry Mahan
The Bible is a book that records the activity of God, not man. It is not a record of man seeking and searching after God and striving to find Him. It is the exact opposite. It is man going astray and God coming after him. As He came down in the garden of Eden at the beginning when man sinned, so He has been coming down ever since, and He came down supremely in the person of His only begotten Son, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. - Martin Lloyd-Jones
November 6, 2022
Sundays 9:00 am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
O, Lamb of God, still keep me, Near to Thy wounded side
‘Tis only there in safety, And peace I can abide
What foes and snares surround me, What lusts and fears within
The grace that sought and found me, Alone can keep me clean.
‘Tis only in Thee hiding, I know my life secure
Only in Thee abiding, I steadfast shall endure
Thine arm the victory gaineth, O’er every hurtful foe
The love my heart sustaineth, In all its care and woe.
Soon shall my eyes behold Thee, With rapture face to face
The half hath not been told me, Of all Thy power and grace
Thy beauty, Lord, and glory, The wonders of Thy love
Shall be the endless story, Of all Thy saints above.
(Tune: “The Church’s One Foundation” p.186)
We will observe the Lord’s Table this evening.
The church’s financial statement is sent out monthly by e-mail. A copy is also posted on the bulletin board in the hallway. If you do not receive it via e-mail and would like to, give your information to Susan Sligh.
Congratulations to Jalen and Rachel Whitehead who were married
Doug and Faith Hacker will host a Christmas party for the adults at their home on Friday, Dec. 16th at 7pm.
6th – Lauren Burton 8th – Daniel Holthaus 9th – Delena Creamer
9th – Ryan Vincent 10th – David Wright 11th – Elizabeth Charron
11th – Peggy Mohr 11th – Hannah Summers 11th – Jenny Williams
“Whoso loveth instruction loveth knowledge: but he that hateth reproof is brutish.” - Proverbs 12:1
“And for this cause God shall sent them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned.”
- II Thessalonians 2:11-12
For what cause will God bring this awful judgment on a man that God Himself will send that man strong delusion so that he will believe a lie, so that he will spend eternity in hell? The answer is found in the previous verse. “Because they received not the love of the Truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause….” God did not send them strong delusion because of their failure to acknowledge the Truth that the Bible so clearly teaches. But they failed to, “Receive the love of the Truth.” You love the Truth when what the Truth states is your only hope of being saved. For instance, you love election when you see without God electing you, you would never be saved. The same is true with regard to all the truths of salvation. It is not giving assent to the Truth, but receiving the love of the Truth that is the evidence that you have been saved by the Truth you love.
I left the pulpit one night and a fellow asked me, “Do you believe the law to be the believer’s rule of life?” He seemed surprised when I told him I did not. His very next question was, “How do you know how to live?” I told him immediately that I lived just as the apostle Paul, “The life that I now live, I live by the faith of the Son of God” (Galatians 2:20). This was the rule of life for Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Abel and all others who have nothing but Jesus Christ to live upon. Someone would say, “You mean you live as you want to?” I wish I could: I would be filled with the Spirit, I would never sin again, all my motives would be pure, and I would be delivered from the body of this death. Oh, I wish I could live just like I want to. The closest thing I have found to living just like I would like to is living by faith upon Jesus Christ the Dear and Blessed Son of God. - Bruce Crabtree
If salvation depends upon our being or doing anything, we shall inevitably be lost. Thank God, it does not; for the great fundamental principle of the Gospel is that Christ is All: man is nothing. It is not a mixture of Christ and man – it is all of Christ. The peace of the Gospel does not rest in part on Christ’s work and in part on man’s work; it rests wholly on Christ’s work, because that work is perfect, perfect forever; and it renders all who put their trust in Him as perfect as Himself! Christ must either be a whole Saviour or no Saviour at all. The moment a man says, “Except you be this or that, you cannot be saved,” he totally subverts the Gospel; for in the Gospel I find Christ coming down to me, just as I am – a lost, guilty, self-destroyed sinner; and coming, moreover, with a full remission of all my sins, and a full salvation from my lost estate, all perfectly wrought by Himself on the cross.
– C. H. Mackintosh
Avoid the Evil of Diotrephes
“I wrote unto the church: but Diotrephes, who loveth to have the pre-eminence among them, receiveth us not.” - III John 9
Beloved, do not imitate evil of any kind, but especially avoid the evil of Diotrephes, which was pride, ambition, and love of preeminence, which led him into inhospitality to other believers, a critical spirit, and careless criticism of those who minister the Word. It is not unusual for men of the world to criticize and find fault with God’s preachers, but it ought not to be done by believers. These critics, for want of real charges, usually take up little matters and exaggerate them, and this is not the Spirit of Christ. - Henry Mahan
Lantana Grace Church Crossville, TN Nov. 25-27
Grace Gospel Church Apopka, FL Jan. 13-15
Sundays 9:00 am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
O, Lamb of God, still keep me, Near to Thy wounded side
‘Tis only there in safety, And peace I can abide
What foes and snares surround me, What lusts and fears within
The grace that sought and found me, Alone can keep me clean.
‘Tis only in Thee hiding, I know my life secure
Only in Thee abiding, I steadfast shall endure
Thine arm the victory gaineth, O’er every hurtful foe
The love my heart sustaineth, In all its care and woe.
Soon shall my eyes behold Thee, With rapture face to face
The half hath not been told me, Of all Thy power and grace
Thy beauty, Lord, and glory, The wonders of Thy love
Shall be the endless story, Of all Thy saints above.
(Tune: “The Church’s One Foundation” p.186)
We will observe the Lord’s Table this evening.
The church’s financial statement is sent out monthly by e-mail. A copy is also posted on the bulletin board in the hallway. If you do not receive it via e-mail and would like to, give your information to Susan Sligh.
Congratulations to Jalen and Rachel Whitehead who were married
Doug and Faith Hacker will host a Christmas party for the adults at their home on Friday, Dec. 16th at 7pm.
6th – Lauren Burton 8th – Daniel Holthaus 9th – Delena Creamer
9th – Ryan Vincent 10th – David Wright 11th – Elizabeth Charron
11th – Peggy Mohr 11th – Hannah Summers 11th – Jenny Williams
“Whoso loveth instruction loveth knowledge: but he that hateth reproof is brutish.” - Proverbs 12:1
“And for this cause God shall sent them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned.”
- II Thessalonians 2:11-12
For what cause will God bring this awful judgment on a man that God Himself will send that man strong delusion so that he will believe a lie, so that he will spend eternity in hell? The answer is found in the previous verse. “Because they received not the love of the Truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause….” God did not send them strong delusion because of their failure to acknowledge the Truth that the Bible so clearly teaches. But they failed to, “Receive the love of the Truth.” You love the Truth when what the Truth states is your only hope of being saved. For instance, you love election when you see without God electing you, you would never be saved. The same is true with regard to all the truths of salvation. It is not giving assent to the Truth, but receiving the love of the Truth that is the evidence that you have been saved by the Truth you love.
I left the pulpit one night and a fellow asked me, “Do you believe the law to be the believer’s rule of life?” He seemed surprised when I told him I did not. His very next question was, “How do you know how to live?” I told him immediately that I lived just as the apostle Paul, “The life that I now live, I live by the faith of the Son of God” (Galatians 2:20). This was the rule of life for Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Abel and all others who have nothing but Jesus Christ to live upon. Someone would say, “You mean you live as you want to?” I wish I could: I would be filled with the Spirit, I would never sin again, all my motives would be pure, and I would be delivered from the body of this death. Oh, I wish I could live just like I want to. The closest thing I have found to living just like I would like to is living by faith upon Jesus Christ the Dear and Blessed Son of God. - Bruce Crabtree
If salvation depends upon our being or doing anything, we shall inevitably be lost. Thank God, it does not; for the great fundamental principle of the Gospel is that Christ is All: man is nothing. It is not a mixture of Christ and man – it is all of Christ. The peace of the Gospel does not rest in part on Christ’s work and in part on man’s work; it rests wholly on Christ’s work, because that work is perfect, perfect forever; and it renders all who put their trust in Him as perfect as Himself! Christ must either be a whole Saviour or no Saviour at all. The moment a man says, “Except you be this or that, you cannot be saved,” he totally subverts the Gospel; for in the Gospel I find Christ coming down to me, just as I am – a lost, guilty, self-destroyed sinner; and coming, moreover, with a full remission of all my sins, and a full salvation from my lost estate, all perfectly wrought by Himself on the cross.
– C. H. Mackintosh
Avoid the Evil of Diotrephes
“I wrote unto the church: but Diotrephes, who loveth to have the pre-eminence among them, receiveth us not.” - III John 9
Beloved, do not imitate evil of any kind, but especially avoid the evil of Diotrephes, which was pride, ambition, and love of preeminence, which led him into inhospitality to other believers, a critical spirit, and careless criticism of those who minister the Word. It is not unusual for men of the world to criticize and find fault with God’s preachers, but it ought not to be done by believers. These critics, for want of real charges, usually take up little matters and exaggerate them, and this is not the Spirit of Christ. - Henry Mahan
Lantana Grace Church Crossville, TN Nov. 25-27
Grace Gospel Church Apopka, FL Jan. 13-15
October 30, 2022
Sundays 9:00 am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
‘Tis not that I did choose Thee, for Lord, that could not be
This heart would still refuse Thee, hadst Thou not chosen me
Thou from the sin that stained me, hast cleansed and set me free
Of old Thou hast ordained me, that I should live to Thee.
Your love had no beginning, no cause in me was found
That You should choose to save me, a sinner strongly bound
But grace not earned or sought for, was purposed for my soul
For me, salvation wrought, for Christ paid the dreadful toll.
‘Twas sovereign mercy called me, and taught my opening mind
The world had else enthralled me, to heav’nly glories blind
My heart owns none before Thee, for Thy rich grace I thirst
This knowing if I loved Thee, Thou must have loved me first.
(Tune: “The Church’s One foundation” p. 186)
The wedding of Rachel Harries and Jalen Whitehead will be this Friday, November 4th at 4:00 with a reception to follow.
