Sundays 9:00 am WKYT Channel 27-2 It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel
If I have anything in which O’er others I might boast If in these things I’m counted rich For Christ I count them loss! What things once seemed to be my gain Which gave me joy and pride God’s grace has taught me to disdain And made me cast aside.
They’re cast aside –What glory here That I the Lord might gain That in the day of wrath and fear I may be found in Him! Not having my own righteousness Which I gain through the law But dressed, through faith, in nothing less Than the righteousness of God!
O, that I may know Jesus Christ And know within my soul That power which raised Him to God’s side And works to make me whole And may I learn His sufferings By which He made me blessed That like Him, in His death, I’d be His image on me pressed.
(Tune: “There is a Fountain” p. 222) ***** We will observe the Lord’s Table this evening.
All ladies are invited to a baby shower for Laura Williams on Saturday, Dec. 8 at 2:00. The sign-up sheet is in the foyer.
Andy and Megan Davis will host a gathering at their home for the adults on Friday, December 14th. Bring an appetizer or dessert.
Birthdays 2nd– Susan Holthaus 2nd– Kara Imes 3rd– Kelly Byrd 4th- Jennifer Dent 4th- Eden Steeves 5th– Andy Davis 8th– Camden Proffitt
“Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child; but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him.” - Proverbs 22:15
***** “This do in remembrance of Me” Every first Sunday night of the month we do this. I would love to see people attend services every Sunday night. Sunday is called the Lord’s day, not the Lord’s morning. But when the Lord tells us to gather together and eat the bread and the drink the wine in remembrance of Him, there is certainly nothing better or more important to do. I want to make sure I am there every time it is possible!
TURNING GRACE INTO LASCIVIOUSNESS “For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ. – Jude 4 Many interpret this verse as men saying a lascivious life of unrestrained sin is acceptable, because salvation is by grace and not works. Indeed some men will have willfully indulged themselves in sin believing they are covered by the blanket of grace. These men are men that have never been born from above! But that is not what Jude is warning us of. These are men who say that the preaching of free grace will give men a license to sin. That has always been the objection of false religion to the grace of God. To not teach any Truth that is taught in the Word of God out of fear it will lead men to sin exposes no respect for the Truth and a fear that it will not produce godliness of heart and life. While it is true that some men will use Truth as an excuse for their own sin, a believer will not. These men who under the cloak of concern for a holy life conceal the Truth, reveal themselves to be ungodly men who say free grace will promote lasciviousness. These men have been ordained to this condemnation! It is a dangerous thing to withhold Truth out of fear of what it will or will not accomplish.
The common desire to escape punishment does not spring from love to God but love to self. It springs from the fear of punishment, not from the fear of God. It is not a hope of the glory of God, but of the glory of self. - Scott Richardson
THREE THINGS REGARDING GOD’S GRACE 1. Grace is always sovereign. “Therefore, hath He mercy on whom He will have mercy, and whom He will He hardeneth.” (Romans 9:18)
2. Grace is always free.“Being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.” (Romans 3:24)
3. Grace is always saving.“By grace are ye saved.” (Ephesians 2:8) God’s grace is not an offer up for man’s acceptance or rejection. His grace sovereignly saves! We cannot believe grace without believing these three things regarding grace.
Faith is necessary for salvation. But we do not look to our faith to save us; rather, in faith, we look to Christ. Repentance is necessary for salvation. But we do not look to our repentance to save us; rather, in repentance, we turn to Christ. There are graces which God works in us as He saves us. But these graces are never to be the object of our trust, confidence, or hopeful gaze. All the graces God gives us in salvation are to be used to look to, turn to, appreciate, and lay hold of Christ, who is our salvation! - Joe Terrell
AVAILABLE OR ACCOMPLISHED? Christ did not die to make salvation available to sinners. I sure am glad of that because if salvation is merely available in Christ, no son of Adam can be saved since by nature we will not and cannot come to Christ that we might be saved. Christ died to save His elect people from their sins (Matt. 2:21). Then if God is as He describes Himself (always doing His will) those people shall be eternally saved from their sin. I sure am thankful for salvation accomplished in Christ! That is the only salvation that will save a sinner like you and me. - Frank Tate
The strongest inducement for a Christian to obey God is the fact that he had already been graciously pardoned in Christ for having disobeyed. - Author Unknown
November 25, 2018 Sundays 9:00 am WKYT Channel 27-2 It is requested that all children under the age of five stay in our nursery so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel
To Christ the Lord let every tongue Its noblest tribute bring When He’s the subject of the song Who can refuse to sing? Who can refuse to sing?
Survey the beauties of His face And on His glories dwell Think of the wonders of His grace And all His victories tell! And all His victories tell!