30th – Tucker Greenleaf 1st – Charles McGuire 3rd – Conner Dickerson
3rd – Jeff Sullivan 4th – Laura Benton 4th – Steve Sligh
5th – Michael Burton 5th – Macy Greenleaf 5th- Logan Small
“If any man will do His will, he shall know of the doctrine…” (John 7:17). The Gospel has many doctrines which make the doctrine of Christ. How can I know if I am hearing God’s doctrine? If my desire is His will, I will know the doctrine! If I believe something that God’s Word does not teach, there is always an evil motive in believing it. There is some unwillingness on my part to do His will. So I choose to believe something that is false, which is what heresy means, “A choosing.” If a man preaches the Truth from God’s Word, and I oppose it, it is a sin problem on my part. Those who will do His will, will know the doctrine.
“Let another man praise thee, and not thine own mouth; a stranger, and not thine own lips.” - Proverbs 27:2
“Praying also for us, that God would open unto us a door of utterance, to speak the mystery of Christ, for which I am also in bonds: That I may make it manifest, as I ought to speak.” - Colossians 4:3-4
This is what Paul asked the Colossians to pray for - that God would open a door for Him to preach to people who have not heard the mystery of Christ. Pray for me that I might preach plainly, without the “wisdom of words”, in order to make it manifest. That is how I ought to speak! And I am asking you to pray for me, that God would continue to open doors for us to preach to those who have never heard, and that I might preach in a simple way, that those who hear will understand what has been said. Paul was inspired by the Spirit of God to make this request here and other places. Surely, we should be making the same request! Perhaps God will cause someone to hear. I believe He will!
“Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered. Blessed is the man unto whom the Lord imputeth not iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no guile” (Psalm 32:1-2). I have had a tendency in dealing with these two verses to only deal with the forgiveness, covering, and non-imputation of sin, and leave off the last part of the verse, “Blessed is the man …….in whose spirit there is no guile.” But this is just as necessary as having our sins forgiven, covered, and not imputed to us! Remember when the Lord said of Nathanael, “Behold, an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile.”
God’s people are honest! They look at the Word of God honestly. They do not use it to prove their beliefs. They go to it to find what they do believe! They are honest about their sin. They see they are nothing but sin in and of themselves, and look to Christ as their all in salvation. Because they are honest they refuse to participate in the hypocrisy of false religion. Because they are honest, they tell the truth of the Gospel! Because they are honest, they live lives of integrity. Where God’s grace brings the blessedness of forgiveness, covering, and non-imputation of sin, He also gives this “spirit in whom there is no guile.” There is no salvation without it! As Rolfe Barnard said, “Honest people don’t go to hell.”
All religious reformers and messiahs come to live; He came to die.
All others leave monuments and memorials; no one can find His birthplace, grave, nor one possession.
All others write diaries and memoirs; He wrote on the sand.
All others choose their followers from rich, powerful, and influential; He chose the poor and needy.
All others praise human righteousness; He condemned it.
All others seek those who can help them; He sought those whom He could help.
All others promise success and happiness to their followers; He promised tribulation and suffering.
All others hold their disciples with fear and force; He invited His to leave Him if they would.
All others have palaces, mansions, and headquarters; He had no place to lay His head.
All others reward the most talented with recognition, titles, and honor; He said, “The least shall be the greatest.”
All others say, “Follow me; I will show you the way”; He said, “Come to me, I AM THE WAY.”
All others claim to be messengers of God; He said, “He that hath seen me hath seen God.”
All others stay dead; He arose and all of His claims, works, and promises are true because God raised Him from the dead.
- Henry Mahan
Sundays 9:00 am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
‘Tis not that I did choose Thee, for Lord, that could not be
This heart would still refuse Thee, hadst Thou not chosen me
Thou from the sin that stained me, hast cleansed and set me free
Of old Thou hast ordained me, that I should live to Thee.
Your love had no beginning, no cause in me was found
That You should choose to save me, a sinner strongly bound
But grace not earned or sought for, was purposed for my soul
For me, salvation wrought, for Christ paid the dreadful toll.
‘Twas sovereign mercy called me, and taught my opening mind
The world had else enthralled me, to heav’nly glories blind
My heart owns none before Thee, for Thy rich grace I thirst
This knowing if I loved Thee, Thou must have loved me first.
(Tune: “The Church’s One foundation” p. 186)
The wedding of Rachel Harries and Jalen Whitehead will be this Friday, November 4th at 4:00 with a reception to follow.
30th – Tucker Greenleaf 1st – Charles McGuire 3rd – Conner Dickerson
3rd – Jeff Sullivan 4th – Laura Benton 4th – Steve Sligh
5th – Michael Burton 5th – Macy Greenleaf 5th- Logan Small
“If any man will do His will, he shall know of the doctrine…” (John 7:17). The Gospel has many doctrines which make the doctrine of Christ. How can I know if I am hearing God’s doctrine? If my desire is His will, I will know the doctrine! If I believe something that God’s Word does not teach, there is always an evil motive in believing it. There is some unwillingness on my part to do His will. So I choose to believe something that is false, which is what heresy means, “A choosing.” If a man preaches the Truth from God’s Word, and I oppose it, it is a sin problem on my part. Those who will do His will, will know the doctrine.
“Let another man praise thee, and not thine own mouth; a stranger, and not thine own lips.” - Proverbs 27:2
“Praying also for us, that God would open unto us a door of utterance, to speak the mystery of Christ, for which I am also in bonds: That I may make it manifest, as I ought to speak.” - Colossians 4:3-4
This is what Paul asked the Colossians to pray for - that God would open a door for Him to preach to people who have not heard the mystery of Christ. Pray for me that I might preach plainly, without the “wisdom of words”, in order to make it manifest. That is how I ought to speak! And I am asking you to pray for me, that God would continue to open doors for us to preach to those who have never heard, and that I might preach in a simple way, that those who hear will understand what has been said. Paul was inspired by the Spirit of God to make this request here and other places. Surely, we should be making the same request! Perhaps God will cause someone to hear. I believe He will!
“Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered. Blessed is the man unto whom the Lord imputeth not iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no guile” (Psalm 32:1-2). I have had a tendency in dealing with these two verses to only deal with the forgiveness, covering, and non-imputation of sin, and leave off the last part of the verse, “Blessed is the man …….in whose spirit there is no guile.” But this is just as necessary as having our sins forgiven, covered, and not imputed to us! Remember when the Lord said of Nathanael, “Behold, an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile.”
God’s people are honest! They look at the Word of God honestly. They do not use it to prove their beliefs. They go to it to find what they do believe! They are honest about their sin. They see they are nothing but sin in and of themselves, and look to Christ as their all in salvation. Because they are honest they refuse to participate in the hypocrisy of false religion. Because they are honest, they tell the truth of the Gospel! Because they are honest, they live lives of integrity. Where God’s grace brings the blessedness of forgiveness, covering, and non-imputation of sin, He also gives this “spirit in whom there is no guile.” There is no salvation without it! As Rolfe Barnard said, “Honest people don’t go to hell.”
All religious reformers and messiahs come to live; He came to die.
All others leave monuments and memorials; no one can find His birthplace, grave, nor one possession.
All others write diaries and memoirs; He wrote on the sand.
All others choose their followers from rich, powerful, and influential; He chose the poor and needy.
All others praise human righteousness; He condemned it.
All others seek those who can help them; He sought those whom He could help.
All others promise success and happiness to their followers; He promised tribulation and suffering.
All others hold their disciples with fear and force; He invited His to leave Him if they would.
All others have palaces, mansions, and headquarters; He had no place to lay His head.
All others reward the most talented with recognition, titles, and honor; He said, “The least shall be the greatest.”
All others say, “Follow me; I will show you the way”; He said, “Come to me, I AM THE WAY.”
All others claim to be messengers of God; He said, “He that hath seen me hath seen God.”
All others stay dead; He arose and all of His claims, works, and promises are true because God raised Him from the dead.
- Henry Mahan
October 23, 2022
Sundays 9:00 am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Jesus, our Priest, forever lives
To plead for us above
Jesus, our King, forever gives
The blessings of His love.
Thou hast redeemed our souls with blood
Has set the prisoner free
Hast made us kings and priests to God
And we shall reign with Thee.
The whole creation join in one
To bless the Holy Name
Of Him who sits upon the Throne
And to adore the Lamb.
He breaks the pow’r of reigning sin
He sets the prisoner free
His blood can make the foulest clean
His blood availed for me.
(Tune: “O For A Thousand Tongues” p. 46)
24th – Carla Bryan 24th – Noah Foley 24th – Becky Kess
27th – Mark Mohr 28th – Drew Charron 28th – Emma Steeves
The believer has a new nature that never sins and the old nature that always sins. This does not provide him with an excuse for sin nor a reason to not battle his sin. But it does explain why he is so sinful. Amazingly and mysteriously it is the new man that owns and confesses the sins of the old man!
“Most men will proclaim every one his own goodness: but a faithful man who can find? - Proverbs 20:6
There are different aspects of our character that we are known for: what people think of when they think of us. Some things good and some things bad. When the Holy Spirit inspired Paul to tell us what we should be known for by others, he says, “Let your moderation be known to all men” (Phil 4:5). When we think of the word moderation we generally think of avoiding excess or extremes. That is good, but that is not what the Bible means by this word. It is also translated by the words gentle, forbearing, and patient. Vine’s Greek dictionary defines it as equitable, fair, moderate, forbearing, not insisting on the letter of the law. It expresses that consideration that looks humanely and reasonably at the facts of a case, in contrast to contentiousness. How beautiful! If that is not a quality of character recognizable in us, it ought to be. When men see us as representatives of the Gospel, they should see moderation.
“Furthermore then we beseech you, brethren, and exhort you by the Lord Jesus, that as ye have received of us how ye ought to walk and to please God, so ye would abound more and more.” – I Thessalonians 4:1
I ought to love my God and Savior with all my heart, soul and strength. I ought to love my neighbor as much as I love myself. I ought to prefer my brothers and sisters so much over myself, that I would die for them. I ought to pray more. I ought to study the Scriptures more. I ought to love my wife and children more. I ought to think on my Savior more and share His Gospel with others more. I ought to complain less and praise more. I ought to bow to all things providential. I ought to walk and to please God so I could abound more and more as a child of the Living God. I ought to do all these things out of love, adoration and for the glory of God in the Lord Jesus Christ who loved me and gave Himself for me. Lord, cause me to do as I ought! – David Eddmenson
If there is some condition I must meet before God will save me, two things are true. I will not be saved and salvation is by works – my ability to meet the condition. But thank God, there are no conditions I must first meet before I can be saved. That being true, salvation is by grace, and I can be saved!
Saul of Tarsus hated Christ and the way of salvation by grace so much that he persecuted and killed those who did trust Christ. After the Lord saved him, Paul became the greatest preacher of salvation by grace through faith the world has ever known with the exception of Christ Himself. Zacchaeus was a dishonest, greedy man until the Lord saved him. After salvation came to his house, Zacchaeus became honest, gracious and generous. The Philippian jailor was a hard, mean man who probably enjoyed the prisoner’s suffering. After the Lord saved him he comforted Paul and Silas in his own house. Onesimus was an unprofitable servant who had stolen from his master. After the Lord saved him Onesimus became profitable to Paul, to Philemon, and to much of the early church.
I know that salvation is in the heart and the only true evidence we have of salvation is faith in Christ. I also know that where there is faith in the heart there is a changed conduct and attitude. I hope and pray that is true of you and me. - Frank Tate
His Truth Marches On
It is to the honor of our Lord Jesus Christ that His cause and His Gospel survive all the sins and follies of His people. Brother Muse once said, “One of the proofs that the Gospel is true is the fact that through the ages it has continued in spite of such poor preaching.” Spurgeon wrote, “Taking ministers all round, I find them more likely to destroy than to build up the cause of Christ.”
The Master’s Kingdom has survived the blunders of His disciples; His wisdom stands in spite of our folly; His power is not lessened by our weakness; and the glory of His righteousness has not been clouded by our unrighteousness.
The King of kings still conquers, using such poor followers and soldiers. - Henry Mahan
God must save us before we will desire to be saved. God must give light before we know we were in darkness, God must give life before we will know that we were dead. God must do everything in our salvation. - John Chapman
Sundays 9:00 am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Jesus, our Priest, forever lives
To plead for us above
Jesus, our King, forever gives
The blessings of His love.
Thou hast redeemed our souls with blood
Has set the prisoner free
Hast made us kings and priests to God
And we shall reign with Thee.
The whole creation join in one
To bless the Holy Name
Of Him who sits upon the Throne
And to adore the Lamb.
He breaks the pow’r of reigning sin
He sets the prisoner free
His blood can make the foulest clean
His blood availed for me.
(Tune: “O For A Thousand Tongues” p. 46)
24th – Carla Bryan 24th – Noah Foley 24th – Becky Kess
27th – Mark Mohr 28th – Drew Charron 28th – Emma Steeves
The believer has a new nature that never sins and the old nature that always sins. This does not provide him with an excuse for sin nor a reason to not battle his sin. But it does explain why he is so sinful. Amazingly and mysteriously it is the new man that owns and confesses the sins of the old man!
“Most men will proclaim every one his own goodness: but a faithful man who can find? - Proverbs 20:6
There are different aspects of our character that we are known for: what people think of when they think of us. Some things good and some things bad. When the Holy Spirit inspired Paul to tell us what we should be known for by others, he says, “Let your moderation be known to all men” (Phil 4:5). When we think of the word moderation we generally think of avoiding excess or extremes. That is good, but that is not what the Bible means by this word. It is also translated by the words gentle, forbearing, and patient. Vine’s Greek dictionary defines it as equitable, fair, moderate, forbearing, not insisting on the letter of the law. It expresses that consideration that looks humanely and reasonably at the facts of a case, in contrast to contentiousness. How beautiful! If that is not a quality of character recognizable in us, it ought to be. When men see us as representatives of the Gospel, they should see moderation.
“Furthermore then we beseech you, brethren, and exhort you by the Lord Jesus, that as ye have received of us how ye ought to walk and to please God, so ye would abound more and more.” – I Thessalonians 4:1
I ought to love my God and Savior with all my heart, soul and strength. I ought to love my neighbor as much as I love myself. I ought to prefer my brothers and sisters so much over myself, that I would die for them. I ought to pray more. I ought to study the Scriptures more. I ought to love my wife and children more. I ought to think on my Savior more and share His Gospel with others more. I ought to complain less and praise more. I ought to bow to all things providential. I ought to walk and to please God so I could abound more and more as a child of the Living God. I ought to do all these things out of love, adoration and for the glory of God in the Lord Jesus Christ who loved me and gave Himself for me. Lord, cause me to do as I ought! – David Eddmenson
If there is some condition I must meet before God will save me, two things are true. I will not be saved and salvation is by works – my ability to meet the condition. But thank God, there are no conditions I must first meet before I can be saved. That being true, salvation is by grace, and I can be saved!
Saul of Tarsus hated Christ and the way of salvation by grace so much that he persecuted and killed those who did trust Christ. After the Lord saved him, Paul became the greatest preacher of salvation by grace through faith the world has ever known with the exception of Christ Himself. Zacchaeus was a dishonest, greedy man until the Lord saved him. After salvation came to his house, Zacchaeus became honest, gracious and generous. The Philippian jailor was a hard, mean man who probably enjoyed the prisoner’s suffering. After the Lord saved him he comforted Paul and Silas in his own house. Onesimus was an unprofitable servant who had stolen from his master. After the Lord saved him Onesimus became profitable to Paul, to Philemon, and to much of the early church.
I know that salvation is in the heart and the only true evidence we have of salvation is faith in Christ. I also know that where there is faith in the heart there is a changed conduct and attitude. I hope and pray that is true of you and me. - Frank Tate
His Truth Marches On
It is to the honor of our Lord Jesus Christ that His cause and His Gospel survive all the sins and follies of His people. Brother Muse once said, “One of the proofs that the Gospel is true is the fact that through the ages it has continued in spite of such poor preaching.” Spurgeon wrote, “Taking ministers all round, I find them more likely to destroy than to build up the cause of Christ.”
The Master’s Kingdom has survived the blunders of His disciples; His wisdom stands in spite of our folly; His power is not lessened by our weakness; and the glory of His righteousness has not been clouded by our unrighteousness.
The King of kings still conquers, using such poor followers and soldiers. - Henry Mahan
God must save us before we will desire to be saved. God must give light before we know we were in darkness, God must give life before we will know that we were dead. God must do everything in our salvation. - John Chapman
October 16, 2022
Sundays 9:00 am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
When oceans vast their depths reveal
And moons have ceased to wane
The Lamb, who died and rose again
On Zion’s hill shall reign.
His glorious Name must long endure
When suns have ceased to shine
And through eternity the saints
Will sing His praise divine.
As countless as the drops of dew
Or sands upon the shore
Are blessing which the ransomed have
In Him forevermore.
Let ev’ry other name recede
His Name alone extol
In Him reserved there is the grace
To satisfy my soul.
(Tune: “Amazing Grace” p. 236)
17th – Abigail Sullivan 18th – Dwayne Imes 18th – Julianna Rigsby
21st – Tim Scifres 22nd – Samuel Kincer
“Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.” “Take heed what ye hear.” “Take heed how ye hear.” “If any man has ears to hear, let him hear!” “Let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak.” These verses all tell us of the importance of hearing. So, rather then me proving hearing is not important to me by my actions or simply feeling guilty and changing temporarily, only to go back to where I was before, may we all say with Samuel, “Speak Lord, Thy servant heareth.”
“There are many devices in a man’s heart; nevertheless the counsel of the Lord, that shall stand.” - Proverbs 19:21
There were two sisters named Martha and Mary. They were both loved by Christ. They both believed the Gospel. When Christ came to their house we are given two different pictures. Mary sitting at the Lord’s feet, hearing the Word. Martha cumbered about (distracted) with much serving. Martha becomes frustrated with Mary and told the Lord what she thought He should do – “Command her to help me!” The Lord’s answer, “Martha, Martha,” the Lord loved this woman, “Thou art careful and troubled about many things.” How easily all of us can fall into that trap! “But one thing is needful.” Mary choosing the good part and sitting at His feet to hear His Word was the one thing needful. Am I Martha? Cumbered about, careful and troubled about many things? Being distracted from what Mary was doing. Her heart had been hardened by this. She was critical of her sister and felt like she could tell the Lord what He should do. “Martha, Martha…. One thing is needful ….and Mary hath chosen that good part…..” – hearing His Word. Martha had become too busy for that! What a shame! But that would not be taken from Mary. We know which of these sisters were most happy and content – Mary!
“You know all things” (I John 2:21). Does John mean believers possess omniscience? Certainly not! Does he means we can give an accurate definition to all of the doctrine of Scripture? Certainly not! If I know Christ, I know all things because He is All. I know all the doctrine of Christ because I know Who He is. If what I hear is contrary to who He is, I know it is false. If what I hear lines up with who He is, I know it is true. That is why a believer knows if what he is hearing is the Truth as soon as he hears it. It is a reflection of Who He is, therefore it is the Truth. Knowing Him, we know all things before we even hear them!
A proof of the power and truthfulness of the Gospel is in the fact that the Master’s cause has survived such weak disciples. His wisdom has not been affected by our folly, His power has not been lessened by our weakness, His holiness has not suffered through our un-holiness, and His grace shines in spite of our selfishness. Men who look to Him are never disappointed. - Henry Mahan
I have observed many who professed to know Christ and believe the Gospel of His grace, and yet they are unhappy and generally speaking miserable people. How can that be? I believe I know why. These people walk around with a dark cloud over their head because they are so taken up with the things of this world. They are always in a strait between Christ and the world, and feel bad because they fear they are not giving Christ their first priority. That is the problem. If Christ is merely your first priority, you have missed Him altogether. He is All to those who know Him, not merely their first priority. I once heard someone say, “Most men have just enough religion to make them miserable.” That is the problem. Most people have religion but they do not have Christ.
The most dangerous counterfeit is the one that most closely resembles the real. Once again, the Gospel of God, the Gospel of Scripture, the Gospel of Truth, is that Gospel that declares the absolute Sovereignty of God, the total depravity of man, God’s eternal choice of His people, the effectual redemption of Christ, and the invincible grace of the Holy Spirit in regeneration, and the perseverance of those God elected, Christ died for, and the Holy Spirit calls. Any deviation from any of this is no longer Gospel, and the closer a deviation is to the Truth, the more dangerous it is!