Thou hast redeemed our souls with blood Hast set the prisoners free Hast made us kings and priests to God And we shall reign with Thee! And we shall reign with Thee!
The whole creation join as one To bless that Holy Name Of Him who sits upon the Throne And to adore the Lamb! And to adore the Lamb!
(Tune: “Majestic Sweetness” p. 52)
***** The preacher’s class will meet this Saturday, Dec. 1stat 10:00am.
All ladies are invited to a baby shower for Laura Williams on Saturday, Dec. 8 at 2:00. The sign-up sheet is in the foyer.
Andy and Megan Davis will host a gathering for the adults on Friday, December 14th. Bring an appetizer or dessert.
Birthdays 25th– Sarah Lynn 26th– Adam Charron 26th– John Frye 26th– Max Murphy 28th– Lydia Lynn 30th- Bryleigh Carroll 30th– Isaac Steeves 30th– Mitch Steeves
“A brother offended is harder to be won than a strong city: and their contentions are like the bars of a castle.” - Proverbs 18:19
IF I AM NOT SAVED If I am not saved, it is not because I want to be saved and God refuses to save me. If I am not saved it is not because God did not elect me, Christ did not die for me, and the Holy Spirit did not give me life. If I am not saved it is because I do not want to be saved. That does not mean I do not want to be delivered from the punishment of hell. But it does mean I do not want to be saved God’s way on God’s terms. If I am saved, I do want to be saved. If I am saved I am saved because God elected me, Christ died for me, and the Holy Spirit gave me life! But if I am not saved, I have no one to blame but myself. I do not want to be saved. Could anyone charge God with injustice because He did not give to somebody something they did not want?
If a man is not a believer and hears preaching that makes him see that he is not a believer - that is a good thing. It is only then that a man will cry for mercy. This is what God will use to drive him from his false refuges and look to Christ alone! But if a man is a believer and hears preaching that makes him fear that he is not a believer because he does not measure up to what the preacher says a believer should be, he is quite simply not hearing the Gospel preached at that time. He is hearing a message that calls upon men to look within for evidence of salvation. Hearing the Gospel gives peace, not lack of assurance! Hearing the Gospel is really believing that Christ is All, and assurance arises from that.
There has never been a sinner who asked for mercy who was denied. I have had many people over the years tell me that they have asked for mercy and their prayer went unheard. The reason their prayer was not heard was they were not really asking for mercy. When a sinner asks for mercy, two things are crystal clear in his heart. First, his sin is all his fault. He cannot blame God’s sovereignty, his circumstances, or someone else. If I do not take complete responsibility for my sin, it is impossible to ask for mercy. Mercy is needed only when my sin is all my fault. Secondly, mercy is God’s to give or withhold. Any objection to God being sovereign in giving His mercy to whom He will is leaving the ground of mercy and entering the ground of entitlement. If I fail to see my sin is all my fault and that mercy is God’s to give or withhold, I have never really asked for mercy. But if I confess before God my sin is all my fault, and acknowledge His sovereign mercy is His to give or withhold and cry out, “God be merciful to me the sinner,” I will have mercy. There has never been a sinner who sought mercy who was denied.
“IT IS HIGH TIME TO AWAKE OUT OF SLEEP” Romans 13:11 Sleep looks like death. A true Christian can look dead in trespasses and sins. The five virgins with the oil in their lamps slept and slumbered. On the outside they looked no different from the virgins without oil. How can a believer become like this? Too many reasons to list, but it is still a fact that they can. Wake up! Our salvation is nearer than when we first believed. We do not have much time left! There is absolutely no excuse for our letting ourselves get in such a condition. Where do I begin to wake up? Hear the Gospel again as you first heard it. “As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in Him” (Col. 2:6).
“What shall I cry?” - Isaiah 40:6 In the text above we have in the spirit of prophecy the last of God’s prophets asking of God His message. What was he told to cry? He was told to cry two truths. First, he is to cry of the absolute weakness, and inability of man to restore himself into the image of God. “All flesh is grass, and all the goodliness thereof is as the flower of the field.” Second, he is to cry: “Behold your God!” The Lord Jesus Christ is God and Savior to all that behold (look) to Him in faith. By the grace of God as long as I am in this pulpit when you come here you will hear the old, old story of Jesus and His love in dying for sinners. - David Pledger
Augustine once said: “To be assured of our interest in Christ is not arrogance, it is FAITH. It is not pride; it is DEVOTION. It is not presumption; it is GOD’S PROMISE.” If assurance of salvation rested in my works, it would be presumption (even foolishness); but we believe God will receive all who come to Him in Christ Jesus.