The spirit of antichrist is not anti-religion; it promotes religion. It is not anti-morality nor anti-law; it promotes both! It is not anti-good works; it encourages good works done in the name of morality and religion. IT IS ANTICHRIST! It is opposed to giving Christ all the glory for our election, our redemption, our calling, our righteousness, our preservation and perseverance, our resurrection, and our eternal glory. The Spirit of God says, “JESUS PAID IT ALL.” The spirit of antichrist says:
Jesus did a part
And I a part, you know
Sin left a crimson stain
But we washed it white as snow.
- Henry Mahan
Sundays 9:00 am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
When oceans vast their depths reveal
And moons have ceased to wane
The Lamb, who died and rose again
On Zion’s hill shall reign.
His glorious Name must long endure
When suns have ceased to shine
And through eternity the saints
Will sing His praise divine.
As countless as the drops of dew
Or sands upon the shore
Are blessing which the ransomed have
In Him forevermore.
Let ev’ry other name recede
His Name alone extol
In Him reserved there is the grace
To satisfy my soul.
(Tune: “Amazing Grace” p. 236)
17th – Abigail Sullivan 18th – Dwayne Imes 18th – Julianna Rigsby
21st – Tim Scifres 22nd – Samuel Kincer
“Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.” “Take heed what ye hear.” “Take heed how ye hear.” “If any man has ears to hear, let him hear!” “Let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak.” These verses all tell us of the importance of hearing. So, rather then me proving hearing is not important to me by my actions or simply feeling guilty and changing temporarily, only to go back to where I was before, may we all say with Samuel, “Speak Lord, Thy servant heareth.”
“There are many devices in a man’s heart; nevertheless the counsel of the Lord, that shall stand.” - Proverbs 19:21
There were two sisters named Martha and Mary. They were both loved by Christ. They both believed the Gospel. When Christ came to their house we are given two different pictures. Mary sitting at the Lord’s feet, hearing the Word. Martha cumbered about (distracted) with much serving. Martha becomes frustrated with Mary and told the Lord what she thought He should do – “Command her to help me!” The Lord’s answer, “Martha, Martha,” the Lord loved this woman, “Thou art careful and troubled about many things.” How easily all of us can fall into that trap! “But one thing is needful.” Mary choosing the good part and sitting at His feet to hear His Word was the one thing needful. Am I Martha? Cumbered about, careful and troubled about many things? Being distracted from what Mary was doing. Her heart had been hardened by this. She was critical of her sister and felt like she could tell the Lord what He should do. “Martha, Martha…. One thing is needful ….and Mary hath chosen that good part…..” – hearing His Word. Martha had become too busy for that! What a shame! But that would not be taken from Mary. We know which of these sisters were most happy and content – Mary!
“You know all things” (I John 2:21). Does John mean believers possess omniscience? Certainly not! Does he means we can give an accurate definition to all of the doctrine of Scripture? Certainly not! If I know Christ, I know all things because He is All. I know all the doctrine of Christ because I know Who He is. If what I hear is contrary to who He is, I know it is false. If what I hear lines up with who He is, I know it is true. That is why a believer knows if what he is hearing is the Truth as soon as he hears it. It is a reflection of Who He is, therefore it is the Truth. Knowing Him, we know all things before we even hear them!
A proof of the power and truthfulness of the Gospel is in the fact that the Master’s cause has survived such weak disciples. His wisdom has not been affected by our folly, His power has not been lessened by our weakness, His holiness has not suffered through our un-holiness, and His grace shines in spite of our selfishness. Men who look to Him are never disappointed. - Henry Mahan
I have observed many who professed to know Christ and believe the Gospel of His grace, and yet they are unhappy and generally speaking miserable people. How can that be? I believe I know why. These people walk around with a dark cloud over their head because they are so taken up with the things of this world. They are always in a strait between Christ and the world, and feel bad because they fear they are not giving Christ their first priority. That is the problem. If Christ is merely your first priority, you have missed Him altogether. He is All to those who know Him, not merely their first priority. I once heard someone say, “Most men have just enough religion to make them miserable.” That is the problem. Most people have religion but they do not have Christ.
The most dangerous counterfeit is the one that most closely resembles the real. Once again, the Gospel of God, the Gospel of Scripture, the Gospel of Truth, is that Gospel that declares the absolute Sovereignty of God, the total depravity of man, God’s eternal choice of His people, the effectual redemption of Christ, and the invincible grace of the Holy Spirit in regeneration, and the perseverance of those God elected, Christ died for, and the Holy Spirit calls. Any deviation from any of this is no longer Gospel, and the closer a deviation is to the Truth, the more dangerous it is!
The spirit of antichrist is not anti-religion; it promotes religion. It is not anti-morality nor anti-law; it promotes both! It is not anti-good works; it encourages good works done in the name of morality and religion. IT IS ANTICHRIST! It is opposed to giving Christ all the glory for our election, our redemption, our calling, our righteousness, our preservation and perseverance, our resurrection, and our eternal glory. The Spirit of God says, “JESUS PAID IT ALL.” The spirit of antichrist says:
Jesus did a part
And I a part, you know
Sin left a crimson stain
But we washed it white as snow.
- Henry Mahan
October 9, 2022
Sundays 9:00 am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Compared with Christ, in all beside
No comeliness I see
The one thing needful, dearest Lord
Is to be one with Thee.
The sense of Thy redeeming love
Into my soul convey
Thyself bestow, for Thee alone
My All in All I pray.
Less than Thyself will not suffice
My comfort to restore
More than Thyself I cannot crave
And Thou cans’t give no more.
Loved of my God, for Him again
With love intense I’d burn
Chosen of Thee ere time began
I’d choose Thee in return.
(Tune: “Come Holy Spirit, Heavenly Dove” p. 158)
Darvin Pruitt, pastor of the Grace Baptist Church in Lewisville, Arkansas will preach for us this evening.
11th – Hunter Small 12th- Doug Hacker 13th – Jaime Greenleaf
14th – Tom Fitzpatrick 14th – Maybelle Wheeler
“The lot is cast into the lap; but the whole disposing thereof is of the Lord.” - Proverbs 16:33
“Thy people shall be willing in the day of Thy power” (Ps. 110:3). That is not the case before the day of His power. An evil nature makes us unwilling in all that pertains to the Gospel. The day of His power causes those who were not willing to be willing! The day of His power causes those who were not voluntary to be volunteers! The day of His power causes them to love what they once hated and to hate what they once loved! Those who are made willing find it a joy to deny self, take up their cross, and follow Christ. Their will is for their will to be completely subject to God’s will. Their will is to be saved by the God of all grace in the way that He saves. This willingness is caused by the saving grace of God. “It is God that worketh in you both to will and to do His good pleasure” (Phil. 2:13). The Lord said to the twelve, “Will ye also go away?” Not one of them was willing to do that! While we reject “free will”, we know grace makes us willing.
I have never said, nor will I ever say that Todd’s Road Grace Church is the only church in Lexington, Kentucky that preaches the Gospel. I could not say that unless I had attended every church in Lexington and heard their message. But I do say that a church that does not preach the Gospel of God, the Gospel of the Scriptures, the Gospel of grace, the Gospel that declares the electing Work of the Father, the redemption of the elect by the Son, the regenerating Work of the Spirit on those the Father elected and the Son redeemed, is not a church in the first place. A church that shuns to declare the whole counsel of God is not a church, nor should be called one. The issue is what it has always been: What is the Gospel? How does the Bible define it?
When a man asked the Lord if there were only few to be saved, He did not answer him with a yes or no! He said, “Strive to enter the strait gate.” Few or many has no bearing on whether I enter or not. I am called upon to strive to enter! I may see few seeking to enter. I may not find those who are entering an encouragement to me. That is not to hinder me personally from me myself striving to enter in at the strait gate. This is to be the all-consuming passion of my life!
Faith is not life giving, but proof of life. Faith is not a work for salvation, but a work of salvation. Faith is not what saves us but is certain proof God has saved us. Faith is not a condition we meet, but the condition God’s Spirit puts in us to “Make us meet” (Col. 1:12). Is all this important? Do we split theological hairs here? NO! NO! For the Glory of God is at stake! That other (false) gospel says faith is man’s work, man’s will. But no, faith is,“Not of yourselves, but the gift of God.” (Eph. 1:19) Therefore, it is, “To the praise of the glory of His grace” (Eph. 1:6)… and not rather “to the praise of our faith.”
- Paul Mahan
Unbelief is infectious! The unbelief of one strengthens the unbelief of another, just as the faith of one strengthens the faith of another.
It is not the absence of sin but the grieving over it which distinguishes the child of God from empty professors.
The prevailing idea seems to be, that I come to God and ask Him for something that I want, and that I expect Him to give me that which I have asked. But this is a most dishonoring and degrading conception. The popular belief reduces God to a servant, our servant; doing our bidding, performing our pleasure, granting our desires. No, prayer is a coming to God, telling Him my need, committing my way unto the Lord, and leaving Him to deal with it as it seems Him best.
The eye which sees anything good in the creature is a blind eye; that eye which fancies it can discern anything in man, or anything in anything he can do to win the Divine favor, is as yet stone blind to the Truth of God, and needs to be lanced and cut, and the cataract of pride removed from it! - C. H. Spurgeon
Prayer is not overcoming God’s reluctance. It is laying hold of His willingness. - Martin Luther
Sundays 9:00 am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Compared with Christ, in all beside
No comeliness I see
The one thing needful, dearest Lord
Is to be one with Thee.
The sense of Thy redeeming love
Into my soul convey
Thyself bestow, for Thee alone
My All in All I pray.
Less than Thyself will not suffice
My comfort to restore
More than Thyself I cannot crave
And Thou cans’t give no more.
Loved of my God, for Him again
With love intense I’d burn
Chosen of Thee ere time began
I’d choose Thee in return.
(Tune: “Come Holy Spirit, Heavenly Dove” p. 158)
Darvin Pruitt, pastor of the Grace Baptist Church in Lewisville, Arkansas will preach for us this evening.
11th – Hunter Small 12th- Doug Hacker 13th – Jaime Greenleaf
14th – Tom Fitzpatrick 14th – Maybelle Wheeler
“The lot is cast into the lap; but the whole disposing thereof is of the Lord.” - Proverbs 16:33
“Thy people shall be willing in the day of Thy power” (Ps. 110:3). That is not the case before the day of His power. An evil nature makes us unwilling in all that pertains to the Gospel. The day of His power causes those who were not willing to be willing! The day of His power causes those who were not voluntary to be volunteers! The day of His power causes them to love what they once hated and to hate what they once loved! Those who are made willing find it a joy to deny self, take up their cross, and follow Christ. Their will is for their will to be completely subject to God’s will. Their will is to be saved by the God of all grace in the way that He saves. This willingness is caused by the saving grace of God. “It is God that worketh in you both to will and to do His good pleasure” (Phil. 2:13). The Lord said to the twelve, “Will ye also go away?” Not one of them was willing to do that! While we reject “free will”, we know grace makes us willing.
I have never said, nor will I ever say that Todd’s Road Grace Church is the only church in Lexington, Kentucky that preaches the Gospel. I could not say that unless I had attended every church in Lexington and heard their message. But I do say that a church that does not preach the Gospel of God, the Gospel of the Scriptures, the Gospel of grace, the Gospel that declares the electing Work of the Father, the redemption of the elect by the Son, the regenerating Work of the Spirit on those the Father elected and the Son redeemed, is not a church in the first place. A church that shuns to declare the whole counsel of God is not a church, nor should be called one. The issue is what it has always been: What is the Gospel? How does the Bible define it?
When a man asked the Lord if there were only few to be saved, He did not answer him with a yes or no! He said, “Strive to enter the strait gate.” Few or many has no bearing on whether I enter or not. I am called upon to strive to enter! I may see few seeking to enter. I may not find those who are entering an encouragement to me. That is not to hinder me personally from me myself striving to enter in at the strait gate. This is to be the all-consuming passion of my life!
Faith is not life giving, but proof of life. Faith is not a work for salvation, but a work of salvation. Faith is not what saves us but is certain proof God has saved us. Faith is not a condition we meet, but the condition God’s Spirit puts in us to “Make us meet” (Col. 1:12). Is all this important? Do we split theological hairs here? NO! NO! For the Glory of God is at stake! That other (false) gospel says faith is man’s work, man’s will. But no, faith is,“Not of yourselves, but the gift of God.” (Eph. 1:19) Therefore, it is, “To the praise of the glory of His grace” (Eph. 1:6)… and not rather “to the praise of our faith.”
- Paul Mahan
Unbelief is infectious! The unbelief of one strengthens the unbelief of another, just as the faith of one strengthens the faith of another.
It is not the absence of sin but the grieving over it which distinguishes the child of God from empty professors.
The prevailing idea seems to be, that I come to God and ask Him for something that I want, and that I expect Him to give me that which I have asked. But this is a most dishonoring and degrading conception. The popular belief reduces God to a servant, our servant; doing our bidding, performing our pleasure, granting our desires. No, prayer is a coming to God, telling Him my need, committing my way unto the Lord, and leaving Him to deal with it as it seems Him best.
The eye which sees anything good in the creature is a blind eye; that eye which fancies it can discern anything in man, or anything in anything he can do to win the Divine favor, is as yet stone blind to the Truth of God, and needs to be lanced and cut, and the cataract of pride removed from it! - C. H. Spurgeon
Prayer is not overcoming God’s reluctance. It is laying hold of His willingness. - Martin Luther
October 2, 2022
Sundays 9:00 am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Jesus, Thy blood and righteousness
My beauty are, my glorious dress
Mid flaming worlds, in these arrayed
With joy shall I lift up my head.
Bold shall I stand in Thy great day
For who aught to my charge shall lay
Fully absolved thru these I am
From sin and fear, from guilt and shame.
When from the dust of death I rise
To claim my mansion in the skies
E’ve then shall this be all my plea
Jesus has lived and died for me.
This spotless robe the same appears
When ruined nature sinks in years
No age can change its glorious hue
The robe of Christ is ever new.
O let the dead now hear Thy voice
Now bid Thy wand’ring ones rejoice
Their beauty this, their glorious dress
(Tune: “Jesus, Thy blood and Righteousness” p. 217)
We will observe the Lord’s Table this evening.
All ladies are invited to a Bridal Shower Brunch for Rachel Harries and Jalen Whitehead this Saturday Oct. 8 at 10:30am. The sign up sheet is in foyer. They are registered at Target. Also, if you plan to attend the wedding on Friday, Nov. 4, please RSVP in the foyer.
All ladies are invited to a Bridal Shower Dinner for Emily Bryan and Sean Burba on Tuesday, Oct. 11 at 6:30pm. The sign up sheet is in the foyer.
3rd – Ian Anjos 3rd – Paul Harries 4th – Alex DuFour
4th – Emma Ferrell 5th – Susan Sligh 7th – Sharon Fugate
“He that justifieth the wicked, and he that condemneth the just, even they both are abomination to the Lord.” - Proverbs 17:15
“Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.” – II Corinthians 7:1
Because, “all the promises of God in Him are yea and amen”, because all of our salvation is founded in the eternal promise of God made before time began (Titus 1:2), this is the only proper response - to “cleanse ourselves from all filthiness (stains, pollutions) of the flesh and spirit, perfecting (bringing to an end) holiness, in the fear of God.” That fear that causes you to look to Christ alone in whatever you are doing. Even in this command to cleanse ourselves…we are to do so in the fear of God, afraid to look anywhere but Christ alone as all in our salvation!
I am not satisfied with anything that has my fingerprints on it. I can only find satisfaction in that which God finds satisfaction in. “He shall see the travail of His soul and be satisfied.” God is completely satisfied with the work of His Son. He is perfectly satisfied with all for whom Christ died! Christ is satisfied with what He did in their behalf. That is why He sat down at the right hand of God. He left nothing undone! The Spirit is satisfied with the work of the Son. “By one offering He hath perfected forever them that are sanctified, whereof also the Holy Ghost is a witness to us.” If the Father, Son, and Spirit are completely satisfied with what Christ did, I am too!
“Praise waiteth for Thee, O God.” - Psalm 65:1
The word waiteth means silence. Praise is silent before Thee. “Be still and know that I am God.” While we ought to praise Him audibly, when the multitude was praising Him with “Hosanna”, and the Pharisees told the Lord to rebuke them for it, He replied, “If these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out.” That being said, silence is a form of praise. He indeed is so glorious, that any words we use fall infinitely short. Paul realized this when he said, “Thanks be unto God for His unspeakable gift.” John Bunyan said, “Let your heart be without words before you let your words be without heart.”
“For I determined not to know any thing among you,
save Jesus Christ, and Him crucified.” - I Corinthians 2:2
There is only one message to preach and to hear because there is only one message in all of the Scripture – “Jesus Christ, and Him crucified.” Every page, every story, every commandment, every word speaks of “Jesus Christ, and Him crucified.” What is the only remedy for sin? “Jesus Christ, and Him crucified.” What is the only message of comfort and rest? “Jesus Christ, and Him crucified.” What message breaks a hard heart? And what message binds the broken heart again? “Jesus Christ, and Him crucified.” What message instructs, and motivates the heart of a sinner to obedience? “Jesus Christ, and Him crucified.” What message produces true love, unity, and forgiveness among brethren? “Jesus Christ, and Him crucified.” Just preach “Jesus Christ and Him crucified” and husbands will love their wives “as Christ loved the church and gave Himself for it” (Eph. 5:25); wives will submit to the leadership and direction of their “loving” husbands, and children will “obey (their) parents in the Lord” as Christ submitted and obeyed to the loving will of His Father. Everything that a child of God needs for growth in grace, and growth into the image of his Lord is produced through the preaching of “Jesus Christ, and Him crucified”. Christ is ALL! All we preach, all we hear, all we believe, all we have! By God’s grace, all of His people say with Paul: “We are determined to know nothing among us, save Jesus Christ, and Him crucified.” - Gabe Stalnaker
The power of God is that ability and strength whereby He can bring to pass whatsoever He pleases, whatsoever His infinite wisdom may direct, and whatsoever the infinite purity of His will may resolve…as holiness is the beauty of all God’s attributes, so power is that which gives life and action to all the perfections of the Divine nature. How vain would be the eternal counsels if power did not step in to execute them. Without power, His mercy would be but feeble pity, His promise an empty sound, His threatenings a mere scarecrow. God’s power is like Himself – infinite, eternal, incomprehensible; it can neither be checked, restrained, nor frustrated by the creature. –Steven Charnock
“Let your conversation be without covetousness and be content with such things as you have” (Hebrews 13:5). If I am content with Christ, I am not coveting. When I am coveting, I am not content with Christ.
Sundays 9:00 am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Jesus, Thy blood and righteousness
My beauty are, my glorious dress
Mid flaming worlds, in these arrayed
With joy shall I lift up my head.
Bold shall I stand in Thy great day
For who aught to my charge shall lay
Fully absolved thru these I am
From sin and fear, from guilt and shame.
When from the dust of death I rise
To claim my mansion in the skies
E’ve then shall this be all my plea
Jesus has lived and died for me.
This spotless robe the same appears
When ruined nature sinks in years
No age can change its glorious hue
The robe of Christ is ever new.
O let the dead now hear Thy voice
Now bid Thy wand’ring ones rejoice
Their beauty this, their glorious dress
(Tune: “Jesus, Thy blood and Righteousness” p. 217)
We will observe the Lord’s Table this evening.
All ladies are invited to a Bridal Shower Brunch for Rachel Harries and Jalen Whitehead this Saturday Oct. 8 at 10:30am. The sign up sheet is in foyer. They are registered at Target. Also, if you plan to attend the wedding on Friday, Nov. 4, please RSVP in the foyer.
All ladies are invited to a Bridal Shower Dinner for Emily Bryan and Sean Burba on Tuesday, Oct. 11 at 6:30pm. The sign up sheet is in the foyer.
3rd – Ian Anjos 3rd – Paul Harries 4th – Alex DuFour
4th – Emma Ferrell 5th – Susan Sligh 7th – Sharon Fugate
“He that justifieth the wicked, and he that condemneth the just, even they both are abomination to the Lord.” - Proverbs 17:15
“Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.” – II Corinthians 7:1
Because, “all the promises of God in Him are yea and amen”, because all of our salvation is founded in the eternal promise of God made before time began (Titus 1:2), this is the only proper response - to “cleanse ourselves from all filthiness (stains, pollutions) of the flesh and spirit, perfecting (bringing to an end) holiness, in the fear of God.” That fear that causes you to look to Christ alone in whatever you are doing. Even in this command to cleanse ourselves…we are to do so in the fear of God, afraid to look anywhere but Christ alone as all in our salvation!
I am not satisfied with anything that has my fingerprints on it. I can only find satisfaction in that which God finds satisfaction in. “He shall see the travail of His soul and be satisfied.” God is completely satisfied with the work of His Son. He is perfectly satisfied with all for whom Christ died! Christ is satisfied with what He did in their behalf. That is why He sat down at the right hand of God. He left nothing undone! The Spirit is satisfied with the work of the Son. “By one offering He hath perfected forever them that are sanctified, whereof also the Holy Ghost is a witness to us.” If the Father, Son, and Spirit are completely satisfied with what Christ did, I am too!
“Praise waiteth for Thee, O God.” - Psalm 65:1
The word waiteth means silence. Praise is silent before Thee. “Be still and know that I am God.” While we ought to praise Him audibly, when the multitude was praising Him with “Hosanna”, and the Pharisees told the Lord to rebuke them for it, He replied, “If these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out.” That being said, silence is a form of praise. He indeed is so glorious, that any words we use fall infinitely short. Paul realized this when he said, “Thanks be unto God for His unspeakable gift.” John Bunyan said, “Let your heart be without words before you let your words be without heart.”
“For I determined not to know any thing among you,
save Jesus Christ, and Him crucified.” - I Corinthians 2:2
There is only one message to preach and to hear because there is only one message in all of the Scripture – “Jesus Christ, and Him crucified.” Every page, every story, every commandment, every word speaks of “Jesus Christ, and Him crucified.” What is the only remedy for sin? “Jesus Christ, and Him crucified.” What is the only message of comfort and rest? “Jesus Christ, and Him crucified.” What message breaks a hard heart? And what message binds the broken heart again? “Jesus Christ, and Him crucified.” What message instructs, and motivates the heart of a sinner to obedience? “Jesus Christ, and Him crucified.” What message produces true love, unity, and forgiveness among brethren? “Jesus Christ, and Him crucified.” Just preach “Jesus Christ and Him crucified” and husbands will love their wives “as Christ loved the church and gave Himself for it” (Eph. 5:25); wives will submit to the leadership and direction of their “loving” husbands, and children will “obey (their) parents in the Lord” as Christ submitted and obeyed to the loving will of His Father. Everything that a child of God needs for growth in grace, and growth into the image of his Lord is produced through the preaching of “Jesus Christ, and Him crucified”. Christ is ALL! All we preach, all we hear, all we believe, all we have! By God’s grace, all of His people say with Paul: “We are determined to know nothing among us, save Jesus Christ, and Him crucified.” - Gabe Stalnaker
The power of God is that ability and strength whereby He can bring to pass whatsoever He pleases, whatsoever His infinite wisdom may direct, and whatsoever the infinite purity of His will may resolve…as holiness is the beauty of all God’s attributes, so power is that which gives life and action to all the perfections of the Divine nature. How vain would be the eternal counsels if power did not step in to execute them. Without power, His mercy would be but feeble pity, His promise an empty sound, His threatenings a mere scarecrow. God’s power is like Himself – infinite, eternal, incomprehensible; it can neither be checked, restrained, nor frustrated by the creature. –Steven Charnock
“Let your conversation be without covetousness and be content with such things as you have” (Hebrews 13:5). If I am content with Christ, I am not coveting. When I am coveting, I am not content with Christ.
September 25, 2022
Sundays 9:00 am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Precious Savior, friend of sinners
We, as such, to Thee draw near
Let Thy Spirit dwell within us
With that love that casts out fear.
Matchless Savior, let us know Thee
As the Lord our Righteousness
Cause our hearts to cleave unto Thee
Come, and with Thy presence bless.
Open now Thy precious treasure
Let Thy Word here freely flow
Give to us a gracious measure
‘Tis Thyself we long to know.
You who know us as Thy portion
Let us all find rest in Thee
Leave us not to empty notions
We would find our hope in Thee!
(Tune: “Jesus Calls Us” p. 374)
College Grove Grace Church College Grove, TN Oct. 14-16
Lantana Grace Church Crossville, TN Nov. 25-17
Grace Gospel Church Apopka, FL Jan. 13-15
25th – Janine Kess 25th – Annie Martin 25th – Darrell Williams 26th – Amanda Mohr
27th – Ryleigh DuFour
27th – Gavin Gillespie 27th – Bobby Miller 28th – John Parker
28th – Ben Walmsley 30th – Garrett Gillispie
“A false balance is abomination to the Lord: but a just weight is His delight.” - Proverbs 11:1
“ I labored more abundantly than they all” – I Corinthians 15:10
In the previous verse he said, “I am the least of the apostles.” This was not mock humility. He really believed this! Yet, he says with regard to all of the other apostles, “I labored more abundantly then they all.” This was not said with pride. He knew he had done so only by grace. It was still a fact he stated concerning his more abundant labor. While I may not have the gifts of others, that cannot prevent me from putting all of my effort into what I am doing. While there is no competition in the Kingdom of God with others, whatever the Lord has called us to do we are called upon to, “Do it with thy might.” (Ecc. 9:10) We are serving Christ in whatever we are doing, and we should “Labor more abundantly.”
Satan’s Advantage
“To whom ye forgive anything, I forgive also: for if I forgave any thing, to whom I forgave it, for your sakes forgive I it in the person of Christ; lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.” (II Cor. 2:11) If I harbor an unforgiving spirit, Satan has the advantage over me. An unforgiving spirit skews every other part of my life. I hurt myself in so many ways, and I am under Satan’s influence. By grace, the only way to fight this is to forgive! And the only way to forgive is to see how Christ has forgiven you!
When the Philippian jailor asked Paul what he must do to be saved, Paul did not say turn from your sins, start living better, or even beg for mercy. “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.” Have I obeyed the command to believe on Him?
Justification by faith - full, perfect, unqualified justification- makes God everything and man nothing; and man does not like it. It causes his countenance to fall and draws out his anger, not that he can give any reason for his anger. - Scott Richardson
Faith in Christ is NOT TO WORK but to cease from our labor and to rest in Him for all things. Faith in Christ is NOT TO DO ANYTHING, but to believe and own that ALL IS DONE in Him, by Him, and is imputed to us so fully that we are rewarded as having done it ourselves. - Henry Mahan
“Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” - Philippians 3:13-14
Forgetting those things which are behind is difficult work. It is like the runner who tries to shed every weight that does so easily beset him. However, if God has forgotten our sins and will remember them no more, then we must let them go also. We must not go back and try to repair our past; only Christ can make satisfaction for the sins of God’s elect: past, present, and future. Therefore, let us do this: “Reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” Let us spend our time reaching forth, looking to Him, learning of Him. Christ is the mark; He is the prize. The high calling of God is to be made like His Son. May God help us to quit looking back and just look to Him. (We have enough to mourn over in a day without looking back for something else.)
- John Chapman
“Be still, and know that I am God”
Psalm 46:10
The more a man sees, by faith, of the sovereign power, mercy, and gracious goodness of God toward him, the more he wants to leave matters with the Lord, close his mouth and patiently wait, beholding the salvation of God…. Lord, increase our faith. - Marvin Stalnaker
My hope lives, not because I am not a sinner, but because I am a sinner for whom Christ died; my trust is not that I am holy, but that being unholy, He is my righteousness. My faith rests not upon what I am, or feel or know, but in what Christ is, in what He has done, and in what He is now doing for me. - C. H. Spurgeon
A God that would arbitrarily pardon without justice could someday condemn without reason. He that would set aside His Law so as not to execute a threat, could set aside His Gospel so as not to fulfill His promise. - Milton Howard
Sundays 9:00 am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Precious Savior, friend of sinners
We, as such, to Thee draw near
Let Thy Spirit dwell within us
With that love that casts out fear.
Matchless Savior, let us know Thee
As the Lord our Righteousness
Cause our hearts to cleave unto Thee
Come, and with Thy presence bless.
Open now Thy precious treasure
Let Thy Word here freely flow
Give to us a gracious measure
‘Tis Thyself we long to know.
You who know us as Thy portion
Let us all find rest in Thee
Leave us not to empty notions
We would find our hope in Thee!
(Tune: “Jesus Calls Us” p. 374)
College Grove Grace Church College Grove, TN Oct. 14-16
Lantana Grace Church Crossville, TN Nov. 25-17
Grace Gospel Church Apopka, FL Jan. 13-15
25th – Janine Kess 25th – Annie Martin 25th – Darrell Williams 26th – Amanda Mohr
27th – Ryleigh DuFour
27th – Gavin Gillespie 27th – Bobby Miller 28th – John Parker
28th – Ben Walmsley 30th – Garrett Gillispie
“A false balance is abomination to the Lord: but a just weight is His delight.” - Proverbs 11:1
“ I labored more abundantly than they all” – I Corinthians 15:10
In the previous verse he said, “I am the least of the apostles.” This was not mock humility. He really believed this! Yet, he says with regard to all of the other apostles, “I labored more abundantly then they all.” This was not said with pride. He knew he had done so only by grace. It was still a fact he stated concerning his more abundant labor. While I may not have the gifts of others, that cannot prevent me from putting all of my effort into what I am doing. While there is no competition in the Kingdom of God with others, whatever the Lord has called us to do we are called upon to, “Do it with thy might.” (Ecc. 9:10) We are serving Christ in whatever we are doing, and we should “Labor more abundantly.”
Satan’s Advantage
“To whom ye forgive anything, I forgive also: for if I forgave any thing, to whom I forgave it, for your sakes forgive I it in the person of Christ; lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.” (II Cor. 2:11) If I harbor an unforgiving spirit, Satan has the advantage over me. An unforgiving spirit skews every other part of my life. I hurt myself in so many ways, and I am under Satan’s influence. By grace, the only way to fight this is to forgive! And the only way to forgive is to see how Christ has forgiven you!
When the Philippian jailor asked Paul what he must do to be saved, Paul did not say turn from your sins, start living better, or even beg for mercy. “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.” Have I obeyed the command to believe on Him?
Justification by faith - full, perfect, unqualified justification- makes God everything and man nothing; and man does not like it. It causes his countenance to fall and draws out his anger, not that he can give any reason for his anger. - Scott Richardson
Faith in Christ is NOT TO WORK but to cease from our labor and to rest in Him for all things. Faith in Christ is NOT TO DO ANYTHING, but to believe and own that ALL IS DONE in Him, by Him, and is imputed to us so fully that we are rewarded as having done it ourselves. - Henry Mahan
“Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” - Philippians 3:13-14
Forgetting those things which are behind is difficult work. It is like the runner who tries to shed every weight that does so easily beset him. However, if God has forgotten our sins and will remember them no more, then we must let them go also. We must not go back and try to repair our past; only Christ can make satisfaction for the sins of God’s elect: past, present, and future. Therefore, let us do this: “Reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” Let us spend our time reaching forth, looking to Him, learning of Him. Christ is the mark; He is the prize. The high calling of God is to be made like His Son. May God help us to quit looking back and just look to Him. (We have enough to mourn over in a day without looking back for something else.)
- John Chapman
“Be still, and know that I am God”
Psalm 46:10
The more a man sees, by faith, of the sovereign power, mercy, and gracious goodness of God toward him, the more he wants to leave matters with the Lord, close his mouth and patiently wait, beholding the salvation of God…. Lord, increase our faith. - Marvin Stalnaker
My hope lives, not because I am not a sinner, but because I am a sinner for whom Christ died; my trust is not that I am holy, but that being unholy, He is my righteousness. My faith rests not upon what I am, or feel or know, but in what Christ is, in what He has done, and in what He is now doing for me. - C. H. Spurgeon
A God that would arbitrarily pardon without justice could someday condemn without reason. He that would set aside His Law so as not to execute a threat, could set aside His Gospel so as not to fulfill His promise. - Milton Howard
September 18, 2022
Sundays 9:00 am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Great Father of glory, how rich is Thy grace!
What wonderful love is displayed in Thy face!
In Jesus Thy image, with brightness we view
With hope to be formed in that likeness anew.
Oh wonder of wonders! Astonished I gaze
To see in a manger, the Ancient of Days!
From sin to release us, that yoke so long worn
My God, my Creator, of woman was born!
For unworthy sinners, my Lord bowed His head
For unworthy sinners, He suffered and bled
My spirit rejoices; the work is all done!
My soul is redeemed, my salvation is won!
Great Father of glory, how rich is Thy grace!
What wonderful love is displayed in Thy face!
In Him our Beloved, we’re washed in His blood
With confidence come to the throne of our God.
(Tune: “How Firm a Foundation” p. 268)
We will observe the Lord’s Table this evening.
There will be a bridal shower brunch for Rachel Harries and Jalen Whitehead on Saturday, October 8 at 10:30am and a bridal shower dinner on Tuesday, October 11 at 6:30pm for Emily Bryan and Sean Burba.
There will be a Bible Conference at the Kingsport Sovereign Grace Church in Kingsport, TN this weekend, Friday 23rd –Sunday 25th.
18th – Heather Ham 19th – Kaitlyn Burton 23rd – Doug Hardin
23rd – Holly Hardin 24th – Kevin Bowling
This statement is quoted four times in Scripture, and each time it gives a different nuance of the meaning. “Behold his soul which is lifted up is not upright within him: but the just shall live by his faith” (Habukkuk 2:4). To be lifted up is to have a swollen, inflated view of yourself. The just living by faith is the enemy of pride. “Therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith” (Romans 1:17). It is only by faith that the righteousness of God is received and relied on. “But that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God, it is evident: for, The just shall live by faith” (Galatians 3:11). Faith is opposed to seeking justification by works or law. “Now the just shall live by faith: but if any man draw back, My soul shall have no pleasure in him” (Hebrews 10:38). The only way to persevere is by faith, looking to Christ only. To draw back from that is to not have God’s pleasure. The just shall live by faith is opposed to human pride, the only way the righteousness of God is received, opposed to justification by law (what I do) and the only way of perseverance. How all encompassing! “The just shall live by faith.”
“It is the Lord: let Him do what seemeth Him good.” - I Samuel 3:18
This was Eli’s response to Samuel’s message. Samuel told him his house would be judged and his two sons would die because, “They made themselves vile and he restrained them not.” Two things. (1) Eli saw his own sin in the wickedness of his two sons. He had been a poor parent. (2) But he had such a trust in the Lord that he believed whatever He did was good because He did it. No other explanation is needed. This was not an unwilling resignation because there was nothing he could do to change it. But He believed whatever the Lord does is good. He does not do it because it is good. It is good because He does it. That is the fruit of faith… a willing resignation to His will. As the Lord said, “Even so Father, for so it seemed good in Thy sight” (Luke 10:21).
The believer has the new nature that never sins and the old nature that always sins. This does not provide him with an excuse for sin nor a reason to not battle his sin. But it does explain why he is so sinful. Amazingly and mysteriously it is the new man that owns and confesses the sins of the old man!
On that day that I stand before God in judgment, due to my union with Jesus Christ, I will not stand, “Just as if I had never sinned.” I will stand as one, “Who has never sinned.” That is what true justification does for this sinner. - David Eddmenson
Neither salvation nor sanctification is in any way a cooperative effort. When Peter was sinking beneath the waves, he did not say, “Lord, nothing is going to happen today that you and I together cannot handle.” He said, “Lord, save me.” - Chris Cunningham
Martin Luther once gave some very good martial advice. He said, “Let the wife make the husband glad to come home, and let him make her sorry to see him leave.”
There is not a word in the Bible that can be understood without reference to the cross. - Martin Luther
A man’s free will cannot cure him even of the toothache, or of a sore finger, and yet he madly thinks it is in its power to cure his soul. The greatest judgment which God Himself can, in the present life, inflict upon a man is, to leave him in the hand of his own boasted free will.
Could my tears forever flow
Could my zeal no languor know
These for sin could not atone
Thou must save and Thou alone
In my hands no price I bring
Simply to Thy cross I cling.
- Augustus M. Toplady 1740-1778
Author of the hymn “Rock of Ages”
His commandments are not grievous. It is more profitable and enjoyable to love than to hate, to forgive than to hold a grudge, to smile than to quarrel, to behave kindly than to act ugly. The way of the transgressor is hard, not the way of the believer. The life of faith and love is the good life. - Henry Mahan
Sundays 9:00 am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Great Father of glory, how rich is Thy grace!
What wonderful love is displayed in Thy face!
In Jesus Thy image, with brightness we view
With hope to be formed in that likeness anew.
Oh wonder of wonders! Astonished I gaze
To see in a manger, the Ancient of Days!
From sin to release us, that yoke so long worn
My God, my Creator, of woman was born!
For unworthy sinners, my Lord bowed His head
For unworthy sinners, He suffered and bled
My spirit rejoices; the work is all done!
My soul is redeemed, my salvation is won!
Great Father of glory, how rich is Thy grace!
What wonderful love is displayed in Thy face!
In Him our Beloved, we’re washed in His blood
With confidence come to the throne of our God.
(Tune: “How Firm a Foundation” p. 268)
We will observe the Lord’s Table this evening.
There will be a bridal shower brunch for Rachel Harries and Jalen Whitehead on Saturday, October 8 at 10:30am and a bridal shower dinner on Tuesday, October 11 at 6:30pm for Emily Bryan and Sean Burba.
There will be a Bible Conference at the Kingsport Sovereign Grace Church in Kingsport, TN this weekend, Friday 23rd –Sunday 25th.
18th – Heather Ham 19th – Kaitlyn Burton 23rd – Doug Hardin
23rd – Holly Hardin 24th – Kevin Bowling
This statement is quoted four times in Scripture, and each time it gives a different nuance of the meaning. “Behold his soul which is lifted up is not upright within him: but the just shall live by his faith” (Habukkuk 2:4). To be lifted up is to have a swollen, inflated view of yourself. The just living by faith is the enemy of pride. “Therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith” (Romans 1:17). It is only by faith that the righteousness of God is received and relied on. “But that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God, it is evident: for, The just shall live by faith” (Galatians 3:11). Faith is opposed to seeking justification by works or law. “Now the just shall live by faith: but if any man draw back, My soul shall have no pleasure in him” (Hebrews 10:38). The only way to persevere is by faith, looking to Christ only. To draw back from that is to not have God’s pleasure. The just shall live by faith is opposed to human pride, the only way the righteousness of God is received, opposed to justification by law (what I do) and the only way of perseverance. How all encompassing! “The just shall live by faith.”
“It is the Lord: let Him do what seemeth Him good.” - I Samuel 3:18
This was Eli’s response to Samuel’s message. Samuel told him his house would be judged and his two sons would die because, “They made themselves vile and he restrained them not.” Two things. (1) Eli saw his own sin in the wickedness of his two sons. He had been a poor parent. (2) But he had such a trust in the Lord that he believed whatever He did was good because He did it. No other explanation is needed. This was not an unwilling resignation because there was nothing he could do to change it. But He believed whatever the Lord does is good. He does not do it because it is good. It is good because He does it. That is the fruit of faith… a willing resignation to His will. As the Lord said, “Even so Father, for so it seemed good in Thy sight” (Luke 10:21).
The believer has the new nature that never sins and the old nature that always sins. This does not provide him with an excuse for sin nor a reason to not battle his sin. But it does explain why he is so sinful. Amazingly and mysteriously it is the new man that owns and confesses the sins of the old man!
On that day that I stand before God in judgment, due to my union with Jesus Christ, I will not stand, “Just as if I had never sinned.” I will stand as one, “Who has never sinned.” That is what true justification does for this sinner. - David Eddmenson
Neither salvation nor sanctification is in any way a cooperative effort. When Peter was sinking beneath the waves, he did not say, “Lord, nothing is going to happen today that you and I together cannot handle.” He said, “Lord, save me.” - Chris Cunningham
Martin Luther once gave some very good martial advice. He said, “Let the wife make the husband glad to come home, and let him make her sorry to see him leave.”
There is not a word in the Bible that can be understood without reference to the cross. - Martin Luther
A man’s free will cannot cure him even of the toothache, or of a sore finger, and yet he madly thinks it is in its power to cure his soul. The greatest judgment which God Himself can, in the present life, inflict upon a man is, to leave him in the hand of his own boasted free will.
Could my tears forever flow
Could my zeal no languor know
These for sin could not atone
Thou must save and Thou alone
In my hands no price I bring
Simply to Thy cross I cling.
- Augustus M. Toplady 1740-1778
Author of the hymn “Rock of Ages”
His commandments are not grievous. It is more profitable and enjoyable to love than to hate, to forgive than to hold a grudge, to smile than to quarrel, to behave kindly than to act ugly. The way of the transgressor is hard, not the way of the believer. The life of faith and love is the good life. - Henry Mahan
September 11, 2022
Sundays 9:00 am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel
Precious Savior, friend of sinners
We, as such, to Thee draw near
Let Thy Spirit dwell within us
With that love that casts out fear.
Matchless Savior, let us know Thee
As the Lord our Righteousness
Cause our hearts to cleave unto Thee
Come, and with Thy presence bless.
Open now Thy precious treasure
Let Thy Word here freely flow
Give to us a gracious measure
‘Tis Thyself we long to know.
Come and claim us as Thy portion
Let us all find rest in Thee
Leave us not to empty notions
We would find our hope in Thee!
(Tune: “Our Great Savior” p. 49)
We thank God for His blessing on the conference last week - it was a blessed time for us!
Everyone is invited to the wedding of Maybelle Lynn and Mason Wheeler this Saturday, September 17th at 4:00pm here at the church.
Congratulations to Tucker and Michelle Brogle on the birth of their son, Owen Flynn.
There will be a bridal shower brunch for Rachel Harries and Jalen Whitehouse on Saturday, October 8 at 10:30am and a bridal shower dinner on Tuesday, October 11 for Emily Bryan and Sean Burba at 6:30pm.
There will be a Bible Conference at the Kingsport Sovereign Grace Church in Kingsport, TN September 23-25.
4th – Bob Covert 5th – Shari Greenleaf 5th – Boone Martin
6th- Joy Grubb 6th – Chesney Martin 9th – Todd Nibert
5th – Jennifer Rankin 16th – Lynn Covert
“Only by pride cometh contention: but with the well-advised is wisdom.” - Proverbs 13:10
The Lord Jesus tells us this of God the Holy Spirit. He is God. Just as much God as God the Father and God the Son. He is a Person. The third Person of the Trinity. As all of the fullness of the Godhead dwells in Christ, God the Holy Spirit has every attribute of God. All we experience of God we experience by and through the Holy Spirit. The comforts of the Gospel come through the Divine Comforter. The third Person of the Trinity does not speak of Himself. He puts all of the attention on the Son! A preacher who speaks much of the Holy Spirit obviously does not have or know the Holy Spirit. Although the humble Spirit of God stays in the background, all we experience of God the Father and God the Son is through and by the Spirit of God. His work in us is just as necessary as the work of the Father and the Son. He is the Gift of God, given to all those the Father elected and the Son loved, died, and was raised for. We love God the Holy Spirit!
“Lord, I believe; help Thou mine unbelief” – Mark 9:24
I really believe that Christ is all in salvation and yet I constantly look within for evidences of salvation. I really believe that God is sovereign and yet I worry and complain. I really believe that God is the first cause of all things yet I can harbor anger and resentment. I really desire likeness to Christ yet I still have a desire for sin. Why these contradictions? Because I have two natures - the nature of the first birth and the nature of the second birth. One that always believes; one that never believes. One that always sins, one that never sins. These two natures operating in my one consciousness. Hence my cry, “Lord, I believe, help Thou mine unbelief.”
Grace or works. The one excludes the other and they cannot co-exist. Grace and works cannot be mixed. You either have a salvation that is ALL of grace of ALL of works. Grace saves. Works damns.
If any sermon does not lead to, “Behold the Lamb of God”, it was a sin in its conception and a crime in its execution. –Scott Richardson
Oftentimes we say, “I will never,” or “I would never do that.” Never is a long time. I have heard it said that we should never say never.
One day the people of Israel cried, “Hosanna; Blessed is He that cometh in the name of the Lord” (Mark 11:9). Two days later they cried, “Crucify Him, crucify Him.” (Luke 23:21). One day Peter told the Lord Jesus, “Though all men shall be offended because of Thee, yet will I never be offended.” Christ responded, “Verily I say unto thee, That this night, before the cock crow, thou shalt deny my thrice.” Even then Peter replied, “Though I should die with Thee, yet will I not deny Thee.” Likewise also said all the disciples, yet that all fled when He was taken and arrested in the garden of Gethsemane (Matt. 26:33-35). We should “Never say never.” “For that ye ought to say, If the Lord will, we shall live, and do this, or that.”
There is only one man that ever lived that could truly say, “Never.” That man was the God-man, the Lord Jesus Christ. “…For He hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee” (Heb. 13:5). Child of God, never is forever. - David Eddmenson
“And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.”
The vase majority of humanity does not realize that the reason wars cease is for the elect sake. What peace there is in this world is because God has an elect people in it, and, for their sakes, “He makes wars to cease unto the end of the earth; He breaketh the bow, and cutteth the spear in sunder; He burneth the chariot in the fire” (Ps. 46:9). Thank the Lord for His election of grace. “Even so at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace” (Rom 11:5). Every war will have its end for their sakes. - John Chapman
Faith is not understanding God or figuring Him out intellectually. Faith is simply believing in our hearts that everything God has written and promised in His Word is true, even if we do not understand it. - David Eddmenson
“Our souls loatheth this light bread.” The manna that fell down from heaven every day no longer tasted good to them. Did the manna change in composition or taste? No. Their taste changed!
Sundays 9:00 am WKYT Channel 27-2
It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery
so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel
Precious Savior, friend of sinners
We, as such, to Thee draw near
Let Thy Spirit dwell within us
With that love that casts out fear.
Matchless Savior, let us know Thee
As the Lord our Righteousness
Cause our hearts to cleave unto Thee
Come, and with Thy presence bless.
Open now Thy precious treasure
Let Thy Word here freely flow
Give to us a gracious measure
‘Tis Thyself we long to know.
Come and claim us as Thy portion
Let us all find rest in Thee
Leave us not to empty notions
We would find our hope in Thee!
(Tune: “Our Great Savior” p. 49)
We thank God for His blessing on the conference last week - it was a blessed time for us!
Everyone is invited to the wedding of Maybelle Lynn and Mason Wheeler this Saturday, September 17th at 4:00pm here at the church.
Congratulations to Tucker and Michelle Brogle on the birth of their son, Owen Flynn.
There will be a bridal shower brunch for Rachel Harries and Jalen Whitehouse on Saturday, October 8 at 10:30am and a bridal shower dinner on Tuesday, October 11 for Emily Bryan and Sean Burba at 6:30pm.
There will be a Bible Conference at the Kingsport Sovereign Grace Church in Kingsport, TN September 23-25.
4th – Bob Covert 5th – Shari Greenleaf 5th – Boone Martin
6th- Joy Grubb 6th – Chesney Martin 9th – Todd Nibert
5th – Jennifer Rankin 16th – Lynn Covert
“Only by pride cometh contention: but with the well-advised is wisdom.” - Proverbs 13:10
The Lord Jesus tells us this of God the Holy Spirit. He is God. Just as much God as God the Father and God the Son. He is a Person. The third Person of the Trinity. As all of the fullness of the Godhead dwells in Christ, God the Holy Spirit has every attribute of God. All we experience of God we experience by and through the Holy Spirit. The comforts of the Gospel come through the Divine Comforter. The third Person of the Trinity does not speak of Himself. He puts all of the attention on the Son! A preacher who speaks much of the Holy Spirit obviously does not have or know the Holy Spirit. Although the humble Spirit of God stays in the background, all we experience of God the Father and God the Son is through and by the Spirit of God. His work in us is just as necessary as the work of the Father and the Son. He is the Gift of God, given to all those the Father elected and the Son loved, died, and was raised for. We love God the Holy Spirit!
“Lord, I believe; help Thou mine unbelief” – Mark 9:24
I really believe that Christ is all in salvation and yet I constantly look within for evidences of salvation. I really believe that God is sovereign and yet I worry and complain. I really believe that God is the first cause of all things yet I can harbor anger and resentment. I really desire likeness to Christ yet I still have a desire for sin. Why these contradictions? Because I have two natures - the nature of the first birth and the nature of the second birth. One that always believes; one that never believes. One that always sins, one that never sins. These two natures operating in my one consciousness. Hence my cry, “Lord, I believe, help Thou mine unbelief.”
Grace or works. The one excludes the other and they cannot co-exist. Grace and works cannot be mixed. You either have a salvation that is ALL of grace of ALL of works. Grace saves. Works damns.
If any sermon does not lead to, “Behold the Lamb of God”, it was a sin in its conception and a crime in its execution. –Scott Richardson
Oftentimes we say, “I will never,” or “I would never do that.” Never is a long time. I have heard it said that we should never say never.
One day the people of Israel cried, “Hosanna; Blessed is He that cometh in the name of the Lord” (Mark 11:9). Two days later they cried, “Crucify Him, crucify Him.” (Luke 23:21). One day Peter told the Lord Jesus, “Though all men shall be offended because of Thee, yet will I never be offended.” Christ responded, “Verily I say unto thee, That this night, before the cock crow, thou shalt deny my thrice.” Even then Peter replied, “Though I should die with Thee, yet will I not deny Thee.” Likewise also said all the disciples, yet that all fled when He was taken and arrested in the garden of Gethsemane (Matt. 26:33-35). We should “Never say never.” “For that ye ought to say, If the Lord will, we shall live, and do this, or that.”
There is only one man that ever lived that could truly say, “Never.” That man was the God-man, the Lord Jesus Christ. “…For He hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee” (Heb. 13:5). Child of God, never is forever. - David Eddmenson
“And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.”
The vase majority of humanity does not realize that the reason wars cease is for the elect sake. What peace there is in this world is because God has an elect people in it, and, for their sakes, “He makes wars to cease unto the end of the earth; He breaketh the bow, and cutteth the spear in sunder; He burneth the chariot in the fire” (Ps. 46:9). Thank the Lord for His election of grace. “Even so at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace” (Rom 11:5). Every war will have its end for their sakes. - John Chapman
Faith is not understanding God or figuring Him out intellectually. Faith is simply believing in our hearts that everything God has written and promised in His Word is true, even if we do not understand it. - David Eddmenson
“Our souls loatheth this light bread.” The manna that fell down from heaven every day no longer tasted good to them. Did the manna change in composition or taste? No. Their taste changed!